The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-18, Page 5• • • •n:.^ .-s --ate---o .�r►r�. • �3���,�\i'+. -'r �l•,,;J►� V. • ,/.r 47 +�A-_,' ~.".,y...i__ 3 ij.(. k�.na.....- re"____ _ gala,- .......... CHRIST Portland Cutters Bobsleighs Washing Machines and Wringers Primrose Cream Separators Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions New Williams Sewing Machines (ourr1ay,Winter and Leeming Pianos 4T7.44,?. .jtsMS ;d.7w33'lsi, For Sale b7 W. G ANDREW, .. L UC k NOW. ;ems ffeIpfuISugestjons; . ,, �.r,..__,r... '.. • tilt --- ___t__ .__ ^ _,r. _ . -- _. , t it NCM WARR, SIL1'Et1S AllE, .1L_#1 iik1 CIa'ICs S,, .i3OYS' 3% T , 1. 1. 3. ' • r ES, RAY() L'AJi'X, 03' M.ARACER, s4)IL-H ATEIL• RAZOR, STRUT' 1 ilaI AND I R SH,.. 'O(:KET KNIFE,r ,./`. GLOVES. _ aLLIGIi' L;�.L :',, SKATES, S1U1i:1. - '1IITTS, GAUNTLETS, HAND-- ;LF1•ICr, ,Ilinc,KEYr i BR i';41) 1111\FR. SFT IRONS. CASSEROLE. RO%s.1.:1,,'r; P11. (:R t �. 1 I'1'J WART ti . ,. ! ii.N..__.St:ISSOI+`►`j' A AR-V-�': li-Eff ..'CHU'in ,`'f'•')1 E,('.1 RI'';'I' t I ! SWEEPER, FLASHLIGHT McLEOD & JOYNT L The Store Nbere Yeur :1'1'ci ey „frees far:ssst 113 . act ica/ .. res e`'jt THE spirit of Christmas giving finds practical expression in an O -Cedar Polis} Mop. A gift she will use -at Last three hundred days in the year. A gift sl•e will appreciate because it banishes .the back-breaking.bending of old-time house's, Aping 'methods. The Mop, round or triangle shape, $1.5e. The Pollak_ j,i 25c to ESTABLISHED 1872 darMop Polish Meat women use 0 -Cedar Polish for fine furniture= -they would not dream of trying to keep house without these two useful household hetpa. 0 -Cedar Palish re.novee every speck of - dust and ism parts to the surface a herd, e;ry, lustrous i.eaie:lr. Witta•V2ElelletiMeatAgf 1 i 1 STRONG and well equipped; pro- gressive yeeconservative; for over forty years 'this Bank has afford - •ed absolute security to depositors. - HAMILTON WINGHAM, ONT. The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates placed in positions. Affiliated v: ith the -Elliott Business College, Tor- onto; and the Eentral Business College, Stratford. Write for free cata- logue. Enter any time. • McLachlin, Pres. PhoneJ66 Murray McLcish.,Principal. • • 1 3be true pirit o ChriAtmas hes in., die NEW EDISON . Coe Christmas is for everybody; so is The New Edison. Christmas brings liappiness• to young and old ; so does The New Edison. Christmas comes but once a year, however, 1t bile The New Edison is ready every day—every'"` hour—to charm you, entertain you,. uplift you and satisfy your craving for good music. ' 27e EDISO "The Phonograph with a Soul" RE-CREATES the entire world of music. It brings t� your home all that the most famous singers, instrumentalists and musical organization could bring; except only their physical presence. . If you have never heard The.New'Edison, you have nevt+r heard RE-CREATED music. AO' _ Edison RE-CREATION means something entirely different from talking machines and ordinary phonographic records. For your pleasure ; for the pleasure and education of your children ; for the enjoyment of your friends ; let the New E.iiont be your Christmas girt this year. r ;T .� your e[rorite singers and instrumentalists RECRFATFD_;-nr, Getter yet, let us send The New Edison to your home to test al your leisure. No v1ligation, of cora. 265 G, A.r.q)strung, .--oacs t: r THE GODERICH STEEL PLANT FIZZ[,F s. cases..whic:h are.sometir s so old that they become new in a Very real sense. This work is done by 'an experienced Field Agent. •� ti Books. n:agazin€s, • and. 'music in embossed types are circulated. -free ;to the blind of Canada. The monthly average. iii ulatiflli of- hooks, et':,. -is c se .tro. eight hundred,.. The Instit- ute also arrangesfor the transcript- ion .of music for any of its members at: cost -price. An active puablicty.