The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-06, Page 7V - --------- OEM~ 4 D 0E.3" Y 0 U R C I I I GET HIS RIGUS ?0 'LEARNED WHAT JEAN THE TRAPPER. 4111 0 -0 By'llelen Joh som Keyes. Thle �P.,,f the Child ii inakii- mv,�4 what th3 eow-*e- un &S&tel4m .vqar.-s old," Jean I I've never 9-aen AW11*081' (Tied, "any 0, SS01 IrS M.*'hen these con 41 peola e 'W.:(- inen and W40111all Co. _11 ub - rN-e- nevt-r zeen a �itv& INTERNA L tcmt orla If" -e -iks - -joo J_ ft 1 Vin, writing b� i' 7: 1; tro or. an art ga"ery MM IS -4. r(Alue"ed I)y the I 06-r - way or a thea cl, -ni. inakinc, for h,i pr3t-,yi.,ni. ic� )U lit' V, T lk� -of gmwn-urs, I t FEBRU1%Iiy -re or a caf-_ter�& ell tment etc Tho,woed -is det -11yy the jul"arb tof or a &-par -Lilmined that child -en, am r h I or W 19n otber diing;& -that you re, -men o the npik ' The home n I -eh !.,.s w;od fo c i ve you 4 ea ,JIau4 F*rm -1�quipjnertt. the men _w, ab d Ay, d-wrlY, 031d the a& 1,o -ii-A.-Conci airt' - _b,_xill be given th-,-Or riglits. dreft �.nsl-�its o)l*, lo c -f reFt' ltllv-p, jx s sv," V 1. J e th W r, Cauuo LA -33 w. f utur, t; -ant Martie'' d Unt-.',-. Peter, but I`01 A Whell. I litc ve i I a IRAI.la spare -inon-ey 1 al*j but By this, h awever, - is d f re--th ar. F -very parefit 18: 1�-27. Guldc,�% 'feXtr bU L_ n oti -1, T n, c a r. t a Vay, an A :Y tj -� * , , r I ycurat old aven't ber- fcr e Fp: i A fll 1, 13 W., trit, 'ng uh�&,�,h z;Kaw thcr.� tp.d.orou-tht to mad -a few -;imie boo-ka' g it�e ai�,J Lh ei I In Cal 6: 2, a. 1-'.�Va_got to 96 us,�.rar on rhti faral, 'of ihb f i n or. VJ3L ;.'h'eTk p'e19e-t:i run S110h, %A-W.ch tell o -w much. may faiT'y to I.Ve 10 A" C The Reun]u�ll. 1r6dk-M.pporah, flow To' SbJp Ilurs* "But seeirl?, tWnks , 1-sn't 1:%i 1,-9 anv.dere, , 0 - l I -different awe4l. -n e, uca;:ion w-Duld not eh�ure th,2-jr e.,T.wtcd of * ell at Careful Milk -Ing Flays.' %bt4e �Jeaded. "'And ur 4s yan '11 on y f Wife." 'the Prrative a3rSUm0J Aunt. 1 Fo ennometc e . After your c -,A bas,�bee;i I I I rlghits, bat dc--roy thcm. The*r r'ghta'I am afraid the '-oh. the -farm to guod p,,] -I'te " .. d - th,�: I t tri, tk. U 4en everything was .,so %nlW;y fixei ar. _j of Y-ceme br.-t a -thorough to ork thw-ni too hard, ju8t.A3 the hed nd drjed, the every hen You -get to t-hLe i ate not act; an4 t1e -pe 3 e L i ­,Wy ra'islng your SA!,a, dren back to In 1� :�Y� -he 1.3 to g! fur4- 2�re rc,,jy. for paking a�d ,1rip- for chlarn, on -u f or o I in, 7 fe. -Y.tin t Of YOU t ive them 4: 2fM r% t.ha e3 rl and all. fai t.hq livin-r-rooms inbe,rl _1e F1 1. S, to ment. Eac -skip, when p:aceJ i *a e nd,�&) .3 -Of coarse, atL a)l, times gud- ppra to -0 little rlesponsihili U)JI rtu(.h ae, been Q n e &I. In, 0 1 P seehig*.t�ings isn't 1; W. _g, tb Ve. so.l.,.ght to reipare th,.,ir bo#.s'and It is a Wrl)g� 0�sl6_nd I:ttle X n e)C-. , I 'r if'13 NoW Jethro Rde, �h�juz #chi;41 liss �Zot to -find U t f rc- the wy yot; gereral:y do?" a' P aone tcl"t�sus S Ut to heardL -has happenez tou ly'w 'he havirlj�' �L:d r gl ia quent -od dou -s,l zq). It Is quite to fi'f*t ha, thb fied. Y. -kin`f& uld t e r." thcre j -36.