The Wingham Times, 1909-02-25, Page 6a ere �yJ -04 4464 .40 ?er Spacial Openings— Sept. S t. and Jan. The Forest City Eosin:as & Shorthand College Loudon. Ontario. JIW .wmlu J: WIeeeJeal Y Ft. itt Jri ate ID YOU EVER FIGURE THE COST of a single day's baking --- the material, fuel, time 'and labor—and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a. flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy Royal llousehokl Flour —a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by .a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household Flour does not vary in quality --• does not disappoint. 17 .Ogllvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal, • .,r WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for a Successful Career. To learn the folly of entering 1'bttainsae lila'~ without a 1 busineaa edecatioarr— read our Free Catalogue: Why desirable to Gemara thie • eeriness edam/ don” at Feast City Busks,* College -- read Catalogue. Why the big meroentile houses prefer F. C. B. C. gredudes—road Catalp(ue. This FREE BOOR explains to detail our Commermiai,Shorthand and TYPewritln Commis: Tells why F. C. B. C. methods el. tnatruetion are .upariori Shows slue el Badness Educators. As, sedlation • Diplomat Just send your name and address.— Catalogue will moll you promptly': Students Admitted Asp Time PiceS R,u IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TRE TIMES Have You Renewed? TUE! W1i4(*11A,14, TIBM, 1?1+,131TARY 25 1,K19 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. No, Alonzo, the rats women wear in � their Bair are not naught in traps. Sate Money by1 uving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Yon will pay just se mnoh for a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy se for any other cough medicines. but you cave money in buying it. The saving ie in what yon get, not what you pay, The snre•to•oare-Son quality le in every bottle of this remedy, and yon get good resent when you take; It. Neglected colds often develop serious conditions, and when you buy a oongh medicine yon want to be sure you are getting one that will cure your cold, Ohemherlatn's Cough Remedy always cures. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. For eale by aI1 Dru$giats. Look of a proper apprentioeship eye• tem for training bore 14 to 20 yore of age to the different trades, is widely held in England to be reeponeible in a large degree for the "casual labor" lack of employment and poverty of thousands. Repeat it:--"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways ours my soughs and colds." According to the consul at Puerto Plage, San Domingo, a sweetmeat is mnoh in vogue there made from large, thoroughly ripe bananas. The fruit is oat into elicea about a quarter of an inch thick, sprinkled with sugar and dried in the sun, If nerrons women would only drink more water they would not be so ner- vone, Bays a trained nurse. Yu sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wroug, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a Stomaole nerve, or it may have given strength and eupport to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to tempornrtly stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direotly to these failiug nerves The remarkable snooeea of this preroription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual oanee of these failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will emelt, tell. Try it onoe, and see! Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Sweden'e Royal Forestry Commission last year supplied forest products worth $13,260,000, yet accumulated timber re- sources equal to twice the amount of the timber felled. A new invention, or rather a new ap- plication of the well-known principle of the gyroscope, bas been brought out by menus of whish the roll of sea -going vessels, found so objeotionable by so many people, will be greatly reduced, almost eliminated. Reason Enthroned. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in groat excess. This leade to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and yon will soon be well again. Try it. For sale by all Druggists. Herman Beare and Thomas Howard were assessed $43 65 in the Police Court at Woodatook for sowing rye in a field of wheat belonging to William Forman. They were then allowed to go on sus- pended sentence. TUE LADIES' F'AV'ORITE. Lara-Liverills are the ladies' favorit medicine. T y onre Constipation, Sick Headache, Bil 'oneness, and Dyepepsia without griping, purging or siokening. WISE MOTHER'S STORY Let all mothers and daughters read car:fully and profit by It "I am oonvitaoed," writes Mrs. ,A, B. liopeford from St John, „that a major - Ice oe young eerie who die ut oonauwp° tion do so because there nnethere neglect• ed their health xc the enticed time when carefulness metered vigor and emend health, If a gist's health lb uegleoied tram her eleveutb to sixteenth year