The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-19, Page 3stsweeressa s ti Frau Erin's green Isle ,NEi;':, IIY,MAIL'FROM IRELAND'S GREEN SHORES.. happenings in the Emerald Isle.. Interest to An True " Irishmen. A cadet in the R.A.F., named Li .day. lost his life when Isis plane cat aoi ent (rata tethl uneIl. . It has .'lean proposed to register Roscommon. Agricultural; llorticul al .and Industrial Society: 'A farm consisting of fourteen -1 acres, near ltatl)nally, vas sold Gently for nearby $750 an were S'h'e-pov. c'rs reguIa-ting, flax and -1. scutching 'have been °'trans'fe'rred fi the_ ilctart3 sit Trade to the Minister ,'limit ions. . In view -of the anticipated short arrangements ere being made for -• 1rreas d su'1 lite of Ifigli-"fat 'cat'tle Great Britain. Dr. J. J. Starkie has. been re-ele :-led I�resicieet of the Dublin branch the `British Empire 'Shakespeare rig-ty. Lieut. John Neville Armstrong, Ir • Guards, 1tct, been 'awarded the .fr,; 'sem , c,n the"Sambre-Oise Canal. • Captain .Myers of the Dublin Fi Brigade urges that the time has cot "'s"s `-tehr' the replacing of 'horse -dr ivri a Taratus by motor'mrachines: L -lent. -Col. Viscount, Goi•t, Grenadi 'Guards, who' has •been awarded t 1'ictoria'"Cross, is the sixth viscoun and was born in 1886.. • Lieut. R. V. Gorle, who has bee awarded the Victoria. Cross, ie:e. gran ''""'"-s. on'of the latesA,rclihiahop W. F. Arch - der, .Glanniire; Co. Cork. :_. The�Governors of Dr. Stevens' Ho pital, Dublin, have decided to •sliorte the hours and .increase the --pay -a th • nurses. 'Pet ate Martin Moffitt, Leinster.R giment .native .of. Sligo, • has 'bee awarded the Victoria Cross. Sergeant, F. L . Sproule, Royal Cana- dian Regituent, killed in action, was. a son of. George Sproule. Eccles St.. Dublin. - Ea<I•.Iead _ Constable Martin Muir! hill, Belfast, has been elevated to th fiagistracy by the Lord Cl, jincellor. The' Coun�'il of • the Royal Dublin • Society las decided that the hors • show.. shall be held August 26th• to 29th inclusive. The death took place at Ferndale - Enniskerry, of Dr.- Neale, son of the • late Dr. Nelle of Mounttni•llick. • Fire. destroyed the large 'flax • and scufc•h mill of Vl'illi�m Collum, near Celraine, doing damage to •the• extent igI•t the tur- rich ic- l tw' age -in. for" et - of 6o- rC t' K re ne p- er he t, 11 d-. s-• n e e- n e' iliet I Tho Weekly Fashion -4 Safety Razor The Shaving Service for Every Man Everywhere "No Stropping -No Honing The NEW - KIT SET No. 20 YAFTER EFFECTS OF INFLUENZA Often as Serious as the Disease Itself—ll ow to Get New •..., 'Health. There are few homes. in Canada that were not touched by the sorrow that trailed in the wake of the Sparkish Influenza epidemic, Estimates of the -loss -of 'life --caused `by this epidemic show that- it was almost as great as s - the, losses caused by the war, and these take no account of the baneful after-effects which are sometimes as fatal as the disease i'tself. Victims of. the disease are general- ly left with inzlraverished blood• and a weaker:ed system, in this condi- tion th y are exposed to - axis --_ A perfect shaving edge is the daily privilege of the Gillette Safety Razor owner. Few men can hone or• Atop, a razor sharp enough to stop it pulliii�g on the fleck and' around the awkward places.. With a Gillette you do not depend uponeyour own skill in, stropping apd honing. The perfection of the edges of Gillette Blades.-iis..-assured by our highly specialized machinery. • • The new Kit Set shown above is most compaEt, (especially convenient when you go- away for a holiday or on business,)and enables you to enjoy the most comfortable shave in a few Iliinutes every morning. Your jeweler, druggist, or hardware dealer can show you a variety of Gillette Sets at $5.00 $5.00 the set IDE iN ' KNOWN THE CANADA •.QQ..