The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-10, Page 1_ _ � ,, Af, , ! i •;: ," _/ � ' ¢• Wy',. . .a ` ". . OF,y . - �. • .-....-__.. .w..--••—, _.-w,- _. 1,6 I . . 1. j � ` . . . , 9 y • 4 ` T • - - + }r -. - �Of. W ° ,, u - , . + ` - . - . - - , • - . . . , \ -,- . . ° $1.5: per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise -LUCKNOW,• ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL, 10th., ' 1'919. V I - I Single Copies 3 cents ` ' _— - . Ripley LUCKNOW SCHOOL , ,.�thPORTS ( OLD NEIQH 0 FRIENDLY MODERN WARRIORS-9 W. S PECIAL _ . �ocAL ANS? GENERAL. � -- . SPECIA►,LS K(,(►Ji I About forty of 111r. and Mrs. T. E. B1LL, BERT AND ALF . I .Monday, Aprsl _ ► ' C Claws. Excellent--M. Stewart, B. . A heavy fall of snow was reporCed Smith's former ' neighbors from; Para- �r' ,. Mr. Murdoch Matheson visited . in It. Purves, .T. '11 b(,, ;pe . Libel, '� Wilson. Good—It. FanlOuS Balrnsfather Characters Hamilton last Rask, _ from Dianitoba;ua Jlonda3• mount gathered at their new hc,l}te on A fU[I assortment. O� fresh .I �► Henderson, A Andrew, 1•. Aitchison, A. . Rom St. Tuesda evening and had a•" in "1`he Bitter 'Ole"—Life, . Garden and t~low r Sprin uSI�CatS Mrs. 13. C. Cameron visited friends in Cameron, All accounts owing to Treleancn Bros. y s e Seeds ' McDonald. Fair-L. Ater; . Lucknow for a few clays last week, any usual be paid by April l StL, most, enjoyable social ileus. they want- in Trench and Billet Abty • I3 Class. "Excellent -- Charlie '�4'eb- Mr. h. V. ytackenzia left on.`1'edaes ed to ..chow` Mr. and Mrs. Smith that, ,�USt ln• iUC. package for, ` • M . Miss A. M. Baxn, Public School grin- Portrayed. o* n Screen hi le visited 9n Wtbaln c>o Saturday. aster, S. McLeod, W. Webster. Good-- day iuoruinr for. 'Alberta to look after 'though they had reared to town from - 5C• Wj'Ille they last. AISp - � B. Miltip, 1•I. McAllister, M. .iew.iv, his far-ming int.erestp. the *country - e were not tet bI for- , - lir. Neil^'1'honipKvn tth cin has __(„aptain'Rruce:$rtrnsfdt.herscreations r ns and Field Seeds In. • 1=0000 Clifford 1VebAter Fair--A. McMillan, rwra�, �1 Ray". of Hatuilton, a fclrtner alien. In the course' �•f the evening disposed of. bis fares to Mi. George Alc- � ag Whitby. 3 R g .� _;. �--.---___ . _ y. _ are always welcomp and his three brat' _ 10 _____._ _ _ ___ �'►tlhvray. resident A l own was the uesat of 11,rs, � Y. - ClaaA, Facellent — � Katon, 11.t $ they presented Air. South with ap arm --'-- ' - • . Wanted _ at ..Once a - U. R. Mclatosh a few da •s cf last week. #lances Old Bill, Bert and Alf, are sure _ - N,w. r. F: Kennedy, of'1✓thel, visited I)ouC►P, F. >lierrit}, K: AlcKeuzp, y - - - iia S sial OC H . chair and.Aire..Smith with-a nice rocker. --' _ __ _ • • of a con Lal seting in .Lucknow when his n-totheri-Mrs. -Thin. Kc-nuedy, con. b, N1cDori. Id, It. Watebri b1. ',Waooii. qtr- -W: Vb Smith, of Shepard, Alta ► _ d ',- lam. 4 . -__ �_ ,The.. }presentation- was .acc'ompanietf 1 y' Soap 6 ars for 2,5C. last mc (af.,,,c#._...l•. t)rivkwalt?,r. J. McKen2 . K-- is-viA&ing-his br;>thera here S'r. Su*at`h , they make their how in the film version �. y i n the reslcding of all address by .1Ir..1ohA' - , . - --_ - - Miss. Della Lowry is visiting her Alorti• . Fair—H..Johnston, 4j. B.gj:�I , s-1�>�tte-.r-an,•.•h►n,g b.ustness din 'Alberta _ of .- the baster ale at the( Car- ie - , I must have this quantity PP Y - Y. . to supply sister,' Drlrs. are�tth .;linitis, to Meat=- 8• .te'wvarct, EwNi'xon; " I iNhith K. -McIntosh.• ,... , ... .,,,Another. let,c,f,,ta,err'cori hDae. - Ha11;Tiiesday, April 1 nth. _ W� 'hRve St).me eXt.ra 90cd ni orders as Z have sold alt the spring Tie by . - . Y P g forth_thie week.'-.,,, , '+{7*meron I ,-Mesar Tia+_' ad,A,-tor, i,!,,' :+.y lui/uW�: , , Y . a,nd . we-haver► t hero Kekie4l . to , a -(.ur_ 'Captain Ritrustathe t s cartfons.. of. - " -�----•--: =_ , �' y YAl 3 In ,N'e`�ay. Shae . M,i[skcats ,than„ I ,can , buy... This-enables : I 11 c r o r r., 1 eac h ' t . ,.. , y' s11 ­ ,- 1 Pte. _Matt. Ltnailey }eft oa Monday 11 la_ctr(e .:la{31a. . btll.,....H�ydeo , cart t beat To :M1ir. and M4•s. T., Suitth. the British Tom t o :, ..,,...+ ,....