--propaganda deal- ing with various• dangers to which the eye is subject is carried on, and this is' followed up with- personale work, .looking . to the larger co-operation. of medical n,en and nurses, employers of }ayber, Boards. of Education; etc., in the vital. matter of preventing blind- ness. A •residence and • training -centre, heart's action is alarming '"Pearson Hall," has been prov'ide'd • where 'blind soldiers May :find --.eons... Frequetltly.: pains about . the enial e:onditiong while a it* tocat t k' r iorl The following article, announcing the end of the big steel plant dream0 of. Goderich,- is from The Goderich Signal. The Stan cocontaineda similar • • received "A telegram to -day by Mr: E. H. Beck, engineer for the Lake Huron Steel Corporation, seems to put the finishing touch to any hope that still -remained of the -establish ing of the steep plant in Goderich. The telegram was from Mr. R.', H. McCreath and stated that 1,200 acres had been purchased at Sarnia for the Corporation, at 1), cost of $304,000. Mr.. McCreath also intimated ,that there was no. prospect of.Securink the plant for Goderich. The change ooflocation, which, was indicated two or three _months ago,. follows; it 'is understood, upon ar "change in the personnel of .the Cor- poration and the bringing in 'of ne capital. Mr• Wills, a former patine of Ilenry Ford in the automobile' bus' ness, became interested in the pro position and exerted his influence i favor of a location just south of Sar •n'a.'and franc that- time the chance of Coderichis securing the plant wee sn-all. • Mr. McCreath still fraught for the-. "ori;= u1a "�pTans or`Tocation at God- er:eh, but the majority of the direct- ors followed -the lead of Mr. Wills. It is understood here that the lands that have been purchased at Sarnia: were formerly an Indian reserve and ar- rangemntes had to be made with the Indians a►s,1• the Department of Indian Affairs for their purchas by the' stee people. There is considerable speculation a to how the purchases 'of farms i1. Goderieh township- which' were ' `ar- ra'nged last suttl)ner, and on which a percentage of the purchase price has been paid, will now stand. Some of the farmers have sold off their :stock .and made arrangements to move- to town or elsewhere in anticipation of the • occupation of their land by the new .owners for the purposes of the steel plant. 7-'-- Pains About the Heart ANY derangement of tl e f n heart are caused by the forma- f -al instruction.. 141-- this ..etrnneetion it may- be interested to know that the Institute has .entered into an .agree )rent with the 9)epartnlent of Soldiers w tion of gas arising from indi- r gestion. • AnRelief from this condition. is obtained by - the .use - of Dr. - Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills.e KiNLOSS Wedding bells sire ringing in our hurg. Mr. Robert Guest is home front the West. ' ,-Br. Sinclai;, of Ripley, called. here last week. • Mrs. S. 'Braden ,is visiting .friends in Teeswater. Don't forget the social at Kinlough Thursday night. Miss Minnie Smith ,of Wingham, is visiting- at her home here. A number from here attendees the social at Bervie,reporting a good time. "Bushman Rill- and '"Fairbanks Hilt' itielireak ng in their blood driv- ers. Mr. Jas. Lyons, the fowl buyer, will - Lucknow. cl) Chronic indigestion results from sluggish.iver actionsEA)t�---t- stipation of the bowels and inactive kidneys. na;all' b:_suhtmed _up lotv saying that the Institute endeavors in every per .'