The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-12, Page 14 • .$,00 PER YEAR Otoxivist . DR, W. M. CONNELL Physician -and Surgeon Lucknow • Hours:: 1.30-3.30 7--8 Phone 86 • DENTIST Dr: R. i;. Te1eaven,, LiticknOW.!'" •„.116Uriii 9.-42 A M 1:39,3 • E Photte.,66' Will.be.4.DunOilmen.,eyerY Thursday 'WALL PAPER -A full line Oi 1930 Wall Paper on hand. Prices emisiderr -'able &Mtn for 1930. I am 'also agent • for, leading job houses. -7R. J. dallier - on, Decorator, Painter and 'Grainer, I3ox 174, Lucknow. FOR SALE -A comfortapie ay/en- ing. Apply,to D. C. Taylor: (20 -.7 -3 -At.) - • FOUNDL-A .Watch.. ApPly; • to.: Harold Greer,, ." • ' • . 'Quantity of, Buckwheat for. Sale---• • Elmet Alton. •• • • •' 'Phone, Dungannon, 67 r. -6. Will take a young man. to beard and -room or two Willing to room' to - 'Other. Information at Sentinel Office HOUSE FOR SALE • Frame house, seven large rooms, • wood stone cellar; hard . and :soft Water inside, thte,e-qvarter acre hit; small stable. Apply Mrs. •Isabelle • Henderson, Wingham, Ont. Box 113.• • BABY CHICKS 10c EACH • 'Our price for White Leghorn chicks during, June will be 10c. This 'price is at the farm • Phone or mrite as the supply will be limited..-Eliner J. Parrish, Dun- gannon, Phone 82-21. (10-6-c.) "WHERE" • ' Shall I buy Confectionary? At Reid's Bakety. •• WHY? Because they carry, a large, stack of baking, have been in the business a long time; and expects to renialn. We sell as 'cheap as any living man and appreciate . your trade more ' than anybody. Call and See at Reid's, Bakery. • Phone 68., - Rupture gxpert Here Do you suffer from rupture? , If • sd„ your big opportunity has now ar- 'rived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert' will be at , HORNE'S RESTAURANT LtrooloW - for one day only • Friday, June 13th. • and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his famous appliance ..,• This appliance • will •contract the - opening in '10 to 15 days and has cured • 'gases in from three to 'six months. • This, appliance is postively demonstrated to you right On .your own person without any charge. You do not,spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right ***0• - • pliance for you. A conaultatiOn with Mr. Reayelr will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get away , from YOu. Remember the date. ST. HELENS Misses Ghidys and Caroline Webb returned to-Fott William on 'Satur- day. They were accompanied I by their mother who will remain with them until the school closes. . social meeting of the Harris Mission Band of the United Church will he held next Satuttfity afternoon. •All the boys and girls are invited. Messrs. -Prank *lad -Thomas Todd; Ned Thome' and Louts Grant.. Were at Guelph on Patuiday attending the stock Sale. , - • Mrs. Will Webster and littlte Lois were Week, end Visitors it Toronto, " where Mrs. Webster atibtided the graduation of her Sister, Miss -Taylor of Seaforth, it the Women's College Rovpital. Mrs.Detvidson of Dungannon dis- trict president Was a visitor: at the Women's Institute meeting held at Mrs. Wallace IVIiller'S Thuraday.' She gave which was atuelt enjoyed by the man Indies present. Solos by -Mrs. D. daunt , and Miss Greta Webb atid Severalagnets help- ed to iritlie splendid Meeting. , Members, Of the Young People's Sudety of the Itnited'AChnteh Were guests of , the 'Whitecliiirth Society on Mentay-wiien-all- had A -pleasant everting. Mrs. D. Todd. is spending Couple Of weeks her deter .at. Pfgeen, Keep Friday evening) 4'04 Ot 1:1 vitro as. the ditto at St. ROAN vnitiad °hutch ,attritot POW* 09#440010 '100711 Mr. :Sam 'Rathwell