The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-11-20, Page 3.4 tip .•-••••••••-. • -.. YOUR BODY ITS 'OWN DOCTOR GENERAL DEBILITY HOW BLOOD MOBILIZES ITS DEFENCE. 1110Whc--.”. Attacked by Disease the 1. I.',egins to Manufac- ture a Cure. ,Fevery. -eat lore and xescrui mun Ir familiar with the operation of • inoculation.. But what really is this process Ofeineculation•- which is at .teeded by,sech magical aestalts? • TheedictioaLry tells. Us that inocu- • latiOn *is "the connattnication. of a dis- • ease by 'tilos iesertion, of - Infectious matter into'llikrisyttern":" Tie a e'ortain • et..ciq tr.u.eetheeseweetenettred • of preventive medicine being founded OU the sound principle of setting a ad thief tgetatclen thief. lent the eseentiel principle of inocue latioe as understood to -day is the,rais- ,ing of the resisting powere of. the blood .against disease germs - it tenet he borne in mind that the World Shortage in Gems. The jewelry trade is expecting a FOLLOWING INFLUENZA dearth of precious stones, says a Lon- don despatch. That is. attributable to 'Strength Can Only be Regained by Enriching the Blood. Following a wide spread epidemic of influenza, generar-debility is on the increase, and its effect e may be no- ted in the wore listless appearati57 of sq, many of the Mena and women you meet. Influenza always leave s behind te impaired vitality, and with 'the taq.dern comlitions of life that u. -e up. W.1-(446*e--Ipit---rritildly•,-----getteral bil.ity becoMes .one of thp most tom,- twoluain causes. The output fell due- hrg the war and a new demand has ileen crepted by the redistribution of money . brought *bout by war, .. The great • nonveaux. rich- class n niust be catered to. With regard to- diamonds - the de Beers deterests; and a Lopdon eyndicate 'of some bait doecn firms, coutroi whet represents from 95 to 98 .i per .cent. of the world's output; it - A few .diamonds come from Brazil, J British Oniuea, India; Borneo, and the ecoage. ..IiIt .-.hotes„nougat. ,tio Wet the market. .. The output froth the 'South African mines has not been up to pr8-viar leVel. in recent years.. Distribution has pro- ceeded ' on the ea:flossing principle, veried,lir • the syndicate According to circumstances. 'Niue Antwerp has eteeen allotted a good Share to assist:la .1.1.1e.,rehabilitatitia of the. Belgian dia- mond cutting • industry, There are Ialso developing markets in India and Japan, to wh.ich eansideration has to he given., Mon maladies, sTh e *symptoms- of dee _ bility vary, but weakness' Is always. present. There ts poor dige)ition, Ian- gour, weak, aching back, .walfuliras . . t ntht, f -, . , .- g : d -I . . ..ar:q. a feeling of fatigue. Tliese,syrup.: toiiiti inalcate impure and imPoverished . bleade It.:le sigeilicent-of nearlyeeveri attacli of „influenze that it Is followed ' iby anaemia and debility. ...For aal such run-down 'conditions, new -blood is -the meet 'reliable cure. Sufferers -should at once -begin to makethin blood rich and red with Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills: , Unde'r a fairt treatment with thleneediCine they WIll 'realize more and more the health -re- storing influence of gooderich blood, and how this new blood brings a feel- ing of new strength and Increased vi- tality. Proof. is. given in the case of 1. ,' - 1 .V : 0 Ro.bei.t,o,, 0, r_ mln, ont,. '‘, f - i L -.: - ''...,-, ti _ • :- . ::. fluenza spread over our town I hay - Petted to be one of the first attacked, - and •-the.,attaca was a very.se,vere one, and worse still. the after effects of the trouble -left me in continuous misery. I had severe pan e • in my. side, felt low-spirited, and with no ambition , whatever. My head ached almost eon- ' tifitrallY, my eyes ' felt heavy, and pimples broke out ote niy face. I was advised to try Dr. Williains' Pink Pills, and after taking them for a time I ' felt like •my. old self, able to do my hausewerk, and feeling well and a-frertectly fit human being is cf the nature of an ell. powerful ail li v ing germicide, competent to • deal with and finally destroy, the .gerinKsof disease that may have ii.esidesa it r Of4, • the Ugh Viiii111(1 • • , , •Vr.4. „tit neeinore 'escape their leossing attentions than we candodge ti:e of the atmosphere. • Oer