The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-03, Page 6)
on New Two* : _
't Flatter Color Anaemic
Ott.wa,-The OttawaJournal re- , l"The picture of • King George would '
�eently said o its news page: ` • more easily pass for one of "Foxy.
u ev
,5,,.4 �� Yt0.s are.: being level-. Fardy;, the�deltdsed Iiiug of Bulgaria,
�r+a Q;ritices
WI, a tlhe new `two -cent postage stamp ' who•.iy� t his throne as' 1a result of that
•wliicl has ;just been put into eircule- countt;ys partiiSipation ie. the Oat
tin, the:ost 'office \ depart m ent: war on. the side.of the Central Powers.
o kyn t W..
- )The°.stamp is:og'different .kdesign:from That is the chief criticism which has ',
jrhe••former issue -tike in •supe respects been tirade of the design. '..
is more d'istinetive, Instead of scroll- •"Other..complaints 'against the new
14'work; such as ;headed • the former is- •stamp are the rather anaemic green
sue, '• two small.- maple ' leaf designs color of• it-
hae. been introduced •`width give the'.
: stamp a• distinctly Canadian sigiific-'
canoe • • ,
But the .chief eritieisut is being ;di
rected' against ''tee :representation .of
e ". King George, which is the Matti. fea-
ture of'the design e•
"It is learned. '.that '.a change was
made in"the filen of contractors• for the.
eseue -of ;the new 'stamp:. ..:.•
iesue of st :mils, of 'other de=
nantieet ons°Lvill not be circulated fori
a`::ittile, aceoiding` to one past office.
offictah',' _`.t
+�' '� d;. a •c'.. �. �:. '� •c' � Ter W .`
$loo d' Transfusion 1Does Farming Pay .
Donors Sought Just Ask Denmark
• Science Discovers Many,Uses Co-operation" Keeps' Men 'Lm
F.or'. Blood ransfusion• ployed=Highest Wpges • 1`.
';""�'•The..:incrpase,'in the use .of. blood :eel. ...Paid ,
tiansfusion'has been so; great 'of late. •Copenhagen,'=Vliile the numbers of
,; . that • the Royal Victoria hospital,; unemployed • are 'On' the increase in
Montreal, is in need .of a correspond
' ing increase • in ite permanent donor
list of. people who are willing to 'cone,
•leirte•a service of the, greatest humeni-
tartan Value with personal retnunera-
T'he, reason for this donor list is
that humanbeings fall intoto four
several countries their numbers are `
• , •
Pull Tha -COrd•!
a Islamiil
�Qnc� Dv�elle�rs o.�ate ,Kilda
To Bye Placed on Scottish Mainland
: , L'opodi . - The British Government
has decided to accede to the unani-
lnous petition' from the ,iisherfolic .vf
the lone Island. :of: St. Kilda, off .the
iioi•thern Scottish coast,,;to move them
from thatrdesalate spot. ,Johnston,
Under secretary of State for Scotland,
replying 'to a question in' the• House
of Cohn:11o.ns.otr June 17, said that•he
had visited St. Kilda -and that, mea-
Stites fQr..carrying out the evacgation
and placing, the inhabitauts1 wlio'uttn1-
bered about. 65, on the n?ainlean, were•
now receiving attention.
'There was no scheme Roi' the re
settlement .of ..the islanders,, but ' every
endeavor •would be, made to, sell' the
sheep on, )'hex island and, the proceeds
•w oald•,.be ^al)i5lted' to.,the. Cost of the
,evacuation.. The sheep rbeei`red tb are
a 'peculiar goat -like "bree'd,' • black,
hardy and almost wird•
The only cleans the peeple of St..
Iailda had of raising motley to buy
stores was l y tplanittg wool plucked,-
from their sheen, wlti ;ii.. feed ou the
scanty grass ,of tate to.weriisg rocks, •
ronilii,ng, ;slstuuitlg ttxrd weaving
the 'wool into sloth ,they could.make
About $;25 eai•lt ttnnnally. '
in storimy wcatbet the relief of lone-
ly islands off• the, insist of Scotland .
was no:t Only lin expensive but a pre-
caiiousuiid'ei'1 t1 ittt,,,1' he uniertunatp•
experience of the t-liirybitun s 'of illouk
sa, its :the Slfetlafielshzuds; iris cited -
is an example cit' ,k i; 7'he.'steauler'
.wh-i 1t• causes tyle Shetland grails was.
v reeked And' of, the' 130 itait.lrags`'on
•board.. only four r eachecl. • t.lie shore,
.Tluee'`or these Were ,reduced, t9 pulls`..,
the buffeting .of site Itisav,Y Seas:
;The cpnteuts of the . fourth bat,—sus+-
lrisittgly w'ell,prese'i'vc(1 were deny .
erectto their'atliire,ss,es otily:to be•:i•;e-
ceived with the utmost. disgust. With-
out exception they were iii demand
notes frout.the incotne-tax collector. ,
Detroit Judge Uses ' Franca, Pays Honor
New Technique
Has the prisoner any disease or in • To Marshal Bio. fire ..