of Waterford; was rn town on a short visit last week Mrs. .beti. A Siddalf vilted last: • week in 'Toronto with her klaUghtelt, Ails@ Frances Sickle& • A 12 qt. granite 'water pail • for ' 98'emiti. First class- quality: ; • • .. Mardie & Soo.' Street Dant* to-inorrOW , Friday,- juna, 13 -7 -an unIneky.. date '! they say, but take aChance; Dancing'. fie*, 0.30 to 1 oelerk. •• • The regular Ineeting of the Luelt.,. now „Women's 'Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. :Greer, on Friday, June 13th, at 2.30 elelock. Messrs N. D. MacKenzie and M,acNab were, Called to Walkerton this Week to serve on the jury. We understand therewas only one ease to ' come before the coUrt.. Mr. and Mrs, Alex MeKinnonand daughter, G'.idys of Cassettort, N. Dakota, • ' visited recently With the: former 's sister, Mrs. Angus .Macr Kinnon. . • J. W. Treleayeth, who for a 'number of years has resided in Siiii- mine,'Ont., has bought the ,Tennant residence' and is Coming' hack to his native Owe' to reside. • •The Rev..C. H: Dickinson and his bride Niue guests this, week of hir: and Mrs. W. I); Rail Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson have come eas•Cfrom Moose Jaw, Sask., qn their honeymoon. : • Mr, 31ilits MacMillan Who suffered a stroke •of paralysis, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, and for a time a's in a critical condition has greatly iffiproved and new recegnizes, those about him and can eCeak• . • AlliSEt,,Hood is, this -week enter$in- in he Celia/TS Who ire Oh their -WIT tell SeattleWashington State. This ifthe first' time in 40 yeari that the four Hood brothers have been all to- • gether in the Itown of birth. Mrs. W. L. McKenzie, Grant, and )01r. D. G. McKenzie .motored to Tor- lato last Week -to attend the wedding of Miss Jean Robartson, a cousin of M-Kenzie's. Miss Lorna Camp- -bell accompanied thent to. the city where she was a Visitor over the Week The following' Masons Were in Toronto this Week having a book at the big doings •of the Shriners gathered there: Dr. D.. Paterson, F. T. Armstrong,. W. J. Davison, Fia,ser R-ateruenyW. j. Joyit, W. II. Porteous A. E. -McKim, Dr. W. V. JOIniSton D. MacKenzie, C Decker, Garfield MacDenald. W. B. Anderson. • • Miss Mary MacLeod, (laughter of Mrs. P. MacLeod of Kinloss, was sud- denly- stricken with appendicitis last Saturday night and was taken in Johnstone's ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London *here, although in, very bad condition Vas operated on Sunday Morning. Friends will be pleased to know that she is getting along very well. •••••46••0.0.••••• WILL DECORATE GRAVES The local I.0.0F. lodge will decor- ate the graves of departed. Ocldfellows in Greenhill Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, June 15th. Brethren are asked to.meet at the lodge roomkat' two o'clock sharp. Rebelisths are in- vited to join in the ceremony. Band in attendance. MR W. W. IL COOK DIED SUDDENLY Mr: Hi Cook who resided a ,mile mirth of Lucknow died suddenly Tues- day morning as a result of heart fail: pee. Mr. Cook who was in his 76th year had not been feeling well for some weeks, but his condition was not thought to be serioue. Mr. Cook was widely known as a very success- ful salesman of nursery stick, a businesS he had been engaged in for many :years. • He is survived. by Ms wife, one sop William who is in the Canadian West and one daughter, Mrs. Alex Purvis .