The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-25, Page 2E TATC.XNQWSEflEI.'TILHOSRAlf, SHIMPKBER, 18, 1930 a . • 4, nun Park tucktiow, Ont, 1*" • ' isty-five years Is kiong tune, and much water has flown under'4-^. he bridge since Lucknow Agricultural Society gal:revs- fits first exhibition. During this period, thiOodety has done much IO im- prime its exhibits and entertainment facilities, until we haie one - of the best Fall'Exhibitions in our district. Its the same with OUR STORE, We are constantly improving our facilities for doing fiusinfss,& adding „ new fresh merchandise to our sto)Ck of Value Dry Goods line Specials • , Boys' Heavy Worsted Hose 6 1-2 to 10, aL 49c Fancy Pattern Pullovers, 26 to 32, at $1,89, Heavy Ribbed Work Socks, 3 pr. for $1.00 is in: Mac -kink -Flanrri, at 36 in, Art Sateen, Reg 60c, at I 49c • All Wool Bed Blankets, at per pair . . . $850'd Pillow Cases, °ready stamped, each 50c stanwedreaeh 4...r4.••••6••••6•••• Fatty-cutuchanfois-qures__ • ' • These Specials and many others are here, . ready for your Selection; Shopping is a pleasure here-- Come in and get your share of the Fall Fair Specials 'Phone.75 • . • ..70: • 1.1 • • . Lucknow, Ont., . W111THatURC11 John Them, of Fordwich ylsit- ed last week at the home of .Mr. John Craigand other relatives. nto. to take.. Mune #t Shaw's Alm!, '• IthYs Pollock has goile to Tolf!,, bless College. : • This community was Well repre- ‘Sented .both at $t, Helens and HOly- • rood Scheol Firs hitt Friday, Miss Freda itintoid, is to be • con grotulated on getting first firet prize in „the ,public Sneaking contest at st. Heien.'s „sehOol •gr. Frank Coulter had the inisfor.: tuie ta have a horse killed by light, Mpg, on Saturday, • j Mr. James•Nifilson Sr.made• a buts^; iriess .triP to Galt Iast Monday. Quite, a .number from here attend- ed' the Presbyterian Young Eeople's ,Ridly at VfietheM.Inst Tuesday.. .• Mr.' and Mrs. Jahn; Craig visitede friends at Ethel last ThUrsday. Quite a nuinher' from here attend - 'ed the Fair 4 London ;1,4 week. Mr.: Wilfred Jaque of SuilhurY, spent the ' past two ,Weeks at his !utie here. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jacques accompanied him on his return trip as far as. Orillia aid will visit for. a `short time with friends there " . Mr. JosephIsiidlaw and Miss Tea fiddle* are'visiting relatives at Powassoe. ' • -Miss,SuSie---Carrich. is visitingwith her sisters at Amheretburg and De - KINGSBEIDGE • • Mrs. #. 0. Loughlin has . returned ' to her home in Detroit, after sp'end- , ing ,sonle weeks in our burg. Mrs. P. Austin and Mr. and Mrs. • J. O'Connor spent Sunday visiting friends in Winghain. Miss Jean Drennan of Goderich, . spent last week at her home here. 14r and Mis. Lester Fisher and - Mrs. A..,Fisher Of Detroit 'spent last • -week-end with Mrs. Ed. Sennette and Mrs. J. Courtney. • Mr. and Mrs. M. .Griffin and babe• of Detroit, visited Mr. jmd Mrs. Tim •Griffin oil' Sunday. Miss• Elaine O'Ccinnor is visiting • her sitter, Mrs. G. Xinahan of St. Augustine... „ • • Mrs. , Joe Dalton is visiting her friend's irit .Seraforth, Port tempter) • ; id Detrbft. • Miss' Antionette Dalton is visiting • her •hister, Mrs. J. Cleary of .Wal- laceburg. • Mrtjand Mrs. Morgan Dalton and ' Mr. Dennie Dalton visited friends in' • London and Wallaceburg for 'a few• days this week. • • We are. sorry to hear of the death f ix former • old time resident of Viis parish by the name of Patrick licenrathy.' The deceased passed quietly away, at his home in Detroit cir Monday. The body wilt be brought •te--kingsbridge: for burial.