The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-13, Page 8...m.o., .�.ice" S_'S.Y'. h.,. It"'•..u' + M1q'�43.4 +9�. -.vd' ��.." ..)1" "• . ,�..^.14,140411616.46410 +-.i►+w y , 'hVrW:r,iwn7u:rr.... ./ �meqM,-.wT... imo.i.•^��+ �r• ... ♦:-Ate. ':+11 c a •.y.•,yM•. .,r,, x� u+fr..1i41 V Rr' • r«. 1 rens Goods and Silks ILKS and POPLINS This will be a big silk season and we have excellent values in each line to meet the required demand. In black we offer a fine quality Pailette Silk at $2.00 a yard. This is part of an early purchase and if we bought it on to -day's market basis it would be $2.50. Two other good linea are Plain Tussah at $I.5o in green, navy and grey, and a nice range of colors in Rebscord, the new dress fabric, at $1.35. Our Poplins contain a wide range a 'colors. and have a beautiful sheen J hupir appearance, and we recommend their wearing qualities. Priced at $1.75 yd. Georgette Crepes and Crepe ,de Chines in nice qualities and good colors, at reasonable prices. WOOL SERGES Still continue deservedly popular ter suits and dresses. Their excellent wearing qualities are well known, and few lines of dress materials retain such a fine appearance for so long .a, time. Our range comprises black, navy, copen, cardinal, green, burgundy and''grey, in widths 38 to 54 inches, and priced from 2.0o to $4 0o a yard. nt:ot.Animuceniegt The' adles-of Lucknow and vicinity are cordially invited to our Spring Style Exhibit on esda• March the i8th The newest styles of Snits and Coats will be shown by a representa- tive of The Princess Mfg. Co.,of Toronto., Special orders will be taken and garments d -livered in ten days or two weeks. Murdoch Cameron Co. Fourth Con., Kinloss —Tuesday, March 10 Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and their two adopted children, Harriet and Jack, ..:� anent an afternoon with Mr.'and Mrs. R. R. Middleton this week. The child- ren loot their parents some time ago and are orphans, completely thrown on the mercy of what in too many cases of the same kind is an unfeeling world. But "God who is the Father to the father- less" has in His great love provided for them in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, the kindest of foster'parents, especially in the case of Mrs. McConnell who is their aunt on their mother's side. Mrs McConnell sincerely thanks God that He has given her the heart end also provided the work:_ for her to J. She has no' children of her own, still her mother's love will to developed and expended upon those dear little children. How many opportunities do childless Pr ople mise of working for the master We may preach and pray and attend re- ligious services and give money to erect fine churches etcwhich may be good in either places. But the blessed Lord wants us to do something for Him, feed the poor, clothe the naked. Mrs. Mc- Connell has chosen this good work and assuredly shall receive her reward on earth and in heaven. These people are certainly carrying out the teaching of the parable "The Good Samatiton." Whitechurch Crewe (Intended for last week) and- Mrs. Dave McWhinney and family were Sunday visitors with friends in Dungannon. .MrLjee4d s,. --,Sam Kiluatrick visited —Monday, March - Miss Matilda Alexander, of St. Aug- ustine, is spending a few days at the home of A. Fox. Miss McTavish, of -Ripley, visited at the parsonage last week. Miss Lillian Longman spent the week- end at her home here. - Mt. David Clow's sale was a decided success. He intends moving to town the latter part of this month. The remains of the late John L. Jacques who died at Cadogan, Alta.., on Feb. 22nd, were brought to Wingham on the noon train Monday, and the funeral was held from the residence of his father, Eli Jacques, con• 1, Kinloss, on Tuesday afternoon to Wingham Cem .etery. Deceaasd was 27 years of age and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The Guild- meeting last Sunday