-* MARK Easy. „ Youth --I don't want to. take that character. - I'll make a fool of myself: Lady Stage Manager—Well, you•! said you wanted an easy .part. Job Lost. •'Seeing the newly arrived twins, little Bess exclaimed, "Oh, mamma was t ZiLP WAFTED. [V ANTED COUNTRY QIRL FOR General liousel+vork, hIgl+,ebt wawa Mrs. A. J. Mattison. G4 Indian Grove. Toronto. POULTRY WLNTED. W HAT HA V.1!: YiL' FOR SALE. IN Eggs. etc ? Poultry, I. Fancy inrauch & Son. 10-18 St. Jean BapUst'e Market, Mont - seal, Que. SOME BUILDERS! RITE F(0K Ot.Y. I"i.1:f: 1i300K or ! House I'lans,• t.n4 in`orrnsH.,n tell - ng how to sate_ from Two to Four Ifun- dreid.i a:Car . on. -your .new-_HOrne. Ad= dress H 1llday .Company. 23 'Jackson R'•. Hamilton, Ont. litISC,CLLA ODS. here a sale on 'em?" ANCF,R, TeAlt-jItS. LUMPS.. ETC.. Internal. 'and external, .cured with- out pain by our .home .ti,eatment. • Write ,, a e, r.. to Johnny came home from Sunday, school quite thrilled by the' lesson. "It 'e FOB SALE. ideon arid-the."Midnights." ns before too late, L I Ilman. Medical' . , niwood. Ont dang- e many g - was all about the Midnights," he said. ' ers unless precautions. are taken to "The what?" asked • b ''enrich the blood, end, str .�tbez- the, I '!he. Midnigi1gs"'� eed�the b oy,nerves;" The debility that invariably "Teacher told us how Gideon fought , follows influenza is not a disease of the Midnights and knocked the day - any organ:' It is a general condition 1 lights. out of 'eni in no time." of unfitness. It must be. met •by . a.� remedy whose good results will 'be I • • quickly felt throughout the entire T EWsi' t ems.«'I:'EKLY". IN IIF:t.'.'E County. Splendid ``o'p�,portrr,oi.ty,,, tL Gita' Tf_°1+4'ieffe'-e 1•jlihiiing Co.,, .Litnited, 73 .Adelaide St. ZS';; Toronto.-• 1‘17 ELL NEWSPAPERQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500. ZS'I1l go for 61.200 on quick sale. Box 62. Wilson Publishing Co.. I.td„ • Toronto. Nothing of Moment. All Tired Oui. system. In this ; _ �• The 'front doer - itis condition Dr.- Wil. e the Money is circulating very fast," Hams' Pink Pills will be found In r � r-ol�;�aui�y answered. Pre sently she returned alone. k "t'a1titti,l.. 'rhr,.7.-,,-;,--r..r,P t1;'~ n-c�•"f J 1 , ;; .,•, ...,sac it this' - A ci�r� :i,. t;�.'e�.�iricli. t +_:1,..A.-.1 h r he iii(.,od and this ., _ a • • new mother. Simplicity ( red blood carries renewed �• P y is indeed-- the Nrord to new, a ed 1 Oh, it was lust a ltt q , • f . .the-w°c-'Fig• h e,,'W the .unconcern i for eirr hat summer days.Se of Mrs, George ed reply. Pattern , No 8,955, Ladles' r• • Harililton; Ont., proven the Dress. I G ---- describe_ �tis model, which is suit, al,lo. -alth Arid strength to eve?;y�7> rx L escr belwear'' 'r thG hot's: McCall `'11e;' ca: a l Pat Louder, ss. n sa, .., .,a4 to 44 --bust: value_ Of I .:. iliums' Pink' Pills -In P cases of � this kind.. 'bars. Louder a I - oug man one morning. • Spanish . influenza which 'left' me pale "Well, Hodge," he ;asked. "and` what asst YerY_ weak. My appetite corn- - , do ou t ink of marries#. firer ' would me and the least noise',. "Not rhuch, sir," was the miserable startle me and nick tee cry b e Price, 25 cents. Then—and Now! The 'squire met his newly -wedded says:—"I had very severe attack of 1 h WORLD OVER The Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal, Canada. 408 WHAT TO DO WHEN TIRED. e Take a Rest, of Course—This Article • • Tells You Why and Hew. When you get tired. take a rest. Do So, if we keep work and rust going in -their proper ,swing, and if the time of rest is sufficient to get rid of the poisons of fatigue, then we con go. ou rr-fntteFite period u • IBut we .do not allow time for the . poison,to be elinrinated, we store it up it decreases our nerve -quick- The novel effect of the yoke, which ness, inipairs our judgment, and final. scalloped, is emphasized by the' Ao„b an_ h t -the -Ro al Bank of land has been opened at 36 Ranelagh (toad, Dublin. • A farmers' union has been formed at Ballybrittas, with Col. R. Skeffing- ton Sinyythe as -President.' ' The death took place at Granard -railway station of-Sergt.