The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-12, Page 8• r. ti Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices MEN'S DEPARTMENT NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. We a r e showing a large and excellent range in right styles, with plain cuff and double • cuff in excellent quality cloth, 1.50 to c3.25. SOFT 'COZ,i,ARS, plain and fancy stripe, in newest styles at 35 and 50c. S 1');;AW IIATS, ettr values in Pan- e aura and Leghorn at 3.00 to 56 00, and a good range in other makes 1.00 to $2.50. SILK CAPS. just the thing for mot- oring and evening wear, for 1.50 to $2 MEN'S SOX. Good range of colors and qualities at 35c to 75c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. See our flee range off•, Balbriggan and Natural Wool Shirts, Drawers and Combinations. Mao special offer in Men's Porous Knit Drawers, knee length, at 89c. WASH TIES in neat stripes in bla.k and colors at 35c. BOYS' BLOUSES, made of. good. washLig nice stripe Printe and in Khaki color at 75c and 51.09. COATIeu" w, ccsel aid com- fortable, in 2 and 4 point, - at 50c. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, big range, good qualities, plain, stripes sad checks 1.25 to $2.00. i LADIES' DEPAR t MENT LADIBS' VESTS in nice sumttisr weights, short sleeves and sleeveless for .40c up, and Cowbi na tion Suits 1.00, 1 25 and $1.50. LADIES' HOSE. splendid range in Cotton Lisle and Silk in white, brcwn and black, at 35c to $2 CO a pair. PLAIN AND FANCY VO I L l; BLOUSE , neativ,made and nicely trim- med at 1.50 to 53.00. I ADIES' MOTOR CAPS,varied styles and colors at 1 00 to 52.00. LADIES' COLLARS, very latest styles and excellent values at 50c, 7 ic, 1.00 and $1.50. LADIE. '' SPO12 '1` t f A erS, }Js rt% y suit stylish, 51.75. PLAIN, SPOT AND CHECK ?etre- LINS at reasonable prices. RIBBONS,excellent range in plain and fancy colors, in narrow and wide widths. LADIES' WOOL SWEATER COATS extra quality, new style with belt, spec- ial $13 50. IMP- Store closed Thursday afternoons during June, July and August.. _.t • MURDOCH &CAMERCN: Bu e.arY A Used Don't harbor the idea that because a car is not ,brand new it is not s safe initiiittnent. Good• cart are aitjhi atone • finding their way to the salesrcom floor to be sold as secondhand l After a car has gone a few hundred or even a few _ _thowsand tunes, it is still at its best, unless it.bah_been abused -the paint-iiinot quite .fresh -and its sentimental valve is less -that is all. You can buy a secondhand car 'from dealers and private owners who daily list their care in The London Free Press Farmers are beginning to feel the need of a few showers for the grain, to push it forward for the coining harvest. We presume we _ are not the ..-only observers- of the presence -ft the tree • leaves in the woods of myriads of Worms, smooth and black and about two inches long, they are tbout the thickness of a small pencil. They oper- ate on the leaves devouring a part and -cutting off the remainder, which falls to the ground with a sound resembling a heavy rain. ARMS OP THE RDDS classified Autos and Taxis column. It It now remains to be seen whether will save you money -big money! Event- a minority of extremists can lead this ually, you will own and drive, an auto- ---h1_.ty- revolution, for s mobile. Why not start out now, with bloody it will be as the majority of a good used car -and get your new car Canadians have no notion of taking a when you, have become a seasoned licking lying down, as have the Winni - driverl The reading of "Automobile" peg people to this writing. The leaders column in The London Free Press will of the Winnipeg Soviets aim at Com - tell ycu where to find the best bargaina munism in the whole of Canada, and in Western Ontario. Read the Want this means the confiscation of all prop "Ads in ,The London Free Press, t erty. It means the taking over of your • workshop and your home. It means Fordyce -Monday, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee are settled ittthele"new home, and we join in wish- ing them many years of happy wedded. life. Mr... and Mrs. McClee, Sr, have moved to_Beigrave. Mr. and -Mire. W. M. Champion -.