$of Kinloss. Another daughter, Mrs. ,Ed. purns died a number of years . ago. • Funeral arrangements have not been made at time ef going to Press. • You can buy three 14 qt. galv. pails for One Dollar at Wm. Marche & •• --o- e-o--- PRESBY'rERIAN W. M. S. AUX. At our June meeting we were pleas. ed to have with us members from the 'Smith Kinloss, ;Kinlough and • Dun- gannon Aintilittries, he President Mrs. Douglas, led in devotional exer- cises and cordially vveleorned the Yid ., tors. Mrs. Alex Sutherland Alen took he chair and a- very excellhat. pro- gram was given. Miss Annie McKayread the Bible Study which was pre- pared by Miss Mary McLeod. This was taken from pfiseSgeS in the Book of Nehemiah and , was a clear' and forcible exposition of the passa- avg referred to. '1;he Kinlough ladies furnished the mnSid part Of the pro- gram consisting ef a Solo by Miss Malcolm'and one by Mtg. Emerson; onjyed- Miss DeaM-MeLeed gitt,e-tr-ver teresting and instructive address en "The Miesimiary Movement." Mrs, A. -Hughes- rift& a---very'7oorteise and -AS terestini synopsis of "The Couriers Of ;the, MOM". ThisPePer Was 0'0014 11 mil, gaols, The Saint Ineetillit ifijP$14 oil. • 'I ^ LAJCKNO1111, ONT,...:THORADAY, iluNE, 12th 1930. . THE WATERWORKS- BY-LAW • AGAIN • • by-law *taking the ratepayers of Lucknow to authorize the raisin:of money for improving- fire protectimt and tunPlYing..pure. domestic water apn, 'es in The Sentinel ',again , this This is practically the same by-law as *as -defeated on April 7th. In re -submitting the by-law • theo Council is. acting in response to.., a petition signed by 129 ratepayers of the village, and as thia-'numt,t is well over a majority ,of, the.„'itossible Note, the council feels justified in ask- ing for another vote.• Talk, about it not being legal to submit a defeated by-law within a year is nonsense. The council' and clerk have had the best available advice on that, and know that their coerse. is. legal. I This waterworks proposition isf big one andlt is not surprising that some features -2f it were not ender - stood. by many ratepayers. The ifact that well over.a.inajority have sign-. ed the petition': to ,the Council is a emetics] assurance that ' it will be - endorsed. . It is a real progressive move which willgive us good fire protection, good water. and a chance .to get a first' ,class hotel. '• ,CHEV. COUPE' RUNS Asu.eic •Ctiev. Coupe belonging tcr• Elliott Miller, left standing at -the. top- of the grade. on Stauffer street hist north Of Campbell, last Thurs- day afternoon was get in modem by ,the Wind or the, force of ogravitk, arid; gathering speed as it Went, tan •omess' Campbell 'Street and crashed into the east:. show twindow of the. Walker Store. The plate glasa, Of -,,course-Was•-dentolisltedrbut-the-wood• - work brought the car to a stOp, little the worse for the:in:Pact, the sound of which 'startled evervime in . the vicinity. The store staff were, enjoy- ing the hOlidav. and thus escaped hock suggesting the • Crack of doom,. • Windows were opt' of tuck in that quarter. last Week, On Monday a ear -assing• that, way shot a •smstll stone c,rom etalet a 'tir0 with h farce that • sent it through the plate ;glass win, • doti of A. R. •Finlayson's store: The glass- was loadle caicked and com-. nietely ruined.That sort of acetdent not at. all inicconmen where loose pebbles get out onto the paved street. ASHFIELD 'NOTES the Atlifield paion T.T.Eit.O. will Meet at the 'mime of Mr. D. A. Mac: Lean, Laurier On Wednesday, Jure 18 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Giant motored to Sarnia. on Sunday, to see Mr. Grant's mother, vitt° is critically ill, : Mr. Donald MacLean is serving on the jury in Goderich this Week. BORN--Oii, Friday, June 6th, to - Mr. and Mrs.' Floyd Campbell, a son. Miss -Jeep Long, Mr. Dan Long and Mr. ,and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore, spent a. couple of days -last week in London. Mrs. Wm. Agar of Hannah; N. D. is visiting her sister; Mrs: John Jam- ieson: Grant and Fraser MacLean .of Chicago, are spending the -summer at the home at their uncle, Mr. Donald MacLean. . Miss Ma Help was in Wingham on Monday having her. tonsils te, • .. moved. - The menibers of the Paramount tf.F.W.O. 