The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-13, Page 1• • lk ' • t�. der $1.5o per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise "PHOTOGRAPHY Lucknow Studio will be oTen until Mar. 20, in- clusive, when it will close. permanently. 25 to 5o; per cent. off. all work un - 0! then. G.S. FREE PHOTOGRAPHER READ TIlL I wish to thank the people of Luck - now and surrounding country for their liberal patronage ie the peat and I res- pectfully solicit their trade in the future. I am a resident of Lucknow. I pay taxes and buy all the requirements for the support of myself and family in the village. I buy from you at any time =during the year, and I am always will- ing and prepared to pay the highest price. I ask you t000naider and I res- pectfully es- pectfully . request, you [IA to sell to st raugers. No doubt, this coining sea - eon there will be (,there wanting your goods, who come here from Toronto, stay a short time and are gone; who pay, no taxes and the town and country are none the better for their being here. Those others may say land they have said) that they are working for the, but , this is not correct, as I have no one other than myself. buying. 1 will pay you the ,highest price (and more than others will pay you) for all the rap, rubbers, copper, braes, iron, zinc, lead, tea -lead, old papers and all kinds of junk, at any time during the year. Please save all you have for me and you will profit by so doing. Please write or phone when you have junk for sale and I will call immediately. Phone No. 86, Lucknow. JAKE Lim. Lucknow, Ont. L,UCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 13th., 1919. ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYBODY Chautauqua is Coming ain--Proceeds to Sold- iers' Memorial Fund--. arch 19, 20 and 21. A meeting of those who, arranged with the Chautauqua Festivals to give a series, of entertaiuutente in Luckuow was held in Mr. Siddall's office Monday evening. A1,1 present were very entbus: iaatic as to the success of the forthcom- ing event, and an active organization was effected to see to the sale of tickets and make all necessary arrangements. Quite a number have been given tickets to sell, And those who are not canvassed by these will be able to buy at J. G Armstrong?' :Drag ,Stere, The vSentinel Office or at T. Watson's Barber Shop. Iu . order that ,all ticket-holdersway have an equal chance in the selection of seats the plan of the Hall will not open until one o'clock on Saturday, the 15th. .A -seat resected will be secure for the holder, or_for one of the family, for the whole aeries of six entertainments. It may be well here to warn season ticket -holders that while tickets are traneterable within the family, friends or rel hives not belonging tothe house- hold, cannot be admitted on such ticket. Those who .wish to attend one or more of the entertainments but do not wish to buy a season ticket, will be admitted on payment of 50c in the afternoons and 75c in the evenings. The war tax, of course, must 'be paid in all cases by the purchaser of a ticket. It was agreed at the meeting to turn over the net proceeds from the ` festival to the Soldiers Memorial Fund. A. D. Mackenzie was appointed Secy- Treaa. and Geo H. Smith was put in charge of advertising; while It. John- ston anti W. Davison were appointed a committer. on arrangers !pts. These - who attended the splendid aeries of entertainments and lectures presented • by the Chautauqua here last year were delighted and the desire that another series should be given this year was almost unanimous. There needs he no feat 311 -to the quality of tbe program& Chautauqua is a guarantee of excellency, 'and doubtless those who buy season tickets this year and treat themselves and members of the household to this "festival" will be as greatly pleased as were those who attended last year. There are reserve seat season tickets also for childseo at $l gl+; tame, of coarse, are transferable only among children of the family. OBITUARY Mr. Wm. Barr, who