-Major Law- rence, of the Connaught Rangers. . The residents of Portrush have de- cided to erect a permanent memorial to the men who have' fallen in the war..,. HUNS LEFT SILK STOCKINGS. :;ab.,cd Belgians -of Aft -Other Articles of Clothing—Even Stole Beds. Lrtdies' silk•stockings.were the.only • ,article's of wearing apparel exempt from •pillaging by the Germans whefi•' their troops settled in Belgium. Every- thingsEvery- thingswas taken for , the. army,. but ctven the 1111101 lauded military Intel- ligence of the Hun general staff could t; -!t figure haw silk hose. especially that of the long variety, could be used by the fighting forces, •In many in -1• ce stans_ Belgian women had their .,,,rdrobes, almost completely looted • completely looted with the exception i -of the silk stockings. This interesting fact was disclosed recc•ntjiy S. Worms, who is a mem- ber of TeI3russels (`hamber of Coin-• - inerce, • now on a btisfness trip to Ann'rica. . According to Mr, -_;Worms,: .there are plenty of ladies' silk stock- ings ,lir Belgium, but not much else. f t 'The German army 'took everything," a • he declares in a report submitted to i k the local Chamber of Commerce. "Cot- e ten. yes; wool,. certainly—hut not t silk." a Discussing the thoroughness of the a Ilan looting parties, Mr. Worms says each Belgian family was permitted to to keep only one bed and only t free± h sheets to use on ft. not "make" yourself goon Aging soni-e thing when yon 'really feel that so have had enough. This sounds .'1 couilsef of perfection; -but it is really_only the soundest. o eases _xperilrient as shown that €atigue is cauaed by a Poison l_whiclk• •is generated .in the blood by exertion: Everything that we do breaks down "tissue"—that is to says, it. uses up some of the myriad -zeds whieh go to make up ' the body, and these .broken down cells are waste. matter ai*1 have • to_ be eliminated from the body. ,All the work `inside us is controlled bthe nerves, apd these 'are more or less like the iisulaterl wire that is used for electric bells, and the nervous. im- pulse resembles; t-lrecurwnt that --pass, es through and does the work. Fatigue increases,/ the re; istance of the nerve sthe passage of the im- pulse, this tieing one pf the kindly et - forts of Mother Nature to shut outs. mcn;sage"s=-froiii"til-e- olitsii]e tt erla so that we may rest and sleep, and "re- cuperate by getting rid of the poison ous Products !of work. • poisen7 . But as the rrsictance of the 'nerve increases. so dog the messages in sharp- ness and clearness,.we get too tired to be 'keenly alert and accurate, wb grow too .tired even -to dare overmuch,' and • this is the state of mind . Whiel Ieads directly to accidents and spgiled work. I. It actliitlly "doesn't pay" to work in this state; it does not -prove worth while elther-try master -fill Than:- -What is the use of keeping a workman at wc►rk beyond his fatigue limit if he oniy succeeds r in spoiling his job, damaging himself, or smashing the machine' • There is •a rhythm that runs right hrough the world in everything:, we o, a kind of swing that enables us to j• e,ep going when once- we have start - d, ..so long as' we don't get out at Ulm.'" It is the sante thing that en bled a man to go on for sixty years t the office enjoying life. and then when he breaks the swing and retires what he calls a well-earned leisure, h e promptly dies of a •broken rhythm. b ly results. in a breakdown of one- ki fora other: • reply. 