The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-27, Page 51"P
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.rte .►► ` fir.
The observation balloon is on fire r
1 llc man nitltit lump. \\ That
must 1)e his•. feeling as he fastens the rope of the • •- r • l
1 1
�)�Il�i�jlt.t�.. ,l.ri�,
takes "that desperate spring into the vast grey, V%11/011"V 1,,-'1 ,i,
Will the -parachute open,? �U the critical 110 �. -
stand the test?
moment t �� 111 r t
'That is the question which pllr Misers have 1 '
cVel�thln�; they.l�u��. Clothes ---will, . c rile i, �. ,.
, � -i to ask ., ;x\11
'• they stand the Weal'' l�00;1.
--Will it prd��•ide the fot11'ishlllent?. `diily new .p.1•. 1 .l
give -the news tau-iekly, fairly, in Czisib-com )i chc I](lc tl 11)111
it the organization enabling. it to do so`'
To that question---ask`'e(1 of r1`1)e Toronto D i .
315 --Men Women Work to Mkj
Tne Toronto Dai -•" ,x E
Newspaper in Canada
T'. •ce hundred and fifteen employes, exclusive of outside cr,rrevondents, roc,1', c-
hiles weekly at the cashier's desk of The -Toronto Daily Star. •► ` '� `-
The --aim of this treat organization is to see art( the w--rl-3's news s ''1
I t
possible delay. The Toronto Dally Star prints news 'while it ' still \
� ry
arl,�i ad•'�at�ately illuStr�1ted, skill reach� `'t�'1 � �,�` • �;'.-:'t• . ►'1. � .
readers of The Tori ,� ' li
t e
Ire's �t �ssbl� Toronto Daily �t,<lr .in ,a11 hr' ,; , ;' .()7]'.tr:► ,� •i `'1
rraph wires►car-ry it into The Star Office, where it is set lip on twenty-four tv14'.41 f ��'' r;1, •'
Credit pre; ;es with a capacity of 1,200 th3rtq-two-pa5'e
papers per minute rave :E+,x;ciir`f t::f,,e t►,
' the ii:trlirsmalt.le �•r ! ,t
t mo In a sin?; year $357,000 worth of white a
irrtc► '1`h•' Toronto Daily 1t:rr, Fast Ino paper p^ssPuSr,th1•�►r::?► �t!c '�: , ;:�1• r.,. •,, illi, •,• •
for ears rush the papers to
the r•-i.relr�r; get "the news while it is still news." l 1the trains. and' r►r f•rr• ••►��,;r;•; r. t' 1�
The Daily -Star endeavors to combine '•••'It
sneli features of general informatuin as•will.make it a welcome visitor in were lri,n e—:t �;rr►r. ;,� ,•;: ;,+
!page. a pare especially devoted to women and their viewpoint, a page of bedtime stories for !:icicl los�.::d t:•;;;,.,;;,
Lilts for mothers, and clean "cotnies'.''for everybody.
fou �Intereslej
Can't.Hel But 1� be The
ToroDailyoto • Stagy°
)'n•i cannot raid The Toronto Daily Star for a short while witltottt feeling that itt-is "the. parer you.
tr•;itli of this is_shown sho n by the many people vho, sending in a trial -subscription for three inonl.!;s,
..:ril►tion for a year before even the three months' period, expires.
Send in your subscription now We will mail The Toronto:Daily Star to yell- ea eh 'day .t'.1t. 1.0!;,,,, it.r_ ► 1,' .
1 'or 1 month 25e ; for 3 months, for 6'
>75c; months, $1.50; for 12 months, x:3.00.
Cut Off This Coulon and Mail it To -day
To Publishers:
Toronto Daily Star, Toronto: .
Dear Sirs:
Please enter me as a subscriber to The Toronto Daily Star for • . • ... 1;.iot 1 ; _
please find enclosed stamps or money order 'for. S • • • • . •
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Pira►.* writ* plainly-. and any whether Mr.. Mrs•. MN* or iter:
A •
The Toronto 'Daily St
We take the following from an ex-
Some time ago while v o kmen were
engaged in pulling down the foundation
wall under a barn on the farm of W.
M. Scott, Lot 7, Con. 9 Morris Twp., a
bottle was found embedded in the mas-
onry. Th , bottle was found to contain
a piece of paper skid R u withdrawn
Poo the bottle toad which proved to be
of much interest, as it recalled the good
tld days gone by. On one aide. of the'
paper was written the following: Town='
ship of Morris, lot 1, con. R This is to
show sotne facts to those who may cc me
after John S. Laidlaw and Agnes and
their family, William, Jessie, Mary
Scott, Agnes, Jane, Archibald, James
Waldie and John Edward BlakeLaidlaw,
first occupants of this lot of rand takf•n.