was well and fav- crably known in these parts, passed to rest on March 4th, after a short illness -front paralysis. lie came here when a young man frc in the Township of North Emit Hope and shortly after coming here he married Margaret Frazer, who predeceased him a few year ago. They were blessed with a family of eight children, six of wboru remain to mourn the leas of a kind and loving father --Mrs. Wm, Walker, of Petrolee; Mrs. John Button, of Wiggins, Seek; James, of Louvain, Seek; Mrs. John Purvis, John and Verner, of Kinloss. The funeral, Thursday, March 6th, from the home of his son in-law, Mr. John Purvis, with whom he bad been staying for scene tinge, bore evidence of the esteem in which he was held. NOTiOE 4' VILLAGE COUNCIL The rogular westing of Lucknow4Vil- loge Council, WAS held on Weduesday evening ot last week, when all members were present. It was moved by Murdie and Hender- son that the time for returning the tax roll be extended to March 15, and that the collector be instructed to notify ell delinquents that all taxes must be paid by that date.' -On notion of Smith and Henderson, A. D. Mackenzie was appointed to the Library`Board' in place `of `D Glilbertson who has removed. In connection with the electric light and power situation on motion ot Smith and Henderson the following resolution was passed: "Recogntziug the necessity of better lighting facilities in some of the munic- ivalities,and the urgent. need for addi- tional power required for industrial pur- poses in other municipalities in South Bruce and North Huron, not already served with Hydra, power, the municipal council of the Village of Lucknow res- pectfullyrequests the Hylro Electric Commission to take into serious consid- eration the extension of the Hydro El- ectric system to the municipalities cf Lucknow, Wingham, Blyth, Brussels, Teeswater, Kincardine ands Walkerton at as early a date as conditions will war- rant, when the above mentioned munic- ipalities will havemade application for hydro power; and that the clerk be in- structed to forward a copy of this resol- ution to W. II. Pope, Sec'y. Hydro El- ectric Commission. For all wattles regarding (resollt111 oeineterf refer too ll. C. Taylor esetst+tr'y. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned. as Grocer Merchants in the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, has this day been dissolved by Mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to W. A. Solomon at Lucknow aforceaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said W. A, Solo- mon, by whom the same will be settllcd. Dated at Lucknow this Third day of March A.D. 1919. witness. W. A .SOLOMON, JOSaPH AG$RW. SAMUKi. M20-3 c s. To Friends of Fallen Heroes At The Public Library The Library Board wish to keep the public informed as to bookq that m y be obtained at the library. The beat of the new books are added as soon as they are to be had from the publishers. The following 'are bet a few of the good books recently placed on the shelv,,s. Watch for further lists later FI(TIoN - 'Fhe !'rice of a Throne FOR THIS PART Hocking; The Curious Quest—Otapen- beim; Pawn's Count—Oppenheim; The Win hwm, Teeswater and Breese' Is Next of Kin---McC•ung; Three Times g and Out—McClung; In Orebcard Glen--- are moving vigorously to have Hydro Keith; The Man Nobody Knew—Hall; Electrice installed earliestle at the The Daughter ofthe Lend—Porter; The pe' dot Fromthe liAM Joyous Troublemaker—(lregory. TI RS we take the following account of iiisroay—Mopping Up ---Munroe; A Minstrel in France—Lauder; Wonders of the Air—Wheeler; Ambassador Mor ganthan's Story; Wilson's State Pipers. BIOGRAPHY—Edison, His Life and Inventions; Laura Secord; My Larger Education—Waahington. - ScIBNCE—Our Winter Birds. J uvENtut —Girl's Nest—Perry; Fight- ing for Fairview; The Marjorie Series; Boy's Book of Submarines; Cameron Nand; Just David; Working My Way Round the World; Five Little Peppers at School. There is' also a complete set of Har- vard Classics recently purchased among