The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-04, Page 1!°- ,a?•Ukat 4, • A • .! • 6k •,‘ 4-41, A • MOO PER YEAR IN ADVANCEI; OFREMVISE LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 4th, 1950• ' • SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS DR. W. M. CONNELL Physician and Surgogn 1.onekneirr awn: 1.30-4.30 1-11 Phone 96 DENTIST L. L. Trideavea, Lacknow—. Emma: 9-1,2 A. M. L30--5 P. M. P'hene 53' ho hi Dungannon oven' Thursday •, WALL PAPER—A' fullo IRO • . Wall Posper inIliad. Prices cons: &di down ior 1930.1 .am also agent • gm sding Job housba.—E. J. coaater• •*at 'Decorator, Painter and Grainer, Doi 174, Luaknow. A modern Heintzwan upright Piano for sale. Must be disposed of at once. Terms accepted from responsi- ble party. Apply to Box 256. ' • (4=-9---p„) FOR SALE -Four registered York boars, 5 Months O1d4. Dan Mck4unon, .R. 3, Hebrew'. Phone Lucknow 3 on 46. •FOR RENT—Comfortable eight room house, hard and soft water, bah acre of ground- Apply at Sentinel Office. (28-7—tf.) 6 IL P. gasoline engine,,nearly new •andi 4! good running order for sale. Apply to A. E. mortis. c. N. It. Sta- • tion. Lueknow. • TYPEWRITING COURSE 41•=mmimmmo • Why not enroll With, us now for a thordugh course in typewriting? Piipib entering Sept. 2nd to 15th and Relishing in December are then able to start their Shorthand Courna, Jan. tnd.• By thus takin half .the course at *Mare you are solved many dollars • in board. • E. M. Henderson. Agent b. N Express & •Telegraph. lip•••••=rm. 1/No••••••••••••. 411110=MMWO All summer outing shoes at. cost,, at CONTRACT FOR DEEP WELL •1 LUCKNOW SCHOOL HAS W. 1, Little's Shoe Store. LAYNE WATER SUPPLY CO'S. TENDER ACCEPTED Mr. Donal! McLean of Winnipeg, spent the 'week -end with friends .°n Mr. Alex Murdie of London is boli daying at 'the home or his parents, Mr. and4360. Wm. :Murdie. Miss Gladys Grant from New York is a visitor at the hemp of. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Ostrander. - - Mrs. Erl: Percy and son 'Alvin. of Detroit, spent Labor, Day with friends in Kincardine and Kinlough. Just received a shipment of Men's and Boy's Work Shoes. Call for yours at W. J. Little's Shoe Store. Mr. , and Mrs. Cameron McDonald are spending this week visiting at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Toronto.. Miss 'Isobel Craw left for Toronto on Tuesday, -where she has entered Grace Hospital As nnrse-in-training. • The first contract in, connection with Lucknow's new water supply systemwas let at a meeting of the Village Council held on. August'30t11- The tender by the. Layne Canadien Water Supply °CantlianY, and equipping of a deep well was necepted.. As there -appear:: to be 'Some understanding about the aacceptante of this tender, we give home the min- ute. of the meetings at'which • the. business was done, together with the consulting engineer's • repert on the tenders, and his reason for recom- mending the tender of the Layne co. in preference, to one ;A;n;lower figure. Airiest 21; 1930.: Special meeting of the omen -held on this date, Reeve E Rae in the chair. : •COuneillora present, Andersen, Mil - We wiould bi glad to tell you what ler,: Hamilton. it would;cost to heat. Your home, eith- Moved by Anderson and Miller that er by Hot Air or Hot Water. E. 11. Agnew be acting clerk: in the Murdie & Son. absence of Joseph Agnew—carried. Tenders for drilling a deep wen as provided in,l3y-law 4, 1930 were re- ceived as follOws: Layne Canadian Water Supply Company, Toronto, $11,250; C. H. Richardson Co. St. Marys, 513,00e. Three. other tenders, not complying With the :• engineer's specifications were received as follows: Jordon Rob- • erts co.; Brantford, $7,250; Layne Water Supply Co.; 48,100; C. If: Rich- ardson Co:, $7.500: • --(The point on which these did not • coinply with the engineer's specificaJ tions was the equipment -L -pump, pow- er, &c.) • Moved by Hamilton and Miller that the acting clerk be instructed to hay@ the marked cheques accompanying the tenders, placed for safe keeping with the Bank of Montreal—carried. • Moved by Anderson. and Hamilton, that the clerk be instructed . to4,for- ward the Goer, Nesmith & Storie, consulting engineers, Toronto, all tenders received—carried. Council adjourned. • August -30, 1930: • A meeting of the Village Council was held on this date. Reeve R. Rae in the chair. • Councillors present: Anderson, Hamilton, Miller and 3ful-- Mr. and Mrs. D.