The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-04, Page 84 • r STRONG ON OVERCOATS. ,• Nia WE CERTAINLY ARE STRONG ON OVERCOATS. -WE HAD A CLOTIUIN,G TRAVELLER TELL US RE COULD SELL OUR COATS WHOLE 'SALE TO—OTHER MERCHANTS AT WHAT, WE, ARE SELLING THEM AT TO YOU. `FOR MEN WHO WANT A GOOD, HEAVY, WARM OVERCOAT WE .RECONIMEND .!TIE~: ':1JLSTER.•..-WE► °; ..HAYE A -; SPLENDID RANGE OF THIS "STYLE COAT, SIZES FROM 36 TO 44, 'AND PRICES RANGE FROM • • Oa to $85.00 r JOLLY••OUDVOON.:fnthe,.ture paid us a surprise tisthe other night, and left• us just the nicest Handkerchiefs, Camisoles, Waists, Gloves, Hosiery, Towels, Coats, Sweaters and Hand Bags you ever saw. He .must have thought we needed a lot of. Neck Ties for men,because he actually left hund- reds of them. And oh! the Mufflers. Sweater Coats and Slippers. Well, you `just have to ome in and see them you just have to come in and see them Ilt '4;1212; MURDOCH &CAMERON CO. ommoommimmummommimos • Thui'.dliy, utie• dth. A good twin id .-- Was, Mort aryl _1 r_aclay.eve.IIi at R. Elliott'e. Miss Sarah Haines has returned home after spending a month visiting friends in Bayfield. DESTRUCT IVE:WIND STORM The most destructive storm in 20 years is the way the gale of Saturday last is described. And it seems to have been very' general, for it was equally, severe at Toronto' ' and De- trait. Hundreds of barns were unroofed or partially unroofed, and few wind- mills withstood' the fury of the storm. These with .many trees• uprooted in orchard; field` and woods, are the -marks left in the country. In the towns and citibs, • smoke- stacks ' were blown down,': windows broken and teiepnone and „ telegraph,. wires broken. - •1e - ire, sclaotage<, in r , Western - Ontario lutist run into hundreds of thousanus of dollars, if not millions. The wind storm has been followed by a heavy fall of snow, a fact which wilt great- ly add to the difficulty of making re- pa*t's�to buildings. -- r Lucknow . escaped fairly well. loss of a _smoke stack b r Jhe Table Co. and of a plate glass window by W. d Davison were ,perhaps the • two v,-orst accidents,. We noti e that a • number. _.-of .tlzi: Loi lbardy ,poplais Which • for years have formed a line of sentries about Caledonian Park, i went down before the storm king. On Monday the hardware stores were deluged with. orders for nails and rooting material. There—Was a big demand for ,shiirgies, but of these there ha been :• a scarcity all sum- mer. and now they are not to be had at any price. .. The weather station at Toronto gives the velocity of the wind at 78 miles per hour. Wonderful to say,few lives were lost throughout the pro- vince. According to report, Winghaip suf- fered severely. The whole upper story was blown off one of the furni- ture factories; the big new skating rink, which was almost completed, was unroofed and completely demol- ished. This, it is • Said, will involve a loss of $10,000. The Winghanr Town Hall too had all the windows in one side brown in. • AIM YOU FEEDING ANtML4S To your Horses, Cows, Sheep and Pigs? ORDER. A BARREL TODAY' - IT'S THE SES_ T FEED VALUE WE HAVE WE EXPECT A CARLOAD OF PURE CANE SUGAR "FBEAING MOLASSES 9, TO R ACH'`i CJS ANY C AY FARMERS FEEDING STOCK WOULD BE WELL ADVISED TO TRY THISHIGHLYCONCENTRATED FEED TO MIC ON WHOLE OR • CUT STRAW AS IT IS RELISHED BY STOCK OF ALL KINDS. - WE ARE ABLE TO QUOTE A LOW FIGURE OR BAR- T RELS OR HALF BARRELS OFF CAR. INQIURE AT STORE AND LEAVE AN ORDER AND' YOU WILL BE ADVISED ON ARRIVAL. om. R. FINLAYSON�� There's Only One Farm Engiiie Fairbanks -Morse ENGINE ,JUST THINK OF THE FAMOUS Z ENGINE, WITH A BOSCH HIGH-TENSION OSCILLAT1NG—MAFNETO; 'WHICH' DELIV- ERS A STEADY SUCCESSION OF HOT INTENSIVE SPA-RKS. EVERY FARMER SHOULD CALL, ON THE NEAREST •Z ENGINE DEALER AND SEE. THE RESULT OF THIS RECENT 1 E POCII-MAKING COMBINATION — FAIRBANKS -MORS Z __EN 'TINE WITH BOSUN Mit G� '-T9_ i • ()VEIL 250,000 SOLI) TO FARMERS R. J. Moore. Agent, Lucknow. Ak n HOLYROOD ,Mr. Robert Elliott at Almer Ackert's. spent Sunday Miss Jean Johnston, Lucknow, spent Friday at M• Irwin's'. A number from here attended the Box Social at Langside last Friday evening. Let alLxoads: lead to Hctlyrood> on D. E. MacDonald announces that he is -trying