The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-12, Page 2.._�. a. ... :y 1.4 N • • .' 'IM•I HAS HAPPENS f. •, 'i."High powered bullets'.would:pierce it Attempts : hare, been Made' 'on the in'a' hundred places.. Let's look over l'i'fe. of Elise Marherry, who owns'.pro- the house." operty•near the.little, town of Torte Verde, Brazil: Her. cousin ..and pro - teeter, Vilak,. apd Lincoln • Nunnally, �n d�-ehennst—urge= her. to'depart :on the •'next. boat, hut ,her :He flicked ori 1iis, 'flashligtt. • With Elise and the, old .roan close behind him; he ste a , ed arefull , • ast the ra ing dog; then swept ' through :room, departure is plevente . by ftoods..Mes- .a€ter; •room 'of he 'melancboly ,Strtie sngers.ride.thrpa h: th'e'Countryside to. ture,''disturbjn here a 'few. ghostly warn the ,natives hast: the•' dam has bats, there an/ugly, brown -splotched burst and'Vilak; decides tq Proceed, do toad.• He found nothing. which suited the' house of Gaylord Prentiss and his , ,.purpose,. ' however;' until 'they. ' warn hien. • Vilak believes Prentiss 'i s. reached•. a rooi}i at the. rear- ''Here . a at the bottom. of 'Elise's ;troubles. As window looed, ut upon., •the Iow stone they near Prentiss' fazenda they are .water tower, -three or four 'hundred fired u n'. Vilak the realizes that p0 = n e feet from the house. ,, the floor warns i'g was but a fake' to' 'get Prentiss•.'out 'of' his home. Pren- "Thatetowers ,just the place,". he tiss admits them 'Ana Vilak tells him flashed: ."Exieellent position. Has; a they are about' to be attacked: NOW .BEGIN THE ,STOR'Y' CHAPTER ,XXVIII. , Prentiss' glanced at Vilak in fright a. moment, then suddenly turned and D' darted •out ,of the ram. They heard. him mount a flight of stairs, thendart down again Vilak,, despite the other's absenceme,. swiftly began making a survey ;.of the empty chamber, from' whose . flim,. y •walls. -great--sections--of-'-plaster^ -afd 'Iaric'k had .fallen in . such . quantities that : in many 'places,,, the moonlight showed- :brightly., - • . _ . • "This This .room.'won't do,"he muttered..; si3??ai," Vifak mur►ait Ted. 'F Ili bl i,, us,_a t_caght frontal attaelc."': he iY$nt en as `F.lisz "h,isteu.od to • jein the oltir man at the i nr'ow, "At the .It's our iviakiist spit. Beep a: sharp 'lookout." 4 The log, who hail be leftin the house,•bega',n.to bp'i again., •Sudden'y Prentiss jerked his rifle .to. his sltouI= "Shadows.. ' Shadows. M the gate!" he wvhisperedhoarsely. "You're right." Vilak swung ,his. rifle into position., "We'll give diem a volley: Better jet Me handle -it, Pren- tiss," he' added fiuietly, When the other, quivering es though from a violent chill, f everishly touched,his gull, took wild aim: and was • about,`to. shoos. "Don't fire till' I- say so." • A few secot;ds later calve his Placid;soothing voice once' rnpre.."Steady .' Steady ,Good- airh Fire • The reports of four rifles ,were,„u1-• most sim'ultsneous.. An.•eatery follow ed.' • The :shadows disappeared. ” Ttuo' •on the casualty list,. I thinke' V lak 'There • was h .kriefb.iinte`fgal of 'inn-., action, Theis the. call.. of the night- ibrd soundedagain, and .• again:. vague shadows appeared at the .lofty: barred entr. ce. A. second_ volley blazed, from the enders' rifles. • Again there' was a dry'nf.pain alrain t r chadows;Yaa ished. ' 'At least. one more that „tire, Vilak, • grunted., " Lealn pretty soon .they can't do . that. Seein to 'be intent lin' forcin the ate. M• b aid'th Me • Home F'o1ke=.1930:MOOWi ! � �ia4�t ��t� �. �,...i1G� ' e:afr g g y e barbed wire on top of', the: wall has. high• voltage, but 'I .doubt it." A third Untie' the attackers tried to, reach, the .gate, •a third time they. were • ''have you,'beetl home for• a visit' this y'ear.3et. 