The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-11-27, Page 6F-.
,0 4
A ..
nden.' :Tice hate: OfWades wee :$iT me to phot ap(1 return There
• leo • ' `
'hailed ao the leading Toyer air pita of: 'were eight•passengers .aboard -•
t heave
latelatewend recently after he had fio�sn, The slag et the DQ*-?.felarg • V the world;, obi
uaore than 200 miles and handled the ler than -al machine in
•eontrols'af two machines within threel viouele impressed the .prince.' When;,
and one-halt•hours. tie returned to the amphibian after fly
In addition• to"•piroting the Germanring ing In the giant German machine, the
tiring boat DO• t for 10 minutes veer' Ke to a haat t e ••Good h veze'.
' Galshot on Novel ber lath, the Prince plane,••••.
Sew an amphibian ••plaza frP% Hendee 'She's shrunk'•"
' , • i liinister et the Interior Hon. Thomas.
Norway Recog es { u. Murphy: •
Grant to Sverdrup .'
Arctic as' Canada •s_ Canada liquidated
an obligation
• , • • 'when, according to an announcement
Illy (' by FIoa. Gideon '. Robertson. Acting
4k'riend1y Note Re•move•s O Y 1Pdfnister: ,of the Interior. the aum'oe
Csr'o4nd • for. Dispute Over at►y,000 vs ppid 'to Commander_ O. T
Ar • chipelago • • . ; Sverdrup, famous Norwegian explore
er, in'.retnrn for the: services reticle.
• Ottawa—The Goverment of Norway ed• by him inhis esplorationik and. disw
..zeas formally recognized ,the 'Canadian coveries in, ' th Arctic islands. Be
• title to the Arctic islands commonly this sum th'�' Minion ilia' has purr
known as the Sverdrup .group,coin-' chased' Sverdrup'•s original • maps,
prising 'Axel' Heiberg, Ellet gangues, 'notes,' diaries s MA. ether d'ocsments
' Amend' • Ringnes 'and ,Hing' "Christian. relative to'• his expeditions. ,
;This friendly getion • on the, •,part ' of In 'hie statement accompanying the
the Norwegian Government ' removes announcement, of the ,,grant, 'Senator
• tlie,onl .ppss hie ground of.dispute•as' Robertson' says. • ,'. -
to• Caiiadian sovereignty.: in. the •whole !Mtge achievements of Commander.
.&retic sector 'north of the Canadian. ' Sverdrup in' 'the . furtherance of Arctic,
mainland.. exploration from: the time;' he accom
Arino incement that ' Norway , has parried . PT* Dlanaen. in h'is'vbyt ge'
.••given formal'• recognition to • the Can .ams• Greenland , to his', relief eX-
adian• title Of these' Northern' islands'- „pedition• in the Arctic •within ,receiit�'.
'upas 'made recently lby Sir George.•Peri pe8 �. aril 'inure partlieular1l his': a=':
lei, Acting Prime M*Ister. ' .' ploration.,in the Axel Heiberg area. •'
The. islands': in' q�iestion were discov- are.,familiar •to Canadians. Iiia great
ered and explored' in the years 1898- personality .makes him one of ,the
1902 by Comunandei; ' Otto Sverdrup...most highly 'regarded .'.heroic ad,
Leader of ,the Norwegian polar eapedi 'turers whom",Norway has sent forth.
tion, in.'the','Fram. —
850 Miles Beyond "Circle" •
Axel' Heiberg;'the' largest of.the
lour .islands," !s situated approximate-
iy 850 miles north of the •Aretic Circle,
and':• is• one oe the' furthest.. northern.
.island • hi 'the Canadian archipelago.
It is 'about 250 miles long and 100
,tulles • wide. . The other .islands' ere
• -Smaller in size: •-• were fully as large awe mans
'the statement. given say In the l iwr l gs :were
its ,claws as long,• and as
spring .of. 1900 Commander Sverdrup• as 'a mama fingers. It was
: took possession' •of. the islands in the'thick
name•'Of his Sovereign, but no further capeble::of carrying a .small child or
:act of :occupation took• place. • • The a lamb .between • its feet ?die hreeCelade
re -
Dominion: y-Vf er the has
lonaced' n i:th ; mitred o jtill the claimed lets' from. a 22, eagle,. which . has
sovereignty over the entire
been sent to 'Toronto 'tp 'be. nnounted.