leieei, 'then, • while healthy, a is -instant vigil on the ever- threatetlieg 'microscopic ermy await- ing a chance to lrevade-our bodies.' Tho. nItient a few disease gerins mar•r:ge — Hnet an entry, be it through the' lungs or sieslioweci with food or drink, iiiiplaiitel-by a sting, a pin -prick, a. ni:,.ty nail, a bite, or any ,other weund, the wonderful intelligence de- partment• of -the body signals-. the' news t'lli•ougt the nervous 'system to head- equarterte • • . aloadiization of sall the complex de- . feneive forces of the blood takes Piece at 'once. The white cells Of the hlood mass in :their millions' at the iloint of flan:ger, giving the invaders an exceedingly warm reception. These white ea's'are the effective fighting - units of the defensive force, tae bet- ter-known red cells forming the trans- . pert cennilissariat servino. Their particu-lar job is to faIrtip-dii, • gobbfe up, and .eatirely digest and annihilate the enenly individually and 'collective- . ly; andthis they do effectively acs long as their number is equal to the task. • Why You Should Take Exercise. • The white cells are, however, enormously helped in their fight by the use qf a special kind of "munition" analogous to poison gas, used in a liquid form as a spray, to which the niost malignant of enemy germs must finally succumb. This anti -toxin (or counter -poison) is always produced • automatically by healthy blood im- mediately it is attacked by 'disease germs. • .When attacilted by disease, the body at once begids to manufacture, and cure itself by, its own medicine. That is why every infective disease, if it does not kill the patient, automatteal- ly cqmes to an end. Were it not a fact that every infective disease stimu- lates the production in the body of its own antidote, which finally kil original disease, there Is no particular reason why •rrieasles, or mumps, or in- .fitlenza,---ea -any-other eatching- "com- plaint," should not continue -for years. The modern treatment. of tubercle by the Injection or inoculation of tuber- culin is founded on this principle of arousing the blood to the formation of • the necessary antidote, which le course of time, provided the conditions are. favorable, puts an end to the original disea:41--tubereular consump- tion. Auto -inoculation or seltinocalation may also be produced In consumptives by a:system. of graduated exercises, 'which rousethe resisting powers 'of the body bytalsfing what is called by •:scientists the "opponito index" of the blood. This opsonic index is a mea- sure of the rapidity with which the white eells eat any given germs in the blood. The name is formed from the Greek word "opson," which means a sauce, or seasoning. or anything that makes the morsel more tempting. These sauce are manufactured and used by the, bland to make the disease germs so tempting to the white blood cells thht the former devour them with a relish that makes them greedy for more! • Exor-cises graduated'according to the condition of tho tuberculous patient also act .curat ivelY by greatly improv- ing tho appetite, with resulting stimu- lation of digestion, absorption; and distribution throughout the spasm of food elements. it Wns a Wonderful Watch. "tike a rift, sir?" aaid thecountry- civilly, ns he ov'ertook a foot- .Wern travelf‘r on theelusty road. • As• th, .•1 aiming .--tiffy chatte•-red •a? :-(,•4 of things. Presently the ole clew p:114,(1 cut a watchof the tur- nip ---vaeiele • "Can 'oe._tell rne tho Ohne, sir?" le,• i.sked. "Ciwiir'.. it is 3 o'clock," replied .the other, :IA watched the- driver •'atoppe Afd three o'clock, not tiolve," .olAed. • • •• (Ai. r...t ie nfl right, sir!" said the csrter, as Ito slippe§, hiss timepiece into his pocket. "30ril toon make that Dep. "Itpr be a wonderful goer!" stropg. I can strongly, recommend Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills for the seri- ous,' after-effects, of influenza as I am sure they will restore all sufferers to geod health." 4,You can get these Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, P'ost paid, at GO cents a box or six boxes [for12.50 tforn The. Di'.