- icaI way to--advaiiee -t-ire- interest of he blind and to ameliorate the con- Iitions unsler which they li-•e• Will yon aid in supplyin: the most vital Of t'ils work? •Then mail your ehque to the CAN- ADIAN NATIONAL INSTITt E FOR HE rLlNT), ;;G fling Sit. East Tor- nto, Ot• lt('iv}1 Re -Establishments under which the. Instit:le has establishes[ an• a; ler care department for C.anadi•a.n ices blindyd in the war. There are `other- things, but they I Because Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver ( Pills arouse these organs to activity ; they thoroughly cure indigestion and 1 overcome the: many annoying symp- toms. \ T c• BEING ._. i'LE:1S 1NT Dr. Chase's KttIueij-Tici Pills make his last trip here Tuesday, Dec. 16th. Mr• 1i. Patterson and Mr. W. Fish- er, Whitechurch, were in our burg buyirng horses last week. •Many friends of Mr. .Jas. llueston, are glad to see him back. home after spending a week in Toronto. Mrs. Robert .-Keyes, --ef Pinkerton, and \Irs. George Young, 'of Kinlough, were recent guests of Mrs.. A. Stanley. ('.1SADa'S, 6096 IBLiND - You have (,oubtless. •ben interest- ed in in 'what you have read or heard re- garding the. ,progress of a national effort on behalf of the blind of (`ana- da. 1,)o torp realitte just what this eff- ort mean 4 ? I Here are smite of the things that Tare beim •done: Industrial training and employment i •.truNided tor . -+n tres established in Halifax,' Toronto, 11lilnipeg, and 1-ancouvar. '':(stn) handicrafts and the reading, and ef el)11)oS .ed characters, • • • Soule of. tis fail to realize that th gift of making one's ' self agrce'a1►l compares very favorably *With tit other torents. We all know your people •wha seem to radiate pleasant mess wherever they go. They ea make themselves at home with any body 'and everbc►dy. They can ente enthusiastically. into the game- of little child listen with' interest to th reu,il>_isc ffice's of an -old man: Everybody .likes then! and Their j)f•esenc• brings pleasure. But the majority 0 people do not regard this gift with the respect they feel fir a talent. n music or for writing verse. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS Ti JOHN -SUTHERLAND &'80N8, Ltd., ttuelph, Ont., lnsuranpe.-Fire and Markle. 1. O. 0. F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening.at rS Q' Clock in their Ho�tlt. f:Rrcrp:- .bell ,street." All brethren cordially invited. c)flicer►s: - Noble Grand. Robert ltirher.; Vice Grand. J. 31cQualg; Itec•. Sec A. -11. oyd; Fitt. Secy., Dr. Pater son: Treasurer. • A.. F. & A. 34.. G. R. C. Old Light Lodge meet,, c.:cry.Thuresd,, "night oor before the . moon. in the Masonicn '01.0 ball. Havelock street - Lucknow. W. M., E. C. Lindsay:, S.' 11•.. M. McGuire; J. W.. Jas. Boyle: Secy.. W. A, Wilson. D NTAL. G.' A. N ie,W uNt, 1). 1). •8.. 'Dens imt• 0flice Arlin Block, . Lucknow, Ont. All modern •nletluxls n. a d, lieu n,ntt'riad- fut•rii Cruwn and liridieo 1^lisle.,- ex' r:act- • ion by the use of tl,a late.-t,-iutplest wrist 'ea relit rent miy. SU\INofOR11. Newest thing in artificial teeth. Alutnirm platosd teem breakable , lo,ality where it is native. If tact is not 'indigenous it can be trans- planted and made- . • t0 flourish in a foricgn soil. f - • One of the chief factors- in success-. is the art of tieing pleasant. Other things being -equal young people 'who Fan make theitnseive•s, agreeable ,willoutstrip the rivaf whom riobody like's. Few tlim-gs contribute more to pleas- thisgift-of ,any picasar t.: for its fortunate poltsessor brings 'sun- shine wherever he goes. I)o not unedrr- estimate-thee gift 'felt is your*. And if you do not possess it study t' • taeties of. yt>rt1}_, agreeable rise►, : and imitate hint. Do not go through' life hand: apped and held. back by .not 1 knowing how tbinake Xourself agree-,' able: • • BRUCE COUNTY ('HILD1tENS 'MELTE!: EI.TE!: • • The Walkerton 'Fs-lest-opt.'Fs-lest-opt.relates tlle.•following a:rout the ditl:etilty the committee in Charge; have in securing e • a suitable' property for a..