1 was under a doctor's' care, final- , ..Wl ly he advised me to take Dr. Williams' ++ ... "Why not?" ' Pink Pills, and I had not been taking,I ;Nell' sir, when we a a� Courtin:. them longbefore I could tell and I came to -,the door; she useter call they out: 'Is that you, dearie?' Now, when. were ilaelping me. • I. used .altogether nine dr ten boxesean m now feeling r 1 comes 'erne, she yells at the: 'Clean as well as ever I did in my_ life:: ; be.'' ser great ugly feet afore, 'you come walidNeve,�, if it had not been for these j into my kitchen, you clumsy oaf:' " pills I would . have been -a chronic ,;in. Such ,proof as this -must be interest- ing to everyone who suffered - from •an eresimmr No More. Use. Breakfast -time was still _a poem to the young couple, when he would Sit attack Of influenza; and who. hill feel and.beam as she poured out the -cof- in any, way weakened as the result of a daintily. the trouble.' It points the way to flew "Darling," she said, when they had health and strength,' and if you are finished, "will you do a little business one of the sufferers- you should avail yourself of this medicine of once. ' You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any. "dealer -in medicine, or by remarked the economist. to Inc it is a tired it c au t .d1 v • d � Altus- ..-.. thing like the work it used to-" At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls- in August... I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most. beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache- ' ALFRED STOKES, "General` Secy. for me in town to -day?" He vowed he would do anything. "I want a. mouse -trap," she told him Another,___pet," -h$,-•asked, in sur - A Possible Excuse. "You'd better marry me. men are scarce." "I suppose I could offer that as an explanation," said the -girl reflectively. M nard's Liniment used bar' Phsalitatana., • Electricity .is the only agent .that will thaw frozen water pipes with- out disturbing the ground in which they are buried. - • Eligible r• mail at 50 cents• a boil or six boxes for ' prise ''•Why, • I t ,bought you one only ! • the ay before yesterday!7 • o $2.50 from, The Dr. Williams' Midi- . "I know you did, darling," she cooed'; cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' ! "but there's a mouse 'in that one!" E Shorter the the Better. I sleeves McCall fall Pattern Ido 0 4gg ., -� + - --BEAUTIFY THE _ SKIN.' nd I repetition of the • scallops on the! * - ( L E'MONS WHITEN A N D 1`he edttbr dropped into a barber's, asked for a hair cut. 'Tbe man with the shears was hi - Ga• When the body calls for rest -it is rl' Dress. rens. In 6 sizes 4 to 1l' and ecor%omy . to give it. . ',Flogging t tired: ht>rse -lii4rely _stores ` up mo fatigue- oison and makes thinge mu worse in the long run. , • CARE OF BARN ROOF. 'A' great many farmers tht'ougho the country allow the chaff and stra +'bIQw.n• from threshing machine to bar • roof to remain from one season to a other without • removal. They shoal .realize -nils holds 'moisture and it' is question of only a short time when th [shingles are decayed. % hee. •tlie- have to replace- the root the blame is Iaid - on the shingles rather, than on their carelessness in riot removing the I cause of dei ay,,• he "' ears. Price, 20 cents. i. These.• .patterns may_be obtained dined to be talkative.. re from your local McCall dealer,- dr "I ` don't khiow sir," he _ began, • ch from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., "whether you have heard about that Toronto, -Dept, W. • r ster-y about--tom--boy- whO- .