-trilItarn.s' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. • . . .At times it is proper to be thankful that you are not as other men are; for instance, when you Live irt a.good farmingcommunity, and the "other men" are hived in'the cities. It is e,stimated, however, that Ameri- ca still absorbs•her pre-war proportion of cliarnor4s, which was three-fourths of the total output. There is always a superabundance of money for those -eostly-4n-in -the-United States. lqa.ny more high grade 'atones could be eold there af only they could be oh- tained. notwithstanding that prices are now,something like three times V.. !-11 . • inantitaci.ttrer whose 'business' is ordinarily dependent on diamonds can keep his factory going on the supplies. now available and their energies are being diverted as far as may be into • other channels. A certain number. .of old diamonds cut by past generations of cratesmea are being put 4!)n the. market -1'o relieve the shortage. They are not greatly sought ,after4ib, y• the itracle, however, because the progress of art and the changes of fashion put so many of them hopelessly out of date,. They are generally "square and lumpy," where- as the present day style aims at a per- _fectiy- rounded effect. Old stones do not 'pay to recut for general commerce on acconnt of the wastage and the high rates to which this class•of labor has advanced. The heinan-bedY is Subject to some 2,400 diseases; but normally a person Is liable to seventeen, and physicians say probably will experience only half a dozen. Canada has one mile of raiIway—for every 224 persons. ilinard's Liniment Cures Garret in Cows. LThree Fashionable Models •t - s, 9120 9118 , • , 9144-91451 , No. 9144—!Slissee' Suit tom,. trice.istyleaof sleeve,..blouse in two lengths; 25 cents. Suitalfle for tonall women; one-piece skirt in two lengths attached coat in two lengths, -collar 1n 'two out- to .lining. Cut in 3,sizes, 16, 18 and lines. Cut in 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. 20 years. Size 16 requires, longer: Size 16, longer length, 8 yds. 48 ins. length blouse and skirt, 4% yds. 86 wide, or 2% -yds. 64 ills. wide; lining, ins. wide, or 83 yds. 40 ins. wide; 8% yds. 86 Inc. wide; shorter length, vest, % yd. 18 ins. wide; shorter -length yds. 48 ins. wide, 54 ins. -blouse, longer -length sldrt, 3% yds. wide. 86 ins. wide, or 3% yds. 40 Ins. wide. No. 9145-111isses"rwo-Piece Skirt. Width around bottom, 14 yds. Prim 20 cents. guitable for small . No. 9120—Misses' Coat. Price, 25 women;high waistlia. in two lengths. cents. Raglan aleeves ; straight Ode Cut in 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size sections, with or without pockets.' Cut' 16, longer length. 214 yds. 36 ins. wide, in 4 sizes, 14 to 20 'years. Size 16,, or 11.4. yds. 54 ins. wide; shorter longer -length, 3siyds. ,54 iris. wide. - lenzth, "2% yds: 36 ins. wide, or I% These pattern's may be obtained yds. 54 ins. wide. 'Width, 1% yds. from your local McCall dealer, or No. 9118—Misses' Dress. Price, 25 from the McCall'Co., 70 Bond St., cents. Suitable for sniall-women; two Toronto, Dept. W. .41•1•1••••••=1•M A Well -Balanced Cereal That is vhat Grape -Nuts foclii is called. because it supplies the vital mineral elements so cften lacking in othe.r. "SYRUP ,OF FIGS1 LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons.from , Si01113.Chi, liver and bowels BITS OF INIMOR ROM HERE &THERE .•1•0 Maw. •.1 • Accept "California" Sysup of Figs only—look for the name California on the *package, then' you 'are atira 'you: - child is having the beet and nadst harmless laxative or physic for the little' sib/natty, liver and•WoWele. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taete. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give It.. without fear. Mother!. Yt'itt ree !rigs to Prince of Wales. A welcome to, eur soldier prince Upon Canadian soil! ' Cfne.vast Domieion greetlugs sends, . . May nouglit his visit spoil: e Propitious - were -the winds which ‘'brought iiJs. vessels o'-er • the- st,;.A; • -•• • Hearty the hothage waiting him, From hearts.,af Now Peace unfolds her Milieus fair Upon the world- once more; And all our soldiers homeward' speed Poor Teacher! "Now, Johnny." seal the teacher -at. ter. much°explainfrft. against the use of "ain't," "why shouldn't we sag "ain't?" "I3ecause, ma'am," said --Johnny. "there ain't nO such word n$ ". e • . A