The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-16, Page 4i IH PAGZ FOl43R "' • 4. • THE'i.tl?CK11iOW SENTINEL THVRSD #Y, QL"*OBER l6th, 1.0$0.. r wUtl;,YROQD a' Mesdames• Albeit Thompson, Eldon Eckensweai_er,i t hos.„ liedgins, Brown and F red Haldenby-bliss May ,Boyle. and Miss Hazel Percy were represen- tatives 'of the Institute who paidtheir annual visit• to' the House of. Refuge •I at W;1 kerton on Wednesday. They were accompanied by Rev. _4ppleyara of Kinlougb Angt'_ean Church. The Institute is very ;arateftil to Rev. Ap- pleyard, 14trisa Boyle; and Miss Brot�rn.' who ably contributed to: ,n' short, • prb- graam, to the 'thirty-five men and fif- teen women .who are inmates there. Community singing was very ,much•, enjoyed b;r ;all:: As a donatio„"n of buns and weiners had been Sant' them ' A. month ago the, gilts "at thi 3 time were not so great. However a box consist- ing sandwiches. ccolties, oranges; can. • dy and .-t handkerchief waspresented to crab one, and wits veru 'gladly re- ceived, i%tr. and . Mrs. Widys•' Sr `are in charge as Mr .and Mrs_'Wldys•Jr areon neaten. he' representatives' also visited the shelter where Mr. Perdue is b charge of fifteen 'child- ren at present. ' Inspector Bald:' was at our' school on Tuead^vr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chadburne were Sunc';y visitors at Mr. Will Percy's: ' Mr. Will Montgomery and Mr. ,Sutherland of Detroit, who have been visitingfriends, around K nlough mo- tored to Owen. Some} on Sunday They =were „accompanied . •by Mrs Harry, E' ackwell •' Mr. and Mr=: Joe .Pletcher of L .m- ington are renewing ; 'acquaintances here. .;• Mr. Peter M affat end sons • are busy t shine!ino- 'the Bain barn. Mr. • and Mrs. Alwer 'Ackert and Jack spent Sunday with friends in Brantford.: ' ' Mrs. Peter Johnson had the mis- fort ' e while driving south : Monday evening after dusk to run into a drove of cattlewhich were, going north However very little damage _wasdone though it might have been®.erys ser- ious. Mr. and Mrs.. Charlie Bart spent. Sundry vwth'the latter s father, Jas: Heave. 'Salem' • Mr_ .Donal r rnobell of Harriston. ts-v^iriertr •at Jrurdueh- Mcpherstmas:- !Irs., Baker who hasbeen eonfirted `o he- hod .the oast feed- weeks we are .glad toreport ia able to be ,ip this. ]amt . few days: We all wish her ppeedarecovery. • Mr', :a..td Mrs Tho^ -,as Robb .of Am- berler'.'Mr. Toe Elliott and his mother zf K' neardi a Mr.. Alex McKenzie 'and .d-uzhter Kathleen of Teeswater were Sunday visitors . at Richard El-. nett's_• Mr ",d 'Wes, .Tohn-.ro'-beat and Mr' Joseph Corbett of All rton .Were•week- and v' itort . at P .T-ard n"lTiot*.,c.the- were � . . i he- were . ecompanied'heme by Mrs. Cor- bett v- ho has been visiting : he; 'dant- This ,pioneer Canadian foromde gypsum'board has'a '... rigor boty. coloured Stash. dds par that Makes decora- tion uanseessuY. (when Pan' died). It is just the thing to Terse for amid* .eau* rooms . in the gib: or, atdG Qt!ickly erected, inex- Feii iv , suncanally. sum GpproelVallboard gives per - =neat protection. Your dealer's name is Stied below. Ask him today for full .information or write for imeresdng )ICaN "Wang d in$ with, Germ' Gusto", LIDf AND ALAE ASsTIN�E, - CANADA, SED Foe Sale Byrn WM. Mudie '& Son Rae dt Porteous OR Lucknow, Oat. • Luchnow,,Ont. WirE LaleENQW ►g,F,,l•T•TINEf Published e Thurada'y .merrtias at f ueklioar, Onten° 'One of the mysteries of life to a' The difference between rashness spa of fifty is how he ever thought and enterprise 'is that if it sac Beds, at twenty there man offifty was ofd it -was enterpwise - A. D. Mac$ensitc Picopristoe and Editor. •- k H U RSDA Y, OCTOBER loth„ 1a$0. a ge» cry. and other ' hili,#'hl1+a', powerful fac.tora in the general •elel•TM• t on .will play no. ;vert. The Bennett Government 'has all :the tnajoritY 11: 'needs, there would be no ' sense in adding to it, and everybody knv!ws! that :a strong O,ppos tion . is ,as neces- sary .48 a strong 'Government. MEN AND MACHINES It is- said 'that in the' .development work of the Beatifiarinoia °Pow.er Conn- paiiy, on the St. Lawrence • River, macninery is,, replacing, or displacing 60 • thousand men on a 2'!s year ' Job. fhe work is •.large,y ,in he waxy of excavation a, d con ;rete or cement work. . ' With the use of machinery : such as: powerful shovels,, carrying manes, powerdrills, etc., 2,200 men Will do the, work 'in. about 2'is 'Years which as nearly .as cart be estimated, would take between 50,500 and;, 60,000 men,. working without modern machines, a like period to do the work: • And at thatwe go bail: only to the time of the pick and 'shovel .;nu ,corse drawn carriers,or the wheelbarrow If we go back to the more primitive: meth- ods, We will find more men and more time would be required. And what is more, 'the great num- ber' of 'men .at•' work would have . a much worse time of it, • doing killing 'abor, and thousands of horses would Literally be worked '.tee death., But not only, tewer men have CO Work with the machines, and these have a much easier time, but the work will be, done ,at a, much. lower' •ghter. ana OIISTS ie CAREFUL; The season for wet,slippery pavements is here and :demands that Special care,be exercised by all drivers of motor vehicles. • DRIVE . CAREFULLY ... and read carefully every word of this advertisement PrilE way Seel Committee has , READ CAREFULLY • I been urging mataliat* daring the Year Driving without holding a chauffeur's to .exercise CARE, COURTESY and or operator's license. COMMON SENSE in the operation of their valid' es. The lrc. mitteeappreciates the wholehearted support its efforts have received from every sow We'have had the best of cooperation from the Advisory Committee, which isc omposed of some •of the leading citizens of the PrTnvince, from the press, from motes and from pedes-' tsians and, a a result, driving conditions have improved. Let us ccintinde to be traffic conscious and at all times CARE- FUL and COURTEOUS when driving - Severe penalties are praivid- ed in our motor ' vehicle laws for those who are. care- less or inconsiderate of the rights of other users of the' highway. • • • The Financial Responsibility Lacer. which berme effective on September istovides that the driver'slicense and all motor vehicle permits of . a personconvicted of any one of the following offences shall he . suspended until proof of financial respon- arl in the focus of--a--certificate of an insurance company, a bond or secu±iti e' s is filed with . ,the. Registrar of Motor Vebictes. , Reckless or negligent driving or ex- ceeding the allowable 'speed liinfits if any injury to persons or property occurs. Driving, or tieing in charge 'of .a motor Vehicle, while intoxicated, or any other'crinnaai offence involving the test of a motor vehicle. Evading resPonsibr'Ilty following an accident. • ' Operating a motor vehicle iiia race or on a bet or wages. Chauffeurs, operators and owners of motor,vehicles are warned that the provisions of this law.must be applied in every case.' ACCIDENT REPORTING ° The law now requires every person directly or indirectly involved in a . motor vehicle accident, if the accident ressultsin any personal injuries or' property damage apparently exceeding fifty dollars, to report such accidentto the neatest police officer. A penalty is provided for failure to so report. , _Remember your- Personial... Aesponsi ever driving a Motor vehicle or you may be required to prove your Financial Responsibility, Hi1iway Safety 'Committee The HON. GEO. S. HENRY; Chairman Secure a copy of the irighviay Traffic' Act. ' VW tite -*'a O Vehicles. Branca, Parliament Hidings; toronto. ,• • • REVOLUTION, IN BRAtIL ' There is a . ciyii war :in .progress.. down in Brazil. That, of coot se, is.