The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-26, Page 3— .1 Sunday School • Lesson 'Anietkan TradeReyiving Slowly June 29. Lesson X111—Review, lealah 2: 2-4. .J,Goitien Text—Thou art the Christ, the San of the living God. —Matthew 16: '16. Whet does it 'tetestn,to be a disciple of Christ? We have been studying the life Ant! ,ministry of Jesus for six months. Have we come to a .cleater uriderstandjag of what is involved in .beiiig his, disciple? ;You recall how, „ at the oetset of his frileistry, he called a little group to Come with him to be- come fishers of inen, to Werk and to • fellowship withehini toviaad,the•realia.! . ing of the kingdom. How haveweSeen • „their coriception Of diseipleehip change - o gro*? . . What are 'the conditions beeelit.Z ...be hie disciple? .Perhaps" We should askfirst, vvhat does it *man be at eestlieciple? 4: disciple id .A Lear:lee; one • ,F whe is Under.the instruction and felie • Ioevehip of a teacher :t lealie.r. •Might we say that e disciple Is one who is learning through personal felloweliip with Jesus What it means to live? Who, then, may be his disciples? Happily that opens the way to all. , It is not a perfect life that is essential in order to become a disciple. Rather the con- dition' Would seerei to be a sense of • aegde a response 'to the attractiveness • arid challenge of 'Christ, a feeling that he has what .our lives need n order for tlicir completion and satisfection, a herger for life in a, larger way. We •may' net know all it involves at, the beginning. Certainly his Oier.iplee.did Titer if the dieciple is learning What it means to live in GacTs wayhe must increas ingly and •everywher . te7cept the standards 'Of life which este& taught r.ed embodied in isi'e owe lire. • . Viet elt`ould take is back to leol, et some of 'the ztandarde of the Cleristinia • way as JesuS taught them ia tha gor_ mon on the Ccunt. (Mate. chap' 5 especially) • Then, too, we should re - gall. he'e the leseen of April 6th oh • the' Law. of the Crosa, of April 20th on the.SPirit Forgivenese, of April ,27th and Jure. 1st. on the Prie cipie ef • Stewardshit , c'f Vey 4th 9n ;the Prine ciple of Serviee. What are some: of the life-Standarie for Christian dis- clpl• e aeaseen-in-elqatte-eleapa51---Gars. selfishness and ale law of the crose exist •side by side in the same life', • When plaee has the sphat fergive- • ness in the life ef a disciple? In what sense must the Cjiristiart disciple be - • a steward? Laketiere—Sir Frederiek Taylor, .vieepresident of the Bent of Meht041; • has issued a heartening statement here upen the Prespects of a slowbut sure American usieess re- vival. - • • In a letter to the London Tittles, Sir Frederick says. "the. peen,' average of commodity prices should become -firmer. When business 'again perCeat- ily bratedena,vehiela.mey ,not be until Well into the •fall'or evele later ?ilia a- high consumption of goods.deperids, aeon•a high state' of- general • preps- perity, is hecoming, moee -Clearly le:Al- lied, Efficient management appears. to be one of the eh* factors that will keep business' on the right 'side pf the ledger throughout thepresent era pf" sharply. changing dotidatione. • • !iDespite.e: irregtilatitiege ". there . Are aliundentaiiroors of 'the stability dade triaild'in• a anther'et basic. comModis Hee. Expenditures on seine luxuries have been curtailed- and there ,. are many other signs that the foundations are being laid forbuilding proiperity geese.' Lower money, rates the world over, should help to stabliee prices and even strengthen -them, particularly those prices that- are :deteettined in in- ternational markets. ' • The prospect is for continuance of the .Plentiful Credit supply, and med.. 'ergs: interest rates prevailing .atnce. the beginning of the year.. , The nuniber of ,fastgrowing newer •industries, embracing these -particular- ly '' in which" electricity 'plays. a Party „ rod ChilrchilPs Skyline Growing MeTe174r; .. •••• etefeetegetetee ...essWeeieeeeecIalgag,* ,..