The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-26, Page 2Y�.:„ .1 . ­ - --- a' * . . . 114 Pl ...... 1­�­ . ,­",�_ I . - • . . 1�I .kris • . . , 1- I ._ . .--- - _ • _ _. -_ • � w � - . - I - .Usedoil in 1�itMons ___ _,__-- --_ _ __ _._ _ - _ _ _ _ . 00 • ACO pR 1� - ---_ _________ __ . "I ,_ 62 Tea-pots - _— = _ - _ E,D TEAT. - ► - >, ., , ` ,. -/ , .10�_jDaii gacy on W' ��1 Wur, Renown by Stopping a German i c 1C _ '. Raid Single-handed.TI ''M RE ,� ---� OIts It>►trinsic T. 'SiLdi T FA* F goodness in Ten i. . By 1)ototh - °� a Gerillan raiding party All grades. Write for prices. i AN�jE '= Quality � makes i t %Y Donnell Calhouil, did not• denlaud the. hard I T _ e most 11 _ the war, but it called for fighting dr O< ONTO 8ALT W0Q*S �. F'Cono�eal i n Use - . 6577 p and f quick acts n G. J. CLIFF T 1 ,.in the experience of one colored ORON'i'O WHEN TOMMY SETS O TON THE CHAFTER �L soldier, a struggle against tremendotta 1. Juliet Flemin the cl„ar skin to the' soft line of her odds: W e �' � � g labor•iousl hair. " hen Ser t.`� � FINAL HOI!fE TRI the heav Y tilted i , That s how it,,, be • with me g Johnston of the i ' r Y china platter and emptied if I marry John Mas3ey. No pleasure 369thi - the remain$ of the boiled U.S.U9Infantry, who wears the dinner into I ing, no • • French war cross, landed in �1ew .� of the blue+ bowl, measuring the amount i "What iswttefairt Julie fair, I say!" York i A Hr, �„ �_! he told the following story to a report- PAY L:ttle* GO S �ketch of a Daily In. t --_ with an Appraisin eye. I Pa Fle' (�.rr, be Preserved at a cost of i "A few more g Y ing stood in the doorway, a patient, er.of. the pivening World: cident "Over Tfiere puri potatoes and a carrot,'slightly stooping figure with thin You sea, it was, this way,' or two'lI stretch it over to -morrow " gray hair and, -humor -lines r0, 2C r Q nor $an. •�I was on pemob'lization. �� .,- � she decided. `' , . i. ., and -his - i „ I 11 make duTplinSs to eyes. You ori the warpath again , Post witL i\eedham ' with rlemtnq �sS rreser�er i , '. p1e.e out. �,► Roberts. Along 'bout two o'clock 11 — Julie whirled about and faced him psirn lie to use; a c n.ld coir ay- En route " -� - - -- _ It was hot in the tin with' a fierce said to myself 'I hear, once snIppin a I3, #t. Just rub it on• Clul L p- 11an1'selh, f _ -i�"— Y kitchen. The gesture that drew the of them wires out there,' and I callec, I nine me I the tram - conductress, -------= listless ,September breeze Istraying whole hot, littered kitchen into th ; of teed tohkhe ae a gs frest, for t , longer. ave he' t;hrill, familiar call, blew her ' - " through the mornin words. • e •Roberts,bertsbut while he was a -co in' I ` g glory vines at •"Everything!a goo "X VLU dq 30 dozen oogs Whistle, a'::�_,ed uii srnail boys w:ho ; _ the window, struggled half-hearted] ' i r''ea�hed down and slid the lid open a Get it fro -in your dealer or stud h rt M Dish -washing and ; k g roz1 to tho o ,er :ii �. , "L et red he steamy dinner odors and ; Ma sailing and the eco s turns I box of hand grenades. He'di sec ccrc . I 1 i r troller,,, -gat-", _...-�_.._n_°__ ' . _.�. I _. -discomfiteed., . }eavin - i Poon! - - A sobranthio' gh fh A P 9A Preserver t l I" e wods. }` so I - ut Tent -in a row up in t tof and turns g cAbbage "It isn't fair for pile: ea Ftemtng E r ery r Co. �. b a nri•g -a c,11g_ t id _foot bu•t rel fol• tares , 168 drsig et: W. Montreal , {'r' `t";: _'.. `tic iuduirc•d, nuticfng'` th p triump}lant, ; duIie's co } you to slave from ! P >. • I _ _ pery hair _Iay about her- P' i morning to night " ' kit , $ ; - moist rings, forehead in di,�, without g nor for Gran ma to ( "They 1:ept on sitippin' my ging to Toronto, tior, an eto. with .. dI1 wires, .. f.