The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-07, Page 5.41 r w • APP- • ;r (-54.5) r solor �� aa• tse 16 if 0 r a,* r•� �. e• r „ Ai r \t� e ediravi BettyBeggedto o Bak'i-g Of course, she is a bit anxious—who wouldn't be?—over her first cake. Oh, so careful has she been that this cake shall be light as thistledown and of a melting richness that will tantalize - and coax the most elusive appetite. Now, she is mixing in DO IINION CRYSTAL SUGAR More finely granulated than most sugars, it dissolves more quickly—giving impartially to this wonderful Betty Cake its sparkling, crystalized sweetness. "Sugar is sugar —you say? Not a bit of it. There is sugar and sugar. On the one hand there's the ordinary kind—the kind some grocers will send you if you aren't careful to specify. On the other-- hand, there's "Dominion Crystal" - the sugar that— is always uniform in quality, .always pure. always fine in granulation. Most grocers carry this brand—They will sub- stantiate all we say about its quality. • In .order -that- you may test it, however, before you buy a persind of .it.--we-are prepared to send you a sample so try. We have alreoaeily mailed many envelopes containing samples of our sugar to homes in your vicinity; but if you have been overlooked. we hope you.wilLwrite us _now. -giving your name seal addresirtmo >td you. wilt -promptly receive a few ounces of Dominion Crystal Sugar. together with a few Recipes which we know you will like. These recipes have been tested and found to be exceptionally good. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY.LIMITED, • CHATHAM,' ONTARIO REFINERIES AT \VALLACEBURG, CHATHAM AND KITCHENER' - • •Sir... -11 • :C RVEL . STEM DIT. Watery Wit—rounds Federal Cabinet /s Stere. • OTTAWA, Aug. 4.—The announce• ment authorized by Hon. Frank B. Carvell that he is resigning his once of Minister of Public Works in the Dominion Government and was re- tiring from political life, caused some sensation here, and gave rise to a multitude of surmises as to his future and rumors of other changes in the personnel of the Cabinet. With regard to these:questionings and re- ports Sir Robert Borden maintained the same reticence that he displayed during the negotiations which result- ed in the formation nf thea TTninn Government of -1917. He courteous- ly but firmly declined to offer any comments, but may make a statement soon. Mr. Carvell's ret_ignation will, it is understood, be formally submit- ted in a few days. As to his future plans, the Mipister of Public Works . said nothin Apparently, however, he intends to resign his seat in the House of Commons. That circum- stance and the presence of Sir Douglas Hazen, Chief Justice of New Brunswick, in Ottawa, have given rise to the surmise that Sir Douglas may return to the Cabinet and Mr. Carvell may succeed to the judicial position so vacated. In Oc- , tober, 1917, Sir Douglas Hazen, then. Minister of Marine and Fisheries in "the Borden Government, resignedhis portfolio and•was appointed to' th" bench. At the same time Mr. Carvell entered the Union Cabinet. It is generally accepted as a fact, that Sir Henry Drayton would ,be sworn as Minister of Finance. Fur- tnermore, word has been received here that Dr. S. F. Tolmie, M.P., has accepted, the portfolio of agri- culture vacated by the resignation of Hon. T. C: Crerar. Sir Henry Dray- ton returned from his summer horne at Tadoussac Friday, and- saw Sir Robert Borden. Just a month ago he completed seven years' service as Chief Commissioner. on the Dominion Railway Board. Dr. Tolmie is a vet 'urinary surgeon, and is qualified for his new office by the fact that he is a farmer, and a breeder of pure-bred live stock. He' is president of var-' ious stock brcieders' organizations. He has also served as Chief In- spector of the Health of Animals Branch of the Agriculture Depart- ment in British Columbia, and has been_. British Columbia representa- tive on the Live Stock Commission. Dr. Tolmie is a Liberal in politics. 