which are the following: The Divine Comedy—Dante; Plutarch's Lives; Or- igin of Species; Wealth of Nations; Memoirs of the Courts of Europe; El- izabethan Drama. CHURCH NEWS CARNIVAL WAS Bili SUCCESS The ceruival in Lorne Rink Thursday niubt of last week, held in the interests of the Braes Band was one of the best ever held in toe n. There,was a splendid crowd and the costuutes were numerous and varied so that it Might be said that not the lily -of -the valley. the „trees of the garden nor the "demons deep down under the sea" were ever arrayed like one of these. The spectacle was at times grotesque and splendid- -"and all went merry as a marriage bell" Prizes were awarded as..follows: I1eat Dressed Gentleman, Fancy. - 1st, Huntley Gordon, Military Brusher; 2nd, Albert Milson, Hair Brush;, 3rd, Con Decker, Box Chocolates. Best Dressed Lady, Fancy -1st, Ruby Nixon Dressing Table; 2nd, Winnifred Single Copies 3 cents LOCAL AND GENERAL Mra. J. M. Greer is visiting friends in Detroit. Keep Lucknow's Dollar Day in mind —March 25. - We are sorry to report that Mrs. G. S. Robertson is quite seriously ill. Mr. Din Ma�Donald is up from Tor- onto visiting his home north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins, of Blyth, spent Sunday. at her mother's hove here. New Sp, ing Caps—Eastern brand— nobby styles. See them at Murdoch & Cameron Co. _y.,li las .ClaraJohnston. is .baairsetetown (Jordon Puree �` '" '" - - and in charge of the millinery, depart - Beat Dressed P'.Y. tinder .15 yrs •F:1neY mint -at Connell's. ..1;4.:0.“1,1zw' -Snow to the depth of about 14 inches fell during Saturday night and Sunday. It was soft and made excellent roads. • Tickets good for all six Chautauqua entertainments are'good for any one in the family, but not tor friends outside. Spring Style Exhibit of Ladies Suits and Coats at Murdoch -&-Cameron Co., on Tuesday, March 18th next. See ad. -lilt; Campbell' lh mpaon, Cuff Links; 2nd, Grant Mackenzie, Box Chocolates. Best Dressed Girl, undei 15 yrs. t ancy --1st, Doris Durnin, Doll; 2nd, Flora Andrew, Nut Bowl; ;3rd, :Maley Arm- strong, Hair Ribbon; 4th, Eris Arm- strong, Hair Ribbon. Best Dressed Gentleman, Comic -1st, Harold Treleaven, Pair Skates; 2nd, - Harold Agnew, Pail Syrup Beat Dressed Lady, Comic—lst, Mil_ dred Treleaven, Fancy Dish; 2nd, Ada Webster, F lncy Dish. Best Dressed B')y, under 15 yrs ,Comic —1st, ' Charlie Webster, Knife; 2nd, Ronald Jaynes Armstrong, Tie Best Dressed Girl, under 15 years, Coptic—Mary McLean, Skating set; 2nd, Willie Treleaven, Pair Gloves. Oldest Man on Skates -1st, James Hunter, Shaving Set. Mile Girl's Race, Open -1st, Rosie Stewart, 1 pair slippers; -2nd, Irene Rathwell, Bon Bon Dish. Musical Chairs, Open—lst, Andy Orr, Mirror; 2nd, Roy Button, Box Polish: Boy's Race 12 yrs. of age and under - 1st, from Alton, Box Chocolates; 2nd, Harold McIntosh, Pau Sr -x. Boys Race—lst, Gordon Thompson, Tie; god, Wilfrid Murdoch, Lunch B- x Rev. W. A Amos, of Palmerston, will occupy the pulpit of Calvin Church, St. Helens, and at East Ashfield ou Sunday. PKES$YTERIAN CHURCH. -- Services next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 . p.ni. Morning subject, "The Vision That Re strains.” Evening subject, "Signe- of the Times" CALL To ST HELENIS —At the meeting of Maitland Presbytery held in Wing - ham on Tuesday of last week the call front St. Helens and, E Ashfield appoint ment to Rev. Peter Jamieson, Melbourne, Ont., vas unstained. The induction of Mr. Jamieson at St. Helens will Italie place on Mar. 27, the service conimenc- iog at 2 30 o'clock. Rev. 1'. M. Craig, of Dungannon, will preach the sermon, Rev. J. Reid, of S. Kinloss, will address the miniver, and Rev R. McCallum will address the congregation. HYDRO -ELECTRIC For historical reference a list is being compiled of the men who en isted frcm the County of Druce and of all men born in the County of Druce who enlisted from other places $nd sacrificed their lives itt the Great %ar. Kindly send to the Editor the names of your friends and relatives who should be on this list. as prJmptly as possible as the list is being c_mpiled within the next thirty days and is wanted to verify the official list. Your assistance will be appreciated.