The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-30, Page 1. s J 1 $1.50 per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 30th., 1919. Single Copies 3 cents . SPECIALS IN GROCERIES dor this week and next Raisius‘.2 lbs. for 2 yc.. , AL Tomatoes, per can, i8c. Beans,. per can, vi oc. Pork and _Beans, is and Zoe. Corn, per can 18c. - Fresh Fish, i 2c. per lb. 6 Bars Soap 25C. -3' tins, Old ,D;nn•tch 25C.-:, • H. D. Woods Phone 82. Do Hens Pay ? 0 .Mr. Wm. Davis, of the B3undary, west, thinks that they do pay about as well as hogs and sheep:paid during the past three years. This is the way he figures it out: He bad 30 Barred Rock hens during 1918, and from these he 8nld eggs to the value of $148 88. The average price received for the eggs was 4-tc per aoz. 'The total expense was $6l 50, leaving a net profit of $85.38. The cost of keep per hen was $2 01, and the profit per hen was therefore $2.84. Mr. Davis evidently takes good care of his birds and keeps accurate record of the results. His experience would indicate that, with prices as they were the past year, a small flock of hens pays well. Larger numbers do note'average' so well. Silver Mine in Grocery A real silver mine waa discovered at Owen Sound in the store of W. A. Mc- - Lean At Co grocers, when $431 55 was • found In the back of a big cash register. For some time it had not closed properly and it. was thought that some part was broken. When the drawer was taken out a large collection cf silver coins was found, the dimes, quarters and half -dol- lars having escaped through a few small cracks into a compartment at the rear, The leak had evidently been ging on • for sonie years as a paid -out ticket dat- e.] 1913 was among the coins. Report Not True We last week published a report that ltev. Mr, Saunders+, of E imonton, e former rector of St. Peters Church here, died of influenza' We are pleased to ray that word has since been received that 1t•!v. Mr. Saunders bas recovered from his illness. The reported . death had referen^,e to another English Church minister of the Ram) name. Wingham One of the very old residents, of Wipgbani, passed away en Sunday last in the person of Mr. Andrew Reid, in his mist year. The funeral on Tuesday was from the home of his eon -in-law, Mr. Alex Robertson to Wingheen cemet- ery. John Mitchell, who enlisted in the West and went through a number of batt les, and was wounded and sent back to England, afterwards -transferring to the flying corps, has been killed in Eng- land, according to a message received by his father, J. .1. Mitchell, Wi.igham. 4111 MARKETS (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) Fall Wheat:... ....-i Oats l'e'ss .... Egon, new Ishii Butter Hogs .1111...-...... ,.� TORONTO MARKETS Choice lle*vy steers $14 00 to p15 25 Choice butchers 11 50 to 12 50 ` Choice butchers' cows10 25 to 10 50 (',00d feeders -"TO to 9 50 Good milch cows 140 00 to 160 00 Hogs, fed and watered16 G0 to Fail Wheatr, 2 13 to. Goose W,hef ip 2 10 to Oats 87 to 88 Timothy Hay 13 00 to 16 00 Eggs, new laid 60 to Butter, Creamery sPrints 51 o tO 46 putter, Dairy 211 50 70 1 50 49 ?0 39 41 15 25 Ripley -Monday, Jan. 27 Mr. J. H. Robertson and Miss M. E. McKay spent Sunday at her home in Kincardine. Mies Vera Craford visited fitiend2 in Stratford last week. Miss Ethel Wilson, of Kitcheuer, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.` Thos. Wilson. ; Mr, W. J. Smith made a bus' trip to Toronto last week. - . - Mrs. D; H. McDonald entertained a - number of her lady friends on Friday evening, Capt. Finlay McDonald recent- - ly home from France, who wee a guest of honor related many thrilling ex- periences of the war. Finlay is a great favorite with the ladies, and they were delighted to hear hia war stories. MiseM,argarot McInnes, 'who has been i on the teaching staff of the Toronto pub- . lic schools, is spending a vacation at her home. Miss McInnes is not enjoying the best of health but hopes soon to be able to return to her profession. Uncle Tom's Cabin, the old time play that has interested the public for gener- ations, will be given in the Town Hall on Thursday night. Harris Bros. the enterprising