�� my a .the fr front have. rue to pay,more .moneyahan�snyoneyelae;rtorning .:f(�r,:�3'oronLo"�tr,}�ere ,he liar se ;: 13Gf►flt''hI that! . Dear Friends:—We, your frta;>Gd>3 aa4d� become.world famous, and will go downs a would like to get your �; ' k 'for them. ' : klighest rices also paid for cured etaployti eut. .. Sr. II.. Excellent--Winnifred Doug I farmer neighbors, tak ibis opportunity. . , . - .. ;R _, ... P _ - MAtRQvrs SpRIrsC� WH>tAT WANTED. through the gges as typ"tfying ills spirit ,. 1 * to meet with you in your• new home. and eggs and will, a: to c'as t.. ; all other furs. Mrs. S. Jackson, con 2, has purchased las, I)ous Ducnln, Pena MacDonald*,, —Treleaven -Bros, are in the market for, of the British soldier who has done so pay ' h • ~" - Mr. Thos. Mitchell's re-4ideuce and will Gordon.Johnaston*, Dave Milue, Stew- Marquis 'Wheat,_ to be delivered within to spend'8. p4 dsant evening. (:~)nae and see hie. D I aIII waiting for much in winning `this war. Their cheery, price. )31'171'g t�1eA1 tri 118. - It move to town soon. art Huston. If Anustrung. Good-- tLe uwxt two weeks. y Mr Smith, we. are _ pleased_to raac. lf; .optimism, under alt circumstances, their * i you. , - Dr..- Calder and Nurse Adam, 6f b1'►rgait-•Henderson*, -Hobert ,.NlA `;f•.tt - . on your leaving the old home, the lea . T: , , ,� Aaictiou sales have✓ been running to P usflaiigging sennas of contempt for danprer, ` ��:._ . - - Juin*, Yrarl. exon, Ga. vin Bli� mtejn , ant, kindly life•whieh,you have lived in are all shown in "�'he better 'Ole," theJ • - ` , .* - - n t'­1f1tr-- I - .�` -.. - .__ -- - Wingham, wars, the guests of ,11iys Ida big figures this spring, and every farmer- " . Stanley on Friday dant. _ , Harveys Webster, C cant A1acKeclriP, who has held 6iie'has been more than O1�r community, and wish you many film version of the play. Ho DO', Wob� . . Fair—Sidney Decker, Dean Alelnne-•, happy years of prosperity p PP y and useful- Y Aati• fit-d with thci',restilt. The film is invested with a real live Mrs. W. J. Crawford and sou, F'I�ght AIN1vin Webster, Gordon !;'taper, �feor a sass in this your new home and where Be Blitzsteln Lieut. Orap awford visited in Lon- g plot, in the shape of an excellent spy . McInn s, belle Anderson, Gecll. Webster: W. Arscott, who bpfo:e going over ever your lot may be. ..ti don for a few days last week, story wherein villainy is confounded c — - - Jr. I1. Excellent —diary Douglas, seas with the army w,1s butterniaker at Mrs. Smith, since corcing to us ale and virtue rewarded in the appropriate EVERYBODY S COLUMN L�CK•OW Mr. W. R. A1cUonald, of Lucknow. ,Jessie Stewart*, Drannen :itacIntdsh. Whitechr, rch, has taken a uo� tilos as . wife of our. friend, you have proved ];ask in the billets Old Bilis discovers M . �`_! was among those who attended the Good—WinnifrP Nixon, Margaret Mc- butteriiiaker in the Wingham Creamery. yourself a home-makir of genuine worth MONEY TO LOAN.-6n mortgages and note * • LO"O.F,. At Home on Friday-evening. evenin d N� -% that tbe' keeper u-f_tha Inn iy in reality atreaaonable rateK. Fire ina�utanca, but '11 y g• uillin, , 'Kenneth 1 hom anon. Fair— .liembers'of your family have provaan aq . . OBITUAf�Y P The town of -Gndc�rich has adopted - a spy,'-ft-6' means at a given time to Stock and Mutual Companies. ,Convey . :Miss Mary Stinson, who has beei�.re- Sadie Jewitt Florence McInnes, Jean p unbounded: loyalty in patriotic service, ancing'done with neatness sae) dea3patch: .the "now" w or railroad time. The step Y Y P aignnl the (ernians q(the, movements ....., aiding, in Toronto for the past . three MacDonald. • . even to the supreme sacrifice.: We ex- of the French. How Old'Bill frustrates L• Broker. incknoN ., was taken on account of inconvenience , - - _ su. A. SIDnAL The death of Mr. Allan MacKinnon, months, arrived Noma on Monde even Those marked with an asterisk were tend to you, along witft,Mr. Smith, our i r 4C Y e to carrying on. business with two times. _ his. plans, -*obtains his Irapers andtnctd �'it"�GR4 Bu:vb� Boughe ane Rola. apply . of Kinloss Sunda morning, 30, Ing. _ neither ..la►te nor absent during the bein , observe$: � htartieat weH-wishes for a happy, Dein- entally- is handed a substantial roll of , � . H: ecrcExT, Lue know,° or wcsaaxT �: + . f ul