The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-24, Page 7a • , ektit.4•14t.:44 .9 •,• < ••ye• • --- • <,.t--,' • . • • q • • • • -?IT'S THE CUSTOM IN 'CANADA 'Every matt,' has its own delightful social traditions . .• . 25 years ago it was considered a vely delicate attention for a lady to tight a gentleman's cigar .In Spain, the women still light their Men's cigart . An Canada,.the custom of smoking Wilson's Bachelor -100% Havana filler—cigars dates back a quarter of a ' century. Today, they are the outstanding ten pent brand in quality and populatily • • ' • and in pocket packs of fife— SIti/i most for the money • , . • • Owl Laffs • The injustrce of Justice Is unjmti- • • • Another good, way tti meet a lot ot college -trained men is to mention your desire to buy a few 'fiends, , "I have a 'great .memory,, I can recite 411 the names on three pages of the New York telephone directory. Wanna hear me? All right then: Levi, Levy, Levy; Levy, Levy!" • , Few persons want the photograph- . ers to take a Niceness of them. The laziest man. in the world to the one who tang:„ 4Moonbearn Kiss , Her For Me." You --Who's that? • • Me—President of a well-known or- ganization. • •Yott=-Worked his way up, eh? Me—Yon said it. Worked everybody hi sight; • • The German scientist's) pillow that nrevents snoring isn't _ss new idea. Rink town hiatels have that kind of, mattresses too. We wonder what Kapp s hen 'an absent-minded ientrilormi t takes, his gin on his lapi niay be all right Pei the women to show their backbones," declared (Insert)., "but here's•hoping theyAill spare -ribs." . We will now sit, quietly while the orchestra plays' that.. little tune en- titled "You Never Can Tell,What a Red Headed Mamma Will Do in A ilat." • The difference between indePend' • ence• and dependence is a constantly • added to savings account at the bank. • • When • a girl ends a letter "sin-' • cerelyelo you know she. ipeans what 1 shes says; but when It's ended with "love,"you never can,tell! ?op—Do you know, sheep are the, most dumb of all the dumbeanimals? Mom—Yes, my Lamb. A very modestguy is one who wears suspenders on his pajamas. • • Among our greatestoptimists are the advertising writers, who • claim that a shave may be made pleasant: • First Irishman—Pat, What's that piece of blank paper you have in your hand? Second Jrishmari-L-Oh; that's a let- ter from mywife.. First:Irishman—How do you mean, a letter from your wife? • Sure, there's no writing ,on it. I • • Second ,Irishinan—Of course not. The missus aral myself are not on speaking terms. , • •The modern wart° spell coward is B -U -L -L -Y. • You. have to think out some .things yourself-Jtobody can help you. • • Dentist—Where is the achingotOoth located? ' Girl (a theatre usher)—Balcony, first row to the right. In dancing women exercise a 'ter% fed right, And a. neat looking left. ` 'The' hiatory of the United Stetes•ls to be written in 500 words. This ought to be good pews for'schoolboys. 4 RoSebud—Where did I Come, from? Itose—The stalk brought .you. Humor, like Histery, repeats itself. • Yet the man who won't. believe in .a heatless he can't see withespend 10 cents for a speciill delivery stamp. The greater the progress the more jobs it takes away from workers. • ' Chicago ain't what it used to be, Its all shot no*., Eiteessaeiti is the-goinnioo,cause of indigestion. It results int tpain and Stoutness abeitit•Csvo boars atter eatiog. The dulek toireetive is an alkali which neutralises - The best cor- rective.is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia; It ,has remained standard with, Physi- eiatis in the 50 Fears since its inven- tion. One 'Spoonful Ot 'Phillips" Milk of Magnes'n, neutralizes inrantly many • .." • • • tunes its volume in aeldt Jt is herby tees and tasteless ' and its action is oulak. You will never rely on crude inethOils, 'letter continue ' to stiffer, when •you fiat% hos.quinkly,,..hoiv :pleasantly this premier method acts.' Please let it she* you, neW, ' Ile sure to get the gelintlii0 Phillips' "Milli of Magnesia preseribecIty physi- cians for 50 yearii in correcting excess acids. 