•i,trltc�.t rant out?le of 1+1,:1ki u1eII, us �sticr `. With one of i fol? Rcine _ - . grenade. Then I A Ready Exptaine,r. `n' le 170,1, theiiltilir the curtious freaks of fun!" a to have an grabbed .my rifle sa Ri 1 ltaper tikket from her ' Y mj rile .:ever file .,.•-• ' �� - .- rrlemory, that beton , Y nd let go with thir- - "Tomm - ' ex e g to `' everyone a ( "What's come . 'i tY-dt>te clips of bullets. Some Y. Your' head i wet. Yc,u've `wu1• . Augletcrre; anci no rL. f� p rience, . it seemed to her a �„ oar you, German -Been in bw ntntiri' tills i +" I file latter to the sink, she i gi 1; against ni orders.- True. re , it urn .,ti. .� s - J etq=fcome flYin' .back and Iu ells .. . -.- rl 0,k ire bull �, rte, ptissijng over 'r keeping_Ants Fr + she had nk, that .wonderingly -lo 'you ac r°Ssa n to Roberts,,. 'f Y dors t,cl ,cr • her I was just st:indi r' uxr -the is .eapglerg. > act a I -haven't, --got a aoR 4 pa li", _ Per orin,M hiBetter come on u bank watchin' r � _.the.--.1>;##o�te. , ' .� -�s not wise to .take it for and Imes. ` Ev - thous- tvtrch of the M ` ` NearI .here! 'Ever P the .other b.0,s, vv +,t,pr,i,, ..a ked Y every' one• i than granted _ er slues^she had ` sun, have you.%, a Y Ilutclnnarr �n 4he'' ui>r rte _v�- s familiar with ail count life in C I a blue-grngllame stood I you d better o Maybe is out h r woods that -little TbAl loin' . , ....he .O ' S n, his lsa IchrtP. r'Y Canada makes d mite, on fi l: upstairs an. lie down here, and I111 gout out and tale buster' an'. , P s kui slid a belly ui, oui," said :11ani'seile,. Putting A:: � ants and knows. somethin of their.' a child ha in order to reach the dish a .bap box � a spell. dot hill:' sl lashed rue." he iiiouey #n -_her szstch babies, atr'ticture g t b PPY and healthy. It must been washing, Pan, she had He look - viitg, etc... 1 that pIatter,__ - -• ed unseeing]. ..Robert tr ._ -_ _- �.-=1 - They va 'mode of li i in emitted that too much farm labor - She has t blrndln efts y . to Cha t rushed uP, but he we •'Th ° god 1. ..w'eSt O fin, why wasn't your hat wet?" I bye, ii'est ce pas? rY In size from the tin red ) >s sudden vision of he�se.f g soon as if listening to nigh p , r es shockin went' I had it in n1y hand, a tannin' They. nodded, and lilartt'selle, who ant that i • Y g.y with the child's; hatred and wrinkled still wash ngitet ;spoken inOf t down shot in the hip and throw h m self." so frequently found in schooling, overtaxes his strength, and tiff long -forgotten words : g Y has learnt to'adaPt Herself to .a _ his arm. I was' such tossin' out demi 'Urnph! I gaess .I'll have t m thin g, "and_. . t e kitchen and g't , , Y Years from no the hot revolt of hand ' Pa", about one --I "ilnPatrs his future usefulness. Julie's truant glance wa the boy who had been himself. by . grenades bo y aix�q�nth of an inch in length, to the i'idered " large, black _. ...fu'_ the: ie's tier self. - - _ 1 rtlt; a- -- 0,u o `i�'a` p�2 , s tt e a them - mtg •,; cl, carpenter -ant that lives . L,g'_lie $ ` ",ought same its "'Get is arm, got in my way. } > Se ,You, son.- und�r5tandinglY* as`�she went on to E t in decayed Again—The Fl fronted b . Ptember landscape, yo_daughter,,, he sand .. on down in 0,u r• "-- .r• Pares_.. .. • Y• Y the window. :: , _ - slowly. Its Y ah hole. :.. . Y stumps or old timbers. ~"'^' ° e 'With Germany disposed of, our ..I,m sick of letters. she Just the 'yc,angness breakin 0,U yells to him. 