• of the . mainland'. • On Jely' 31, •1920, -
the • rights acquired by • Great Britain • It '•i9 the largest :eagle ever seen 3a
in this area were transferred'to Can- .this district. ro'
•ada by:•,: Order=in-Council• proyidin'g'that
all Btftis l territories and'.posse4sions,
in North America .and .islands "adjacent
• to such territories and, 'possessions
which are not already included in the
Dominion ' 'of.' Canada, shall, with the.
exception of Newfoundland and its .dee
• end'ei ivies, ' be •• annexed to auk form
apart of • • the. paid. Dominion • .. The
t title thus • based on the .geographical
contiguity and Britt disoovery
exploration• • was completed by effec-
o -give occupation and adminitration.
All. a:end Claimed
"The Canadian Arctic sector has
been • indicated on official maps and
defined in •official statements,, notably
by. the Minister ,of .the Interior, in the
'House of Common in June, 1925. The
;naps and public statements indicated -
that Canada claims all the territory
north of the Canadian mainland in
the sector lying' between meridians
6'0' and' 141. • .
"In view of •the conflicting. claims In
the SverdfiiP Islands area, the mat-
`• ter was made the subject ofdiscus-
sion • between the Norwegian .and Can-
adian Governments. .A definite set-
tiement of the issue has been form-
ally. -expressed an exchange of notes
e which was effected .in Loddon and
As.lo."„ • • -
The administrative • activities of the
Canadian `t�overnment' in its Arctic
'territories re .extensive and continu-
ous. The territories, the total ,area
'of which represents 1,309,68:2 ltquare
- ttnilea, are' administered • uttder the
Huge Eagle Shot '.
•• Near Milton, Ont.•
Milton',' Ont =-Hai7yH' •Lison, sr., of
Milton' Heights, shot shot a copper ee
ed eagle while hunting , near
Mountain at .SPeyside, is Esq e l
township.. • The eagle's Wings
tired seven feet from tip to tip, and
4 ,
• ' 1 - 16
Nickname for New Princess,
rgaret Rose, is Puzzle
London•—The choice:of an .affection-., Margaretta Mergaritta, Margate*,
ate nickname, or abbreviaticel of hei? hd tta Peg Peggie, :.own ,name,. for the latest addition to
'?the royal 'family, Princess, Margaret
Rose,,is puzzling the. British.'' public.
When Princess E.tizabeth, elder
daughter of the Duke and Duchess of
York, was christened, • sae 'immediate,
ip became. Princess Betty to • the
tic, but the trouble in the case of .her
baby y ;sister is. that there are so m' :any
ferns of "`Margaret'” •to, choose from.
Tlu,ugh Margaret . Is a Scottish•
name, it not -only has many abbrevia-
tions in Scotland and . England, but is •
also `to be found all over :Europe. in
one guise or another. Here are some
of them. .
Margaret, •Maggie; : Marjory, Mar=
i M err 'Marguerite Margarita,
New air -rail speed car which .was tried out'at ,•Hanover, Germany, re-
ly,f' attaining speed of 100 miles per boor.
Used to Dries
,. " Fields of Rice
. � �Vd Fowl From . . �. • •
Marg i , e e, and i11ar
jaretchen, from Which,. it ij be'lieu�d, .
is derived Gretchen. •
• Maggie is ;th'e ,favorite Scottish ale
atio ;and Madge pr :P`eg$ie meat
lurevi n• . , *edge
used • in gland, It is expected 'hat
the. baby Princess will be lcnowiz as'
Princess Mailge� •
There is historical sir literate-War-
iterary War
rant for'. all the above ritereatd on
.The name' is also..well • eP.. efe
the map, for there are Margaret Bays,
or lakes, or mountains_ as far apart
as Canada and Australia and .Abys- • .
stela aid Antarctica T•he,outstanding
cases in, England are Margaret. •liad-
Lug .and Maragarettng, both in E.ssea,;
the first is derived from St.Margaret,
and- the second si�gniiles "Margaret*,
dor e� ' erg : •, • 'Meado�y" "
Marguerite, Meg, 'Meg, Madge, Maisie,
to' entertain more., er lis worknsn
.fortable, they simpl ikifle an ''
'tett and build a complete:lereign 'man-
sion,' send their'. •children abroad 'to • .