Boornexane. "Ilertie," "saii niollier: sorrow- fully, "every time iyou are natighty 1 ,get another gray hair.", "My • word!" replied Bertie; -1911 must 'have been -a, terror..., ;,9olt at •. Grandpa!" • • . - ; ' I . • • No Time For Araunsent.. Old.Salt: "Yes, sir, 'I fell beer the .., side -of the ship, and: a -shark •ie came along and grabbed ine by the • Visitor: "Goad graviousi. And what did you do?" GUARD THE (1111)1tEN Fain! AUTLIII COLDS _ . Tbe Fall is the mot severe seaion of the year for coldsone day is warm, the next is wet and cold -and un less the mother is off 'her mad -the' little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are metheiat best friend in preeenting or banishing colds. They act a.sa- gentle • laxative, keeping the bowels and stornach free and sweet. An occasiolial dose will prevent colds oral! . it. decree Net° oneanddetily „the Premet us Qt the Table& Will quick- ly relieve it. The Tablets are sold by -medicine dealers :or by mall at 25 cents e box from The Dr. Williams' ,Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. , " World's- Lightest Wood. — • Old Salt: "feet 'ave the.leg, o' course. 1 nevbr argues with sharks." The Resemblance.- • a. • "I ant aaraid,'. said the' let-hinadown- , eeasy--eclitereathateistioenot see my way to printing your poetry in my periodi- cal.. You !•:.t.,e, it's not -quite the otyle of thing we want, tiicingij it is undoubt- • •Tiae lighteet-wood„in weigift; taat is known, ise"Thilaa." cork three. times as IfeavY las this ,wooil. It can easily be indented with the linger eel!, It is, treated with peraftlii and used in mak- ing ficatts.of life _preservers and ih CQ11- structing lire rafts. • ' litinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. .4 LI, ! • • some ,points about' your writings that -resemble ali:tciel" "Do you think- so?" 'cried..the de- lighted poet. 'Whatare they?" -"Your' 'stops:" • replied the editor. - In ee( ,you employ almost. the same !" pun( cdat ioma u-rk s -s- horse will save many•latishels of -grain. A statue in bronze of Queen Vic- toria is being 'shipped from England to the whipt, tho Classified Advertisements. PCS SA.LX PPRACTICALLY BLACK FOXES. I Also twenty other pairs. Iteid Bros.. Bothwell. Ontario. , WaarTZD AW FURS. Vt'llAT HAVE YOU? What price? Iteld Brow, 'Bothwell. Ontario. • ivoisTan LlinsT ci„tss RAGE MAN. I' State experlenCe and wages wanted. , Reid Bros., • Bothwell, Ont. SITITALTIONS VACANT. ARE. YOU LOO11.1%;(1 FUR AN OPEN- ING to prove your ability? Or, ars you ,..In?t dril tins along 'on the principle that • *•escertthtng-- corn -eV. to- Wm* who walts"--without much thought of your effIcietry? If ,y_ou. are In the I tter class. be up and doing—trafn•your mind and mernbry so as to be ready for Op- portunity when It comeyour way. In cther word,. Pelmanisel ‘you knOw you have ability, wby not moe the wait- ing momenta to improve •Yalr efficiency and incidentally acquire that Personality which •means so much 'in seeking Buc- ceps? Small town, or big citv. or bn the 'town:01W *tde line. it Matters •not—the. Systrn condu.cted by mall. -Miod •and liemory" tells You all about. It. •lt.is a book that'4$ free. and lays n9 Obligation •iiiion 'you to enroll.. though --yOU - e surpr to .n how moderate Is the fee required. Wri.te for the book and particfulars to -day to the Pelmall 'I! b Bied f d Institute, 765 Temple Building. Toronto. Canada. • " :;•L", • a en a lofty pedestal plainly visible to Passengers on int2ofiiing. • ciceari ships. The statue weighs .two and one-half tons. It will pass through the Panama Canal and up the Pacifie Coast on its forty -day journey to Victoria. 1.4••11.•••.n..•4 Back fronletheeseenes of Wttr. ' In Canada for Whom they fon-glit Tbey're glad the pridee to see: Comrade -in -arms on Flanders Fields They'd pledge him fealty! 