The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-17, Page 1$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; . ;2:60 OTHERWISE LIJCKN.QV:QN DR. W. 11,1.' CO : LL h icia r • P and u 4 n. y � . BeOa Lucknow Hours: 1.30-3.30 - Phone •..86 , " • DENTIST— .. Dr. R. L. Treleaven, „Lucknow--- ; Luckno a---' Hours:-' 9=12' A, N. L30 -5'P. M. ' Phone.53' • X-ray Will bele Dungannon every•Thurad*y, W A:.i A>ER ' f line a � . P — . A , u 11• 1i f 19$0 Wall: Papel on hand'. Prices consider- able down for 1930.• I am ;also . agent'' 'for lead'ing job houses.—R..J. Comer on, Decorator, Painter and, Grainier, Box 174, Lucknow.•, FORSALE—It cwnfortaole ,;dw t ing. Apply to•0-4D. C. Teytor. FOR SALE -5 -room 'residence in Lucknow—V*acre•• of land, a barn with basement. Bargain for quick sale. In; formation at The Sentinel Office. (17-7—e-) FOR . SALE — A • Massey-Lerris Binder, 7 ft, new. in 1929, and cut only 30 • acres., 'Mrs.. Ida Stanley. Apply :to .D.. J. MacCharles. FOR SALE—House and Lot , $ein .. g lots 7 :and .42 in 'the village of Kin-. lough. s For further " particular .apply , 'to • Harry Thompson, • R. R. 4, Kincardine, or .Joseph Agnew, ,Lucknow.'. (24-7—c.) --•-DRAI•NAGE•-'WORK•-11V.._._: ,._.- K'IN•LOSS TWP.: • The.. Kinloss Twp. Council:, are call- _.., ,__leg for ."Seatei_Tenders" for. the Trenching and .coveting of the on. the Gaunt -Laidlaw' Municipal Drain, on L • o is 27-20, Con.Kinloss. 0 2,K ss 'Tenders tobe in thehands of the, Clerk not tater than August 1st, • 1930: All tenders to be accompanied be ,a marked, cheque for. 10% of the .tort-. tract price. . . The lowest or any tender not • nec- essarily accepted. Plans and specifi- cations- may been; seen at • Mr. Thos. Gaunt's, or at the Clerk's office': J. R; LANE, Clerk. • (17—'l -c.) REID'S 'BAKERY•. Is the only place to,. call on if you. want !rood Bread. CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SUMMER DRINKS Phone Your Want. To REID'S BAKERY Phone 68. Beni ett at Chesley R. B. Bennett, leader of ,the Federal .Opposition ' will '' address a public meeting ' at CHESLEY ,' THURSDAY, JULY . 24th at 1:30 P. M. In the interests of the Conservative Candidates in North and South Bruce He will reply to Premier King's speech of the day before. '., SAN OPEN LETTER • Weighs*, Ontario, .fitly 16, 1630. To the . Electors of North' Huron: The London Advertiser of Monday,. July 14th; carries this ' head -liner. "PROGRESSIVES. SU'PPORTIN'G ,W.. H. ROBERTSON, LIBERAL CANDI- DATE,- - DECLARES • SHELDON BRICKER." Further down .in the paper Mr. 'Bricker is quoted as .say- ing, "The Progr.osives Are , Behind, e Liberals Because :of the Budget— "nether Reason Pot 'OUR' Support f The Liberals Is The Dunning Budget." The Executive of the United Far- •niers' Organization. of North Huron. have 'instructed .the undersigned to make it abundantly clear that Mr Sheldon "Bricker has not one little.' authority to speak for the farmer I movement "in North , Huron and .he knows that full well, ,arid furthermore we are the only Farmer's Organize; tion in North'Huron.' When -Mr. Bricker speaks at any apolitical meeting in North Jluron it .this campaign, he "us" and right to use ••the pronoun "we" and our", but should use the singular, "1" and "me' for he speak only for himself., , The United Varmers of ,North Hur • on, in convention assembled, decided topput no candidate in the field this election, and; . r •to le.oye each.niernb_ of Mir organization free to vote in- dependently according to the dictates of his or her o,wn 'conscience. The • United Farriers as an orgenizatior United , ..