learn the. appropriate.. behavior, or
hire tutors to, teach them hew to 'aa
quire 'it. on the spot." • Reading on:•
impeccable Were sech •of; these
'homes as I saw;;' and their •ownees
'appeared wholly at ease in .the. are'
•eprironment. • One• nobleman' , .:had
beiit.:a• great ,English reuniter .Place,
.faithfully .reproduced from the lye •
that clambered our• stone walls to'the
:velvety 1awn,,.fro the.baronlid ball`
'with its oil -paintings .eq. the Japanese.
servants who not only. wore the' livery
of English butlers,ebut 'had somehow
absorbed the .exi},et suavely bland ex-
pression of their. British •prototypes.
.Another estate, held it Freed'', chat •
lightest houseleepiig of•any 'woolen!
"It takes the whole day,". they Pro-
tested.' • "Our furniture is s0 low; we
must forever be Bending and stoop-
ing.. The, wodidwork which, you like
because it sem so plain'aequires that
satin :sheen only . through years of
daffy . rubbing. with, , slightly oily bath
'The• paperewalls. you admire must,
be dusted' :with . patters our bouses;
must he Vatted' clean every= day, for
`we. can not wash them, as'you dowin-
• dews, .at . long, Intervals The ' mat-
tinge to' he spotless for `Stockinged
feet mist be; . incessantly scrubbed;
before 'parties we shine every bit;•of
it three ,times.. •
"And those bed-quilts—what an •ar-
duous labor to be forever, raiing then eau, ere" 3n.'a' boudoir of rose,
away and ;hauling them out! Tho stal, 'on . brocaded sofas, • .sat '.
d cry
jeunes filles,some in kimono and oth-
ers. in Paris frocks; discussing the
poems of Paul C3audei. u
' Yet another home was German from.
eellar to pointed.' roof' and, of course,
provided with S music -Teem; while a'
fourth:was .a purely Americandomicil,
with.lowbookgases and wide -fireplace,
roomy couches, and a sun parlor• look-
ing out . on' a court where vigorous •.
girls. were laughing and playing ten.-
It is fn' more modest circles, na•
in the civilized world?'' •
slidiegdoors.. , They tan not be push-
ed open; like yours. One must kneel,
and, with three fingers,.'just so, press'
'them noiselessly, along the grooves.
"And the decorations in the domicil:
They are never 'finished, as in West-
estern houses, but must be attended)o
regularly, 'put up in hoses 'torr ec•titty:
labeled and. tied. with brocade. cords.;
the scrolls :must ,be carefully rolled;
great at master of Sower
arrangement can achieve a correct;
design in ' a•elnoment. • We have no.
time tor social life." • , •
"ut you all have servants," •Miss, aurally, that the hot -debate over the
Beard exclaimed,
bewildered; "three' new home occurs. Thousands of
or four ate, least,•• instead. of just pee
or two as yon might in the Ws
And in :reply:. • ,
"Slow and inefficient!"' they wailed,
as housewives all over the world have
a' habit of doing. ' "They, never get
through the daily tasks. And besides,
so much' .of our housekeeping mast,
accordingto all tradition?`be done by
us. We, are taught 'to look on it as
a ritual, each act with a'flawless form"
„ula; we alone can•teed the tokonoma,
takef the finest pottery -
Little Rock, Ark.—To safeguard the been 'lent by the General Electric
rice crops'of Grand Praia* from fu- Company for' the experiments, is said',
ture damage'be' the thousands• of wild, to be used .successfully in the West:
fowl that arrive each fall_ while the by farmers for protection against
harvest is under; way, the Arkansas co3•otes. There 'tile animals appeaar
Power and Light' Company will con -' to •f:ar the Led light more .h:in...
duct' experiments with an airplane 'white.
beacon on the farm of C. C. Cox, south Wild, ducks and;geese do the great -
of Stuttgart, it became known recent- -est damage to the. rice crop. Poorly
ly,' drained' fields with large puddles of
It is. believed that • the. beacon will water dear the harvested.' flee :mem
afford protection from the wild fowl to be particularly alluring. The fowls
from'. a distance • of four to five miles 'attack the shocks viciously, pull the,
in each direction. enabling groups of cap. of the.sheaves to pieces and then
farmers to band' together and install strip the ,grain from the Long _heads
W and operate such,lights at ininimuun of the bundles beneath. Thousands
cost. • Both white and red rays will of dollars worth of .grain are. destroy-
bes 'tested. 'Me beacon,: which has' ed in' this manner annually.
a abode all things, they; detested having
"Dramatic action has swept many a.
roan off his feet."