stock buyers- haveinstalled fie Delco Electric Light system in their'' respective resid -Fences and stock -barns. It is a great im- provement on the old way of lighting, is convenient, and adds much to the ap- pearance and value of their property. They believe in being up -to date and have set a good exausple. Who'll be the nex.1 DIED IN DULUTH -A meeaage to gr. John Bell from Duluth, Min. on Monday morning notified him of the pissing away of Mr. Jno McLean in that city. Deceased had been in poor health for the past two months, but was thought to be recovering when the sad news which was a shock to his many friends and relations in this community, cane He was born on Lot 22, Con. 8, Huron Twp. where he lived until about four years ago, .when lie left for the American city where he has since resid- ed. He was well and favorably known in this locality as a Highland Piper_and took part in many social functions. He leaves to mourn -his loss two brothers: Dan, of Saskatchewan, and N )rman of Duluth; and six sisters: Mrs. Alex Itcid and Mrs. Bert Vansickle, of Wingham, Mrs. John Henry Wilde Mrs Chrystal Wilde, and Miss Murdena McLean, of Huron, besides a young widow to whom he was married less thin a year ago. All have the heartfelt sympathy f scores of friends in this community id their sad bereavement over the loss of such a promising young life which was cut off in the 26th year of his age. The remains will be brought to Ripley and the fun- eral will be held from the home of Mr. John Bell 8th Con. E on Friday after- noon, Jan 31st. Mss F. CUMMING -By the death of Mrs. Frank Cumming, Jr, of the 12th con ; Huron. the community has nutlet. - ed the loss ot a highly respected citizen -Clark Church and lied Cross Society, a thorough -going Christian and con- scientious worker. When the influeuze epidemic visited the home a short time ago she labored lovingly and patiently to relieve the suffsrings of other mem- bers of the family, until through ex .haustion from constant vigilance, she herself fell a victini. It rapidly devel- oped into'pneumonia and all that med- ical aid and skilful' nursing could do was done, but she fell asleep in Jesus on Sunday morning. She leaves behind her a husband and three young children who, although grief strikers because of their irreparable loss, have the consola- tion that her genuine Christian life was not in vain and that He who knoweth the heartaches took her to hunvelf. when that life was ripe for the home above. Her good deeds will not soon be forgotten, and her exeinplary life will be something tor others to follow, and will constantly point them upwards to the Master who doeth all things well. The funeral, to Kincardine cemetery, on Monday was attended by many sor- rowing friends and neighbors who felt that they bad lost a true friend. The 'sympathy ot the entire community is extended to the grief stricken fancily. Mr. and Mrs. .Jame; Johnson, of Wingham,,vislted friends here this week. SOLDIKRS' RECEPTION -The recep- tion to the returned soldiers of Huron Township which was held in the Town Hall here on Tuesday evening was a great success. The people of the com- munity turned out en nca;se to do honor to the brave boys who stood between them and the atrocious Hun. The fol- lowing returned men were on the plat. form: Corp. Dan McDonald, Sig. John Reavie, Serg. Ernie l`tnmerton, and I'tes. Geo. Swatinau, Roes Martyu, Adam Mc LAO, Fred Battle, Wm. McDonald and Jas. Johnston: -On behalf of the Town, ship Councitethey were each presented with a ten dollar gold piffle also a- Ref cel from the Ripley lied Cross, and a . large box of candy. Eich in turn made a suitable reply, thanking the public for their kind consideration\ and stating that they were proud tc do their bit for Truth and Right. Rousing addresses were made by the clergymen of the vil- 41811....i- •. CHURCH NI WS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -- Pre -corn inunion cervices will be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock and on Saturday afternoon at 3, Rev. D: A. McLean, of Ripley, will conduct the Friday evening service:` Communioltyservice'next Lord's Day at i1 1- a m. Eventing