Athe 25th day of September in the
ar 184j Representatives' (1 the first
seven i habitants of Morris laid the
foundation of rites baro oe the s2ild day
worth?' of the lest. T, Gibeoo, member
at Toronto in the leea1 Parliament.
`1'hdtx,ttnetl of Morris is Patrick Kelly
reeve, Jno. McCrae, Jar. Miller, and
Wm. Jae. Johnston, Councillors."
"Sir Herbert Awes, who is chairman
of the War Savings Comrnittee"of Can-
ada, has issued a letter id which the fol.
lowirfg para-graphe occurr:
• "Do you realize that the sale of War
Savings Stamps means less unemploy•
urent in Canada, more returned solgiers
este blised in ; positions, and a 'plucker
retarn to ,pormal conditions?
"The money raised by 'mans of the
atampe will -all be spent in this country.
It will help finance the constru^tion �t
-public works;_ .provide_ credit forr--our
Allies, so that they can, place with us
orders for food stuffs and manufactured I
lrruducta -and, -ire this-aud--many .other
ways, it will help on the work of recon- I
struct ion.
"If you could make it easier for a re
turned soldier to get a. job and be corn-
tortably: re established in civilian life,.
avotrhl you rot- readily \do,its
"If .you could help finance the pur-
chase of materials for re -building the
homes in the devastated countries of
our allies over seas, sculd you nut do
"All this and a. great deal more you
will be taking part in if you help to
wake a success pf the sale of War :Sav-
iugs and Thrift staiips in Canada.'! •
> The Eight Hour Day
On Tuesday, Feb. 18th, the eight
be ur ,day came into effect on all the rail-
way lines in Canada. -This has- been
agitated by the labor men for several
years and they have seen their efforts
rewarded by the big railway corpora-
•tions capitulating. The working hours
of the section men are now from 7.30-
a.m. till 4 30 p m. -And with no snow
on the tracks this winter, ars;.°increase . of
::5 p.c. ,in their pay, and now 'shorter
hours, they are finding a real joy in lav=
ing. At the station the work will be
divided int -6 shifts se that at train time
there will always be a couple orthe staff.
on'the job. Now watch George, Tom,
Gavin, Jack and Reta put on flesh, es-
pecially if the anticipated raise in pay
cbmes along soon. Jim F_ ax's fatuous
song: "For I've worked 8 hours this
Day," has at last come true, so far as
the railway, men are conceitned. Now
we know one good reason why freight
and passenger rates have been advanced.
The public have to put up the cost of
higher pay and shorter hours for rail-
way Qfficiali .C.Lika .av-R -h e:
of April 1444, in the -44th year of John
Laldlaw's life and the 411th. -4-4g•
Ines Lauliaw's Iife, who was married by
Rev. John Ross, of 13rncefield, on the
nth; slay of March, 1855, on the farm
lot 7, con. 10, opposite this lot, then all
bush, Agnes Waldie, tha bride Came
from Hawick, 1{oxbt*rgsbire, and John
S Ludlow from 'Kintail, ll.osshire, both
Lowland Scotch to the back bone. The
builder . of this wall is a cousin, Walter
Scott, from Gelniscleugb, Selkirkshirt.
On the ►opposite side of this paper is
written the following :- Taere is a Reform
isarliament now of over 100 majority,
114444-• "A.! -v- Mrliir,..ic ts' Prime Misist+er,-
lion. J. A. McDonald having been de-
feated for a 1' cific scandal and other
sins. There is a contemplated union of
the C:anada l'resbyterian cbflrch add the
OId Kirk, lieu. Archibald minister 'of
the Canada Presbyterian Chureh at
Blyth, -placed there November 6th, 1806,
and is beloved by all men, W. T. Hays,
registrar at lilyttr, 1). B. McKinnon,
postmaster at Myth, Patrick Kelly Mil-
ler, sawmills at Myth, I)r. Wm. Sloan,
of Blyth, aspirant to p%rliament and
To_ the Average Man --Some, one is
bound to get your spare lairs, 'to say
nothing of your spare 2a t pieces.
The question is—who w► 1 it l Will
it be some one with a "geld brick," or
sill it be the Government/which, in re-
turn, will pay you good interest? That's
the question.
You know/that in the making of in -
v !stments yonJ have made bad mistakes.
You have pat hard earned money into
things thatinever will and never could
sive you a return. Mors _than -this,=
have lost your principal. You can't af-
ford to do this any longer.
You had b2ttrr let the- Government
hive your spare dollars; it will even
accept 25 cents from you. In buying
War Savings Stamps you ler it . have
the use of your money for five years, fur
which it pays 41, pat cent. conpounded
. half -yearly.
