The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-12-04, Page 7c 5, (r. ..:. .... .... ..... ...._ _....... .... .,.._, .•..•.... . ear.•••• Do • I .have often noticed that people who Heu 'was so scared' she flew -right do aro ready to die for you never think hie Face. Old George was ,suipriseti It necessary to pass the salt.—Ellen too and didn't like it very well and he. Fowler, , • • told ber to Please stay away. 'from his kindly Feelino ' . feed -box. •.ts• isn't ihle 'rue? - She clucked around and didn't. like Courtgsy is merely .the naturalu- it either because George frightened pression of a: kindly feeling: Polite her- she.' flew right'over to Where°Hess chills and repels4liose'who ether_, Molly. the nice •covr with the kind win :might be:. drawn together nor brown .eyes, gets milked Molly •likes• Can an assumed insincere manner re= to come auto the barn every night to Maim undo acted: The otriy way, is to get all' that good supper the nice farm, • ,' hare the •genulne•-kindly- feeling, one- Wer man puts] in.her manger for .Bier to sett- and' courtesy Comes; of itself- But;. eat "hits she gets milked.' It ,is 'easily crushed because. It i4 , so ; , When Molly saw • Hen Lucy .in, her tender and, it.is..ao de•licate�It mut be;..feed box she' didn't like' it. either and- .npin;ished. E told Iter` to, go to her own 'hoose• and Read the Label, then. put down her head to' shove her Did you iinow that law compels away.. So Lucy had to fly out•of there •manufacturers to 'label their goods?, tAfter . all thisshe thought perhaps •Housewives would` save -a great dealt she had. better go back to her OWn of money. if they would get"'the , habit : house and started back, but then she �` of reading the labels. on the foods they thought of those little bah chicks• buy. , It would do much to make- for.. ' honesty of coniente and ptetent aunt- again and remembered what 3liranda Sparrow : told her.. so off she went terations and do away With the use'of hunting '.once more: '.Just then Abe poisonous or harmtulittgredients, We happened to see a nice little corner, should really read she )abet and'know away back in the straw t room where '' what is 3n- the package we purchase.od end of an old board had fallen A Few Helpful Sugestions down. Under this was some nice soft For grit "in the eye apply a drop or straw and it was 'dark and quiet • in two of castor oil, It relieves the irri- there, oil so'quiet- . She walked care- tatJon: • ft Uy under, . looked all around and When a fern turns yellow slice a then, clucked to herself, "well i how, • .raw potato and 'put it •on top of the 'this is just what I want,'.' She •riff- soil_ This will draw out the worms.- fled her feathers' and 'made a nice nest To prevent red •ants coming in .put in, there: Soon she got up, looked 1 pint of tar i'n•an earthen vessel. pour around, and sure enough 'there was :a on it 2 quarts boiling water, place this nlce.white round egg. Oh, how she in closets or, where the ants frequent Ranted to call- out and say "I laid an To cleanse .hands from .Vegetable . eget". over and ever again ea she al - stains rub With'a Slice of. potato:' . ways did .before; but this time she Pitch and tar stains should be cover- thought she better be'gniet or some.- ed omeed with salt. butter, then wash thor- one would come and take it away. She -uglily in benzaline. wanted to keep It nice: and warm so Honey ;Cookies.: she sat on it all night and didn't go 1 cup .brows. sugar. 2 cups honey,' 2 back to'. her house et -all. She got e;gs. 3 teasp. soda, .1 tease- cream of sleepier and sleepier, for it was"nice tartar; 3 teasp..ginger, flour enough'' to and warm':in there and the kind old toll. Cut out . and bake in morning. , dark was eoming' and putting , its gen- tle hands on her eyes justllka it does Fruit Salad Dressing' . ' to you,, little giri, and you, little boy, Pd Bruno, German, shepherd 'dog, and Lorne alunnfon, aged 1.4, whom. he tracked downtown Wingipegin a recent"kidnapping" ;demonstration. Bruno's job was the more dlfdcult owing to ninon -hour traffic. • ori 4 eggs, 2 lemons,'1 cup of white sugar: Beat yolks well, add Well -beat- en . whites, gradual's" add sugar; then the lemon juice. Cook, in double boil- er . until thick.