The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-13, Page 77t. 4W L to Ox AW IFLYF.NTG WEATHER, -WON AVIAT021. T E1 I Q 0 hin, dc.wn J4JW y it 4 SA V E.D. BRIDGE, id Mist in Only i,11illp, AV T JU Mr -0 OF fiffi.-ETo A L wd a..; we ot NTU U pity, ill Airin.m. It VICIORIAIROSS' �1.e Itily t1lilix:i wiliell nlako hatimC Tog is. pi-obal,)y the rr, ri, A I (11 t I T CANADIAN Al Io i Ii, on % lI E TNILS Ev'ea it, the 'ST whell the, Royal 4b NS A ie N FRAWLESS CANADI. r . . . fin(- orce Jh -nite? t1l, Of A vbap* im." U n g� If I," bk-fo re' break fi- c-, t ever A N Vt F� r 1(o GER nilst -a, .4ar intjpe., :-1Xrl,, ili * , ' ' ' ' . P 0 f - C a r r W bfovv of. i toutn�L ia. Ti % . . . 'Ove _KHIK Seventeen Germans*,'' Ca every -foriniduble. oppon pt thpit alp t - i r. . i , '!,w "ter, a ici, c. r a obz �_)R 1wil, A Poll' W1 a.o 4() jig Ill- -i;,' t aes Eighteen Mare Ulan. xl'lie enimpt F. e(,,. a r i, n r Vh Ju-st Three Mm+hve 1 a;: e (-Ar f the Artilistice., howing ltoo f r� r'I've hud.overy Only ti'very dnrin- pil-at" .yi!l A r'v,&r i t r k In y 0, 1 -!A -i 11 tj,�e fe 5 . L 'the, ie Tile ud a C. -te -It is- 3ut a..: ni wat-,�r Conditions In CU % , , u. SM c t L e a r. The. dn -knes- A 'ilig t to Ill-' ,a e. nzu toL a 4 i z ht Ir c o u! hurA 'in -t4e 11 s4y, al'out for h tl Of how Clutain Cu 4son or' Ll e i -&'n rno ry o t ntercstl, -A ng , n1c a T.n P.ri the account of -the cA,- 1pe9p te, Lieut. than cil a apt] morvi po the la I I tic )(zi Oy i, 6iat tht'yr tharl 31 itch ell,.- Wkin� earth'fr iling"irt CcI. Yerk, ;,,n,l foir i'ey ot, - 4r wer 141 I ace Lloyd Algio, Akoon',4)rit., 1nd j sc�en by people oil Viev ld. I h r? W I t o I ho4e -%Vho hre P., ovidin'i, T�.r w1i ' o stice bas''Ltij it.ApArt.fr -Iiig at. the late ergt, Hugh, Cairns, Nqr grouliol C'. L�v the 'Direc-tor or Ilubli,7 * , r oil -their _Vk�ria C may, be said h:1 t the `Ru� 0 Air of' S. ­t� ion. It follov, 0 citti W halii, f0f, V, I I( qported m'-.-,-,1jigf fknil Aft,r if t f ca.,, follows.., t a e y nd �linititie c6j:ditio a;vlo,, 'kn 0 L:1 1,1 24 Arthur Alfi�n C It, .,.y T th tallun,, Cariadfiin nneers pk � Eng or mst - �.i Vill 1.V did s J r 11e: f, i Fri It .. . .... jmticm_t�04 ., frorl-L C-10 d'atto, W1 f 0 Torri.Ar), -recently AVer-y t Y 01, the hi of O(Aijber.8-�, 1918 n t 'a st, c C. I ki. uf the st re,turned fti:oiQ !escaut,' nortli�- C A mu J v,_ ani t t I -a r1M U41- -PW�� id.1 , . IL u Owing *t -71niartnution -coffx-tt of 4G, --Qral - I . I - A. O 1ft f a- W�, I i ZTe'r 1 -6 J:i.jyjC(1 to 4 r wo. ua, cd t, off f rom unt . *,',,A(�l!:, * t .. ri rl 11 C s t i I c f i r r Uf tile niust ae ex e IC A 1) [!*0 .