even- ing was ihtfoduced by Itgbert L tidlaw. The leader for March 16 is John Gaunt and Joseph Forester. c MOTORISTS judge all light car s from the standard which the Gray -Dort has established. Someother cars are lower-priced—but against this they balance Gray -Dort quality. Higher - pricedj light cars give nothing that warrants more than the Gray -Dort price. You will recognize the balanced value of the Gray -Dort -a price well within rea- son, but not one de- sirable feature sacri- ficed. Aquiet, power- ful motor; standard equipment; comfort in ridingand driving; economy; long ser- vice; r proud appear- ance: The touring car Is $1245; the Gray- Dort Spacial — the ear with added refinements and extra equipment, is $136 extra; there aro also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chat- ham and are subject to change without notice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Ltd. Chatham. Ontario In the U.S.—Dort Motor Car Co.. Flint. Mich. in our burg last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacDonald and Miss Annie Brown were visitors at Sam Sherwood's last week. Raymond Finnigan is spending a.,tew days with friends in Dungannon. Earl Black, of Clinton, is visiting friends here for a few days. F13werdale -Monday, March 10 Mr. John R Mef)onald spent the week-e'Id at th., home of his sister, Mrs Andrew Gemmell, Southamption. Mrs Richard Martin and daughter Spent a few day s last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Irwin on the 2nd. Miss L. McCastle, of Ripley, visited at Mr. John R. - cDonald's last week. - Mr. Cecil Robb is at present working at 1r "Sim Conti—awe on the 2nd., Mise Sadie Gee, of Lucknow, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Olive Robb. 'Flowerdale was well represented at the Ripley rink on Saturday night. Mr. Robt. Osborne is at present,d•rill- ing a well for Mr. Geo. McGillivary. - (Iutended for last week) Miss Margaret and Neil Black visited' at the horse of their sister, Mrs. Archie Cameron nn the 6th on Tuesday. Miss -Mary Martin; sf" Lueknow, spent last week at the home of.her brother. We • are . sorry to "report that -Miss' Freda Collins iy sntTerrng from an attack of influenza. Wee hope for her speedy recovery. Miss Rena Coiling who is attending Ripley Continuation School spent the week -end at the home of her uncle, Mr. Wm. tfarrington. Miss Charlotte McDonald, of. Luck- rn and Mies flertie 11.eckenridee r er,;. visitnrs at t he fchool cin Friday. Miss Cassie 1)lmglas and Olive Block. who are attending Stratford Nern:al School, spent the week •end,'at their hones here. • Mr. and Mrs. Jno. 11. McDonald and' family visited at Mr. M. ":11^Quire's on the 2nd. St. Helens —Tuesday,, March 11 'Misses W. 1). Rutherford, of Fergnc', Nina Woods, of Myth. and Clara Wooco, of Guelph, were home for the week end. Mies Fanny Joynt, is home after vis-. iting friends at Hensel'. Mr. Jas Hyde *made di business trip to Lonlan last Wednesday. t..l elena was well represented at the Carnival last week. An interesting series of meetings was held Isere -14m -Th•a relay- sten er _ the -atter pices of the West Huron /Petra of Ag- riculture. In the aft_rnootea meeting of the SA•'c,rnet,*y wa. address •j by Mrs. Th' n.ae; -.,f lieam=vil;e, ani a class of live stock judging was -conducted by Mr Barbour, of Crosehill In the evening ac,int meeting was held in the Hall; wha'h addresses were .gives by,' Mrs. Thomas and` Mr Barbelnt, and moving- picture* were shown by Mr. S. B Stothers, district representative Riestionammamini- Had Piles ess. For Ten Years w And Tried Nearly Everything 11. rept a Surgical Operation With- out Obtaining Relief — Tells How Complete Cure Wu Effected. There are reported here three cures of chronic cases of plies. In all three cases many treatments were tried be- fore it was discovered that Dr. Chase's ointment is about the only real cure for this distressing