- M. Johnston and daughter Helen of London, visited during the vieek-end with relatives. Dirs. Frank...McIntosh and children, Jean and Ewen, of Windsor visited last week with friends in Lucknow and Ashfield. Miss Florence Hamilton accompan- ied her uncle, Mr. Donnelly 'on his return to Chicago and will take a • position there. •- • Mies Jean McClure, R.N., from Niagara Falls has returned .to her :some here where she will spend the winter with her father. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin of Toron- to accompanied by Miss Evelyn Kee of Whmipeg, visited -last week with friends and relatives here. •Mrs. Young and Arthur of Mon - AUCTION SALE treat, who have been visitors with 3fr. and Mrs. E. Hollyiran returned to their home on Saturday. •'Mr, and Mrs. Ed. McQuiUin and family Were in Toronto the past week when they attended the C.1 N. E. and took the boat trip to Niagara. Gentlemen see the new fall made- to-measure'clething Samples at Bus - well's Dry Goods' Store. His price on Navy Blue Suits is interes.ting. An "Eze" Electric Washer with copper tub used only one year, at leas than half priee. -Guaranteed to be in first class sl -ape. Wm. Murdie • The house and lot on Havelock St. south, property of Mire. James Buriss, will be offered for sale by public auction; ,on' tlatiarday, Sept. 13th,' at •. 4 Wei:cock P.M. There is a comfortable frame house and good stable. Offer subject to reserved bid. •• Elliott Miller. Ane, (4-9—e.) TOWNSHIP WM. WAWANOSH • **tics of Fint Posting Up of Voters' !Lid for 19311. -- Notice is hereby given that I have • complied with section 7 of,The Voters. Lists -Act and that I have nos' ted up at mg office in West Wavianosh on she rub day of August A.D. 1930, • she llat pf all persons entitled to vote • tho odd, Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for ampection: And 1. hereby call snip all voters to take immediate Proceotrusgs to bave tiny mon or • Oleartiell'Oea corrected according to law. The bat day of appeal being the , Seventeenth day of September, A.D., ' • 1930. Dated at West Wawanosh* this g7th day of August, A.D. 1930. DURNIN PHILLIPS, . Clerk 'Of the 'township of West Wa- wanosh, • TENDERS WANTED • • • For the construction and repair of a drain on Lot N % of 17,.concession 12, West Wawanosh. DiMensions and quontitY of mabriat are as follows: 807 ft.= of closed drain—contractor to supply 490 ft of ten inch tile. • 430 ft. of open drain with bottom • widthif 2 feet and sides with one to ono slope, 336 feet of tile drffin to lie clean- ed and tile replaced. Tenderi will be received up to 12 (o'clock noon on Thursday. Sept. lith . 1930. A cheque for 10% of the eta- . ORA mut be eittleSed, With eath • der. The lowest or any tender • not • necessarily accepted. Address tenders to Dollijo Philips, Luckhow, La.2. Mildred Treleaven Mezzo -Soprano Teacher of Singing r ta,*.qaa. 16,4 Misses, Winnifred .and Josephine Aitchison have returned to F.Irriston after spending the school vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Aitchison. , Mrs. Wm. Naylor who was nursing Mrs. Wilson. -4th Con., Kinloss is now at Albert Brown's, Amberley, taking care of:Mr. James Brown, who has been seriously ill. Dr. W. P.