The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-10, Page 81 t Kvery man and boy requiring. a new Hat RAirs and Clips or Cap should see the splendid display now shown in our store We are sole agents for THE BORSALINO AND KING HATS. The. Borsalino Hat is growing favor each year; as. its splendid wearing and- shape -keeping qualities become better known. This year city prices are 8.00 ; we can supply you with the same for $7.00 King Hats are well and favorably knaWn, and the brand "King" on the inside band is its best recommend as to style and quality: King Hats are good hats-mod- eratelpriced oo y at ... 3• , 4.0o and $S.00.. SPRING TIMs CAP iIME _II And best qualities and styles are found in the eastern Ca ° Br nd of which p ;� , we are - sole agents for. Lucknow.We have a great variety ofcolors an in styles' that you'll like. Priced from I.00 to $3 oo. EASTIRNECKWEARFOR MEN See .our New Easter Ties. They are: splendid quality and pleasing colors. 75c. L nd $1.00. We have just received four new styles in Ladies' Black Silk Moire and Silk Poplin Coats. These are neatly' made and very pretty styles and pricer:} p at 1,S.00, 17 5o, 25.00 and $27.50. LADIES' HOSE -Good brown Hose are scarce -goods. See our new "Knitwell" brown hose in women's sizes, fine quality lisle, at 75c per pair. Black Triplex Hose in 'fine cotton, an extra value at 35c or 3 pair for $I.co. Good quality Black Cash- mere Hose, fast color, and will give . excellent wear at 65c. ister Neckwear � for Women -- •C to $I.50. MURDOCH 81 CAMERON :CO. Whitechurch Mr. Eli Jacques: ness of Mrs. McTavish, but hope for a y recovery. Pte. Wm. Bryson; of Owen Sound, Is speed -Monday, April 7. ( vilgting bis sister, Mrs. M. O. Chown. I We 'extend congratulations to - Mr. Mrs, Wm. Martin, of the :Tillage, . is � Mr. and Sirs. W. Paterson and little and Mrs Robert Laidlaw as they enter visiting in Preston. granddaughter, Audrey, spent Surday upon the sea of married life. May Miss Nettie Cottle spent a couple of at the:home of K. Paterson. many long years •and few troubles be days last week at her home here. I • Mins Laura Coiling, of Ripley, spent ' theirs. We understand Mt. Walter Lott has Saturday at the parsonage. I Mr. and i rs. Wesley Leggatt have purchased the farm formerly owned by ! We are sorry to report the sudden ill- moved to the farm across the road, "Oh, You Do Look So Strong and Well" " ND why shouldn't I ?" A "You always wrote about how well you , were, but we never thought you would be .so hearty -looking as you are after all the hardship of camp and trench Life," "Oh, we had our share of hardships, all right, but except an rare occasions we hed plenty of good, (wholesome food and lots of fresh air andexercise. That is What makes a person strong and twill. But I don't think I have it much over you. What have you been doing to look so hearty ?" "Didn't tell you I Chase's Nerve Food ?" .was using Dr. "You don't mean-to--.aar. such a difference. You were so thin and pale when I went away."' "Yes, it certainly has, and after you ' went away I had a regular break -down, and was in a bad state for some months. I had nervous headaches, could not sleep, and grew down -hearted and discouraged. Mother got after me to try the Nerve Food, and I arts so glad I did, for I did want to be well to welcome you home," "It is a joy to me to And you so well. And now that we have such a ood start surely we can keep well and njoy life. My experience overseas has ca sed me to Illlace a greater value on life nd health than I ever did before, and -your experi- cnce with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food con- vinces me that you women folks need not be pale and weak and nervous if you will' hut .use, it when you feel tired but and run down."'