ailment. Mrs. A. Oates, 32 Gtlkinson street, Brantford, Ont., writes : "I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment as a household remedy for ever to long, and am par- ticularly indebted to it for a cure from. Piles. I had suffered from this an- noying trouble for ten years, and tried neth ly everything •I heard, of. After ••sing Dr. Chase's Ointment a short while I was completely cured." Mr Wm. Shantz, 165 Albert street, Kitchener, Ont., writes : "For several years I was troubled with bleeding piles. -I tried different remedies for relief withot}t..5uccess., I read in Dr. Chase's Almanac of the benefits other people were receiving from Dr. Chase's Ointment, to I sent to your offies der a sample box. I found it gave >M such relief that I went to a drug store and '.purchased a full-sized box. I. have"._tised several boxes since. . and have derived more benefit from its use than "any remedy I have aver used." Mrs. F. Cussons, Victoria street, In- gersoll, Ont., writes: "About two years and a half ago I was suffering from Piles. I had tried many differ- ent remedies for this distressing trouble, but nothing, helped me. Fin- ally I got a box of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, an 1 after using it found that I was eornpletely.cured and .tuive-not hembothered in this way sine. can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment to anyone suffering as I did." Dr. Chase's Ointment, eo Gents a box, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. There are no rivals to Dr. Chase's Ointassnt as a treatment for Pile% • Bervie . _ .....,....a..---,�ilcattdt►•yr•.,1C[a.r�ch...io�,.....,. Miss Cynthia Stewart is spending a few days at Gable and Sturgeon's. Mr. Douglas Einerson left last week for his home in the West,'after spending a few months here. n Mrs Adam Cooke is visiting on the South Lina for a few days. James Webster, of Moorefield, is re- newing acquaintances around Bernie. We glad to see Jim back again, Mrs. Manley is confined to the house at present, but is recovering. Mr. and Mrs Chris Blackwell,•cf Rip ley, spent a couple of weeks at the home of J B Blackwell. • Charlet Hewitt has closed his store, having just completed a three weeks sale in which he cleared out almost the entire stock. Bervi3 is now a very quiet place as 'We have only one store to do the business of the community. Our iced Cross Society held their final meeting last Thursday to dispose of the goods on hand Our ladies have been in charge of a very active society, and as far as doing work since the war broke out our It d Cross has held its own with any society around, -and it had also the co-np t ration of all since it"was cirganized. We shall Miss the iced Cross Nag clutter ing.iatbe breEze..every Thurs- day, but everyone rejoices that the day has come when there jail() more need of making shipments of goods for the men in the trenches. The farmers to the north of our village seem to have grown restlesa this spring and tnany have taken the "moving notion,' some desiring to leave us and hit for (be free and open prairie lands Robinson ltawshww and Arthur Collins have each held big.auction sales and are leaving for the 'fest. We hope the West 'will not he fortunate enough to entice-any.n,ore of our farmers away an we feel sure they will soon be feeling like returning even if we do have some tough northern winters in this part of country. Privates Adam Fitzell and William Besh have returned home to Beryl? after' spending four years on active rervice Both of these young n,en enlisted at the outbreak of the war, Adara being the fir. t to leave these parts kr training They have both been in the tbiek of .be fight f„r`rnreit of the time and are for- tunate to be, safe home again. Will was wriunde I rind was in E ,gland for sense months. ifs also' 'received the D C. M. for bravery nn the field_ of itle Alam carne through without a wo od, - and be epent•hie time driving aon 'a transport wagon up to the front line trenches. Astbrwgh"be canoe off with. cut being wouhded'he &in tell of [Gene very narrow ei=Cayes. We cc:kr,ne both these. v.t rim.