•Freeman, his wi:e and their son, Pent Adair; of. Springfield, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free- man of Buffalo; were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt. Mr. T. S. Reid accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Patmore, were here from Orillia for the recent holi- day. Sirs. T.: S. Reid who had been here ler a few weeks returned with Mr. ad Mrs. Malcolm Armstrong having returned from their honey - Moon trip, -anent a few days of hat week with Mr. and Mrs. Murdie, be- fore leaving on Thursday for Port Arthur where they will make .their' home. •,to: • • Lait week we mentioned the suc- cess attained by Malcolm Watson in his Upper School Emma at Wingham Since then we have learned that he has been awarded the Queen's Uni- versity Nichol,. Memorial Scholprshlp,4 although at present he piens to at- tend Stratierd Normal SchooL A communication was received from, Goer,.. Nesmith & Storie recommend- ing acceptance of the tender by the Layne Canadian Water Supply Co., for a deep well and equipment at 411,250. Moved by Hamilton and Miller that the tender of Layne Canadian Water Supply Company for deep well and equipment at 311.250- be accepted -L-carried 'unanimously. Council adjourned. The' letter from the consulting en- gineers recommending the acceptance of a , tender, and giving reasons for the recommendation follows: Toronto, -Aug. 28. 1930 The Reeve & Councillors of 'the • Municipality of Lucknow, Ontario. Re. Water Works Extensions •' Deep Well Tenders • , Gentlemen: • On the 23rd; inst, and the 25th, inst We received word from you the ten- ders opened for !Se drilling of a well in the Municipality' in accordance with the specifications issued from this office. We -have eiansined these tenders and now beg to submit our report as folloivs:--- In all tenders were received from three different firms, two of the firms Fitting in alternatives to, that sped- fied. The tenders received were as .followsi.o- • loarze4Cartadian Water Supply Co. Limited, Toronto 311,250.00 • Alternative tender ' .38,100.00 C. Richardson .& .Company, Limited St. MarA • 313,000.00 • Alternative tender .0,500.00 • Alternative, Jordan Roberts, Mies Limited, Brantford • $1,200..00 • We have given this matter a good deal of tonsideration and have cense .•••••••••••. to the Conclusion that taking the long view point of the whole sittration Sie The annual 'meeting of the Luck - are strongly of the (opinion that the Mae Elevator Company Limited will interests of the Municipality would' be held in the office of Geo. A. piddon be best served by accepting the for the specifications as t Layne - -on -Saturday evening; Sept 6th -at tender all -i ed for at the' priee of $11,256.0. 'the '8 °'861k sharp. The report 01 the • equipment furnished With' this tender year's business, election of ' officers ' Mervin Solomon, 501) of Mr. and is of the very best deseriptiotrelim- and other business transacted. *rt.; Austin motion of town, is DIA_ hating •as far as postible everything • Jas. Alton, Ptesident: that could give any potsibb cause for• jog fittoritNe recoverY from mime • ,• Continued -on Page 5) injury as* result of A DID on Wed- EN G--o.e-oAGEtiort nesday of, feat week. The Young lad •WEDDING. BELLS . Mrs. Albert 'Rivera, Egumndville, was playing in the barn Of Charles' • , 'Mills, near Bervie *lien he fell.doWn Married in Detroit en Angina ylottinetingelere6sdothetteen814::aenttetilltof•mherr. , 29th, lby the Rev. Dr. Me S. Rice the bay 'delta to the elluitit floor in Florence; May, youngest daughter oi, 'Meier Snell, Selefortk eldest'Son of the stabil, 8#11cipit Id. heed with* the let, Mr.and Mrs: John IfiteDiaet Mil, illitplurer Seen, Leedoilierk itikeod klys ttestolen. tor *All nol 0114441**/'.6ntt..t° M. Altrrn' *id th� hit* thatplirty hill, •4116 ON 114616 lilt 16001111 1 ilak $1111,4 W% r mot plimot 1 0111900110 $9Ssite pins ink IN bite tvroPt ..... .1.4 •,, oA ' $ LI • * %a .06**44.441....-•.• .. ...••-..1* , • .... i' ' * • BIG CONTINUATION CLASS It *AS's: busy day on Tuesday at the local School, for the :principal and assistants, if not for the pond's:• School reopened With, the contin- nation classes bigger than 'otter. There has been evidence of increase each „Year, but this Year the attend,. ante 'went up with something of a bound. No less than 120 are enrolled Last term there were about one hun- shed, and before. did the number was ahont, 90. Such advance as this cer 7 tainly speaks well for the school and the .teaching staff. The question at present is: What are we going to do with thein all? However, it is more eficauraging. getting along with too many than with not enough. ' There is one change in the Con- tinuations department. Miss McLean is back as principal; after spending her vacation at'her fernier home near Dungannon. Mr. P. M. Grant, who was the very efficient first assistant the past two years has gone to Toronto, • and is succeeded by Mr. Gordon John:3ton who had Form I last term. Form will be taught by Miss Olive Alton.. The Public School rooms are also • well filled, with Misses MacDonald, iMacCallum; 'Murdie and Mrs. Sher - riff in Charge.