- Z_� � I � � , Th ;.! - - ;, -_ �X:, - - 0 � -f examme v. ous bridgeR Qa the Ila -'and )f 3 ble to prevei rn i L -b i a u f beirig irl appr U* -'l "n*( -1 if '.'OS i' ri IL I,' Zi V !i',l ,mLlid 4" -1-d' t I twil ill t_h4eM. 11e C. nd in and -th demolition. O!i il, l j sr, finally e. the eana ill ;ir nli.1.4)f Alla to. i-,�-ith 54 -;I led to the rext he cut the Old. dleys. L -y a :g uLlf: i i c.-, e a 1,1 Loillau,Licut. SuAll.. the Se Wellie t no the 1, (Ir,; I 11" . - ve. .1, . a of lead v,*-ees, then, In tota-1.1 wer� Joiur,' Allans experiences wtr _e a vinque of e 9 werf.�.,itiieken with SpAni, ondilions rid -�.ucce­, fi-d1ben wille ro D :.Iarkner4s, ti-nawirq of the poLzitiort and c mumillell Lary Al 0. d fil I 1< -t con - Smith,. inluenza. They bcounie very ill befo;-* 4 sireng.th of the .e.neniy, ."Le dashed otber!4. to rtiaster th" topT u -y droppin I ftross-tbe main bridge-ovc til what firt. a the si.gll d Vol .9. rc-Ali�.ing the' serlousr-c� s I ir the canal )I C,3 10d, ing'o" the ekiltv, lip th1C 'rACrl(' on war, guarded Q1 _ijf lisport, pi_�lall �,ho thek This: be 'found to ,avily'l prWng fehi becarna� eVra!r.OrP!Aee na �i Attit,nde oc e had , t' I -�. - f Iyp wevc tb-- lrench.- I!y ,ix spldirr':z and a ft, ­ant, w'"'lle I6 d Mtcbed thelil' tew,n Ihus�kie's to a -J of, (I a, y. 1"ed' char* ed'fu de W;cri y. 6 r molftlon, Whil.,J rtpt. Ian s o -a 1.1itchell, b ldr; -Th- dcvidorjynen� of 4t4 -"ii f -ft- 47" �, . . , ly plan.., In f eo.,it. io They. Ead-1-40 -�;v - _4 � - e a r C ,Tbq�-ha'd prntc,,6ded'orily�n short m�iiv wtre cutthig', �he wirer. �Aerlal' n hel 'ed I �4v! naete thei m,-, I r to I over bis,n*iem ed' fi ve r Pray., W. LiLnipt�-d to rw.�ih much to di.,:court ba( Ni-cther. A so At offiecr anz) and a,., ny -P ove of the tile eIn' 1167/ bec"I n g,.- a' va,bint shack -to gain liridee ill' ortler to blow up the chargaip t ("en in he.,� Iter- r !'whereupon be a -11u' A t'iek shot fi ea- t' into a violcilt a rorii from the (old. A,few T­Uji�-e ..sllcd to' the.'C E trif. e biting , 1 world.)%ay cation ard looked, very sistancd of ben th-cir his lare tajklit to� Aeor t'heir maeldne,; ; f 0 bid him as h o. f w Y, i. ior ier -it 11 'oil cr�sbv ' the foir Ul d the-vetrol' lie killed 1bree of, the n- nierel� by tlxe use of theii irqtru- in alid 13'eigium "to to' tite, "Reppy lluntin7 Ground." A niDjor -Pppe A �jv t L bp, aud'rcscaied lefour ill which ments.. The' instru(�tot% uflo sits i cone a In- captured wenty and hiclintained I i I n 0 Down ut tcs -frain the Ai e-%v'G errn"­ Mocra Jilto the al Ing i we the 8eirger's seat., P,qlls .1 b n0t CY. _ocidgeh�ad unilit'reinfor zd. Then i t1le pa, over ,io thou, . v.-,-hmen rn*, a r -T v er a heLwy fire lie coritinitted 1he y, eno, gil to 1-n,&L, a cockpit. fLieut All�n petafwi4 tlint e 'eryv..-hera. but we wr lu' k W , t, I the rem- I .1,1ttle electric nliifi, Ger''main elipecially Prussiaiv,.