life.. . lin r13 ..LL's Boot and Shoo Store. Luck- Y R M'r, John Fowler has rested the house month. g mons b the a to return for. what he uoW. - :. • u ar c: ' 1919, has taken from among us one of A vote taken on Tue4day in the State I?teas;6. acce these chairs, a memorial Y Y PY. --- formerly owned . by the late Thos Xe- J. W. MaCCA'LLU.M Teacher. believes 'to be the papers he has lost, . the oldest pioneers of .the district he be- .. - of Michigacn to porta t or not to pe.r0itt of the aftectton and regard of your Yura HIGHEST market priceR for zaw•turti._ Don't . . � . • Connell and will inove into it in a few � ' Root IV and which are reap valueless, is-a ie- - >tng iu 'iia 79th yea(•: Coliring from'Scot- beer and wine licenses went ovezrwhetiu- mount. friends.---I. S. L vs1Gx, G. W. Y sell the Pura without Racing B. BLirzsTEc. d iya. .• _ = T liRhtf ul bit of humor. Land to the year 1852 he settled ler din Sr. IY over r5/ LK:. Hi11. Over F,0 iugty iii .favor of no license. The vete 1 T -- - -- - - -�- ^ - �1[ KxAv( P._Ei,..Af�_1�Ai'.- :-..-._�_.__ .�` _=�lntheestr Mrs. Pine of La Valle Maio .River — __ 'n o - -`�----- Bert*is the `ladies' man of "the trio, 'FOL`�h street is, Lucknow, a chain )oss when it was but a wilderness. In ___.y ___--y_ _-_._ _(1. -.__ _I3lttzytein, . A. .r hast n,-- .-}I. I+r� Detrrit -��as stralrgty to favor of '�lr. Snritili made a short . . a ro - and locket. •owner may have same at Tm.: __ ______ _ - - -1r8 0 tra3 lnaatrrcazd-Lt sfietti lac fi-IIan _ Dist;rieE,- is. visiting tier uarents, ,Sl r. Thompson) (�: �turdie, I. }I itliwelt,) liceUse.. pu p. but his loven�akmg is always interrupt 5y.x'rINFI, OFFICE, on proving property. and Mrs. Jags. Saunders mate reply to the address on behalf of ed b the Arrival. of old )till or Alf. His I04-0 daughter ,of Alextnder 111acJtillan who who are both .:N. McLean, U. 1litchell, G. Hoilgin:+ A I3ox S,cial and' hfitertainmen! will himself and wife ex nasals a Y - p g pprecia critically ill.. ---.- - --- - gifts and also of the ki-nd- oft-repeated remark to each little French i►s new in ate ��th year.. aired living at Y Ai ,liacl�.►lfum. Over 4e—( l' . Andrew, be Riven is the Grey OY School on the tion of the g e DIS. PARKER, (�TE�ui�ATH, at Cain Hounr, t _. _ __. _..-__..____ Rtr1 in turn that "after the Rate 18 Over Lucknow, every w ednea�da<y afternoon. A11 ,Teeewatr. Mr. Robt. J. Bradley, of A-mberly,, F. Cain), (11'. -Thompson a1. Webster), evening' of April 17.: .A pav !'Cie ness of the neighbors throughout the � chrouicdcaexses a+uaxer�tutty treated, u>; . . The late .Mr. %I wKinnon was one of sold his farm to air. Geo. Edlott. We . R - Andrew, 11. Hlitzytgin, A. Irwin. Corr er Store , will be presented by F,ajt year w pea be was on the Tarin and I d like a little girl just like you, Marie" teopair>;y removes the physical causes of . the old timers who knew real ba:dshi s hear Geor a is about to desert the ranks Bt1low •,4c��W. Huston% s,1. McDon•t1d. lo,al talent. Admission ._.5c.. Ladies is one of the funny bits of hnaior=which duickl , adjustment of the spine is more sod what it waa to have to carry thele of bacheloghood. Jr. TV fiver 7:,'/—=.'4I. itchell. (Iver with boxes fP ee, „ : ]; -4_p, unable to do his work, joss through the play. - - - - - $uickly Beearred sr,d with tewertreat�enta • --- - - - <3a Wedi:esday e`rening _ of last onset ail ds y Osteopathy than by anv, other method - -,-- -CAkn erg THANKS.—. a4,,eid�. 11 r, and sirs. H yin the trenches, the wound- _ - atupplies ,ontheir b cks. 25 or•30-mile Mr. Angus McDonald, "con.' 7, has 60—I Johnston.Johnatotl, (J: l)urnin; k, fifty of the younger element of Air. and the clearing'of the blazto trade Over 40-1V. 