to -secure fifteen of ,twenty choice cows for his Lucknow custom- ers, to be sold at the Cain Hrni:se sta- bles on Sat. Dec. 13th. See bills later. .FOUTH CON., K INLOSS .The marriage of Mr. Norman Mac- Leod to Miss Mary Hodgkinson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezekial Hodgkinson, took place, quietly, at the home of the bride's parents on Nov. 20th. The bride and groom bath_ aelong to Huron Township. Th Rev: D. MacLeon, of Ripley officiated., =;a That's where Onethe Victrola is e-eininen The Victrola brings to you the pure and varied tones of • any musical ilstrument, and the beauty and individuality of the human oice=a11 absolutely true toile. Such fidelity of tone was unknown before the advent .of the Victrola—the first .cabinet style talking machine; and this pure and life -like tone is exclusively a• Victrola feature. "Why exclusive with the Victrola ?" Because of the patented . Victrola features, which have been perfected after years of study and experiment : "Goose-noek"sound.beic tube --the flexible metal connection between the sound -box and tapering tone arm, which enables the Victor Needle to follow the r'ecor`d grooves with unerring accuracy. Concealed sounding -boards and amplifying compartment of wood - provide the very limit of area of vibrating surface and sound amplifying compartment, so abeolutely essential. toan exact and pure tone reproduction. Modifying doors—may •bel opened wide thereby giving the tone in -its fullest volume; o'r doors may be set at any degree graduating .the volume of tone to exactly suit every -requirement. Closed tight the volume hi re- duced to the minimum and when rot in use the interior is fully protected. Victor system of changeable needles --a perfect rteproduction is possi• ble only with a perfect point—therefore a new needle for each record is the only positive assurance of a perfect point. You also have yourchoice of full tone, half tone or -further modification with the fibre needle. It .is the perfection of every part, and its perfect combination • with all other parts, that gives the Victrola _ its superior tone—that makes the Victrola the greatest of all musical instruments. There are Victrolas in great variety from 121 to .1305. Coyne in any time and we will glaaiy demonstrate thein and play any music you wish to hear. We'll explain our, system of eft. terms, t1Wr •, , rte• . F ' I 1-)1 Modifying utoors 'goose=neck'tube and tone arm Systetri__Qf changeable needles ► r.� Vic -trot.. XV; Oak or n:aho`nny F. T. ARMSTRONG ;Jevieler and Optician 1 ' SCHOOL REPORTS sae - lei D. SR. IV. Wilfred Hogan" 302. SR. III• Dennis Hogan, Willie Ho- gan. r SR.II. J. G. Ritchie 390, Llodd Stein 120. JR. Il. Connie Hogan 329. SR. f. Della Gilmore 240, Irene Hog- an 220., - JR. I. Andrew Ritchie' 120. November Report. Names in ord- er of merit. SR IV. ' Wilfred Hoban * 363, SR. Illy Willie Hogan, Dennis Hob- an 245. SR. II. Lloyd Stein 286, J. G. Rit- 'chip. 282. JR. II. ` Connie Hogan 270.• SR. I. Della Gilmore 230, Irene Hogan '286. " Andec w".R:tchie 46. '.....,� ::.,.A.bsent examination Marie Murray, 'reacher. S. S•: No.•.5,-:KINLOSS SR. IV.—Ena Switzer, Lean Robin- son; nt. ci• ur •s, Archie McKinnon, Lola MacGilliray.. J ... UL ,,Evelyn ...MacLeaod, .. Clara , :iiaeG'iflivray, Margaret MacKinnon, Rens Garr itehre' lequal ); Mary'' Mac= Kinnon, Wilena . Chestnut,_Charlie Robinson, Pearl Carter._ ° JR. IV: f Ruth MacKinnon. SR. E. Stuart MacGillivray. J14 1. Helen Swan, Katharine Ish c - Kinnon, Alma Carruthers. A CLASS. Jim MacGillivray, Ted Murray, Alex. 'Smith.' PRIMER. Ruth MacLeod, John MacKinnon, Elizabeth Robinson, Mary Carter, Ernest Carter. Norma MacLennan. U.S.S. No. 12, E. & W. Wawanosh. For Month of November. CLASS IV•—Gertrude Aitchison 84, Luella Ferrier 73, Arnold : Woods• 63, Fanny Turner 58, Luella Rintoul and Harry Champion ties, 57.* CLASS II1.-Zylda Webster 70,Ger trude Martin 65, Jaynes St. Marie 60., SR. I.—Mary St. Marie. JR. II.—Ruby Turner, Dorine Web- ster, Willie Rintotil. PR.