-. are behind neither.of the candidates. and -vise take this•means to let the electors'of North Huron `know, that . • e wlteni Mr. tricker pretends that • the Proeressrves of North Huron aro Bind the Liberal candidate,he stating something which is ,absolutely false. .• As an organization we are .. .a, and wish to be clear_ Strictly; neutral . , :l'y understood as such'. . u11y... o..re, Faith, Y y �, i , . . W; J, #enderson, ad lit.. Y>11. Ruthajfotdf SaerOta'7 Mrs. Maud •,l. lfer, of Riee lstoke,.: 13. C., is, the guest of .Mrs W. •Hornell 'this .week. Keep A.. u ust t an °O en date f or ?As picnic ufid auspi es, of Sr and Ji'io nsttt. . Miss` Frances Siddzli of Toronto,' s visiting with hher , ,pa r !�ts," M.r.' •and • Mrs. Geo. Siddall. • Mr Walter Horne "of Kingtaille.is spendipg a week'svacation with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Horne. Mr. Tom Webster treturned.tto De-. troit last' week, spending; a few days. at Ingeeeoli on. the way.' ,Miss : ,Mable 'Alun of Toronto, was,. in town last week spending a few days with' her brothers, Messes. C B and .Harold Allin. The local W.C.T.U. will hold their regular meetingat the home of -Mrs.. Chesnut oil.=.Fr daay,-July..18' at 3 •n, clock ,Visitors welcome: Ale. and Mrs. Robt. Cannan 'and children, r dren, of Toronto, -we a guests • of Mrs. Wni. Naylor for a c'aylast week before returning to Toronto.•. Miss, Helen Johnstone, Who has been visiting her' grandparents re- turned to. her home in London. Her friend; Mildred ;Ritchie, returned 'with er for • a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. J.' Marti • of Toe - onto accompanied by, Miss T Kather- ine: McNabb, of Winnipeg, were ,the guests of Mr. • and Mrs,. T. Watson, dueing the past "' week. Mr: and Mrs. Gus: Mallette and son Charles,. • of Detroit, are guests at the hon e of . Mr. 'and -Mrs. 'Jas. Webster Ash field,' this' week.Mrs.. Mallette is a' niece a of Mt,' Webster. :. •:� Two' of the •veryold residents of -the--44l:'•,•ige; M -r: Alex—teess--anelD•r-- D. Paterson, have been confined 'tri the house for *eine weeks, but arc reported somewhat_ inipro_ved the -:.past few days. ' Mrs. A. G. Smith of Toronto, spending the week with her mother, Mrs. James Irving, who. recently re- turned to town 'frpm Detroit, where she spent• the winter: arid spring• mouths with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Graham, and son Jinanie,• motored from Toronto', and spent Tuesday , and Wednesday' with. Mrs. Robt. Graham and Marshall They .will, spend, the .remainder of. the two week .vacation in North Ont- ario. , Mrs. T. S Reid of Orilla : and 'her son Austin of Simcoe, visited for a few days of last week with relatives here. Mrs. (Dr.) Newton' and Eunice accompanied. them en their return. trip to Orillia wbeee .they will be visitors with Mr. and . Mrs. Reid. Miss• Florence Iiainilton who was taken seriously 'ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Milton Naylor,., Toronto, on Thursday of 'last week, had so far re- covered as to be 'able to . comehor'e here ow Sunday. Mrs. Hamilton