0 • Hurrah! How's This Cincinnati authority says -corns dry up and lift out with finers. Hospital records show .that every time you ,cut a corn you invite locla jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cincinnati authority, who tells rou .that a quarter oqnce of e drqg called freezone can befobtained at lit- tle cost from tbe drug Store but is suf. Adept to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn .or callus. You sim.ply apply a few drops . of freezone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short- ly the entire corn can be lifted out,, root and all, without pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflansieg or .even irra tating the surrounding tissue or skin.. lf your wife wears high heels she will be glad to know of this • Minard's•leinireent Co., Limited. • •Gentlemen, I have used MIN - ARDS LINIMENT on Aix vessel and f, -Sr -Years-,:iinei. for • the every' day Ills end.accidents of life I consider it has no equal. . ' I' would not, start on a voyage with- out it if it cpse a dollar a buttle. •• CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Sche "Storke," St. Andre, Kamou- rabka and bright. Your system is filled with Comforting relief from pain- • FOGGY? If Bi4ious, Coristipated or •i• Hcadachy take" KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND •WIISCELLANZ0178. • ANDY—E..A.RN 125 To ;50 WEEKLY. Advertise--Men—Women. Start one Of • bures-va---a-e-r-yi. r0-1-411-111 your home, small room )ukywhere.. Q opportunity: elVa tell ribw and furnish .a.v e rything.. Candymakers House, 18,19 Itanstead St., Phila.delphla.. Pa. . • ' • 4.,T.s I NESSES, - • TOR GlsiTO PROPER- ". J11 "rms. ()raw -J. aril.. Wesl•ern fario ! e*,:. 4 "125 Victoria St.. Toronto. • g 1 ANC8R. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC. lnternal and external. cured withoUt Pain .by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr Heilman Medical Co 'Limited. CollIngwood. Ont. Cushions filled with dry coffee grounds 'protect needles and pins from rutting. On many of the irrigated farms in southern. Alberta the policy of raising traps for the live stock carried is be- ing followed with much success. , • "tacarets." • To -morrow the sun will shine for you. Everyehing will seem clear, rosy Th.::: Good Old Days. , _ In looking_back along the years How beautiful the past appears! .How much; we praise ''the good old daff". We see them through the mellow haze Of "used -to -be"; and memery,,,„ • 'Beyond- a doubt, has tricky ways. 0 We quite forget the pain and wase - And sorrow that we used to know. All ills were born. this very morn, The rose of niem'ry has no thorn. Alas, to -day the world is gray • And all the !freezes sigh forlorn! . . H.R.H. the prince of Wales was • given, a beautiful costume by the • Stony, Cree Indians at Banff.. The costume is made of snow-white deer- skin trimmed. with -ermine. and em- broidered in colored beads, (toyal blue predominated) by the most skilled,wo- 1 . men of the tribe. The work oocupied six weeks. &merles's Pioneer D- dregs by .the Author. #5-1:111.4114".441"4-11e4 Free to any Ad -1 M. Clay Glover Co.. Ina. 118 West 31st Street New York. U.S.A. roere41" n ' DOG DISEASES • Lost 'His Bet. It was the commercial -room, and the conversation had turned on the -topic of the powers of endurance shown by men of the past and present. During a lull in the Conversation one young commercial said: "Any Man, if. he has the will -power, can endure pain or fatigue; I know -caillien"- . ce for moment, and an "old S man of the re.'el" replied: bet - you a dollar you can't hold' your foot—boots mi—id a bucket of hot water as long as I Can!" The bet was taken, and two buckets' of hot water were brought in, and a kettle diTholling water to raise the temperature to the point of endurance, The young otie's face begait to pale, but the other called for more boiling water., "What the deuce is your leg made of, -sir?" yelled the former,- suddenly taking his foot from the bucket. „ e -"Cork, sire cork!" was Oa cool tins; wer, and the other man felt that he had indeed lost. • ' MONEY ORDERS. Send n Dnminion Express. money Order. They are payable everVvOiere • Vivisecting the Frog. •. The frog is. t 'vivisectionist's fav- nrite victim, not beeanAe iii.s structure Is aaall hunien-like (though he le,built somewhat like a maul.. but for the reason that he will endure being chop- ped up to a remarkable extent and still retain life. If his brain be re- moved he can get • along wieliout fa swallowing whatever Is put into his mouth and otherwise behaving mnch as usual, thepgh In Atom:Vic fashion. 