The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-28, Page 2-1 r. . . • 7.. .. , • • r.., '. , , 1, 1 1 , " .1 I . I - . - I . ­ .A . ­.. 1 I «,.,.... ...,� ........ _ • • / ..4 AD I I . . _ . . . ­ !" \ 0 1. I 4 . . . , I .. . , . .. . I .6' �� .,ti I I 10 I. , "�"_ .-I - - ,I , , • • I I Y .. I IT7 *, -.-.1-1- I .1 . *N I I I . ­ . . I I , 11 I r.n-.w•.+..r•.�r--,w_,-_..•.....-.w .. rill_ _ •(' "' T. Y r•.•.1,Y.YvwrA•+'•+•-.•.'R•�'n+w.-r�rww-•+r-rM .w�rv.e+..r►-r.q.,..Mrww...- M .r.py._-....... ♦ - _ _ ,AMkarSiC ••-•- _ _ , - _ ._..� ... ,. ..., riw •....�...., _-_- :Y9oSNF+ -. :. . `____i_- _ - - ... "-_ . . - �.,.' +r.r: _ s.'*ot' ._ '_-ms's ___- ....n: ----r- - -'r_ _ - - __ _ _ ---. __ _. _ - _ _ ._ ... • _ _ - _ - _ •._ - -_._ 1 I��.���r! _ _ _ _, . ... , , . ,... -. BANKRUPTS. 1#4 GREEN GAPs>,1, /- -- ___ ___ I �•" , i W. L. >4[cElnnon Dean H. PettM , "WHAT CANADA Mow France Discouraged Habit of .^�':k\\:;�:'+r:''' The Leracyon Why Is "Liquidation."Victory B®nds PIP0?01vdnA!�: K: ':: DSD FOR US ,:: :�:. A curio custom was,prevalent in •.ti•::.; :< :'•;:: ,� p leis of Victozy Sonde will lfad de8•nite France during the sixteenth and seven- { +: prices quoted on taj financialpage of the teenth centuries. An Toronto nor -.ulna run.rr. By Dorothy Donnell Calhoun. yore who found 4r ,.. DEVASTATED BFLGlUM'S GRATI- it necessary to liquidate his aff1.airs 7.W. L. 't+1Cr1l�iNON �•�)• TUDE TO DOMINION. was obliged to wear a gree.tt cap -a -'` ``' ' Dealers !n Governn:.ert anQ 7suniclpal i .. 8o:il!>;t utherto himself and a warning to C...LLL ::... .•f. Belgian Government S-nds "Com- ;; PART IX. first I knew -splash! Arid I'd be inhumility ssoYlxnoa >si4x., is ly:e_Snrla et.. Toronto Gran'ma Bradley looked up s3 they stl k all the rest of the meeting. But i I expect it would Cost a sight Those h© Make a hobiry of getting .% .. ! munique Through Their Consul came oast oa the verandah again. a P g t to start I � Englishwomen's Work at the Cana- should be i elementary knowledge has been given rid of their indebtedness by way of got out of the way, plenty the child and the child,is willi" to A Ottawa Thanking Canadians new Grarl'ma, radiant. rejuvenated. Ione of those things at the Cross than Alemoriala Exhibit. of white bread, half a dozen pies, a there For Aid. �► , ►► the Bankruptcy Court should at all ��' "Emmis." she gestt:red toward the; Roads? "'. Three En Iishwomen hPd the honor P work and study for 1. education, 42�, costs•steer clear of China. Bankrupt- g lot of fried cakes a big loaf or jelly r t•` the ef,"eci of col-._ Wild Goose quilt. "Mrs. Bennett here Pa's face clouded. I expect it would i o g cake, or two small ones. I need be" no .ear o. By cam:n;tnd of tiro Government of "y Bold two of them for thirty dollars be considerable to start off with, to ! cies are almost unknown in that coup- f bein commissioned by the Cana- i (lege life on hint. try, as they entail immediate execu. than Government to paint canvasses , On this da also the chickens should .,% o put u the machinery • 4---.. is-Mtt`'esty the Kin of Belgluin, h � g apiece to a new-fang.ed Arts and P P Sand all. But .it, tion. to he used as mural �ecoratioTialtar�'be killed, dressed, grid cut up. Thus „ rimer .E $elgi,trr til -&t Attawa, Crafts Store in the cit Thirty dol-- would pay for itself in the end in The Hcmestead. I �;.ish, ti►r,�uglt the medium of tho y•,� Y A similar drastic punishment used the great War Memorial Building! the flavor of the meat will 4e improv- . r doctor's b,'lls saved if nothing else. g , 4 to be meted out to delinquents in Ja- which is to be erected at Ottawa, and ed and time and ,labor for the next 'O wanderers from- ancestral soil, press, to thank heartily the people of . .