subject : `z0 Love That W ll Not Let Me Go " The Men's Christian As- sociatiou held i s second meeting last Sued)y i.sitepoon at 3.30 o'clock, when the topic, "Self:C.ontrol," introduced by Mr. W. L. Maickenrie, was briefly die- cussed by many of those Present. The aubjeckefor next Sunday's meeting is "Money, Its Use and Abuse." Men, ,young, middle aged and old are wel- • c'ome°to the meetings. Nurse Writes From France The tetter published below ,was dated at Canadian Hospital No. 2, France, on Dec. 27; and addressed to tale . ladies of Lucknow Patriotic Society: My DearGirls:-Many, many thanks for all your wonderful boxes which ar- rived safely. i will never be able to tell you how much we appreciate your thought for our boys and how your gifts contributed towards making this their last Christmas in Erance a very happy one. We canwelt imagine your labor in preparing these packages, and were it not for our wonderful Canadian Clubs. our boys`Would lack many many com- forts which they n''6ed so badly. I wish to th-enk you for your sweet personal renlemberance. Our friends have all_been so wonderful since we went away. We surely will never be able to show our appreciation enough' Wishing; you all a very Happy New Year. • Your sincerely CORA L. MACQUAIG Teeswate r -Tuesday, Jan. 28 Mr. Madigan has opened a flour and feed store and grocery business ip the stere formerly occupied by Jno. Bowles. Rei. R J. Cox, of Ganancgue, Grand Mister of the Indeppendent. Order of Oidfellows, paid a visit to Teeswater lodge last Tuesday on the oce,aslon of opening their new lodge room. Over 15 members were ititated and the pro- ceedings of the evening were crowned with a magnificent banquet in the coun- cil chambers of the Town Hill. Mr. Cox gave an excellent address on pro- gress and benefits of Oad Fellowship. Jai. Vallad has bought out the dray business f ran Geo. Caslick and is run- ning alio try in connection. Pte. Campbell, s'in in-law of Jas Don aghy, who enlisted from his faro, in the West, arrived home a week ago last Tuesdey and is spending a few weeks with his father-in-law before grfng back to his farm. The- young people of Knex Church held a social evening in the basement of the church Tuesday evening Jan. 28th. Pte. John Hendry hae been discharg- ed from the army and has been given his position with the C. 1'. It. as operator at Orangeville a. ith advances. He is well pleased with the treatment accord - him by the government. lege,. The program was enlivened by music from the Lucknow orchestra, Miss Rustle's reading and two vocal sel- ections by Mrs. I). Munn also greatly pleased the audience. The crowd was enthusiastic and cheer after cheer was raised.for the Eads, who were made to feel that their noble deeds will not soon be , forgotten. Similar gatherings are planned for the Lest Tuesday of each month till all our boys return. Reeve Gideon Ituttle and Deputy Reeve ltobt. Irwin are attending the County Council session at Walkerton this week. Notice of Reg'stra$ien ot By -Law Notice is heareby given thvt a By-law,} was passed - by the Municipal Council c.f the Village of Lucknow in the County of Rruce, on the Thirteenth day of January A. i). 1919, providing for the issue of dlehentnres to the amount of $5000.1 for the puip.»e of purchasing the Electric bight Plant in said Village from Walter Stewart and bon, And .that -such Ry -law was registered in the Registry Office for _the Regtat-ry ilivigien of the County ,f Brace on -the Twenty-fourth day of Jan - nary A. I)- 1919. Any motion to quash or set aside the sane or any part there- of mnst be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be4nade thert.after. Dated the Twenty-seventh day of Jan- uary A. D. 1919. JOSEPH AGN EW, Clerk of the Village of Lucknow. e 13-2.c. Soldiers' Reunion June 3rd next, the anniversary of that notable oceaaion of the visit of the 160th Bruce Battalion to the 'UOWII of Chesley when the c,lors , wee presented; 'is to be c ae `ba grai)d,reuniun of all thiol . of Bruce .at Chesley: 'Every so ie of Bruce Count who,has worn the King's uniform during the great war will be invited to be 'present: A live Committee of Chealey cit 'zene have