'Pass me them ren Down .the straight •familiar Route- i They occur in all thoughts can again turn aloud. �' said that's all, .Coats always wlnk ®th t i g parts of tiles world That s a g odes ° ' from the dr to 'the at- I any of us ' and it swag from plait feet. And de Caen' tf,ey rode, quietly taking their P r0, i Y and acid deserts home this farm—' get on tan take he hit. I _e,tween eY r Pass 'em - , dam p'cal fore a to the a problem of dis ass )ust platters! Stu .td an their teeth J. quick+' Then .I grabbed � try 1 ;.. Iris( look a',t `the drab.litLle subtir > P Rg 0,t that cheap, everlasting 1 !" h P. d run .awa, a ed nrah . ,"' \-9 :•ri•sr.1119 <on st., and from the f ver -present me.nr.ce—the i� Patters. Y 'boli they get •br � `gtin and `w zs � septi rti fi • g bb torrid zone, . to • t}le a 8 From t to harnes oken ; e xrext r0, s after P t rt, to ern _when S 24 t ', - acspelL You , i the •thin °s . ,pon- 1 ' lite �timeG thea' h•zd ��wit�utEed t,e cirgle: �. • The swaiter—to he sure;,:no_.h©use o€ Aia's voice, Qm aarrrewthe,dr�one ;seen Rome hayeit t $ tuck. So, Ah jes' r Tl'e' �'�tisen,ife ,� Y around anywhere t to c ai 1. that liong road np after missing is home zv �thcut., a •fl set ,the Torre , of the dinner? s>tgce up and started after 'em with mah ped 9�O�DRo�``e - the last yarn. goes to the,.,pantry;l y ^swatter rand a�tGr as she retailed her symptoms "T Baer Bareheaded' ' . e'summer's day, to ! baby and where there s a baby there a-swingin' if hard and heavy. I/ . girls slid' vvonien were get some cake an ma Brad.e he Haslaw boys. caln.e by and 'he Ah cracked a, rew it Y• S°on as busy at their morns _ snd finds. that the frosting is covered fought to be I ago ma had Y•` One •day. long went off with them. Jul' _ ng •Purchases with tin two swatters, bne for Put her broom method- luetantl 1e spoke re- I "Alt didn't stop to bas ted up, foo, ing frtlm the stalls enc 'buy -_ Y red ants. Further in'�'estiga- -u her and the. other for ''mother ( icall in the cellar-wa Y Sixteen -year-old . to, , Y Y, hon u . k jj apron; sat d S F her (the names Rbmee tions er sac no int roduc. EE3 � TNS atc►ng reveals them in the butter, :sugar.] use. use myself, b j own in the splint chair Ma's ° of her children had been' in - but fes' sailers 1 shops,ulking Funning $Il' over ever Poison '' --an ,fin the window and comm one, flash , of poetry!), a Srabbin out mah h epee ,ed t _. - with t strip bag;, through' stile 1 the ion fla patently. Sometiirie' Ything ap- I should y and all kinds, but - rt �•ock. - commenced 'to' sore s Y) was a � � French bolo, s rt i be k i In fiv Po . i when' 1.. Fr g t blacks s the larger:. out � kept high enough Lo be � carpet had. v► a Years since then the ' Flemings F. the: -hearts . of all the mah gun• went bad, One yelled } ; �N such .loaves, the inevitable lettuce pedes which carried .itslove of the reach ,of children a ers orli thin .under the rock - Ito b •{ °- Romey was inclined in e wild " English, Oh, that black brute liar � �.. _ .. :for: sweet thins . n o -- V nd and' Ma was still creaking back I testi a truant from school I got me! flush him-' Rush r, domestic animals. g to the sugar bowl.] If insect I restless and hes f wine . : a d b the o w 4 -, - Saw sm I powder a.nd .forth en o rn .r dstron •• .Yes , him. . -_. Along, the Old 'Fto:ad. . to get rid of them ? It .is; ± aboused be careful not to sea+ ] Y g'' Poor health she had been laa n w' _ told the. nes hbors, ci ar g 1th a gen of lY he You all rush me and Ah'll Here and there beneath the btiddin _ ._. of course, useless to f t ut the roetn and then closse�the. g fi g• Late g efts .m6krn g other sure try and +� git You. I sez to myself•C branglresI a returned Aoilu walked " one at a time like "swattin� kin them ; doors, forgetting Dickie the caner - I `That new medicine don't seem to Cross -Roads g Youngsters at the I saw one guy that looked like acrd=inearn g the fly, g i het spas' hold anbetter n the last dirty tavern. a loot- , with a fiir�, ��•hilP a few The first' rte !Birds are ver y• Y ' ,' groc ry- and O'Reiley's I.h'at and I made for him . Boss: A , ' p is to take everythin Y susceptible , to an I saying now in the, fretful Th , , 1 h I cyclists wande>"ed in erratic g' thin Y-� to opt of the infested place clean every- i g than shuts off their su 1 o f ne that had anxi�uh lines in Pa's fa was a-gaoin stflon.g h made thing, � burnin PAX - __ affil sus fashion grown habitual, I've mean Rome p some. But then some Ger- .: snya here they. 'listed °it the broad • g P$ln'rs, and ,throq►� pure err., got the. sinking feeling - face that em ste away o the label he ei4t across to etnhe • sitting a sigh I ma • Y r clean out an infer Tanglefoot— speaks of but it don't mention the;'doorPORK 1 v ted foods plenty n got me down on mah knees, when ittIe cafes the kind that co Y tt. Isar g flutterin I and looked in. g room he done who ,avement Farxiliar 1 Y foods that erre likely to attract g get .after meals nor. my Well Mal nged me wtli the butt of partially screened from v,are• Passed, • this insect like .cake, bread, sugar mer 'in rolls from -the shooting his• gun- Whew! it s.uah h passing gaze ' Ir jet and if sister runs a a I the _circularnthaDcctor Ilcs�e says in Prett Y ��how you feeling? I meat and 1; t�tgt it Y .spry, eh,, ort, but Ah similar substances, should $r`' carries the ball off' attache I bottle, the °Mer - round' the' able uestio It was his inevit- fes' kept on a-grabbin' one and toy and dust bye Li•int,. little privet hedges i sin' d to t there s rare cases the " I guess see and he added inevitably, ght over my shoulder, l - . growing irf 1011$, st,allciw bcixes on the be placed. in ant- roof her Carries neva h im ri ° P metal contain- , r mind. t Specific and the Remed don L. need me; ..: AlI guess that row ers or set over a waging a 0,u, are . Y 't tout-lt. ! I'll hitch up and dr vdon . dist of water in great war, and ;vtto can f . `d°lyes such folks to 'consult him vi a down to the a half a' h musts lasted pavenieitt which the ants will drown int in r "La I3rrlere! La BarxiereS cried, 4 stop to think of trifles. The sltten iia a oui• before the Mani'selle, on reacbin to get. at the food, The source of the , to he r I Personally at his `professional labor-' H and get the mash, } Y, got relief, R 'the iron gates may- wrap herself 'in it stories in Toronto,' " exchanged his limp straw hat up and so w s me. Ah wa colony - should bx locat and father may terror, . a limp s pretty well mussed) that spare the road where sits the gen- Quotation marlrs were a for felt one and h' ch I Roberts. But the kun- IBEA.NS astute who crutilrizes under the floor o i if.....,it be y si't on the sheet. you+ Ma's voice. Julie's : apparent in. the coat that hung behin thy_ into net teok good care of us and kept ]es; 0,c pass.utg 'vehic- F n the wall the have laid, for just a moment; in his th yes traveled to On the vt�ay out e door. ! PL nIe carious tYdemandinry t l:btral use of carbon bisulphide will favorite chair, but it catches lilies as I labells-shelf over the sink, h with the regiment, and Ah knowed All �" the owner's papers- „ o .view sot n kill theof Ho e s Re Fr°m the great hand on Paused tb lay a had tried bard to be P queen anc.