—Benno• Jr 27-3 c MARIETS (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) Fall Wheat 2 11 Oats 755 80 Peas 5 Barley► - 1 50 38 Eggs, new laid 3W 41 Batter 18 751 Hogs TORONTO MARKETS Choice beavriteers......ViSlifilifp6 50 Choice butchers 11 90 to' 12 00 Choice butchers' cows:•• 11, 00 to 12 00 hood feeders -•....„..•- 16 00 to 11 SU Good snitch cows 140 00 to 160 00 Hos, fed and watered19 00 to Fall Wheat ........ 2 13 to Goose Wheat 2 10 to Oats, 63 to Timothy Hay, 13 00 to Eggs, new Lid 45 to Better. Creamery Prieto 53 to Kgt(tsr. pairy Prints,31 to a meeting of representatives of neigh- boring municipalities. Judging from the attendance at the meeting in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon' last. The municipalities in this district are in concert in the matter of securing Hydro electric power in this section. Representatives were present from Teeswater, Brussels, Lucknow and Wroxeter with a goodly number of our townspeople. Rev. Mr Durrant, of Teeewater, was chosen as 'chairman and Mr. J A Con- stantine, of Teoswater, as Secretary. The question of securing Hydro for this section was discussed at acme length and all speakers were favorable to the project. It was decided to proceed at once in the matter and the different municipalities are tucked to communicate with the Hydro Electric Commission s'tting forth the need of proceeding • Soldiers' Memoriai Up to the present little has been said to the public about the erection, in Lucknow, of a suitable monum lit to commemorate the fallen soldiers from the village and neighboring municipal- ities who gave their lives in the Great 'War. But .r movement for the erection of such a monument has already made considerable progress, and the Lucknow Fire Co. which did such splendid pat- rio is work during the war has started a fund with a donation of $300 ok Those who have arranged to have the Chautaqua Festival in Lucknow on March 19, 20, and 21, are in hopes ot making a substantial addition to this by turning the net proceeds of the en- tertainments to the fund. Froth the Festival held about . a year ago, they were able to turn over $160 00 t i the patriotic fund, iiii-U11-11 organization is better and the value of the entertain- ments much better understood by the publica it is hoped to show even a bet- ter balanct on the right side. Lucknow Fire Company have donated $300 to the Soldiers' Memorial Fund at Lucknow. help it along by buying a season ticket to tbe Chautauqua Fest- ival at Lucknow, March 19-20 21. Six entertainments for $2.00. Mr, 0. -8. -Free expects to move to Meaford .about Mar. 25, and bas de- cided to keep the photo studio open un- til the 20th. with the work this season. 1he - LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPORTS ferent municipalities ate alscelliked to -------- t name delegates to go to Toronto to in Room Ill terview the Commission, the 'represent - Sr. III Excellent --F Reid, 9 Mc- ativea to go to Toronto on the same day. Kenzie, E M Orr, M Douglas. Good— Kincardine, Blyth and Ripley wore not they L Murdoch, W Sproul, B Beaton, D `represented at the meeting, are being asked to join in with the mun- icipalities named above. The idea is to bring the power from Engem” Falls and a power which is to be developed at Port Elgin. As soon as the delegation has %kited Toronto and the matter brought into definate shape, puplic meetings will be held to discuss the question. 