and Katherine went to. the city for her. The following Toronto people were Here attending the funeral of 'Mr. John A. Sutherland: Mra. Sutherland and her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. - B. Coon: Mr. and Mrs: Burwell' Coon: Mr: Madderk. Mrs. Arthur Gay, Mr. Charlet S. Sutheri,and. Miss Margaret Sutherland was here from London. Mr. aid Mrs. M. Alton -of Westlock Alberta, are visitine the fornper'r brother, Mr. David Alton. south of.l Lucknow. Mr. and, Mrs. Alton went to Alberta 25 years ago. end are now retiring, •hgving left their son in charge of farming operations. West- lock in, on the railway line' to Peace River and Mr. Alton reports a great deal of passenger traffic to and from that district. cos..,, PREMIER KING AT CIIESLEY Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King will make a campaign speech'. at Chesley on Wednesday of next week. at 8 o'clock in the ;evening. This ad- dress by the Premier is intended to reach electors of North and So'utii Bruce, tied North and South East Grey. The meeting will be held in Victoria Park, if tb weether is at all- favorable and am,pliltiers will :the used' to convey the speech to all parts of the park, Hon. James Malcolm and Dr: Hall and others will also ' Make short ' speeches, Should the evening be,fine thie's"hould be one of'.tbe great. meeting of the election campaign. Wyatt) WHEN THROWN` U FROM CAR Mr. George Blue oe near' Aitiberley suffered • serious internal and i head injuries Wednesday of last week when when he inadvertently stepped from a ear 'while it was in motion. • ,'Mir. Blue was assisting a neighbor in taking a bog to market, the ,animal being carried in a trailer: The hog .a _.u. e.: -. •.. .i peed unaecustom d to modern high speed, made a break for liberty, arid Mr. Blue seeing that it awns about • to escape; stepped from the car, evident. tly forgetting that it was travelling at a fair speed. The result was that, he landed .on his read and shoulders with considerable. force. • Me. Blue. is a man a little over 60 yearn .of age and he and . an invalid` silt .. aster Make their' bo together. ... k ,..me ogether. I)r'. Finlay son. ''RIp O and Mrs. Naylor � .i P y, . of l ueknow are lookine i ter.the ln- jure! 1110111 OR. JOHN A SUTHERLAND :DIED SUDDENLY' AT TORONTO h 1 • 11'Lr. John A. •Sutherland who die suddenly at. his: home -in Toronto ;F riday evening 'of 'last ",week, was a brother of -Mrs William M,urdie .of town, and wiweewell `and • favorably y known to quite a number iii Lucke For,'a number of years he ,had h' lien& here, being associated with Mr.. Murdie. in the hardware business' -from' 1907 to ;1913, when be : moved to Toronto .His. death was. due to. a ,'}icsart' seizure;: which came'' On soon after the family had' the evening meal. . • . , The reina:ns were' brought to Lucknow for interment in :Greenhill ^m_eter_yiohis first :wife being bee - led ,there. The funeral here • was charge of Old Light Lodge, A.F. & A7 M, ., and was conducted according to the rites' of that order. The late Mr.' Sutherlandwas born. Seaforth 53 years ago. On going Toronto he engaged . -withthe. Thomas Davidson .Manufacturing Co. • ind on tiie ,amalgamation of •that`firni with'.,General Steel Wares continued "el .city traveller' and salesman for the organization " In Toronto he ro ;is associatedwith the Avenue Road United Church .lis pleasant. and likeable °nature., fitting, him, for effective work among . the boys"' of the : congregation:: 1VIr. Sutherind's .firstwife died in. ,,1926, and, in June, of 1929 •he married Viiss Enor Goon of Toronto, • wh'o sur - rives him. He..leaves aiso one son,' �harles, now grown. to.. youn `.. man=- hood, . ,two sistc rs, Me.