The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-11, Page 8ra, 41 Ti L R DA" ;, gEPTEmBra lye Hands That Play i n .4 Never.Lack Invitations ,. Lommencing 7HURSDAY, SEPT. llth, 1930,• thee will be con- ducted in 'Lucknow, a series of piano classes sianiiar to those already adopted in Toronto Conservatory of Music * schools i all the principal cities. Children. . ' are taken in small groups afterschoolhoursand 'with aU g p 1v 4 the aid of a piano 4 neveral dummy keyboards are taught not Cady . piano playing' but also fundamentals Of theory, ear -training. etc., up to Elementary grade. The fee for each half . hour lesson taken twice a week is twenty-five cents- making it possible to give more than one child in a family t 'e benefit of a musical education. , When 'studying in groups children have atwo-fo 1d adva n to a in compering their Work and progress with that of others and' at :the same time have'N e . privilege...of hearing others' work iriticized , and commend Th • decreatef The ten torid' rival . nay .y rivalry and, keen, competition a-. mane :children is-. best shown by. •.the willingness of pupils -.of ' piano classes to practise. _Monthly re orts showing the ,progress .made hy each -chil''a re provided: Parents: are asked to telephone er. write, 'to -secure', 'an enrolment ,, , ' Franz Liszt, `one of the earliest composers to sponsor class work -------is quoted: "Fill your, home with music and happiness,, will come to live with you." • Norma Treleaven A.T.c. M 'PHONE 123 ' %,, I ' LUCKNOW Pupils who have 'been. studying With a .local teacher during the: past three months will ;not . be enrolled. . HOLYROOD The eleventh annual- Kinloss =School- Fair will be held at Holyrood, Friday Sept. 12th. A booth .ander- the aus= piles .of the Institute. will .be on the grounds as usual. Everyone try to come and make the ' day a success.. .Miss Marion Hodgins _has gone to Smoky Lake, . Alberta to commence; duties' in Kolokreeka School ' Home. • -• Mass Mary Hodgins Jhas.,,reeturned..to. Burgesville,•:Ont. to .resume her duty as, teacher. Mr.'Bert Thompson^has gone to Ayr where .he' has charge of the Reidvillc school. Mr. and: Mrs. Howard Elliott and son Clayton and Mr. Gardner, of De. troit, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elliott' and little daughter -Joyce, .were recent Visitors at Almer Ackert's. The H. W. Institute met • at the home 'of : Mrs, Wile Wall, • Thursday Sept. 4th, at the usual hour with at- tendance of twenty-four: Mrs. Hanna, tlie•.l president, presided. Miss Hazel Peycy acted ' as . Secretary. It was de- cid'ei that the 'Institute have charge of the booth on the grounds School Fair day as in past years. Each member please bring a pie. , Tea, coffee,, sandwiches . and hot dogs will be served in the Institute hall, `'Mrs. Almer Ackert . had charge of ,the topic', "Moemaking .ways for Rural Girls". Mrs. #oward •;Harris prepared, a splendid paper on "Bee Keeping," which was read by Miss; Aysles. Miss Hazel Percy had charge of the dressmaking lino which she very ably handled. All enjoyed discus- sion on poultry which was very help- ful. Mrs. Ackert then took up,"The tea-room for tourists," "Gift . Shop," "Marketing . of garden produce," etc. Mrs. ' Howard Robinson' favored the meeting with a reading,•"The Face on the Floor." There being a flower con- test, "A bouquet of Asters," . Mrs. Joseph Hanna was awarded lst, Mrs. • Walter Hodgins ' 2nd, Mrs, Fred Thompson 3rd. The fudges were Mes- dames' Joe Wall, Archie McFarlane, and Wilson. The meeting closed with t'ie National Anthem, after which Isnch was served by the hostess,. and committee in charge, and all enjoyed a social hour. ' Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Chatreau and son Alex, of Riversdale, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Albert Thomp- son`s. We are very sorry to report the ill:iess of Mr. Thomas Harris, who - in the Goderich hospital for treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie . Ackert and family spent a few days at the C.N.E. `tile past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Met. Henderson and f imily of Lucknow,' Mr. and Mrs. Dust Dobson and family of 'Ethel 'were Sunday ,visitors at Charles Congrain's • Dr. and Mrs. Newton and Eunice there Sunday visitors at ' Ernest Ackert's. ' here in Paramount. We ask you to accept this burse,,. 