• ' A mimber from here attended the. • Toronto and London exhibition this year. The Ashfield School Pair Was held • Again at Curries Corner. Although the Weather man *as in a very tear - tut and rebellions humor in the early •• y*rt of the tlaY; be managed to smile • brightest -during - the afternov,-- • consequently everybody smiled...41th him, • 1. • 7"--44-*a'-'" SHOULD PUNISH MAN ALSO An 80 year old Ekfriti township non Was recently the victim, of a youthfril gypsy fOrtnne telier.ne logt $15 during the process of for- • tiiie=tellitig, and immediately I'd the Ig*ps'Y1rF arreSted. A fine Wei- MI- . poied•-cin the girl. Some people would consider it Only right if the man was •Otte SONly sere DlThishwitit •iiluntld be inffieted Upon one' who WOUld 1111 for IOW in' eld Wicen,Olit 1014 ..:'• • JNLOUGH ' UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. Mr. and Mr. ins. • Armstrong of Niagara visited, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas., Hodgins, returning. home on Monclay. ' Mrs. Jno. Hodi ins and- Mrs. H. Graham are visiting friends in De- troit at present. • • Mrs. M. McLean 'and, Evelyn, Mrs. B. 'McLean and Mary Graham, Atm-. de,d the London Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Percy and Mr. and Mrs. hie. McCormick and Percy of Huron, spentSuntloy at A. E. Haldenby's. • The services in the Church of As- cension on Sunday next w!ll be con- ducted by a' student from Huron Col; lege in the absence of the , rector, Rev. H. Appleyard. 1 Mr. Perry, liodgins spent Sunday • at Eugene. • Remember the Hot Fowl Supper and entertainment at the Churelt of Ascension on Oct. 14. ENGAGEMENT • ANNOUNCED Mrs. Henry Carter, of Huron, u isii- es to announce the engagement of her 'daughter, Violet, to Mr. David 11. MartYn, son of Mr. John D. Martyn and dilate Mrs. Martyn, cif Huron; the marriage • to take place quietly after the middle of September. PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs, Sam Emerson and children spent Sunday at Lawrence Miss .Lenore McDonald left for. Stratford,. Monday. • . , • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. noir and Mr. and Mrs. •John Illaekwell visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Emerson visited CotCn.• Solar(' reeently. arn 'fire occured near BerVie on SaturdaYlast. Andrew McDonald WAS the loser. Threshing was in operation • at his place When fire developed in the blower. The separator belonging • to Mr. Claude Dare was completely destroyed. • Mise Annie and Jack' McDonald 01 the 6th Con. and Mt. Martin McDon- ald -of Chicago, Mrs. ^ field ' of Chicago speit gunday;At limes Rob.- ettsents. • 111r. and Mrs, Albert: • and Missei Ruby and Mary of 0 to, visite at John Priertion's hitt Week. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. was held in the United' Church basement on ,Sept. 9th. the president Mrs. MacCallum Presided. The meet- ing was -opened by singing of Hymn 170, followed by repeating the Lord's 'prayer -in unisonlI Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. N. L. Campbell gave on interesting • reading and Miss Gertrude Treleaven in her usual pleating manner favored the society with a solo. Mrs. W. P. Reid read the devotional leaflet on "The • Way of Holiness." A number 'of .papeln were read by members of the society throwing much light on .the -work done, in.the different foreign fields. The meeting was brought • to a .close by, the singing of 'a Hymn, and prayer by, Mrs. Craw. Press Sec. ,.• if • r • sT. figums NorcE 'To cRifinTons M. Charles 1110Qeillin left oo.„61aik^ day to attend the Stratford **Thal. Miss -Vera Todd Pau Kitchener, was home over the wooh-ead,,, . •Als"••, JaehltePonald Of Leamington "Was homewith his ParentS, Mr. and "Mrp, Duncati sitstmaki..over'the'week• end. ' Visitors with Mr. Alf, Webb over the week -end Were. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack WCIterts.rt oflulcdratt• *dit'Vaiinedil-')It'ir'3. • Harvey • bliss •Iffiry:j.„ Irwin Of Bruce was 'a -visitor for a •few cloye, with her• grandfather, -Mr.: W. Woods.; •Mr. Wilson Woods 'ind.bis 'mother Mrs.. R. :J,Wnocie,,motored to Guelph on Sliturday.':'Ilrs. **di is making, a visit •with .her family at Gtiept Galt and Fergus. Wm..Doherty • retiernett•with her brether:' The St HelenaSehool,Vair held 'en •Friday Was: a great, anemias. The weather ,being ideal brought out the old and young to. enjoy the Children's kr. Dan MacKay of Brussels is visiting at his home here MAFEKING Mr. 1iinlayShackJeton of. Prieeville, pinUte. week -end at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Rickard Johnston, Miss Beryl and Mr. Cecil Johnston attended the London exhibition Tues- . BORN—Saturday, Sept. 1$th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BIetniryi a daugh- ter.