7 Many Thousand Farm Laborers Want for Harvestint in Western Cana"GoingTrip lost" --$12b WINNIPEG. "Return Trip East" --$11 from WINNIPEG. TERRITORY GOING HATES ( From stations in Ontario Went of arnith's Falls to ar.d including -Toronto nn Enke Ontario !Chore Il1ne and Havelock•Peterboe'o' Line. August From stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction. inclusive. 12th ` I From stations Toronto to Parry !Round. inclusive. From stations Bethany Junetion to Tort \trNicorl and Burketon to Bobcsygeon. Inclusive. r. . , - - 1 From In Ontario West and Sotuthof Toronto til and ineludtng Flamtltnn• and WI,/ or. Oe.t. U From stations on Owen �antd, Walkerton. 'Feesorster, jKan-Fiore. aoca, t.iaeat w.K, .a•ler,rh. 1*t aa ifter7. AU 1 thPort Burwell 21A 9t Th.xna, 1,eatx•la�s. t From /!shoos Toronto and North to Dolton, inclusive. - ► aePSDIAL TNRONAN TRAINS PROM TORONTO . 1•allpertaceiers Imo Calamities )gauss Ticket Assts. W. B. HOWARD. District saseager Ajent, Teres!,. + ..10.mmo-• 4 • r DISTRICT JOTTINGS ail 0 Cipt. 11ev. J Elliot, of Goderich, who found floating. Mrs. Michael had a 'has been overseas with the C.E F. since severe attack of flu last fall, and her the fall of 1915 has returnd home. mind apparently was affected by it. - Dr Kennedy of _ Wingham left last week for a holiday trip. lle- will visit some of the large hospitals at New York and Boston. Mrs. W. (1. Rowson, wife of a re try and buildings Were valued at : 1 rent pastor f Wingham 11e1 h+►tlist (sill) wan_ insurance e,f only $1100 Church, died at. Londsm on July.. -4th• eir.,e,rt. *rs - $;111,000 worth of grain She was 7:1 years of ag.t. and other stock, and the eleunaittee to ()avid I)nnkin, a resident of '1'Irrn ,this is estimated at :►:►,1101 There berry 'Township, near (3lenai1inaul, died wav in411141net' of 137,000 oh the griain at his pont 1 following a yt nuke of and dour. M r. h ne:•t hel wi 11 nut, • paralysis, on .July '.'a. lle was 0 rebuild owing to the high cost of years ;;f age, and half not hewn well building and nratlltinery. for some months. Mr. liutikin con.Alex 11cl:wen of Sti►nle\•1 town+hip ducted a blackaemiah shop at Uleinann•' recently figured in a very nt.yty run RR for 3, years, giving up workot►)y nwaiy accident,.` Ile was going 1ii►niu a few months ago. frotn Clinton wiih a lni'l1 Road of ' 41ae117 -a Walkerton - hurler and as lw stat,t•tril 1111W thr resident, 70 years y ears of age, while ment- hill to the river tire Tuii►l er, wl►ita, all deranged drowned herself in the was fresh from the Planning mill, and 8aug eeri River near her homo.t She 'veru slippery, began to slide onto the in the night and partially dress hor•t'y. They soolt,Ixs•aimie ne itsl;tnage atoge f3 I ran siva v 11r NIcl.. e n balnkment, the horses breaking loose and .becoming entangled in a near by wire fence. L1t:IITNINe:'e PRANK -04 Monday afternoon, .1u:y 218t, lightning struck the home cf Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Edward htltechttal, thnrr miller of Menaty on Gth Con. Elderslie. The e r n r oft f ifs t t_. Cite tttt3-` arst""e hirer, - •k n ueltted, �- r was A 1tP1♦ 1 ►Ye IIAuu e ,y night. of July In when Iris large grist the ridge boarer fl demolished the 'mill was gtitteti 11y"11")re. The machin ! furnace pipe,,, and entered the hallway ��. at•t-he back of the stairs hnd knocked sortie plaster off the 'wall. A small t woman: "Von would not believe how hold: -Wtt5- stirtit'si itt M1'. and Mrs. 11enary's l>A:1'anti it it veru fortunate the !rouse way- not struck when .they • were s1e P}ling or there might hags' '' the new evening gowns= --well, It been .eriutls