-d n o. full., of (Ohores that rres to reVii-Ae th div,;Ied fwnil .0, b,�. placed inA, e r me,,' . f 'In tho. W-r'd- but boy A8 one, 910.3 Zke�%,S%A,�Lry t�o a Solt. nome�_ morn d ed 6iffrence i. tha,.ear. j-norninv s e t b:j ouye. kn6w-! 'go r ay v 7r'�. a Al Ce d In, see. ly it ljj� e if t,3 "boy 'a The t WO otbpr or in. crJer- to' do th' of t h Way, loc t ani Off to r. Eli�ze'-*" 7.6 g r 0 1, of M �.IVS �r J,_ giV�:Jl Ijelleve, tired. Paenitsxr�ust learn 1aw s n M aes I. -litra-1, furs, be� f' Je�d or evorcY ni, v.hen one is xack Suggest -Me 'of-, Mu erfrjL -er,� of v a b De-�- in tle &,I-, i". a I-ry --t lfoo- is iuweesAry, Ut L _1i any, -of. aft.,& ba h�_ -a r n' d rcli c fkjr t de - o f a It lies in tlw'fewt -Ieep,, :play,, T'he 11tv.e C Mparly, 4i traeVel. to f -very h Of g 0�0 tTy, avcrable. c. diifferent stges of gro,� -he Etrt:,zhing. a1J t.he w r,,- YJU (%j_ no t 90'od effect Of t re Itrs r4ae-hedrille encamilm.-!nt of Israe' ;;e. T erjeate -not nA- no ex at* the ont 'of -God, Ahat s at ed, e or y haw ilik. final, paxt *r te milk- ditions in may grrow, tAll - -14 be sh'pp (r 69 wl I not -,as ail indi- to Furs sh-&j Y. Sa ess or by m ­-er werc Lf 6 n da ng -A pir "34. te farmp, its ail V L ing iz,t" h,a- told ire. hsroa�, .6f expr don't' love G tter part- of :verse, 11 -,n If bv' cxpre,-s t,-,uT - S Mn'. "protection furni%,h- 1[',p,1y *t -O strip not. thhik much ab ut ba put V.P Ve ru n 0 Ift. 7 , es, and whe to, 0 The I'a YOU, of ab' i�!an 1:,nt o r d -,,-I do, Mtt F he 1 jure ed scli,34ie the best �=p of the far.m.--th2 Man ii .1 �n plete. and 1)� be pcLed fie' or Gi I ly -qw�: llfo� --in the thin, Fack a th-,, ack L, ghtly Sew .411 stafit in-Aructioll, �un- 1, 0, -heir souls. nd 4Uhe tem;;i�r�tun., tip o' 4 n- -up. have to' crops. Uncle in YC U r ca-ses h4e toid m y6u W-rnwIt by con, :e t read as fl: P t- -gi.-Is ned g t 6e T JR;'r1ap UXONV3 tl-l- vt f e. level. What. -%�hex'in thei (th, 'Egypt in e c. n "ar 13. is I i e a iliterestcJ in d re% d We love what lie t gyp them (the reli es), q ria 1A h -a r t y i7�rzh homes are over- 1,eo the Sol' i �tt anount f butteifit yau get, for you! -Our idea no, vy s. to tbL�re is no l -I nrf--* .11, -1,: Je2 n lyint. -in _5t nl' t1j:? 11 Ln e b 1 4 -hwild be fir;' An in -her lif and -he C+ c -t -'NVMt-1s tbs. thing that tou doe&0 Ab r i fr, M GN, i t for ou r. IL e fa to 10VtV pa., The r -m SY A I d. ),or. r e _o iiother hy- sa ornet r� renla, 11 n - e� th and then hi st'Long and if them M&zeS, th.49"far, is the s 't ju,4 A e r ' -to id rich Jn butwrfat, you ar6f6s I rmer iKlro lien he fta�; i 11 hem C g and o i . i, JrJI I t", M0 tU when the L _I his e u L e bu hn�vi f-4 Te our, g.i RTe r - ar6nd a j7, -jt evety drup of the milk-, you cutivated, waterod, kiid Amined y adan-inistratof of bndrie, should be fastened fe a YOW i,gaijd, L $ )�! got able ar el's confiOerit bf % . . I.f t. t tho 'en f law first enquIres and th.eil- not sewed up ro that it Jeall went to the C', -V. ind tia a a 96W pen4lence. 