'Webster, 'T. Alton W. lag of the comrade, the trip home to FOR BALE , R + renkd his farw to Mr. John Haunts fol• , Geo. F. I3c00ks wish thrloji;h The Sent- Mrs. Smith's,country friends drove= to and in a genial way cleaning up the frve`years, and will hold ani auction sate ,Murdoch. -Below--40—G:• Thompson, fuel to express their thankfuln�� to the town and had a jolly dance rove- o Blighty, and the return again to the vittritnovo I land- nd making this art of the county E. Nivinst . ' I many friends who were a-► kind and firing line, is skilfully told, '-and it is FOR SALE-3 well fln!shed house• vaith all • I 1.p y oa Friday, April 11th. home. All had a very Rood time. Safe to "The Better 'Ole" will be one a safe pleasant and ' profitable place to t t xamination missed. Aver. att. 27. sympathetic at the tim 2 of the death of - . Y wy t ti �mnei�'L. For particui rtfc ply - 't �,lr. das. Lytle, of Vancouver visited ,ii RAvcEs M. SPENCE, Teacher. their little daughter. I of . the most -popular screen pictures .. -. make .our home. S. - � - Mr. Jno. 5. Robertson this weak. It is - , • - - - ' - GhIURCfI NEWS- 'r shown is sometime, for it ia3'something FUR wL>:—.� �ti•hn (trig ing l,or,;e, ctAcarr:►►(1 While the late Mr. MacKinnon had A by-law voted on at Teeaswater to - - • 37 years since Mr. Lytle left our village. different from the war plays we have yautow. 'i.. ' ��. -.-� _ <,ow and (.ale, :c , , - . been sick and confided to his home for The BI �ent TO GO lenck Ulbeiser ,5 m, owners_ f iiia _._ _ _ months std. -t). C. 'rev 0a. Lucknow. . He sees many changes and. thinks our. . _ _ - PRESB TEtttA:v C13uRCx. -- Services been seeing, and-visualize's a side of life fan c. 4 ine inonths still he seas always desir Bruce Agricultural Warks ffi 1,St)tl fur lA ' -1 _7.*_ burg shows indioations of great progress,. •-- at the front in which we have all been nus of aeeiag and meeting old friends ears without inter`e'sXt,tvl... s defeated b neat Lord's llaty at 11 a.m. and (p.m. -- Sir Ipontias albite, 'i�iinistec of Fio- Y Y interested—the Ever d life of our FOR Ll':.—Ica acres of ar~t clava sort Witt, -'.: and loved to-talk of the old days. -He Air. Rost. J. Pollock, wife and dauRh- five votes. There was little a tbusiasiu Morning subiect: "What D,�es The For, w Y- $$Y fadr4y good buildings. apply to Gso. A. I will be miaised by a host of 'friends. � Thursday ante, has introduced• a bill in Parliament• u livening sten hen not actually #fighting. . rnnsLl•, 10-4-c ter, Evelyn lett on 1 hursday last for o •• for the loan and many ratepayers did `ward Morecneat Sta1�d For, 1 Hb leaves a wife, sevou daughters and Lion City, 111., where they will reside atetce for (,'an%da�uT6e new ecoin is one-cent not vote. . ' subjec •."T 'all of Life." Carnegie Ball Luckuow, one night Hu['.SK FOR SALE with good garden i• or.. R .. . At Ca four eons,' John., of the 8th con..of' Kin' in the future.. They took along with, p , , only, Tuesday, -April 15th, under the Yow*ession the middle of May. Apply l io losa;:Tau(., Qf Leaoce, Mart:; A1est, of Van- thein a Targe car7oaid of eff�•cts which be much am.11er than the one which l..as;n of Tu_�aic ... Mr. .John ltac 1h L. . A. meeting will be held Lucknow Bra_4s • Bind. Seats on sale bfM. K. CHISROLk. Yrer,ton (ant. •1 I c. - j-hag f een in use aince Confederation, Diarmid and family wish to thank their Hai usu ou til Chamber next _ couver, 13. C ; and Archie, of the old R"m certainly a wise plan chs adering Tuesday, April 11th, at 10 e.iu. at — -- -- (i the pteseot lsigh rices. and will resemble the United States friends and neighbors, for the kindness Sunday at :3.30 p:n� The subject for A.rmstrong'a I7cugStore., War tax extra- NOTICE '.. . Homestead. The daughters are Mrs. P - _. . H. is Fontaine, of Detroit- Mrs. J. L ' " The Women's Missionary Society of coin. The change is long overdue, as and syoipathy shown at the time of their discussion is "The Charitable Spirit" , Y our one-cent Mn is altogether too large recent bere-tvement, and also for the and the introductory address will be - For au matters regarding Green= oemetes r' Taylor. of Chicago; vire. Geo. H. Carson Knox Church^ will hold their monthly rifer w D. Taylor 8ewouwy. • a4 and clumsy considering its low value. beautiful sheaf of flowers which they - given by Dr. G. A. �i ewton. " s-a num- Ashfield iniad • .,f f pronto; Florence and Betty, of De• meeting at the home of Miss Ida presented. her of ladies have expressed tideaire to --� . . troll, Jean, who has been . with the, delivep Thursday. Addresses will be Lothian The mayor of Hanover, at the request attend one of the afternoon rueetinR�, The Ashfield Circuit services will be ATTENTION IFARMERS ' American Red Groes is France for two deltt{er�ed by Mrs. v. J. Henderson , of the Town Council, �the*3oard cf ladies are invited to the meeting taezE conducted neat Sunday in the following years and is now with the Army of and Miss Allie Mitchell, the talented � FERTILIZER FOR ALL SPRIN01 .