-spent Sunday with friends in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Havens and daughter, Chriatena. were Sunday visit- ' --- -.. - with Mr. and .Kris. Milton Naylor, Of Lucknow. Pte. Allan McBurney, who returned from overseas a short time ago, with a few of his old pals, spent a aerial even- ing last week at the home of James Dow, Jr. Mies.. Gladys Stapleton, of Belgrave, was a recent visitor at Thomas Jamie - son's. We are 'pleased to tide that John Gibbons is home teem 'Wingham Hos- pital. Mise Verna Phillips. who is taking high school work at St. Helena, was home for the •reek end.- We are sorry tto report that' Mr. Phillips is still under the, Dr.'s care. Fourth Coca.,. Kirilo s --Tuesday, ;tine i',. Mrs. Smith of Toronto. and brbildren, are visiting her father, .Mr: Angus *Mc I), tnald. Mr. Rept 'nelgrove and farni'y from (~r. ,e 1, r i c h a ent Sunday y •ct .\ tr 'Nit;. Fraser'si on the sixth. . Mr. Jas. Struthers ant fatal: of Paramount ap tit an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. knee. Middleton, Mrs. Ben. McClure •pent an af!eranon this week at Alex Fraser's. the destruction of all credits, both pub- iic and private. It means the shutting down of all business undertakings and activities. It means that the farrier will not sow for others to reap. Russia is the guiding star of the Canadian Soviets. Russia, degraded, pauperized, starving, where no‘; man may wear a white collar and live to tell the tale. A nice outlook! Germany at its worst is a safe haven in comparison with what the Canadian Reda. would run us into.- TofivNTo SATURDAY NI(;U1•, Langside -Monday, June 1J. Mr. and Mrs. Win R. McBurney of of the West are visiting the former's parents here. Mr. John Mcl)t,nald, son Mr. Job b McDonald of Manitoba is visltiog friends and relatives here before return- ing to his home, after spending a year or more in the army overseas. John spent .his boyhood days on Con. 4 before, the family went to the prairie province. A large number took in the, sports at Chesley on Tuesday last. . The day wa a tine and the crowd was large. Kindardine races were well p.ttronized by folk from this burg. Whitechurch anniversary services are neer and any who went on Monday night heard one of the most instructive addressee on Canada and the Empire they have ever listened te►, by Itev. G. M. I)uoo. - Langside Presbyterian Church will hulls anniversary services next Sunday, June l St �, at 11 am.. arid ; p in . when Rev. Capt. Ouncctn will r reach The Y.P.S. will bold their meeting on Friday evening of this week. The leader will be .,Jszbr_ Reid, the topic, ''.;onditions4N eoe y for World Peace." USE CHOPSTICKS IN JAPAN Old Custom Prevails Among Poorer Classes, While the Rlch Have Eu- ropean -Knives and Forks. r The use of chopsticks is general -in. Therm, except among the richer classes who have adopted European knives and forks, - and, to some extent, the Euro - even Misfile, London Tit -Bits says. Small bowls or china or lacquered wood are the uQus1 table equipment. After the varicots solid portions of the food have been lifted to the mouth Wfth chior,stteks the 1tgnor remaining Is sipped from the bowl. In the case of rice, which would he tedious to pick up grain by grain, the bowl is often raised to the mouth and the rice ahoy-. t'led or pushed In with the chopsticks. It is also customary to pour a little tea into the rice bowl after It has,beete nearly emptied, and in this way the fee rerlttsining grains of rice are u asked do"ern as ,.the tea Is drunk. At public pittces the cls 1iet}cks at es,ch local const be new; this Is ladle.' rated by the fnct that the cl;opstleka 'are teraie.from one piece-of_-H•ood and tire left .joined together,, as were matches at one time. These new chop- ' sticks are incased in a thin paper en- velope. sealed at the end. and hearing .inpancse• characters advertising either the hotel or ,storne firm that has fur- nished them free to the proprietor for the sake of the publicity thus gained, Insects Carry Disease. Our knowledge of the connection of insects with disaaise is a very