`attendant well, and that is they real issue. Specific, the.bl' wTu e's shoulder in a' a, good soldier, so ��D �S "You off?" cried a vole ante. Formaldeh de. p�r1ay e•nd Hobe s shy, abashed caress, Afi was happy" e_ frons a us An aid wood -box inay be the ' and countenance of the; Dont 0,u ,, ink lorry Lo 't pass. .eat of the trouble or its nest may be Y _that is p Doctor looked down suavel Y fret, hone ht two sciidiers in . the' best of all. •I perha $ y smiling,' s mise heralded Pa's fa orite slow momentarily. statfonary tr�:im. in the ' n ,an old saucer put a adorned with a beard that inspired ybe' I'll brie "Yes. Thou 'h - ground near the back porch, mixture composed .of confidence at the first g back Joke. ? Carlg E you :In using the carbon bisuI h' formaldehyde e• - •ten parts , of It r„ r°gt_glance. Seems as the Legacy. _ S sent last vveek!�• �' _ „++ =_ taker -; .h_mgltt. ..I Toronto. �'-- , --. �f�it west, �, _ _ _ - I� _ -��.�- - -err ma .Bra ey s were hearing from it!" . n that -'--no light or fir ran two 3ut y w wl . . Parts of sugar in the i m sewed voice dwelt lovingly o the ! J e we is near, as it is 'ver a Centre of the dish uta otic laughed t ib ug =oil ono t t it OUEENPSy inflammable, agic word. "I g dutiful] �- Th 'starting of the tram drowned If ants like' the sw11 eet things in the and .set where it will not bel sP�ge I b� "some day I'd 'get to ga to To onto. Legacy t Y but her the ''30, long!" may -;`'heart was not i'n the sound. The . n g• that was shouted, but11 cupboards one of the best remedies d1 - The flies drink the mixture( and titer I was a g Y hat Uncle Hen IIN�BRS�TY failed to drown an dr = is to mix one part ofson-• - almost immedia girl I s Ma b$r one- brother o Gran' 'fie the miser'' everyone shrill declared with ,emetic i _he that was •$radley, was go_1 _ _.__ ..__ twenty immediately. With this' —R'ent t' theExhibition ing to leave th Flemin s so a d� f tin which Y parts .tarta.r xtracted as with all other -and. br none was a leave g C1'iINGSTON On file Russian situation• their views honey. S P6isons be ' ' me back s careful to wee - -'' 'tion of such long '' ' o�rAxro Yrup .ma O,te stout . 1RdY a Y ---be used- in the. _ _.. stann that sse� absence of the hone P wet} But °f ff reach got tt laid awa. -- of domestic• animalsT in ui chest_ g it Partook of , g Y• Ptit this in srriali saucers- children an__d the attic somervere. t�pi in .hie of legend the . nae ° _-()fI _ • ,,, the m riling h 11 . ' er Suety she knew ARTS r"y. Va Part of the Arta co ,rye braybe covcrcd by I 0 theQTomli,yea ting. tlh ,J otirnA -$lace _ -People.. ite -t}le-fi-- at L utile Henry lived ;i 1 , , rre6 ad Y Yo are ma radley was sevent the Nova Scotia i Red her shoulders dr' c r• shrug. ants wr'l have access to it, but .where after. �1 y� �1 itt.e i i� Qace. , , nP'�ed had. never been farther awa • / town, that h(� was in- I. MEDICi1 g her hands it is inaccessible to the children or y. fr m credibly: old, ver '�y DUCATION hopeless];, rattled oft her n household home than 'the red-letter tri Y stinr�zlnsiderable." and A1'a�Ult , pets. If the ants. Love's Labor. • County Fair, on her wedri'. to t .e But d to be "wortsloe - }md • _ �i;ning,' m al E f```'en it;ed her brows,• a.t ]himnter- _ areI �D SCl- ,". li'reaae eaters -use,= •• _ �_ • - era,teto..