'invited to join the Kairashea Club in their monthly meeting • on Thursday. June 19th. Members kindly tote this invitation. Wedding Bells Iftednesday, June 4th a pretty 'marriage took place at Lucknow Pres- byterian Manse; by the 'Rev. C. H. MacDonald, when Miss Blanche Jam- ieson, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. John JaMieson became the bride Of Mr. Ernest Wilson Of Saskatoon. The oride wore a dress of peach georgette With. tape dollar of cream silk lace, hat and Shoes to match, and carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Howard Harria, who wore a dress of rose plush crepe with sand hat and carried pink roses. Mr. Howard. }W- rit supported the groom. After a dinner at the home of the bride's patents the happy couple left by Mo- tor for a short trip to •Galt, Toronto, and other points. The bride travelled in a dress Of flowered brown chiffon, cocoa brown cloth coat with hat and shoes to Match: Mr. and Mts. Wilson will make .their home in Saskatoon. The week previous to the marriage, over thirty of the bride's friends met at her home and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. of beautiful Mid useful gifts. • DiviNt. SERVICE • The officers and inenibers of North. ern Light Lodges, NO:. 93 A. F. & A. M., will attend Divine Service in the Anglican • Church. Sunday,. Jane 15th, at 7 P.M. All Bro. of Old Light Lodge, No. 164. are cordial- ly invited to joie with then' in this service. , '1 CHURCH NOTES The key: W. A. lifotiteith, B. A. 'who recently acceptedtall to the Tees - water United Chutch will be indueted Itito--th-sritafge ThUrsday -a. this week. Mr, IVIOnteith'cornes from Lancaster, Oat, • - , .FloWer bay and Sunday School • 9nnlijersary will be Obserttea Lifik, novl United Church next Sunday morning, When the Rev, W. Jewitt 0, A. of 'PACIIVS00 *in $11010$ the OrVie014i: • • GERMAN 'BIAS KINL,QSS FARMS A deal in real estate which has comae(' a good deal of local continent was put. through with A couple.' Of Kinloss• farmers -last week. Mr: Archie MieIntyre sold his. twe,hundred acre farm (including the Macintyre home.,. stead) on the Oh concession to Mr, Max; A recent eintgrant from Germany. Out Mt, Hoekum wanted more,thari 200 acres and liar, Ifiticthat-Mr. J. S. IVIacKenaig would „ken Ilia 200 :Ore, farm „,viniell"ay right across the roadhe picked thtt up'too.' This gives' the German a very 'fine farm with two 'Sets, of good buildings. , On completing the purchase,' Mr. lioeltuin set out on the return trip ,to Germany, /leaving here Tuesday Morning. He is going to send out A' man and 'wifetO occupy the residence on the MacKenzie farm, and he hones to be back himielt, with wife, .and. fatally. .and some live stork, Which lie will import by the first of Septera- .•• Mr: Beelcum is a member of a ZaniiY vbr� is farming On a fairly large •scale in Germany, and he 'Ism:tears • to have the idea of larming in a'large Way here -He is a man in Mid* lite, and was an officer in the German army during the war. He has the bearing Of a military Man. and according. to those who have .met . him, is a thorongh gentleman. .' Mr, MacKenzie Who hoh, resided in town for the past few years Thad his 'firm largely" in grass: For some Weeks he has been busy converting the '.401d Town Hall" -into a modern garage- and gasoline supply, station. Air..'