. ' - I s -14P7-C4aselrftNerve.. Flood; 50e. 4 x 6 for• $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Every box bf the genuine bears the portrait, and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt. Book. author. which they reetsntly bought frnm Me. Fred Mowbray: • ' q� Mies blargaret Gillies returnted. to Toronto last Tuesday. • Mr. D H. Martin is .y'si'ing his brother, Rev, J Henry •Martin, of Long Branch. - Mr. Alex McTavish, of Ripley, spent Sunday with friends at the t•arsonage. Guild meeting fast Sunday night was introduced by Mni. ►S. obie. Tb, leader for Apr. 13 is Miss Fior.i Rose, Cutup, uaiuu will be observed in the [rrps�ytcri:+r� (:L►ireh here next Sunda. Fourth .Con., Kinloss Monday, April 7th `Miss .Jean McKenzie to home again after a two weeks' holiday. Mr. K. McDonald trade a tree to Tor. ,outo to tneet hip hrcither,•. John, - who is on his way iron, France and will likely snake a brief stop at Toronto on his Nay W Sask where he enlisted. Mr. Gilbert McKeuzie has ken very ill lately, but, w c arc glad to lt•aru that he is recovering nicely again. - Mre. A Fraser who h: a been ill ft r some time is improving. Mrs. T. Robinson, •ou .the sixth, is muck better this week. lr.. alcIvor contracted, a aeeere void . Hieb .seemed .tn,aettle in 'hie fad and teeth . causing him ,great pain for lune than a week. Miss Dena McLeod hits left home for an extended visit among her relatives and friends. On TanrHday evening the I7th of April, the teacher auk: pupils, of the Grey Ox School, intend giving a box social and a play entitled "The Corner Store." Admission 25 cents. Ladies with boxes free. 'Mr. Dan McDonald's Aon, John, has I 1 reached this side of the ''Bir Pond" .we, • The G.T.R. Co., are snaking extensive repairs on the two bridges north of Lucknow. Much of the . ofd timber is _badly_3ecayed. Kinloigh -Tuesday, Apr. 8 Miss A. C. Stewart, Kinlobs, spent the week-eud with Mrs. R. A, Richards. Mrs: Blackwell ii spending a few days with !her sister, Mrs. Will Mont- gomery of Huron Tp. We are sorry to report that Mrs. H. Pinnell is on the sick list. .. Mrs. A. "R,binson, of Kincardine, speut a few'days with her sister, Mrs Jas. Percy. Miss F. Manners, of the North Line, is spending the week with ner sister, ',Mrs lit:bt. McLean. 'i'uu are invited -to a dance in the C.tr- negie Hall, Lucknow, on Monday night, April 2 1 se. - Lucknow Orchestra. Good Mach. The Lucknow Fire Brigade are donating the proceeds to'the Lucknow Brass Band. Come along. Cpl. W..1. Percy 'and `t r. Lloyd Percy visited frierida.in Kincardine this week. Rev. Mr. Rutherford, of Pine River, - and Rev. C N McKenzie,- exchanged pulpits on Sunday. The stork called at J Colweli's last week and left a baby boy. Jas. Richards -bas pissed his final exanis at Vr Ingham College. Joe Purdy, who has been visiting Purple filmy, friends, returned borne on Saturday. 1Vlafeking -Tuesday, April 8 bir, and Mrs,. S. J. Kilpatrick and family left -Tuesday morning to spend • the summer in Sask. Mr. •and Mrs. Sherwood, of Crewe, visited alafekiug friends on Sunday. Mr. And Mrs. J no Blake and daughter spent Sunday at the Nile. Mr. 5. ,&others, of Clinton, paid a bri f visit to his hove during the week Mr. E Tw,auileyY, of Beuirutller•, spent Sunday at hie boitie here Mrs. J. helm, of Zion, spent put of last week wit ;her sister, Mrs. S, J. Kilpatrick. Our school has been, closed for a few days owing to the illness of our teacher's sister in Kincardine. , Si. Helens • -Tuesday, April 8. Mrs. ,1f c llettrick and daughter, also her son, ,Corpoiral Hettrick, - motored over fr.: u► C.trgili and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Hyde. A cumber of the young people of the burg are spending a• nuuibar of e..j iy• able evenings prepariog a play waisted ''A Cheerful Liar" which they it,tsnd giving in the near futur'. Mr. Frank Irwin - has purchased a :100 -acre farm train N. Mullin, of Ash field. Mrs. P. Clark ha, returced home after spending, a few weeks with her,daughter, Mrs. Mclnfo ish, of Napier Von are invited to a d:wnce in the Cu- no.gte I lilt, Lucsk61oW. on Monday night, 1 pri I 21:41. ► Lucknow Orchestras, Good leech. The Lucknow Fire Brigade are donating the proceeds to the Lucknow I ;z ass l i tnil. Cowie along. M r. and M r.., i,. -Bell, who have spent tlp winter with Mr. Wm.