'tech^ bottle contains full direc-.I tions—any drugstore, • Latest.Farni Machinery Exhibited at Royal $hoW • e Manchester, Eng.The RoYal 'Show Which opened in ,Manehester recently 'contains' a series %of/ Britigh-inade agricultural machinery claimed an an entirely new" poSt-war industry here. The =Chines. are designed for the Use of planters and cultivators in all parts of the world. ' The machinery incltides steam and petrol , tractors for South Africa, ploughs for India, 'toffee 'pulpers for the Belgian.Congo and•Brazil; decorti- caters for East Africa and 'harvesters to. compete with Anose need in the United States. • .Arrangementa have been completed for. an industrial mission from Shef- field, comprising A. K. Wilson, repre- senthig the cutleryjrade, and C. Tiodgson, president of the, Junior Chamber 'of Commerce, to visit Brazil; Unigitay, Argentine, chile and Peru next month. • Summer Hat • Doctors Find We Do Not Sleep Like Logs t.eratere, not of nature. At te Mel - To sleep:"like a log" is an Waal .of li Ion Institute•in itteburgh, Xir.i,H, M. Johnson and his assOciates;haVe been studying the rnevements and postures •pf normal sleeping individuals hy 4 special motion pictuke camera which- 4151lotOgraphfs the. sleeper 'every time that he. stirs. In a 'recent report to the American Medical Association' Dr. Johnson; Dr, T Ti: Swan and i.: G. E Wei an deseribe one or al i stidtusI tlaualentre ,„.to t tskand tura eyerilew minetes all night Wog,. as- sumin one 'after the other ,no Jess 1 than 3 - Widely' different' pastures. Thatisarida of other tests, the inVestf-, gators report,Jfive Shown this.;alrriost continual tWisting and turning (hiring seep to he the' rale .'reilier, than the •exception. -, Only ; persons wlita": have been.,,lidavily, drugged lie ' perfectly: quiet when soundly asleen. *What iw • still more remarkable, the majority of the postures assurnedin bed by a nor- mal sleeper are. Shown by the tell-tale camerato be contorted 'postntes with •the body bent or centracted and the, hpinalcolunni bowed and twisted. as , different as' passible from the usual medical Advice to lie straight and re- lax perfectly. 'Apparently, the Pitts- burgh investigators re -Fort, "the most restful night's Sleep is. characterited by the 'use of a considerable Variety of bedily positions, all ef 'which are eon - torted; none of, which indicate any - think like 'complete relaxation' of ali Parts of the skeletal muscular system, suchas onemay observe in a„fainting person; but each of which appear:3'10 be Well adapted to thereliet Of irrita- tion. that was set up 'in thepestute last. •taken, as • iyelljas in the il,sy's activities," ., ''..\ . ' •41 rice yeti • , • And Anaemic , . Wherra, girl la--la-trgnid,-dtill- eud-fr- . ritable; when the her color fades You teay'he sure here bloed is impoverish, ed: Whin :st.igi,rl'a blood -is poor- her nerves are starved and ,liere IS Seri- ous danger of a• decline. Rehaild the blood,..strepgthee the nerves ind good .health will follow. • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are. of un- told value as a blool'beilder. Con- cerng them Mrs. JohnFirrin, How - Ian Statiop; P.E.I., says: —"My daugh- ter was badly rue down; pale, nerv- ous and under weight. Ws dedided to give ger Dr.. Willirms' Pink ?ills.. ,After a. few'boxes she gained ip weight, her appetite improved and color came to her cheeks—in fact she fully regained ., her• .•.ormer got d health." • You can get these ?ilk at medi- cine dealers or by •mail at 50 'cents a• box from The Dr. Williams'' Medicine Co., 'Brotkville; Ont. Terr.a.pm• Repays Benefactor $300 .t Terrapin whic'h 'Elmer .Heyt, of • Caldwell, Kazis., rescued froni a' bad --1 ger hole repaid its' debt by• winning first money $300 . in a terra i , , p n race at a Wellington fair. . Some tutkeys are so wild that they . , commit suicide. Major Gen. Mason •M P ie • atr k was hunting.in -Virginia when a turkey hurtled past at break- neck speed. A few feet farther on it crashed into a tre limb and broke its neck, furnishing a royal, dinner. ",pal," a 14 -year-old bull terrier who associated with the IC -9 upper crust of liollye:ood •snoviedorp and known as one of the most Intelligent dog actors of the silver screen, diedin• a California kennel of old.age. Woof, W ar on No season ef the year is so danger - 0118 to the lite ot little' ones as is the sumizier:. The excessive heat throws the little Stoniach out .Of 'order' so quickly that unless• prompt aid is at hand; the -baby may be beyond all hu- man. 