The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-02, Page 3'uc • • a daces Jaded'Nies ...Doe To: Weak Watery Blood. AnaeMla, — impoverished .' brood comes so stealthily,that it i:, often well advanced before reeoSniized, Fatigue and .discomfort, the .earliest manifes-,, talions• • of the trouble,, -are seldom' taken seriously. :Soon tyre facebe-1 comes pale.; the nerves Jaded; the ,heart .palpitates violently after .the ' slightest exertion; 'the appetite ' be- comes fickle and beigore •you realizeit ysou are in a terrible plight. 'At such time, by enric.rftig and purl - 'lying the •blood, Dr. Williams' -Pink ` Pills will build iip the nerve ce1ls,.aud eeriest, the rtie-flown conditiop. Con- ' seating theta Miss 'Margaret,',Torrey; j•Teruri.to, Ont, saylif I suffered '•a / completo'breakdo vh. MyHeart would pal.piiatn on ire least exertion I�jotlt rig I ate agreed with •me., I started taking Dr.William's T'ink Pill's and by,'the .dine 1 had lake'n .several boxes • I "ryas' ready' for anything % had' gain- ed tin weight and every c1istressing syinptanr. hadleft me." '• ' • You • can get.. these,,Pills 'from any • dealer in medicine or by 'mail at;'50 i• cents a box from •The Dr. Wilhatns' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Treasure Chest Is Found on Lost Ship !Gold ` Found in Rotting Pouches' 4 Ill-fated' "Islander" ..... : _ Olympia, Wash.—High holies for suecesa of as fantastic and daring an underseas.adventnre .as ever was writ- -ten in fiction were raised 'here when Carl Wiley.recovered a small Portion' of• the gold. of . the lost steamship. . Islander... Rotting buckskin pouches' containing $3,700 of 'the • metal were ' 'recovered.. That was merely, a sam- 7—= .j nMt Y'biro like'irers tet "tires ilmtre- • pia-•ctseer- ex-peet=-to_•iieeovex i' Three 'hundred feat below -the, sure faee of Stephens Passage and ,off the clesclatp Southeastern •Alaska Oast lies the wreckage of the Islander. For tweety•niae Years . she had been a• tee t ti o chest waiting •to be opened. On 1n it t Iii, 1901, the ship was steaming • home. loaded with .returning miner, from time' Alaska reld,field, She ° . came:d a fortune in nuggets and dust ' est,mated' a't between $3.00,000 and•. ton times that arnnnnt. At full speed she struck an irebrrg.'lurched crazily zad plunged for t'hh bottom. Seventy- two.,tlastica_^,crs were carried to, their ' • ':.Fanikous. IP a : , efenaec! In • eadly Silo Gases C veresinne Farmer Farmers `Ake Warned to Tes ,' t' Silo' Before Entering , Before entering the, silo the farmer or'anyone -:Working for him should make sure that no, deadl gases are pre.sen`, is' the edmo.nit.ionof silo eX- perts. of the• Dominion Department of. Agriculture. ` At Herron, North Dako• ta, the other. day, the Neidhardt family, father and four children, had their lives• snuffed' out by what was. reported to be .Me- thane: gas. The sheriff who, attempted • to. recover'" the. holies was •overeonie and barely eseaped with his. life, after his son had made two attemp'ts to get his father out of the r,ile.• • Methane and car•bon'diexide are, thea twe potsonotis gases which are likely. to :occur in any silo: , They have their origin in'fhe decomposition of orgalaic., matter.. Methane Clio :is an oderies's;• inftaiamable,gas which 'occers•natural ly as the broduct•of:the d`econiposit on bis organie matter;• and fs frequently met with :in mareires end mines, being more faanitiarly known asmarsh gas. 'Carnet' dioxide CO2 is :a heavy color- less •ii•respirabie gas which extinguish- es dame. It is produced'by the action of acids .,bit carbons, tar:attgh,.fermen- tation, arid bythe deeom:posi:tign of organic substances. , - Both these gases may be present•in' the 'silo 'and Owing to: the fact that they are• heavier titan air as they ac-- cur i.ilete.they force air away fronrthe top ofthe silo,� : As neither Methane or Carbon Diox- ide trttl degenerate within, a few days it is always • well' before 'entering a --silo--dsteeig ahs--fil1,in.ga .sewn to.. run.. the blower a'few.ininutea to insure an adequate circulation of air. At •'other times, a lighted` Lantern should be lowered into the •silo to insure that ho English '.army bombing planein flight over Idyl:.r Pass, gateway to dia, during •resent• outbreak among Mountain tri'bis. Las-. rad- Babies-- tAost Rtv la , 1, ctik IVE.11 'Row. ole i:tw .i 1t 101' • . wa worry- gas ie 'present. "If Carbon Dioxide is The in•gtiisitiee womans present the flame will immediately go 'ing the gardener. ''She asked a lot. out