•Bell, returned to their horse at I'uie River to resume his duties as cheeMenaaker. t' b(irr, Jr, hsts purchased the Hamilton faun at Itolyroo L Miss Cain, cf Kingsbridge, is visiting at C.Foran'aT. bis"ser- 'M-cKe zie Webb and William Bell area busy these days operating the road drag. Pte. Joe. Stewart, who enlisted in the .West, arrived from overseas !,uat rireek and will spend & n.onth at his home here before* going back to f isketcheo 63, 414 "Mar ACtTYLE ilGai PAYS If (fiver Safe and Elf cent Ser- v'ce at Reason Ale Cost. To Fnstire Strong Healthy' Foal: Pregnant Mitres Must Ile first t.:.t►et•cisre. Be - Prtq►erly Fed urn Have Careful stable Attendance. Cantr1buted by unfair:,-, 1"),-partr,er.t A ,'eultute Turoe t, ►. CE'rYr. NE lighting is not b eny means 'a new thing i• nils country as there art homes here and there in vii • 'age and countryside in which thin: yst.'ni of, lightning has been in us• or malty years. Many intpr(►v•'tncnts- :avc been t►tade in the mechanises. n;+ • hr• plan' so, that now Ibis sv:o en. .3 considered to be absolutvly tsaf. •r.c•. relia'te it it receives-reasonal,l• are and nttentioti. The-ost,nfeuurse ' s rather more since ttfe war, bur V er at the present pri: ce it is an .ist ^Stfueut,-that_. will'._return. high _ probably Inds, probably not always directl t (li►llars and .-cents, but in better realth, more conifort, Jess labor. arc :4antitkite.is'atfsi ion4or ,tituserl'ion€;5 =c n,the-home, because,aretyiene gas 11. limning produces produces leas heat, consumes ess oxygen and forms less car•bor dioxide than. kerosene, for example .. , tnd makes a far more Grittiant Ileht rhan.bven electricity,,*and it is easioa .fn the. eyes. It may also - b( used for cooking in the house anti it Is also well adapted for street light-. ing of -villages-and small towns. The acetylene lighting plant con sists of a gas generator, gas service piping, and gas jets or chandeliers. The generators vary in size accord - ng to amount of gas required, one for the home being, •of course, uiuch smallerthan that required for a Targe institution :or village, .. The chief parts -et -the -generator- are:- W-ater• chatnber, carbide holder, gas holder, gas filter,. gas washer,_ gas _ intake pipe, feed pipe, safety veils, .sludge agitator and automatic carbide feeder - device. The generator for a home requires only a few square feet,. a! -, space, as it is very compactly con- structed. It is usually placed in flit basem'e'nt, and it is very important that it be kept •safe fromsfr:ost. The operation of the platIt 15 a: follows: The chemical substance rise'' tor making the gas is calcium- -car bide, the same material that,. is use, in bicycle lamps., for instance. Auto matically this chemical is fed int( the water chamber as fast as the gar is used in lights. , In contact with t ht water it •forms a gas known as ace tylene gas, which collects in tt.c g: holder from which is passes thrpug small iron pipes to the lights. in a t. most modern plants no gas car. t.(, sibly be generated except as it is r: quired, hence there is no chance, was true of earlier types of. f t;trs', tor the gas to a..cu►nulato ttn.'(s sure in the plant'and leak out. a„ bettome ignited by a ,-. s U.st•, , suiting in an, eliz losioti. '!he ratio teed should be exal::ln. (t 0 t., _sionally and every .care taken to k• it i -n first -Mass Irtorking (;rt'br.,. T!: directions that come with tho should be followed arrurat.l) ;;r. • religiously. The writer knot., of s. eral plants ow Heti by - las t.lt t s ' .t many years, and in all ca5:s proper care the fesu1t "'t(ave•- very satisfactory. • tt h:a e;..