the matter in hand:_ - ,Uhesle-y never ,does anything in a' half -hearted way and the soldiers, well as all others,- who place this event on their programme are• sure of a splendid day. , 1iOULANDCENERAL Mr. Ashley Blair was over from, Har riston and spent Sunday with friends at Amberly. Mr. E. A. Renwick went to Toronto on. .Monday.' tole trend the Ford Dealers Convention. The annual Burns' Ball field last Fri- day night was well attended and an all- round success. Miss M. Graham, who ha4"been home' the past month, returned to Chillichothc, Ohio, on Wednesday. Misses Bessie and Mary Bell Hab- kirk, of Kincardine, spent the week -end with Miss C. Graham: Cotton seed ureal, oil cake meal and Royal purple calf meal at reasonable prices. -A. R. FINLAYSON. Mr. Riieaetl,Bock, of Chatham, was a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs T. S. Reid for the past week. Mr. teo. Huston, who was assisting T. Watson the past two year.,, is in charge of the barbershop at Ripley. J. N. Campbell, reeve of East Waw anosh, was chosen 'warden of Huron County at the County U.►uncil, Tuesday. Pte. R►•bt. Fisher writes from France to thank the ladies :,f the Patriotic League for the. nice parcel h . received from them in December. Colne and get our prices on stock and poultry foods and tonics three lines to -choose froth. -A. R. FINr,aysolv. Mrs 11 C. McGowan (formerly Miss Murdoch, of Ashfield) and daughter, of Blyth, spent the past -week with Luck - now friends. . The County Councils of both Bruce %id Huron counties are in session_this week and local reeves and deputies are in attendance. The Lucknow Orchestra was at Rip- ley Tues -lay night assisting in a public reception held for the returned soldiers of Huron Township. Mr John Cavern, of Font Hill, was here during the past week visiting his bro her -in-law, Mr. K. MacDonald, of 'the- 4th line, Kinloss. , Nurse Marion McI)iarmid was among those who returned from overseas last week. Atter. spending a few days here she returned to London. A car of bulk salt arriving in a few days to be sold on track at 79c per cwt. Farmers r squiring salt for cattle please book ',our orders at store.—A. R. FIN- t,AVSON. The Dominion Chautauqua Festivals have completed arrangements for an- other itinery including Lucknow, and propose being here un March 19 to the Teeswater hust.'.t' T are making 'pre - partition to hold an -Old Boys Reunion during the corning, stimruer. A . very successful event of the kind was held they, in 1905 A number of six -octave organs, in good conriition, for sale. 'These were got in exchange for pianos and will he sold at a b.trgain.—k. j. '4 )o.t R, Luck - now. 3t' -1-c Mr. and Mrs E. A. Renwick returned to town last week after spending a month with , relatives near Clitlord. Mrs. R.etiwick's sister, Miss Freeda Duffy accompanied them' In eviden -e of the unusually mild .January weather, it is repo ted" that a farmer near Brantford has wn several acres of spring wheat;. spring lambs .are . reported at L'ndon, and the first robin been seen in a number of localities. RON1)4 FOR S.1LIi.—Five thousand -dollars Electric Light Debentures, of the Village of Lucknow, or any part thereof, to yield investor 5-1-2 per cent. per annum. Apply to j. 13. AGNRw, Treasurer, er R. J3RNST013, Chairman Finance Oomniittee. 23-1-t - THE MEN IN KUUAKI ' Pte.' Ross Murray sends hia beat thanks to the Lucknow Fire company for the Christmas box which he received O.K. Mr. Chas, - McDonagh, ` of Ashfield, has received word of his nephew, R. J. Topp, who has been a prisoner, in Ger- many since the battle of Vimy Ridge He has returned to England in good health. Pte. Jas. Mac Vicar, a Gcderich boy who a few weeks ago returned from overseas badlyorippled, and was being tre ited in Toronto, had the misfortune to fall on a slippery walk and fracture his left leg above the knee. Pte. Sidney Plowright, whose return we reported last week, is spending the week at his home near Orillia. We understand that he has bought out the Webster. blackan►ithing shop an:i that he will set up in. business here before spring.