'Mrs, :',.itlten? asked' her back. fence. •. ' "No!' 4. ' 1`kl. and I'ni not 'going," �1frs. Aitken replied, "That is,' not 'in th neighbor as they'. chatted a'cro5s the It n�--o ---the .old±ay," • ohm se eoirtrnued' —"T m an • ' ma • e, a g,od many . trips home during, the without telling mother only 4o find either her or,: father indisposed. We could riot stay and a pull it was to leave them to say .nothing of';the. expense and trouble, • "Coming back from our last visit we 'decided that' all things consiydered it would be far. 'just 'had a •little chat ::over the 'plio'ne' with Mother. or Father once a week—then . during tape a trip hone and pay a real visit. `We', all bolt 'forward to the chats ,every week. They •keep' us in touoh with•,one another all the time and are really no much more satisfactory than the hurried visit: " ' . "'ibiu says it is the 11,30, Method of ''visiting the home folks," routed •and sprang back into the brush.. . year. : Often . we went; you can imagine what better for us .all if we out regular 'holidays, A,.:;brogding silence fell over the fa - zenda. With her 'penknife Elise dug view on .,all 'sides, and is -."almost ter- out: a shell which had stuck in the, tainly .bullet=proof." magazine of her rifle; the old • man They hurried out, crossed 'the low' wiped the ,powder and perspiration gully which laybetween the tovger and from his face with his minute hand - the house and etrode through the door 'kerchief; Prentiss kept his glassy eyes forming its entrance. . A quick ex- fixed on the ]9ephole before him, his lip constantt emittedno chewed betel Suddenly h high branches of .the trees' along the. creek, many feet overtopping the•wall. A 'fta[si'llade 'iif"bnlle�a"tf'leil •against• the shouse. "Steady Steady," Vil- ak counselled. "Take your time. 'Fire of •,cast-off furniture: at the bursts." One section,: however, Separated by amination • proved'' it to. be in better state of preservation than the, resi- dence, though ern . her" two or three. of the red volcanic shines, `sf'Which it was ;:onstructed had fallen and. lay on the ground. It had• .evidently been irseti ay a stole ool:i," for "was M]e$: wit's: ;broken boxes, almost obliterated by ,cobwebs, and a,few rotting pieces. moving through they fund. Vilak viciously, nut. '. y •firing began in the a. small wooden partition,,„sho' ed • .signs of .recent use, for here the debris • had been cleared away; sincrked meats and • other itchen supplies had been brought In and hung from long hooks or 'ere placed on shelves along the: Wall Vila shrouded a candle and'.put it in the corner .so that it 'would give thein' a faint light without being. seen out- side. Then he .smashed an old iron •o. WRIGLEY'S is good company on any trip. , • i les ,delicious -flavor ad1s zest and enjofinent. 'Ihe sugar sup- plies pep and eneigy when the day seems long. • In •short it's good,. and good for you. The fusilcontinued. ade Conti ped• Here'and there the 'putt -puttering of. a rifle would abruptly cease, mute testimony that.a shot 9f the defenders. had. found its target.. But neither were the but- lets of the attackers withopt effect, as the 'firing went on'' plowing often and oftener through' a joint in the inade- quate, barricade. _ The . firing, ceased for 'a few •,nio meets, then burstout again , with in' ci eased ' vigor. The old man gave a stove with .'an' axe, anl, taking the -low exclamation an dropped his gull. separated plates set,.. about sealing up the tower's two small windows, Prem tiss hurried in to join them,and shak- ily aided Vilak in preparing a barri- -: cede. .