• not nearly :,o serious a ,patter as if such a war occurred in any North American , or European countfy. The country ,has had, in its comparatively brief' history, a number of civilwars some .'kesultiing in the ' overthrowof a government. Others have come .,to an end', after a few battles-' orOran- fishesin whish a few lives wing loat. i It s, the .way they leave of chang- ing ' governments in South , derica. With reiublican. forms of. govern -r. -menti.elec tions are regu.torly held, but these etre attended with so much trickery that a t. pViattment usually is returned,. to power time after time, until cenditiatta get ' bad that in surrection breaaa t,ut. The country, is at ' great diadvan- tape' oxime to the lack -of transpor- tation facilities and the illiteracy of the people—a mixture of Portugese negroes and Indians: . In naturnl resour•a .Rrarl is one of the richest countries in the world but civilized rontUt.ions evict ' only al alone the Atlantic coast and at, points., • up the large rivers; - Laree sums of ('enadiztn and Unit- ed states ennitoi are invested Lin rail - reads. national„ bonds and industries and for the owners. these nolitical distur":tares are .anxious periods. as a .revolutionary government may be +finable or unwilling to pay interest nn national bonds, or .produce condi'- tions`, whi^li will' render investments unprofitable. The wages' of 50 thousand'. men at only :$80 a month, for 30 •month,' (the time estimated for the work) would'. amount, to 120. million dollars, while as;:.the -work.4,1.... pew_ being done :the Whole cost . will be ' only 65 million dollars, and this figure includes the amount paid for, '28 thousand: - acres of ..!.'find purchased for. the ,carrying out of the big undertaking: 'At a fair estimate :the machinery, is reducing the labor cost from ..12(i million tb about. 10• million dollars. We sometunes wonder why machin'-. ery is- replacing Mairai labor: There is the reason. There are those, who disparage the introduction of machinery on the pre- sent vast ' scale,; • because, . apparently it leads to unemployment, or as somt. say disemployment : But who 'would go bark to, primitive methods? Shah we do away with the phi* and Cul - titrate with the space? Do away, with the threshing, machine and goback to the feail? Do away, with the sewing machine' and go . back to , the hano needle? • ' • Evidently the unemployment prob- lem is not caused by the use of machinery; and besides, work •(-- ployment) is ..not what people really want. It is alth:I -goods-the things that are necessary' to . hie • and com-; fort and enjoyment and the present trouble is that the wealth when pro- diced is not properly Or fairly di- ided among ,the producers or those who protild hke to take part in pro- duction and share in the product. NATIONAL IIIENRY FORD'S PREDICTION, Henry Ford; of Detroit his' made the prediction that by 1450 standard wages for: workmen► will be $27 per day. One wonders how much those dollarswill buy. If the clerk in a `store gets about $2:70per hour, what will are th `rire al grocerie,--ancl-shoes And' if' the barbers .,n sist::nt gets' around $3.00 per.hour,,how touch for hair cut or ••shave?: It will be 'hard. doing' :for the .chs! out of work: • THE PROTEST. IN NORTH BRUCE If the protest against the election of lion. Janes laalcohn in North lime does not `'peter out" as such Movements are liao.e to do, we ma} expect that the court proceedings will deveop into a n:•ru Yought.. -nattie.. The law nrni of McKay. and Math- eson, 'of 1 pronto, in a.a,ing for the petitioners -=Messrs: "Richard. Farley, Frank Colwell, and 'Andrew Allen. 