* from the great •wer. Eighth Con., Kinloss. —Monday. March 10 Miss Phoebe Cor;r rn spent a few days last week with Wingham friends. o Mr. and Mre 'Hess Hurn„ entertain- 1 c' Tuesday, March 11 Alts. Jas. Solotuoa, of l .uek u, ►w, is visiting at J. H. Chapmau'e. Mr. Geo. I)ymer, of Kincardine, was a visitor in Itip'ey on Saturday. Mre J. N. Login was a visitor atm ng Lucknow 1l iends over the week -end, u Mr W. A. Mair, G R station agent. visits d friends in Hanover lin-Sunday. Misses Anr►ie McLiy and Audrey Einmerton spent -Saturday i.i Lucknow. Mr. Meredith Ituttle, of Aylmer, visited at Mr. Robt. Lcwr y's this week. Miss Teua McDonald, school teacher at Arinow, spent. Sunday at her home on con 10. Mr. D. 13. McLeod, hardware mer- chant, spent the week-eud with friends iu Southaniptou. Mrs. Drew, of 'Toronto, is vier' ing her daugt ter, Mrs. W. W. Ire iu, of lira. Commercial Hous, Miss Annabel. McLay eutertained s number of tier friends on 11'eduesday - eee4ing of last week.;- , We regret to report• the iNaeait< (,f Mr. James Saunders, -an old and highly - esteemed resident of Ripley Miss Myrtle Morgan, school teacher of Bluevale, visited her parents,, 11:. and Mrs. Jos: W. Morgan,, this week. Rev. Mr. Abbot was aeourd town; nn Tu, qday, introducing his brother lately retnrned'frorn active service overseas. Ex -Councillor Alex Walrnsley is ser• iously ill froth intestinal paralysis Grave hot es are entertained for his i e- covery. - Mr.. and Mrs. J. H Chapman re turned from Toronto on Wednesday last. healthMre,. Chapman is much improved in We regret to report the Illness of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Osborne; alar, Mrs. David Stewart, of con. 12 We sincerely hope tor their speedy recovery. Pte. Jun Campbell, who was a mem- ber of the Siberian Expeditionary Force stationed at New Westminster, 13. C., airived home en Saturday evening. Miss Margaret McLeod has disposed of her residence in town to Mr. David Henry, of the 12th con. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Henry to our burg for we know they will be worthy citizene. Mrs. (Rev.) F. C.'Overend, of Kincar- dine, will address the Women's Siisaton- ary Society of Knox Church at their monthly meeting in the home of Mrs. H. F. McMullen (today) Thursday. Our hotels, restaurant and butcher shop have laid iuysuffcient ice to keep cool during the cording summer, a num- ber of cars of this rare product being brought here from Wingham during the past week. Pte. Harold Fraser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fraser, con. 4, arrived home on Thursday last Harold went through s )me of the hot fighting c,n the Western Front, and we are pleased to see himi home safe and sodnd The interior of the Town Hall is be- ing beautified. Mr. Angus McDonald, our web known painter, is the afttist. This will greatly improve the appear- ance of the building. So afar, so good. What will be the next rooves Two juvenile hockey teams from P.'p- ley drove to Kincardine on 'Saturday and succeeded. in winning one game by a score of 7 5 and also in tying the second game 4 4 Our boys bad to go up against teams of much larger boys, but nevertheless they showed the Kin caratne lads that they cr.uld keep up their reputation. Everybody has to ad- mit that our boys can play good clean hockey. These are the ones who will make up the suture senior teams, and we feel sure that when the time comes they will be champions. - The Women's Institute met at Mre. W. J. Crawfords on Friday list. , This was one of the 'most interesting, and also one of the bent attended meetinga of the society. Mrs. M if 1)ierlarnn, who was ons of the delegates to the provincial' convention in Toronto gyve a very`intereating