•,; q,ica;t.it►i�a-.an. swvred . very gen.-rally as • . o. vary wit'ii size or plant, etc.- In g . eral 1 . would say the i:zit,at w would be abu,ut $200, i:ulu„sag s,• era tor, pipes, rhandellet s' it ;.l s. work of installation lot th4• a, •z:,i- sized farm tiotne. Th( e;.► year will cost iu the, of $12 o•$15. 1)-taii'd regarding- installation, etc., ,nus ansv ered upon r•.qu.:5e t,. tile -R. R. Graham. U.S.A.; V. A. lege, Guelph. `- 1 CULROSs COUNCIL • A regular meeting of Council was held on April 71h, all members being present.- The tollawiug are the minutes: Moved by Beingessner and Marshall that -the railing at the crossing of the 1 ith Con. road with the Town line in Formosa 'be repaired and made safe for travel•, the same to be attended to by B. Beingessner.-Car. Mrved by Erb and McDonald that the drain on Con. 3 at lot 27 being blocked up shall be repaired, the tile to he provided to continue the drain for n distance of abont 4 rutin, this, to be at tended to by: Walter Marshall. -Car. �f The following accounts were passed: Fairbairn Publishing Co. $!i 50,Duncan Thom paon,repairing road, 6.00 ; Olheiser .ti- Sore, 5 road drags, 75.00; Peter Arkell, 3 sheep killed hy dogs, 130.00• Moved --hy Red n ge>!s n er a n d Marshall that the finance report as read be adopted. Car. Council then adjourned to meet. on Monday, May 26th, as a Court of Re vision and *Pp& and for other bimines*, the Court of Revision to meet at 10 o'clock A.M. C. Burros, Clerk. The APRIL CANADIAN MAGAZINE The Canadian Magazine for April contains a very lively travel article by the Canadian novelist, Babel Ecclestone MacK v, entitled "The Tuneless Travel- ler." This; is Tote different trn►nthe usual run of -articles of this kind and will be read with much relish. Sir Jno. Willison has a chapter on "Office and Patronage," and Maud Poing desicribe5 the many beauties and advantages of British Guiana. ProVessor Wallace Cor - tributes an article on '•'he First (1•aAaa- ian Agent in London,' ana Elzabeth Robert Msidobald. gives' "A Little Talk on Lain man." The number ia beauti- fullyjllu'.trated. i Phone No. 10 is at- Your Service We Sell for Cash''- We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores Nigh Class Tinware Belie\ ing that ' many of our customers are looking for something better in Tinware than the ordinary IC and IX, we placed in stock a line (if very Heavy anti -rust 1 goods made.. of IXXXX tin, redipped, and they are the best that can possiy be manufactured. l)aii'y Pails, 14 qt., $ r.00 each Dairy Pails, i 6. qt.- 1.: v each Dairy Pails, 16 qt., flari 1.25 each Strainer Pails, 14 qt. 1.50 each Strainer Pails, 16 qt. 1.65 each ash Boilers, with Copper Pit Cotton; $6 0o each. For Spring Repairing and.Brightenittg. • Pulpstone for plastering, Hydrated I,ime for White- washing, 11 1tiresce for plastered walls. Wall Paper Cleaner -Removes smoke and dust froiu your wall paper, making it look fresh and clean. Sherwin-Williams- Paint in great variety of colors, both in gloss and flat tone. Varnishes for all purposes -For Floors, Lin, oleums and Furniture, both in Stained and Natural Varnishes: TheLucknow Uardre THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS JJ Bervie Moodily, April 7 Pte. Arthur Dennet arrived from . overeeaa last week and is back to work again at John Wagg's. John now wond- ers how . he ever got along without Artbur. He enlisted with the 160th and has spent a couple of years in Eng• land. • le leaks fine after -his trip. bf r., Vb'rt.., Hodgins is moving some/ of his furniture and etc., to his new farm at Bervie. We are glad to see that he has decided to return to our community. Mr. and -Mrs. 