- nstranent nothiii-- bult.-3 ir tit ov6r cDch i ft a X.,Z. - �i S Nr alid -Tiot batily 1*6 ltz!d VA, ' . , t. . I - I ! task uf, rutting the vir�s, remioving. Ilut th. ave f6und were renibviril,x mental badgel� P. lo.h i "ei con We W� the Plo,- has',to find biswal; fo� A - 'bese the. rewi stious Lp_.I�ua. T4ta 1 , , --. . - ­ - .1 n chiiwe ew itillt.at al"i Ua I: 6 1 ary inoment be fired th,_� ..1-or-ing,able to 0 fe enemy. o an(� sha. tive, _1 t I r 'nd. g+q e n. . see -No 0 e s: (i a 1;#41 It. was entifely duej6i 1,',i va.o a wd,or th hori7,0' lig-J, )(:3ten trail, had plunged oa I . the night t i'liS e gTit-,!" the born 1; i ng fnids over -n. 'I 7, c' f i h. e 1 16- 'S Of Th t !lr important r. fk. 1, h "An rrLllE,1,nZ U� o, nd. hiti.. t - I d . rlved Orrm,any y,rere liiiLte m L I.: ii E r in,.. in circum t ew yea r ag caine burrying in sc v x i s which I f PA Would i sta`rs to I -et, -a,.,d ilie otht.r. R.A.F. d t wcl.3 suippe 1 n tl-en befon-1 WiLtll f-1-0. 'Lit' e iO 0 UL They fly the -ummer' 4; -d -we it- to the next .11 'tallt i "Orm C Wi4thout v', Sued the-pox,tior. . .1 . n, h4a oft r, t have prohibitM ny th Ou gb t of fl !�_fh t r- il .,If you. only see And for tli.:, pr'alsp of -God. - ver . f-hemy -That NI Maye!.�.,e roceii.- if the plty,,thefr rJoyl W ip. 20th -1 &top, ]eat swJ. Farr- o* territory British fa, of sclikdrens - morp . t han one -e- Ae' W. In; -11 I#Y treet of Le P to, "fr, t: t I i V A)4 -1st coll * . . , 1. ., .. puLting srictious t RA1.Sr,,­S0!.D1ER91 PAT ot .46he nt,i;ck: their ab- ithrduah ' violent thunderstorm. n, w0A,!der- t, L el A and oi! reach their obfectivep. they ivere nor!11--cast, 'of Cam'bilai, whi e and had*t6%face lbey rniglkt ),a ­allci.--ved �-ence.. the 1. � I_ %. I Britaiii Will F - ip a Million Ntrll to to trive t.�4-1) L,ul, ,j -_ T. Urney. il�lvn.e I . 1, fresh storms. ontheir return jo f0l' t%%70 Ito .:Atac4in�il- trecip,; came I `rcro 'the ci:� i aw r !be -t 1, ' '4 C,'J 'A Fit CC]'- rinish the Job. I Lu, TIT[w Trom,4V pa e RLD'S GEST AKE T of the-, 8- O r t a 'W machine -.gun f 0l 11 I ! 8 illf I ht* Arinv i3 Beiikg, J'itttd 1,4V 4L. J'tj I 11fid an i'lea I I . .. . ish 'army vho will be for-mard ivith n14n6 volunteers, retained tintil. f %v Aep:i ini. imr re. tbai) Fri-nll. , ; Nlioj', the rezt� explained 0111y e Return. to C1 J1 h - I . . -' th - a peace footi-ilk again is reached pro-, 1). he Shot, C!' ercw of the enem ma- -Ton'�of Yeast Used as a.."Iti V alid forp., ?r,nj�'t; A sing Sri, to meet ow fi�ar­ i'nat t1ley o'Am-' to t lie - oir,�,* wnd'turnirF it on tiie, en- i bably will, be "twentv-pne "A Jf ncy. ire9e'c-U� r�-:*! triothPk cr T w �l a dr I)e no week. and, food and 71owl Io'iin,iy,, crabled party t,) .