—'[aeadap, April S. Trade and the citizens generally. has Sunday, Apr. 13, ()wing to limited order: Blakey in the morning, Idack- Occupation atCobleuz, Germany. Muth, young Apeaker who never fails to do her , , s ace there will not be room for child ett's in the afternoon, and %ion.in thw CROFS.- Farmers within teaming (list. Oa Friday evening of last week �1r, issu_d a proclamation establishing day- P - -, youngest daughter is living with her part well. Y - - ,.aftembo4aaettYe�r1--baFiaR dire a vs Tit' _ . . -. _.meter, Mrs. Carson, at_Toroelto. - and ,11rs•.A.ibert Beckett, near Kintatl IIXbt--i"ving in the town, and he-asim ten. (lino ,•�by f}ie rev. J: Agnew, of save commission and freight. We hav+- :_"'.=11'. Lues' K^y Jaeke(xt mita--Arsgres -tor all rP+id(•nts t�� advaneP. their clocks n. n the f Mowing Monday a fu?1 line of ourvarious brandsoe hand. There lira also two brothers and (tae held a reception for their nephew, 11 r. , ray arrived home on Wednesday even- r one hour. Hand Injured evening the W. M S. will hold an an-—1'ARlla[BRs FsRTtt-t�tcR Co. LTL). mister livnig. 'Angus MacKinnon, -of log, '!'hese brave lade ha i some excit- 'Jc'I'° Il )8e, who has lately returned f ffarinq meeting at ifgckett'e 24 4-es Vfin - nual thanks Lucknow Archie, (,lf Washington; and fr�,ni AVNresE.ata and wlxo served for m••arly' The I,ncknow Fire l3nptaeie will Bold aim• I g lag ti-mea° wbile'doing their bit for King L Mr. Walter Sturdy, an employee of Church. A good program will ba given, Arts A. A. 11cCarther, of ltontanoa. ry, and are ver Riad three years in the .3rd Div. of the Cau- a dance to the Carnegie Hall, bicknbw, Y. and.Count c-moisting of an address by Rev, J . Y adian Artillery l,.)rps. +Uver a hundred (+n Atoud�ty oiRht� April list. The the Table Co., had the rnisfortuner to 6.' J,Amisy JoiissToN back in their native land. Ripley is have art of the thumb of his right Agnew, s la entitled Sewin , y. pe s• friends and neighbors were present and ! ucknow Orchestra will provide the P g hand gn play g for the. w J Wraith Buys Paper proud of her sons who fought so val- .. taken off while operating a saw on S ►t Heathen," Rusts, etc. Everybody Rel- James Johnston, who died at his there was a very enjoyable Lite. The music. A goo] lunch will . be served. 1� g "I lastly for I" ]re�dom s cause. urda It is healing nisei come. . m_.______ Dame in Ashfield on March "the 18th chair ,was ably Tilled by ex-reeve Stew- } rc►ceeds will be given to the Lu-know Y• g y, but it will The- �eesw•;ter News came out last ' lset, was a native of Lockerby, Pura- Mr. Richard Stanley, our venerable act when s splendid` program of vocal Brass Hand. Do not forget the date. be gn,ite a_ bandica in working, and ,t,BE week under tlw editorship of Sir. W.J. . Bhint, Scotland. At the of 11r. p AEN IN KHAKI . - - friece4 octogenarian, surprised m;uy of our and iaetrutnPntal music, -readings and The Wt►Ikertc►n Spool and Robbin Co. hill keep lords a000ng the uses► Wraith, one time editor of the Sentinel -_ . A • i ._•,-----�I -_- -- - * nine he came to'this country with• his citizens on Monday last when he ap- 4ecbes was rendered. Mr. R,me re- is planning a -big extension of business Ployed for some weeks.. � - . - � ed. on a scaffold in front of his busy- p g Returningsoldiers to arrive at Luck- and for t hlr past these -year@ a relic rtes- - •. ."--' _ _ - -- - - parents, the family settling near Toronto. f apooded to the address of wePcoiue to a and is asking the town to guarantee its .1 •. . _ for soine time before movie to Ashfield. oess block, repairing a breach in the neat speech in which be ave an account `. now daring the fiai+i week were: Cpt. on the Toronto Daily Star Staff. 11r. g g bonds t� the amount of $1aJ,000. It rs ' 1Z BARREt.S BOOM~ l'te. Joe. Stewart I'te. Will Vti'raith made In 1864 be was married to Mar A. brick wall at the top of a second at(-rey _nf his trip hot"-on the Ol pir, Ai C. I Jno. Rope, good on the city p.1per, t Y ._ rl► 3� � ''4vitli this company that �1r. Ewart ' M,arHhall,, of near Clinton, where they window_ Few mien of- his age would Eiwood.Drennan, another returned sol- SOLD AT SEAFORTH Hasten, Bruce Henderson and Serat, but wished a change from the strenuoai.