results. The lightning• Psi couldn't happen." The house famine is given as an - seemed to spread all over the house t,t l►t r caus4'. T,w+r young people who which is a lari•ie stone building. Mrs, t li't��{ :ht'mselves to be twin souls 1leratr • was in the wcic►d.theti when ;c out and try to find a future home. } [1 is physically drpossit Ie for any the house was struck and all the; ,►,'i: t►al's temper to ',sand the strain �c at pr. sc':tt-day hoose -hunting. They, ether -tie :hems H tire_ out:_ . , rel. stud . there is a not h * r broken An extreniely sad drowning asci 1: use. tient occurred at Port ';,gin on. July •244 --vc _1t1 _ W. E. Humphreys of Winnipeg lost hc+r life in an , effort to save her little son and only child. Mrs. Humphreys had been visiting her Fi rent r, 11 r. and M r•s.. J as. Craig taken to the " beach by M r. Campbell rho returned home. The children waded into the water and got into -a deep channel, but they were picked up by a young man in a boat. But the two mothers had attempted to go •tu the rescue of' the children, rushing into the water with their cluthes on. Mrs. Campbell was behind when Airs. Humphreys slipped into a sleep. Bole and disappeared. Mrs. Campbell at once returned to the Shore. -Mrs. Humphreys did not re appeals, and her body wa4 found helf an hour later in seven feet of .svvter. Mr. Hump ueys remain peg, but' was to have come emit short-. iv, • and the family was to go on a trip. down the St. Lawrence. Ile came to Paisley and with his son and a brother in law took the temains to Winnipeg for interment. _ L)e Eu(1 of Romance. ::iragrrnent braaking is in season. "The marriage artanged between l►t. X and Miss V will not now take 1:0 e." That cold point end to ro- .ance can be .read any day now in he Foe let y columns of the p^.pers. 1t is becoming a habit. }.ert•a•-who--.study • •Boase._ matters- iltclaire that the percentage- of brok- en engagements has never ibeen 80 l igh, and they set down several rea- eons. The main one is: The great kti.iki 11Jusion. (a) The r• ing went to the river bank where she ane ant , the her slipper.* and went irate► Was 111rotwn from the load, the wheels � semi onr the ,;t r y f Mrs. tragedy was removed P1ng � ri�itrrr her ,,, I, the wAtear. On looking for her in the• e f ' the, wagon tab,►til iPri111►t1Pt and cans • Irt'll at Port, I•:'Kin. The twi, women morning her husband discovered the�te akinK hiswith Mrs. Hurn hiss's little son and f g wtlipperel on the batik, and some '..Bis• i ing smeller cuts and bruises. The Mrs. Campbell's little daughter, were Vince down Atte tam the body wee wagon and limber wept over the em. tiff Brent he looked- in his civilian ,slit; my •dear. 1 rin►ply couldn't do it." (b) The man: "She was awfully charttiing as a driver in the Women's l.cgic'n, but when I- raw her in one BOLSIIEVIKI ROUTED. Important Victory Haas Been Won on- , the Volga. LONDON, Aug. 4.—Gen. -Denekine the Russian commander, has gained an important victory over the Bol- sheviki and captured the town of Kamashin, on the Volga. Five -thou- sand Bolsheviki, nine guns and large quantities of , material were also taken. In making this announcement, the War Office sass that possession of Kamashif gives Gen. Denekine a firm- er hold on the river and his main ob- jective in the advande on Saratov, threatening the Bolshevik communi- cations with Astrakhan. Kamishln was entered by the anti-Bqlshevik troops on !July 30, and the fleeing enemy was pursued 12 miles beyond the town. Speaking at a meeting of - the members of the House of Commons, at which Gen. Briggs, chief of the British Military Mission ,with Gen. Denekine. gave details of ,that gen- eral's achievements. with -Brit-in help. Col. • Winston Churchill, Secre- tary for War, said Gen. Denekine had the nuclei's of a good