64 16 00 4* McDonald, L Taylor, A Carruth, Howe, C Murdie, E Alton. Fair ---F Burns, W Eaton, N McInnes, E Web- ster*, D Carter*. - jr. III Excellent ---M McKenzie, J Stewart, C Thompson, E Armstrong. good --P Beaton, M Geddes, A Taylor, A Thompson, A Aitchison, P Webster, H McIntosh*. Fair—D Houghton, T Webster, L Webster*, C Milne, A Irwin. ADA M. WERsTER, Teacher. Room IV Februaryreport. Sr. IV over 7:iy --1 Rath well, A Mur die, K Hill, M MacLean, . H Thompson, T Blitzstein. Over (r -= G Hodgins A Johnston) M Webster, I) Mitchell, F Andrew, H Blitzatein, W Thompson, (K Andrew, F Cain, M MacCallum" ) Over 40%--W Huston, A Irwin, M Mc- Donald. Jr. IV over 6o%—J Durnin, E Reid, M Mitchell. Over 40%—I Johnston, W Murdoch W' Webster, E Nivins, T Alton Below 40%--G Tho; pson. Na OD roll 19. Avers[s T$'9P )1. Bir EL Teecbn. DEATH OF MRS. A. MacCARROL Very sad indeed was the death of Mrs. Alex. MacCarrol, of town, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday morning this week. She bad been ser iously ill fora week previous, and an extensive surgical operation had been performed, but without - resulting -in pernlapeut benefit. Indeed f rots that time little hope was entertained of s iv ing her lite. For the last few days she suffered greatly, but this was borne, during her hours of consciousness, with patience and cbristian fortitude. Friends have the c ouaolatiou that all was done that medical akill and attentive Arcing could do. It was one of those dtstress- ing ,instances of being cut down in the "micfia't' ofi f Ft ficir :!Acca MacCarrol was a lively, cheerful person and active in want' walks of life:`, "To- her intimates she was the warmest and most faithfui of friends and as a neighbor the most obliging and helpful. To Mr. MacCar- rol, who is now left alone, the lows is great and irreparable. In his sorrow he has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends., The late Mrs. MacCarrol was born and grew to womanhood in Colborne Township, her maiden name being Rae_ A. Million. - She. vra"s' aged 36 Years 8 months and a day. She and Mr: Mac Carrol were married 12 yea's ago and have lived in Lucknow since that time Since girlhood she had been active in church work and was a member of dif- ferent woman's organizations. Besides a husband she leaves to mourn her mother, a sister, Mra. Ham- iltonof Huron 'fps and three brothers, David and Ralph in the West, and John in Colborne Tp. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon leaving the house at 12.45 for the Presbyterian Church where service will be helcf at one' o'clock Interment will be at Colborne Cemetery. Don't forget the W.C.T. U. meeting at the manse on March 20. A good prc- gram. is in preparation. All will be welcome.----SEC'Y. iIilton Naylor, the present courier on Route 7, has secured the contract of de- livering. the mail on that route for the coming four years. Nobody is going to make money out of the Chant - ,ua Festival. Every cent over expenses will go to the Sold- iers' Memorial Fund at Lucknow. Mr. John Sheriff has sold out his- dray isdray business to Mr. Elliott Taylor who recently moved to town from St. Helens vIcinity. The transfer took place last_ week. tic Nome From The Seas HOUSE WO -AE OR WASHING. —The undersigned is prepared to help with house work by the day or take in wast- ing at her borne.—MRS. ED. ROBIN- S3N. 20-3-p. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgagee and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance. tot Stock and Mutual C ompaeiea. Convey ancing done with neatness and despatch. GEO. A. SIDDALL. Broker. Luckuow VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. AppiP J. H. A►aah'r. Lucknow, or A.C1CletiT & 1tATHW&l.i.'s hoot. and Sbee More, Luck - now.: HIGHEST market prices tor raw furs.- -dell the furs without seeing H. BLITZSTa,I s 13E YOUR OWN !BOSS. - Start *a cut•rat.- grocery business of yuul own. 925 to $.,e► invested should earn you $2:, weekly. r1. V. MMtt1'r\, N LUdsor, Untar'lu, 211 3 p u 8TRAY ED from Lucknow on March the St1'. •an Irish Terrier, long tail and with light collar. Followed a team towards ',ringside. Anyone giving information leading to its recovery will greatly oblige. BELT :'ARD, ,.Lucknow. 13 3•c. MUSKRAT. -A11 kinds of spring muskrat wanted -Big demand. Prices ighs to 1iu1: For extra quality may go lrotn swell to large $6.