( 1 Catn•aron i9 engaged as aysistknt man- Geo. Taylor. Huston and Taylor are daily grind of the cit lived for a few ears,. To 11r. and% ra+. risk their lives at that dizzy height, bu: dier, also masse a shorts speech eulo iain . Y Y y to the ,less excit - y p 8 8 slier. 11 r. W. H. Shaw has been man• , Johnston twelve children- were- born, Dick is alert and active as a.school boy, the women for the splendid part they ager for a nnncber of )errs. Shortly after the Cinada re mperance both Lucknow niers and both went over- ing life of the village. The first number eight of whom, with Mrs. Johnston ace and we believe he could yet train air a took in the war in supplying the, boys y seas with the Bruce Battalion. Toth of The News- under this editorship "Is (,.tRr► OF TnA�l:g--lTrp. Allan liar• Act. came into force to Huron Count • still livira. These are: William and tight rop6 walker. - with c'otbin ,sucks and boxes of vac suffered wounds, but biave pretty well bright and newsy.. . t g Kinnon, on behalf of herself and famil Jacob Weber, of Seaforth, was found to recovered. W. Huston is a son of . • .fairies. of Luckuow• Elward, on the The Women's Institute niet. at-the ioua other xoo.1 things. A sumptuous y' � Miss M. L. Fairbairn who bought The Adam, on the home of Mrs. R. F. McMullen on Fri- stiliper was then served, ,kfter which wish to,thank their ma.tiy friends for have.in his possession twelve barrels of and Airs. DAve•Huston-of toi% Taylor News soon after the outbreaks of w,u is ' loth Con. of Ashfield; their kindne. s and many expressions of whiskey which he.• claimed was for the is an Englishman and a veteran of the retiring to'a well-earned rest. , old homestead; Mrs. Arthur Culbert, day last. Jars. Shicl B-)wens, president, several more boors were anent very en- s m pafli oaind bel during the sickness "� Dunaanpon, Mrs. Wm. bunter, Ashfield;- occupied the chair. About 40 ladies joyably at various amusements. e+ Y I Y p � use of himself and family. When the South African War. , :era. (leo. Irwin and Mrs. Jon. Irwin, assembled to bear Dr. {;alder, .of Wing- Mr Everett ,Bruce Henderson, who and at the death,of her husband. All Stewart's -Arly hoine was near St.. . a acts of kindness and words of sympathy officers ,►f the law suggested to his: that Helens but is renewing old acquaint Llbrep Board Meeting `' ' Of Kinloss. ' • . ham, deliver at most interesting and io• served over sweat m,nths in the, :n- that .was a very large amount for one - . The late 1f r. Johnston was 74 years strtictive address on "The Eye." The y r extended vain be lovingly cherished in eocelr •in Wawanosh -this week. ' fano} he said that he did' not know . ginl~era Div, in France, spent a few days our ruenior q' Bruce HenBirson is a'aaon of A'iT: T. Tics, chs sad 3 months old at ilia time of his Doctor has a very convinc. ivanne4 in Y that it would bA, enough sue it meant ,•inapt Ul ;e among the here ea route to his home in Edinootoo 8 , ` death. For several" years he was s enf- spsaliting and held Lias attention of her „ The Kincardine Review recently had Henderson formerly of A�s.bfield now of officers of the Puh,ic Library Berard as A Air. Teddy Dexter, who hags sec only a half pint each day fol 14 years. ' ,' ferer from kidnap trouble, but throuath audience while she spoke on that most ' p' the f olfowigg: The It -view h:tq it. on lie was then allowed to keep his Edmonton. He enlisted at }• dmonton at result of the election of officers at�the . I working it his trade, blacksmithing, in good authority &hat Air. Alexander Mac two darn • it all be was cheerful to the end. The important member of the body. �o g Y y. ago, being one of four brot6rcrs meeting held last SAtutday evening. t?o variriskep on the understanding that none R � funeral to (3eeenhill Cemete was bald instrumental duet by Mra. R. J. Graffham Ripley for some time, is home and con]- k?nzie, snn of lfrs. Donteld Mackenzie, of i4 should be sold and t,o snake sure to see service at the froth. He spent the Rev. R. J. Garbutt was elected persidenr - . rryy menced spring operations on his farm Princess St hats been . honored with a week at the home of his uncle, Mr. J. J. and Air. T. S. Reid - who was president • .