Merited disability?
she mentally?Paris—<it , Chantilly., where he: had.
How Old i
• r �;'
Hae fie a joti, or'an'y.',finaitcfal- re•.lits headquarters during the Settle 'o!
stedily decreasing, in Denmark' desi •StrikManley view as anley J Merrell jumped €rem )plane over Parks Air,
the Marne, Marshal Joffre Witnessed
s . r ° a Louis Mo. •Parachute'has' east started to; unravel as ripcord Is ie willing to .co-operate .in his the dedication of 'a statue of. himself,
this conn ry. pal po ]
which' is •the,fii•st to •be -unveiled in
pite the• fact that't t 'E st St
the highest :wages. in Europe: The is pulled.
number of unemployed men is now :in l•
Own rehabilitation?" .
These aresome of the questions`mi.
Fr•.atice to ine hero.. who. checked the
German ad.tvance..,
Like Marshal • Foci), ..who. •went
throii'gh. a similar ceren)ony.; at Cay•
set, where his •statue was erected, the
.venerable Marshal 'w'as muck ,moved,
by .,the recollections inspired 'in re-'
vfsitiiig the •scenes of the most st►r•
ringevents of his life and by the,
words.. of 'President Doun}ergue; pa.
briel Hanotaux of the French -Acad-
emy; Francais' Sicard, president of the
institutee and others, extolling'his vie-
tnes, in war: and fn•peace, Marshal
offre ` iii~ inte'ly •:recovered-f-roil--tee.-._�
elite vicinity of 30,000— severalthous-,
London , we
slid Iower, than at.ther . same time last .
year. and: 80 per cent. lower than two ,, World Renowned.
o bloo
'r r e f
u s• fo ur s s dwhich, bel re
'grippe p P . poLondon. •IIiliversify c ., ,
• r''a o
••a . the same e
d- o...
ea s t
Years gp
fiisfian, and it is dangerous to.give the vicar, ;thought-• itself large with.
Denmark is chiefly an ' agricultural
Country, with a large 'export trade in just under 5000 students, now re-
dairy products: and meats" Although.t.ports.'that•the nutnber.of.those •follow=
its industries and manufactories are ing its courses has, grown to ,10,200;
still relatively unimportant they man- being more .:than double the former
age to supply a large share teethe do- total. Lord' Beauchamp, presiding as
any perspn bleed,except'••from an in-
dividual• of his owe.. group. Tle tests
for the proper' grouping of individuals
take :time and 'the ' people on' the
donor list whose groups • are known
can be called upon In '.moments of ex -•chancellor at• ,its -recent -- -
ttreme emergency,.' Many students .mestic needs of.the country; even
though tactically •all •raw materials -tion"' Day . celebrations here; said
_— - ~3rave-paid Ehei-wa3�-tltrough college --- g A , . -•.many—ef ethe—post graduate _stridents
must b® imported..
rby:, selling theirbleed, but "students
are.., transients, and' it 'is the, aim" of
the Royal Vietoria'Hospital to have
upon its donor list a group of men
tend—women who -are- permanent '`resi=
dents andwho could be counted upon.
in times of emergency. ' ` - .
There is no greater lite -salving mea -
Sure known to'•medicae science to -day
than the useof blood transfusioe, it is
,When first introduced it was
looked upon as a measure to he em-
.ployed- only in replacing blood, in' a The many•smali farmers participate
patient near death " from hemorrhage. in the advantages' of, large-scale • farm -
came from overseas, and ,a:ptoject for
The thriving i th i condition of lig ricul-
• . ' - housing them Was under discussion.
sure—indicated by the fact that Den- • ' ` We becuuw yea. ;Ly year," Lord,
mark exports .dairy products even so Beauchamp added, "not only. . the,
far away--as-:the United, States=i due :. ._ s __• _ on, St.,.Lawrence. Wa I.. , the judg ,
to the land policy of the .Government' University for London, but just as Department and the chief° of file
London is the capital of theE p ; Protected' b► 'Senate syehiatric staff
Largest Plane In World.?.