--Congratulationsi Rev. W. Ai, Smith of Edmonton, Alta, who is a delegate to.the ' Gen- eralCouncil of the United Church, • Canada meeting in London this week spent a few daYsamong friends at, 'Dungannon and Ashfield. Mr. Smith was . pastor of the Ashfield circuit four years, going from there to - Dungannon and from Dungannon to Calgary about twenty-one years ago, Blake Congr%gation are holding an- niversary services :SanCoy. Sept. K. They hope to have Rev. W. 4. Smith of Edmonton to conduct tike services. , Mrs. Paul Reed of Luck -now, spent the, week -end with her ' daughter, Mrs. Thos.. Anderson.; Mrs, Godfrey Hall - received word this .week of the death of her broth- er; Mr. James Lockhart .of Sault St. Marie, who nested away suddenly. This community extends their sympa. • thy to Mrs. Hall. •TAKE NOTICE that all creditor et John Purvis of 1191Yrood, who died on the 25th • day ,of Fehreary, 193.), and nil other persona having ciaires against his estate are herehY required to send to the endersigned4on Or be- fore the TwentY-fifth her,. 1:930, full particular of their claims, as after that ,dlite the estate •' Will he distributed witlietieregard to the claims of which no notice has been recei*d, _ • '‘ Dated at Walkerton this 4th" day of September, 1930. ' • Robertson •Si Rtibertion, :WelliertoCOntario,' • Solicitors for Elizabeth.. Purvis,. and ' Susan. Purvis., , • • Holyrood, • Ont:.;`, Eagentliees.; Mr. F. G. Todd & Son returned with their herd bn Saturday from the ,C. Toronto 'and Western Fair. London, where they.carried oft many ,goOd ' Prizes.. , • Mr. W. I. Miller was an: exhibitor, • of fowl at the Western Fair, London where he gat in Rocks, lst and 4th 'for hen; lst, 4th and 6th for Pullet; 2nd, 4th, and 5th•for Cockerel., • Mrs. KainTit been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Con.' 'Foran returned home-Tuesdal. . • Harvest Festival of Christ Chrtich bn Sunday,'Sept.1 21, 'at 3 O'clock Service' in charge of Rev. E. 0. lagher.. . • DUNGANNON - • Culbeit.Firtnigan The Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Finnigan, 4th.canceasion of West Wa- wanosh, was the scene of a quiet-. tiro pretty September wedding on Wed.: nesday, Sept; inthe ht 1139 a.m., when their eldest daughter, Olivia Sarah, became the bride of Mr. Mel- ville A. Culhert, yOunger son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Celbert, of Dungan- non:. The bride was given in marriage. by her rather and was daintily dress, ed in a gown of rose beige georgette with' velvet trimmings., She carried a shower bouquet of Sunset roseX, and. wore the groom's gift, .a handsome .crystal and pearl neeklare.She mit tered the drawingroom upon rooupon the arrn of her father, to the strains of the Bridal Chorus., which was played by Mts. • Arthur Culbert, •of Ashfield, Sister-in-law of the bridegroom. The cetertietiY was performed by Reir,• C. • C. Keine. pastor of Dungannon Unit- ed elturch, in the presence of absent • thirty mnests, immediate relatives or the bride and 'bridegtootrt. tater in the da 1-4 fallawitio the_wedditio- din- ner, thc homily revile loft on a horieV- moon t Whieh will itibintle London Hamilten Niapara Palls. Pot the bride*. &witted dress of navy hine:geergette and lace with felt hat. tweed ("eat. sand purse hose ard eloVes. The bride was the recipient of 'many heatitifel giffoe .shoWint, the asteen ili Whi'4 theV are held,. ()n their return M. and Mrs. Culhert. both 'of volidin are POP - pier in elint:^11 and setial reilde in pongatinim and hestS, of, Meds ;ein in wishing thein a Ideak- ant voyege tin the tort of inattiniony, Still if' nobodo played the feel the nootheltlei *44 lie 00414 With , • AN OLD ARMOW MINISTER IMOINIIIMM1111•1•••• • • •' The death occurred last week of the Rev. D. B. MacRae