account of that meet- ing. The 'ladies were favored by solos froMiss Viola Gilfillan, .1r , of Orono, and Miss Adelene Mooney, .of Ripley, also two very well rendered readings by Mrs. Rev. J. Henderson and Miss An ' nabel McLay. The hest -part of the program was reached when, luncheon was served—Mrs. lteavie's toile being pronounced first class - - • (.io Thursday night our Brand Trunk depot was entered by burglars. Find. logthe- door of the waiting room r pen, they made their way iuto the (tire by p•yirsg ripen the *14,1.40 i'rifl+ng the; tel they found shout five.dollars in Imre! ebange, which they conhiec,ited This; thing is becoming to, prevalent,in our town, this being the second- time w,ithin.' two weeks that the like hats happened A tieries of burglaries have been.cauied out in a similar manner during the. pa,,,t few months.. It is high time the Grind Trunk Was placing 'an efficient sleuth at tbe station to witch for such marauders. Their work is not of a p.rofesyie►nall nature and it should not be d,ffi.: alt to • cap:nre th. N',ne but a ^,a,s •o the corripa.nyemnb ould Fr- alloweffid iln the ffice of the •depot at any time. • Tbrn utsiders would riot be familiar with' it,, ed a number of their frien!dn and neigh- •j bora• to a dance on Friday evening. i b •There was a very enj lable time Mr Jo;. Culbert spent the week•rnd + with (;!arnis fiierds. •peelt a fart. ; w loot 'week with friend.,, in Kirrard'De •&'dt 'Tivcrten. - 0) Sispent lett Week at W'rr U'9rgrxm•e. n ,3o'irr►berpopleo,f this burg gp,en.t a ve:ry,'r. j ,yah.. ever,;..g it 1 MaJ'oifi tii :i.ty •. Ripley Tree eveoir,,g n wassp,er4t in g4.1.4 '46,1 dcarniao tr Mites is fns so Eva (.;olr,ert ,spent ` w the week end at their borne hers et contents nor tempted ti, enter it after tun MINI hours. The sad news of the death• el f;riener' :Lek • McLeod in Nieb',ll's netlike!,Neterbor -,, 'in Marsh 1st, tante as x thrs*;im his rtupw-ftt;;1 yT ien ` . 7;,yk r - aa well known lyre where ire spent rest .r,f hie Fr,yhrrri ds, Ili* fatht:r, t• 1tr,dertcic Sl rl.ee4. rr�',�v .,r (;era- t nit, IAwn, Ware]. Se/Aland.was ea a n+ribrr •',f years pr,nt',r of H'ir,n 1're Fiyteriao Cbur:h The family left Rip. y street eleven yearn ago. but John ,-ver cared to live in the o,l'i "arid 411'1 lteti:s• sb',rt stay be returned b, (.,40wla here Le lived 'sloth war broke out, Leo hs telicted f',, . tenons , service. • Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash— We Sell Cheaper Thai% The Credit Stores RAZORS Last week a customer inade this statement : "I suppose it is im- possible to get a good razor now -a - days!" , We surprised flim when • we handed hint one correct in sbape .`'perfect iu grinding and absolutely guaranteed for $2.00. Of course they are pre-war stock, much filler and smoother than the American razor that we are obliged jto buy to -day. We have•" if `: oek a few :ngrs�l" :- -_ and a few Keen Kutter POCKET KNIVES . letter than anything we can now purchase, and we are sell- ing them at less than the vhoJesale price of inferior knives Weltave just put into stock our sprint -pur- chase of L herwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes the world's standard. 11 The Lucknowriardware & CThe Hardware & oalCo. 1 I!I' THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Seven years agn^he was employed for a time around Riley during the installing of the Huron and Kinloss .Telephone System. He married Miss Bertha Lytle, of Peterboro, who with" a little son is left to mourn the loss of a faithful hus- band and.:..iather„ Being. male citated fore -regular employment since his returu from the flout where he suffered tier- iously from gas poisoning, he resided at the home of his father -in -&w, Mr. Lytle, from whcse residence a military funeral was held on Monday, Mar 3. To the bereaved widow and son, also to the father, mother, sisters and brothers in Scotland, the heartfelt