The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-02, Page 8• w • •o• ..;aar •,,,; $'' • • y yY yo.+, sal r syr r'; hi' r21iy ,c`al i� a4a ,iI THE LijCliNCImW SENTINEL ThURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd.. with loose2 curie � -. t s--�irittle from summer's heat--- 'the r value gone from years of service a• fro ilemaker whenwrnt+et t�=-ts Qor: economy' ;to Sorms � assa�l _ . patch a fit roof. fasten together to form a ONE' -PIECE roof -that- 'is, immune to raging : winds. Labour is plentiful and if you need ,anew. roof there never WEE a better timetto get.• „'on. New. Colour --Ada tiethe appear. ante of your barn by laying • "Cornwall" or "Dorset" Arai o-. Lock Sla harmer- ' ions eolour blende . that • cost no • more.. SolidColourist Greene. • Red, orBhae.I lsclit. Brantford Roofing'Co. Limited; Head Office sand Factory: Brantford, One: ; .. Branchss and Wwbo ns at: Ten nt% Windto.,,Nidal.ast, Priam rl. Halifax. Saint Joan, tl.B. and Sf:. Juba's. PlEd- i. • actfy 'a, lea • , CHURCH NOTES The 'Annual Harvest. Festival of. ° 1 St. Peter's Church will be held, ' Sun- day, October 5;^ There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock, with evening prayer and sermon at 7 o'clock: The Rector will be in charge of both serviCeS• Presbyterian, Guild.. The meeting Monday evening ova opened by the singing of a hymn and the Scripture lesson was read by Frank McKenzie.. This was followed• by ' the . Lord's Prayer reepeated; in Unison- Mary McLeod. gave . a 'piano ir)strumentel, and readings were given by Misses M.. Button . and Isabel - Douglas. The topic was tgken by Ed- win Smith. This was followed by the singing : of a hymn and :prayer by Rev. MacDonald. which brought the meeting to a close. ; United Church Y. P. S. A• •very enjoyable evening 'was spent on 'Monday.When' the Mission ary.:Committee were ip'charge. After the singing of the opening hymn the scripture. , reading., was taken •by Kennth McPherson. A Mouth -Organ selection was played by Bill Camp- 1 bell. The topic. tor the evening "Afri-, en Then and Now" was taken: by Helen Thompson., A piano instrumen- tal by Mrs. Johnston was enjoyed 'by all. Miss Lorna Campbell gave a reading and the meeting ; closed by ,the singing of a hymn and the re, peating of' -the : Mizpah. Benediction. St, Peter's A. Y. P. A. The A.Y.P.A. •of : St. Peter's held s ci soal'. gathering at the home of Mr. Hei+b McQuitiin on Monday night. It was originally ',intended' to hold' •a corn end warner roast' outside, but owing to weather conditions, the memberk met in the houseand 'en- joyed numerous :'games and contests. to say nothing of the stunts provid- ed. After : an . evening's amusement; the young people indulged ,in corn and weiners, followed by community singing:1 Mr.' Fred Martin; the pies-. ident,' conveyed the .appreciation of the society to the host and hostess, At the next" meeting On Oct 13th, ofiters will he installed, after which'. :Rev. F. H. Gibbs will give an illus- trated address on his work on the shores -of -James Bay. • - " Y "--;AND-TgEItE--WILL; B :--N©-UNE fPLOY.-MEN1 i - For Sale by Wm. Niurdie 81 o KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs, Alb. Slessor Of ter- evie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert; McLean on Sunday .last. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins visited for a week with friends in Toronto . and .I other points. Mrs.' Jno. Hodgins and. Mrs.; Herb Graham returned home on Saturday from Detroit: where they had been visiting for some. time. Mimeo Tena 'Hedging . and Mary • Oraham° returned to. Detroit, with Mr. Sydney Parry and .will visit friends there for 'a week. The annualmeeting of ' the Bible society was held on. Monday evening in the Anglican Church.' A returned • Missioiry addressed the audience. Mr. Alf. : E. Haldenby and Mrs. J. Percy received word on Monday :' of the death of their brother George, Haldenby. in Sylvan Valley, Algoil'a. The. Jr. W. A. met at the 'home of Miss Edna Boyle on c tnrday af- ternoon. The time was s lent in ' mis- sionaryiwork, along with the devot- ional exercises. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hos-. • teas.Mi ss Margaret Campbell of Embro is visiting her cousin, 'Miss Evelyn McLean. A new minister bas been selected for the Presbyterian church •here. His induction service will be held at South Kinilose 'Church. • Keep .in mind ' the hot fowl supper at the church of : Ascension on Oct. 14. WORK BEING DONE ON d• BLUE WATER HIGHWAY KINCARDINE A number of neighbors gathered at the 'home of Mr.: and Mrs. tiv in: J. McKenziei, , Huron Terrace Street, on Thursday evening, Sept. 25th , and presented them with a cut glass water . set and tray, prior to their; moving to their .new sonic in `,Luck - now.. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. The. following . address was read by Mr. S. H. Farrel,:. Me. and Mrs: McKenzie; Dear • Friends, 1 • It, is with, utmost regret that we have learned of your departure from our midst. We have ailenjoyed to she full your friendship and nospital .ty and, as a . token of ' our esteem, we ask you to, ..accept these gifts. As you •use them may you think of the • many friends you made while in Kincardine. ' • • Signed ,on behalf of your friends and neighbors, Mrs G. McKay, Mr. S. Farrell. Mr. McKenzie though taken by sur- prise, gave a very fitting reply on beha.f' of himself and Mrs.' McKenzie. Extending thel}i ail a very hearty welcome to their home in • Lucknow. +roe 51AFEKING . Anniversary services were held in Blake Church Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. Mr. Shaw of Nile prea- ched . two • practical gospel sermons to large congregation the church be ing filled to capacity at .each service. Miss Myra . MacDonald of . Lucknow sang very effectively the "Consecra- tion Hymn" aed "I Walk Alone With God". and the choir sang the open- ing anthem in the afternoon. A male quartette, Messrs. Sutherland, Hen- derson and 13uchannon 'of tioderich, and Allan Pentland, of Dungannon, with Miss Alma. Howell of'Goderich as pianist, rendered veru pleasingly, "Blest Be The Tie That Binds," • "I Am Thine O Lord," and 'Come Home' at the evening service. The Bruce' County Highway Com-' mittee bas recommended.that the see tion of the. Ifluewater Highway be- tween Amberley and •Kincardine be improved, . by putting on a IMae, dam surface • such as is on. the Durham Road from Kincardine to Kinloss. Work on the road has already com- mented tinder supervision of Herbert A :b, of Walkerton. Work wasstarted at Amberley and the gang will p- ceed northward towards Kincardine: Traffic on this road has been 'very 1 •teey for 1i number of years and: at times the 'surface has been in bad c eidition, in spite of a . 'great deal of gravelling and scraping. The County evidently has undertaken this work in view of the continued rex f isal of. the Ontario Highway's Dep. to take charge of it.. • • • The^ sort of surface being:put on • the road appears to do very well as parties driving on the Thi M ii- cad` the past season will have obser'ved'.. • The road from Amberley to Kin- cardine is fairly straight and many of the bridges and culverts required have been rebuilt. Proceeding south ' tows ds Goderieh the road is not So 'good. There are many den teroub curves which make fast drhrine im pos051e. If this section ever is re- ' beilt. as it likely will be, a great deal of straightening out will have to be don. :. The dollar 'Wont,� art r: iii the. old Op' hilt tifilt longer getting baeln, • 'MA'RRIED AT TEESWATER clones -Caution A ehappy, :event took place at the Presbyterian Manse, Tees:water, on Sept. .24th,' when (Rev. Dr. Forbes of ' Teeswater united in marriage Mr. Richard Johnston and Mr. Thos Blake, received the sad news Tues- day of the death in'•Toronto General Hospital, Tuesday morning o their neice, ,Dr. Mary Evelyn Johnston, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnston of Exeter. The deceased had practiced. medicine in a hospital in Hamilton for several years and had suffered a nervous breakdown 'a few weeks ago. Death came suddenly as a result of a heart attack. Mt. and Mrs. Johnston were born :and .grew up.' in 'this neighborhood, moving to Hay .Township shortly after their Marriage. They with three sons, Freeborn of Washington, D. C., Al- bert of Toronto, and Dr. Cecil Johe- Ston of New York, sirrrive. The sym- pathy of ,this community is extended -to-the bereavedfamily in their _sor- row. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston, Miss Hery1 anal' Cecil Mts. Wm. Blake and Mrs. Thos.' Blake, at- `ended the funeral, at Exeter, Friday. The funeral' eels 'private. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stothers and' family of Londonwere guests of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Horton ever the Week -end. Mrs. `Ric"hard Johnston, Miss Beryl and Messrs. Cecil and Elmer John- ston motored to 'Toronto her the latter Will study electoral engitreep • in, 1sses Sarah and • Margaret Mal lough of Luekn oww, are visiting i`dl•' I.it't!! here. Jean, daughter . of Mrs. D. Caution and the late Mr. D. Caution of. Brichin, Scotland and Mr. games Mc- Innes' of Teeswater, son of Mra •'and Mrs. Dan. McInnes of Whitechurch. The bride was daintily attired in a dressof navy blue satin with trim- mings in beige and a beige bat .of pointed silk velvet, while the brides •made, Miss Grace . Richardson, were a dress of .yellow 't iretta and a white bat The 'bridegroom was at- tended by :Mr. James Richardson.• The'' bridal party ,each wore a• sprig of white heath, sent for : the oc cession from the bride's home . in Scotland. After the ceremony . the party repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McInnes and partook of a bountiful wedding dinner, pre- pared by Mrs. R. McInnes, sister-in- law of ' the groom. The happy couple tvill reside on the groom's •.. splendid farm, west of Teeswater, where they are followed by the best wishes ' of a . host of friends. aid • acquaintances for 'their future happiness. e b o • THE IDLE CRITIC FOURTH CON.; KINLOSS The ladies of the Kairshea Club met at the home of Mrs. A. 'Snther- land for the Month of •September. Mrs. A. Graham:' presided. andthe meeting opened by singing the "Op- ening Song" 'and . repeating the Lord's Prayer in . unison.. The RoU Call was responded to by "A.' Simple Cure," Mrs. ;R. Martin read the min- utes of last, meeting.' After Commun its. singing, the usual routine of bus- iness was discussed, in :which was de cided to send a baalle of clothing upi North, as early as possible. After singing "Carry ase Back to Old ' Vir- ginnia" Mrs. ;Howard .Robinson gave a splendid recitation. Mrs. A. Hughes read a well •prepared paper on Her- edity . versus Environinent for the child. Miss Leona White sang a solo' which was much enjoyed: Miss Annie Hughes read a paper • prepared by Miss Hazel Perry on'Hints for Sew- ing,' which were very instructive. A Gramaphone selection was then giv en :by, Grace Reynolds.: Mrs. McKiin- nnon and Mrs. , Carnochan gave an instrumental: A' spelling match brought the prom to a close. M - ter singing God"Save the King, lunch was served; and •'a social hour spend.: 'The 'October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Archie McIntyre. it being the,Atnuel meeting ail hers are are requested to. attend. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb spent a few days .with friends in , Durham and Mount Forest' Miss Mary Belle Douglas' of. De- troit is spending a 'few. days at her home here. Miss Mary' McMurchy spent last: week with her sister,' Mrs. R. nous,' ton. Mr. Jame Little left for Toronto on Monday last.' Mr. .and ;Mrs. Wm. Middleton and: Jean of Forest spent the week -end at R. Middleton's. • • • ' Mr. and Mrs. McCormick of ,Ripley spent '•Sunday 'with Mrs. McMurchy. Thompson Bros. are busy these days buzzing wood. Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith and Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Netterfield arid. son Harold, all of Toronto, were up to attend the funeral of the late Mr. Alex. McDonald. Mrs. Blaek who wastaken sadder*- ly ill bast week. is inuch irnnroved we . are glad to hear. A number from here: attended the Rinley and Lucknow • Show last week where there was , a good showing of .exhibits in the .Hall ajd .a splendid shoe, of live stock. ' ASHMIELD' CHURCH NOTES The W.M.S. Thank-Offerifig ser- vices of Ashfield Circuit at . Hackett's next Sunday, det. 5th. The special speaker flit the day pill be Miss FRET OUR NEW PBRFUMB Dream Kiss To l7Ye you. the '•oppvrtu&it' 'of trying it, we will send you sb• solutely FREE A UUERAL,SAM- PLE of sachet pP der ' Portman:, with this neer Perfume and eui' new catalogue. If will petfao for months, a full' drawer • of ,ling etre Send your name and address to . dental Perfume, Co. • 77 Adelaide St., West, Toronto 2. Every • community is . cursed ..with, the .'idle critic: An idle critic is one who never takes an active . Mrt in the