(Jl1 to $a.25. Skunk a renage run $2.00 to $2 50, Coon average $i 09, Fox medium to large $11.00 to $16.50. also farmers' horse hair 27c per lb. Sem) rubber 6c uer lb.--JAK LIBEL. residence, back of Cain House, Lucknow, Phone M. FOR SALE having bought your ticket to the Chautauqua entertainments, you can reserve your seat at J. G. Armstrong's Drug Store after one o'clock Saturday the lath. The Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting in the Council Cham\ ber on Friday, March 14, at 2 30 p, m. A report of the Convention at Toronto will be received, Visitors welcome — SFe CARD or THANKS—Mr. A. Barbour and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for all the many acts of kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement and also during the years of Mrs. Barbour's illness. Wilmer MacDonald, who has been with the British Navy for more thin two years, having secured his discharge, arrived home on Monday night. Siuce his visit home last aumtner he has been with the Canadian Division of the navy which has headquarters at Halifax. He was accompanied horne by his wifjie-, a bride of a few months ago. Mr Mac Donald will now take up farming with his father on the homestead, exchang- ing the plowing of the raging seas for the peaceful fields of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald received a hearty wel- c mie on their arrival at the station Friends wish them many happy years of wedded life. - Mafeking -T dt►y. Mar. 11 Mr. D. C. A nde'rson and son, Fred, spent a few days this week with Mr. Thos. Anderson and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick previous to his return to the West. Mre, John Rieke vtaitrtd her sister, Mrs. D. McWhinney, at Crewe a fear days of last week. Mra. R J hnstone visited Mrs. A. McQnoid on Monday. Mr. S B. Stothers, of Clinton, spent the week -end With bis mother here. Mr. andM re. D. Andrew and Mrs. Will Qardser, of Zion, visited at S. Kilpatrick's es yridny. The Electric Lights Naturally folk. nave been asking what is- "ding about -the electric lights- 1n Lu''know. Well, we can't say much, because we don't know much. In fact there's nothing doing. We were agree- ably surprised the first of the month when nobody came around with the regular monthly bill for current.. And nobody has come since. Looks as though the Council is leaving the col lection to Mr. Stewart -and he leaving it to the Council. N aitber appear wit-. ling to acknowledge (possession. But we likely shall have to pay somebody for the overlooked month of February. FOR SALE -3 well finished houses v+ ith all latest couvenieuae'. For particulars apply W G. A. SIDDALL. . 1 tl tfc. BORN • SHF IFF - In Lucknow on March 10, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. John She We learn from the Teeswater Nees that Mr. 11`. Trench, with a viete-ta boosting the Old Boys Re -union to be held there next August, is offering a purse bf $1000 to $5000 to race any horse owned in Canada. Mr. Trench still -owns faddy R. which holds the world's record for racing ou ice. Mr. I) K. Webster has sold his fartn to T. It Irwin and will be going to 'he West. It seems a little late in life for Mr. Webster to go to the new land, but he feels that he can give his sons a better start out there. He has already bought a 400 -acre farm in Alberta from Mr. Have Anderson and will move be- fore the opening of spring work. He is having an aution sale on March 19th. if We notice in the 75th anniversary ' number of The Globe, issued March 5, a portrait of Mr. Thomas Somerville, uncle of Nits. Wm Connell of town. He is nos living with a daughter at Cargill and is in his '5th year, still bright mentally and enjoying good health. He has been a reader of The Globe since the early fifties, when it ap- peared only weekly. lie and the lace ,lanes Somerville will he remembered as the first saw and grist millers at Kinloss Mr. and -Mrs. W. Kaake and fancily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H Chaldbourn, Kingarf. - Dr Hall, of Walkerton, called on friends Friday of laat week. Mr. Frank