„. eoaasesee e- .,, glean. e eye:tore anapen,ced. recettly bY Ottawa,.whieh is to jut HAP liartherrieskyline at• Part CliterCh,il .e, ,..dpe;.1.10:16reigi.0004nsuc:ha„(6,v1.411.1.thWe. :,ttel',11.::ht,,oliereiioToct.tieu:lic.Liii:: • Total capae4a• is to be 2,600,000 bils.heli, bnt' ProviSibn Is '`.acle" Via future 'extetsine • tOe.10,000,000 buShels.. • . . . ".• . was served; bet" where it was not Rural,Education, • In-Cintario The Hot Lunch and .Supervised Play This is, not the. time to haye het lunches in teralescitools; but there Is no ham' in thinking about •ffie mate terrthe fact is that eve inove slqwly, and if we do tot think ahead, very lit- tle is accompllehe4. in die way elm- protement. , .Hot, peort.ltinehea. it 'suttee's have mauy advantages in ,the • w*.tOr. In the first .pla,ee the, "cltild en enjoy' theta, and the result , is that the youngsters lieve better • ealth. At the. peat:fent •timea•tcio,M children, who •Ceettet go home at hoof], 're-'''. quently,- have, to eee •fa` el p: der •quite unpleasant flO 'eas too the ,of proper eating -la -an. ' 'orderly matinee eanntit be eyer Bailie NicOl Jarvie Whk New York Now Up For Sale Is Wearing Duke df Montrose 01111.1 BY ANNAR, ELI,E WORTHINGTON • • ' Famous Hotel as Well as Ittus.trated D• ret: ,i({king Lesion F144-- Beiv•Loniond"and Lock • nished 14/ith ,Every Paffern • y ieryed in a properlhannee. The child. Disease.- .Kilis Man Years Before Time; Ptthlic 1,19t1d ,,Wake Op: :Health Organizations are -. . •Agree•d Toronto—Leading healt organize- timis 8; Canada tire .unariineeus . in • statiag. that"theusands of Canadian's ane dying years ahead,of their tirae ef •diseases which could lie prevented, e During thjs, pase few Weeltsahree dif- lereht health orgenila.tions, the Societe Hygient, Cduncil, the Ontario : Medical Association, and ..the Ontario Health Officers •.,held annual meetings 'here: ,And, ali three agree that diphtheria and typhoid fever ,could swiftly be stamped . 'out if ' the, geeeral pubhc were not toe shiftless to take adVant- •age tif metheels •of preveritioe which• , medical . science hag' pm:tided, that thousands of indiaidealse could prolong their lives many; year e .1# submitting , ki.refill thorough .physical exam= illation Once. a year, In a werele that. arevention of disease is better than •eWlien three reputable organiza- tions, Tepresenting. different phases of, the work of public health,. are ta com- plete accord Main. such imporeant mat- ters as these,"• Mated Dr. -Gordon P. Jackeoe, 4Thronto Medical; Officer of Health, "the general public would de welt to•heedtheir advice.' • Quebec Soon' toaft.i.ii.:s 19, Rural Health. Quebec• ventilates to outstrip the rest of Canada iri her .strikingly mod - gen treatment of rural health 'prob- lems. Two new cbtintrY health, units, —stitall; Nil -time medical departments of health. sereing rural areas, and re- placing the old-style, part-time medi- cal officer of health --are shortly to be •estahliehed. , • Otte will' be in Rimoeski, the other • C34:36 Frontenac. When they are Operating, •• .Qtiebec will have 19 Health Unite, car - Enhance youe •el flattering jacket cgs It is a season of Tie one sketched site prtni, in • comb shell. ' • ' • . /.. Abeifoyle, Seot.—All who have read Sr 'waiter Scott' S Stirring tea mance "Rob Roy,". will be interested in the annotencement ahat the famous especially in metioe picture, radio and Bellies Nicol Jai ie Hotel at Abers aeronautical' industries, . are Making foyle Is for sale. e Like the islands of Marked progress with large posaibile leech. Lomond and Ben Lemand, the ties for future development." , Anstralia *Wekomes •' Insect Imniigranti . . Three huudred •million bugs .,Of , one , varietyhave been released in .saksa recent 'report tit the. Commenwealth Prickly -rear taard in. -Brisbane, .Queenelandee-asea part -cif- that continent's long campaign to extd itself of., the American .eactas jaant, locally called the prickly pear, intro, &iced thre years age, whieh has no Spread' as a• weed over Vast areas' of' once -useful land,' „Dr. E. E. free thus tomments in his 'Week's Scieece (Nev York): •' . • IA ..Mexico and the , southwestern parts. of: ..the '•Untteda State:a, where these 'cacti's: plants: are :natire,..theY have many insect 'and other .eneeties.