• - Rev. Geo Gilmore, of Ripley, was in town on Monday presenting Mrs. Alex. Campbell with the Huron Township donation of $10 00. Mrs. Campbell is the grandmother of the late Pte. Camer- on Campbell who fell in France. Hip parents both being dead, the gift was given to the grandmother. Mr. James Carter, of Auburn, received word on Monday last of the death of his son, William, which took place near Bonn, Ger any, on January l0tb, after an illness of only four days from influ- enza. Pte. Carter , :nlisted at London on May 20th, 1917, in the Mechanical Transport, having reached his eighteenth birthday only ten days previous. He had been in France for some time before the cessation of hostilities. Before en- listing Pte. Carter was employed for some time in Kelly's garage, Goderich. In a recent letter to a Lucknow friend Pte. Ed. Racine statesthat he is at last :sway ',from the hospital at which he served so long in France. He is now at Bonn, Germany and has been given the position of otfi-'ial interpreter to the Command there. It will be rememt ered that he was farilia.r with a half dozen of the European languages In his letter Pte Racine also expresses thanks to the ladies of the Vatrlotic Society for the Christmas boxes and parcels which he has received from time to time. He is in hopes of being back to see his Luck - now friends before many months. Among the Lucknow boys to arrive home from France this week was Gun- nc r Herb Graham who came up from Toronto Monday night. A large crowd accompanied by the -'Band were at the station to give him a royal welcome and to escort him to his home where the joy of the aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, may be more readily imagined than described. Gun-, ner Graham enlisted early in the war with the Eaton Riflery at Toronto and was long at 'the front where he was recognized as one of the best gunners in the army. He was once wounded and for a short period was ill, but he returna in good health His brother, Marshall, is still being treated for trench fever in England. • Capt. A. F. Sturdy, who arrived in town on Saturday evening, is the first officer of the 161st Battalion to return, to Goderich. Capt. Sturdy remained with the Huron Battalion and trained with the fifth division until it was. broker up and drafts were taken to keep up the strength of the four divisions in France A large number of the men of the 161st Battalion were drafted inti the 47th and Capt. Sturdy also was ap potpted to this 11.Mallon. He proceed ed to France in April last and was wounded at Arras on September 2nd. He was back on the reserve and expect- ed to cross to France shortly .vhen the armistice was signed. Ile came home b', the Net. gatua, arriving at Halifax on .January 15th. Capt. Sturdy looks sell and his many friends are glad to welcome hini home again.-Gr1r»:in n SIGNAL. \ir. Wm McMillan has come East from Kerrobert, Sask. and is visiting his daughter, Mrs. . W. J. Davison. -Mrs. Harvey Anderson and four child • ren, whp have :once from the West, are ening to reside in Lucknow. They are et present staying with Mr.(and Mrs. Connell. Grant McCreath, who for the past year has been with the Royal Air Force at "1'ornntn, has recurved his eli charge, and is at',bis hnnce in Kincardine. He isited Lucknow friends Friday of last eek. Thiefeed stables and shed at the ,Ex- change Hotel, Wingham, were almost totally destroyed by fire, Tuesday night about ten o'clock. The property helongs to Mc. Lepard, _and the. less ia_plit.at. about $2,000. Among the letters from eeeeeet;<icieek nowledging receipt of Cbristmes boxes; one has been received from Geo. A. Mackenzie. In it he thanks the ladies for the gool thinglscentained in the box and expresses t)le hope that his bhttn., which is still in France, niay soon bi allowed to return to Canada. ALYMER AITCHISON DIES IN GERMANY No news coming from the battlefields ot Europe ca.used mote general sadness in Lucknow than did the report of the death of Spr. Alymer Aitchison. The fighting being over, it was felt that the boys at the front were practically sure to return, but now and again, due to accident or disease, one is being taken off, and because of the present compar- ati a eaiety the regret at their Ioa$ seems