Bruce County News
%Valkerton merchants have agreed
to close their stores at 10 o'clock Sat-
urday.nights throughout the summer,
commencing March 1st.
-Conrad Schmidt, a well-to-do farmer
of Carrick, recently' sold his 100 acre
farm on the Elora -Road- for $9000
He will live retired in Mildmay.
M .'Huh McDougall, of
wets in Toronto last eek attending
the Annual Stock Sale of Messrs. Mer-
cer & Currie, of Markdale. Included
in the list were seven head purchased
'from, Mr. McDougall's herd which av
eraged.$369, `one cow selling for over
$900 and second highest in the entire
Talk of a fine winter ! Who in for-
mer years would have considered tak-
ing an aueo tour in the middle of Feb-
ruary ? The roads Wednesday were
hi such,,good . condition for motoring
that Agent :]eo. Sjnith that day' ran
his little Ford on a business trip to
Wa:kerton, Mildmay, Clifford, .Iiar-
riston and thence hom3.--DCRHAM
--Mpnday, Feb. 24
illness of almost twelve months at the
age of 80 •years. Mr. Michael Kenny
one of the pioneer residents of con. 6,
It ini ,ss, passed away on Wednesday of
last ,week. The funeral was ,bell oti
Friday to Holyrood'Cemetery, services
being eonducted at the R. C. Church by
llev. Father 'Caps, of Teeawater. F;)r a
number of years Mr. Kenny had lived
on the old homestead with his two sons,
Dennis and Peter. The family ba&been
sorely afflicted dnring the past year,
Peter having taken 111 and died soddenly
early last fall, so that the death of the
father leaves Dennis alone on the farm.
There are however, two dsughtera, Mrs.
daPeuds in no small measure on the stove you (loop en and the
utensils you use. Many housewives ars benehtt
advir e. because we have intik study of stoves. We � f be
to explain the advantages of our tovva..:Fa-Service.aid
isfaction, you will ultimately install one of them in your
Furn,fureBeaul,f er
The Floor
We have a quantity of Second Hand
_ .
Belting in 2, 3, 4, and .5 inch widths.
Get our prices before buying.
The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest
Cream SeparatorsJustn fear old _prices. _ y _ e-
fore they are all sold.
New Williams Sewing Machines will do all
kinds of sewing. They run light; are very durable.
Gourlay-Winter-Leeming Pianos will give you satis-
faction. Wa believe we can. save you some money
on a piano -deal.
95 Per Cent. of the Highest Paid Shorthand Writers 'use
Isaac Pitman Shorthand.
If you want the BEST come to a school that teaches REAL SHORTHAND
and where everything else is of a correspondingly high krade. SHORTHAND
BOOKKORRING A}JD CIvri. SERVICR. Enter any time. Catalogue free.
The school that places its graduates in good positions.
D. A. -McLachlin, President.
A. Haviland, Principal.
Wm. Gibbons, (Mary Jane) of West
Wawanoeh, and Mts. Jos. Gibbons,
'(Catherine) of Ralthwell, Man. The late.
Mr. Kenny wase a native of • Caunty
Wexford, Ireland, where bis father died
While he was a mere lad. The widowed
mother and children came to Canada in
1854. One of the boys went direct to
California to take part in the gold dig-
gings, and the femainder of the family
came to Hastings County, Ont. In a
few years young $iehael ironed Iris
broer in Caiifornoa, goinkby way of
the Isthmus of Panama. In a few years
he wale back to hip home in Hastings
County and in 1889, just 50 years ago,
he came to Kinloss and bought Lot 16,
on the 6th Cort At this time he mar-
ried Margaret I3renrnau. of Belvilie, and
the young couple started life on the
newly acquired farm. Cash was a scarce
article in those days and Mr. Kenny re-
membering -the goof pay in .California
gold fields. returned to that state, at tlfe
end of the first year on the farm. • This
time he made the long trip around Cape
Horn, sailing from New York.- Mrs.
Kenny reinainekd on the farm. After
two years in California he returned to
the farm for eighteen months, and agitin
went to Ca:ifornia, where he remained
2i year'. By this time he had realized
his ambition to acquire money enough
to pay for biletarm, maid -from that time •
on he devoted himself to farming and
home. life. Twenty-five years ago he
.had the great misfortune to loose his
partner' in life, Mrs. Kenny pulsing
away in April 1893. The family have
always .commanded a high mess re of
respect in the community, and surviving
members have received the sympathy
of many friends thro ighout the trying
years which has gone by.
Its ASSAM quality gives it
that rich flavor
TEkis good tea
Sold only in seated packages