- :When needed thin with whipped cream. Twilight• ' Hour Story—What1Lady ' Hen- Did Chapter 2 Last week I said that Miranda Spar- row told Lady Hen not to. lay her pretty • white egg in her nest in the -chicken honse."dldn't 1? She; always did this before because she liked the kind lady from the big house with fed all the chickens such good things and gave them' all the' good clean water. -they could .drink and because' she did these' things it made Lady Hen Lacy want to leave that egg in the nest for a present because she was sb good.to her. Nearly every day Lady Hen laid an egg and it always -Went along with all • the others, into the basket when they were -gathered, .But today she thought she wculd do.what. Miranda" Sparrow told her.to do and• what do • you think that was'. Well, Miranda Sparrow told her to, • hide her eggs: ,She told her to hide them where no- body could fnd them. So Lady ,Hen Lucy. went off . by .herself and thought the barn Iooked like a prettr good place. She walked right through the door. making sure that -no one saw her go in, . after whicb she started looking around for a place. At last she hopped up onto a manger. Do you know what that is? Well, it's the place where the big horses. and cows get their dinners and .:suppers and you F know homes eat flay. It was filled with nice dry. grass. 'That's why ,Lucy ?bought it would be soft and warm in 'there. 'Then she Squeezed ber way under the feed box which held the oat:. for horses have Oats to eat too. which is 'something -like our porridge before mother Conic' it. She t!•- :�srht she found a pretty good placehep just as she was thinking that, Genres, the horse; runes in for, his supper. 'sad oh—Lady. The dark is kind and cosy • The dark is soft: and deep, The dark will pat my pillow. And love me as I sleep. God . made the dark so daytime Could elose, its tired eyes, And aleep awhile in comfort Beneath`the starry skies. Next Week -"How Luey Lived for a •Long T_ni;P" A "When •a an sits out a dance to, rest his f dog-tired." Old Norah Belly, who kept a small fruit stand in Dublin, v'a's displaying for sale a few watermelons„ An Amer- ican visitor, thinking he would'"take a rise" out of her, took up one and saidr - ;`Guess these are II, frighttully small apples you grow ever here! Non'. we have them twice this size." Old Norah surveyed him from head to focit for a second or two. Then, in a tone of pity, she exclaimed, "Ah, sir, ye must be a stbranger itt Ooire- land and • know v irry little . about the fruit of our connthry when ye can't tell app!es.from gooseberries!" 1 Sunday &pool Lesson December 14.. Lesson XI—Saul of Tarsus (How a Pharisee Became a Christian)—Acts ' 22: 3-15. Golden Text -t count.all things but loss for the excellency "of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whore i 'tural causes. "It. has been .held, and do count them but dun' deeply movedt e defence of win Christ.—Philippiang 3: 8. ,Of two:'evils,, I have chosen the ANALYSIS yr least" and "The end must tuatltp the means," are from,Matthevv .Prior. I. THE rEnsecuToe, vs. 3-5. fighting bat*lc To Milton we owe "The PaFadise I. THE COSECUTos; vs. 35: of . fools." "A wilderness of sweets," II- Tae corrvEsr,.vs,• 6-15. Ste h 90) This II. THE CONVERT. vs. 6 -15 - $* 5JQy00d,000 Dam to.. A huge Built In Colorado new dank is to. be erected, in America to provide the wheels of industry with a. Million horse -power. The Colorado River passes through the Grand Canyon In Arizona. - This fearsome .cleft in tl-ie earth's!/ crust is 217 miles long and, in some places twelve miles wide.and 6,000 feet deep. At a point where the gorge narrows to'a little over 200 feet a dam is to be "'built. 700 feet high and 900 feet wide at the bottom. It will cost $150,000,000 and ten years . will be required - to :build it. The : preparations for the work are tremendous: A town is: being built to. hopse a population of 5,0.0Q workers, wrililst a new • ;branch railway .thirty mile's in .length, is being constructed. To make the dam nearly 5.,000,000' cubic yards of soil and rout' -must be. removed; and for the building 5,504,000 barrels: of cement, 48,000.000, pounds of steeis-35;Q00 000 feet' of pipiug-an miscellaneoes' metal "20000.000 pounds Of ,gates and valves, ,60 000,000. pounds, of electrical equipment, and 16,000,600 Deeds' of hydraulic equipment aiIl lie` required. Some 7,000,000 tons of gravel. and sand - ill have to be trans- ported ' from the diggings to the con- crete mixing plant. a[nthar. Quotations And The Authors It' was Keats . who said: `A thing unto- the 'death-" Compare chap. 8: of beauty is a joy forever-" • 3; 9:. 