�a>r¢. far a quilt, Emmis. Gran ma s • g tone was awed. "I got a dozen of They spent the night in a country- . - ,y the three pictures which are the ha them laid away up ";attic. She gave, town hotel, twenty miles from Torori-to 'per,,,,- come a . Y P happy day saved. Reckoning the proportion Leave noisoane- mill . and chaffering , L'anuda, iho, a groat cluirit.y..has testi nearer home, one need only result of these commissions hap in of chicken to the number of store; a conAmit relief to the. dire ,sorrows Ab me the address of the store that buys ; and at .ten o clock the next day the g • Y outskirts of the cit go back to a little before the Act., of a conspicuous position at the anadian i there should be one a Persons, Gird up your loins for sturdier foil, of Belglimi during the war.' good sized chicken .. • to each sir And build the h -m-3 once more! li.'irelosed. herewith .is, -a "cotii,nuni- ' them, Emmis, you -dont know how! y appeared. Union to dad that debtors in Scotland War .Memorials Exhibition whish this ; persons. -The number-• of - it is, growing old and not be,in' able i The' wide green .fields dwindled into; were obliged to wear garments of year forms an interestin part o 1 men' re wired t ru Conte back to ba burry -scented stupes.J . _ - _ _ . !» vasa - -.- - - -- � _ , - :._ . _._ . _ q o n a-_ s'hrrt • _ Y _ ., sue ' add .1_ ori_ to, the. press of oty .____ to het along!" nt:_.lsfi_ oven with b ,:..' -.- - g P t gam- _raa - - p g u�, dfvverse rotors, a t lift t ye1� Can ,•%.- -- _ 1 - - .., � � _ -- •• ,,,c TTationa E:ehibition at '�"o- cin •varves with the condttrona and g ' The Bennetts' : cordiality not only dotted with gaudy billboards. Tin Aad�ira tint`" ctrl` i `gin'"lcund riffs ;count"ry y e om e :hut ora - e We,., , Y Y low being the most common.. ionto: { Secuiirs -et d'rllirucuttatiuii." You ..- neighborhood. Some need twenty men i `'� `_ cans sprouted in the straggling vine; provided a supply of gasoline from P gg g glass I rn Siam, a man unable to meet bis Each of these canvasses de and other, get along with fourteen or Breathe airs blown over holt and will notice that niy t GoveruutHnt in- - their own automobi but insisted on like some uncouth vegetation. The liabilities was pieta a 1, . � I put in chains and com- typical scene in -arm life, fifteen. copse ; silt upon the fact that Canada and tli(, dinner, and the had a mer meal' hum of the re$per became the buzz y fel in which Y merry pelled to work as a slave for his credt- g , Sweet with black birch and pine. ( press of your dear country ate va. � T t' Is 1 the figures are of heroic size and To accompany the chicken rice may round the bi table on the screened -in saw voices of the children playingI tor. Should he escape, his wife, child- y Y Y What matter if the gains are sinal titled to the deep and ever asting •�-- -, -- p the are the ver last be cooled 'according ' . � haseball in vacant lots. .� pictures in R to the Japanese back veranda .The women exchanged'' I ren, father, or other relative were the entire collection that one would! method. This is delicious served with That life's essential wants sul)p1%,? gratitude of - the, llulgtau people Tor recipes or beet pickles and the then Then the weed -grown lots ave imagine to have been chicken I Your homestead's title gives you all life t►p.endi.l tic tp given us duo ins ilia p P g seized in his stead.. en f That idle wealth can bu 1 r ' discussed deep plowing and tractors. Qlace to well -kept lawns with pretty, At nue time ba>akruptB .were con- painted b_y oro- � gravy: Wash'the rice in cold � - • 11 M or the are all- three �d-istinctl water over --and 'over again Y' -v pi►�t yNars. - , , ,,,,. - . -- = "Don't know much about these neva+ suburban homes,.> standin in trim -LL -.4 �`� Y y g n until the _ _ _ .*••---- g Bidered criminal offenders even in Eng- a „ All that the 'many-dollared^ crave, ( rows in tree -shaded -newt i ,masculine, both in the'subject act and water runs. ori clear. Then add cold Canada Ever Ready. � �'-"'' ._, things, Pa owned. newly -paved land. As a matter of fact, certain cases The brick-v,'all d slaves of chango ' fi its treatment, , wiLter enough `to stand in the pan) .\ta.:rt :( the otintric's which, during 1. "And I'm a reformed carpenter my- avenues. They rolled on •toward the of fraudulent bankruptcy have incur- and mart, - - !•� centre of .the cit The most strikin of the three is-,- lee times as high as the rice; and*flowers._ the ---Gentian oc,•U"tiuti:-liiire Ile)pc•a - self. Mr. Bennett made the confer- Y, passing many fine' red the death penalty in this country. + , � _ " gi r � 'Laivlts, .trees, fresh .air aqd - sion with a twinkle in his eyes. "Never hou es,''thurches andsehools set close Any., c nceaimerit of books or the called The Boxers," and was painted) gait. _sok fast until nearly dry. Thentattti`•'r•�lfezccl :is to ciur,t�t'r�s, •(.aia.at3a _. Y ! ! h Laura Knight, a v r•en-ove the lid rind allow- to dr on. you�have 11 . ! ,.vas, ",l � - .__,• *.,dile:• :