• The result is that they seldom. s,preed Outside. tha*purely desert part5. bf the tut beirtg.- a. 'disciple 'of. 'Christ Ins •-volvesa. program a life that aims at • .,the reignof love. The disciple mint • Share the spirit ,of his Master his pesaiee for the realizi..gw. the king- dom uf love and righteeesnese in all 'the life of earth. • 'Can one be a dis- •.ciple. and„ an idle onloker' in the world's struggle :towarda better 'day?. See the lessen • of .May 4th on the. Spirit' of. ....Service arid of •June •22 on the Great' Commission. The lessOi. of February- . 23rd shelved the eendieg forthof the twelve diselples to be messengers and workers for the kin.gdona's corning. • What are you as his 'disciples doing -to .' bring in that kined.ona'r• Can eve be hisdisciples and not do, Our best,. all • . that. is within our power tc: ect? „ Of coerse the secret of our disciple- ship will be in the fellowship we have -with Christ, and theatearship and ex- perience �f -God? made' OSIS ible through ; that fellow'ship. • British Merchants • Told to .•Advertise London,—Lord RlddeIl, chairmaa of the. British Newspaper Prciprietors' Association, told delegates to the Im- perial Press Confereace here recently • that, in his oainion, increase in United States feeeige trade was due largely to that, country's advertising. • HC urged home manufacturing and merchants to advertise both at home • and abroad, declaring: "It gives one peng to look at overeas and colon- ial, newspapers and se the preponders ' ranee' of Ameriean•adaertising. • I love Amerlea and hive Ainericans; but I • • , don't want tosee the world Ameeican- 'zed." • ' hotel helongseto -the, Duke -of Mont- rose, The hotel, however, s 'net the original len, the :site of • which lies about' one mile 'West ,and marked only by a few eto Ve B. • Readers ;of "RotileRoy'r Will' remelt,. ber bow' a 'brawl took 'place among the soldiers in .Join ,McAlObiee'S. and how ethe tatkatiVe Maine Nicol Jare-is, from the-Glatigoye..Saritmarket. became, ie waved: The; Wrath Of WS' worthy •Magistrate was • aroused by the slighting' references • Made to his trade as al weaver, and, he,seized• a red -het poker and 'made fo.r •the bare lege ..)-f the Highla:aderee in the midst ;of this tumults ceme Deugal• Crater .froM urider the table where ha had been 'hiding, and brandishing his clay- more affirmed his intention of "feahe• e big" for the Bailie.. .• Nearthe modern Bailie Nicel Jarvis Hotel is an old Oak tree .11PM' which hangs.a piece of metal claimed. • to be the .veritable poker used by the country, wheke almost no other plant • incensed Bailte It •may be remark - Will' .grow, and' where. the land .is vire ed 'teat thispolcerreceives from, time tually useless ; Australte, where no to time a ,dab pf red 'paint ,to -increase cactus ever had lived, theseinsectsits realism, and for many years now .and other cactus -eaters were lacking. it has been gazed .upon by the nuttier - Once • introduced there, the.' cactus 'ous tourists ewho find !heir •way to found nothing to limit • its growth. .tie TroisaChs. • Man, as usual, is paying the hill for age scimitific 'men conceived tire idea: • • the,eareless introduction. Some years . . Engravings Dated. 1.600 • • Wife .0-f- Officer of R-100 Leaves L L. Beretta wife Of Squadron Leadels. 'Booth, commander cif the It -100, sailed front 116re on the Otharder Aus'onia for London, it was learned recently. Mrs. Beoth • ed not .to await • the coming of the .R-100 with her .husband on- board 'in ' view, of the present uncertainty sur- rounding the definite date. of depth-, tureebf the British dirigible. e • A magistrate observes that there is th nothing at, beats a •good wife. Un- less its' a bad husband. of ittroducing Jute Australia insect . ,Depict Eight 'Martyrs •. , . eneniies a the cactus Plants from Lime, Peru—Artiong engravings of other limas, "One of ' these was the cochniefl iesect, which . byes on the cactus plants' in .Mexico„ and from which,. the: red. -dye of that :mine - is le " . • . mat . "Pee dreamet of you constant] ever since I Ink yeu." "Hard leek. bad 'says I imistsncve Marry a dreather." y; Cigarette Record Sofia, Bulgaria.