• The three men and the girl drag- ged some heavy boxes forward, and "No, you .can see just as, good radi- with them blocked the narrow door- eros caps right herein Canada:” way. The dirty floor of the^.roou was I'd like to go to Sea, you know, wet . and slippery, making the work . - more • Vilak glanced down, to.a'scertain the dinner at Pierre's—she was about to reason for the dampness and saw a ' shadowy corner a• tiny thread' • of water coursing up' from the soil. "Spring from those Little lakes on the high. ground' back of your house?" he demanded of Prentiss. The other nodded sullenly. (To be 'continued. Mina'rd's for lalling (lair. Disappointed "Were .' you. impressed with the sculpture in 'Europe?" difficult Peggy 7iopkigs Joyce; at a farewell' sail for Europe—told' a, little story. "Girls aren't 'really sentimental or poetical' any more," she said. "For purposes of their .own' they may pre- tend to be. but—"A girl ablaze with ^diamonds said to me the' other day :with a yawn. " `Oh, yes, I like hand- Vilak began making loopholes, in the holding, r but it must be the whip window barricades: "Wet feet won't 'hand:l" < . hurt us. Get rifles, if :you've got ' them." Prentiss disappeared into the house' again, returning with, half a dozen .,new rifles and a box of ammunition. Two of these Vilak put by each Win- dow. ' "•I think we're ready' for' them now,,,' he ;.t rn ,,,.,4�-As rc'�a`dp-as.w 'ern' can : He began distributing „the cart- ridges. He lcokea at Elise gravely as' he .watched, her" slip a clip of bullets into the chamber of her rifle. `rI re- proachmyself bitterly for having let yotf .come along. Bitterly. Both you and Nanny. !But you're here.' , And what's .done, is done." • I• i depress the heart. Look for. the He took 'another bit of betel, then Saxer' cross, thus: • • • peered out through one of the window apertures. "Moon's quite bright and 1 cin see plainly, but no signs of at- tack yet All of you had better have some cigarets " , He offered. the ciagrets to Elise. She smiled 'and ,refused. "Too power= ful for me.'now. Wnn't be able to shoot Straight if"! do.' I'll take one of Mr, Nunnaily's mild ones." , She touchei :._-__ ._ his hand. . "Don't worry about' my ' being here, 'or your }laying'.. brought •• me here. You didn't., 1 brought my-. , ., self, Forget about me ' You't'c far ten much in think of anyeraY • .'. Please.? "Ail right .. . that's, ended." • lle. showed the old man a second time how to ope,,;late the rifle. "Think you can do iL, Nanny?" The old man, took off 1 iq "glasses, wiped them: nervously, then once mere plc 5r ed his . tiny thtimb 'against. the magazine spring. "1 . . er .. most do it, 1 must." _ Pientio' kept his eyes fixed out he � other window, his face ono instant sullen, the next trembling. ' Vilak took a position beside him• Pie rubhed a drop of grease from the sight of his rifle• "Be sparing of the ammunition: It's the only thing' we e..� .e_Il_.have--tc?.mtike.--it--last-•-i-!•---• long time" A long eerie call like thea rey of fi Wandering bird u k: iT is the ideal food for the bottle-fed baby • because itis clean, uniform' incornpo tfot•i,ritttritious, most easily easily digested of all artiht2ial foods aria always 1Pof ' •i ,ea' diltttcii w:th plain boiled water. It is used more often that all other artificial foods combined. • T•l3u> aidco.111Mi71D 1 10 t. I'aul %V.. Montreal ':u)'l •':sa l;a?y Clio c,Fo; ,,, zea ISSUE No, I BACO? :Pep ' Vigor, vitality,' vim and punch— That's pep! The courage t9', act .on a ' • sudden • hunch— 'Thai's pep! An, Irishman' wentto an English gentleman and asked him for financial help. The latter said to' Barney, "But I•tbought Ltold yotethe last time you came tri :provided for. a rainy day." "Yes," replied'Barney,'"aiid I did pro vide for.one, but weaaad two." 