'help beharethe• mane.' realizes be is ill, Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantirm; flYsen- tery and colic 'oare most prevalent. Any of these troubles may prose dead- ly If not promptly treated. During the summer the mothers4 'best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the ' tomagh and ,liams' Medicine Co., Brackville; Cot: at, 25 cents a hoe friun The Dr. Wit - keep healthy. The are sold bY medicine -alders- Or by 'mail New Music Created. . - By J-Iiht Beams How would you like to strike the keys on a piano keyboard and find yourself playing a violin, a:saxophone or an Oboe;' That is exactly what you Norbe able' to do if the new musical instrument, in which beams 'Of light, and a photo -electric cell are employed 1 to produce music, Comes into general' use: This mechanism was .developed by Professor Arthur C. Hardy and •Sherwood P. 13rewn,, of the Depavt. ' ment.of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Techrfology. Tho idea was origin:a:tea by Mr. du Val.R. Gold- th waite. • Mr. Goldthwaltei plan was to produce synthetical nitisical Sourida which have never been heat'd before . coot! • When Jack- Evers, of Green River, Wyo., appeared at the courthouse to •claim a wolf bountehe learned that he had shot and skinned the sheriff's pet. police dog. Just how a certain rattlesnake got into 11.11ew York subway•was not the immediate concern of ,waiting bassen- gets who huddled at one end of the platform while a policeman with his club attacked thd reptile at the o,ther. Finally all eight rattles became mo- tionless when the hero crushed the snake's head' witlean Iron refuse can. The instrument ,operates by a. plass disk% on which are recorded, photo- IrePhicallit, a number of eoncentrici sound tracks. The disk is rotated rabidly it front of a photo-electrie cell. and light from ,a small lamp is alloWed to pass through the ,,,aciand tracks. The current pro:Irma h3' the . plioto-eleCtrtC ecu.aittpiified 'fed to a loud, sPeaker. . IndiViduaf 'sound tracks are eta off • by shatters,,, which are electrically operated frOliv. the keyboard bY' the performer; Minard's 'Liniment' Checks "Miss Chatter talks incessantly, doesn't she?" , "Yes.' She claime, tha: a Person's eirinious • get nmsty ,4f they aren't aired." • CO -Ed -1.1 play -the piano just to kill • • Sfr James .Barrie Be Made Freeman Author of Peter Pan Honored By Native Birthplace -• 'Scat:•, -.The day • .on Whieh' Peter Penetiirped to his na- tive town will long be remembered in Kirrie. Even to Sir J. M; Barri himself, who has received so many honors in his time, it must have been a:great-day when ,,he was Made the 'first Freeman of Kirrierneir, hiS birth: plebe; which he has immortalized 'as "Thrums." " The town, ithich is a quaint. medley of . flower-hordered ,a1- lefs known as "pends," was crowded • to its utmost capacity with "return- ing natives," all anxious to do honor • to this Most famous son of .Angus. Sir James's own birthplace stands like so, many other Scotish houses with its' back to the road. Gardea daiiies and nansiee and such other honest and homely flowers decorate the little patch of garden. The wash - house, said- to be Barrie* first thea- tre, saangely like the treetop. boiiie Of Peter and "Wendy, stands 'apart. The sports pavilion, which Sir Jetties has gifted•to his kin folk is on a plat: -eau high above the• town, and Is said. to have, the fit est view in Scotland With,. perhaps, the exception of Stir- ling Castle. • In handing- over the pavilion Sir James Bartle gave one of pis inimita- bly whimsital speeches. "It is•easy," he said, "to make a speech any- where else; -but to do it here, on this Hill on Memories, to peopletwho are more. like me, inside, than any -Other people, are.7-1 tell you 1 would rather go- in to bat over there against the West • of Scotland's bowling. I re, Meniber once being called uperi in America to speak to•a woman's col- leget i 900 ' 1 , and I id 1 couldn't, but that if they would come outside one at a time.