�-h•ildrens- e• shelter: e t; The .11etht►dist Chun -h Board re • - cen'tly received an intimation, • front, n the County Council Committee that i CREAM ANTED The F'eaforth Crean% ry Co We solicit your patronag and guarantee you entire,. ';at isfaction. Our prices are always the highest. Our Testing dial.; sosurate- ly by experts: Our sef•Vice and' payments ts a r to p acard to-:'w:;t cans. Pricess were nc • a•r. • - h';tit as at present and l.l'st;ar- ing higher. - - A card will briaigyou cans on the next train feria os.. . The Seafc:rth ('rvnr,•t•ry ('o. .8rafurtt -t 1,-. e i for Ii LIVJ3 FO\VL WANTED EVERY 1i:�l EDNFs1Y snd 'f HUU`Illi% V CFA' OUR I'!:1+'j;. • Lave .you seen the .1oher- tlolth Self-Itaian: ins i3O;al t'ream ,Separator 1i'•r will be pleased. to sht,ec th you. • 1 written gtjal•,in each machine'. -Li:ck ioYil Fr:„. PL•OdUCE it is looking - to buy a place for a Child- _...._..�_......_...._„_1 ✓ ren's Shelter 'that they would' gen- a ' skier buying• the parson:►see properity p ii• Tip • iottrd expressed Its willin nesse ' 111t i tdsell with the stirs 'of buying. a• _ .: e I smaller ploperity or. btiilc1111>;` j• and they appointed a commit- t • ,1 i tee to put through ' the sale t f the i►l, i r"b `f l ' r liropen ttr. This ('ominitt:-e• e0' •cel ' . But...after ail why not? It is -matt as much of 'an art to play upon that complex, instrument 'human nature sO as to bring out street strains as it is to .elicit music from an Organ or a violin. Knowing what : to say and what . to suppfess 'in order to give pleasure takes quite ar fine perception anskill as knowing. -how tr rrmlhille colors in paifnting a landscape. Where enc' person will profit by the art of a sicifrr even 111ore will benefit by that other art the art, of •being pleasant. Our, natural endowments have much to w (8 deed last Thursday µ:t11 the _ uu Council . ('ninnlitte•e' i,t whic} Reeve bou'L'las c'f 1Tvpwt►rth is Chair man `ter :cel1 the parsonae . } r•tspe•ritti for ;?•1.5o0 sub'le't • to- .t lie. rat itie a tied of the P.1.0a int ial 1hept. Orl Sat leech} evening. the local ('li1Itleen', 1.:1id ('ommitte•• /net, 1,1r:1rd +rota. :from 'adjacent rrespe i•ty• t,tviters pass j (41 aresnluttion dtsappr0vitls:• • of •the- aistion of the County ('s tiri it ('tins Eat i 'INC t. V, t•.-' • prom.) , it ede . • G. Dj,: T .: ►llittet' unit •;.a;,cL to semi �.� ) e -►a a-. - letter 'to the 1'rovincial Secretary urging that the pttrch.tsc' Of the par ()VFW'. E' '.1 sonasA•e prospet-it • be not permitted 1)i 1 silts/ ahlcl taking the view that the r +t 110 not Wu (ter another orae• with 1 t e 11 n g, 1ll4•ed- in,t, en• Prot rust. Ing ['item. No surgieal her- s t i t) n regiftrrel. Pr. f`ih;iso'; Ointment will 11olievc' )•nn at once and ,,v vrrtninly retro you. circ. a box; t'11 Ovid Ts. ter t•,cin,,tnlon, Hates & t)o.. Limited. Toronto. Satup;e box free if you mention this paper and enclose 20, stamp to pay postage. 0111 •s 0 t 10Se blind people who fdr various reasons litre unable to take training at one of thy-. moiler centres. Hos prcdt:ct of thc'holllc-w-ot•ice'rs is bo,lgilt and sc►lli. ,.Personal contract,is established with !recently -blinded persons, and With, 1 e. 1' as natural for. :se•111e t+et,i,!c to he tac' fu1 .as it is for e►thc'trc to 1►t' ltlunt and Y+luntlrrinc*.' The art of adapting one's self to one's environs D'e'nte seems born in. some..people 'and a;rno,:t let t out of e'the'rs '.'Anel yet th : rt Of 1)(7 t' pleasant can be cultivated Many a plant thrives far from the x_. t• t r 1- :1T' : r , ' 1: t at ti 1',•; os the tt►e•n pe'tlnl•s next to the Comity 1l�•,1se of Tie un••e. :1s the yl`.t1. 1 Council colli 'littt't' -is bt.lievell t(') ht' somewhat out of patictli'e 81 tile• will' heli' info - , the se'lt`ctin of .a Shelter, has dra- _- - Ticket .1 •, t ed it is understood that 'they' will '1'''''''g'1 .\'': • C, . not easily submit to having the par- A. 10w'. NAcrir.. c ON ' G.T.R. Agent, Luck nqw, l'li ne .., i sonage deal cancelled.