comt-:unity affairs, never joins any organization fon the advancement and betterment of the community, never contribu'es a cent to help any move- ment or organization that is work- ing to benefit a community. His chief activity is to stand aside, mouth his opinions and objections, find fault with and criticise the work ofthose who are trying to do something„ in a public way. any local scheme for progress fails he is the one to shout • the loudest, "I told you sol" And the trouble is that the idle critics' hate some influence. There are al- ways those who are willing' to listen to obje:tions. The're is an old saying. "that nothing succeeds like success,", and once .a public movement is on th road to success, there are plenty to -fall hi line and work with the Mhaj- ority. 1These idle critics area great nuisance. They are found not only in our municii it life, ' but also in MOVE. To UNSEAT • JAMIE MALCO1 M' IN 1V. BRIE Torontopapers report that, on Saturday last a petition was Med et Osgoode ` Hall, asking that, Jamea Malcolm be: unseated as member ..of. parliament. for North Bruce and that. William Mitchell who contested the riding: against Malcolm be declared elected. V The ground for protest is the fans - ilia! one of illegal and' corrupt prate - tire.. No less than twenty-five reasons. are given. 'as to -why Mr. . Malcolm should t be unseated. .The petitioners' are; Andrew Adis, Richard D. Farley and Frank Colwell, of Kincardine. A 'North Bruce paperstated last week that ',es September 20th was (the .last date on which a • protest could be entered in North:Bruee, all prospects of trouble in that. way had passed. However, it maxbe that • thee: protest was 'entered before the last minute, had expired, or there Mei MARRIED AT TORONTO Wood—Topp A. quiet wedding was solemnized on Thursday, Sept. 11, at the'"Church of the Messiah, Avenue Road, ' when Evelyn, - youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F G. Topp of Toronto, was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred E. Wod of Toronto. The bride wore a 'smart' tailored dress ` of navyblue crepe, . withtouches • of ecru, navy felt hat, '''blue 'shoes and .shoulder corsage or Talisman roses and lily - of -the -valley. Miss Jean ' Topp wads her sister's brides -maid, wearing a dress of hunter's green crepe with shoesto match. and shoulder corsage of . Butterfly roses and cornflowers. Mr. George Topp, brother of the bride acted as best man.. Immediately fol- lowing •, the ceremony, Mr. .and Mrs. Wood left by motorfor their honey- moon, and upon their return will re- side on. Pepler• Avenue, Toronto. • KINGSBRIDGE Miss Hannah Hogan of Goderich spent last week visiting her friends The, widow of the late P. McCara- thy, their daughter, Nellie, and the four sons, CherleS .. John, James and Pat were here for the funeral of Mr. McCarathy last week, Also Mrs. Charles O'Cgnnor. and Frank McCara- -thy, and Mrs. P. McCarathy, Jr.' Mr. N. Perry who spent last week at Mr. Thos. Drennari's, returned to hie home; in Detroit on Sunday, ac- companied by his wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. George La France, Mister J ek and Misses .Eileen, Rita and Paticia "La France and Miss Kate Fitzgerald . from London visited at• the home of ^ Mr. Ed. Foley's, a :week ago. • ' ' Mr. Jinn McPhee from Niagara -on - the -Lake and his sister, Mrs. Fred. Robinson from Goderich, visited Mr. M. J. O'Connbr's last Tuesday. Mr. Leo Clore of the 'Commercial School,' Clinton sp nit the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Will Clare. Mrs. Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lannon, Mr. Steve. Martin and Miss Monica Martin motored to the Mart- yr's shrine recently - Mr. Tom Garvey, Jr., and Miss Mary Garvey and Mrs. M. J. O'Con- nor spent Sunday visiting friends' in Stratford: • Msr, George Drennan motored up from Detroit on Sunday, •accompanied by .kis mother, ' Mrs. Thos. Drennan, who bas been visiting her, daughter Mrs. N. Perry of that 'city, the •„ est week. • Mr. Will Dalton of _Deroit spent the week -end with his family here. Miss ' Kit Benny and Mrs. L. Jack- son and Mrs. J. Kenny of Dercit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jim Bowler. .. • `ocial movements. ". Gertrude Cass,•=�, L missionary o fur- .,hnrch work, in all s _. It is very discouraging to the alert and prcgressiu'e citizens who have to fight such..