Cole moved a load of household effects to Walkerton last Fri- day. PRESENTATION --A large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the bonze of Mr. and Airs Peter McDonald on Mcnday night to wish thein and family success and to say good-bye to them is they are about to leave for their new h -tine in Sask. They were presented with two lovely rocking chairs and a Bible for each n,etnbcr _. of i.Ile failaily. Miss N. Stewart read a short address Evhf4,,was given in connection with thekills, and a short program was given by a number of those present. Miall 1, Kaake, of Kincardine, was the gttest of Miss L Smith over the week end. Mr. 5 Braden has been preparing for the hot summer months by putting in a large stock of ice. Mr. James#iuston made a buaiuess trip to l'aisley last Monday. Lucknow. BIG DOLLAR DAY FOR LULKNOW • HOUSE FOlt SALE with good garden plot. Possession the middle of AI ay. Apply to Mgr). K. CHISILOLM. Preston tent.. 3-1—c. a son. - HOW MRS. E. MILLER, KINCARINE, WAS KILLEb The following is the report of the death of Mrs. Miller from one of the Los Angeles newspapers: A head on collision of an automobile and a street car on a slippery Vermont Mercnants Decide to Boost Bus- iness By ()tiering Very Special Bargains on March 25th avenue hill, near Pico street, caused five members cf one family to be taken to the Receiving Hospital for treatment. One of the women, Mrs. Mary Jane Miller. 73, is at death's door, while her sister may die. 1 wo women in another machine narrowly escaped injury when the wrecked auto carened against them. Mrs. Miller and her busbard, - Elijah Miller, 74, are here from Canada visiting their son and daughter, Williar l K. Miller and Miss Louise Miller, living at 2641 Brighton avenue. M rs Sarah Walker, Mrs. Mflier's sister, was serious- ly hurt. Her residence is at 580 West- ern Avenue. Wnl. Miller was driving the machine south from Pico street. As he reached the brink of the hill he 'turned out to pass another machine, just as Vermont avenue car No. 445 pulled up the bill. Miller says. he attempted to turn out, but bis tires were in the car track groves and he was unable to avoid a collisc,n, The shock is thought to have thrown Miss Miller from the auto, as she w•as picked up front the pavement with a bad cut on her eyebrow. The impact forced the atfto in front of a ` machine driven by Mrs. Oda Faulconer, an at- torney living at 912 South Vermont avenue, and she was unable to avoid a second co.lision . With Mrs. Faulconer was her mother, 'Airs. M. E Hunt, but neither woolen was injured. Mrs. Miller sustained fractures of the frontal and basal regions of the skull, and her jawlx)ne, shoulderbone and hath arms were also broken. Her hus- band, , a retired undertaker -of Ontario, was cut on the forehead. Mrs. Wkiker, 'alio is 63, f!u°t.0inecl a fracture of the jaw and_a__.p_oasible skull. fractures She and Mrs. Miller were, removed to the Clara Burton Hospital. Wm. Miller, who is Is, frnel if manager for the l' nit Automobile Company, at 611 • South Olive street, was cut about the face and has possible rib fractures AUCTION SALE Joseph Gamble. lot 8, Con. 10, Kinloss, will have an auction sale of his farm stock and implements on Wednesday, March 19, com- mencing at ore o'clock p.m. There are a lot of well-bred cattle on this sale, see bills for particulars. J. Pcrtvts, Auc. 1'2.3 100. D. K. Webster,ust west of Lucknow. will have an auction rale of his farm stock anti implements on Mar. 19. Mr. Webster has sold his farm and is going West. It. MceHARLmS, Ane, AUCTION SALE. -Thos. E. Smith, Lot 21, Cou. 1, Huron Township, Will have all auction ,ale of his; farm Mock awl iusple- tueots uu Wodner.day. Mar. 2;, commune ing at one o'eloca, p.ur. ti mos. credit on sums over 510 and 5 per cent per anuuaf, off for cash on suns over that amount. 20-3-c J. Pt•xv-Is. Auc. —• ATTENTION FARMERS FERTILIZER FOR ALL SPRING - CROPS. 1armera within teaming dist- ance of -the factory, baying dire.t will save commission and freight. We have a full line of our various brandson hind. Take delivery while the sleighing is good.