1M. r It iS for the putal abrtlitiriies I toAn7vct lit'wojk. easily.aad be!zw qr a ne V,_, ,e V I'll hve ni.ttle an-apprecii�' -of �r ek ta -learn, _ e re hn we. have made h y "Idleesirable you w,,- le - ex- C�on so V1 d ims h a 's rde, on f bu tte r -when you have it s�,s' very great crt-Klit h.4t. - e, if 41ey. wish, Tor thon first class r t mde. her way. 'r th-�! h2alth Qf f4mt`Qy. Thcre tra quantity --o be, feel pretty sure -1 -to mo' molv than' of - I .,A bo:cliarrPed. ferties and in z,.rbwa thatt the characters whkh 0 we have ArAd B accepts th crl';6sni -an'l aviee so wi, ark S Y's ah4 up 7110re, than four or five edws. ba, urdy in- on or b" 'kindly given. Over and. -over, again. - -age. -weigh aCil of the milk that I Pl��ntrpd :Nvi'll, groW inte .-, I; Each clasZonily"MI-owing tith rail of thlo "ye13;,I ayS The Fvu oa BiIAe history s11ow&_u&,_tb:at_the _d Ally -W6 . ..... meroury on the hL. In Spite o--ro! n a cafete-lia, and '%V&, tO get," IA&A I also test and Wo ifflie fa?. --i t1rat 4 i'�3 a comznonp:ac'e -sub- I t . IM* ��I rs - &T17 thearcs w%rd ;art gal,"iesP and 0 for cows milk bace a ''nth -are, firms ffer trappe Mo r notecpssailyperfe�!t or ree fro-in'large f g;tpden in' lt 'etir childreu D r. Creelmaii, -ee nt Q't0rC%j_.jbeL jUvvd'LL in onle IN I' he r il, 1h.0 little I f or error. 11060d; Mosea nuniber ',cf A ne r det;�artnU' fr0TnL­h C L- _'thl MOM P. 1vold be 'v'iery Lnnt than u in shilllow or utisympatheti of Agricultai for. the province. v -Th--`ta Por' Tpu cb. grow . P C ­.-Sti-ows hiA AN, i itoTy -In jab -y- h0:rio 'and- PrWtpa-17df 'i tarr oil the writes his '�-11'g- Urt' jla�-f ]p Ve ''in i* after- enF Awva,'-hr -on a fa-rr 'in a t-5 rn ndings ---not all Are - IBut ce-you c in h na �-r i- wh o� nver,­o*.tv Iln alTm slahig 11 t he, Agi 1-6 * I Gue4 an of and addrezz. 0.1e t44' sh,011 nn. -Sh-3- wrote home CO 9.:OW!1T_.1?-y can see perhs,'�is the Prett ing thq- Agricultural, 'C' The problems of loade'r-ship "J. e y Oswk manago-to p�at up arly frcm a� n ply Ad of the bUn- of all the. new exp iences -that. fir. ; dress will *Ml'.strog ai government, whelhat­.in. Amrlcll_�, or, lye 1.,acc.J­,cn the'outz' er lots at one or two mkin-s migh� not, W -werld al� b 'he his' 9�. ga I the ve form o f bab:t., but, when (.:ty helip&s! 1 h i ne Otta a repeated, a mssage ,t,6* the'state �or commerce re d,:e .2 on�,'t e ecital ter a year would ally. niore than wate,r* anct su , P A en Aunt M rt; coin aer ig.',n#,P, i be 11 to, vegqta)J1Les after