Huron Expositor, 2014-07-09, Page 1414 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, July 9, 2014 "I'm in my Kitchen Radio" Steph Smith QMI Agency Recently, I had the pleasure of see- ing a play aptly titled Kitchen Radio, based on the book by Marion de Vries and directed by Kelli Fox, at the Blyth Festival theatre. I didn't know what I was in for, even after reading the description of the production on the theatre's web- site, which gave a very intriguing syn- opsis of the premise of Kitchen Radio. It was opening night for the thea- tre's 40th season and for the play as well. This opportunity couldn't have come at a better or more special time. Unlike other plays I've seen, the set design for Kitchen Radio, created by *0 4..f.,.•••••:!%." ••• • • Air • t • • • • • • • Ken Janmaat July 2 • • ° . Love from your family 6radaation • ;Liiiiam 166...ide ERIN CRONIN Don and Theresa Cronin are pleased to announce the graduation of their daughter, Erin, from University of Western Ontario on June 16,2014. Erin received her Bachelor of Arts Honors, Double Major in Family Studies and Thanatology. Her earlier education was received from St. Michael Catholic Secondary School. Good luck Erin with your continued studies in the fall. Congratulations Erin! Love from all your family Laura Gardner, was very simple yet brilliant, as it effectively portrayed the time period for which the play was cast - 1968. With a working door, piano, table and chairs, a myriad of other small props and of course an old radio, the simplicity was enough for the viewer to get a sense of where the scene was tak- ing place, with the invita- tion of letting their imagi- nation fill in the rest of the details. An interesting aspect my guest and I noticed right away, before the show began, was the use of vari- ous window frames in the backdrop where the live band would be playing. The frames were arranged in such a way they looked like the mesh on the front of an old radio. At the beginning of the play, you meet five rela- tively ordinary Canadian women just trying to take what life gives them and roll with it. They all have one thing in common - singing along with the female country music stars they listen to on their kitchen radios, imagining they are one of them. As the wife of a bank manager Eleanor (Eliza- beth Kalles) is once again unpacking boxes because she and Dan (Greg Gale) move so often, she never has time to get settled in and make new friends, that is, until she meets Sophie (Rebecca Auerbach), Mag- gie (Nicole Joy -Fraser), Helen (Marion Day) and FAH THEATRE 31' 1--` 591"c 2. '7Gorei DiUMAIL WM. --mow Fri & Sat 6;46 & 9:16 Sun - num 8:01:1 sof_ low" v"7.. IPII Ig LI &SA Mre-A14714Y Affil .114114111%' July 11 - 17 Fri & Sat 15;45 & 9:15 Suri -Thur 9:00 C,}1.1.1 1.1,g1÷1W 147' viww.moviolinks.ca I in dimii-1-81:10-265-3438 Angela (Emily Lukasik). These women come together with humour and music to gain independ- ence and a voice during a time when womens' rights were still being very much challenged. Each performer is worth noting for his or her undeniable acting chops. They were all so believable and full of energy, reaching out far beyond their scripts and making their characters as real as you or I. But, what must be noted are the singing abilities of each actress, espe- cially Auerbach and Day - those women can really sing with such power and conviction. It should also be said this very dynamic cast can do it all - and I do not say this lightly. Beyond having superb acting skills and the ability to sing just as strongly is a feat in itself. However, every actor played an instrument at some point in the play, whether it was for his or her scene or if they were playing with the band - which I would like to point out was made up mostly of the actors themselves. There was a violin, piano, several guitars and various auxiliary percus- sion instruments, to name a few. Basically, if you named an instru- ment, chances are one of these actors could play it. Day even played the autoharp, and it's not very common to see one of those. Kitchen Radio was vibrantly, seri- ously, humourously and wittily writ- ten, with great lyrics and music. The play itself was so involved to the point where it's relatable on so many levels, the biggest of which is singing to the radio and imagining yourself as a famous singer, regard- less of gender or genre. Kitchen Radio pays homage to the women like Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton who blazed a trail in the coun- try music industry and to those who took their bras off in protest for an equal playing field amongst their male counterparts. Kitchen Radio is the truest definition of feminism and female empowerment - have a little fun, have a little faith and come together. If you're looking for a good after- noon or evening of laughter and good ol' country fun, I encourage you to go see this production. Kitchen Radio runs from June 25 to August 9 at the Blyth Festival Theatre, located at 423 Queen St., Blyth. For a full list of dates and times, or to pur- chase tickets, visit the Blyth Festival website at www.blythfestival.com or call the box office at 1-877-862-5984. MS lives here. Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. iccdie EJ H 'Firm dr LE idpri. lilt on Fr.' min 1-800-26A-7682 1.viva.rnesaciety.cs Celebrating 50 Years Elsie aril Peter Willems Caroline, Marilyn and Lori Lynne Wishing you many more Happy, healthy ones to come Love your Children & Grandchildren Se • tember 12, 1964 and their families invite you to join us for the afternoon of July 13, 2014 at the Royal Canadian Legion Seaforth Branch 156 156 Main St., S. Seaforth 1-4 p.m. Best Wishes Only Please Open House Format