-- -/luidie . of „Lucknow . and Miss Margaret Sutii- ,erland of 'London, Ont:, andone. bro- then,; A. •D:, Sutheiland, of Seaforth.•, DR. FRANK THOMPSO DIED • SUDDENLY AT WINNIPEG Mr. R. H. Thon p n of `town 're- ceived . a. brief message, on Monday, -stating that his brother, Dr. Frank Thonipson, had died suddenly at • his' 'home in 'Winnipeg that morning. i)r. • Thompson who Was 44 years' of age was married and had two children. `We expect further particulates next week. . SCOTCH DOUBLES. •` WENT OVER BIG The local Bowling Club had -one of the biggest and best • tournaments of its history, Thursday of last week, when some 60 rinks, came to match their skill in Scptch Doubles. This was too, many for the capacity of the green, so that a number of 'rinks- were inks-were sent to play ,'off at Win ham. The day and evening were delight- ful. The splendid maples were 'in fell leaf, the tree •roses. and other flowers in 'splendid bloom and there was a 'profession of flags and bunting; mak- ing the park an ideal spot • for the event. , • The 'ist prize went to Mr. Wheeler. and.partner of Goderich: 2nd to A. M.Crawford and W. A. Miller of Wingham: Harvey Robertson and Jas. •Cutt of Blyt got••lstin- the 'second event, and Eriiie .Millson and Ed. Hod- gins-got od-gins•got second, ,Colwell and Morgan. of Kincardine, getting 3rd: • In the Special event, Mason • and partner of ' Wine:ate got -1st; •D. Hus- ton and R. Rae p•ot-,2nd .and F, Fisher :and Garfield McDonald got 3rd. • Card of Thanks Mrs. Angus MacDonald and family wish to thank their many friei,ds and neighbors'for the sympathy at d kind- ness shown them at the time of their recent bereavement. and also for the niany beautiful • floral tributes. • • WHITECHURCHe • Mr, Stanley Morris .of Hamilton, visited the past two weeks with his friend, James Weir. Mr. aid. • Mrs. Duneen • Kennedy, Peter and Jean attended the fieeral in Godericb, • on.. Friday of the late Mrs. T. D. Tichborne. • Mr. And. Mrs. James Simpson rind family, of Toronto, aire visiting his brother, llir. Robert Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge. Garton :went to Kitchener on 'Saturday for Olive who has been ' - ._ Visitingtin,. . there for the past two weeks. ' attend- ed 'a a iiutnber from here attend- ed the 12th of Jul.. celebration at Kincardrne on Saturdays. The Lucknow Weenie's Institute, 'will provide the program at the' lit- stitute meeting here on Friday, July 18th. , • • . Mr.. and Mi s. liV`m. Dawson,: Mt. George' aid Miss Ida MiOnoict, spent Stitiday With friends frt. Ashfi'el'd. The Pr 5byterian Sunday* School' intendho,Td rii. • . g . a ,picnic • to, . Eintail next Week.; , - • . Mr�. Ja -O... .,. 'faintly y of s s Moore and• her fierily of Toronto'visited' last week with Iter Parent', 314 im4 Mo, ek yoit itoe, • m. Maclee* -Florence, •-MaceIenag}iap, 'IHJ RSDA , !'BILLY 17th, iI.3o ENTRANCE' EXAMINATION' • . RESULTS IN' S. 