4'i1AT-111,i(H — • which we hope, will, •in a small meas- ' s• tire at least, convey to you our best The apple evaporator at Blyth, pro- iwshes kr your future happiness and ertyf T. H. Brown of Toronto was prosperity. p totallybt Signed on behalf of your nei�*hbors, S n? dmor'mn . The fire, had; made Way 'g'Jim Ifetcliabaw considerable headway before it was Fred Martin, discovered, and nothing could be done Mr. Swan made a suitable reply, to. check. its progress. It is difficult thanking the people on 'behalf of him - to n P ount for the origin of the fire. rt faro he is w ife. self and h The plant had not been used fo more �' g ssttn . kohu+S`aaTr rev,gvv$ than mid d, nobody was known • to be about it for several days. The . When 'he" , thinks' of her as'egpettsiVe aoaa 1 Maid to 'be about &wend by int�taad of da the o i moo . ��h n y n ie tp�i it pe, ate 'spit,, • , MAFEKING Mr,, anti Mrs: Jas •M. isener' of Strat- ford and Mrs. Mlsener's father Mr. Clarence Shackelton of Wingham;, sts' of Mr: and Mrs.. Herb Curran weregueon Suniia'y. Mrs. Sar:'ah 'era accompnied Mr. and ,Mrs. misener to Stratford ,where she will be their guest for a few; weeks.' Mr., and Mrs.. J. D. Hesson . of: Stratford visited at Mr. S. J. Kilpat- rick's Sunday' Mr. and Mrs; . h Andrew of Zion, Alfred and•Mrs. Andrew ' and Winnifred.'of.'Owen Sound, and Mrs. John ;Helm • and Miss Ada Helni of Zion. visited Mr. David Anderson.- Sun- day afternoon. .Rev:—and .Mrs.. Tavener of: the Ash- field circuit'retur:'neti Friday from a delightful trip, throught : the Maritime provinces: . Miss ;Jessie' McIyor of Kingsten, was• the' guest of her' sister . Mrs.', Elmer Philips last. week. Mrs. N. Ricardson of Proton, who spent. last . week ' with her mother, Mrs; Isaac' Cranston, Sr, ,returned home Sunday._._: Quite a number from here at- tended the Anniversary . services at Dungannon; Sunday. The following local teachers . re= sumed their • duties last week: Miss Alice and Mr. Finlay Shackelton are. in different .schools this .term, the -foimer "at ` BelBra ve and the atter' is principal of 'a; two=room• school at. Priceville, Miss Olive Anderson •at Cherry ' Grove, . Miss : Grace Blake. at Nile; Miss JOlive Kilpatrick at Crewe, Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick at Dungannon and Miss. Margaret Finlay has taken he first school en the 4th Con. of Ashfield: Miss Beryl Johnston did not take' a school thia term. Richardih `patrick is attending . Goderich Colleg- iate Institute and 4aek, Jini and Dor- othy Curran, Jean. Anderson, , Winni- fred Blake, Nellie.., Cranston and: Pearl - Thompson - are attending Lucknow Continuation School. Mr. Will Cook was taken suddenly ill Tuesday and is . 'under 'the Dr's. care at present ASHFIELD NOTES - lay -entitled- I-II--Explain=Ever-y -Every- thing" thing" will he a feature of the Con- cert to be given following the School Fair at Courey's Corners, on .Sept. 15th.. The play is said to be good. The September • meeting , of the Paramount Ladies' Club' will meet at the hoihe•-'of Mrs. John MacDonald, 12th Con. of Ashfield, on 'Tuesday, Septeniber 16th, miss Mary and Jean Switzer, of, Norval have returned to their home , after visiting then; cousin, Mrs. John Irwin. . Miss ,Mary MacLean has arrived homeafter 'a two-month visit • in Southern California., She spent some time in Omaha, Neb. and Chicago on herr way home.' • ' Miss Ann McLennan 'of Chicago is yivsiting her brother,, 'Mr. D. A. Mc- Lennan. J. F. Cook and family have re- turned home after spending a week with his father and mother. Rev. and Mrs. P.M.4polquhoun have..- returned home after; 'spending their vacation at Barrie, Toronto and .Ham- ilton. • • • , Mrs. C. E. 'MeDonai. h spent ' last week attending the: ,C,N.E. at Toronto and visiting friends. there:'. Mr. George Topp' of . Toronto . is the guest, of -Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mac- Donagh this week. . Mr, and Mrs. Jim Grant of Chicago. are spending` a couple of weeks at the home of ehe'. formers" parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. A. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant, Mrs: R. A. Grant, Mr. Wilfred' Farrish and Mrs. Angus MacD°armid motored to Toronto last week to'attend• the Ex. and returned by way of Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, N. Y., spent Saturday with their cousin Mrs. James COL' ' The marriage to61i place on Wed- nesday, Aug. 27th, at Dungannon of Miss Marion Disher, daughter of M=. and Mrs. Adrian Higher. to Mr. Earl Swan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George- Swan, 12th Con, Ashfield. On Friday evening a reception was ten- dered them by, the young people of the community in the Paramount hall, the following address ,was read by Jim Ketchabaw and- they were pre sented with a purse of money by Fred Martin: • To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan:- Dear Mr: and' Mrs. Swan:— On this occasion of your marriage we gather here to -night to extend to you our very hest wishes: To you Earl, we may say . that you have lived among us for many years, taking' an active partin our commun. its, in the cluja, dramatical . life, etc. We always found in you a friend— ready always to give a helping hand where needed. To you Mrs. Swan, we welcome you to our cominuhity. In the future we hope to get to know you and that you will become one of our number TWO BARNS BURNED 1 - 'NEAR GODERICH. Two barnflees occurrednear Goderich' on .S arles Bell, 6tIi Gonc@esion.of God erich. Township was . case, the building; and season's crop an being a total loss.' Wm. Westtak,Road Loser. Threshing was -the' other was his place, in operation at n .fire the blower seeing developed in 't the straw ablaze.. In . , the contents were comp building and co letely destoyed. Thee was hauled -to apiece of -safety.--- ,- gtrday .last, , Ch , . t}• loser in one ' on the Bayfield . when this case also $hreshing, outfit KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins: ,and Mr. Bert McLean visited with!friends' in Luc - an on Sunday. • .,• • • Mr. and Mra. Chas. Percy and Mary of Cleveland and Mrs. Jas. Percy of l ondon visited with friends here re- cently. . Mr. and • Mrs. Harold Campbell of Kincardine spent Sunday at F. C. Haldenby's. ' Mrs. V. Percy and: son Alvin of Detroit whited with friends here last week. .. • ' Don' forget to keep the date of October 14th open for the Hot .Fowl supper and entertainment at the Church of Ascension, Kinlough4 Rev. �H. Appleyard is having his holidays at pielent. On Sunday next Mr.- Jack Reynolds of Kincardine twill conduct services in the absence of the rector. • - Mr. and .Mra. Bert McLean, Misses Evelyn MacLean and Mabel. Hedley and Mrs. Alf. Haldenby motored to Toronto last week, and spent a few days at the lE:'xhibition. ZION We, are glad to welcome Rev. and Mrs. Tavener back, after spending a month with friends in Nova Scotia. , Mr. and Mrs. -Alfred Andrew and Winnifred spent Sunday with kr. and Mrs. Isaac ' Atdrew. Mrs.. Wm.Hunter,,., Jr. is spending._ this. we., k with Mrs. Alf. Andrew at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie were in Goderich on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs; John ./teed ' of Auburn. were tri Atoll with Mr. an4 Mrs. Will, Gardner on S'unday.' I Mrs. Charles-MacDonagh is spend, ing a couple of weeks with friends in Tor'onto,, while there she will at.. tend the •wedding of Miss Evelyn' 1popp'.. •. , . ...Woof Eva Gardner of G6' etich it aindin .tete, 0» et herQlo • ' ( AS O LD C U C TE HFIE II R H NO. My wife and ,I have just returned from a great trip to the provinces down by the sea. I have come hack to old Ontario with the growing eoni_ yiction that we are marching 'toward'- a better day --and that Canada is pav- ing the•way to the new spirit and the new times. The work is not being done by politicians—by governments Of this or any',of the great nations of the world. God' is paving the way to'-progress•through the good -will- and c i' of tem er of all aorta and and taons P , men, irrespectiveof religion and race. This'' is no .story, �of fiction -it is the, actual.. count through'•contacts. Tot my people in fi'.am glade to • be baek'fiiome .wAshith , yeldou' agIain, The ,days• that l'ie ahead . are :bright with promise, °sharing as .we. do .the cork of making" this