all the greater, - because it is less expect: ed. Alymer was one to be taken in this way. On the 18th inst. a message came that he was isetiouslyikerain heart trouble, and on . Friday ;of lest week canes a second Message stating that he was dead. From what can be learned, it appe: rs that he was taken i 11 on Jan. 15 and died the same day from what is known is cardiac dilation. Medical men say that it may have been brought on by overexertion. Before enlisting, -little more than a year ago, Alymer had been for several years. employed 'in F. 1'. Armstrong's, watch -repairing department. A hand- some and fine-looking young.. man ht was one -_cf nature's =gentlemen, ono made friends wherever he went. It is unlikely that he had a single enemy, for, without being effeminate he had a peculiarly agreeable and pleasing man- ner. He had a good bass voice, and sang in -the Presbyterian Church choir and fbe `Aitchison .Quartette." He was active in the tresbyterian Guild from its organization and was president of it and of the Young Men's Bible Crass whi n he listed. He was little over 23 years of age, and having always en- joyed good health his many friends Confidently looked forward to his return. Beeides his sorrowing parents, he leaves a sister and three brothers, Cliff being with the army in England. The family have the deepest sympathy of many friends. • Mail Contract Sealed tenders, addressed --to the Post- master GeJeral, will be received at Ot- tawa until noon, on Friday, the 28th day cf February, 1919, for the convey- ance of -His Majesty's Mails, on a pro- posed Cohtract fbr four years, six times per week, over Lucknow' No. 7 Rural Route, from the 1st of July next. Printed notices containing furiher in- formation as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forums of tender may be obtaine l at the post offi- ces of Lucknow; Kintail, Holyrood, Whitechurch and Ripley, and at the of- fice of the Post Office Inspector. Post Office CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Inspector's Office, Post Office London, 17th Jan., 1919. Inspector. 30-1-c AUCTION SALE OF Valuatle Farm Property in the Township of Kinloss The Administratrix of the Estate of. the late Barry Hamilton will offer for sale by public auction at the Cain House in the Village of Lucknow on Saturday, the 1st day of February, A.D. 1919. ' at one o'clock in the afternoon by john Purvis. Auctioneer, the following valu- ableproperty, namely: Lot i.umber Five in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce. con-. taining One hundred acres of land more or less. This property is situated on a good gravel road, six miles from the Village of Lucknow, one and a half miles from a school and two and one-half miles from Holyrood store. There are on the premises a one a nd a half storey brick veneer house 20x25 with one storey brick veneer kitchen at- tached 17x2), and soft water cistern; a frame barn 30x6.1 with 14 foot posts on scene fonndation and cement floors in stables; a fia.ne driving shed (open) 13x 30 and frame/ hen house 18x20 and 11, feet high. .Also a good artesian well and windmill and large cement tank at- tached. There are five acres of bush, two acres of orchard, two acres of fall wheat, thirty acres fall plow:ll and the balance is in grass. TERMS of SAt.rt: Ten per cent. of the purchase money, on the day of sale and the balance within tiiienty days there- after. I'cssession can be given on com- pletion of the The property will be offered subject to a reserved price. Further particuiam anti conditions of sale will be made known en the day of iale'or niay he had on application to the undersigned. Dated January 9,9. FLORENCE V. TIAMOrrON, Kincardine, Ont. Adniinistratix. R. VANSTONE. Wingham. (_ pt. Solicitor for the Vendor 30-1-c. Studio Closed On and after March isth. 35P4 off all Family Groupes and 4oioff all Cab- ihet Ph tos Open Six Days a Week: 0. S. FREE, - Photograpner. OVER ONE HUNDRED- YEARS f` The death was reported last week of - Mrs. Baker. of the ;village ot Bellnore, at the age of 103 years. .Mrs. Baker, .:t + '1! ,.Jain by 'birth, h:avitr:; Lec:: ,born near Watierloo in the year ,1 e 1 e. She moved to B,lmore in the pioneer days and' has resided there since that tune. When one reads of the death of a centenArjan, he expects to learn that the place of birth was Ireland as longev- ity appears to be it habit with many from the Emerald Isle. It would seem however that Canada, too, is going to produce its centenarians, and that the pioneer life in the bush did not neces- sarily mean a short life. Mafeking Tuesday;Jan. 28. ---- Miss Reta Twamlev is visiting relat- ives at Gorrie. - Miss Ena Switzer, cf Holyrood, , is visiting her. aunt, M r8. Stothers. •• Mr. and Mrs. John Brake and Bernice spent Sunday at M r.