modern acquisition. In his presidential__ ad- dress to the Washington Academy of •Sciences, .Dr. T. 0. Hownrd noted that etnndnrdi medical works of a score of years ngo ninde nn mention of the nth - pct. but recent literature records 220 • different disease genus' as know•a tx, have heen,carried by insects to ma■ or animals, 137 organisms as knows to be parasitic .1 insects but not known to 1,e transmitted. and 282 species of in- s "'e as' discovered Cattsest "or v•Itrric':•• • f tl:senses of roan or anit:rr.ls. Th transportation by wind of the bots y- ioese, the carrier of typhus fever. is ,intong lute discoveries to Which many writers have given attentiou. Tick paralysis 1e another novel subject. tite itisease.occurring in Australia, Africa and North America, and 13 cases bare been reported by a siugle Oregon phy'i- ciun. Progressive paralysis of motor but not sensory nerves follow. the at- tnchutent of the tick. The di -ease is not infectious. and 1t has not bees d,•- c'iele(i whether it Is due to a epeeltie orgaui.ut or to nerve shook. Infenti;e p:inclysis is believed to he one of tL- disease not carried by insects. • . i Rights of Man. Tiie snpersil'i-ns fW., the enslaving reverent e. that formerly surrounded affluence. to passing a'ay in all eoun- trle.. and leaving the possessor of property to the cnnenleion of acci- dents. Whop wealth end splendor, in - steed of fnecinating the muititv1e •x - et e-tsmotiees of s'gz:,: ; when, lasteed of drawing forth admiration. it Is be- '►eid as an• intuit upou wretehednesn; Nben the ostentatious appearance it makes- servos to rail the right (,f it In sweeten. the cane of property becomes -r1 t ural, end it is only in a system of ;netice that the pellesaaav csa ecat.R, o1a to stcuritt 416, • • • REPLY ALMOST READY Allies Considering Counter Pro- posals of Germans. G Some Changes ArxrI' obable Ger- many Will Be •t :.ureal Security L:dyual to Meember, of the Lengu.' of Nati.tus Even Though Iter ltegtresst for Adruittanee, Be Left Over For the Time Being. PARIS, June 9. • -The Council Four, with Premier Orlando of uta absent, held another short session the "White House" Sunday on t - reply to the German counter -pr pose's. . While no agreement. has be reached by the allies oi: ,the reply the counter-pro'ltosals. it is b•e!iev that M. C'lerileneealt and Trend Lloyd George will ,come to an'Jn-te standing before the end of the wee perhaps Thursday. Nearly all the coiiiulissions which were entrusted conslderatio of the different Germatliproposals a ready to report. After the adoptio of a general report by the Council, is believed that a eoniprcmise will h reached or the- time to he given tl Germans 10 decide whether they wi sign .the l;tei>tg...: FORAGE CROP OR PIGS Rase All the Dairy Calves "'oil r Possibly Can. • We should StrivetoDouble Our Cow Population In the Next Ten Years -More Immediate, anil Larger Cash Returns, Secured by Sale of Milk Than of ('ream Where Loca- tion Is Favorable, of ,Contributed by Ontario Department of 1) Agticuiture, Toronto.) tIt f .. he co - tan to cd er r - k, to n re p It ►f- 11 t OR the farmer who; ls- aIsing hogs, one of the greateat problems is summer pasture. A new luxuriant growth cot green grass is soon eaten off when the dry hot season comes and it, •s -Just' at this time when the stockman needs'sorue form of succulent feed for his stock. When the stock are running on pasture they are gettiug back to nature and there is nothing like good green feed as a conditioner for the animals. ,As for forage crops in this conn- ry alfalfa and rape seetts-to give 11 It is known that M, Cle enceati desires to hold the Germans to a short interval; perhaps do more than twenty-four hours, while Mr. Lloyd George favors giving them a week for consideration of the Council's reply. Although called by another name and . not officially .admitted,.he fact remains that there will be s;tbsta.n- tial revision of the German treaty, and several points on which the Teu- tons Jai i emphasis a-iil approach a form ce; : ulated to 'make them more acceptable to the defeated enemy and more workable. Much uncertainty