army. They might advance or they might be driven -back, but they would continue to, fight while they lived. Co!. Churchill reminded the meeting that Denekine and t(olchak had from the first declared war on the Germans, and had' never swerved from the path of freedom and honor, which Britain itself had 'been treading since t e war egan. It was most pathetic that in peace celebrations ate Mia- mians could not take any part. Bri- tain's policy, Col. Churchill declared, ,was, after all, most. moderate. It was to endeavor to ive a measure of support to Denekine which did not involver the sending of troop's. l'ros:terotts Flsherie". ruts• nevi ---1ver $ti00,000 in talus of sea fish taken dur- 1 lie tnJnth of May this year, as .;t.rrd with the sante invnih a 7o, is -shown by the nionthly eta nt on. sea fishing results, is - ,1 from • the Naval Department. r notal valve of sea fish at the • Ai el landing of both the Atlantic .t1 tlee I'acifie toasts during May :'al* was $3.0i?5,050, while in 1913, it was 112,229,877, • Austrian. Cabinet Resigns. VIENNA, Aug. .4.—The Austrian Cabinet, headed by Dr. Karl Renner, has decided to resign. Austrian Governmental affairs have recently' been in a rather un- settled state. The peace terms pre- sented by the allied and associated powers to the Austrians at St. Ger- main-en-Layo have been stoutly pro- tested against in official circles in Vienna, the financial provisions be- ing considered as particularly oner- ous and predictions being made that, Austria was likely to be driven into bankruptcy. Last week Dr. Ottb Bauer, the Foreign Minister. resign- ed his.post, largely, it was said, be- cause of dissatisfaction at his failure to obtain important advantages for Austria in the negotiations leading up to tho formulation of the peace treaty. Chancellor Renner, however, filled the gap caused by Dr. Bauett's resignation by hiking over the duties of the Foreign Office himself in addi- tion to those of the Chancellorship. $1,000,000 Damage In Detroit Fire. .DETROIT, "Aug. 4.—The A. Wads - Worth Manufacturing Co.'s plant, covering an area of three blocks, and adjoining Workmen'sHoteT, and the large yards of the Sibley Liinlber Co. were destroyed by fire Friday night. Police placed the loss at nearly •$1; OOt ,000. me ifan a- -Stead to -tire Max7ve11-Chalmers and Anderson Drop Forge plants and caused con- siderable damage ot, these factoriers, before they were brought under cow- ' rot. 1 : Will Not. Atlr>vit Peeresses. LORD: - N, Aug. 4.---1'he Hous Of Lords has decided to delay giving the right to peeresses to 'tl, in the H:IUM of Lords finds the r eco st itutiOn 01 %he House Is settled. • The Busy Hardware House Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery Make ' Out -Door Work a Pleasure ASUCCESSFUL garden needs proper cdd- vation, end to work your garden without wasting too much time. you must have efficient Gardening Tools. Let us show you the new styles of Cultivator Mee, Weeders,- . `Forkes. Shovels aid other devices whkh auks gardening a real pleasure to amu. as well as snaring the -utmost returas. You May Need a. Good Garden Rake le the house, We have them at 40, 50, 60c and $ 1 each. Hoes and Cultivators from 40c up. Also Shovels,Spades, and Garden "Tools. A Good Garden Wheelbarrow at $5.00. We will also put your old wheel on a new top at $3.50. Lleveland Coil Spring Wire and'Woven Fence Hog or Sheep•Fence, 8 wires 32 inches high, only 42c rod Farre Field Fence, 8 wins, 48 inches i>igh,- };flake, spec'ally priced. at Mc rod These pri=es are very. very close- and- are. for cash -only Wean only ..fuinish..s.litlt- ited .quantity at the- t prices.'