Bird -Banding Records
'The Canadian official records of
bird banding returns; through which
the migration of birds are'. traced and
recorded, are kept in the National
Parks of Canada Branch, Department
of the Interior. Ottawa.
in „teeing stick 0,f Canada'•s position' during the present,
wide econ7mi difficulty, otie;ot tate most inspiring features is. fact that ed skirts Clung acid flapped, end their
the, I><iminions• Water -power resources 'furnish .a, seemingly irrepressible 'They
slaves en'scrolled in the Wind.
impetus to riari'rnal progress. In the. face et all .the buffets of 'business They clutched at the veer* abort
cycles, •water•preaer developn•tent continues to forge rapidly ahead• i their necks, and tried to shelter their
1 Since 1910 Canada's tivater-power installation bas risen from less than I bare beads' behind big pape1• u:m-
one, million to'• nearly silt mil;ioe horsepower. The record of grrowth.has bretlas. Te an autlandef, 'the pi'i~
been a marvel cot persistency. During the past twenty years, wateremwer tyre Has gratifying.
• development has maintained a sureness of adv .nce through ail obetaclee M• .'With p.a:nts, however, they entered
through •the rire•war slnteP.'tbrnugh the disruption' of the war its-elf,,',and '1Jr 'ivart rhestc nil head„$ ught1'the)
through the drastic sips and .downs of the Iast decade. And to -clay. hi the lis” "'dad's' i sleeves ant . all tMe: •
"midst of world vide der""Sion, thele' is being. carried, forward the' greatest them ad' E3renche•d skirts. of thlad •
program of hydre3tilectric itistaltatioti in the historj+.of the l5otn3'nion• roues aFeild he boars adriine And.
*Mfs•'ability of waterpower development -to hoold. its "forward, course in' before' t mild reassure • tliain� thee l
a Major field 'is rare, of the 'most. anyway, they had Wilted Pike the' ,
the fade of recession in almost every other y
* ' fortunate and favorable factors effect ilg ''Canada's eel:Morn[c
t an' artist they dprS'ared am-
e and- progress.
Dual Existence At home, too, apparently, they were
always ' shiverin'gly conscious of win-
• ter cold. To keep warm, they knelt
Housewives Prefer Western close to the brazier, huddling -above a
Comnfortrandmothess to that scarcely heated finger tips
Clings' to Old Traci- ', •
tions • •
Having chilblains is no fun. And
the fact that you were wearing pic-
turesque and romantic clothes when
you caught the, indisposition does no-
thing to relieve your discomfort. And,
finally, if the picturesque' and roman-
tic clothes are the cause 'et the trou-
ble, yon are likely to adopt 'less color,
ful but warmer garb.
It's' reasoning such as the forego-
ing that is responsible for the west-
ernization of Japan, we judge es we
read Miriam Beard's new volume .cin
"Realism in Romantic Japan" (Mac -
mitten j.
Mac-millanj. • •
"Why do you do it`?"' Miss Beard
used to ask' her Nipponese 'friends
sadly "as she . saw' them diseerding
kimonos' and sashes and houses of
painted screens in favor of Occidental
tweeds, serges, and thick, solid walis.1
And they'Wean'always reply that al-
the old-time Japanese ' gar-
mentsand houses are pretty to look
at, they were not the most convenient
things to live in. ' •
The arguments would go on in thin
manner, with Orientals. upholding
Western ways, and. an 'Occidental up-
holding Eastern ' ways. Mies Beard
Would say: ,
"'Why do you.want to give up Your
Japanese houses,'- , They must be so
easy to take cure of and so informat
• to live in. . • Why do You whish to
change the kimono? Nothing looks
more comfortable." •
Aid then.I would find myself' con-
fronted by a wholesale indictment of
• native.dontesticity, to which each •wo-
man contribute(I her favorite argue
meet. : • • " -
From my win'd'ow I had perhaps
seen t to women approaching down
the rainy street, and tho'light With
pleasure how like the prints. were
their slim, 5wa-eing„figure in the alo-
of :e -rid- 1 tante. As they hurried along, drag-
gibs their wooden sandals, their soak -
,business and professional Hien who
spend the dal in "'down' town'' :offices,'
at night•return to kimono Wand cnsli-s
ion; tens of thousands of •university
and high-seliard, beep and , giris who
were, foreign, dress, to classes, 'sit .on
benches or chairs, and practise athle-
tics~ ' find kneeling on :the ' 'floor:• -at
home. positively ;painful; multitudes of '
mothers who want a more,. modern •
hygienic bringing up for . their, chil-
dren, can • not without sacrifice and
Tuggle ' pay for much improvement.