-renich the accord. rr lk dau zhter made, tatri- or-anizu tuit4m in the Arwl'.* 'But. 11c th-cili, rui;Ahed another rna. The largest Christnias '&tke' ever ! iP'-g to ..a satement made' by W. A. on' _.It A. Appleton, Secretary of the ir.ereral the alf oto that-voUng ter, coni6oction the j,0:0 N% vulne while 1*forp dt"Ij?) hili, Kur, killed the crew. and cap- i It r ner In ',cafc.'�i fiotel',4 y f th Cigarettes wi iam ration of Trade th�, c-Mcer rd ten bf the ell m`y, with �which Frederic 11 f ed I ITn:on3 t Coillpl.ete.j. fkL11(f , F e I ? . i 01 civery. stntp` i . everyione iv! to, do 3;oiir* H(Mirg nd given to the kind' in - i he' I- Priussia. surprised his soldi-Irs upm%!4rds Daily Mail. quite I'M cleistriolz" the end of the vi Ir Tile 13ritish Cabinef bas d . ifl,-4 to conveniere-e. Tl ''ibe to dirn-�r ell �Udl w% .1 C hiXC.J.,iritit. Algie. hnvirlt -establis -Of W years ago. don -;p 'to 'tea ihed eo- street-. t1i., '4ildr?r -mind h e - io- 'retain 1,000,000 of the mobilized in iparty, weil� back for reinforce- Tho soldiers, to-tbe number of tu ng it -ill Ti onlj d tit 1,y ro A:. In. re of he Mice for theii return 'to) lyhei! le#d nz eir a p� yo o. -I or I000, had just concluded a substantial forces the job." It was Faid -Wh' 'an guokr-art,, &n-urgent-ificf-il, allf) 72. rd. x-vere astonis, h -pay of men would be hwre%tsed "Bon Jiur." If to �,b: fliem f4r-%v 7in Ieft ll�d to ' t c ! I, � I tit I've Me. ou r,'., strange vehicle of immense size.r e r I ofJ6 bopl,-�A lizi Vc teb. he,�r- scnt to i 11i.1 valor aroi-personal initiafive in 'see .arg ly and a nw scheil,e of leaves ,One all of the 4-;i- uH,? dirertions. S 2vidon intmse.fir saved ma approach- vf absence imtrodued. th Vol r V. tadt a t cer.- rrnan eompan- 1 1:-,, c;ty. 11 he e the PA ny and drawn by eight horses. b ing. It rpas �erry eavily lad a Ad no -A Ore t1o, cn, rc Ir. + R-naMeA the, positi?An e. i" r,-uf *ultnre-1 - it drew,nearer the load wa Jim es G� t "t) 10d 6 'eft :(6da f reely as were as my Knew Alutes. P1 riu,4-al On Wn-nr-r r� hts In Wil- rorcNl Six"ti to Surrender. to consist of.an enarmlou cake. A teacher was instrue of ing a c!as$ the. boup., is racl-.,e(;,. it I Some idea of it4 dimensioh%­can be in j9- lis1l. She cal'IeJ oh'ksmall boy xin i rftbni-therr. The Test nf�thp­ to I..urd.Go,-ell, Dopat.v Director.of Army S;Zt. 31ti-b Cairns. D.C.M., laUe 46th ng gathered' from the faet that t1li repi i i 3 ror Saskatchean - Regiment, own. 1011se is M C,ea� 6.1 w JA F t-6 -v m- 1) F, if "Janies,", Ad sh-P, 11 ritLb on. the r. !Lee ma-.ing calce waa 54 feet hiLli, 24 named Jimmy 'Br R, 4 llniforrrq, with Tli c- v.00,04 fortnight. f., -Pr ir,:i9t conspicuous bravery befor W. elvi.