-A on Mar. 21st, *ben R v, R. MacCallum, and !Miss Dalby was Rreatjy enjoyed by here ' and that it was not being sold the inspector Liet+dersoo Station Street. Bea ms treasurer, taking t Ti tact,- Lucknow, couducted the service, the all. A< dainty, lunch wasr served which .Knighthood. May Sir AalexalEerder n h" baso ma�l[rog occasiional calls LA.vt S g t Lac, c►t .I -- ' Eset Ashfield chs being vac Lot. lir. sever fails to Mr. J*-hn- Kar r sad his dao hters Lady Ifackenzie be long sp-tftA to en Mfr. D. Gilbertson. Mr. H' A. Dou >e charge pleai+e ttroee preaeeut._ g week °Ioapectors Torrence And i•.11iott I I Johnston's favorite Psalm, the 23rd, M-re. l: ►bb and .!Liss h'aossie, and Alagter ,joy these honors is the wish of 'file Re was-continued' in the office of secretary. 4 Itev. Geo. Gilmore, the feadsas, faith called just to see what progress Veber Crewe was ansa at the service. Oeorge, of near Toronto, who has pur• view and its readers. c p B 'A short list of books. which were ' j ful pastor of Knox Church, preached to chased firs. McLean'as f-acm• Itere, moved ,, and .its family were snaking in disposing a recommended were const erect by ,the Chief Moore of the Lackmow Fire -of the whiskey, and the found than it---Alonda April Board and the secretary will ord�rtti(• Dearest farther thou haat left us a full house on Sunday evemiitrR. Itbe-into their new pontis this week. We ex- �o. hc� rc{ceiveai a communication Ennis - was al4 y Y p' Pet • Here thy loss we deeply feel, ing previously announced that he would � goes.. Weber explained that a Rnrn.—To lir. and firs. Will Hast • Rab this G.-A who has bereaved ns delYver a temperance sermon; 'brought ht tend-it heart welcome' ' ` Y stranger had come along on a r ent Y• is the near future. _ , pe 8 y � the aecretac of the Asse:►ciation of Fire g g @c a son, Congratulatia�ng. � -- yIr-'141 : He can all our sorrows heal. le for man miles to hear ltim. Hie �'oo Are invited to a dance in t•he Car- Chiefs reminding - him of "Clean up night and bought the whole lot now —{ I peon y • VIr, and 1Sra. It it6ew Shackletr►n 1 • O IL discourse was ane of the ablest of its negie Hall, Lucknow, on W)nday night, Week commencing May .'Ab. Having reduced to Ili barrels. Heber could spent ,Saittirday at the hcanie of Ajr. Fordyce a kind ever deliverers in Ripley. 11 r. April 21st. Lucknow Orchestra. Good a general clean up of the winners accnm not say who the purchaser was, nor C�lareoce �tihackletoo. i c Gilmore hats the sour of his convic. lunch. The Luckno# Fire Brigade are. nlation of rubbish is one of the methods where he took. the la.luor to, nor would . MARKETS - � • - Minn Av, A •nl tions and is an ardent temperance pus- donating the proceeds to the Luckn ow adopted to vrevent fires,, And the wtsoc he say how much he got for it. . A pleasant evening WAS spent in . the. - , , Es . , 1 ,- a (CArrected ftp to WeQneseday noon) voeate. His clear-cut oratory sever B�9 1;tnd. Come alone. •iation aagks that everyone who can will Weber pleaded guilty to the charge of 4ehor►l hour+ hire on 1•riday evening. Sl r. and itra..JaA, litrboiir visite,l at. i • . Fall Wheat.... 2 1 I observe (drain 1'n Week. srllin A splendid pr►Rratni wat.� given aftaer R. Atct'lenaghan`e over `nods, j fails to impress his audience.. Through � - fC in violatson of .the llnnunion rc• - 3 j (hits f3ri ___—___ i which Mrs. it. McWhinney read a snit ' , • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • his courageous efforts law has often Grand •,f the Oder, Reece Ruttle W. alation4, and to the mataistrate hr said Mr. and ,yrs. Liie4ter TAvlor visme.l, + _ V able, addrE'a.4 and lira. J. At- oar ►re 1 Barley.................... .5 ,8ri been enforced and , people aiplifted. J. McK',t G. 1-1. Mooney and W. 1:, fatal siratet Car Accide17t flat it wai,a either a cause of :selling the g Y I at the home of Mr. .1 )hn Fergflsl1n, (if I ., -- - peas 1 50 During his sit years in It pleY, he has McUonold. The, biggest "hit" of the • whiskey or sending his wife to,,tha acyl- seated i te. Isaac Gauley with a purse ltiburn, over Sunday. Eggts, new lard............. 39 - 40 done much to reserve law and order iittl as i%�i ick ter- a wort to of money. I tr. Gauley made a suitable_ _ __ - I Butter.............. ..... 