.Macletyre will sremain-;o the farm until tall 'after the crops and stock until: ,Mr: 'Boekom • : - • To Extent of. Stock=HeavY'Weight 18 Gauge 'Aluminum Kettles7-8, Qt. Qt. -$1.50i. 12 Qt, -$1.75; 14 Qt. --$1.00. Wm. Murdie & Son's THAT LANGSIDE SINK -HOLE • About a month ago 'our Langside correspondent ,reported the develop- -meat of what is familiarly known as a sink -hole on the road about a ;mile vast of the Langside .store, 'Those who have traiell'ect-that toad will- rechil a Mnall swamp just • beyond, .Tiffiin's Ceinetery: Well .that modest little swamp, has developed' into quite az curiosity. and quite,an attraction. .Infact it is about the most note- worthy' development to occurr in the quiet Langside district Since." the White Man displaced the Indian in the great Queen's Bush.7. • ' : in -the early days of :read -making a log croaway„ known as ',corduroy" was built across this swampwhich was not more than '40 or 50 yards in extent where the road crossed it. This log foundation covered with earth Served for Many..a year, no- body ever Suspecting that underneath wag one of those .curious formations known as muskeg, „arid, constituting such a' difficult problem- to the road; builder, whether a pioneer fainter or a college -bred engineer. 'Occasionally this swamp road was found to be Own footorso but this was easily remed.ed by hauliag earth. from the neighboring banks. But this season the bit of Toad was to be brought up . to county tOad standard as it is on the courAy road leadti.;" to Tees: water'and Walkerton. Quite a lot of earth had been dumped on the road and the grade was nearly ready for the finishing coats, of gravel, when one morning the swamp section 'Of the road was found to hate•disEippeared .and the travelled part Of the road was occupied by several feet Of water Not Only had the road gone down but the *airfare between the road and the fences had bulged up • so that instead of being belt)* the rwid it Was sev- eral feet above it. The Water hole was filled with logs and brush and more earth put Over this fonndation, and it looked as though the toad might be permanent, bot-tiext morning the road was down a"tin. So it has kept on and in spite of the great anieunt, of work that.lias•been done the read is no higher than it was at the 'be- ginning, while the roadsides, once helow the travelled road are now six or eight 'feet above; so • the road - builders: are soniewhat it the plight of. the Man who, slipped back two eteps: for each one he went forwArd. By last Saturday the road had been pretty 1-vvell built up, but by Spnday afternoon, When quite, a number visi- ted the spot, it had subsided about three feet. It was passable for ars, but was wet and in no ,condition for heavy 'traffic. • • . Sink holeof this Sort are not tat- coitatiort, and the Township of Culross has been contending with a number of them on the 10th and.12th Con- cessions. They appear to be due to what was originally a deep lake hay - big become filled with ninek and then Overgrown with shrubs and ivilloWs and sometimes tarryitig trees of considerable size. This surfliee will .earry ti road for .ft number of Years *mei the tree-roota arid' shrubs de -- ray when- the heavy material of, the road sinks into the soft 'mud helm and as there may be many tea' in depth of this n great- do,s.1- iff-iffd" material is required to 611 it up. Railways, after spending • great mit Of money endeavoring JO. build road bed over stitch of nniske have been obliged to abenge theft Monte, the under,surtitte beg being -two stxtensives to he ,briSlw 4 014 $leep 01,4 Wale eIIe1 ; 'SINGLE .COMES 0. CENTS The Bread • H VIS .The.Bread Of:Health. 