'BRUCE Lucknow• •lass Again— Does We Cwen — Nine Nine .take • !Honors, All Pass •Mattimuni number of, marks ob- tainable, 750; required for a° pass, 450;• for honors 562 Navies. of hon- or candidates ,'are arranged accord - lag to , their .standing at the examin ation h , t use of pass ',candidates. al phabetically.•• •� • Candidates .dissatisfied with the appeal by ..lodging a written 'state - result of their 'examinations, 'may meet of' the reasons for appealing with, W. F. Bald, secretary of the Baord of examiners, Port ;Elgin, on or before August 15th. The appeal must be accompanied by a fee of two dollars ($2) which wiII, be re- turned' to . dthe appelant in case the appeal issustained. LUCKNOW CENTRE. N ' Honors • Margaret ' Ritchie, Margaret Mac- Donald, .• 3'ttuart • Collins, ' • .Douglas Clark .ind 'Cameron Finlayson, 'Cecil Armstrong; Donald McDonald, Ken- neth ,McPherson; Stanley Moore. Pass • Ackert Raynard, Berry' Dorothy, Burt. Jim, Burt Annie, ,• Cameron Edna, Creig Janet, Cassidy,' Berea- deile, .Ca'ssidy..,•'Berea- delle, ':Ferris Kathleen, . Fisher Sack, Graham, Rennie, •Garniss Cecil, Hen- derson Maijolrie, Horne -David, John- stone Clifford, Johnstone "Melvin;; Liggett ;'• Lelia, ' MacKinnon Beth,. Edward, Patterson Catherine, Pate tersoz3 John, Solomon Elwood,: Thom - l" •peon Arnold, Walker' Ward. There were 43 candidates at this centre, :of ••whom 7 won honors and 26 , passed.. Lucknow public ; school ,sent ap 19 ''candidates; all of whom passed and 6 of whom won honors, Miss Kate ' MacDonald, teacher. S. S. No. • 10, • Kinloss had an honor, M. Fells, teacher. • ' KINCARDINE CENTRE, Honors ` Lloyd Nephew, Jean 'McCullough, Shiela' Anderson, Donald Munn, Ken- neth Waldron, Adeline Forrester, Mac MacKenzie, •Nelda . M. Eskrick. Pass • • - Bell Lillian, '• Brown Lorne, Bruce Donald, Chowen• Jane; • Cobean Don- ald, :Cooper Wilmer, Cuyler George, Dahmer' Hazel, Doupe' Vivian,' Ellen - ton Frank, Emmei;ton Edna, Farrell•' Laurette, Fisher ' Margaret, . Fry Beatrice, Gardiner, Reginald, Griffith Burton, Hewitt Jean, Irwin Kathleen, Lampman Fraser Leeson Ivadella, McDonald Wilbert, McDonald Helen, ?tcGaw. Mary„ MacLeod Billie, Mac- Neil-. • MacPherson Jack, Man- ners •Leslie, Needham Bill, Neil Marjorie E., Person Herbert, Robin- den. Beth, Savage Jean; Stewart Evelyn, Stewart Norman, . Tout Fred- erick, Vines Marette, Welch Harry, Wrightson, Jean. There were thirty -fou • ca idates from Kincardine public schodl,` of whom six obtained honors, . twenty two passed and six failed. - RIPLEY -CENTRE Honors Kathleen Irwin, Grant Fraser, Florence MacDonald, Fred Brooks, Mary Bushell, Marjorie Picot. • Pass Bell Tena, • Collins , Helen, Farrell Gordon, Ferris, -Jean, Lawrence Edna, MacCormick Beth, .MacDonald t oralda, MacDonald Mui4fy, •Mac- Donald Mary McKay George, Mac- 'ravish Hartley, Mathesoij I Bruce, Mitchell Isobel, • Robertson Patricia, Stanley Russell, Stanley Audrey, Smith Alexander, Stewart Kathleen;. Scott Lena, Thompson Myrtle, 'Thom- son .Wheaston, Wylde Harold, • There were 41 candidates, 20 pos- ed; , 12 failed, 6 got, honor's. Of these the two highest were from S. S. go. i3 Huron. Mrs. Nimmo, teacher. TIVERTON CENTRE • Honor's ' 'Gladys Colwell, John H. McKenzie, Marion Johnson, Catherine McIver.. ' , .. Pass • Bell Iris Belle Eflig D., Bell Catherine Bri11 Lillian Ferris Mat - egret, Gilchrist Hodgins John McDonald Sean McKenzie Sybil, McLean John, McLean Donald, Morris Hantsh► Scott MaraaZet., lade Loretta, Held Norval; ITrquhart urtons y limes lxle V B a fiwentyteight. candidates wrote, S tour. won hbtior . 