sympathy of their inany Ripley friends is extended in their hourof deep sorrow. Teeswater ---Tuesday, March 11 Mr. Jno. Clark has sold out his boot and shoe business to 1). Ferguson Possession to be givgn.. after Saturday the ,15. Mr. «'eb.ter. manager -of Hamilton Bank, lamiltonBank, has nerved out of the %i hittock .seteiueoce aced taken .the •Gurus over the Bank. r The national evening in the. Method- ist Church last 'Thursday was very suc- cessful. The (,intern slides were fine, and the audience felt they had been in- structivc ly and pleasantly entertained. Lt. Webb and Mrs. Webb formerly Alice Hyslop are home from overseas and spent.a few days ,with Mrs. Webb's sister, Mrs. W. J. Ballagh. Lt. Webb has gone back to Saskatchewan where he held a position in the customs before volunteering for service. The Board of Trade met last Friday'. and after discussing the Hydra project-` appointed T. Kennedy delegate from Teeswater to meet the Hydro commis- sion when arrangements for the delegat- ion are made. All are enthusiastic for Hydro. Bertram Hiscox has moved out of Mr. Red len's cottage and taken rooms abr,ve she -store which .1..J. Hiscox pur- chased from the Nelson'Itiyers estate. Sl r. Jas. Reddens is moving into the cottage. . The Bachelors of Teeswater, who ever they wiy be, are giving a dance to- night in the ceuoeil chamber. There will be -gond .seats for all who buy reserve Beat• tickets ler the Chen• tar: plea Festiva. Only a limited numb er t i be s',jd ___ Your .reserved seat will be available for yourself or a member of, 'the family at every one of the six en- tertaintAet,tas. ' K inloug:;. - -Tuesd ay, March 11 Nei are pleased to report that Mrs. Tyndall '1G►►►io,sre,n is improving under the care ',f Nurse McKinnon. • Myrtle Stanley, ,of, Kinloeic, w's a visitor at tte home of her uncle (l. st Stanleys laweek. ' : T-ttnra*r-w}rr, fist' h& n vis ng fir seine time with Mrs. Ed ferry, has ie. turned to her home in Culross. • Tee et,,rk called at the home of Mr. and Mrs: '1'',rn Geeest and. left a baby girl.. 'air Wm. Stanley, of P,rnce� vir.iting his frienda'in this locality. A verj'enjeyalile dance was held at, tt b,,u,e of Mr. Oen. Stanley 00 Friday r.tg ►t ',f Buis week,. when quite a large wind sr sere iii. CRANDTRUNKSYs EM The Double Track Route BhTw$$N MONTREAL; TORONTG, DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service... Sleeping cars on night. trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. -corning, District Pas'enger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON T.R. AF'ent, T,neknow. Plh.nie 2. If the Public Wish to Know WHAT Coleman's Hog and Poultry Feed Will do for Poultry Keepers, especially the Laying Hens. Below is a true and correct ex- ample of what it has already done: 1'o Mr. H. Co'en,an, Kincardine, Deer Sir : ---1 am pleased to inform i•ru rf the splendid results obtained from using your Blood, Flesh and Bone Meal. In four wpelrs in January 1 g i theeed from 39 hens 420 eggs. les February,- after using your food, 1 got ••'60 eggs,.an increase of 140 eggs in four anc•ke. 1 feed a tablespoonful of thin per hen daily in a m.isli ,r,itidn, and f can highly recommend it es a valueble poultry food: Yours truly .•. J. B. BOYEit, - 4111 • P O. Cox 445 Kincardine, Ont,. Epicure Pork Curing House '• kincardine, Ont. BORN a my Mu me for all C you IDA (lag St. 1 and MI enga Mi ter, Mt yo un he di Mr day vier,,, Sund To For compi the Ci in th from, lives i Kin of you bion as the next t thb of elrec (Co Fall Oats . Barley Yeas Eggs, Butter Hogs. RotitNsoN - • I.n the Thwnahip of ii inloas, - on Monday, March 3, to Mt end Mre. Tyndall i.tnbinson, a daughter (Margaret Edna). 1-- -- - Dirk lt'iBiNsov ---In the Township of Kinloss, on Monday, Mar. 3, Margaret Edna, infant danghter of Mtn and Mrs1 Tyr.dell Rnhineoy, stik Choice Choice 41;i" Good n Flogs, Fall W Goose Oats ... Tirnoth Hew, I Butter, Butter,