-t}tj - �.: ` av a little ru ;down f° 'c , rvit, gatively. t+e�c► r reduced her Mectranical and Electrical t- hone`tease- in"stead o e I done to -day, no Flet ti' thoughts of bim __ _ y in the sarrle p e out-of-the-way co er of O tori to ollars and cents.' En,' above. Pro ortions as me think, She. turned back to the dishpan and SUMS fi! SCH he ha�i sante, a bride - Acre s e ha un�v.iili±;gly� lifted the rneeri�g -� i haven't read the book I should "Oui, ouiA Pn,ad'am Gift, lne a ' If ants are troubles 'borne her sons d daughters, rears the coolrn sat Platter frons ! lu��uri�t e;:{us • IIAV"SATION "^;1�pt quicJily., xeizin his greed or in the °pie in lawns have read; them and, btirre t water. Dccemtx� toAPra- W, CLARKu.,+r,.,,,, fi s kit as the tra;n \ garden, where the most of t em is th "You're an—vgjy�old- r„ i 26 GEO. Y: CriOWN, Rei;istrar. "- 0 --man "�: crossed the bridge' of"the in with . building their nests, they can be I Norrsp nd theatoul on Mrg, i'Brink• fin plot under the bi e m Thing° j MR.' Here she had watche her youth aheiahpoteropoluized it- savagely.. its waters -dancing in the sunlight, its killed sten more rapid]the Y th restorir�g hour` slip' into �cvidowed old a g Y• multitude of ships and ba hourQe, Drench the nests with boiling Nor ma begs• out the g and here I've Y and despise you a -- Mam'selle had h e�9' �. water or got the r– . she_ Was sitting, jn her corner, piecing' was to aro greatest mind that e r �` o Pour into thein .cheek; a in my h'er ,endless quilts and watin . __ I_ P you into the sink and ___ a small wrinkl h me -going ones quantity of ' k,erosene' or coal oil. An tientlq , dis $ pa-. b -break every one of your bones•" 4 '•�:•r� r eye upon the two I didn't bake, the .fruit -cake, but ( as tit y red- to a'N. e - preua other method is to i How it ha %` �- =.y ., The blue and green and happened she was not cer- +r _�_� of 'carbon into 1110 -nests; bisulphide may -be _ gold colors ta' .., !, - � "gid, - 0,u ne come•back„ � - �. _ nest_ . �, a September clay btu rimed `-sstz:eak- i here I{ ;w=atatrrerlt she foam ------ - -_- , ,�, - - - - • ' i-lre gii�fi i y ght as well—I g y son ran m sly in the tears that filmed .the. girl's splintered xaing' staring ' . a al in a bre s leis 1 o n _ _-_-___aF, a chemical dependin nthsmilingly �. . to sleep, g down a the Proud of her English• size of the nests:' g upon the eyes. Close cuddled and content - u i ".It isn't fair!" ;she ..mu "ash o of the stoneware has been �n, r .this fluid my rmur Platter, �f', ' r • , . the crash of it�__paisatnpF _ - "f ,. Ye+, t -poured - . ed re- echoing stn Aer ears: -_ _ 0 __ _ _ - yi. _� S oovd-b �.._._ _. he nest should be closed Eritrattce i0, knee. Y bei i'buslY. A wave of red ran under - I ev said. together 1 illillilli Y a blank- ___ - et or inverf�ed -_—__ ___ (To be continued.) 1 sneer*",added• one of them, quietly slipping some' chocolate into Pan placed over .it in what have I do e - - - -- _ _ o i� her hand. order to retain the chemical. the Guild to day?_I missed Don"t• �ook For Flaws. _ - "iiterci, merci!" said The pious nature believes that the greater 1 - fumes of thh bisulphide will Don't look for fleas as 66 .a /�' \ - `f _ -•`Good-bre:" hlam'srtle. Pentrate Ani quite forgot rrry shoppi c you go th O' number f revolutions of hi prayer- i y t slowly, through the / to- town; life, wheel the better wiH his f She �stbod} on tke. footboar channels and kill ;the anis trate [Mi music rack with treasure And even when Prayers be %% - the m t. ty lest. d' °11e of ' filled; amply you find them answered, and he either turns it by --.� P Y It is wise and kind to be somewhat hand, or lets the wind or water turn -I , clasping h figures in I•'runce: I left the cover of iyl blind it., g scarlet pack( .of chow- .. . . Child Laborers. ' Y organ down. , _ --- late, with so thiiig wts fu1 in her, I didn t sew the new flower on And book for the virtue behind them, The wa ereourse: of India are no + min sharp -featured littlb rare as Does the prof so mY For the cloudiest night has a i R harness watched the departing she tendarlce law compulsory school at_ fiat, fi nt of b=in r the pttrpo� Protect But. son. and'I _; light• ___.. _ , . P e� f0, pp beau work children - from pla W - odueinR lectricity, and' but for tJte � nR c°onl,le. The driver called impatiently, the floor, Y marbles on _ fields? and long hours in the � • Some, in its shadow, hiding, thoughtful care of the Government There are ingested gnd And there - It is better f r a� "1:11 coots' Fn route!' shriiicd _.y.