Paris. — Germany's . largest land
plane the G-38, perhaps the :moonster.
aeroplane .of.'the world; lauded here
recently and became the centre of at=
traction. ' for' admiring Frencpiinen.
Eighteen passengers were on the aero -
Platte, which carry forty-fieie. • It is
made entirely of metal, has 2,400
horsepower,• •a wing -spread • of 150
feet, weighs 24 tons at full load,..and
ean,-exikiap 2,,QU0 miles, or the dis-
tance between London and Cairo..,
which Judge Frank Murphy of the Re-
corder's'Court in Detroit informs ,him-
self when a
man charged with
' felpny is brough.'t before him:
• One week is allowed for the tests
and examinations arid the securing of
information by the Probation Depart-
merit on the mental, physical, 'so,ial,
and economic status'of'the "patient.'
When all this is. done,the sentenc-,
ing board: meets with -the p•risorier for
conference,, Atter the :•conferen e
the_p Jsotler is excused, and the .three
members of the board deci
e on,
long illness which prevented his at-
e s
funeral, a,.1=
e' the head of the Probation though lie had'liiniself carrfed up the
steps to. pay his respects-at,the bier::.`
'of his :colleague and generalissimo.
The statue stands in a...park on the ,
main avenye.of the town and ,portrays
Marshal :Joffre: i'standing., in the.cos-
tame which he Wore as commander -
in thief and iiia simple attitude :with '
'military .paper's in his hand, such as
the .inhabitants often •saw him at his
To Kill insects headquarters., .
foresters in. •northern Utah In his address; . M. Hanotaux re -
and the high degree of co-operation
among farmers. Between 1900 and
1926 12,559 new farms were establish-
ed With. the financial assistance of the
state. About 95 per cent. of, all farms
are' owned'by the farmers themselves.
is still employed -for that purpose,
but it :is'also used 'to. -da -y for patients
striving to; combat a severe ' infection
ori°snffering from -a . blood disease
•:,,tivitich they are unable 'to overcome
on ;account of.the impoverished state
of their blood. • •
Bees: Captured. p`
In City of London
London -"A swarm of bees In -"June
• Is 'worth a silver spoon," an old "saw"
says, but Ernest Melrose, who took
a swarm from an. electric• light stand-
ard on one of Lonion's•busiest"thoro-
- •ughtares, Oxford . Street, recently,
thinks it ought to be worth, much
more after all trouble he had getting
it. . •
, .
• _Mi. Melrose •'was on the omnibus
ing through co-operative associations,
which 'assist not only.• in the product
tion, distribution, and ,profitable sale
of farm products, butt provide for the
common purchase of foodstuffs for live
stock and Of fertilizers.' The 'dairy co-
�operatives include 90 per cent. of the
total dairy farms of the country.
The co-operatives also • control' for=
eign trade closely,' while -the' Govern-
ment also gives financial . aid to ex -
Ports, under the terms 'of a new ex-
chequer plan recently authorized.,
, m. ire'
so London' `University is becoming ,Washington; D C:. The Senate" 'p
his A. Fellowe tells us in 'rhe
more. and more an imperial , univerr 'amended the( Rivers and Harbors bill T s,. J.
Nation 'is the 'new technique Judge
slty:'. recently to provides that federal opera-
• eaurphy employs. in handling all felony
tion' of the Erie and Oswego. canals• in' cases..
S 's Mark is Recognized New York State shall not interfere _•
Vandals Wantonly'
Los - Angeles=A ' charred stump is
all 'that remainn,,,to-day of, a magnifi-
cent Joshua. tree, •believed, to have
been the largest of the strange desert
species tt existence.~ Fire,•'presumL
ably set by. vandals; destroyed the 80-
*heti he'saw a swarm which so many .foot -high monarch, , whose age had
, • people were watching that :trahiie was been estifnated at 1,000 years. , •
held up. Being an expert beekeeper; 'The tree stood in the National
he asked a I3oliceman's permission to Roosevelt' Monument Park near Lan -
take the swarm, . but the policeman 'caster, Cal., .which embraces' 'several
warned him that he Might be sum- of these rare trees. .