•1.would Make 100 speeehee to them. 1 had cause to regret that offer. But I Could make it with confidence to You because ive are all linked together." At:the Freedom ceremony,, after ktaking th -oath, 'Sir James. was pre- sented by the ProVost with the. Bur- ge4s ticket in a silver casket Which bore4,on Its sides replicas of 'Peter Pan and the new pavilion. "I 'can assure you," sald the 'Provost,. "that this casket contains not only the tit -- gess ticket but the heart of Xirrie- rneir.:',, ' • •, Responding, Sir James, afterthank- ing the citizens, eaid: 'In London 1 haVe a native of living with me. He'is a Kirrieninir canary,' and we often talk together'. about what • he irreverently calls 'the old pike.' lie said to me before I left, *What I chiefly- want to know is Whether you are going to say, any, - thing about me And whether . -the - audience chered rne'." (Cheei:S.). "Thank you • I 0111 tell him " • Ciassifie Advertiiing ea sozz • Al MIL HasitKy year .figuArTLytakirbileL! ties. Write f0 free catalogue. A. EL Switzer. Grantor,. Ont.. • • • AGENTS WANTED 1' 2...i.. GENTS ARN GOOD' ....,m0N.Ry, • • 1 selling th , best fruit trees. shrubs. • vines. evergre ns, roses. etc.; town or nountry; .selli g outfit supplied; every help ,gtven; ommissions paid weekly. 9-..E P.---Srabth Sans. tat&r,-4V1--Oir---,---,---,_ • •• • For glisters — Minard's Liniment. SOap 'and Water $noils Walls tario.' 600 a es'fruit and niirsery stoc • .wasetalleetine-ei •the tables. A man gave him a penny. Pianistangrily)-L,-What? You give mea pennyand yet you gave a beggar. 1 •siXpence." Diner—"Yes,. Nati he did not playthe piano." "Striving for an accumulation el• • riches is a deadly sin_covethustiess." —Canon Donaldson. • Summer 4.trams. For ell *the strains the flesh IS. beir• to during the summer months --use Minard's. Popular for fifty years. , •• ` munsimisonsissnuanst EROXON 7tlithc*erin 14. • TiteHonesrnyrat .You Must- Do Your Bit linthe war against the fly, carrier Of germs and breeder of disease. leis proven that AEROXON is one . of the most convenient and most efficient means of combating thi,. iffy eviL It is conVenient,,because of the pushinn. it is hygienic:. flies never get away when once • caught. Each spiral gives three weelts' perfect service. BEWARE OF MUTATIONS told of drug. grocety end hardware stores • La Cie C. 0. Genesi & Fits, 'Galilee WILROADOKE.OVE. ' sbuaotriri FROM MOTHER I . Whee yon find it necessary"to wash painted waifs do not make • the rnis-: take .of using soap. and Water and' strong cleaning powders as that is' almost sure to leave your walls; streek,ed and spotted. Instead, vse' wean Water to 'which eornirion bake; ' ing soda has been added in the Pro -1 pertiori of one tahlespoonful to a gal- lon. Go oyer the walls cafefelly, with a soft chilli dipped in this and then follow With a soft drrelothand, wine thgrollihlf: You Will be sur-'' prised at the' ease Willi Which yon, • may :attain perfect' results. . 4•44441•444141.4vvvp. Read How This Medicine , - 'Helps Her. . , . Cirdston, Alberta—"1 am fiftk-eight. Fears old and the mother of eighteen liVingehildren We e (est. 1903) ranfi CAtAmodtiz e; NinSporting gOfrd tires, tricycle's Ori furjo and am'a ver,y, thy mother con- sidering that I have such a big family to work for. The druggist first told frie about. Lydia Pink- VegetAble Cep -Toned atid have depended on it for many eears.-- When klatt dila picture taken, \the Pliotographer was telling me abouhi t e Aconaintenee—You. certainly have a IvIte El &Orients and alter I told bird. fine weepOh. at %oho Teo,a4. ;about -Vegetable Compound het • A producer eomi3letipir that plays do ti on _Pntd. Pi- two bottlesMna BERTHA' SL4s-. pricoS, transt\11,, ttrellb to the drag Store and bought er ,11171•4. Ir")14.414.° yeles 1,1n -111.-1 Cardstoni-Alberts. nnt run as long as they used to do. ott3e-,LE-sti }nicietz VtOineft •ests, tr.• A • Net ,elourili legs ? • boletat stteet *bit, Tor.onto, • ltaapr.„ 2V" -"25U " f1. • 0. . ?