who for many years was Minister Of•tbe Presbyter- ian congregation at Armow. Since re- tiring from active' work some years ago on account of failing eyesight, Mr. Miieltae made hip home with his daughter, Airst,J. A. Fleming at Lu - can, and it was there that he died. His wife died while he lived in Kin- cardine after leaving Armow. MacRoe .of Brussels is a son. There is another son in Vancouver and a daughter in ,Kitchener. GODEItICH BOXING Bovr- -•—LOST MONEY • Mr. James B. Reynolds,: who be-, came responsible for the boxing ex- hibition put on ,at Goderfeh •it few weeks ago in the interests of the fund in aid of cripple children, is about $800 out of pocket by the venture. A • good deal of.symp.'tthy is felt for Mr. Reynolds whose aim appears to have been quite unselfish. He has always been a booster and worker in the in- • terests of outAoor sport events and, • the Goderich athletic association -moking an.effort to make "good ha 16s, It appears that: the Julylst celebration put on at Goderich WOs quite a sucess in a business way mak- ing a profit of between $1,000 and $1,206 'the money being divided be - Wean 1/4the Athletic at -Iodation and the toWn, and representatives of the • Associationpropose to turn over A part of this surplus to Mr. Reynolds, • iligh-Thile for Wedding Ab a wedding all Went well until the brirlegrocen was calledtipon to protince the ring. In valti.he felt it hit trouser pockets. Nothing could be found eaeept a Jude through which • the'ring ltd evidently fallen. What teat he to do? Suddenly' a happy thought strndk the clergyman. "Fake off yew. time," .he.steld The suspense and sileitee WAS pd. The young man teetered Iiit,shoe. The ring was foritid, alga a hole in his steeking. The clergyman toinotk- .041, evidently with more than thede, of the ettettiony on MS Mtn& "Young mom, it is MO Onto you Next to * loofa so kistiit song $. Woman to tot 041004,- . .1'101441°141 • .4•106=2•40111 . • . . • , • , TOWNSHIP OF AssnEw Notiee of First Posting lip Of Voters• • List for 193, Notice is hereby givelt that1 hare complied 'with section' 7 tif The Voter*. Lists Actiand that 'I have posted up at tny • Office iir-AishfieV, OPthe '9th. , day Of September A.D.-1930,the of all persons entitled :to vote in the, said :Municipality at Municipal elec- •Hans anti that 'such list*mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all votersto take immediate proceed- • his tontive any.errors,or Ommissions. corrected according tolaw. The last • day of appeal being the: 1st day Of 'October, A.D. 1930. Dated at Ashfield this 9th Coy of Sce.pteimbeerD0AN. DA.G1H9!!):, Clerk' of the Township of Ashfield . (18-9—c) NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the matter of the Estate of john Bitten, late of the. Village of Lucknow,in . the: County. of Manufacturer,-Bruce, deceased. , • Notice is hereby :giveu that all per-, sons having any china's or demands!' against the late John Button, '.who died en -or about the sixth day of May, A.D. 1930, at the City of LOndoiu in the Province of Gifted(); are re- • 0....th...amsetAir-posirrpreepoid-Wr467 • iver to the undersigned, executor under the Will of the*Mid Jahn But- it,;narne an .„1. esses-an Eileen spent the past' week with full particulars in writing . of their friends in TOronto. ' claims and statement4, of their ac - The Kinloss ffehool Fair held here nt Sept. 12, was a great success. Mr. and thei roturCof the securi- .ein,duly v„netriile-• Fianythei Agricultural Represent:S.; And take noti,ce 't)t 'after 'dye renouncing it 50% better than . gafourthl id t3ceetyuttfr Owietoli nperr1.11 9.1931,4triba.. even vast year. We had' a gond day bute the ,essets of the said, deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regentonry to the claims Of which he shill then have had notice, and that the mid Executor will not be liable' for the said mete 'or any part thereof to any person of Whose claim he shall not thin!have received notice. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that, behalf. - • Dated at Lucknow this sixth day of September,' A.D., 1930. Russell C; Ittibertsim,.