• • .matted for obstruet�ng traffic, while
if he Climbed •'the lamp post he •mi.,ht Polish Farmer Discovers
Sn Mr. •Meiiose• went to the inspec- ' .. ' Prehistoric • Burial Ground• .
tor at the'police station who telephon- Torten, Poleud-A peasant farnmer
.ed the • electric company which sent tilling his soil near Torun recently
a special platform on wthich Mr, Mel- found an •ancient urn which led to the
rose mounted. He then swept 'bees 'discovery of •a .prehistoric. burial
into a cardboard box, ,
also he summoned for damaging it
egrave I
London• -The; :Inter}lational litotes' with development of the St. Lalvrenee
Union officially confirmed the speed wareew ay.
recently attained yby the•, 1
Sir Henry g
ate' Major • -
enr 'Se rave at Lake Winder-
mere, just before a fatal accident
cost his life, as the world's unlimited
water record. •
• 1 ground dating 2,00) to 1,400 tee.
The Daily Herald. which "reports
.the story,.says that when Mr. Melrose
tame down again he found hundreds
t+f' bees inside his coat and trousers
anti tip Itis .`�leeces. Swarming bees,
however,. seldom sting. and only one
of them stung, him. The captured
• swarm has now been 'ir'nt to a bee'
fat:n' in the country after tieing offer-
er' to the Znelogical Garden which,
h,.;=•aver, declined the gift on *lie
> •turf of la:k of snitahie ae^on)'rn-
d.�•. ,n '
French Woman Wins Honor
1'.'ile-74c,woman for the first t nie
it ?leen given en ons of the nine co -et-
.. Fel tiles in' I ten: h meefeinn, '•I)nr•tor
of pane ife, ltsi ."
The woman is Madame Thf.r&,-,;. Rr•r:
ti .nil leontaine. • :l3, neeher of two
els!' !ren, who •eras appoint,'d to that
till • recently by a Pill- /of eminent
• d,. elle af•^r a Ion rompr•titire ev-
v sit. - ral
y.• •� _. l,nriraror, for a rata ae the
ei'i'•f of mice physielanx•nf r,t:' of tire
Iz~„•• rt y 1',_pital•. •
- . Prince . Tries Gliding
• 1.-,nilrrn •Tilt^ Prince or Wales.' an
oe•'•tient nil it who is never permit•
tact to fly alone. took his first glider
le eni recently a.. "irlet near Lewes,
in Sesser.
Robert F rnnfel,1, German, reported
to .h,e, the yorid's most skillfulg{ 'der
pi�let. instruct'e'd the ?rinse, hui itj was
understood the Brinell heir ha. not
' yet taken the craft into the air.
• Visitor—"And how old is yfttrr baby
.brother, deate" Small Siston --"He
' len`t r old' at all. lie's this ' year's
Model," . 1
The speed confirmedwas 85.7 nauti-
cal miles' ati hour, or .98.7 miles an
"It is better not to waste time fret-
ting abut things which cannot be
Bi+itish• to ` Survey 'Greenland
For 'Possible Landing Fields
London -The Royal Gbggraphical
Society will send a scientific expedi-
tion to East Greenland • this summer
under Dr. H.' G. Watkins, onboard
Shackieton's. steamer, Quest. The
party will'servey possible landing sta-
tions for British air routes.
changed:'—Philip Snowden. ;
150 -Mile . Speed Attained _ ' •
On Trestle -Track ' in Scotland
Forests Set 'Afire •
• When,
diecovered that bark beetles and.other called the confidence, energy, bravey
de tructive,'insects. were, destroying and calm which Marshal. Joffre•'.In-.
S darkest.: hour and
t ocean s o •
mbated''the• petits gave him equal praise for the dignity, tionah forest they co p s •
with fire the only thing that would fidelity and discipline •in his attitude'
h d f fine' trees In the' ria,
spired in rape
i,ondou.—Sate rail speeds of 150 'The rail -plane car is. cigar -shaped
miles an • hour,' Were claimed' recently with. 'a propeller at each end. Thi
for 'a new form of passenger transport
in which cars holding 25 passengers'
°are suspended from steel trestles and;
driven by 'airplane propellers.