her bedy will he weak and the becomes a ready vlotttu of typhoid, amettenia, and in seamy oeeee oonxumpteon itself, In her etxteenth year my youngest daughter allowed edges ot failing atreugth, Some dyspeptic troubles developed, her heart beeame week and palpitation frightened x irregular alar in She was r � g rdreadfully. hs the important bodily functions and rapid loss in weight and ruddy oomplexiou pointed to a rapid deoline. She dis/liked reeking her, troubles known to our doctor, a feeling I telt 1 Amnia respect, and so by good fortune I was led to use Ferrozone with moat gratifying remelts. My neighbor next door, Iklre. Woode, had found Ferrozone so good in nervOuBnese that she permed - ed me that it would reetorra Flenie'$ health, anti from ttte time the second box wee commep�ssced her ,improvement was constant. She is now a big, strong girl, ready and plump, able to study bard and to take her share of honeehold duties. We all use it now au a tonto as it is certainly woman's best fruited." All dealers sell Ferrozoue, 60 cents per box or six boxes for $2.50; prooare supply today. Have a way of your own—then keep out of other people's way. Love has a language the deaf eau hear and the dumb Dan speak. A series of snits entered against di- rectors of the Ontario Bank are to be pressed in court. The suits are based upon the allegation that they improper- ly allowed alleged profits to be paid as dividends. The peat in the extensive boge of Central Ireland is to be utilised with a view to generating electric power suffi- cient to drive the mills, run the rail- ways and light the cities of that region. The bogs cover 874 egnare miles. One works can get 15,000 horse power for 50 years on a 30 per cent. load faotor. Who wouldn't give 25 cents to stop a pain 20 times? Just one little "Pink Pain Tablet"—Dr. Shoop's—will stop any pain in 20 minutes, sure! Read the formula on .the box. Doctors say it can't be bettered. Cheeks womanly pains, head pains, any Hain. 20 tablets 26o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Daniel. Curtin, of London, has been arraigned for drunkenness and thein - human treatment of his wife, whom he drove out in the cold without shoes or atockinge, when in a fit of drunken rage, recently. Although the woman was not expected to live long, owing to illness, she was driven out, and it is the opinion that she will not long survive the exposure to the inclement weather. Threatening feverishness with children is quickly and safely calmed by Preven• tins. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets should always be at hand—for promptness is x11 -important. Prevention contain no quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. They are, indeed, "the stitch in time." Carried°in pocket or purse, Prevention are a genuine safeguard against Cold, 25e. Sold at Wailey's Drug Store. Learn to paddle your own canoe be- fore offering to steer the other fellow's boat. A Newspaper -- Not An ''Organ" The man who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions—but it recognizes the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions -without necessarily being scourtd.-els or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world.. Consequently It Has More Readers Than Auy Other Paper In Ontario. $1.54 A Year This p1fte0 end the TORONTO DAILY STAR toaetbsr for one roar, $2.20. Ousranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. aided to above subscription priest. ;l.2 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of A post pard campaign is being waged in the United States to have Congress remove the duty on Canadian eggs. The petition reads: Inasmuch as the prevent price of egg (40 cents per dozen) is prohibitive to the average wage earner I (or we) respectfully petition congress to remove the duty of 12o a dozen on Canadian eggs, in order that the New York and other eastern markets may be supplied from that source, as before the duty was imposed. Your petitioners be- lieve that a reduction in the price of eggs would force the beef truat to reduce the prise of its products. Afflicted for years with a Diseased Liver. Mr. L. R. Devitt, Berlin, Ont., better known, perhaps, as "Smallpox Bon," has used A tramp who was boating his way on a trtiu to Louden from Toronto wee pet oil at Gait and tell ender the wheels losing bis area lie was awarded $,9000 by a judge at Toronto Just waelt Repeat lt:. Shiloh's Cure will al- ways care my eouelts and ootde," They wowed a nuagniiioent building during their trvvele "That's a flue halide," aatti Brown to Jones, ,rand yet I can wet bear to look at it " "Why not?'' asked Jouea, "Why" repented Brown "Because the Owner built it out of the blood, the althea, the groans of his fel- lowmen; out of the grief of children and the wails of women," "Great Scott!" exoleitnt'tl Jones; "the brute! What ie be—e money -lender?" '•Oh, no dear friend; he ie a dentist!" Ouan'e Kidney