was removed Sunday when the Big Four, after a long session, without adopting a definite policy in the matter, ag:•eed that changes in the original terms will be made. Assurances are given that no principles are to be affected and 'that the amendments will deal only with -phraseology, but that is a matter of opinion, for in several instances the changes go sufficiently deep to justify a liberal view of the Imotjiteation formula, while other changes are so slight as to war 'a'nt the statement that they involve my the wording.' ' Action is imminent on the Ge:'•Ittan request that Germany be admitted to the League of Nations. It is itupr•ob able that she will be accepted in full membership at- .once,. but in return for her compliance with the terms for a skeleton Army it is -certain that- -compensating - measure of "'security will be assured to her. This is by far the most important decision •yet reached. As to the limitation of powers of the international repara- tions committee, it is likely the com- mission whl be charged- with estab- lishing atiedsuie fora Germany to -pay While it is fair to say that distinct progress has been made in respect to the German counter -proposals, and cgnally true that immediate ban- ger of a serious crisis is greatly re- duced, it should be borne in mind • that arguments in the matter -Pave not been caused, and that the issues are still grave bet weenethe pro- and anti-r`.evisioflists. It is believed there is a strong - party In the British delegation in favor of conceding the demand for Germany's admission to 'the League of Nations, to the extent of fixing a date before the end of the year When Germany may be'admitted. SOCIALIST SOLD H1MSEtf: man who I3'•t►:eyed Nurse 1'- sell will • stand Trial. PARD,. June 9.,-CastonQuien, a '3ori:rlist khown as Luc, who, it is believed, played a prominent part in he betrayal of Miss Edith Cavell,woh was-- •executed 'by the Germans at ,Jrussels in October, 191;,, will be shred on trial next month. .A long preliminary inquiry, con- ducted by Capt. Grebauit, of the 3ixtli Military Court, established that torsi" was, st•rviiig a sentence in the ,til at St. Quentin in 191.4, and was iberate•d when 'the Germans first ook th.t'-•-t:Q.Wl...-It.is said he entered he German se'rvtee as a spy and got luployri las CaveIt's hospital {t Iii'ttszo l�n after he began to York there...it is said, Miss Cavell vas arrested and executed. Quien vas afterwards sent to 8witzerlan3 s an invalid,,' • Sixty . 'wjtnesses have been called o ttstify in the trial. They include 'rine' r Slaf•ia of Croy, who also was .eno..tnt•ed th' !he Get mans by Quien .net -Madame. Iso -aril. who was tried .t the, samme time. as Hies Care}1. aritich hgnsalrons to aid leetieedant ;" LOXLGN. June 9. - The 'Britis ii nd Es.ho :tan • Governments have ,reed that British troops shall oe- trpy Oe -:.el Islami an a guarantee for he payment of 1'e:uncial aid render - 'f. the Estho:iiaris, according, to a epert r .-ived in .Copenhagen from testa and transmitted by the hx- hange Telegraph. Co. British wined, it. is adc.ej; will b stationed at •is inw;W'S and H:in.o(.. Finland, a' Its vel . 1' added iha t rn dist? hits accu- 1 toy the• ft .,r,stan nort.he•rn army ti iesaiee e..II be, roil tote tot+n i no{es <,, Jag a- 13t itirih eaimp. Will Net !t»•estigate. • ' LONL•(UN,. June ---In 'the Corn- �. i even. Cr-vft asked the 'ti►.,• ef'• -'-; who n':7- t,• v;o,tld ep. jr.-rcr. a}l�gta- ..r r, 1.. V 1e- t, 'yaw'in � i. t �, !. .� ,': y cor. l- ,'J••(-4►df;, JtiB. .t. 1191i. 1_', •. r 1.atw, t,(J%;fl., eat g: ;fir mo Lit ock'. 11e nes ',ed a Cipher mi -tandard tor milt tP best results, although„any,ttting that will produce a good green growth iii a dry season is all right..