- tjv feet in breadth, -nd rearly 3 fet"t' bcard, 'Rich rd cn ri srTinkl-nir of G lie -ie, de the mule' if ians. n "do not cxiqt." 1 1,91 dinp,- in. ttirn Nov. 8, m;hen a a 4ar. I _,I 4t`::-'1, Armr. in In the makiniT r it giar(l cf th,: lie want tn .!A- viin,,ffl).ene4 Ere on his pin- T�. so ffie",16 ont�- totl of dents in,* tbr. Army at the anA Ifoon. V,i't'ho7it R inomeiit's hesitation. Tht Jimmy proceeded to do to Ale To the hips. 13-�,for,2 I -!�t rt,�, I for f, and ".000 eirgs had been used ifferent ubjprts nlie -b�- Sg-t. Cairns seized a Lewis inten-iowed liv. G -Pr- Igun afi UP. satisfaction of.all concerre I see yi ,,---. n.n..ox:%rnple, The ingredients werc'mixed with to, As "Nowv continued the, teac'her. heh 1 0 - 4rallam' . warriors of the - deep! 0. f tbl' Iirle-haVdrid, in the -face of a. direct - �VT!icll �nldierq *for 2 a .6n .of -milk - a ton -of- yenst for two d C'� the'po. IJimmy had'.. roturn�d I 'c e. For R )l�ut you Icnp tim-:s they to his p fire, rush Ation. ldllfi�g* the being 'cidde,i as a rising" ag(ney. Ive. 0 trvinz M obtnin c 8COtch in crew of five and capturing the gun. can y9u, find -a better fo- information rm for 'hat Again tho, ViFi#n comes to me n !roni rn.e,- T roce;ved thp only rood e pliddle (.,f honvy figlAi Ir last Later. when the line was held up 6y a sentence^ pril Suddenly p�artcd courrw of lee- The Heart of a. CMId in France. and weary dayq, A-- food offered me by Cer-nr!� in the achine inin- fire. he soin rushed - Yes, mn'tinit' I think I enn." StrAined, tParless hours of agony. ct -fn r torps on sertch wit, ana 'm lard. killing, t�yelve of t You may hecip old Fritzie's heltnet ' lie pronlpt resporfse of Jimmy: When all n!one the treacharo," wa A Curlcmx 'Ci4tom in Ppriti-h Na -%r, f,Mlre tinic I xv. forx� ad .1w enemy rt. Voi'your Sue or Kate'or Ann; e two "Ri'hard con ride the np-le if the fveE—the enein-.;�r! little to. Vill. tol(l "them - con- nd capturing eighteen men and You may hold your German rifle mule wa ts Ilim to.,# 'r that. PnJ mv rcmd--, gims. Subsu�quently..,%vhen the advancie n When iho ffl-n Thp Jewi4h 9 -era. ;--was held u* by machihe gruns and field For your little girl to scaii- 1,tI( -no4 scle, your glittering decks Fts,prly vIihdied. elds i 9 . came 0 *A-"-.'r,d 13 flolp, P No gas.mask,flid I capture, streteli.to ay the -sun, 'rrqnf, tl-,e II 9 a runs. although -'wounded, , he,- led On Their Knee-, phip to It T!jI n't] nf the Lionct-de Rothschild, resident ere'ded lot 6 mll party to otflank thein by kill--: Xgtifle lance; I only not c.ich ,,ulTen gun rmun P. ;n clit- Ili tmuo of 110'riehill Jcnvs, denies "The minds of Mcn lhnv#.- to. take in'" Ge T-bz capture tha. I've ni,,41c '0111 dreftni of f1riatir?f! %-.