The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-18, Page 8M.� ISMWerattatitSVOROW141.1111t 1 KIMONAS Splendid assortment b Crepe and Ve- bars. Priced $4.00 to $10.00. HOUSE COATS I Men's House Coat? 4 and Dressing Gowns heavy tweeds and velours. Special values at $10.00. giveyour decision on this important question. Only six des more to our store will help in making your selections. But, visit to to be a lean year for the . remember, this is goingy late Ohopper. :. GLOV'S A useful gift and much appreciated. Chamoisette, in colors of gray, natural, mastie, white and black colors and wl ite, $1.25 pair; black $1.00 pair. Ladies, Lined Mocha Gloves, special $2.00 pair. f able Cape gloves,, in the 1sia i is -;liades -black titebing on backs. Perrin''s 'make: $2.75 pair. . .• •;‘,.s.s.s. French'. Kid Gloves, black only, Perrin's. Special $2.25 pair..- .All sizes. - • FANCY COLLARS, pretty designs in .the -newest ..-shapes. 50c. to $2.00. See our splendid range of TOWELS AND PILLOW CASES, al Ways suitable gifts. HAND BAGS in real leather and imitation at prices from, $1.00 r mea+?j lar Y7'.tlrit _ :.2i }'1'R5 -tw .T:cr3•ks-'3Sriw' °'='..f�YL"-r3rS:+:+ ^l�ix'3.=Si....:.:^iar r'des• :.:T�:_'�a.r',::.�.:.,:.a_ BOUDOIR CAPS, in neat styles and very pretty. 75c. to $2.00. SLIPPERS t ' SLIPPERS Felt and Suede. Better assortntent of House Slippers this year than for some//years past. ' Priced at SOc. to $2.00. UMBRELLAS make a useful present• $1.50 to $4-00. ' HANDKERCHIEFS The symbol of Christmas, in fancy boxes of 2 and 3 in a -box. Prices from 25c. to $1.25 SEPARATE .HANDKERCHIEFS at from 7e. each to 85c. each. Splendid assortment of Pure Linen Hand- kerch iefs at 35, 40, and 50c. each. Ladies'' ilosiery FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING No. 11#8, Ladies' Pure Silk Host., 8 -inch, ribbed top,, black only. Spec- ial $1.75 pair. Ladies' Holeproof Hose, black and brown, pure silk, $2.25. Cashmere. Hose, 50c. to $1.50 pair. CAMISOLES AN,D BLOUSES tO Blouses in silk, georgette and WOMAN FELL 11'O. WELL (Chesley Enterprise) On Monday evening about eight o'clock Miss Madge Forrest who is a tailoress in Murphy's tailor Shop and bowls with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simpson had a miraculous escape from being drowned. There is an unused and unfilled well about 16 feet deep near the house and the cove. ins on . it has become rotten. Miss Forrest walked over the top of the well to hang sonie clothes. on a line when the covering broke and 1 she was precipitated into the, well in which" there 'Was, enough water to drown a person. 'There is the old log - of a pump in the partially -filled" well and Wee Forrest clung to this with desperation the water reaching almost to her' mouth. Mrs Simps_s' heard the cries the girl outside but mistook them for other noises and did trot go out until she her rs! her name called. ' Mrs. Simpson was unable to pull Miss Forrest out of the well and went over to Geneva church school -room where a Young People's meeting was in progress and soon Rev, J. A. Tuer, Dr. Biehn Alf. Fiddis Wm English and F. M. Mill- house were on the scene and two of them reached down and pulled her- frsoiu her terrible position and none- too soon for she could nut hal,: i►11 on ''`iitticlt °longer. °Mist ' 'Forrest was, soon stripped of her Wet clothing wrapped in warm blankets and has almost recovered from the shock of being about 20 minutes in ice cold water and hanging onto a log of a pump with desperation till help carne It is not necessary to go a long way from home to be in great danger as two on that cornerstan testify: Miss isearlysperishecisbysseft and Mrs. McDonald, by file. • 1111111=1%-- Phu ne No. O 'is at YourSerylce Y We Sell for Casa -we SeU Cheaper Than The Credit Stores Only Seven More Days to Xmas. Ties to a man are like:Handkerchiefs , to a woman.. He can't have too many of them. 