1;•26: 9-11;1 Cor. 15: 9; Philip; Franklin is authority for "God 3: 6. It is interesting to. notice here helps thein who help. themselves.". that. Christianityhad come to be , Ii was an observation of. Thomas known as a Way, and as a Life, rather _Southern that "Pity's' akin to love. as a Edward iod of persecuting zeal, commissioned Was of •the opinion that A man's by letters from the anthoritiea in Jere- house is his easels." ' salem to the JeWish magistrates in "Variety's the, spice of . life," . and 'Damascus,' to. bring' back for punish -'Not much the' worse ''for wear;" were mentthose Who ha,. fled thither. coined byCovvper. . Many efforts• have been made to es-. "When Greek' joins Greek, then •is plain. what happened to Paul on the the tug of war." was,written by' Via-' way to Damascus as the result of na: -thaniel Lee'in 1602. Edward Young tells us* "Death loves a shining mark." and "A fool. than doctriee Or creed (see 5. 20 Coke, the ` English jurist. and 9.a 2).: Pau, was, during this per - suffered' the loss of all- things;. and perhaps quite rightly, that he had been that h, may 1 b-' h a l f Ste- y phen before the Jewish coon el, and oy at 40. Is a fool indeed." the heroic and blameless conduct. of that first mart to the Christian faith,and that ever since that event he had been'an inward against the growingconviction that Stephen was rightsee. v -Mopin g mel experience therefore, was the' climax and. ancholy and moon- IriTRonvcrto v=There are three ac- ` Q'f that 'struggle in the blinding light struck madness." counts given in Acts of the conversion df a great, conviction. It Was "the Thepoet •Campbell: found that "com- c: Saul, in two of which he is: •himse;f tempestuous' mom -ht when` he stepped ing events cast their shadows before." 'the speaker, 9: 1-19; 22: 1-21; 26: j- from bondage into liberty.";. It was and "'Tis distance lends• enchantment 20. In several passages in his epistles . the revelation of Christ in him, so that to the view.' he makes mention of this. great ex -afterward he could truly say, "Christ Christopher Marlow .gave forth. the perience, the crisis and turning . point liveth in me : and that life which I now invitation., so often :repeated by his of his life,GaL 1- 15 16'' 1 Cor. 15; live in the flesh I live, by the • Earth of brothers in a less public way: "Love 8-10; 1 Tim. 1•: 12-16. Henceforth he the Son of God, who '1m - Hie. and gave himself trth • wholeearted de- gave himself' for me," Gal- 1:' 15=15;• me title, 'love' me long.": votion to the study and to'•the teach- 2:' -ar0 Thomas Tosser, a ,writer of the.'six- ing of the doctrine of Jesus, son of ; It was necessary' that this shock of teenth century, said: "Ire an ill' wind God and. Savioar, and became the conviction should be followrred.by sym- turns no good,"' "Better late than apostle to the ..•entiles, carrying the pathetic; and friendly ,instructi ne er;" "Look ere thou leap:" `-The gospel message far abroad to Jew and the Christian way of life_ "Ananias, . , ne that is rolling gathers no moss." Greek, Roman and barbarian alike, ie devout man acct_rding to the law, who • Asia Minor; Greece, and: Italy, and c,-ruld understand and perhaps to some • ' - •perhaps as far as•.Spain, A Jew 'byesympathize with PauI's Phari- French Convicts. Will. , - birth, a Greek by education; a' Roman• saic mind, was the Chosen instructor. -Have Change of Air? citizen; he ;was qualified in every way It •was ' in a truly Christian spirit. that ` to be the amba"sador of Christianity he came to Paul, the persecutor. with Paris -=M1 Archambault, member of throughout the Mediterranean world the word "Brother" ,upon his • lips. • the French Chamber of .Deputies; has as it was in his day.9 , announced his intention to demand Pail is bere addressing, the crowd The Changeling the' transfer of the penal colony in which had a little before sought to kill ""!� Guiana to the farthest French ,out. him., . Under the protection of the In his.silk sleeping bag, on •the branch Chief officer of the Roman guard sta- • of .a tree- post , in the world—Kerguelen Island, tionedplose by the temple itt the town Caterpillar is sleeping ag snug as can which lies between the South Pole of Antonia, standing ons. the stairs be; and the• tips of Australia and Africa. which led 'up to the tower, he made less' cocoon is so sail made and Devil's, Island would be exchanged this spirited and convincing answer to for Desolation Island. and • the port of strong . his -accusers. it was after his return the Cates of HeII in the Bay of Thtin .to, Jerusalem rt the end of 'kis third That here surto be comfy the whole der. niissiona y:• white• r long; • rs jcur,.e There he had Icebergs; bob in the Antarctie, seas been welcomed'by those who knew and No matter how rude'y he's shaken •just south of Kerguelen and the is - approved his. 