they 0 1 1 � e c t, - T% fan-ners of Canada fr* i R1.91it �lex anfl. 0 this _Aay' if '1h c:, -y. So wen orie'ScP`tcm`bc' after-. &,;Pe give - . L -orn t4aii, t6 I ) 0 R. E.. Prothero -''Se-eveta"'y - of st�'tc mail reqires grea"ar, ff t-ransit, the traptpbr has the yard ";Iie in, tlhe� pan read f 1 .on t1h-a gon4 is necar,-i-ary. to ur cooking, will' noan SI Jenn, s Oro n jI of' the reicord-6realung pow$, r and k truln -Ing f Welou. for Gr:eal. thai jlidge -or r U,e ach h name on nd 7,11:s if -d a -v re rnillre&,to the 1A.St drlOpp, a I L 11 n -efore, bullin-sts go et -te il'-ilij t*.m,,-. The lie Saio la a le" fe i e a al, :and 'a make 't1tem r e lid of b tin a r k nie_z.agle ta the n o i. an, thei appro -d depofl oftrm, z'6ek 'eun Le Used by. the house-! �afrd:y be-ieve her and, as Istt gavar -if they have been grown.in un- nwnil m44-reA-be-iost u �f Afa -?d heing xiiioh- � 1 9 , J11&Jas"dth_.grew_4r--h I . er' qf Carad, 'Ise # and A',l -s not' - in ft butt -at re-' -the rgl fUT bqL' er" 'o A f6kv of eys. *Afe' to'timie thc L f ur� mk�%i t)ie a -By zr 1:5-16. "The St tu inano and be-to�.a me that thex Coniplete _h NralI'DU 3 ri ts,,theno we only.buy Lu.rs -You aln' s -e asked- when--th-a- to­fre�—ai6 mdan, gTeat, fai-th of Mr,_--.C.� but alse, t ck, ix� i FuWaT, ob i Twwor 6 hr -11c -b,� hnd that 0. ail e el our cl� Q c�f r oZili ALrra-nge- -K,-Ou SI 1,..c ri i c re' aEed lit' th"IS ty the trapper ajuhg., c7,1:ng, g,hug. r 0 a t" orough truining -an remember., per a_ y afWr the larm clock' &holrl deirel-cip ih3 to , (. 5.ura*ce r-9 h,,aL%r'o_ne %will' ge� ca -re.;-- -nist rtezeivL_ Ti 7 ca*Me 16 fn n g m c n, s ai nia d e -so -Ilia " cn at H o rel - th ver su ppl'i e s be' may I y in pre nce, to 1he llv� him in his v L: j, -at 0 ad "oot. 0 47TV �Lr+, r-1 9 May- �be- -use440.&route :the - farm�er e. re t buy w.U­ te et ss whan -+urny ,Not a bit," Jean 7 He- orgo thairthcre woli.'M ba W�Oi hini. And so, wbe'li­_ 1110ur til lng_�.#W,_ I i 4 e .But I'm go : thin-becauee ;among CA er thinga I've oli Wbie _ I L traie. -tual fur shipmint and,' iTtg to -.,bZ More c a re ull -I-hent . - :th a, delay. Re u'.sa ��a`d el- in the c -mi- -!hg. '.IuJ,g-- - 0 'Call S 110 adm:ri� n IVVLine RU n is :noL th esjjit'td to . nd W1 to ithe roilk may' bel, 1, zf goad en neA' a se MM,T r tjeis.. ce You'rn riWht. Wl,,at does in ev:,_,:� In d n th e city re. L _nce - -ter the t ht, r, lffi L g tllr 'rc' have? 1hat af r. - Trappers have found f over safy to :11 iotm IOSS23. "Then'.Lthcie is 'thin t h: 14 n r' glit lxfora bim, h, b, or like. DeZore It was hal jld, not devote sa much effort to Oil fur houses �6 dearl with The elek- 11 as* r the -thron.p:;ng Mul:'a, c.r 'al:ne ill 11a --th4t th4o LL-elt only I vto7k�id-iilt be a pass."Lly 'ha, t the 01'L'I'nary f4rincr does not d -op, pi i t 'of pa rl ,I for Wo c.oncern-3 kn*w a I - o,, g, e n e, r y Ilia arge-st 'hard have mciv practk,,A ul.,,,es oil a f�lm od. "He iii !low this gives childle6il "Llie'trainin' ill ralslAg h-.gti, they pould 1W in'Ountain, cciys' ani 'h,.