0. ' Z;. Kirin; b. C. of w aikerton is solicitor for Mr. ],ialcolni, but he has enlisted the assistance of the law firm of Rowell, Reid • Wright an• MacMillan- So •the farces engaged are quite formidable. A counter pe.ition against the de- feated candidate, W : 5litchell, will oe ente. ed, so' . thaany misdeeds committed by the supporters of either candidate will be brought out shoulo the case get into court Mr. Mitchell has written a letter to the Kincardine Review -Reporter, in which he denies responsibility for. lin. thealcoaction as a what , person or ion ` . at • the .back of it. ing gener.11y, Conservatives and iberais..alike,-- throughout . Canada, regard Mr. • yMaleo as a man of first rate ability, a go ' d public servant, and. a , man whose 'presence ,in . Par.ia-. ment, whither in the Government or in the 'Opposition, is for the good of the country. I . ° Shoufd he be unseated and not dig. qualified (which is unlikely) it can result ' only in a .by-election in which he- would be A candidate, arid , in iyhi'ch he likely, would be elected, for as things are, public sympathy win. be in hie favor, and the "Time for a LLCKNOW and W,INdHAM Monumental Works the action agaiiis't Few will reg wise ,one, no Laelatow, Oat. Hy the largest and most complete SethSethis the most beautifuldesigns t• choos& from. is Marble, Scotch. Seer's* and c.a.• Mimi Granites We make a specialty of Faulk' N..umesta and invite .your Inspec- tion.. 1sraf ptisos Neatly. Carefully uta/ Promptly Dusk Soo as before elating year order. &midg s RM.. E. A. Span Mane `74. . Plums.Yi imam. , .. atinirae► • The "National" tri ion 'civics again betwsan • Toroflto and Winnipeg.' leavin . Torontor 930 p-ma'dtMY arriving'.Wl* nipeg >muoeninga . Sudbury tleepvr•b.catsled in dile train. Infemiatiow''snd reserrei• - •. dole froniw'r Canada • National Agee.. I PICKPOCKET ViSITED GODERICH t It •. just leaks. ..tst week' that a pickpocket operated at Goderich fair . with ccnside'rab.e success. There were at least three victims, but, up to the time of their .purses being found ' 'minus the ',inoney, last week, each thought he had lost his wallet, not been " touchetl"for it; 'as -it noun -turns• Pout.' A small boy, Thomas Milian found the purses in a 'horse , stall at the fair grounds and turned them over to County Constable Thomas Gundry. They belonged 'to :Bob: John- stun who losto _'6. Ro ; Rundle $20 William Fowler $1 an ,a mane frac Clinton an unknown amount. • Fowler • did not have a pocketbook, the money being extracted from his trouser pocket with:, an 1,,uncanniness which would do Houdini credit. In all. other causes the wallets have been returned intact, except, of course, for the money: The pocketbookswere found in the stable occupIld by the •horses .which out on the special attraction here on the last day of the show 'and it is thought that the thief' was' following this ,attraction from one -exhibition "o another,'' possibly •. attached to the 'stable. in some capacity.' One theft was reported on the day of the fair but other victims simply thought they dropped their.' pocketbooks. One 'even • went to the troubleof having .hand bilis' printed .offering a reward. The ,police haves the batter in hand, but nothing mach can be done about it now, the bird having long since . flown. to . parts unknown. • • • Does Your Hume Need a Bathroom' p it does, or • if your present bathroom needs modernizing, specify Emco Bathroom: _Fiz- tures and Fittings. Quality • and beauty are built into then: to ensure lasting ser- vice and satisfaction. Beauty of design, gleaming white or charmingly tinted, Emco Fiz• tures It into any color scheme. • If .;you ' have�h't tanning water is your home to supply bathroom, lilt- cher - and laundry', an EMPIRE DURO WATER ' SUPPLY SYSTEM will solve, this problem. Yodels Made for . deep or shallow wells having minimum capacity of 230 gallons per .hour. • The initial cost is surprisingly low. Install an Etnplrr Duro and solve' tine water supply 'problem' forever. For Sale Bys- Wm. Murdie „& -gon .•--_ - 'tk'tk r 4