'They are here in endless variety, andprices are 75c. to $2.50. We call special attention to our $1.25 ties; nearly 200 of them. • These are what most stores sell for $1.50 to $2.00. -►..,-_.,_ S n ,,r. ,v... ..t .,r`.F .i...ws e� ..�'3Ywoo�'Ni :£l.""rt. .Olf'���"`' l $4.50. SWEATER COATS, Carit pullover Sweater, splendid values and sure to be appreciated $4.75 to $12.00:' CUFF LINKS, a splendid l;i ft: 25e, 50c, 75c, and $1.25 a pair.. SKATING SHOES make an ideal gift. le carry the .McPherson lightning .hitch and prices are right. CAPS... He might like a new cap. ' See what we have atom $1 • to $3.00. ` MEN'S HANDKERCH1EFS,'plain and colored border. 15 to 60c. MEN'S BRACES, 35p. to $1.00 pair. MEN'S SLIPPERS. Get him a pair of those Indian Slippers we Murdoch & Cameron NtratOMMUSENVIMMEMIllttellket KINLOSS COUNCIL Kinloss council- met as per statute on Dec. 15th, members all present with Reeve MacDonald in the chair. The minutes of Inst meeting were read and sustained. As partieswhose lands are affected by the McDonald -Award were not all present as requested in the clerk's notification to them, the matter was held over to a later date. Complying_with, a" request- by tele- gram from the Deputy Fuel Admin- istrator for Ontarlo;.that: s fuel com- missioner be appointed for the muni- cipality, Mr. Edward Hodgins was appointed to thatroffice. Moved by Colwell, and seconded by Tiffin, that the treasurer be instruct- ed to prepare his financial- statement of receipts and " expenditures for the year cdlmmencing on Dec. -16th, 1918, and endin, on Dec. 15th, 1919, inclus- ive; only in. abstract form and not in • detail as - formerly. Motion carried. Moved by McDiarmid,'and seconded by Tiffin, that by-law No. 104, a by- law appointing deputy returning of- ficers and naming polling places - in the several polling divisions for the municipal elections for the year 1920, be now introduced anis `read a 'first, second and third time. Motion car-, tied. The fuilc,wizig accounts ha -•-g been considered and passed, che-o•sr-s v. -ere issued :n payment of .sateen. Peter Carter. 1 day's work for man and _l4 day's work for team; repairing 2nd side road, "3.00; James Johnston, and treasurer, $140.00; Peter Carter, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Melvin Ir- win, fees as caretaker of hall, $4.00; . Business being over council adjour- ned to meet again as per statute on Monday, Jan. 12th, 1920,, at 10 o'clock. John Murray, Clerk. SHOTS FROM "SOLOMON" Set A Watch. It will pay you to put a gag on your mouth. If you will just count up--tile-diffieultiC'S' 6a --have got into and the money you have lost through wagging your jaw, you will begin to realize what a serious drawback a loins, tongue is to a busi- ness man. When you are tempted. to express any opinion • but a good one in regard to yoiir neighbor keep your lips closed. When you feel in- clined to enlarge on the merits or demerits .of a political candidate to a tustomer don't. When you ate drawn irresistibly to tell your busi- ness secrets or 'dilate on your family affairs to your friends put your tongue in your cheek, 'When • you feel like setting your mouth, going just to hear yourself talk, quit. 1 ou can, afford •to do .about a quarter of the talking. ' get off ,regularly. Peopjp' will begin to,think more .of you, and you w}1l think more of yourself. The l akw_i cif talk that • is ,indulged tri day in aril riay 'out that cutting brush opposite -lots 7 and 