of meaningless questions.' • "V hat There. is just as muchdanger' irons � ..steps do you take rth the. caterplll bis'onous gasses in the silo as there is :ars'?" she asked next, `L `�Vel•L, mums. in. an 'old well; but the danger is on - said the". ' ex' gardener, I aspera y tilt , cl>_ flay• he easily guarded against :takes- half..a dozeh steps' into our .You are the ,joy of my life.' Thou Whowraps me in thy all enveloping hrlVe red forte the"2at rpiliars Use-of and is overcome by an adequate slip•'-nW--stffiercl a Baby's r r 't' ', _ AfterY { pre tobody d I �d�21't$ f 1 t thei care should giddy and don t ins }• to allow free ventilation. rest air • na m it top of ensilage its Im Ibis. f4uezl by are my all my Only 'coinfort, my joy. .arid •ice Own P of .fresh •air.' As ensilage is fed roused three• times so that•they :gets' .{ w•theirwa'back.. Classified Advertising FOR . SALE • 'A' SEA. SLED FOR SALE, MODEL '• la 16, with new 226 H P Evinrude pro. Los. all . in perfect ronditinn, ver r mast, �: absolutely •safe. splendid fishing. boat, 'has special sedan top; owners getting lex--ger nwdet •'• •' Georeian Bay. 'Wilson Publishin Co.. 73 adeln •e tV.. T.,rontu, Bo; ;7 • r " • sec's. .I press You my. oc y an torn the top o ens, `'Des tits boss k iowtlle seaffo din's, inkthe 'god" that ga 'e you to tie - be talceii tot e that the doors are teen• .w 9" . "' 'E aught • tfo—lie's 1)era�tgeme'nts of t`ae'digesthvse-or• come^ do n n y our. ivarpptlr and 'beauty 'of Sour. rt le for most of the F 1 ^ins are responsible • underneath it,'" • � d .cli • ct to the hire. At twilight waren the.:wliole slsouicl tie .snppU,d as xe l,Y � . . l reams slid oes rom'ancing,.you •ail sets which afllict'.youn children world g tit fo.r soot r TIi15 fne ES ss T�IOIS RUB IH'.1Z collard- - OF [ARS- twstm IN NU$Tf LS,. - 1 EAR O IF,.• $1.25 Nl Druggists. Descriptive taper on request A. O.. LEONARD,.Inc.. „ 7Q (; i$a. Ave., t,7CWYorti Cit9 • K a• tva•d lit d evelo e -•diem kl. ck I develop-. the D'reCtor ''et Publicity, Dominion llabv's Otvn Tables regulate merit. When the day is •tittle• and shadows Daep iltrnest of Atli culture, Ottawa. 1C C r e_tor.In . stoma .° andboy* ei g th stomas fail I crawl into thy welc.on::e embrace i ` " ` -- ••• 1 them •to normal action and this is all• and dream dreems, rosy .drearrrs, gold- i;nh:ate alin.erd's •Liniment for Asthma. that is meceesery to set• the little eut: en. dreams, for 1. know you are'inane-1 , health 'ail mine. `T tingle at your touch'.. 1. 'thrill. at your every movement. You're 'so warm, so yielding, sd glowing, and . de albs, I am once more at peace—the. world a ent s were a, re patten colic; break, up colds and sfm- son 'conducting the service could dr fuser safely, on the road to 'ea, an . s Negro t�ohian who had.:lost her happiness: h1151) ncl Was attending his funeral. Baby's • Own Tablets are specially.. R • ast.tts. had rarely follo.vec: the designed to correct indigestion•, coltsti- straialit and: narrow path, but ,:be par- - Maier tt pt rat to •s'tl '•vas the great treasui'e,'hut .all failed. bemuse of' the: depth at!tich the Islander lay, and h•eca4.se of the rush- - . ins. current. s. . -Five years ago %Vi•lee made•his first 'nt,c±rrpt. He' failed and, his otwn re:: • Seeress' gone, he interested a fey ' is qui:et•and•.stiil=and 1 you—My Bathrobes No one is perfect, and all have 'a chance to make a showing. Sweet- Young Thing—"I'11 positively am illus with. + . ' ple•fevers and to allay teething pains., •notating b'it•enumerate"the ileceaFed;s ", They are sold, by medicine dealers •or virtues the , .majority of which tire• 'by: mail at. 25 `cents a.box from They -Negro' woman had' never.'heafd .of. that's why we ! b ills, Ont. last could not stand' it any longer and • t'o're basest out: "Parson, I think Dr. R'xilratns'• Medicine Co Brock- • She listened far some time; bat • at small hackers here and in. Seattle. • This year. hii 'had constructed 'In Olympia .a divi'ng hell, of his own in- ventian. After months Of :failures and accidents, it finally raised the:firs't- sof the gold. • In alt egg -scraped diving . chamber, Wiley operates a long claw- like arm. probing through the debris •'acit'4444 wreckage.' • Men Are 'Like That! Men can be so terrible; ' lien can be so mean; Sometimes hardly bearable, .1 All that I have seen. • ,Why ,do women stay with thani, 7. Scorning all advice? • Weii, they have a way with theme - Men can be so nice.