• objections, because the idle critics do not fight in the open, but stand a ide and whisper their doubts, shrug their shoulders and impute selfish and personal motive. It is a pity that there is not some way of dealing effectively: with these idle critics. Many worthy and worth while movements rave been killed by such adverse and insidious critics, and it requires a determined and couraselin°e. ' eitleef to stand uystgltiriet thou, Exelomps U1t ,a`%w'•"N°4� i. alit-C.i:f • lough from Korea. Ser'itices, `After- noon .2.301 P.M.. evening 7.30 P.M. "Give unto the Lord the •giorymdue unto his name; .bring an 'offering and conte into his courts. • There ' will be no 'servicea'Zion next Sunday morning—but Rally Dey service Will be held in this church on ':amdav•' evening, "Oct 12t1r,'he Circuit will bold its Rally Dayser- vices on, Oct. 12th. Ink 111 be -a ome-'-way of getting -around --the law. Ever since the election of July 28th there has 'been taik of an effort tobe. made to unseat Ms. Malcolm, and it has been said that, the only >third , which prevented such I 'action' being taken' was the fear that charges of corrupt practice would belaid against Mr. Mitchell.' "It is said that neither candidates` nor party orggani,'&tion stopped at anything which would turn a vote. A dose contest 'was•;expected and the winning of one . vote even ; counted for much. But something or .nothing may come ' of the petition ' just Med: If gone on with it will result in ,along and doubt- ful court teat. Elections rarely are conducted according to strict law, and . the Ilkliluood • is that in North Bruce both parties strayed from the straight and nsrrovr path. George Ernest Swarts, 37 years of age and a lifelong resident of Gode- rich. was drowned on 'Friday night of last week. It is thought that ip, the darkness he either tripped and fell into the water or was blown by the CREWE A-1nnmber-r. from here--attended-An-- nitersary services at Blake's on Stan day • Miss Susie Kilpatrick who bas spent the summer in the West, re- turned bome on rnturday. Mrs. Shackleton of Dungannon is visiting with Mr. end Mrs. M. Shack- leton. • The monthly meeting of the W .M. of 11 S. will be held zit, . the home fry. McConnell on Opt. 7th. M ert Treleaven acid Mrs. ,'Cum. LI' ve charge, df the program-' Anniversary services will held In .Crewe Mora en Sunday IS, ,when. Rep. Wierof BlyYtln sv«' e!` tl» II•1ta st 0 1' • When a woman forgiiires she ne ' lets the ,nidi • tinge* that she bas f given lnim.• Ba$timee' *re wbetl :y►oti. Pitt 604fat the tear prig 'rondo,' l OWL • fosi MAN DROWNED AT:. CODERICH strong wind over the edge of the wharf. ' . • . . , Swarts was assisting his father in operating tt livery and tui business and on Friday evening be had taken a party of Aiueric ans from the harbour up town forThe party, had come over frains�_o in a yacht and after supper Swarts took them back. Parking his car near the .big elevator be accompanied the visitors to the yacht which' was moored -on the north -weft side of .the wharf: He left`. the boat at 10.30 o'clock to return to his car and home. That was the last seen of :hitt until, his body was takeni from the w Mer Sunday anorning. When last wise re ported rnisuing, it wras fouasd Os"! his tar: was standing` where he left it the previops night, and it was surmised, that he had fallen frena the •' wdiarf in the darkness.• Dragging op- eration's• were undertaken and tke, body recovered. • Mt. Swans was born in Goderich. He was overseas with •tine 43rd: Cana- dian Battallion And was invalided home in 1817. On recovering he spent a number of mailmen' tailing on the .meat Lakes..sarlu►g G , A gaol• grist of the past sumnYer was spent it& ,Westminster Hospital, London. On coming home from London be Started to *Mist in the livery .business. A brother Dr. Edgar Swarts is practis•ing in Can- ton.N.Y, w' At an inquest which fol:bared the death of Swarts, , it was t roilrht '•:t that on going to the yac)4. be had been treated to lemon a kinds t en the part of the Americimis which would west ;fit :birji Wind' lis way "to. • 'the tar in the &r1 and storm. �' The °ane, of the yacht was clierg- ed with 'ha►viiig' liquor not secured ac- cording to the pro i nhina of the On= toile Liquor Act, and vni fined 31010, and costs.