• - We must add that the 'caretaker had everything- in first clais, order for the re -opening, 'and all are now away to a good start. REV. C. H. DICKINSON • GOES TO 'NORTH QUEBEC Our Ashfield and Lucknow readers will be especially interested in the • following which 1,v,e copy from • the New Outlook of August 27th. ' "A press item tells of *-the, appobt- nent of Rev. C. II. Dickinson, B.A. assistant pastor of St. Amit ew's Church, Moose Jaw, to °mission work at Dolbean, 200 miles north of. Que- bec CIty. This appointment was made by the superintendent .of missions for Montreal and Ottawa Confere,nce on Mr. Dickinson offering for front- ier work. Mr.' •and Mrs. Dickinson , leave for their new work on Septem- ber- 1st. This action of Mr. Dickin- son's speaks' for itself and • Saskat- chewan church people will certainly wish' him Well in his new sphere. St Andrew's Session passed a resolution of regret at his departure, and ap- preciation of his work." • Rev. and Mrs. Dickinson were .at Lucknow and Ashfield on their wed- • ding trip, only a few weeks ago. ' DEATH OF MRS. G,: S. ROBERTSON Mrs. Gee: S. Robertson who has been an invalid for the past ten years Ipassed away at the family home in the lvillage about 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in her 77th year. The funeral •aill' be, on Friday after- noon, service to be at the house • at two O'clock. . Before her marriage the deceased was Miss Mary MacAllister. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn, one son Stewart E Robertson, at home and Mrs. iCt. G. MacKenzie of -Ashfield. • APPRECIATION . • Having disposed of my business in Lucknow to Messrs. Reid & Ratbwell, •I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the people of the village and surrounding country • for their patronage during the years it has been my pleasure to serve them, and I bespeak for my successors the same 'kind of treatment which I en- joyed° Allan Turner. LUCKNOW ELEVATOR • , COMPANY LIMITED • The Bread H'"- ' The Bread . • of Health 0 VIS of Health - , OUR Morro: ii, QUALITY AND SERVICE. .....Q.,...,..........; QUALITY PRODUCTs Job,tlIcas SAIISPAcTJON., OUR QUAL- ITY WHITE WHOLE WHEAT AND° RAISIN BREAD IS A. REAL. FOOD MADE FROM THE' HIGHEST CLASS INGREDIENTS. • .. 'SPECIAL'S . ' BON sOucag.; MUFFINS: RASBERRY TARTS, tRESH APPLE .PIE, NUT SQUARES,' CREAM PUFFS, BUTTER MILK 6AF, TUITI pat", RAISIN. SQUARES, JELLY ROLLS. . HOLLYMAN'S QtJALITY BAKERY • Phone 36 , •Lucknow- = 0 OBITUARY Alfred H. Hodgins • • On TuesdaY,. August 26, 1930, there: occurred the death of Alfred H. Had- • gins. well:known in the 'vicinity of Holyrood for over 50 years. In 1901 he married Adeline E. Cox who, sur-, The late Mr. Hodgins was a inan of upright character and was highly respected by all who knew nim., He was a member of t he Anglican • Church: and of .the Canadian Order of Foresters. Besides his wife he r• i. survived, by a daughter and son, Nor- inc Hodgins of Detroit, Mich., and Maurice .E. at' borne. Mr. Hodgins was of, a family Of fourteen, eight of whom have pzossecraivay. The living brothers and sisters are: .31i. Winton: Hodgins of Westford; Mr:, Jack Hod- gins of Kinlosigh; Mrs., Fred Haiden:- by of Westford; Mr. James Hodgins of tanlough and Mrs. B. Logan of Ripley: • The funeral on Angust 28, was' held from Iris late residence, pro- ceeding to the Anglican Church, Luc - know, where the 'Service was conduc- ted by Rev. Appleyard of Ripley.