•. - Then with a sudden recollection of his pro tit A GRAND MEDICINE sll; t:lsiduties,-he-ln-terjerte3 Like w . "Yes, yes,". said the editor;• eagerly, n FOR .LITTLE ONES "A brief synopsis will do.". Make this beauty lotion chemolY for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a sin1,11'jar of ordinary . ter pint,of the Most wonderfUl lemon cold erettr" 1 ope-rtin prepare a full Apar. for cents will never again Send electric ' , skin softener_ .and complexion beauti- -sparka of pain through you, according - fl -sr, by squeezing the jnicc of two t! this Cincinnati authority.' fresh 'lemons' into a bottle centaining Ile says that a few 'drops of a dreg three ounces of orchard "white. rare '1i:called 'freezone, applied directly .ti tender, aching corn, -instantly •re - upon SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL • Let fella step on your feet hereafter; wear ahoee a size smaLler if you like should be taken - to strain the juice lieves sorness, anti soon ,the• through a fine cloth so no lemon • pulp corn. root and all, lifts right.mit. Mrs. Avila. Noel, Iiaut Lameque, letaara'a Liztlutant LnznbeFnian's Friens. fgets tit,f then this lot!o;i will keep This drug is a • sticky ether com- B.,,Ivrites:-,--."lican highly recommend • knows , th .t legion juice is used to woman pound. but dries at once and simply e Baby s .Own Tablets as they hav.,e watirr, worked Wonders in the case of mv --Grandpa, did ydu tight in the great bleach and remove such Hemishes as ehrifela up the corn without Inflaming cr even irritating the surrounding At•a -certain Welsh raile-ay station h rejoices• in -the name of "1-lan fairOwigwyngyll"--a hew porter was engaged. lie was Only an Englishmae but he Meant to de his duty.. The first train eaine in. He tackled the name _of_ the station,. but failed • miserably - *But he was a man or braille. unn ng along the platform., he Point- ed .to:_tbe• board which. bore the -lengthy name and. yelled. out: If there's .any- body there for here. this is IV" r - house and would 'not feel safe without ! -• :the liks,i1 skin sortolier, whitener' and- 'it is adime.3 that a. quarter of an ralldPar Just try olt! Get three ounces or e riPitr-* two 'lemons fro' rn -the grocer and make ‘e called niy lip a quarter pint of this sweetlY ounce of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is sem- cient to remove every basd or seft_zorn espeeially .11 you are a woman reader who wears high hesls. cerning Baby's pwn 73.. 11 is lust_; isussiokal,pcs. sea w-fi..-.4.t Ahorough hix'ati'Ve which regulate the • • ! grant lemon 14.110n. 1, nit in'a,4sage it . daily into the face: neck. arms and a host of• the other minor ailments of , little .ones. The Tablets .are-ahsolute-. Ask tor =Ward's: anti take "no other.. "One Gerinats commander," he con- ' Unties. "itrotested against this order. }le thought two sheets would be enough. But he was overruled. The Belgians were permitted to..keep one mattress for each family. providing •it was not rtuffed with wool' or hair. sheat theni. I took my wool mattress- es out in the garden, ripped them open, packett the wool in hogsheads and Trie-ItlY the Germans left Brusgels1r- but •othery. is! was unharmed." Liel5i!'T he declareei. has been "fed' resolt. 1:,0 inbafOtaxits are making ,,, ?very -etre; t to, boyocit4 German trade Mr in 14111"'"11! ir`It'Al fieigium. h^ f' a white card surround - NI with the 'Belgium national celers, staling that agents or salesmen froth Germ:rni h.,use;i are forbidden to enter preinises. The Belidrins are also extremely stispichus of agents from oisintrh2s that wert, neutral during the er Tried it. so luirmful ic:? the wel•fai•e of the baby. They cannot possibly do harm-Athey always dd good. They are sold 'by medicine dealers „or by mail at 25 Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Willie seemed deep in tlfought. .••A puzzled frown marred 'his chubby fie& "I can't make it out!",he muttered. "Make what out?" asked his mother who had beet1 watehing her little son with an amused milli* eVeryone Calls little brother a botincing baby." "Well, isn't her smiled mother. • "No,' ,said Willie. "When I dropped lin this, morning he .didn't bounce ,a There's Great Satisfa.ction knowin4 the chila- : Fens health and en- joynxent are bein4 'proviOcd for when you as their hot table drink 1 The tone of communications from AUTOSTROP SAFETY RAZOR CO.. Liinited made goods, says the Canadian Tratie Commission. 