'mission to the Gentiles, • • 'ab land's heights • are corered 'with. but was warned of the 'strong ::ostility By rough .Mister North Wind. he will glaciers- But the 'lowlands are ter - of himboth of the Jews in generale and not fail out; •. tile, healthy farm country needing lit- , Jewish Christiana who were zealous IIe'il not Inind the cold or the storms- v for the ancient Waw. chap. 21: 17-26. . tle labor • for cultivation, according to Seven days later he oras set upon in or the snow, M. Archambault, Who ardently chain-• the irmple by :ales from Asia, •who And what happens round hint he never pians a change 'from feces=ridde'r. . accused him of bringing Greeks into will knoCuiana to the heatth.ful South Polar the sacred piecit cts of the temple..vcaa: When spring comes he'll wake up and Sea • dragged forth and would have been ' ' then you wilt see • • ' What, New Tor. Wes BY ANNABELL:E WORTHINGTON, Illustrated Dressreafiing• 'Lesson Fur,- nished .With'C;'very Pattehl • A ii.stinctive black ' canton crepe that is equally smart .made with•or without the peplum frill on the skirt. It smartly wraps the figure With its burplice 'bodi•ce and. side closing skirt. achieving -a deeideily slimming effect,• This attractive Paris model Style No. 2816 may be ;copied exactly. ft comes in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38,40 and 42 inches bust. • .Size 36 requires 4% yards 39 -incl: with le yard 39 -inch contrasting.. Tete de negre transparent velvet is fascinatingly lovely and so youthful. • Patterned_ erepy woolen 4n dark' green . is smart suggestions for all- around wear. • Crepe marocain, crepe . satin,.' flat _ crEand crepe Roma appropriate..., HOW . TO ORDEtt PATTERNS. Write your• name and address plain- . . ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose. 20er in . patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in- stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each'number, and address your order to Wilson 'Pattern • Cranberry Jelly: ,Alio'w three-fourths pint boiling wa- ter' to each quart of cranberries, and cook until soft. Strain through a jelly bag, and measura•tlre juice. Put the juice in a pan over the heat, and. when it reaches the boiling point, add 1 cup of sugar to 2 cups of juice Stir until sugar is dlssolred,e boil briskly for about. 5 minute:, skim, and turn into jelly glasses, killed had it not been for the inter-' Elim crawl from his bag to the twig of s. vention of the Roman guard. Tarsus, in Gilicia, Soul's birthplace, And f his. tree; Husband—'•The 'potatoes are only - you'll see he has wings, anwill half cooked." Wife (coldly*—"Then as' like Athens and-atesandria,' a r say: '-i' d. declare, • eat the half that is cooked"• • Some fairy's wand made .him a • .0.. university: •city:. There he was bidh "instructed according• to the strict manner of the 1: w" of his own,people, but . received also. >i Greek education. At Jerusalem, he had the, Lreat Gam - changeling in there; For now he's a moth inta new velvet cloak -r•. .... elle' .as histeacher—Gamaliel, who is Oh, I'm sure that someone has been i, etttioned in chap. 5: 34 gas a meMber playing a joke." • of the Jewish council, ho spoke-gy Mande.Wood llenrc: :.against the persecution of the apostles,, and whose name' is' still held m honor inspector. "Well, that's a great many by the Jews.A good fade lotion is made by mix - should now call ham. did notul, or a hare hising 2 ounces of rosewater with' 2 tea- mate than I have.' "Very likely," master's maieration., but: enzif sees spoons of gly.erine, adding' la grains said Tommy, "'but, then, perhaps you that he er_ecutei this ;Way of 'sulphur an, shaking well. 'ain't had kippers for breakfast!' , p Y The inspector rad comd to take the class in physiology, anu he tried little Tommy with this teaser: "How many bones have you in your body; my lad?" "Nine hundred." replied Tom - int' promptly- . "Oh, indeed." said the r -- r his Ma: "The Ieaves.ha'Ve all turn- ed, my child," ' 'Willie: "Why don't you put sante of • that'd stuff on then•that you put on your hair?" •• is . Justice is truth iii act!nn—e-Benja- min Disraeli. (t I' AND JEFF- By BUD FISHER He Will Never Get Into The World's Series. MUTT; MAY. CONVINCE ME THAT A -GRAPE 'FRutT„ tS.' BR:aAKEAST, TKAT. .1IROCCoci I S . DiNNER� BUT No MAN CAM hll1KE Me BEUEVe AN.' OLIVE t S A Neu) EMGLANt BoiLtD 'BINDER TAT DIET tS .OFF ',Lice • Ma -KING IN A 'iuRKtst4 BA -CR ME FOR A SQUARE MEALL SAY,WOT. Dia You MEAN.) JUMPING Youit DtE' ? Houif 1)AaG:11ou EAT SIRLolNS,,, CROPS .AND CIiICKCN • Yotl 'cooker Bt EAIrt 1(o�iiZ SET `that' wn1, Bunn) L AIM'T ' BROtCEAI The — `WET. L MER E Lei( POSTPONED tv, 'SNE PthAY'.. . A DOUBLE —HEAttf-It. 14#f • • • od iii b • 4'