__ _-- _ _ wars -virtue t9 htrnt for aster -- _._ _the Hotly . Pe,Iite•Iieceveuse. ►r0, . _ ' ° I Vigorous school officers who do their quite 19 Much 'Than the spots on the sun abiding, would be deli>Rrged °}' one Tper whistle. i nn,tly blowing best to en in t15'a! means of turning his , ' force the law; but Perchance than .thou Prayer-whee., ° . best the even a ugh 1- The current of -_ cspeciAllY in the hot yyeather. — - ad- - ttfE'fllns evhr • way f perrbd of attendance re uir- _complished more. ~� 1 y Y The G.over'n:,tent, to overcome this WOMEN `�ggRGEE . ed is meagre. q To the bosom of God'g great ocean, difficulty, There is always a What have I done to-day?—now Don't set Y, and safeguard the religious a + ' 1°�A>a -through. which children may me see Your face 'Rainst the river's; customs and traditions of the One of the Many Wartit" be piped to work. ,Y • now let course, nativeQ, rj I'� put the alt. _- % And think -T6 altar lf� motion: compels the electric companies to i ngs a Tasks of .... __ ____ _____ If -Canada is to he a � ltlyl/ Styles Engfishwc men,. / country of Paltry things .rum out; Dont waste a �1 on the equip the wheels with motors an to ' healthy and intelligent ent my soul, d ; - Amo4g_ tho john w•onien err; retin- K people, both , universe, supply the necessary' current to turn (9ulshlrg with sighs parents and children r I ve mothered Laddie and he's I Iter°ember it lived b0fore them clurin�- the dry season. T i of regret 'fs that must rea'.ize with me You, f Count ; of l►.7rgre, say.,; an 1•.nglish clew that school is better than work for pissed' Don't butt at the stprmtwith o s is ' children ufitil the And we ve b • I form,' Y `puny to he c!ong/(fre� of ►all charge o the ✓ o j� I,<'rst sumrnt�r. n R I►er• Y are s'xteen. It is sen happy; making But bend a fives. ,rtrty ,t �ir1 Lar^ nd le� it fly o er your to he Been r,il o,lr •>en was quite true that "the more. you learn that; my gosh } cttii i (%)11:11 bar# a :; . the more You'll earn.'' _ I'` a learned why God, creatin The world R'lll never adjttist itself Of the tar g hire 7 —_~ `T Shoes ena6]e , I Pering black h:rr�,•ea c,'vrr the :it1:0-n ile �, Itiust'Aj: think man kind Up To You! women find girls o I.c°titres lx�tK•, ori Itay,�:; and. i,ivE'r m as - Tb suit your wham to tris etter, to wear the same �/ a farms ! (3111• thrr very lgc•l;y �,,,c,s `�,il 1x'0,1. An ideal place, and no one can Made. 1lothers i<o .be Sorne things must ! I 's a gloomy day, a t�,tnby da_v firnwt sum171 1 be tion the wholesomeness. of mu;`Iues- guarded safe go wrong your I er footwear as ihfi t carne do' h in T from harms, _ vt•hole life long, blue and dismal rainy day, farm life, But o t>Rejn-a hah cls ers a e ea f u • t r w ring A sad, fo>`lorn an tearful day, . e this ye.ir •n the cities. �n ., , ago day'y run iy +1hrn1t 30 _ -e lisve_Tearr.eri that+ I"s active, eager mind, And the sof,ner you know it the pities. Tho To Fold -a little lad in love better - - full 3u0 tnllc: trip Iti thus • ar>Tl�• 1t you would m ke it so, �r'T ' accri�s}rpti;heel in tin days. ciurin ► A lonesome day. CENTUPY. It is folly tf,, figh with the utfinite, I . sighing .lay,; hoes Ere resi OLD JEW'S - ' Ul. comfortmile, and carefully t,�,� t , - _ And -go tf►last • last In the wretln• .1 cfieerlegs and a c in whole of whrin tune the, �+ the. . , ecer.