1 • having set fire to.a Jarge Jutyrick. was 'defended on the groutid that he was Did you el:rer see a bar - not altogether responsible for hiS .ac- bar start to shave a cus- tions. One. of Ole witnesses.. teiztitled tomer withoUt -belief that the prisoner Was -Wiling in 'hi h ping his razor first? . "Can yeti mention any occasion on Never! Isn't this fact significant? which the prisoner behaved in a 'num- • . net- to- warr:;:a yoUrs statement ?" he was! asked by the learned counsel. "Yes,- answered the witness, '"Once_ at Wor4 he got led( a Icrown "too much forbis Wage. an "Well?" said counsel, as the witness "He took it hacji tO th' manager." concluded the wititiess. A north country ina-n-s• ,charged with Mere and better - shaves Not long ago the editor of an Eng- -fish paper. ordered a -story of certain • length, but when. the story arrived...he, several hundred words too many. !S The paper wtsralready.late,in going Stroppink, you see, *Ls needed to reform ,the', saw -like edge that re; - sults from shaving; to keep the blade free from rust; and to give you for . _each morning's ,„ shave a keen -edged blade. The self -strop- ping feature of 'the AutoStrop Razor pre- serves the keer edge that makes shaving omfort possible-. te press, so there was no alternative - the story must 'be condensed to fit the allotted space. ThertVore the last few paraqraphs were cut down to a single • Razor sentence. It read thus: . , -11W-earl took giset'sh his hat, his departure, no notice of his.' pocket,.and finally, his life." leaning, are all done without removing the blade from the razor. NEW GIAKIT C.P.R. LOCOMOTI\ E. • • Ten of the'largest.lecome.tives ever have been under construction for ti -7111. 0 i llow- to Cure * •5•32, 'was' insltected the other -day by . AP. warBn 1110in!Sr!itneSieSs ...stainrd7a-are-ro)titlttentdhetel-1,1feorelIre'VM-ilikil-(aeli)ryti.ele)(1.' . 2 being designed and Wit under 'the : Caragtiven direct supervision of Mr. IV. H. ,Win• . -: strong iniTrnilePd'a.iesttis ;no idtoPeeguroesr 1 tertrhoewxlvi;eti ghiel t (.071fiiethf -eMeeni:iarioli.eaat114Ete-egrii , ,si• indigestion, biliousness and ft. der in w.-.orking condition. is -A00.000.., : drug store." Get the genuine. ; * constipation. Can be had a! any ,. 000 lbs. The diameter- of the driving ---•-- -- in Montreal. and one of these. No. • President \‘'_. Beatty, Vice- * Ins.. the -engirie alone weighing 323.. Paft4ffief *41,114r*******44.44 inch. stroke, %lick with 200 -lbs. boiler are 2:0,io inches in diameter by 32 - wheels is 63 inches. . The cyliiiders pressdre• makes- these locomotivea capable of exerting a maximum trac- Live effOrt of 3,6,000 lbee The diameter of ttie boiler is .V) inches at the backs' end. The fire box is. 84 incites wide •are moved by steam grate shakers The cab IS' or the. vestibule. type. • which is the C.P.R.„ standard. end every effort has Been wade to make , side of the. cab is fitted tw,ith a clothesi 'which .clot hes ran be hung and lunch , pails. carried'. The tender has a capacity' fo:- 12 tons of coal and S,a06 lmserso MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion EN1);a:s-s, NIonoy Order. If lest or :"tolt•ii yaiar money back, Power good Roan minstrel' Lia:zutz: :n Eruptions & Dandruff The Soap to Cleanse The Ointment to Heal Oon'; woi:.-to have eruptions. red- ness and roughness. dandruff and• ..4.-41-4-11.4eafh---P4Vent-ittetri by frisking- ' this wenderful .skin -clearing com- plexion soap your every -day toilet b:ntrient to the first signa of little Cutieuta Talcum, a fascinating frac:ranee. In delicate Cuticura icr.t;e:p The Cuticura Trio is wonder - ISSUE. 24 • •