8,- means no more than parrot .chatter Con. 10, $5.00; John Gaunt, drawing and the quantity of ;vicicws-•talking tile and putting in culvert, also clean- that hurts others 'as *ell ,as the ing ditch 31st side road, con. 1, $9.00; talker is .aApalling. "He' that guard - John Kennedy, repairing washout at eth his mouph keepeth his life." bridge opposite" lot 25, on. 2, $2.50; A. Burns, 3 tiles at $2.50 each, $7.50; Alex. McLeod, 40 toads gravel at 70c. each, less $15.00 paid, $13.00, also 20 yds. gravel at 70e. each .on 15th side road, cozy. 1, $14.00, total $27.00; Mfrs. J. G. McLeod, 43 yds. gravel, *14.30; John Purvis, acount for cur- tains for Township Hall, $30.02;John Murray, postage and stationery, $5.84 Balfour, seerviees as medical. health officer, $'20:00; Isaac. Graham, placing culvert at lot 4, con! 2, R.S. 'D.F.., $6.50: William McLean, keeping ittc't,"Qnt of h,sds at 8" ; on Ross contract on con. 12, $2:50;D. A. MacDonald, council fees, $45.00; JohnsaMcDiarmid, council fees; $40.00; Jon Colwell, council fees, $40.00; Jos - est 'Tiffin, Council fees, $40.00; Chas. y'aechler, council fees, $40.00; John Wurray, balance of salary as clerk THIEF GOT 45 TUKKEYS . Tara Leader says: A daring 'theft was pulled off on Monday night •of last week when Mr. August Larne. a farmer living in Sullivan on the County . Line, a few miles south of Tara had twenty . fine big turkeys stolen. Not, being content,. with his fire t --hail Ithe th4ef-:*eturne.d- seemingly favorite 'rendezvous last Friday night and stole twenty , more birds. Both thefts took place dur- APPLES FCR QNTARO Scm! Varieties Reclaim :nJed for Home O. cjiards. Early K"•:arcr•r and .%nniial Producers Ilesirtihte ,- .nisi, 'Varieties Nod l•:asi1.} Triable .to-1i.`t•,tse-11:u•t1c- liess Also a (.lts4.(luality-Iiech Potato Rot H;ror.: s1►rcading. 1Contrih,,tc•rt sly (MINT.) t'wi .rt►net,C 00: A K rte;,, l tore. i•oron t u• . HE home orchard should pro- vide hiah-cIai,s "dessert .Ind cooking appl• throughout I When harvesting potatoes, more the entire apple season, or especially in damp seasons, it is es - from -Ott._middle --of-- J Lily ttnt-il--she sandal to _pick theta over and discard win a ring.. it is q;tits easy to any specimens that are diseased, par. folio t; i? ocularly those that show any indica- tion of rot. 1f this is not done, the disease is liable to spread through ;the whole mass during storage. If wilt or dry rot (Fusarium) or black leg and wet rot (B. solantsaprus) or late blight (Phytophthora infestans) has.been noticed iii the growing crop, it may be talr'+en for granted that a percentage of the tubers will -be in- fected. ''Thebe diseases tuay be found in all stages of development .in the t he Most southerly 'counties or The va.rieties which come into hearing earliest (about five or six years) are Duchess, Wealthy, Mil- wauktse, Wagner and Ontario. Most of the .other varieties listed should oearing at about seven or eight. ye.as, but Blfnheimmand Spy are notoriouti exceotions to this, and fre- quently. do not produce fruit until they reach fifteen to eighteen years. cif age. The -varieties which are least sub- ject to apple smb are Duchess, Rib- ston, 'Blenheim, Hibernal, Baldwin • Keep Potato Itot From Spreetlhitr. 