1! the lungs are cut out he will survive for a long time because he can breathe through his skin. The *corpuscles of his blood 'being. rep:irk:01y largo. ti:;It fluid serves lttimthtbly foe "lee fn rio- t!on of the seeker after medical -know - edge. provides all trie goorltv2ss of wheat, and bailey Ifs easily fu ly likable flavor. nrherv1s a Reason"ibr GrapeNuts • At all Grocers. "With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. Henley as well concern himself with his shadov4 or " 1P,A Cfs'Cort. Coughs and Colds Mean Restless Nights G3 which sap the vitality. Danger lurks in every hour a cold is allowed to run. Assist nature tobring your children quickly back tlJtftalth and strength and avoid . serious complications • by the prompt use of Grao's Syrup - over 60 years in use. Wow. bap die Largo diso liver and bowel poison which keeps your skirt sallow, your stomach upset, your heed foggy and aching. Your meals are turning into 'poison, gases and acids. You cannot feel right. Don't stay bilious ,or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascaretsei occasionally. They act without gripe' ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, OH or nasty, harsh pills.. They cost so little too-eCascarets work while you sleep. • 911410E in; ILO 30 PM COUGHS makes Sloan' s t,he World's Liniment This famous reliever 'of 'rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful e prains, neuralgic pains, and, most -ether external -twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great tales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief.. • Always ready for use, it takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pro- duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made in Caqeda. At all drgg itores. $5c, 70c, $1.40. S10.an_ls sr'. rirtie,t-tt 11 hirindiAr- ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ,ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" „eV.- ases`....ar 4 eea eetze,„ GRAYS SYRUP-. if' tot. #!:•,,IL,24„0„. )6,* _ . For Colds, rain, Headeche, NeurolsIpacknee which contains complete di- still, eTentliacher-orarache, and forireetions. Then you aro getting real Thieumalism. Lumbago, Sciatica, Nett -1 A.pirin —tho penuane Aspirin pre- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the ' scribed 1y'physiciaos for over nme- name "Bayeier seee am not taking! teen yea- - Now made in Canada. Aspirin it an. , Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- Accept- only "Bayer Tablets of iota oost but a few cents. Druggist. Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer"' also sell larger 'Bayer" packages. Micro is only ono Aspirin--."Bayer"—You must say "Bayer" Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canadis) of Barer Manufacture of Mosso- acetleacidester of Sgiicylicacid. 'White It is Well knot‘n that Aspirin means Bayer Manutacturo, to assist th• puBlio against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Coatliahr Wiii hi atainped with their general &rage mar/L. tlie "Bayer Cross." Inasassessaeasessiristssigsr eeizzaatameassimmiremasteissgterssumeesmr= (.4-v0.11.T.6 Cam .`t • Ant; ;1..o. 17- ,ne erupt... t;01-1 •Ceti- • (1:1, • Cutictira t. ra.•••11c.::, t' .y agimusean-Velli, am, ••••• • 'lye us .eourage and gaiety. ani and 41?) ,•,.-1:,. , : ri .,ki-,.; ( to .,--.ta the cinict mind. Spare, ui to our v,‘, -.r ( vr,•,.. (1. A .1 ,i;ot VI t, : •.tr:.1*.: :I?. friends. l'often us ,to our enenti.. . cut ,-- , Son (,:n4ritet.t,q11%,,,,) cent, er.eleavors." ---i RObert !,eltis. N, &stop. tr :, A •,' . . (..,-, - ,.• : •...., 'il• • '..1 ti.l.a . 1 '..e.,.. . i coVrtrnp', -.:,•Il ,., tt,.,.re,.$ . 4 I. . 131 e*? 5" us, if it may be, in &leer i'nno..- i Stevens:on, lOitJE No. 46—'12. /. Ask Your Drugv For •Dr. Miles' Calendar For _1920 . IT is FREE. and the best large -figure CalenFlar published. It gives the', wea- ther forecast , for each day in the year, time of Sunrise and 1::.isnt and Oharcs the Mn- compkte • uefut Calendar!"- 'That's svhat everybod. - The 'edition is limited. It is. there- fore ----Very iMpa- mint. that 3. au call -early that you will be sup,. to ...get this splendid free Calendar at .thc.,. be2;intungof. the year. go o yo;- druggis e m yrn.,r name and adtlrers, That% you wait Dr. Miles 19,20 Calerdav. I 't v.-;“ c';)•CI; FREE. ..,...14rout'av=5poinoomeoboomomullk 5