Pills ant on the kid - nye, bladder urinary Or ane ouly Y T Gey Dura bncd aohee, weak back, rheum - seism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, latte disease and all other enemies arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder The state of Oregon will soon have a new law requiring bills of health from men and women applying for marriture 1ioeneee, signed by properly qualified medical practitioner. If that law is rigidly enforced there etlould be a de- cided improvement in the race within a very few generations, at leant so far as the Oregonians are concerned. HOW'S TE1�I8't We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any cage ot Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ._ F. J. GRUNDY & Go., Toledo, O. Wo, the nndereigned, leave known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable to all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by hie firm. WALDINc5, FINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrh Cure le takeninternally. acting directly npon the blood and mucous endues of the system, Testi- monials sent free. Prise 75 Dents per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills etipation. Madison Square Garden, New York, is offered for sale. It is valued at $3,- 500,000. Repeat it:—"Shiioh's Cure will a1. ways aore my soughs and oolds." Unless you have a reputation as a fighter, you oan'e afford to pose as a pea oemaker. .. ixt 41:1, ve.Y A. Bears the a The Kind You Have Always Bea wpm= C�� 1 -¢'tie A deep water channel from Chicago to Buffalo by way of the "Soo" ie being contemplated by the Department at Washington, and a measure will shortly be introduced providing for the neoeeeary preliminary work of surveying and possibly the construction of the new waterway. The depth of water will be 26 feet, and the look whioh is now being constructed at the Soo is long enough to a000mmodate any three of the lake -going veeaele at one time. Praotically all the big lake navigation companies are behind the project, whose estimated cost will be $7,000,000. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS for oon- LLAWKINQ 6MACHINES Catarrh Sufferers aro Nothing but llawking. Spitting And Stowing Machines sayli an Authority. Ie it pose,iblt' that in these days when oleanlinese and senttary reform le being preaobee in the ohurohes, soboole and at public gatherness, that thousands of people will continue to suffer from oaaarrh wheu there to an absolutely car - tato remedy always on hand. Hemet (proaoanoed High-o•me) hi a. pleasant, medicated and antiseptao air, Breathe it in and It wti] care catarrh. It will stop foal breath, watery eyes, and emote to the nose to a few days, hire II W Wilson, of Johnson St„ Wallaoecatg, Out„ t'ays: "Yes, we are t great that Mr. Wilson do to hap had catarrhs for several goitre and tried several remedies - and doctors, but nothing hoe relieved the trouble like 13yelped His trouble is from pains torose the eyes and a limber or hoekinese in hie throat. Sometimes muck difficulty in breathing, the glands in hie eyes and nose swollen and the disease made him literally sink all over. He cannot say enough in praise of Hyomei, and there is nothing that can. give remedy. or whiohrelief to we oetarrh hearti y h Wile reoom mend, A oomplete Hyomei outfit, ooreeteting• of a strong, hard rubber pocket inhaler and a bee le of Hyomei, ousts only $1 00,. and este bottles, if afterwards needed,. cost one; 50 conte eaoh, Walton Mo - gibbon a elle it and guarantees it to do' exaotly e e advertised. Hyena i also cures Asthma, Bronchi tie, Cone he, Colds and Infant's Croup. eremite MEDICINE As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary reeling so prevalent in the spring. Farm Changes.—Mr. Harry East will shortly move to the Bayley farm on the 3rd con., whioh be lately pnrohased. Mr. Geo. Farquhar; of the Gravel Road bas bought the East farm across the road from his own place, and will move thereto. It has not yet been decided what will be done with the farm vacat- ed 1 y Mr. Farquhar. Tho essential long -healing principal of the pine tree has finally beensuooesefully soperated and relined into a perfect cough medioine-Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Prise 25 Dente. The finanoial failure of the girl's father has resulted in heart failure for many a young man. The Great Barrier Reef, off the north coast of Australia, is the largest Doral reef in the world, It is a thousand miles long and thirty wide. Many Sleepless Nights, Owing to a Persistent Cough, Belief Found at oast. "For several winters past my wife has been troubled with a most persistent and disagreeable oongh whioh invariably ex- tended Over a period of several weeks and caused her many sleepless nights," writee Will J. Rayner, editor of the Burley, Colo., Bulletin. "Various rem- edies were tried each year, With no benefioial reanita. In November last the cough again put in an