'select varieties for any part of old. Ontario which will do this satiiifac,- torily. The varieties ,selected should come into'bearing early, should pro- duce annually. and .should be aft fre,3 as possible' from diseases, of all kinds, so that filo' may hand10 with .a minnitim of expense aneeste.' Throughout this article the varieties mentioned are listed. in the order ;of their season 'of use, so that intend- ing planters.may he guided in. mak- ing. a, select ion .,to cover the season. In oider‘to the -Selection tubers produced hy an affected plant. These'are the dissaaes moat 'taw to t3Ptead to a greater or. 4ess extent time they are stored away. Conse- of varietiPs for any given district a fluently, the 'greatest care should be taken when harvesting a crop that classification 'of the rioa• has shown-diseasi"s when growing in .. iot Or a wet iiinly rut, es as brown 'A'll'arider.' '''' siTra'avIftrot-Pn-cfo-'';Ii.:1';::;',w1";AYT1:to-.Api:hcit,Preout__ an_ _tubers in which • the: .. .ItiY1Iri'r'..d•G°111d.,47:1iii:h','::-._r_tioc.iii:ein,, .1-01. 1.1.7de suba tt.,hre orrerti jiyai tejrenti ntgittai e it, oisne. aontuul), Wagner, :•-*•!ark. Cirfgming', lien Iravls. • hioves any soil that 'hay be sticking are Isidro! or less -tendv. and thy ive ;) 1 tons produ0A by the disease, .and *so best south or ,a line .• draw n 1 r6tir., makes it a con&aratively papy that- _114clial Iyilti(Ig1.10 rzirta,,:,!,t,,1:1)16 a111-4,:15,(:"'d,i,.'1.(1;11,1. !,i; I.,::::rice,olt9teeil!uilfnigigdr,f,stijitiyirtit fftliee7tpeed:itnitA:ffirt..:r„wati•ickaiirillii:i: Grinies. Ontario. /.0..iies I be removed and the remainile; are tender and 'th.rive hcst in the thrown out gin Sixth, iiardwist.--Thr,i-e. Lake Erie eounties, altheaga, Ili .i toifore loan - are not cslitirels- Ististartgity evew--ILI- IL Jones, Ontario Agricultural t. Fertile S011s .lierl Alfalfa. l': beig, 'Newtown: • oft ' krtsofa. will, not thrive on Door reason that their, inetusron. w•Itild r -..;,(A",‘,.. or that vii c m .,11 in , preb,tbly be misit.a(1,1hg• 11 is .111-1(' lime. Even soils that are modem!, 1.-i i that these Varieties were forwerlY fertile and produce good averagi• listed di about tse fourth grade -for grain crops will nOt produce Profit- able crops of alfalfa ?inless first lira- hardineaS, !but intending planters •ed and then planted ill sweet ciov4r, would do Well to 'make careful uote of the fact' that they have wihter which should be turned under While iiiiee tvg.1 lily a r...;:%! weals. eNen in it is green.and juicy in the fall or GODERICIf We were pleased- to note the suc- cess which Miss. M. Warrener achiev- ed in the recent contest conducted by The London Free Press. The territory was divided into two districts, Lon don, and outside of London, and in the latter district Miss Warrener stood seventh, and is thus one of the lucky •girls who get a free trip next July to . Europe and the scene of `the great war. Her many friends con- gratulate Miss Warrener. Mrs. Alex. Colborne was also a candidate in the contest, and succeeded in rolling.un' a large vote, which -will mean a 'Sub- stantial amount in commissions, even though she did not win the free trip. The person who shops early will shop. best. Our . stock is complete with many lasting and useful articles that will be sure- - te please. Last week's suggestions along . with, what we list be- low for this week should greatly assist you in deciding that ques- tiun "What will I give?" • Automobile Skates, A • $4.00 'per :pair' Automobile Skates, B , . X5.00 per pair Aul omobile Skates, 'C -•"`--- 1"6.50 ler 'pair 2..59 per pair Genuine, Horsehide Mitts..: .....:$I•75, $2'00 and $' ' Horsehide -Gloves and Buckskin-Crloves .f from..:-• .....41.00 to $2.75 Rayo Hanging Lamps * .........:, . .. _ ...... _ 11..116 •Bayo Table Lamps, with circular shade ring and .10 -inch Dome ... _., $7.50 r m $T."00 to .$1.75 Glass Lamps, complete - English Case Carvers from $2.75 to $6. English Pearl handled Knives and Fork -s,. 