—The 'world's cigar- ette-sMoking record -144 cigarettes in hourse-Was claimed recently by George Tzinota. He broke •the Pre- vious reeord-421smokes in 24 Inters --eat the Phoenix Cafe here in the pre- sence of a committee. Ile drank' Fog- "It's' a gentiine antique.. sir.' ."But deneesmoke. The were no reports 'fee ahd ate choelffitte between pea's. yen are aelang a fearfid, price ter it" of serious damage or easualties but His physical coralitiou wee prononeced -Wen. site -look hew wages and tit- the fate of a few climbers on the 'the collection belonging to the nation- al ' archieyea have .been found three; old engraVings dated about 1600; de -1 Meting thedeaths of • some of the eight Canadian missionarteselsain ley • ren received their hot seen, and 'placed It on a table•on which books, sehooi 1 bags, .and. caps were scattered. In - specter Waugh. was properly angry' to see sech carelessness,• and he made the pupils remove the po4cs, bags,and daps and sit in a deeent meaner .at the table. The moeal affect a a' pro- • perly eotietueted tableawhere the meal • is started by the _saying ef 'grace, is 'a great help to the school discipline. The cost of the het lunch need not. , be great. Generelly the ehifdren are • glad to talts,.turns to, proiride. the. Main article a the hot part ortile lench=fmtne. milk, tomatees, potatees —nothing expensive; and nothing to cause a lot of erouble , ' . Cooking is done by tlie 'Children, un, der the supervisionof the teacher, and this privilege ia'secered as a &Wird for having their school woek well and quickly done: A. wiie teacher will not de much of the werk•herself,' Mit will use the .opportunity for practical in- struction, and for ins,piring the child- ren' -to do their ' best , have- aawele ' '- melted dish, and a properly eet and decently copducted table. • ' Supervised Play mile by ' wearily; rying on their operations in twenty- . tpmea three, countries.• :. • • . . jackets! Public 'health authorities are ?greed is •iii .green crepe that the changesbeteg made. in Qua- ipatioe With egg' bed in this regard virtually' constitute . . a • health rev,olution.' 'The eetire pro- endians about 1643 near Midland. Ont.; The skirt .shows slenderizing line in vince became old" on the health • Teo' •ate to be ceportiZed this month.: pointed hip yoke treatment. The jacket emit idea , When the 'original TJnit• in 'The inartYrs appearing on the en-, is in, popular hip length.' ;We take Wier granted that ahildren should ' be superyised, during. sehOol hoers. All that maybe •gained bY such supervision " may he 'teat it there is no supervision at the lunch, or dur- ing play tinie. It is during', these.. • periods' that the *school bully spreads 'terror among the timid ones, and the school sneak does. those things that upset the morale of the school.- . There .is no doubt that supervised . Play .Will mean' a busy time for the, teacher.' and at times a supervised noon. hour will be well nigh impass- .ible.. But a grawing number 'of teaeh- • ers are ueadertaking. these extra duties and are lestablishing a ,poiftt of. con- tact With the. children that gives ex- cellent results in good conduct, and in apptidatien to studies. ' • Our childreneed to be taught to play. They netR to knew' . how to throw a, ball, cateh. it. slide • to the bases, be real .ouelleltiere and good sports. There. is no need' to- train "reioters." ' We have pienty of them now; but we do need that all should When ir A. C. Sidoueld became • learn to play. . Commandant of th Military S4 College at .Kingstaili noticed -that one baseball team did.all the playing.' Inquiring the cause, he was aneaVered in • this • fashlenh e-aWe. have ad our. eryeta, and that's . the College team." Sir A. C. at once told the students that each, platoon must have its team, that, they l muse learn the tales of the • game, and be true sports. He did not allow any bullying or .cat caeling. The • Beauce retin•ty demonstrated its abiti-. gratings are Jean de BrebeufaGabrielt Style No. 3436comes. in sizes :1..4' ty to save scores of lives .during the Lalement; Le.aac Agues, e''herles. Gar- 16, 18, years; 36, 38 'end 40 inches bust. . first two years- of its operation. 