Huron Expositor, 2014-04-30, Page 22 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, April 30, 2014
ATVs and dirt bikes no longer allowed on ABCA areas and lands
Officials made the
decision due to
irresponsible riding by
some users
Special to the Expositor
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority (ABCA) has decided to say no to
all -terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes
in all of its conservation areas and conser-
vation lands.
ABCA had been one of only two con-
servation authorities in Ontario that
allowed off-road vehicles in certain
restricted areas before announcing the
prohibition. The conservation authority
announced the change in policy based on
damage caused by off-road vehicles, espe-
cially when trails are wet.
According to a press release, Recent
studies showed that a number of species
at risk are found in the areas where some
ATVs were previously permitted.
Off-road vehicles had been permitted
in Parkhill Conservation Area and the
Sadler Tract, since 1997, for members of
the Ausable River Riders Club, through an
agreement with the club. The ABCA had a
positive working relationship with the bikes on trails and conservation
club, said Kate Monk, ABCNs steward- lands, to keep off-road vehicles
ship, land and education manager in the out of all our conservation lands."
press release. This will help protect natural
ACBA officials said the club was respon- areas, plant and animal species,
sible for maintaining the trails but Monk and trails, according to AB CA
said that having trails open for the club officials.
members meant that other off-road vehi- Off-road vehicle riders will
cle riders entered the areas during wet have to use alternative riding
conditions and the off-season. options such as their own prop -
"This created rutting and mud holes erties or sites where ATVs and
and destroyed the efforts of club volun- off-road motorcycles are
teers," she said in the press release. permitted.
Monk also said that even with responsi- In the press release, ABCA offi-
ble riding, there could be damage to areas cials said they will conduct a
that are ecologically sensitive. The make- public education campaign
up of local conservation areas, including about the policy change includ-
sandy soils, makes the terrain less than ing direct mail to neighbours of
ideal for off-road vehicles. Recreational
riding can impact woodland species. Ero-
sion, caused by riding, can impact aquatic
"We just don't have ecosystems here
that can support recreational riding," she
"We thank the Ausable River Riders
Club for all their positive efforts since
19977 Monk said. "We believe it is now
time, with what we know now about spe-
cies at risk and the impact of ATVs and dirt
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the affected sites, signs, flyers and clear, the ban is not open to con -
online information. Staff mem- fusion, and the ban will be
bers are blocking entrances used enforced, she said.
by the off-road vehicles. Anyone who sees ATVs or dirt
Anyone riding illegally on con- bikes on conservation lands is
servation lands can face multiple asked to call Ausable Bayfield
fines under the Trespass to Prop- Conservation Authority at 519-
erty Act and the Conservation 235-2610 or toll-free 1 -888 -286 -
Authorities Act and those fines 2610 or e-mail
can add up, according to Monk. or CrimeStoppers at 1 -800 -222 -
"Our original decision to allow TIPS.
ATVs in certain areas was made A list of permitted uses at con -
in the hope that it would keep servation lands is located on the
off-road vehicles out of our other conservation authority website at
conservation lands," she said.
"That did not happen!' Simply type in 'permitted uses'
The new ban on off-road vehi- in the search box at the top of the
cles in all conservation lands is home page.
OCOA asks hunters to make 2014 turkey hunt a safe one
The 2014 spring wild turkey sea-
son in most of Ontario opened on
April 25 and is a result of the
reintroduction of wild turkeys to
Ontario in the late 1980s.
The subsequent growth of tur-
key populations allowed for a lim-
ited hunt that has expanded over
the years as the number of birds
continues to grow.
The spring wild turkey hunt has
become very popular over the
years, so does the potential for
abuse of both the resource and the
private land upon which most
hunting takes place, officials from
the Ontario Conservation Officers
Association (OCOA) stated in a
recent press release.
Officials said the combination
of mandatory turkey hunter edu- Hunters are reminded that
cation program, responsible permission is required to hunt on
hunters, and active enforcement private land, where most turkey
efforts by conservation officers hunting occurs.
has resulted in many seasons of It is illegal in most of southern
safe hunts. Ontario to hunt on or from pub -
"Even though the vast major- lic road right of ways between
ity of hunters obey the law, con- tracts of private land. In addi-
servation officers continue to tion, it is illegal to hunt turkeys
find a small percentage of indi- within 400 metres of where bait
viduals who disregard the regu- has been deposited.
lations while turkey hunting", "Conservation officers will
says OCOA President Joe always investigate reports of tres-
McCambridge, himself a field passing and road hunting, and
conservation officer in Pem- we encourage responsible hunt -
broke and active turkey hunter. ers to report illegal hunting
"We will continue to actively immediately. This will help keep
enforce the law and ensure that both hunters and members of the
the sport of turkey hunting con- public safe during the hunt',' said
tinues to be a safe sport" McCambridge.
Health Unit looking for public
input on transportation master plan
Public meetings
set for early -May
in Goderich and
environments that encourage active transportation plan.
people to move more. • Tuesday, May 6 at 7 p.m. at
"This is an opportunity for the Goderich YMCA.
people to talk about what they • Thursday, May 8 at 7 p.m. at
would like to see in their com- the Huron County Health
munities in terms of active Unit in Clinton.
transportation, both in the near Dekroon encourages all com-
The Huron County Health and distant future," said Laura munity members to take part.
Unit is looldng for your input on Dekroon, public health pro- "This is for all of us as citi-
an active transportation plan moter with the Huron County zens, so I hope everyone who is
for Huron County. Health Unit. interested in creating a healthy
Active transportation is any According to a press release, community will come out," he
method of going from one place the plan provides recommenda- said.
to another using your own body tions for politicians, businesses Please RSVP to ldekroon@
- this could include walking, and individuals that would
cycling, kayaking, or cross- improve active transportation For more information call the
country skiing. throughout Huron County. Huron County Health Unit at
An active transportation plan There will be two open public 519-482-3416 or 1-87 7-83 7 -
is a long-term strategy to create meetings to discuss the draft 6143.
Three vintage cars damaged in Seaforth garage fire
The Seaforth Fire Department
personnel, along with Huron
County OPP, were called to a
garage fire on James Street just
after 8 p.m. on April 21.
The owner of the property dis-
covered the fire and immediately
called 911, however the
fire continued to spread to an
adjacent garden shed located on
Church Street before officials
Seaforth Fire Department per-
sonnel were able to contain the
spread of the fire but three vintage
vehicles, a 1968 Mustang, a 1952
Mercury and a 1930 Model A Ford,
kept in the garage sustained exten-
sive smoke and fire damage.
Damage is estimated at
$100,000 dollars.
The cause of the fire is believed
to be from an electrical