appearance and my wife, acting on the suggestion of a friend, pnrohased a bottle of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy, The result was, indeed, mrrvelone. After three doses the Dough entirely disappeared and has not manifested itself time." This rem- edy is for sale by all Druggists. He has also and there for his patients when nursing them, and it is a well-known feat that small -pox sufferers must keep the bowels well regulated. Read what he says :--" I have beets a4Theted for years with a diseased liver, and have tried all kinds of medicines, but of no avail until about four years ago I tried peen Laxa-Liver r'Is,arid gotibstantrelief. Siaae then I keere nursed different pstiente afaieted with sstell•pox, end in etteh else I have used year valuable pills. "M rushes are that all persoru suffering with sttomsah er liver troubles wintry MiI• burn's Laxs•Liver Y'ii't. I will advertise theca whenever and wherever X have so opportunity sad I hope that if et any time I cannot get the Fast I will betiortunete tart► 1 ' Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and oolde." Andrew Schmidt of Carrick is be- coming a sort of Agrioniturrel Caesar, he cornea, he seen, he conquers. Wher- ever he exhibits his produce, he takes prizes. Ile won a number of prizes at � the Guelph Fair reoently and then' tackled the big fair at Ottawa. His winnings at Ottawa were a first prize fore White Oats, variety Superior, and a first for Fell Wheat, variety Gene- see Giant. He got $5 in oash in each 0088. CI A. IS'y.* rid Mat. Beare the The Kind You Have Allways Bought Signature of Constipation and Headache. Mrs. R. Morrow, Braoebrtdge, Ont., writes: "For many years I was troubled constantly with constipation of the bowels and never got anything to do me the lasting good that has been obtained from Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver' Pills. They also oared me of headaohes and improved my general health very mnoh. f' There ie a plane for Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills in every home as a cure for constipation, headache and indigestion. Rev. Dr. nelson. of Vanoouver,, has just celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival as a Methodist minion- try in British Columbia, and in a ser- mon on the subject told how he bad climbed a hill near Portland, Oregon, to look over the great expanse of count try that lay before him, British Colum• bia was then a Crown colony, and twenty.iive years welt yet to elapse before the present prosperous city of Vancouver was to be founded. The speaker pointed Out that the work in British Columbia was the initial mss• alonary effort of the Canadian Methos Mate, the work In the fdndsou Ray territories having been undertaken un- der the auspices of the Wesleyan~ of England. The youthlubseee of Canada A bill for the incorporation of the Great Northern Railway has been in-„ traduced in the Manitoba Legislature.. This is thought to signify the begin- ning of Mr, James J, Hill's great rail- way aoheme in •the west. For that Terrible itching: Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will instantly allay this Oohing, and many have been oared by its nee. For sale by all Drnggiste. A man who died at the Verdan Asy- lum was known as the human oetrioh. An inoreditable quantity of iron, glees, nails, wire and other staff that he had swallowed was taken from his body, Nervous Prostration. Mrs. Edward Sebwarts, Ladysmith,. tion; guidhad e not sleep, "I had nervous frequent headaohes and dimly spells, palpitation of the heart, was tired, exhausted and very irritable and nervous. Dr. Chase's, Nerve Food oared it all and I cannot find words to express my thankfulness." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food sures in nature's way by forming rich red blood. and building up the system. A well known resident of Stayner had rather a peoniiar experienoe recently. Having made some purchases he went to his till for the money, and found that some had disappeared. On oloae exam- ination he discovered the nest of a mouse lined with bills ranging in value from one to tens, It is needless to say that it was the most expensive mouse's nest found in Stayner for many a day. Swathe , The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Mr. Eph Ball of Clinton, has sold his farm, lot 42, non. 18, Hullett, to Mr. Henry Daerr, for the sum of $8,100. The farm contains 160 aures with good brink house, and two bank barns, with about 25 aures of bush, and is really a fine property. Mr. Bali lived on it himself for 20 years before moving to town six years ago, since then Mr. Doerr has had it rented. John H. Denning was killed and Jae. Lyons suffered a broken leg by a cave- in at a gravel pit at Kerwood. Repeat it:--r'Shiloh's (lore will Al. ways ourelmy coughs and colds." Jerry Jaokson, a colored man, was sentenced to five yenta imprisonment at Windsor for arson, Ile asked to be hanged instead. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'a Cute will al. ways cure my cougha and codes." There will be a change of proprietors at the King Edward Hotel, Teeawater, on Marsh let. The new man will be Mr. Geo. Hreutzweiser who has rented the property. Mr. Krentzweieer was asaooiated with the present owner when he first took charge, but a year ago moved este a farm on the 6th line east. seengh to het ormtl s Ids bnra s r Ks 'er Elle are 25 cents and the great growth of half a century per •rill at"1 ,.at` for $1.Ot}, at all dealers . 'rill bar mailed direct by The T. ld.ilbtiris are revealed in the ei<pot1en0et of Ill, Ca,, limited, Toronto, Ont. Iiobron. What a Great Man Said to the Great American People There is an old proverb to the effeot that when beeohnute are plentiful look out for a hard winter. Last fall the beech trees hereabout were laden with nuts, about the heaviest Drop we re• member ever to have seen in all our ex- perience, as man and boy, in beech. nutting. Yet the winter has been mild and pleasant with little snow and no bad storms so far. If the winter is to be a hard one the latter part will have to work overtime an the job. —Lie towel Banner. If yon would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's—at least once, It is thorough- ly unlike any Other Cough preparation. Its taste will be entirely new to yon -- unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other etupifying ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoopie Cough Remedy its wonder - fel curative properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescrip- tion. Sold at Welley'e Drug Store. Mr. Klehert has purchased the farm of George Benneweis, McKillop, oon- twining 100 sores. The Benneweis fam- ily have also bought the 100 aore farm of F. J. McIntosh. We etre informed that the prioe paid for the 100 aore farm is $6,200, and for the 200 acre farm the Taking is agreed on is 511000. a din g in- to consideration the buildings all round, the prices appear fair. Mr. Benneweis and family have now'200 soros. Orono positively stopped in 20 minutes, 'with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One telt ~done will surely prove this truth. 'To vomiting, net distress. A safe and pleasing syrup --60o. Sold at Walley's, Drng Store. A wolf supposed to have escaped from the park M Belle Isle, Detroit, a maple of years ago, and whioh since that time has been devastating the sheepfolds of Mesa township, near Glen- toe, area shot reoentiv on the farm of Donald lidoAlpine by Maloolm McKel- lar. The wolf was a fine 'specimen, vreighing 42 pounds, standing two feet three inches in height, and mea*nning three feet one knot. in length. It is estimated that the animal has killed nearly a thousand dollars Worth of ttlhpsp in ;that nisighborhood during the paste year. The Township of Mose Parisian Sage is a discovery of a Dole• brated scientist, who spent the beet years of his life in perfecting this great hair tonio, In giving his reclpe to the Anzerioan people he add, 'Peofshosdelighttul halt d eshrgitthe world, but it is more than a hairdress. ing. It cures dandruff by killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair; it stops falling, hair; it gives vigor end strength to the hair roat!, Walton Mo - Ribbon. sella Parisian Sage at 50 oents largo bottle and guarantees it to do all that is claimed for it, or your money is refunded, If you do not reside near druggist who sells Parisian Sage, send 60 omits to Giroux Mfg. 0., Fort Erie,*lone paid oat over WO tit atwo-thirds Okayand a bottle Will be rant yon allnZu nto idle tt tN flaltiron& tiliM�r'gM pfiplMldr Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enia often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures All Germ Diseases" POR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. A LONDON DOCTOR Tells How to Cure Stomach and Liver Troubles. o h sl.� is A distinguished London p y n . during the course of a recent acture on stomach and liver troub s, gives. the following advice :— "Be moderate in the u of heavy,. rich foods. Do not e t hurriedly, , and thoroughly tnasti, ate the food. If your ^ habits are see'dentary, take a moderate amo rat exercise before retiring and i ire, upon aris- ing. Do not se strong cathartic pills, many of which are :advertised as sure cures, but in reality do injury by weakening the system. If yon find it necessary to use any laxative, stick to the old-fashioned vegetable mixture, viz.: --•- Fluid Extract Cascara ii oz., 4 Syrup Rhubarb .. ...*rem a •S oz«. Carriana Compound - r es. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 ox„ Take one teaspoonful after locale. and at bedtime, This acts in si gentle, natural wap,_ and is free from the weakening elheoti of strong purgative . The ingredients can be bought, separately, axed anyone eau mix them, at homes, This information will be of benefit to our readers and is worth_ keePin,g.