` Robt. Hasty's. 'Dungannon. Mr. Eiger Ritchie. of Zion, visited 'Mateking frieids Sunday: ENBTBODY'S COLUMN Passenger car, Commercial anh Motor Cyclo Licenses issued by—ANDY JOHNSTON, %% alk ertou. MONEY TO LOAN.—On mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance, hot' Stock and Mutual Companies. Convey ancing done with neatness and despatch. GEO. A. SIDDALL. Broker. Lucknow VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. Apply ' J. H. ACKERT, Luckuow, or ACKERT & BATH WELL'S Boot and Shoe Store. Luck - now. HIGHEST market prices for raw`furs. Don't sell the furs without seeing B. BLITzsrEIN All kinds of Raw Furs wanted. Mink, frum small to large. $6 tis to =x.•25; Skunk,' an av- erage run, 13.:x► to 11 fru; Coon. an average run, $5.00; fox, medium to large, front $11.ti to $16 50. Sell your furs where you get the highest prices. JAKE LIBEL, Luck - now. DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain house. Luckaow, every WeedsT ~'.-. ruoo;i. A41 chronic diseases suooc�fulfy treated. os- teopathy removes the physical causes of diseaeee. Adjustment of the ,pine is• more quickly secured and with fewer treatments' by Osteopathv than by any other. method, • LOGS WANTED -We. the undersigned, are open to puzeha-e. delivered at our saw- mill. Luck now, all kinds of lug.. maple. beech, birch. ash. elw, and bass wuou. tV e will pay from twenty to tinily dollar. per M. for the better grades and from t welve to eighteen per M. for the common grade. As we are in special need of maple and beech we will pay.prrccs mu+<h more profit- able to the seller than cutting the logs,into wood. Apply at the °M ee of the Luzknow Table Co. for particulars. Tarn: Lec•asow TABLE Co.. J. 13c'rTos. Manager. 2i 2-c. FOR SALE Ft)R SAIF. --3 well finished houses vtith all latest conveniences. For particulars apply to G. A. Si mALL 1 5 tfc.• FOR SA1•E-I'ure-Bred Yorkshire pig., from prize winning stock. Sows brad for April farrowing; Roars tit for;seryioe; also young- er stork.—Jolty FARRIAII. 11.. Luckn�sw. Phone 1)uuganLun, tt2 r. la. :i1-1 tf. FARM FOR SALE.—Fine 20 "-acre farm - lot ",l . and 30, Con. 3, Kinloss; good, product is o clay loam. level and tree from stone. welt watered, but little broken land. Two large hank barns. filo, c.iment pig -pen. huge. bra.k house and a small frame hou-e: two orchards—an excellent farm property. Will be scald in lel acre lots or all together. Apply to Mas. ANsii .1. TIFFIN. It. It. .1. Lucknow. 23 1-c. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. - D. A. 1tar1►onaid will have an auctwn scale ot ui►1s-h cows at the Cain Mouse L,arri. Lucknow, on sat drafty, Feb. ist. See bills.' J. 1'eavis. Auc. NOTIOE For all matters regarding Greenhill oeinetezv refer to P. C. Tarylor Secretary. PHOTOGRAPHY G. N. FREE. l.nckno s. Studio nil^_n \loiiday. Tue..sday and Wednesday. Family groups taken at home. 1 7 tfc Tenders Wanted Seale riffelers will he received by the► undersigned until noon on Tuesday, the 4th Lily -of February„1919r-for -th-e-reeti--- ------ ,- ing of sheds at Calvin Church, fit. ITel- ' ens. Plans ani specifications may he sneewa►tthe ;reside iter----nf-.. t ire ,recretwr •-- --- I - Contractors are requested to tender ep- arately on concrete and carpenter v, rk. . Markel cheques for ; per cent. of the: amount must accompany each tender. Cheques will lie returned to unsucc+eas- ful tecderers, and to successful contract- ors when •vork is completed. Lowees�t or.any tender not necessarily accept 1. J. C. PURnos, Sec'y. 30-1-p. Lucknow, R.R. No. 2, R • ." t 1