- A- REMARKABLE RECORD • Miss Kate King, daughter of Mr. Tom Kink of King Bros., Wingham, had unusual succes in writing Upper School exams at the Wingham High School. Writing 'on eleven subjects, she got eleven first. class honors. Boys and Girls school shoes at re- duced prices at W. J. Little's. NOTICE TO .:BOY• SCOUTS The Lucknow Troop of Boy Scouts is being re-organized.during the next few 'weeks. All boys who have pre- viously been scouts and would like to continue, and all other boys wishing to become scouts, please leave your names as soon as Possible either with Mr. Gordon Johnston or Rev. E. O. Gallaher. BORN • TRELEAVEN—In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on September 2nd, 1930 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven, • Lucknow; a daughter. • ORR—In Lucknow on Friday, Aug. 22, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr, a daughter, Opal May. ' 1RWIN—On Thursday, Aug. 28th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin, 10th Con. of Ashfiehl, a daughter. TEACHERS BACK TO WORK The following' local tpachers have resumed their duties: Alicia Mitchell at Dundass, Ruth Mitchell at Tim- mins, Myrtle Webster at Wellesley-, Prances Spence at Prescott, Mable McClure at Niagara, Clara McQuillan at Chippawa, :Catheiitre Ilarniltort at Tory Hill, -Marion McDougall, at Golden Valey; Grace, Lockhart •to Pordyce, Joan MacCallum to, Handl- ten, Harry Alton at Walkerton, Flora Andrew at London, Mary Douglas at Kitchener: W. F. Thornpson atToron. to, Edwin &hitt! at, 4th COri.., Kinloss. Rots McDonald ,at Kapinkasing, Glsa dys lIndiins :at Chatham, Myra. Mc- Donald and _Helen Thompson at the eth and 10th of Kinloss Thp. - 6th and 10th Of Kinloss Tp, Alma Alton at Loridon, Dean Geddes at Wirigham, Andrew Thompson. S:9, Kiriloss, Isabel Chesnut at Paramount Mr, Geo. Johnston who was in my empioif es track.driver, has, gone into butaliels tor- hfitiselfo but is soon is I lei �t a gettable Min the tench ,9* ••••= BM I I gib • • . An, • •..• FAMILY.TH• EATRE FRIDAY &, SA.TURDAY September "LIGHTNING'.. (From the story by Zazie Grey) Coming • Coming Special "PASSION" Winter Wheat WANTED • at Lucknow Muir Mills W.E. Treleaven OBITUA 10, ' Is 4 (Ahm. James Webster)'. • • - In last week's paper a brief ac -L . • .; • count was given of the death of Mrs.. James Webster, who died at the old homestead on the boundary Vest, on Monday, -August 18, and' whose fun- eral tdols place on Wednesday, Aug- ust2tt • Mrs. Webster, whose maiden name - was Grace" Reid, was born in the year 1845, and was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Reid, pioneer settlers of Kinloss, and spent her life in these parts. James Webster,, they took up •their home on the boundary West. She was a kind and faithful wife and •mother; of Igentle disposition. • She was loved • and respected by all who knew her as a neighbor and friend. Mr. Webster ,died in the year 1916, and since then, Mrs. Webster made her home with her son James, and family on thet old homestead. • Mr. Webster had been in declining health for, Some months. Although advanced in years he mental faculties were un- impaired, and she took great interest in having her friends and relatives come to see her. She had been a , member,. of the United Church for many years and iodine health permit-. ted enjoyed attending the services. She is survived by two sons and three daughters: Robt. of Varna; James on the old home; Mrs. 'George Coleman Egmonville; Mrs. Thos. Blake and Mrs. William Ritchie., Ashfield. One' daughter and three step-daughters some years ago: Mrs. Savage. of Grey Towrhip, Misses Kate and Minnie of Clinton and Mrs. 'James Reid, of Stanley Township. • Puneral service was largely atten- ded, from, the old home on Wednesday afternoon. Service was in charge of Rev- R. W. Cra4V of the United Church, intetrnent being in the fam- ily plot in Greenhill Cemetery. Six grandsons* acted as pallbearers. There were beautiful floral contributions; Norma Treleaven; A.T.C.M. • Teacher of PIANO and THt011.Y• " 'Phone 123 Card of Thanks Mrs. Adeline Hodgins and Wish to extend man Y thanks to the wilt tit int go .004 Amon. iffityirdpitoo;doittlitit)iltittior7sstiottttitorohinotif .•4,4•446* . 11§. *To ' 1* Mraeka•lOW • 5