0 Of Health ., , . Out molvro 18 quAiirry Aivp.ISERvick, OUR HOME hLtDE AN WI1014E WHEAT BREAD MADE FROM THE ,VERY HEST INGREDIENTS. STAYS ESH. PONGEE, & KEEPS' BETUR. 'mom IN. FOOD .VALUE. HON BOUCHE, RICH' FRUIT CAKE, NUT. &. FRUIT , • -EREAD,•,: LEMON' lviERAisldUE •Pits,' JELLY ..R4aLLS,, CHELSEA. BUNS MARSHMALLOW,' CAKE • :„.1DEL1.0'- IOUS ,jAM TARTS. •. , • HOLLYM4N'S ILTALITY BAKERY Phone .36 ' • Lucknow 411111RIRItimomma....Ri LUCKNOW.'HIGII SCHOOL •,LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS IN. • :"DEPARTMENTAL SUBJECTS Students have ,obtained LoWer School Standing in Geography: Br. History: Art: Botany: Arithinetic: ZOolog,y: Physiography: Eng, (ram, Anderson, Charlie -Hr. Hist.: Gene.. HotGitecisn AArtn eBisoota, enadne-r stir; Norma -Eng; Gram.: Phys..:Zool Armstrong, Winifred -Eng.. Grant.: PhY4.: Aritb.: 2°01. Blake Bernice - Eng. Grain.: PhYM:- Arith.:1 Zoid. Blake, Winnifred-Eng; dram.; Phys. Arith. :1 Zoo". Borns, Ada -Br Hist Geog.:' Art: Hot. Campbell,Kather- ine-Eng. Gram.: -Phys.; Arith.: Zool. Campbell, William -Eng. Gram.; !Ilya Carruthers, John-Geog.: Art: Bot. CarnoChan, Elizabeth -Eng. Gram„: Phys.: Arith.: Zool. Collyer, Roy-, .Br:-HiSti-Georr-Artr-Bot-Craristori- Nellie-Eng. Gram.: Br. Hist.: Arith. eulbp1I, ,Beatrice ---,Br. Hist.: Geog.: Art Rot. ,'Curran; James -Phys.. Arith.: Art. Curran John-Arith.: Art.' Douglas, DoaaldaGeog.: Art; Bot. Dyinock; Isobel-Arith. Finley - son; Clark -Br. Hist.: GeOg.: Art: Bot. • Finlayson, Roy -Eng. Gram.: Phys.: Arith.: Zool. Gardner, Janies-, • Br. Hist.: -Geog.:' Art': Bot. Gardner, Sidney-Geog.: Art. Gilmore, Frances, Giltnote, Margaret - Eng. •dram. Graham, Anna--Geig.: Art. -Grant, Jean --,Eng. Gram.:' •Phys.; _Arith.: Zoo', :Greet; .Harold --,Er., History: Geography: Art: l3citany. Hackett • Mary -English Grammar: Phys.; Arith:: Bot, •Hamilton, Archie -Eng. Gram. ,Phys.: Arith. •Hamil- ion; 'MYttle-=-Fli Geog.: Art:- • Bot: Henderson, Donald -Eng. Grata.' Phys.: Art: Bot. Henderson, JaMes- Br. Hist.: Geog.: Art: Bet. Henry, Thomas -Eng. Gram. Hodgins, Flor- ence -Hr. Hist:- Geog - Art: Bot. Johnston, Winnifred-Br. Hist.: Geog; Art. Lane, Winnifred-,Eng. Gram.: Phys.': Art: Zoo). MacCharles. Sadie- - Eng. Grain.: Phys.: Arith.: Zool: Mc- Donald, Catherine -Eng. Gram.: Phys Arith.: Zoo". McDonald. Gladys -Eng. Gram.: Phys. f Arith.: Zool. McDonald Margaret -Eng. Gram. McDonald, Rachel-Geog. : Art:. tot. -McDougall, Blanche--Geog.: Art: tot: McInnis, Kathellne-Br. Zool. MacLeod, Mary B. -Eng. Gram.: Phys.: Arith.: Zool.. MacLeod, 'Ituth-Arith, Mac- Kenzie, 'Alex -Eng. Gram.: Phys.: Zool. MacKenzie, Mary, -,Eng. Gram::- Br: Hist.: Arith.: Zool. Mac- Kenzie. Thomas -Art, MacMillan.. -Ts. • oel4Eng. Gratp.:PhYs.: Arith.: Zoo). • Martin, John -Eng. • Gram.II McLeod.' Helea-Geoe.: Art: Bot. McMahon, Mae -Br. Mist.: Geog.: Art: .Bot. McNeil. JaMes-Br. Geog.;: Art Hot. Middleton, George-Zool;Mul- Rozella-Geog.: Br. Hist.