11 postad, Torentei alter Spendi'kly' vrutlen - the whole. the celebration, was shLegntilrlan pito 4l ot.o 0Pleicild success SINGLE COPIES 5• CENTS ❑ il,/ll✓.../l-/l✓1ll-/ll•/l✓,/l✓1././,//,�llll./lll✓✓✓✓,./lllJ✓ll } 1 Q Q ❑/lll✓�l�l✓ll./././.../llllJ./1-/./././l./�llll✓,/,/lll✓,•/lll,../lll The Bread • _. The Bread of Health, HoVIS OUR,'' IIALITY LOAF" aSA REAL k00) W IT :1 LIC- of Health , UR•MoTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE. .IOUs FLAVOUR AND',BVGH HEALTH VALUE: HOME . HOME MADE, WHOLE ' WHEAT OR' RAISIN BREAD.' CRE41 W.'PUF FS ORNG. A E CAKES , CIIE(,S>+;A BUNS GII.00OLOTE :MARSHMALLOW :.:_ RICH' FRUIT C4K)5 -- ° • BUTTER 'TART E; .. ,DATE TtIAN ES 1' `LEON rN • HO'LLYMAN'S ' ALITY 'Phone 36 A E T� RY .uckno - OEM KINLOSS LOSES OLD' : RESIDENT' In the' passing of Mr. Angus Mc DonaldFourth o in- . of the Fut Con. of, K loss, the township • lost one of its old- est residents, ,and one who had long'. enjoyed the respect and esteem ,of• his neighborhood By his, passing one of the few remaining links •with'qhe pioneering days •.is severed, . for ' he came into the bush as a ehild ', aiid' lived nearly, all his long life on the farm, where 'he died::. Mr.' McDonald l -,ad been in failing health for over a year, although this a -as not generally, ,known. About .. a: month ago his condition became ser- foes, so that . his death which ' occi 1 red Al*':: noon on ' my 10, was not ..unexpected...,_ . .' ,The' .late . Mr: MacDonald was born 78 years 'ago in Prince Edward Is - d, and came to inloss with -les parents' . at the age ;of :three years. The `fatiiily came by boat to - Port,. Albert, end, from there . -they walked through thte then . almost unbroken bush to 'the farm •'in Kinloss which was to. be the family home: . • - :In 1875. Mi'.. McDonald was married to Margaret' 'Fowler, • who died .42 yearn ago In 1890, he was again, ,married, his second wife being Rei-'! beetsFowler, who survives The far- - ily consisted of four.. sons ' and four, daughters,six of whom are • living. One', sister, Mrs., D. R. McKenzie, of Lochash; also survives. Mt. McDonald was ,a Presbyterian and attended • South Kinloss Church, since it .was established aiid for many years was a member of: the 'session. A man, of many sterling qualities and Of cheerful disposition,' he , made many friends, so ; that his passing is regretted by all who knew him. The funeral was on July 12th; to Kinloss : Cemetery, service being con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Pollock ' of Whitechurch, assisted by the Rev:' J. A. James of Ailsa Craig; Pallbearers were four of his, old :neighbors and two nephews: John S. McDonald, Kenneth McDonald; L.' C. Maclvor,. E. Hodgkinson, D. G. MaCKenzie and N. D. MacKenzie. 'The funerhl was: largely attended by friends whre thea' showed their respect for one wbo:had , seen the coininunity develop from its early beginning to • its present state. Members: of the family now living are; Mr*. James Netterfield, •Mrs. S. Smith _rend Alex G. of Toronto, Mrs. Frank Weis, of • Rochester, N. Y., John A. and Wm. F. , on the Youth, Con,, Kinloss. There are • also ten granchildren. -••..