* and give up in a. at'. ditat' -hey cn Pay tpl I 'ty he driver. of an it' il to yn.as­age the u�je;:-! htlp'fulnez.:3 and 'Wer 't 0 anti ine It i, T than' -in the d . T 0 i,-,er on t,hl,.,4 'e f - the At.' s in pray; 'h�t get pork erete which is th:1-, right. tL.:It God is P L becau;-, ex - never wdnph ar,4 af `�n- mi'ikin autc-Mol, - ch:)ck bcfore f U'Pon U. jr.-rience! B Ca rM L qroiir,l the X - n all be put i*nto any I.t L f . : prich L -hi' reii e.1, 3 M u n t lu 'he funs t ilia bil S "Is ther ally to Al ( - 0 n an � U�e -1-S Call -T.,er L h t cl, to P 11ikn1A�-r'6f God, d -cess mu eitirer in. the. or at y Et ye D e MDre,0:vr, their it nutslieli_y�ru can r.. Crulokan a ttle entir simpiolay' i.4 withoui L _, L -if � - ', y oreal us, proye- th !r rel Ab cM1_ IiW, but ort of a g�utlai-�Cllqv"A-Lu-,y the awk 1011, e car M that hie h-, ha -4 uo nt cld-up in V.acoa. pur- LLnllllt' S "Tbe peopI i.cf ib-cir om�� -to zn�_ s e ire of God." I U mqL il:.- �,Pi�er part, cf1drK e s es sa Such jndc�ed L -h-2 ssense Arid Frn re to xvie a lighted.twatch to he' -p i n dt - -cund t -V 10 till -it 0 f a lie Qualifid. a ma.;sage ai llN * gi M2 ill. to it nlaie for intenz.% lkh they re capate. t!': r4CC t �dOl,Mat termining, the. trouble. Th -atea every6nci eaclh Tn ilk 1 lev�;ry judge Tommy Atkins pleaded exeniptio," all about. lis',safe -ard .,t!;I,. rilcrely a a - nee from c)iurch 'paraide on the round, lov?r4 le -very steP Of tll�s r 3 `fure.:sbes an 'liu n e hat rnd Ild :31-1cli he c.; afid- and the m.,,Ik flow, and some 1 t i's at this tenIeT )� b 11 el I t is 'jus to -helj Wt the commi.on inan andluld' h dsanct -of rig' " b' whelle I. -I )g re inest hnx. n ag" oitie-T e s tim13 to enjoy-t*M. Wher-'s C rV that t: pp h�p La- wlyiie rv. that lie was b.c., enter t1w court uf justl,,c- he mc -N. necdcd.. N-^W-h1cl1 quitk tr*ps to plug,makeLj "'ha m:lk an -a'. major L "L or a b. e to Sion of ? n swinied an pr2a Untle Peter necc�s 25. the Larn ura sary -at n-' Field float Sce& G row a f Canadgi ue, _1.y. Anywa i' it is ti, vh�eck ih_,'M' hoe. Y, I ou e i I t hiterest. going to belpi, h. It haady flash is'l,&E3 hulky and W!f. Thn 'file of Tile af Jethro, Mo.sci Te ­Doa't 3-0 i ir 'gen. 11 Cow..-; It, on.0 Of thillg7c YOU C3" ao W Wone and affter ill an cay, 'le p.-rfarni th u belie�c in thL L aey ilia h4bit: 4)f :1)4ct manner, in any Seems gool ;P`ldly sked tllA C. y lit i nd t -ee n m e til. In _,hat N, )egaj I, th' Allilikel, During, _�of alt anxt a_--wiatei tfv=� ill 'the of ma%l ay be ne-cle a 'e t;." L sl,,Kness a n lay all tn' h, gover e bold fi au, .t will certainly maie bet- hcI-le* w Ofte Of 'ot one, ty in t tc.r flow, and,. ass in th2 of: yk was 1111, JgIr t:) A, t !