`Luchnow, Ont. • Executor of the Will"Of John Button. Mrs.James Wad and danghter thei d addr overhead, good crowd, good exhibits an a feirprogram put on by the pu- pils. The list' of prize winners will appear next week. The, dance held in the • township ball fair night, was one of the larg- est in,•attendance we hive had.. Mr. and. Mrs'. Will Eadie and child- ren, ,Miss Douhledee of ' Wroxeter, were guests- at Mrs. Culbert's on' Sunday. T• • M. Will Jones. is assisting with the work at Ackert Bros. ' • Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Itreckenbridge. and son, George, motored from Sand- uskey, Friday to spend.the week 'at the Purvis home. • Mem% Carman and Carl Pollock of Clarke, were Sunday visitors with their aunt.. Mrs. Abner Ackert. Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, 'Isobel and Stewart, 'Mrs. Pettigue, Edward and 8011 of London .were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Howard Harris, Sunday. Mr. Cethbeet !Jones spent the week end at the London . Fair. . Mrs. Charles Shielbs and son Jack of Wingliam, spent a few days 'with her parents, Mr.. ond Mrs. I Charles" Contralti 'thepastweek. , Mr:1mi Mrs. 'Andy M'cCormiek, Donald, Hilda and Katie of WinghaM were SunditP visitors* at Albeit Thompson's. ••• The Misses' Mildred MeQuillin, and Marernet Miller of St. Helens, are visiting their friend, Miss Eliza- beth Robinson.. Mrs; Howard . Robinson, spent Wed- nesday with Mrs. Will Fisher, Luck - now. Mi sa IWO* Burt went to Mount Forest on Monday to assist with the work at key. "Casaa's. Mr. and Mrs: "Will Thompson and Miss Daisy Asyles were recent visit- ors at Mr: Albert Thompson's. ° • - C11,LROSS CORNERS Mrs. Jas. Wraith has .rehirned home after au week's visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall attended fmdon Exhibition for ii ouple of dayslast week. • and kis. Earle Hedging spent a couple of days at London exhibition Mrs, Wm. Thompson 'pent a counle of days at Mr.. Pre& Geddes while, they *ere at i.oadtpr. Mr. Frank 'Thomason is again at- tending Ripley tlittli School. • tAvs, Alex Mckenzie of Teeswater was token to Toronto •hospital one da v hist Week. • We are sorry to report that Mrs. Michael Gamble is under the doctor's • itatty'llodgins spent the Week . • • atiti thaet the parental 'roof, Ws know one ithaii whohsstot g 44h MO 6 011otetta 1111141 94111 *Oki . ' • • EXECUTORIPSALE Of Valuable Fat -M Lands lfl •the'Townshiesif Kinloss The undersigned Executor of the Estate of'.Duncan Graham, late of 1, the .Township of Wawanosh in the County, of 'Huron, Yeoman, deceased, will offer for sale by %Public Auction AT' THE PHEMISES • by Ellett Miller, Auctioneer, on Thursday the Second day of October, A. D., 1930, at .Two o'clock in the afternoon, the' lollowingvaluable property, niimelY: • • - , The North halves of -Lots number forty-seven and forty-eight in the First Conceisien, of ,thit,Towiriship of Kinloss in the'-Countv.41%Bruee con- taining one hundred acresmore or less. • • On this property is situate a 'good stone dwelling, '21 ft by '32 ft, and stone addition, 20 ft. by 36 ft. con- taining nine rooms. Frame barn 40 ft. by 60 ft. with stone stabling underneath, Frame driving ,shed, 30 ft. by.,..36 ft., stene. foundation, hog 'pen and hen bonse underneath. t • . About three acres of good orchard. well 'watered with never failing springs, . •About fifteen acres of standing timber,..principally hardwood. • - • This property i being' sold for the purpose of winding op, the Ratite of the said deceased. TERMS OF SALE:—Ten percent of purchase, to be- paid on the day df sale,,' the balance in thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Portlier narticulars and conditions Of sale will 'be made known on the day of, sale. or may be 'bad on appli- cation to the mule/aline d: • * Alexander Gellert. • • - ttmkumw, Ont.' • 1.mInmv. Ont. Vendor ,• Auctioneer (25-9—c) p • Whiter Wheat WANTED Lucknow Flour Miffs W. E, Treleaven • • 4,151 ot4,"