—FARMERS' FERTILI7_ER,Lo. LTD. 20,2 -if. \t'inghasn. WANTED DEAD HORSES. —Carcasses taken away, promptly within a radius of 2,1 miles. Will pay $3.00 to $•5.00 for live animals brought to"the factory: No an- imals will be retnoved without hide. Phone at our expense: Day phone No. 12, evening phone No. 178. FARM$RS FERTILIZER CO. Ltd., 13-2-tf. Wingharn. All roads will lead to Lucknow on Mach 25th That is to be Lucknow's first "Dollar 1)ay." This was decided at a meeting of business n,en held in the Council Chamber Tuesday night All prs s int were unanimous and heart- ily in favor of holding a tip eAt1 sale day, conducted on what it' knjwn as the Dollar Day plan; t Snell days have be- come an annuals feature in many sur- rounding towns, and all reports ,are to the elledt that they are a great business success—Rood for seller anti buyer alike. Watch THE SENTINEL for announce- tnent next week and see what the merchant3 will offer, and con* to town. There's Always a crowd in it town on Dollar Day and Lucknow will bsecond to none The date will be Tuesday March 25th, and stores will be open yntil late in the night. Notice to Creditors Netiee it hereby given pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the itev'ised Statutes of Ont- ario. that all persons having claims ngainet the Estate of W. H. Blackwell. 11ecea+ed, who died on the thirteenth day of November. A.D.. 1918. at the Township of Kinlos, in the County of Bruce in the Province of (interne are re- quired to send by past prepaid or deliver to 1. K. Mclean. Teeswater. Ontario. attorney for the executor. or to Mrs. F. A. Blackwell. Holyrssi 1'. 0.. li. K. No. I. on or before the' twenty-ri(th day of March. A.1t.. 1919. their names and addresses with full itarticulurMo( their clains in writing anal t ltretui-e ui the' .,€Curities of anyl held Ly them duly verified by Statutory Declaim ton. - And further take notice that after the said twenty fifth day of March. A.11:, 1919 the assets of the said 1' tate will be distributed by the executors among the parties entiticxl thereto. having obeli then- haveard ` not �to � claimslthe which they estate will not be liable for any claim 4tlot riled at the time of said distributione Dated at Teeswater this fourteenth day of Febt nary. A.1).. 11419. J. K. Mel,Eae. 1 •s_c Attorney for the Eeecut:are. —KiNCARoiN F IIF 1'ORTF:R. i)R.'PAltKETt, OST1K(U'ATH, at (fain House, Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All chronic diseases successfully treated. Us• teopathy removes the physioal causes of pine is more qoodisease. sectj' d and with feweertresttment° by (b,teopat r then ►• sae ether method Notice to Creditors 4 In the natter of the Estate of Anguts Beaton. late of the Township of A' htleld in the County of Huron, retired Farmer,deecvaled. `4otice is hereby given that all persons hav- ing any elainie or demands against the late Angus Beaten. who doted on yr,bout the en day of January. A.1).. 1:119. at the. T'owns'hip of Aslttield in the county of Burnie are required to send by lost prepaid of itch% et. to the under- signed. the Administrat,r of the estate ansi ett'eet,s of t he - Raid Angtta BeariI11;111ti nit and addresses and full particulars in witting of their claims and • etatement• of their M -- counts and the nature of the securities. if any. heli by ;hem, dilly verified d to adidai it. And take notice that after the ee-ond day of April. .5.11.. 1919. the. said Administrator will proceed to Aietribute the asset- of the said de-• veased arsong the the permit,- entitled thereto. having regard only to e1 set l! of which he shall then have had Owlet,. and that the said undersigned will not be liable for the said a' setas or any part thercsof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have receivracl entice This notice is given pursuant to the $tames in that behal!. Dated at Lucknow this third day of Marcel, A.D.. 191 My...1( .M Rearm., 29-8.0 Administretorf t • •