--ceping n fini-Ily of g" Ot- azid it Fava. time tO hive a 41a3h--1 1 g Ques i I 'I Prove illu t i C i�Whaf! ot (lie (AW W)Ou A. Th. -a horde -of The One Bi L flas iSM.i.jZl] th-e llgia.by the A subst-all, in, wblil are iben nd Wholn tears Is il.�-t Aaste of "ni, may save- oll pay toL scriqui; b -e, barn wil 0 V11 al Ur 61. laid the ebild-rcii fU,,M Wk"'Je OM Aunt N�a n 1119 TI, el �;urc Out the d never bithe.-, ,0 y prived 11A Y,,u*rc ddy. s u,.-AVn c r t, rl lit L-4. a gicetit ther views a n,l with ni must Lhq1q, .1-3 is do i , * A A j f)..gilitrul Lo 1-c-ld, n Ito I*C 3 WE i%e i ed r;! �A 0 Ilt tvy CI -ecte­ of h=Q. L 0 1! io' The chat 'fTer:-ig ani sacr sjft;gujrd -in te rcas'arv;- w'sikil. le their 1 ` lue'elloquil s we!' h's -s fe'd th t t,,,e 11y0j; t - al I are 4.3 -Aliz t. SZ) L eT. ? re e It "I've read of. it,' Lu t CA nL*lw ki, -,-.v t pIp0l ti uk kigh ,,$.-An �Li V, p fr mucft f4im lhelpc,.� nd ju;z,f . or je of 1�ntf, it would be pka:!Ueal fw- I.. -Me is I Cf erery ani ,-;illlPlV. bjys we TrA, WA a ;e,.V out �c ll life %Vi t 1z)t arc 'n,-' Sr. -F, IV t�: L'ifil CQ 5 f( at y ".)I. M how PC Z? I b4car i - k.4 C. Nou c r low .111 es The ke-cpirig in r,�pir of o C' t r u t r-��t ot! lerL g, u n j u F Bat 411 -�,vv 1 rh dmijg 'for d; -c I i :k 1k, W I 10 r: r.­1QSFaly, oil ill? Ti - y ae, -t I r Eo r u p o pe i or upi L M."11011 COI Al g0o for the c.-. a -or reipan. is aunil'd? -IT, The IVLr,:e and 11XI I C;f t1l" M v. all the 111. PC; 10 :J knov. but W Not m a ny ar w.,, A t f t many who kami-t4a:11 4 w0lat 1�e -AW, alld a le U authwesterit (,f OnL; :j. I'Aw va! It J C '( ' kcep 11161 25 ill 11)(It 'n ow :f the%, i,c -let thelli a. ia r rome. 1)..)Ult.l thm of irAv': ."t. , 'I ... N-, 2 11 .'s lit 4 -e Mix i tool. ill MalAy tominulk. fibi if they bad rcatiy a �Cc�,,3 to h.- W -tall i to yo -4, Wit! 1 Illuve care'of these and the prolit ),A% tiW .1 wire th t l>p rem i,eill fc; r tj Uf ith C-41 ill - , the v.h4h ou -u lit tht I fla. ed 11c- Ait) I i nil. a' k bul r l6tlKage lit th Wel"N. ai:j iell lie true T that If h* at 111,� Cf miik, or tLe -egqi run Lki., fliev f mm z1_4 ItcieflivC U11 Utfu. t! Tie. a r. y in and 4 Lra V� A their licial . - , V - ". - . - n.i: ly" c lie of t"), A, life "m'.. 1A is. right" in 11 ib that W':' 4. J­ 'Lell or hai 4 01. r ,.,ken f 0' Iy fit y Aoldi t L T 1W fer rn i.,W 01 lit) ki Ll To, Ar.1 th'.; o. t 'zh� N.- :*Il ; . (' LI) ' " j 'lik in c:,, Of lo qu i -A chin, ih a WAI�' 14 The h I e l, -t tit Iqt Price it 3,, M' 9'1! ill .1, k) ("J t1140 U V ill,, 1 �\;I.j fin RAW F P, I ;A Fr,,iit t i Ire, k 070e r"., T t 0 0 b ft - sz t -4L f i thv J' P), L k lh the nin tl*..'� in the M ANY ak:, th.:l lie A BEY FUR COMP -.11 "4,r foi- t a W L�. (" , 1, , :, Wben W �-1 I It I% II.;T ille vp alld only, F, OV111M11, it 1.4 , no. file n:! Pei 1 n fA Ive Errl*! fop to it, I lD) T) A&. 142 1-