care o •
Children can make more noise and Some solve• their difficulty by mov-
mischief in a Japanese house, nn- ing to the • new , suburban `garden
questionably, than in any other. They ' -cities" and renting 'a concrete "for -
can punch holes in.paper wallet reach• Jap esle"apa tments haveebeenn w seine
erected 'in Tokyo' with; provi-
sion torr community. laundry and cook-
ing. Many persons add various arta-
Watching them Is •an engrossing c
cles to their residences, regeadless of
cupation;. women have acquired
habit of wearing the babies on .their
backs. even indoors, to hush them.
Contemporary men and women re-
quire mitre . quiet and privacy . than
their ancestors.. The official, the
writer, or the business man, who
brings home his papers for evening
work, is distracted by colinttless noises
d interruptions. Through° flimsy
every. flap of the duster. cloging of al a trailer to a motor -car. id( the sole
glow a
an gave out, besides, a noxious gas.' and upset anything.: left on the low
1 vitality,, they insisted. went into tables and shelves, and w•hengver they
the effort of fighting chili; and the shriek • it can be heard through thin
day -long shrinking toward the ,lire partitions by • the Aeighborhood
was not without 'a' cramping effect d the
upon the mind. '
When I. suggested a furnace, know-
ing that these particular friends could
well .afford it, they objected that Jap;•
aaese houses had to cellars; when a
mentioned stoves, they answered:
"Heat warps delicate wood and lac-
quer. It has been tried again • and
again, always disastrously. Ptirnl-
ture unglues, cups chip,' beams 'split,
paper rolls up, family treasures
wrinkle and crack.'
Whiter, I murmured, would soon
be. over, and what could be. jaIlier
than a light Japanese dwelling in
warm weather?
"Ah," they sighed; '"when the walls
are open, flying insects dash in, beat-
ing against the paper -screens" and
Iahtern5f. Reading at night is al-
most i possible. and even sitting up
is no pleasure." •
My enthusiasm for the picnic-
character of the home was not wholly
.dampened—"surely, they had the
esthetic principles; they 'hide a tele-
phone behind a screen,, put a 'lantern•
around the electric bulbs; .conceal a
phonograph near the eokonoma, spreaA
a rug over the chilly matting, or bold-
ly .install a wicker chair or twb and •
a desk. in spite of the. fact that they
do' look • like mastodons• in • the low-
ceilinged room.
an it "Tire' foreigiestele parlor," a room
walls is. transtnitted every tough, attached to .the Japanese abode' 'like
shutter. cry of a tradesman, or patter
of wooden shoes on'stepping-stones.
The babies bounce in. and find it very
easy to clamber over -'a . crouching
father, -and • spill the ink on the foot -
high desk. Of such 'incidents are
modern Japanese stage comedies
Among the less affluent members of
Japanese society there are, 0ifficu1-
ties in the way of adopting this more
convenient Western ideas.. But
among the rich, of course,' there is
no . such trouble;, If the rich "wish
tion preferred by many. Business men
may entertain customers .here; daugh-,
ter may'' practise on the piano Lind,
learn foreign, etiquette in the right,
surroundings; ,son may sit at p, desk
for. his Studies. Sometimes the whole
family' prefers this wing, while a only
grandmother remains faithful teethe
former apartinents. . • Thus a very
strange dual life is led. Before long.
I decided that to live with eine culture'
alone was distinctly monotonous.' , •
The jack of all trades is the dollar
na foul?:a.%atL;ww
i dream .o ,
phathicaliy and u'np'oeticaily thee; , •
• nv
Soccier. on • Horseba
item of soccr:r o'as Introduced fur the fi'r'st .tulle at the recent 'il''r en,. germane', horse shove,, .it is. called '
•• (Ysr and the feet of the, riders are u!tee to propel the bati along, to the gnat.