•- 0.0-0•-• . • STREET DANCE A 7 -piece • orchestrawill supply music at the street dance in Lucknow the evening-Sf, Friday. July 18th Mid there will be Old Time, Modern; Bal- lon and Hat -Dances. Under Fire Com - Py an •aus:p.ices. 4 tickets for 25c. —o 0 u--- INLOS . 1!bUR'TR CON K Miss Bessie Johns n and her sister . o Christens of Detroit, spent last week with Miss Hannah • McDonald. Miss Florence_. McDiarmid is visit- ing With •her sister, Mrs. W. McKen- zie. , , I Miss Annie, Hughes and Mrs.? A. Hughes attended the McDonald re- union in 'Woodstosk last week./ Mr. acid• Mrs. J. Corbett are Spend- ing a few days at Mr. Wm. Robbs. Miss Agnes Carnochan of Seaforth, is visiting at the home• of her broth- er, Mr. S Carnochan. " Mr. and' Mrs. James Netter, eld. Myrtle and Harold and Mrs. S. Smith and son Melvin, were tip from Toron- to to , tend the funeral of Mr, An-' .0 Mc Donald" which was held ' on Saturday to Kinloss 'Cemetery. • Mr•.'and Mrs. Sangster of Toronto, arespending a few days with . her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Graham. A number from hese took in the celebration in Kincardine on the 12th of :illy. - ` . ..... Miss Lola McGillivray returned to y returned • FA1�iLY THEA'��E FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ' July 18-19- . .. "NAMELESS MEN". - and COMEDY THURSDAY, FRIDAY,:SATURDAY' July: 24•25-26. Special • ' '. Corinne Griffith, : In ' "THE DIVINE LADY" A'• story of the battle '.of , Trafalgar .. and the death of; .Nelson.. ' , .Adm.: -735c. & 20c.: • Super -Test Servi'ce', _E�fHEir; HIGH COzMPAESSION- •• `STANDARD. GASSES", OIL ' & COAL ,OIL "LLBRICATING SlRIN GS . ADJUSTING BRAKES DOOR FITTING• CLEANING & DRESSING TOPS , " FENDER • BUMPING MECHANICAL '• WORK' Supertest,.Garage `1Vleetng' at ,Ripley • n.4 in the interests 'of F. G. MOFFAT Conservative ,Candi4iat@ in South Bruce • Thursday, July 24 at8o'clock p.n. Hon. Geo. S. Henry and the Candidate • will speak Everybody Welcome I .P FORMER. LUCKNOW BOY J 'WINS STUDENT -TEACHER PRIZE The following news despatch from,,. Owen Sound, which appeared recently • in Toronto papers, has reference to. a son of Mrs. Rivers Aird the late Albert Rivers, who a few years ago mnoved. from Lucknow to Owen Sound and later to Seafortfi: F. Stanley ''Rivers, principal of Ryerson 'school here,:has been award- e'd ";the Scottish exchange student - teacher scholarship for I930-31 .13y the Ontario Department of Education.' The Owen Sound Board of Educa- tio has greeted Mr "Rivers •a ye'ar's' leave of absence' with 'full 'Pay. He Will go to • Scotland in September to attend Edinburgh'University ' and oth- es training centres. He has had a brilliant career ' since attending the University of 'Te►ronto, from which - he gradx'ated in 1624. ' At that time he was awarded the • Prince of Wales medal Lor forgeneiral ....o- tient.'. on hisgraduatione pr fl"i y Up received a position oil the stair.of the local:; colle ��.ate-vocationa. istitote !1` 1 n , •h o i. ien principal .. i . o f accepting the positron as principal o ereon school two , ears ago. Re: R'y. years g . cpentiy he received hiss degree of Bach- elor of Ped'ago'gy. , ORANGEMEN • AT KINCARDINE Lucknow Orangemen ceiebrat,ed the Glorious Twelfth st TKincardine: There • wats'g big dro'a d the day was fine And' • • "�fr3:.��•a