• . Men are unreliable. ' • Women often find; Men .can be so pliable; Men can be Fn h:intr, • . Women keep forgive:g abet .lust as Women would -- There are days of }ivint," when . • Alen can ,he+ Irl -genii. Men an Ctd:+.1 ;41 1• v!ry 47)1 11 and a'"e1: Mien eats look so zealously \\*her! there i-n't need; 11')11hting "tlteln',ases tt'ev ria . wonten le-ar? i 1S li• •, , 3'1Make .puc•lt p nti� • • -,•es can lie so dear - ' :a> ;tlaa,yna, •ill �n�erers.' lis 1 never marry a man who snores:' Any body—"Good dies, but how at e you going to` find out? . Theres' a certain young man whose friends • all call him. Moses, because when he Opens his mouth the, bull rushes. . • ' The fast ,eater has 'what you' would call `'galloping consumption" Harry—"Where do you want to go, baby?" . Baby—'41 wanna go, buy -buy." If you can be agreeable till • ten o'clockin the morning you'll still have .the balance of the clay in which to be agreeable. • • : Noses Will Be Used burying the wrong man. , Golfer. (just learning)--L-."Terrible lot Of birds about, boy." • Caddie -"Yes, 'spose they're folloty- ing as up for worms." A noted doctor predicts that. in 50 years all men will be bald. But they. gill still be buying' their,. hair tonic from bald-headed barbers. • janitors do not keep y up With like times. They're still keepitrg cool with Coolidge,, Tho women, who are wearing the' new long skirts had better watch out for prohibition., enfotcpment official's who may arrest them :for screening joints. •• To. Classify Man. A new classification of mankind ac- cording to the 'widths- of theis noses, believed to be related•to the cllfiratic histories of .different races and •prob- ably of considerable importance ixi •racial ev.olution,•has been proposed by Professor Johh Cameron bf Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia,'in a recent, ,announcement from the ' to Inst'- tute, in Philadelphia. • The races with the widest noses and most open nostrils, Professor Cameron finds, are the negroes, the native :Australians and the former Tasthan• DO YOU fan race, now extinct. These races •live in hot, climates, where a wide, , open ,nose probably helps to cool the blood as the air passes over the nasal membranes, much as a dog cools him- . • self by panting.' , - • The narrowest noses among the ma- jor•races ot.'the world are found, Pro- fessor • Cameron continues, in the .• European whites, but there is a very; ' small racial'. group with still narrower noses and more tortuous nostrils. These are • the .eastern Esquimo:t, chiefly inhabitants of Greenland. For races• living in such rigorous winter climates as that of Greenland !• it obviously is desirable; to have long narrow nasal passages so that the ectremeiy cold outer air will be warm - :ed its much as, possible before reach- .ing the more delicate niembrances of . • the threat or lungs. Professor Cam - Changing Weather affects your health. if 'you are not protected; ,Mina rd's prevents.colds' .. and grippe; relieves' rheumatism and ,stiff joints. .ie fel theway she carries otr ,pit that Married man?"' s but a hat a • hlesilreg they are a hitt along with the man •would •be Inta'lera' y classified 'hors This ptace who thinks an lsraalite is a new kind -"dint diem.,, due ee •' of a floor lamp.' • nn , reasee *fly ' a •' mantt te C1•ack All crack and no wise. s SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? Ste easy to• get quick relief ,arid pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relievcquick- ly but• affect the heart and are "very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. t The sane and harmless way. First correctu'the cause, sweeten the sour and acid 'stomach, relieve, the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels, lass oaf the waste matter which causes dour' headache. Try Carter`s L+ttte Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. a -"How slid you get into' the eron.s fourth group , of humanity as Gradyclassified by nose, width includes the habit of wearing a mustache'?'" Mongolians and the Atnericlin Indians, . ITarold--"Oh, it jeer, grew on me,", whie15 races are interthed'iate hetweeh the wide -nosed whites; • jest as . the • You May Know the Breed "My husband is a dreamer," he de- ' dares.. "A. man of plans and isionsl" Which means days of work a Week 'She shares, -1 To get rent anti provisions. A lot of folks seetn to believe that thrift consists ill meeting their instal-' apple? •' • aytnen-ts-an tirtie - • ceceeli-rrg til' ae,e-a sadia1F-,'tnette„1- • Mongolian 'afid Nestle American cl.i- ni,ates are intermediate between • the extreme heat of Africa and be tropics and the extreme told of northern Eur- ope, , Try a McIntosh! What is 'the world's rhos' p,palar feral eicpert,,the Jonathan is possibly rati across a fellow who titought the most popular of all varieties: Reil 'I•labe Ruth was a chorus girl'. We apples, generally, seem to be mote in shun 40'1 •be Petite to hie Rite eftet diver, .4Y tr, o •' says. C'asin'o Hatni.tbte • And • it r+',t:ly esieldn't •tenet him to stretch tit ttM be •P date to'`her before .