•e ry R day, madiC {df •S.Urc� fj git•I:� iit•e on ` � �-�`v --- good health., they , The wiser inau sli.lres t•nt� f,} A khats the use iii trying da y w'�%af--aid their toW oars, `'r:tc� ring . rtrrd iit"T "itifi fhA r,�ry rena.arliRble tmmiynif j oci's plan, ;y u know• ,• y-- j►OU to have several pf1ee enables ` i bo::t s r,►,,! itt�, t1F,'Irlg ter t "Chcsen Pecpae Enjoy an Average ruin tion, }' tt•om con- As the %.��t�r �h :per into the vessel, f It 5 up to y�, he biii4, r Cholera, and Typhus. Lcnger Life Than Any Other .Raft., , 1.34S.shop the In I __–E p It,, f r C Ce O ,uki ,i - i3lack 111 : 1leeler�ZViicox. ` It's a I;lorious a, a 11a a ° t Pn f one pair of �v'd l�Pth was rag. Bather shoes. - (e 1, _ Selves scene / Ic etc• [horn },ng thrr,righ<n1t England. �- PPY day, / t ,Is :i'vltlr+ fire+l,:rr r, A mar,e,l ,li:.tiraetionG 1,etworn _ --- �__-__ A jo�c,ilq and a buoyant d /// 1 g 4 work' in a the , RAra exempt from the pia the Jea•9 j T }one t.t:�irt5 th►� pits, Jew nd his neighbor is his l:,n>;nvit3,.' Jews are, �`'• i A merry, laughing, snappy day, 1 hr. ^ are also ,; c, hor. ana trntr girls "Th"i; s attributed to they trirt dieter pt rcurcp� f ct to the I I'R.1 r 1N BY P I If you would make it so. S• -nc_3 it tt►3m ;�;le, R'l to _ i Kerb A r R�OXY I {Or n1t_.1 and (,n 0 urs strictly tatbon, . avrso tl, y . �,rdinary hilmeirl5 of Ilf@, but'the. �"'-•, .�- _J� • tLxChosen rage,,' and to ttie• t of •t y Gari . M w0, k a Cl ] , r , f hca,� . (A 1 rtllt:tn day, a sblin day n pay f0, ever Yg or Rotttetlme th^ frc►r,t �. ___-_.__ -�---`�--..- `li'°#t `� `-IrtritA __ ai'e , . y me:Ire r of t�hc famd ..Wli Y a r► or on ` er a }Rcr-7lTe {� flee of g paras A ra►r . a ta4r, sc ftnY da 1� ,Eat•. Rometltrtea roll tfie I '"Nelnt tfieir" rg. ;any :�tiliT face. ;n y, hard work i?i d��to by rr ho . . Iiginus cr�remonial dem in y, Bail, A "�borj f<�r ma>r<i q one ,+ - - "�, r .1n,r►ng the Jewi,;h iirtig;�ia,s Custoitns. ! Y day—•E�,, rAe. t +. _ .Mnemmunity it is t til, 1r, yrnr, you lttiiow. J/ ....--..� ��� . It is . a truly significant f'tct that ; ��� not (uncommon tr, hear Pra.vinR .i,y electric: - .► 7e (horse Jevra• wh,) abstain from eating ,ligionlst w#e of a' CQ.,r - -i►y fife R&• .tc is practiced, _ ' • "to ,pr 1 t en< .�'rT^ts�';i.In:i1a. 7Th r --O �=... _ ' -;�� _ ` _ � i tr he C' a pray_ h � . i day-.o�►� for china is the par are pray, ir.tlly free troin cancer. tory.•' OMl j AA your ,&alcr for �^� 5�,�,a "''eYstickle.. ers, written Cn•long p<<,er ban -1=, are the first ex-I;mpc.rr,r William 11. was D o 'j�, 1,r1 (;reek t • Apparently, i{ the JAars know hriw to I e name is sta,n s nre reach!n —.._,_ wrapp.ed r: ;-,r.d a whcel, an)l esch first king of Prussia who ever ,lost �+o RUBBER I'ed on tacit pair. snit more, Into the; Rout more • to money, they alsoi `0------ � ° t Kirov► i Alk for Mtnard's anti f.A>r„ turn f the, ti� h c el t � a0, other- - .. C'lu ralc:xtt t :., hr -,,ie. . �_ i _ 'Ss+;, hent rattM mere i"h-tel' -€lie — _ • ► t - -- - ri h Levatr - _._ -- _ �� Pyzr. rhe - - w _ ._- o a ' - - trade _ _ -:. ,•ve1 ornent in Greece ;G9 itee;� al2fnzrd's LinLnent in the hoose. will ' be hU�.e, v �- 7r r anada h,1, a • 1 glorious opportunity "l ...► ; l r.re -for •c!;;,oJ,t,irtg, . ' ( I the phA. - i'r.;r1n ("gin' --i sloe bell anaclian CVQ�„ 1. k .1 - . - - NNOb. I I I I . I - -0 I-- % I � D - t 10 J ' • 1 , 1, . . . I i IF . I I /. - ,,,, I , , . 11-1 .+.. ...:r .....-... ..°.. .....:.a...•-.,.r..,An,A..,.. - ___.r.r n � , .0— .... �, _.r V...1.,IYM... r t . r'.A -" .► ,. I I I �l 114..