-recks, y tho' frifth of n �uggcstion that;h. ing many. and forcing about fifty.'tr)., _tr I R8 inrnenro rang,e in these fateful pipetl c-.er Cif minn foreii,. f a child in France. P., L Tr: P, le'. e t rt* _0' -Ve' q niode to the c'ect that. b surrcinder. . capturinX all tit r,'Il Cd f' 9- 'he " ecatise Wrote Dr. It. it, thq*L3t, Of ithe creep in ri Trilijary 71 -it tile foo,j Artrr conignlidation he ent with a N6 .ictpr symbol can 1'. ow" Z1111d Went. --Of more t rb"s of Pi� �cwish iike 4L a -C Avlir- Mror'ifr%. mid, until th hat-tio �Atrol ' exclildit Wl)ere (�nc#., it eitsit�v shcne of other faiths., have 1-&m 0 marlcy Ind No trinket. or cap tlain of'our of 01" thP P;,0my,t_Q,sutrend- P' A tl:c drep? Rod Crnci� fnnl hemin fn ronch uq It flag. *r thr, . ­ ---- - - m. Of -1 �ctmiit t Ieonf TTol71n1n(h1n ns!wer' r. this pw-t' r lln(l anN,thing na hoth i 11,ois rmro this has "Ovrr tl,ore" in Dcafl. -e 'i. I v Grent lie li on'their h.-tv i f, t 1,.­tter thnn sitip ni,imfri h -r-?(- r.ivat was severcly wotln­1 Ne6,rtb0,3_, -,r the Joy-& Furl. uri,, U;.qir For o no t ii� re I, t It at j1V r f( ,;o 1,nttlj� s, he open -1, fire -and irfflieteil ho vy 0 e. an"i -c to " uzzemiria- -renrr innnwnt.4 t ib he r I -T, flint the !%yinhrl chosen by t War cnly I v - t h at i q raine -e *.- i Ir. he U' c� IBrotiglit' nown mrsi Zep Grnrrs Com res nnv f­rtv of the eneriv, and the'-henrt 'of :1' child in Fraii cle.. a na- r.' 'iOuld bc� on its 1. t loss 'of thooi�gh we4.1, ,ks throu, r:imp of in 1"Onil nr king ft.at lik"y may 1 Cq' rest ..e nr,.* fl of P pot,, --In Thronp.4 rut the 6ryt�raticm Lilt �We'pler flin" lhc;mzt " -11 6f'the bru- -1-ild ro s wit tha.fl the Shield . 1,)r And denrer. finn-aAame. r,;;zh t, of* tile rs,�rwryn-,1" �,� Rivi.i -1 the bi,,!IlCtt t,%,-rce of^,V,a., a to sacred souverlir I hen r -ver. l,r. tirmy, fhe ofiler,on'e of tbe-r hei", or nal I') 11'(1 Fntlic-Is so]- From the hill',; of 4, 10�N!211% Of tile lie of -t At t1irn men of fni"ll in Cur, r,f,mc, A rn y ()ur-4U guide. AlImt blve th #tn.* 6 fi,,e (if rl-.nne re 'hoyances, nd fhc.n 1hert. wax llrnf4l. 0"er I' -*a i I in I h:.. a it witilij., 1-ny. heart .%Vill A, 0 T5 Ity, such a the throwing, of L&(-fe it-- nd not of natiwtolty. T b en V of tbat eli;14 in r- n,nre. lip i n 0 t ir'n Ir X-%3MXWCt.T3W4K* fW3E* Xu -&,W XX M 3�t J)y �VOOR UNC -LF- 1ci i 'TP COlt44 T;,) -TAIKS. '70- T�JJNK I I 1AV4 IT- I Qr- t�, 1L ZL'.­()Tr.L0 T r -40W. "Voki 0or r0q, NOT Ti,w it;, or 'IOU - 1%) A 1+,- Tank on the ALP4- C M a ME. 'o'HEN Y0, - I.- : n L, -.j IOU W�.en ATe. 4AW "TC) PLi.%11( 12, , P, E I . I P'' t 4 hap;',f(l tO 'IrOU F.4A,%4e M,.I� V tn C 1,111 o ni ust 1baE r4 - -e lI'110 ])Ally h 4r 'U)T IL a -4 n, I c I14A '1� z 1,"P� IIk- Of Ifc,t < t 1'. �,-t- of R h o*4 t f.), rIl J: lily tTnt,. An oast F A&