`d;wira 'e. • , ti • ....---4...-----.Sedate. Minard$ L.it1tmrr:n'f a heusehbld frier A (buret On wheeles'titted with an alter -table, rails, reading -dealt, and pulpit. and foldlh,g chairs, is -used on the .Egyptian railways by Dr. L, '13. Owynne, 13Gshop of Egypt and • the r demand than their rivals. Cox's Orange is probably the favor - ate amide in England, and the Mc-". Tntosh tanks highest in Canada: 'T shouldn't worry any More about hint, dear. After all, he's not the• only pebble• on the beach." "I know .but 'the' rest of the beach . 1a so stony." " y WE can never be sure just what makes a child ,restless,' but the remedy .can always be the same.' Good old Castorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, and •not • the slightest harm in its; frequent use. As often as your child has a fretful 'spell, is feverish, or cries and and can't sleep, let • Castoria soothe and quiet him. Some- times it's a.touch of colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea—a con- dition, that should always be cheeped without delay. Just keep Castoria handy, and give it promptly' Relief will follow very promptly if it doesn't, you should call a physician. • CASTO-R1-A:. (n+ What most People call indigestion is usually excess acid in, the stomach.. The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes adds. But 'don't use crude helps,Led what your doctor would ndvfse. • The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 ye rs since its, invention it has ' rental ~-tYraiect standard dard with' ph sicians. ' Boit will` find noth- ing ets'''so quick in' its effect, so harm- . less, 5b efficient, h • Nick Relief for CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS . BLOATING. ETC. sca rets. "THEY WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP How To Lose 24 Pounds of Fat 1 ° At the Same Time Gain in Physical(, Vigor and Youthfulness and Swiftly Possess a Clear Skin and Vivacious Eyes -that Sparkle with Health. .' . Here's the reoipe .that' banishes fat and brings into' blossom all the natural attractiveness, that every woman possesses. E ery morning take" one-half teaspoon of 'Kruse en Salts iii a glass of hot water' before breakfast. Be sure and do this every morning for " It's the daily dose that, takes oft•the fat."—Don't miss a mornings' Iiruschen 'daily' means that ' every particle of poisonous waste "mattelf end harmful acids and ' gases are expelled from the system. Modify your diet, "and take .gentle• exercise. The stomach, !leer, kidi*ys. and bowels are tuned ftp, and the pure, fresh..blood containing these silo salts is carried to every part of the body; and this is' followed by '' that; Kruschen feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in height eves, clear skin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure., • FROM MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN • Read How This Medicine Her Helps 'He ` • F• • One tastelefs Spootnftil • in water neutralizes many times. its volume in acid. The results are h'mmediate with Ito • bad after • effects,' Once you learn this fact, yeti ,will hexer deal with ex- cess acid in the a>rnde ways. Go learn' nd�v- why this .method is supreme B'e sure tea get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by.'physi rats for 80 years in correcting excess, Cardston. Alberta --"1; am fifty-eight years old and the mother of eighteen. Iiving children W. e live on a farm and I sins g vers. heal- thy • mother c•'en- sideting. that 1 'have strclt a big', fainly to work for ` The dri1z ist .first.told me..a about, ` Lydia. E.Pink -. haiii s , Vegcteblee t:'ompound and 1 have depended. on it for mans v.' S. 'Minh I find this piietitre taken, the •photographer was telling me sheat his wife's ailments and after 1 told. huts Shoot; the 'getable t'`.crinpoirnd he bought Iter` went to the �rti store andg is rag . two battles.'"''-bIR$: l5i1 TnA SA .Li:i . it'serc, ' it ('ardstnri, Alberta., •. C acids, ' Each `bottle contains full dares dans'—wily drogstcre. ISSUE No,•39 —'3O wi