A section 'of trestlrack is almost
'completed at M�il�gavie, Scotland, near
Glasgow, and, full-scale 'tests 'are to be
carried but at the end of July, '
Known • as the rail -plane 'system of
traitsport,' in its general idea, and par
titularly in its mode of peoptilsion, the
new system differs from• • all otiher
form's of rail or road transport, Ac- teetering with existing ground traffic.
cording to its inventor, George Bennie, It: is understood that Greet' Britain's
A. Scottish engineer,, he will dentaterailroad experts are much interested
strate in July that a speed of 150 miles in Mr. Bennie's claims and a large de=
an, hour canbe reached :with - perfect. legation of. thein Will travel north to
completely eradicate them ' ' since itis retirement-
• it . recalled'
Examination showed that more than partculariy ' the service he rendered
50,000 trees were 'infested with, the, when he ,went to the United States
destructive bark .beetle. Fire crews; to convince the Americans of the
equipped with specially constructed righteousness of the Allied cause.
hand pumps, sprayed the diseased 4g
trees with oil to 'a height of twenty-
five to forty feet and . then set ahem
on fire. `• • •
, This treatment completely -destroy
Yard- Announces New•
,Finger Print -System
London -A conference of chiefs. of
ed the beetles and the trees were. only .police from all parts et the •British'
slightly damaged. Commonwealth of Nations was held. .
etere June 16, .at simultaneousiy
oar is driven by aft -screws driven by
particulars have appeared of a, new: ,
electric motors,' In .which case the • stvstem. for das'sifying finger • prints
power is drawn from the overhead rail
Irl h Casino Will' wbtrh claims to'revolutionize this im-
or by gasaiine"motoas. • ' Rival Monte • Care;? portant method of criminal identifi-
Mr. Bennie claims that -the steel Dubline-Ireland is, to have a gainb- canon: ' .
trestle -work fron} which the cars are ling casino which will rival elontP This system• has been evolved in
hang -can be 'erected at about half the Carlo, it is said. • Scotland Yard. and, is' descr$lhed in a
cost of ordinary street -car tracking,. Backed by a group of English finan• volume about to tie•published. It en -
or one-fliirtl the cost of a normal don- ciers,•11 k to be located at Bray, the abler identity to a established with
ble-track railway. He also claims that seaside resort about, 12 miles from, such spc erd and certainty from single
the trestle -work can be erected• over here. Ie is to be pretentious, will finger prints found at scenes of crime
roads, railways or canals without in- have a ' patadiee" ,garden, and' amuse.' that it has rendered possible, the pee-,
ments'which are not found at the is•, potation nf, reliable maps showing
land re:' ort, the • itinerary of ' individual house•
• Present plans earl for. tate Pxpendi-. breakers ?dotted out with no • other
etre of more than $340.000 in'prepara• material than the marks' left beeline,'tion, grayling and surveying of the' at different localities.
•site, ,
safety.'• -
witness the initial tests in July.
Paris. Objects'to "Old • Spanish Custom" - -
A )till fight staged near lyil cis Iirojeeted,,a near riot when• local. re.siden is pbjecteti to the spurt,
di •tm•bances when crowds tried to bun palisade. • � is seen mounted police' attempting to steno
Gigantic Plant
Opened By .0 S:S.R.
•It,1 tov-on•I),sn, C.S.S.i . •— Another'
-step toward Sns•iet Russia's achieve -
inept of her industrial fire -year plait
was taken recently when the ":Selma-
shee'ei;' a great manufacturing plant,
Cie oflicialiy opened.
It is claimed the factory is the
la:•'.•t plant in the world devoted to •
t►re nianufartnrb ,of farm implements.
• •rile plant wee completed under the .
snpervis•!nn of .tmete can engineers •
and along entirely 'American techiti-
cal lines.• -
There aro 33 htildings' witli 'an esti-
mated' output of 115,000,040 ,rubles
(about $,57,600,004) worth of !meleenAnent:a year. •• • -
Women 'to Receive
Business Training
Ling island 1'n.iversity' will •add ;In.
September, a course tlesignell especial-
ly toqp4sist the yollnt wotuan of col -
logo education IA get')f g her first•Joh.
"foo tilde emphasl;l is iil:aced on' vo-
-r•atlattal training of women," declares
Miss \1ilrlred M. Joh.nsnft,'itead of tite
se,i•retarial department, Who -is ' in
charge of.the'new course. '"too"malty
College •women aro finding theinselves,
noon graduation, ittleht'e to compete,
wrth.per:••ons• or. less education but of j'
more toehnicai skill." •
Cares Whiten P'remier's Hair •
14telboul'nn, Australia—Cares of of>f
fine have 'turned. the hair ' of Prime
Minister Scuilin . snow White. • When
he took Office six months ago he hatil
coal black•h'hir. itis riiost haf`assine
preble'tn; he said, las been that of uitt.
emlrloy-itient, '