'Walter BlaekWvell, of Walkerton, spent a few day on the South Line. They heard wedding bells and court -not resist the temptation to come and enjoy the "outing" with the rest - We are glad to Fee Mr. W. H. Gable in Lis old place again and to hear the "rap tap" of his hammer. He was con- fined to the House for a few days owing to illness''. On Friday last a vi ry pleasant even - iiicer s _.spent at. the . busue of M r - seri Mrs. Geo. Sheane, Routh Line, it being :he nccaston of the 2.5th anniversary of their wedding day. About sixty guests were present to extend congratulation's to the bride and groom and in the pres- ence of such a gay c o m p a n y they felt as young as they did the day the minister tied the knot. After an appetizing weddink .,supper had been erjtyed hy all the evening Was spent in music, games and other entertain- ment. Sar. and Mrs. Sheane received a iteral shower of silverware from those presents They have the best wishes of 11 for many more happy, years yet of married life. . SCHOOL REPUR'i S Sr. IV. Total 1047-13. Ilarknesq 871* *it Tiffin 842*, ,-M. Moffrt 759*, E. Morrison 505*, 0. Slott 490*,. 11. Scott 351*, C. Young 234*. • Jr. IV. Total 200-1e. Diemert 136*, M. Diemert 114*. Jr. III. Total 861-43. Scott 589, T. Morrison 268, A,• I)r Malchin 240. Sr. 11. Total 1453-J. Scott 580, T. Diemert 500*, W. Young 268*. .1r. II 'Total' 1153 -- E. ..Morrison 714*, E: Thoatsoa 713*, E. Richardson 128. Se: L Total 1095-4. Reid 7.25, , F. Thomann 671, M. Diemert 604, J. Cooly 524*, .1. Fletcher 374*. 1 Total' 473-J.. Titoiilsci8A7, F. Moffat 2138, J. Orr 157. ' Primer -J, Morrison, J. Orr. Number "onrioll 17. Average attend- ance 20 Those marked with an aster- isk had less than 5 mistakes in spelling during the month. Perfect in attend- ance, B..Harknese.' V. M. TI vFrN, Teacher. S. S. 'o. s AsnriF:1.1.0 Sr IV -Jane Ritchie, Marshall Gib - 8011. Jr. I V - Esther Ritchie, • }; Irl, ( ihAnn, Gertrude Stroud, Margaret Webster,. Olive Helm .1r. III -Edna Ritchie, Eva Gardner. Sr. 1I -Malcolm Webster, Baroid. Gardner, i)orothy Anderson. Jr. II-li 1mund Gardner, Jnhn Mc- Donagh, John Ritchie, David Stroud, Jieasie 'Andrew. Sr I --Alfred Ritchie, Verda Strong; (Villi,, !bunter, Milvert Reid Mary St.r.ud, Willie Webster. 14: Emma McDo tagb, 'David A-ederson, 13eryr'Gardner, Olive Strong. Aver, attd. !S RUBY DII. &WANT, Teacher. 8: S. N'(i. 5, KINLoss Sr. IV -- Charles Morrison, Iaabel Chearsit. .. Jr. i V -Lena Robinson•, Bessie Jean eFt (a. Sr.esntTII-Lottie th, Pater Mortis, Lola ,MacGillivrahsent)y,Smi`Archie MacKinnon Sr. Il-Evelvn MacLeod, Margaret 1: MacKinnon, Rena Carruthers, (Willens .0heaniii, Mary MacKinnon=l-ties, 'Clara MacGillivray, Charlie Robinson. If-ltuth MacKinnon. Sr. I --Stuart . • Jr I --Helen Swan, Aline Carruthers, Katherine MacKinnon. Punier --Ted Murray, Jill ;WaCfli1- livray, Al. x Sniith, � + • . . m a cLt•:x,e`, Teacher. eacher. • WNW Bruce County News Dr. Wilson, who last fall so d out hie practice at Mildmay, has, decided to locate at Guelph, where he recently bought a residence and will cowmen ai practice al out May 15. 1 t$ Garnet Artnatrong, Druggsst. Tinsmithing Eavetr�ughing Furnaces Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. G. Drinkwalter -0M115 t .1 List pict tire Ilio gi'irf of __sSr.aua. __ child -sat the -loss of his or her h, 1(►vt'( ''1►oggie.'' To them this i1+ the greatest loss that could lion - sully ronie into their little lives. We believe that right ;Iowa in the heart of every than, worms,' xn(t Chill iM a flat nr:►1 desire to ,lo fur others what, they w sul.l hove others du for then, Tile "Lost att/l oinin(l" enlumns of The London Ir se -Press carry a lint of articles. lr►st, hy 'worth', ;who are sn'xiouSly awaiting word of their return.. \Vlteriev ►--. ..y... 'field anything, read tho lost ails. in The London Free I'r•es4 - then cio.as you would be (cont, by. 'load th© Witrit Aqa. every day - in The London Free Press Western Ontario's Foremost , I1(►wsnataer •1