12 piece set ---at $20.0500 Resistain Steel Knives and Forks with white. Handles, set, $11 Rogers' 1847 'Knives and Forks,` per set' _ - • $G.25 Hand Sleighs ....,- $12.0 $2.00 $2.25,` $2.50. and $3.00 Bobsleighs • t':w . "''_. '$53O, 2:; •lb..I'ail ,.:Ifess' Stock :'k'ood, :, � r � . ' Child's Enamelled Toa Set, 15 pieces • • •xw,•....�.• $5:00 Child's -Enamelled. Cooking Set, :1- mss • _ $`2.75 'Decorated Child's Set, 3 pieces . ?r'c�' Lithographed Child's Set, I piece ..: • • • • • • • • 25c. Alunl:inum. Child's _Set,. 3 . pied 50c. Cast Brass Call Bells 'and Tray ....,.,... $3.00 Nickel plated -Oval Trays ate • thief has bean founds Mr. Lang went in for turkey ?slew en a ism scale and hagi a fine flock of about. three hundred birds. The loss to Mr. Lang is about $150, but it is hoped that the thief will, be captured and brought to justice. 90c. Nickel plated Oblong Trays $1 25 WE WILL HAND 2._UTI14403Uxl,t7ri}EcCAL.t.E.204.6..e..„,,,,,...NDARS ON SATURDAY 7�aea:sax� The Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS The season now about closing has been tlie best bn record for the Gode- rich Elevator. and Transit Company, the grain receipts already exceeding 12,000,000 bushets and by the elose of navigation over 13,000,000 will have been received. Last Thursday the steamer Glenoreby unloaded 220,000 bushels wirat, on Friday the Agawa discharged 200,000 bushels, on Saturs day the Glenmount 115,000 bushels. onlIonday the Glencairn100,000 bosh - on Tuesday' the Franz 203,00;1, The Martian was in Thuraday with. 200,000 buShels;and the Glenorchy.due with 220,000. ,The Glenbrae, Martiwr and Midland Kingsalso are Yet to al - rive. The fleet, to winter here s Glenmount, the Martian, Midland King, Glenbrae and the Matthews. 11 1 A Hundred and One Christmas Gift Suggestions Here in this advertisenient you will find the answer to that_ annudl question --"What shall I give father, mother, brother, .siSter, son, daughter, sweetheart, friend?" Here you will find something splendidly appropriate fait elf --oT them -something -that will br ing pleasure to the heart of the recipient -and expreassjust the .ientintent .you want" to express. For months past we have been preparing to meet your' Christmas demands. The following list of gift suggestions will give you some idea of. the_comprehensiveness of our stock. For mother, sister, daughter, sweetheart, friend Watches Cut Glass Ware Silver Hollow -Ware Carving Sets La Valierjs Par Pint Belt Buckles Bracelets Brushes Chains Crosses and Rosaries • Diamonds Necklaces . Rings Vanity Boxes Hat Pins Jewel Boxes Manicure Sets Sterlinv Silver Toilet Sets Mesh Bags Pitchers Eye Glass Cases Faits and Peppers Vases Travs Bread Trays Candlesticks Card Trays Chatelaine Pins Clocks Coin Holders Crumb Trays Lorgnettes Mirrors Pendants Belt I'ins Knives Forks Spoons Bowls Silver Thimbles Brooches Jabot Pins Ladles Peas A Miner Rings Suirar Tongs Beauty Pins Bead Chains Desk Sets Combs Turouoise Jewelry December's stone For father, brother, son, lover; friend Regina Watches Ash Trays Brushes (sear Cases Combs Card rasei Watch Chains Fobs Watch Charms The Family Gift for Father and Mother: Why Victrola. Nothing will br:nir them so much pli• Cigarette Cases Diamonds Pocket Knives Match Boxes Rings Studs Tie. CiRSPS Lodge Emblem Eyeglass t'ases Jewelry Fountain Pens' ruff* Links Razors Scarf Pins not all the asure when Shaiine Mugs Reading Glasses .Lapel Chains rquoise, Jewelry family go together and give them a they- are alone in the evenings as good It would be usele.ss for us to atteinpt to describe these many beautiful things individually - mere words could give you only a faint idea Of what you Will see when you. come in. Make your elections as early as possible to avoid disapppiptment • P. 'T. Armstrong • Jeweler and Optician • 4 •