•. Art. Nixoth.Evelyn-Eng. Gram Phillirs, Frances -Br. Hist.: Hot. Riehards, Norval -Br. Hist.: Geog.: Art: tot. • Ritchie, Elsie-Arith. ltitehiep Tillie --,Eng. Gram. • Smith; drani.1 Phys.: Bot. Stitt -mon; William Geography; Art; tottmy. Thompsort,- Robert-tr. Hist.; Genet.: Art: Bot. Thompson, Franees-Eng. Grant : Phvs.: Zool. Thoinpsop, Pearl ••--,Eng. Gram.: Phys:: Arith.: Zool. Webster. George-tt. Hist.:Geog Art: Hot. F. E. McLean, (Prim) --e-o• 1 • LUCKNOW SCHOOL Room III . Sr. hi -Hon. -A. Horne 93: E. Johnstone 81: R. Parkor 77: F. Arm- strong ;76; Pass -N. Taylor 70: A. lf Henderson 66: A. Leith 64: G. ,Sher- fi. 62:' R. Ostrander 62; M. Faker 60: C. Ihinter 60: L. MacDonald '60. Below 60070-M. Fisher 54*: H. Rit- chie. Og: B. MacKenzie '50: G. Whit- by. 48'; A. Armetrong 40: K. McIn- tosh 40i, 11.?:. Dynvork 32: T. Dymock 30. - ' Jr: McDonald 82: Henderson 80: M. McKim 78: ,T, Mad:to:mid 78. P9sq-3. SteLend 62: D. Stnith 62: Culbert 60: C. Havens 60: G. WebAter 60: Below --60- A. Jevvitt 57; II. Twamley ' 57: It. Johnston 56; Joy, Henderson 55: A. Aitchison 54: M. Soloinen 53: It Thotripsen 45: J. Pearluffin 40; MI Webster 40: E. Whitley 32. • M. MacCtilliont. ASHFIELD CHURCH NOTES Prors--nrrety-t xiAs ta parity On Sundgy evening, June 8th, to heat, Rev. C. H. Dickenson. B.A.. ItlY. of .Moose,Jant: Sask. His subject was: aarciiiiirig-Arr.- It we -a- it.'ren.1- challenge to all of to do thin more more than Mark dole. SerVidea fie8i $1,114art /Una tOth.ii-illalfte 11 'II IN IRMO t otigui FAMILY THEATIE June Hoot Gibson, in. "gINd- OF THE RODEA1H7 • and ,COMEDY ; Corning: diESE" • June 20-'.21. • • *THE 'ENCHANTED ISLAND' All •Roitodelled, Give Our Meals A Trial and bring your friends Quick Lunch Served Two minutes notice ' CIGARS L. CIGARETTES TOBACCO - CANDIES4ALL HINDS • • - Always Fresh' • ICE COLD-DRthKS ICE CREAM Charlie Chin PROP •. ASHFIELD GARDEN PARTY . • The Annu.al Garden Party of_the Ashfield Cireuit will be held on the Zion Church lawn, Friday evening, June 20th. Supper served from 6 to 8 P. M., after which the Homesville Dramatic' CI•ub•will present their pop- -tiler play "I'll Explain Everything." . • This is a royalty play and has -been-- described in press comments " as "screamingly funny," and "one Of the best 'plays ever presented." •Come 'and . see for yourself. Admission 50c &' 25. 'PARAMOUNT • The afternoon of May 27 th, was the .oecasion of a happy event at the ' home of Mr. and 'Mrs, John Jamie- son, when some thirty-five ladies of , the vicinty gathered there to "show - Or" Miss Blanche,, their daughter with gifts in view of her approach- ing marriage. The bride-to-be was ;greatly surprised on her 'mart:. froni town that day to •be met by a dim- inotive bride and groom drawing • a small wagon 'profusely decorated and , loaded with gifts,. The little couple , were Miss Eileen Henderson and. Stuart Jamieson. The tiny bride was daintly dressed in* white silk 'and ' bridal veil. The gifts were varied,, beautiful and valuable. Miss Jamie- son acknowledged the kindness of her friends in a' few 'well chosen -Words. Following a social hour a dainty lunch was served by the visit ors, after "whieh aIII left for their homes, 'eating with the bride -to -be - their best wishes for futtite' happiness HURON COUNTY' • JUDGING COMPETITIoN. The fourth annual Huron County Live Stock and Household Science Judging 'Conipetitiont Will be held at .Settfortti on June 20fh, commenting at 0 .a. in. The attendance at the three previous competitions has been very gOrki and it is expeeted that the eompeti- tion this year will be equally well • attended. . From the high boys and girls in the; Live Stock and theillo.lsehold Science , Competitions chosen the teams to reprenent-tIre-etranty-nt-the-inter-L .courity eonpetitions, at, Tormito fall. Huron County teams have madc . an excellent showing in the rASt •snd "the " seceeee of -the 'tennis this - is largely dependent open a well oa- troolead competition. rt Is hoped that ihyorteo eligibla will ti4k6 afit'antate Of 'Skit ,404 *0004. 00 JUR* the 06tilt R. 6 „