—Miles St. Marie, Gordon Rin- toul. K. C. MacDonald, Teacher. ' WHITECHURCH —Tuesday, Dec. 2. Mr. Fred. Clubb returned home from the West on Saturday. ---Miss Annie Henry has retui rico home from Waseca, Sask., where she has spent the past two months with her sister, Mrs. Hind. Next Sunday, Dec. 7th., Miss Ratte, Matron of the Redemptive Home in Toronto, will speak in the Presbyter- ian Church. The women of th Mis- sionary Society are planning. to as- sist Miss Ratte in hep work by mak- ing donations of clothing, either new or second-hand, suitable for either girls or babies. Anything will be acceptable, as there i great need. Your Servicx We Sell tpr Casn—we Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores GET READY FOR WINTER 1f THE E WEATHER STILL CONTINI1ES, BUT DON'T FOR- • GET THAT WE ARE SURF '1'O HAVE "WINTER. READ CAREFULLY THE ARTICLES GIVEN 'BELOW. AND _ PRE PARE::, PARMIT) itOO.FING CANADA ROOFING .:**4 -PURE -ASPHALT BUILDING- PAPER :F3.00 iter. square $3.90 per square $2.75 per roll TAR !PEI{ • ROYALITE OIL gape• ° COAL OIC. AND GASOLINE GLASS ALL SIZES • STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS CATTLE CHAINS AND. ST ALL. FIXTVR1:S A GOOD QUANTITY OF FRESH CE?HENT ON HAND WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF WORKING GLOVES AT PRICES RANGING FROM 90c. TO $2.75. The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS , 'The articles will be packed: on Dec. 7th. The S. ; S. of the Presbyterian Church, will hold a Xntas• tree and en- tertainment -in the church on Friday evening, Dec. 1tJth: Besides the usual gifts for the children there will be gifts put `on the tree to send to at.. Christopher's Home in Toronto for distribution among poor children. Any find of clothing„ but pa children's .clothing, - toys; dolls; picture` books, etc., will be gladly received. These may be either new or second hand. DUNGANNON Do your Xmas. shopping early. - Mr. Elmer Shackleton spent a few days 'holidays at his home here. He returned to Port -Elgin .where he is employed at present. Rev. D. D: Douglas, Anglican min • ister, will preach a'sp cial service in St. Paul's Church next Sunday even- ing, Dec. 7th, at 7, o'clock. • The wind storm last Saturady night did considerable damage around these parts, and shingles and nails, etc. are in great demand this week. Mrs. J. R. McNab arr:ved home from St. Joseph's Hospital,- London, lost Friday night. Icer many" friends • , , i ng se -well; and- weicon • her back • to. Dungasmon. The Orangemen of this community are holding a concert next Friday -ev- ening, Dec. 5th. Look for bills. Spec- inl talent from Toronto. Reserved seat:; on sale at Dungannon pont. office Anniversary Services were held in- Dungannon Methodist Church last Sunday. Rev. Mr, Irwin, of Lucknow, had charge of .both services. A sup- per and concert was held Monday ev- ening. Talent was from Lucknow and Westfield. - • r_ ..Beinil well informed is 1argdij. a matter of readiat a flood newspaper T0 "Ilold your owa in convers.r• • lions 'with frieudr and nei!;lt- bons-in order to know -whits is • going on in the world- outside of yottr home town, it is essential 1ihtt you regularly read a daily paper. For Ontario readers, there is one paper that tivershadoAtvs all others, .in , its- ability to keep thein itt .reading - touch with the world at large—The Toronto Star. A parer edited on broad-gua'e 11110S,--it•ith a .trio of i►r•t'senting' nrtv3 that will win your approval by its f;tir- • ness and its ability trientertain. ,•*•- Seveitteen direct wires bring the ne'vs to The 4tar, twenty-four type- setting' marhitiN; rash it int ► print_- • ofntrrr trucks rtiSi.tlth editions To 'the trains; anis, ere you go to heti; you have, the -day's record spread before you in a ttewsl)(ihcr so hrigj,t ,tit'l •`pewgy" that you read' avith lateen relish •it» every column" Si;•t) the •eoltpon . and mail it—cm that you riiay iake flt+. ^'resat paper intrr rr►ttr home On t r';tl. The siib- s :'ip; iirn rate is •fIlle for a• 'month,. 1.2:) for -3 iniintits --- *2-00 for 6, per ye tr. To the T'rrlrlisr.• t c: TtTr on -t :'1 ':i r, 'f'ri t (in t o : 1tr:'r it /LY STAR i'i�a�E• �:i . ,,• � 1..•r tai 'i'nto:,1, star for... niw,t', t,,.. i,!!•a q • f :'s.l �'rt. err ^tt ,' ,l r.; ;.' ..r tn.!). \• �,ril r fur ; mi• ant•} addrt•4s: in full: • 0 , �� •miter rue :iq (Picas?. writ Ktai►fy, arid .,iii' w}7r!',e, •� -' - , 33: br rev.) • CANADAS, GREATEST NEWSPAPER • 4 a .r+