. so -do' not put uCi until it 15 too late. Also a stock of al sizes in Poultry Fences ar.d Netting. We sell Cleveland will save u as the modern Garden Tooldesia the Garden. Prior Stale for either round or triangle shape. A Fresh Supply of Lime, We also sell Beaver Board for Walls and Ceilings Martin-Senour Paints allydVatiishes 'cycles and Supplies We will buy your old bicycle or• take..itin on a new wheel and allow you every dollar it is worth. , Plaster & Cement McLEOD & JOYNT The Store Where Your Money.Goes Farthest it FJUTerI1i -- rorn Sept. nd WINGHAM, ONT. The.,schoolwith competent instructors—the, school which gives thorough course., and assists graduates to positions. Write now for free catalogue. 1. A. McLachlin, Pres. . Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal. The Western Fair London, Ontario, , September �'to i3th, 1919 This is the Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario Exhibits the - ii.y -. Two Speed Events Daily Attractions Better Than Ever-- - Johnny Bones Midway Exposition PLENTY OF MUSIC PURE FOOD SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts. Usual Entrance at the rates. Grand Stand Sk. and 25c. Prize Lists and Entry Forma and al informatioo from the Secretary. LT. -COL. W. M. IikRTStiORt. President. A. M. HUNT. Secr.tary. !come 'Definitions. A «cll-kiiowa► educationalist. made a list of thirty-fo'.ir non-technical t'drds` Jerked--fr•t'tfl --tt a Greek or Latin, and induc- el the teac•heatrs in his hont.e hign school_ to try their fourth-year pupils on the defining of Ouse words. - Her•'! is his announce- ment of the result: Those who have studied the ditiTsieti defined T h t' a rrds very well. T'te students of English pure and un - di tiled, who exvelleei t ven Shake- speare in that they knew no ],Klin and no Greek at .i11, pt•tsented papers re extraordinary -as t,► -.be• beyond tee-,,, lief without the documentary proof. The first one presented• written by a boy who had st utsr.'d English ,ele•veh years in school, contained the follow- ing amazing definitien5: , "Pomp --a dancing slipper- "(:enealogical-•-- gentle, kind. • "Chronic --a record Phosphorescent — gaseous, bub- 1.ling. 1 • Stamina --an excuse. '•t'ynical--circular. -Hypocrite- - one who talks relig- ion conttnually. "Hieroglyphic—,a hereditary gift. "' "Eugenics --a study of etiquette. '•Syco haat— .me eyed. •S� ntposiunt---syrapathc in verse. -Phenomena—reasons for not do - what should have been done. • PIiera rchy--hereditary rule. "Parable---eapebte of being peeled. "Polynesia—an island in the Io- 4ian r,cean, near Jaya." • Mali Made Mc1I Head. An overseas paeit•s speaking oft lx,okr for soldier.: says: "Men are now reading who never read •,before - in thtir 'lives.!"' rhat is quite true. Other's are reading books they never considered before and May never con- sider again. The• supply of titles lit.._. the C. E. F'.' libraries has doubtless grown in the last turn years. hut.rin the early attionths M t he=ir oreani•aa-- tion the selection w•at not large. • Another writer y:s: "I f•entrntoct' finding in one company library its th,• s llitle town of Ablatio\ isle: .'The gam fly . Life of_ einrlen Heine.' 'Four- teen Weeks In Astronomy.' 'Recoi- lections • and 1. Letters of Ronan.' \'Education and the higher Life.' 'Bible Stories for the, Yount:,'' and 'Henry the Eighth and His Six Wives.' The last *as easily the mo -i 1►f pular hook in the , rc•lleetinn, but the soldiers complained pretty 'gcet:- erally that it diel not come up ,O expectations; "While I was looking' over the -i shelf the champion 1•ea\yweig.hi box- er in H ,Company carne in to retur► it spali rid votunio.._ITC; flirt -lours.. a self-conscious air and I asked hu t whether he liked the hook. '"Well, yes ants no.' he sail. j•i(ii- t i"ally " 'What -is it "' 1 pers:sted . as T,• continued fro keep 'thee hook tightly locked under one arty. . , " 'It's .called •'When Patty Went to College,' ' h4 linage red defSantly.'4