47 50 p • evening was made by the male c uartette, Th tt hip brother, Arthisr� was' killed. _ y - t i6ilfiala;iog thein for their Ia:indnesa Milia Tic�iotia '1-111}►f'a►, of Lucknow, and his idmirers wish him abutrd ' - them on account of the eo ►le' wanting �)' ' .' $� > y consisting of `tr era. 13ui1can, .obs and in as astrert car accident Ria than said P 1 and also t.ellin o spent the weekend nndcr— h - HiQ• �..... •.. sot success in the future. Il�bert Munn and, J. H. Chapman, news received h Mr. (nrdon lining- E q f his tnl► throughJ#ki`en.tut•..._ .__....�_ ,- ► - _ _.. _ . . ._.__�.,..,...___.•.. _ ,...... _ P y t( purchase it, also the ingr o _ tt be � 1 F _ . ..^ .-.- y in stolen,iliZZ 't'Oia a_.M�_____-•-_T�-A�-F:- A��l0-•ie- A*t+rr•~Mie►-rroRra-m Alt *paired to f;tl`.- wearer rets''tfVruixy. Il4atls cif the ac. - T ►o Hall on Friday Drs a The ma strafe imposed a fine of �2t)0 A pie social will be held in the church Miss Winnifred Haines is s a . - alis heavy steers. .....$V% Ort to �1a5 00 y t, t which the basement where n luxuriotis dinner was cident are not obtainable at time of 13i pendinyr,;► and cots. here on Good Friday, April 1 s. A few days 11 rs, (ire' - Choice butchers............ 11 50 tea, 12 00 returned soldiers were gnests of honor, served in cotimees. While the first table writing, but we understand that Arthnr' Y y visiting .her sister, ,,, , . Choice butchers' cows... 11 00 to 12 00 way`s attended by about 3fi0 peap!e, The wee' being served Mr. John L. Bowers I i rinkwalter wase a street car co doctor It was a most dating case of law splendid, program j o being provided by McRobert . - (`,nod feeders ............... 10 00 to "'l i, 30 program commenced at ri p m with entertained the real of the siudence at F'a�rt William, and that his car was breaking as, Weber knew that he ,crotid the ladies, and Rev. Mr. Steadman will Mrs. G,eo• vaylor ri,it�d for a ilio le Good milch cows...........f40 00 to 150 00 Postmatstsr 1).,A. McInnes in the chair with some of his fuahrr'Irish ,yarns in collision with anotheer car.: He lived not legally dispose of the lignor, he hay- give a lactone on his travels throng•h p . , •i of days' At Souter .Tay Jur s. - Hogs, fed and watered.. 21 Ott to + int two days after the accidhnt, ing been warned at the time it was re- !'.neons, afteaf which pie stag coffee will 1 t , who in his usual pleasing rn-toner amus= When the wants-of the inner.man -were for a1vc Fall Wheat-...:.... ..:..... 2 13 to � he served Admission' Z:,c and 15c. �}r. tit, Ma s moved onto the I)�a . sen the audience with lies nia6y e:ir�chy sataefied the'f1 xSr was cleaned and dans but his injatries were .of such a nature turned to him, -after being held by the r3' y�, , ' i a�waoe eVlreat .............. 2 10 to stories. -Solek were rendered by Misseq ing was tadWged in antil i'i a.m, luck- that recovery +vas not l(r,ked for. D"th - A{ithoritiea ( t%o years. The lignin Everybody weicotne. farm last vrFek, I . i spats ,....v:...,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 63 to 6•f Adelins Mooney and Maatr stet Mr.Lea- now Orchestra furnished the music." occurred Sunday eveninir. - Mr, and sits. had been returned to Weber as the re A numbei of the young people at• 'Miss Mj*drite Rintoul, who is at, 9`}tatiaRliy y • . •... •..:. • • • • 0 00 to ib 00 Y g F $ggs, laid .....:..... 4 i to neo and Stn. D. Mann. Short apebohee while Elisbt► McDonald acted floor Driukwalter went tq„-(ilod$rtoh on Mon. b Jibs Ddia stert ( an order ioice,n Gowil �Nended tend the dance at Aurn sass' tending Bnainear Colleega aft i�iogh>►rr>4 ltlntf s3 to do were shade by D. A XcLsod, Noble manager, � day 'ishaerb the •remsrdi 'will tale ioWn*d. 7 us sight � spent the wbek-end at her hoarse. , • iI ._.. r_.._-..._.-..r r I. . . " , A" . ,M if s Rola Vii, n'rt' _r+l": .. . - x t^, .'.;Ib l°,�C.J.' 4J6i;�^' %7 .4 ..'�'.. .tx.,u:. ... t ! �� .fi Z..• ": I. I I Iiiaw. I 1� -01 -,. - -1 0, at, =WkL w