'Now nier and Antoine Daniel.- .The en -1 Flat .silk ceePe, wool crepe, crepe all elases in the community are solid- gravings have -descriptive &Kehler.- marecain and light weight tweed lend isy' behiad the idea,. The clergy' is tions in, Dutch, and eome. are signed.' themselves charrninglY to .this model, e,sPecially acile in eacouraging at. "Appodiep Enbattn, a Melaer, Loinere%:' It is stunning with the dress made •Prince Eeevard Island Attacking '.. lin." . . . , 'of chiffon nrint 'in hyacinth blue coler- t. Diphtheria.' „ nig with the jacketaof flat silk crepe Canada's tiniest province is far from Eskimo Dentist •in matching- shade, being Casaultee most backward prol Leaves Patients. HOW. 'TO ORDER PATTERNS' 'since insefer as• health management Ottawa --The only. Eskimo dentist...in the world is Asada 'Siberian Mike." who bad attended no eollege, but wive was eelebrated throughout ;be 'far nerialt for aniline molar's, died i'eeeh"- ly .in the lonely region neer. Perry River Oppoeite King William lend.' or - cording to. word receieed here. . 1922 the Iltidson's Bay Company sent a dentist to Ileaschel Island and ?,tike was employed as a defeat ineebanie. 'When the elentist left for civilization. the Eskimo had refried op Di ithier- ant .practice. Write your naltne.and address plain- are concerned. An•active. camPaign of result was the, development of some ly, giving.purnher and size of such atiplitheria immunization is now in pro'good players,and the opportunity for as vou want.Enclose 90c in natte starops or coin .(coin preferred; Wrap it carefully) for each number, and. address your order to Wilson Pattern Serviee, 73 'West Adelaide St., Toronto. Erupts Violently Tokio.—Asama yolcano, near Rand- zawa, e90 miles northwest of Tokio. institution. At the first meeting of, violently erupted receetly. Previously the Prince Edseard Island Fox -Exhibit - tee entire mountain was ettveloPed in e're Association recently, sentiment was Wrongly In. favor of this plan. The direetbrs' report, Said that the 1.929 show had exceeded all expecte- Japanese Volcano ,gres.s there. The 'PraTincial'Board-sof alt to play. • , . . Health is determined to wipethis dis- When the *hockey .season opened, it . ease outs as at ha e been wiped out by was found • that none of the students skillful and persistent public health knew enciegh about the game to be Work 4n Hamilton. ()Mario.. • referee, so a local bey was Dressed in - •I . to. servicp. and his decisions .svere al- • ' . ' - • Permanent Fox' Show? ways .obeyed without •queslions, ,That is the play spirit that should. Charlottetown.' P.E.h-1n all prebte be developed; and it sheuld be de- bility the .annual fax show in Char- veloped in as xnanypupils as possible. lottetown will become a permanent It th well to remeinber that the poor players need the discipline and train- ffig Of the gamesanore than the pupils *he take naturally to sport. and ro. are able. to shine this -field of ac- tivity.—Satimel Farmer, President \Sof Canadian ,School Trustees' Assn. them. met meterials nave gone utel excellent afteiwat . •-•••• MIJIT ' AND JEFF.— MUTT, WHY Darr STAT TklE GO,LP S'E.AStiN -ttY • ittiNG loNesTr, By BUD FISI-IER 44T 4We NW TRYING Dt:o— • sPcs‘-160:y GANte? I1.16N vete-sato" TeuatoAtateat tebAy.-,- bst:Ictruer • 4 7-66,141r. a ("wax, tiF mmork vive.ows our tkte.2 ratsr trpti.t. la vtlgt- me Sts LeAGudS-•t AND MkuTr tOoLuS 151.,T' VIZ C21Rst BALL, TO ‘-t stAitt ME GbLF • SC-ASON: ,.. l' , mountain was . •sreANGesr TtkiNG THAT HAPPENED., t SL1t4D IWO A Pomtt- The !Au: LANbeb A TUraS 13 Ack••*. AND 'Ttie •Turtritt rtzAtut.ING tat6Kr '1.61t4A(Vil GREE,r4 MUTT, YOu WON FAIRLY ANb StiuAR4-.V;(-• 'Y0.0 ARC. Ai: LoVABIA CHAIZ4CMR,,,Af1/4i Oeuesr sPottsmA - Nub Vsu fl euP. Nfto. Rt5e, Ai b Si A Ftw tuothS? se. If Silence is Golden , tr Veto 'bowl" miNb- mRCW1IRMAN .AN? GCNTLCI‘t€1\1-N- PREFG Ner Gr uP: Why Broadcast?. ou McDEST t wimp: • 4.4.1ttet. e`e i' • ea, •