'English rabbit. far.ms`procluce about 150,000 skins a year. • The^•nerve to tackle the bar dest,thfng,'' Add To Your Summer With feet that climb, and hands that • And a' heart that neer forgets' 'to sing= - That's pep! Home Enjoyment With a Cruisabout,! Y . run 'FISHING swim- ; ming, fast .terry, day boating . or • moonlight cruising, the Crulsabout has .no equal,'' for toy-, givtng,,healfh and n pl- '•'..'t1'ea n' t 'e • laugh, ng• • • rippling: seaters. • This Cruisabout. 25' tong, 8' . 1u"' 'beard, and 2' •4' draft. Is a big. burly. quality built. '18-m1l.s- an—hour runabout with depend I 110-H.P Gray Marine bmotor. Th'1 cockpit Is ample for any. Party. • The small bow '. cabin, has toilet and lots • of banging space for, clothes. bathing sults. golf . bees and fishing' tackle.. This • Day Cruisabout, . (priced,' at, $2.05 at fat-• tory) and her sister -hips are' Illus'tra'ted' .fn our catalogue. Write r.,- it .Sand--and--grit in-a--eonerete-- la'se"• That's pep! .' Friendly••smile on an hone;t face That's Rep! ' --_ *er. ; The spithat .helps when another's down, That knows how to, scatter the black- ' est frown, That loves its neighbci, and loves;its town— That's pep! To say' "f^ will"—for you know 'yu can-- That's an- That's pep! To look.for the beat in every. Man— That's pep!" To meet each thundering knock -out blow, ' And...come back with a' Laugh, because you know You'll get the,best of the whole darned show"— That's pep! , -By Grace G. Bostwick, in American M'agaziile: ' That's Pep! "Every change for the better . in- volves some 'loss, but it remains a change for the better."_—Arnold Ben- nett.: • ichardiOn x• 0 ii$ ha 3 u .a • Sales and Service by 'T. B. F, ' BENSON, NA.• 371- .Bay Street' Toronto, 'Ont. fri 0 arpcza lion ., Wit A faded, battered. hat is hardly respectable,... yet no worse than dun, gray -looking shoes ...your morning toilet should always include a "Nugget" shine—which waterproofs the shoes as it' polishes. • • • A pain in the •ldwer part of your 'acit cad "" vou• R 'It not for long, if you know about ',Aspirin These harmless; pleasant tablets' take away 'the• misery of.lumbago, • rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches, toothaches, and systemic pains of wofnet). Relief •comes' promptly; is complete. Genuine Aspirin cannot ' S!Ick/ ? wonder Solari/Mowers are so popular!, T'lteycut so es!$b, , and with such°litile"push: . IyoNbrial roof IfroMmrilm:hip Caw-enlebM%, Al' EVERY: HARDWARE STORE 51[01 POLISH E NUGGET TIN *etre WW�tli a m ,74 J11MESi SMART PLANT. BROCKVH.LX t ' some night i 1 l drifted. 1 d from -flit -tree i1C�1: W0out ,reP s On one side charityor perhaps the ggenerosity of relatives. On the otter, an old age of independence anti' cosilfort, blessed by the respect of your fellow cititens- Make the second choice yours by taking advantage of the Canadian tsavernmeiit Annuities System. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT 0,14 this C,iop'on today PO fA�E e Armmhesr$ttidclr; firw;'tiV H -f- - tit t1j�l1trlattnleflt o ( ,' • Merit oflalwice,ai)tt sWAAr.? to read a COMMEVE INFORMATION innan1t labourOttawa oboist Cternhrnt pE EIt. H NA = MitatbeMame; .7/ — • Use Minar'd4.,for Fib groat' m. ' '1,0Kkt 11Y THE WHOLE DOMINION ° Addrreeri ° There are McClary !ranges for Cooking and Heating .. . McClary Kitchen utensils for preparing ,your -food ..•, helpmates for all your .:cooling needs, It is a name famous for quality •whish women know and trust. When you buy anything for your kitchen .. ' .. watch for it. . Mcdary Sauce Pans (e* illaleraftd) 301 to $1A0 McClary Coal & •Range. 0, to $15O A woo%h Prod/idol' GENE RAL &MEL. WARESwoollen -. Brandies Micros$ Can4Ja ' • o t;l 5- • J,