country', after. the .pattern of, God's design. Services •next Sunday, Sept. 14th- Zion' 11; '.a. m.; : , • Hackett's 3 p.m.; Blake's 7 p. m. c ; ST, HELENS i Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and Mr. and ,Mrs. John Cameron were re- cent visitors with. friends, at Mitchell. Mrs. Chas. Durnin, Sr:. returned' home after spending a few weeks With different members of her family e Morristonn cR1Pi.,yandWin :. ham..... g. Misses Mary and 'Elizabeth Salkeld of : Goderich Were week -end visitors with Mrs. Miller and Mrs,, .Gordon. BORN—at the Manse, Northville, Mich:, on Sunday 'Sept. 7th, to Rev. H. G. and Mrs. Whitfield, a daughter '-Betty 'Helene. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Wallace and Mr. Wilmer Wallace, Mrs. McMath. and Miss Mary Jenkins oq Clinton, were visitors,; with "Mrs. Gordon•'• one' day, recently. They attended the,:fun- eral o f the late . Mrs. Robertson all Lucknow_ . ., Mrs: • W. I. Miller, Hugh. Rutherford T. J. Salkeld, John. McGuire and . Will Webster were among those .who at- tended -the Western Fair. Don't forget the School Fair to he. held in St., Helens' on Friday. Splen- did talent has been secured for the cocert to be held in the evening. The monthly meeting of the Harris Mission Band willbe held on Satur- day afternoon, next, in the united Church. ' Mrs. E. J. Thom was a visitor with Miss Margaret' Miller at Port 'Elgin recently. The annual meeting d the, Y.P.B.0 of the United Church will be helc next Sunday evening. All the young people are invited. The Womens.Institute meeting held. at_Mrs. Joe Gaunt's last Thursday was in charge sof the Grandmothers and proved quite a. success.' After the regular business had been transacted, the grandmothers, wearing their White caps and aprons took charge of the program. Mrs. •Archie Anderson took the chair. Humorous minutes of the last meeting were read by , Mrs. Lyons. Several suitable readings and gongs .were given after. which . the lunch Was served by .the grand- mothers. The stork left a baby boy at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Earl Cran- 'sten on Tuesday, Sept. 9th -Congra- tulations. Edi .h P SBYT E ' >< KE 1' vv, . A ., X. . On August the 27th a special meet- ing was held. Mrs (Rev:) ,Hugh Me-' Milian gave a very' interesting .ac- count of the •work she and her hus- band are doing in Formosa. She also told of the 'work that Miss Dorothy Douglas is doing. Mrs. McWhinney,'. the president of the M'aitland Pres- byterial spoke a few" words of aP-. predation to Mrs. McMillan for the splendid 'address. The musical part of the program consisted of 'a piano solo by Miss Katherine McKenzie and .a duet' by • Misses Mabel McLure, and Mary 'Douglas? both '' of ' which were much enjoyed. At. the close of the meeting a social ;hour was spent. , The members' of . the W.S.. were invited to hold the regular meeting In the .South Kinloss Church' on :Sept'. 3rd. Mrs. Alex Sutherland, the. presi-, 'dent of the South Kinloss Aux., wel- comed the members of the Ifinlougli and Lucknow Auxiliaries, Mrs' G H' Douglas then presided. Miss Pearl Henderson and Mrs. McWhinney gave very interesting and , inspiring addres- ses. Their messages were very clearly and forcibly give : rs. Phillip Stew- ard sanga solo and° rs. B. Chesnut gave a reading'' bo OP which, were enjoyed by all. SOISTLE. CONFIERENCE With more than fifty in...e attendance including farmers from thr e'. coun- ties, agricultural representatives' and: various �fficials .. of the department a• meeting ih the interest of sow thistle control :was held on the farm of W. D. Hyslop,' : near Stratford, where experiments • with regard T 4 the weed have been conducted' on four _:plats. Last .year the .ntire fielid ras_ a grain ,crop yielding, about' fifteen bushels to the acre .and much infest I ed with sow thistle. On each of. the four plots a portion was' left unfer- I tilized while another part' received .an application of 400 pounds per acre. In 'every case the fertilizer had checked the ow thistle. Severy oth- er experimenvihich had been- con- ducted were discussed at length by J. A. Carroll, director of the crops' and market .branch, who explained the different methods carried on. - ____,i1..0..0_. RAPID on. +-o-o-- RAPID CITY Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dees and babe of Clinton, are spending , a few days with their, cousin, Mr•. Albert Carter. : Miss Rebecca and Sarah Carter of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs: Sam Durnin A .St.' Helens visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter. Mr. and :Mrs. Jack Carter of Ripley visited with the -Carter Bros: on Sun- day last.; Mr. and Mrs: Charlie Thompson Mr. Hiram Bloom, Mra. Sills and son Lorne and Mr. foy McInnis visited over the week -end, with' friends at Hamilton and Burlington. .Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts of Mt. )orest,.-Mas. Geo. Dobbs of Golden Valley, Mr. Tom Champion, of New York, Mrs. Fred Champion of• Erds- sels'and Mr. Chas. Lever of .Calvin. visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. Mark Gardner. Mr: Peter ' Carter and Mr. Henry Carter spent a few days recently with. at Camp Borden and Angus. 'ATTENDED FUNERAL AT -11A i MI Mrs. Janes Webster was at Bayfield last" week, where, on Aug.. 31st'Ishe attended the funeral. of her' brother, William .Reid who had Os - sed away at, the age .of. 59, years. H leaves a widow and : one daughter, Reid IA enjoyed 'good healt u nt•1 last winter when he became it and in May underwent two operation in Victoria. Hospital, London. - Th' Was, followed by pneumonia and h i in the hospital bad to 'remain . p , 1 tw Xmonths. ' He was then taken hemE and appeared ;for 'a time to be :re covering, but ' he took a had . turn ': week before his death;,andsank rap idly: • The late -Mr. Reid was highly'ir garded by all who knew •him a'a good citizen and Aprogressive. farniel Besides Mrs. Webster, there 'ar five sisters and two •brothers, NOTICE , TO ' CREDITORS In the matter -of the Estate ' of John -Button, late of the Village . o Lucknow • in the County of . Bruce Manufacturer, deceased.' - Notice is hereby given that all per sons having any claims, or demands against. the , late John Button, who died onor about the sixth day • of May, A.D. 1930, at the:City of London 'in the;. Province of .Oiitario, .are re- quired to send bypost prepaid or .to deliver to the undersigned, . 'executor. under- the -Will -of the raid °:Iohn Bud- ton, their ' names and addresses' and hill particulars in writingof their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the r,ltureof the securi- ties,'. if any. held by thein, duly yea-. fled by afidavit • And take notice that' after the fourth day of October, A,D. 1930, the said F. ecutor will proceed, to' distri- bute the assets of the' said deceased among the 'persons 'entitled` thereto,' -having regard-only-to--the-claims--o which he • shall then have had •'notice, and that the raid' Executor will,:not be' liable for the said assets" or any part thereof tu. ,any person of whose claimhe shall not tinhave received notice. • , This 'notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated at Lucknow this With. day of September, A.D., 1930. ' ' Russell C. Robertson, Lucknow, Ont. Executor of the. Will of John Button. NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that allcreditors of John Purvis of Holyrood, who Biel. on the 25th day of Febr' ry, 1930,. and Jill other• persons balling claims against his estate are hereby • reduired to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the Twenty-fifth day of Septem- ber„ 1930, full particularof their claimaR't'ss after that datthe estate will be distributed without regard to.., the claims of which no _ notice has been received. Dated at Walkerton this 4th day of September, 1930. Robertson & Robertson, '', Walkerton. Ont. -rig; Solicitors for Elizabeth Purvis and Susan Purvis. Holyrood, 'Ont., Executrices. Special Values in. Radio Cabinets and Tables for battery sets. Samples on display. Res! clearout prices. T. W. SMITff. Central Garage. (18-10—c.) Winter Wheat • WANTED l.liacknow Flour Mills W.E. Treleaven • TORONTO'S FINE SKYLINE. • 1 ' w NookotonsuaAmk kis tie el 'ai u 1 oiontot, l 4 Q o 't+ • *44111'610irrei ,lr iI Wee a titer diti r wtk o 'tile l ;'r' � t9 ''IRO: !!til' iq 0 • 'Cii4 a tkd piatlth it titsR Retest �Y Ypre �ot1i• il {hAA itlat Ao1*i # t. Oiv WINS ittli'1t, se 0 r *flit Ql c utit+p