-SVhei•.avee alfalfa will grow it gives the best kind of permanent pasture for pigs, as there is no danger from bloat as is the case of sheep and cattle. Alfalfa provides pasture for a' great- er length of time than any of the grasses and is green and succulent even 'when red clover has become somewhat dried and woody. - Heavy pasturing of alfalfa is not good for it and consequently the number of animals allowed to pas- ture on it should be restricted and the plants should be allowed to grow up and be cut two or three times a season. Pigs, fed corn alone on al- falfa pasture, make fairly satisfac- tory gains since the protein in the alfalfa helps to balance up the de- ficiences in corn, although for beat results a little of some nitrogenous concentrates should be fed. Red clover in the country gives very ex- cellent results as a pasture for pigs, for the reason that it -:can be grown in a great many localities where alfalfa cannot be raised at all and consequently it's great value. At one of the Experimental- Stations in the tates, red clover was inferior only to alfalfa, while at another it was found that it was -surpassed-only by alfalfa and rape. As 'an annual pasture for swine nothing surpasses rape. It can be sown both early and. late its the sea - on and as a consequence- erage may be provided for at any time. To get the best results from rape, it should be sown in the spring and allowed to obtain a height of twelve to four- - teen inches before turning the ani - Mals in. Care should be taken not to allow the _plantssto he eaten off too closely 'as the young plants do not get a chance Co recuperate. To guard against this it would be wise to provide a second- plot where the animals could' be turned in for a time. Rape is also grown In con- junction with oats or with oats and Held pease, and some authorities rank rape and oats next to alfalfa and red clover for pig pasture. For young pigs in pasture._ -0_1$ not wise to force them to subsist on what they can get. They should be fed a little grain. Pigs that are be- ing pastured for the purpose of fat tening latter should have a limited grain ration, as this system of feed- ing has been found moat. economical. -.I. C. McBeath, B.S.:., Cl. A. Col -- lege, Guelph. • Shall 1 hear Dairy Calves In 191!)? In brief, raise all the heifer calves for which there is feed, labor, and stable -room. 'More and better cows are needed in Ontario._ The number of milk -cows in the province has re- mained stationary at about one mil- lion, for a good many years. There is no good reason why this number should not be doubled in the next ten years, but it can be done only by rearing or buying. Buying cows is expensive and risky. It is a far bete ter plan to raise cows. This means_ that'all• the best heifer calves should be saved for future cows. As it re- quires from -three to four years to change calves into cors,: in order' to double the cow population in ten years. making allowances' for ne'ea sary discards, we need to begin right away, in order to attain the desired object. The average number of rows per 100 acres of farm land in Canada is but two, whereas in' Denmark it is fourteen, and in Holland sixteen. We have a long way to go In rearing cows, before we have anywhere near the number which are Tbtfn'd iii the hest European dairy • . countries. There is but one economical way to attain this result, and that is by raisingractically all the -heifer calves dr�pped during the next ten years and as many pure-bred calves of excellent ancestry, as may be re- quired for breeding purposes. Shall 1 Sell Milk or Cream? This will be determined to a large .extent by the character of the farm- ing CT,erations. If the ,need for . -direct, quick cash in largest amount; is great, then selling milk will best 611 the bill." On the other band, if the dairy farmer Can afford to wait /or the slower returns from •erearn and live -stock, and particularly if he desires, to improve or rnaintatu soil fertility, then selling' ••►wain ist ro be recommended. • Nearness to market it another facaor Where 'the dairyman is -near a, small town and had the time "peddle" milk, he can wake more reoney out nt-bie tows' t r j rys other eystgm. At ten to twelvecents a quart, a good eow'siviJll return fruw $25o Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores The t LORENCE Autojni tic OIL STOVE ;V o wicks to trim. With'the lever you have the stove under perfect control. Every stove put out on trial and guaranteed to give perfect satiFfactit.n. Made in 2, 3 and 4 burners. Commencing this week our store will be closed -It one o'clock every Thursday dun Ing June, July. and August. TheLucknowffardware St CoaICo. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS 'Cement al:vays en band. Sherwia•Williams Paints. Pulp*tone for p:astering. Chi•Namel for graining. .SPEND DOMINIONDAlL1M GODERICN Greatest Program in Western Ontario: Tuesday, July i,'Iq Aeroplane Flights, Demonstration by Great War Veterans, Baseball -Zurich, winners of Clinton tournament, ss. God,rich, titr;u- her ttt:i13l nth Baby Show, Highland Dancing', Floral Parade, etc. Horse Races 2.1„i -trot or- peer, purse $350. 2.'S trot or p .ce, -- - -- purse, �`3O0. 2 Sri trut or pac�e.i- *sr '--t,c; Concerts by Band of the 33rd Regiment, coecludieg with a GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE EVEININt, Something Doing All Day Long. Come and have the time of your life at "Huron's Golden Cate" 1IArc,R Wici,i•, W. LANs,, Chairman of Committee.' Treasurer. T. Plait ,cr,icia,__.__ Secretary, J INTERESTING JUDGMENT A judgement hof general public in- terest wits rendered this -w,ek by -Mr; Justice Lennox at Toronto in favor of the plaintiff in the action brought by the executors of the estate of the late. Henry Krug, Sr., of Albem tele. against the township of Albemarle to recover $7i+1, which was alleged to be the short- age due through a mistake in c(,rnputat- ion on a $20X1 school. debenture for thirty years which the late ll enfry Krug purchased, and which action was argued before Mr. Jtietice Lennox at the Spridq l Assizes in Walkerton last March when A N N UA L EXC !1 RS I O N jungernent was -reserved. The debent- ure provided for an annual payment of principal and intere6t at 5 rrcent, which they .aduertieed .in. their fiy law wr,t111 voter ,tent yo $1-15..33 aur.iit1.1y ,for thirty years. The township set forth o erich to Detroit and Return Steamer Grzyhound leaves God- ' erirh TUESDAY, JUNE 17th , 9.01) .►.Pit.. old time • in their defense that ae Knit knew what 'ly"uua.m. new time • Arrives 1►e•troit 5 hit p.m. Returning sum he sae to .receive annually an++ leaves Detroit Thursrla bought the debenture with this know. l err p rn Detroit time (i)etr it , Tune 19th, tyn r ledge that he was not entitled to reviver i� file twrmr its t;o(trrich Old time. > $2.25 Round Tri anything further. The plaintiff., how. P. $1.75 Single ever. sljriwed that the rate of iry erc•st Child re r•, between Fa b and while advertised an Per(xDt...*a4 re.tfly 12, Half' fare lit tie' -m -than' .,I -lies _ 1.-frr»rgir ost npjxfrturi " ivisit 1- i3uli�rii:+`�i utoSt he•:ntliful anti mo -t b�latk►ke in thhtr c , ,rnp.itat,(,n, and th at - 1,r.,sip/ons city. A million popula- Ktu purchased the debenture oil tire - Tine, a Pity of heantifutl -parks, grand KP de r: , sGUlrJyiiti(,n that it was i;( Loeb••ee is and a wowlerhhl water Competed te•f at r , v .► 1 font. •t,�ana(}ions r(,rni r�%ent. Jprtra,(j theref(,ri. , n- opt red ' f getting irsr,a tHtt►jx►rary' story are not r 1 y paytD'=Dt hf JEl 1 ::� • to pay a tax or h i'(ltttret : , it w. hake a deposit. IT. S 1 ,o a yodel s- wtH- he on -ether-- - re ish( ttKrslls(m t,flr,.r tilt tits a. Good to $300 per year ter. her intik. to f,tv� (f !LAND MOONLIGHT Wba,•,o floss las evmWhred ritlr r rtj k rr , th- plaintiff wee xivc a t11„rise, ((►noisy Pyr i .r out t►f God - $1 r,o per cow, where Crean, i sold, w".:k, arid wblt;b cr►m ,e!ly the',toe/roller),. lhth, I �, 3 ► old lime, .K 30 (:c,t�ceiclt time 25c or milk sent tu a cheese fxe+.(,ry or ,G� pay annually iEl itj Ir.' condensaery we -Irr�r rtciur t ing $13, which ruakes a (jifl't•rrpce, mtu;ir and' dancing en r ute P ri1 $'>sl to the thiel . t rift-.rito 1 1111sch mem aboard steemere y ye�tra's. Judger tent • • f L t>I whxt a decided leg t tltt when i,ralverttleiDg the dobe ntridr .3 h'11 5t nt, leele,tiful bake Huron. lsty •dvantage there 1, are1l rig (hell •sirs music"' and (lancing in It tb cwto¢►erL tiorireste', ... ff vr sale the aDLU .1 steamer's hall room. M• ' V, silo G uslyie forth as $11h.33 •-- • f payment Lie A wee set t ItA1,L ANS, TIMMs+., 144