The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-05, Page 8•• Yea, 'bid we rri • :Y(.1 -L. G�Iv- st first•golo,/cuswell's DriOciods Store . to Purchase Our Gift- •.• • .41.11.44A• . • . OUR...STORE. is, ready .ith Girt -Linetts • .Breakfaseeloths. ."' Ltincheon',Sets: . DInner Setl,', . . . , • . ,, " • • . • ,,.. . . . • . Guest Towels " and Regular awe Towels - Table Linen and Towelling by the. yard . • , s • - See Our Linens .Irsery IteM:a Special • • -t• • t, •-• • 'Ar • e • erte •••• 14. Ft. • . ijt . •.• 4 : .• 'twee!. e• • r, , •-•,- fl . 4 • „. • OW WTINIM 4, . • • 4. mix sth, 1930. f. • ",•41r4fti,•41,1::01 Wumer-Coato Dresses nit G0b4S. New styles juo. to 2400t1; • _ font48;50:.; :Si& to 113.5, Ithat.tHatii! &tinnier. Models:: just keeeliete and at ,Attractiie Prices. 2.95. 3.50 to 4.95' : . s Materials PItINTED or PLAIN ; • • TRICOSHENES —CELANESE VOILES— , RAYSHEENS -- PIQUES, • .--ItAYON SILKS -- Etee-- prices begin at 50e and range • tip to $2.00 Per. J. • f • ,'"•-•,-.0•0-.0!"-7--. LEctiows ARE EASY TO MAKE WHEN STOCKS ARE COMPLETE, "SO •COME • ALONG NOW. • ing ros. ingh4ri• illis:ShOe. 'Store at • NI.Tiiigan le the pliee where - ...they • • enhake & Replace . .•-AUtoTOpsoi ALL MAKES': closed or open. cars • • WE ALSO' MAKE. SIDES • FOR OPEN CARS — THE • RIND. THAT OPEN WITH THE DOORS AND ARE .AB- SOLUTELY ;DRAFT PROOF: GIVE EXPERT WORK-• M.ANSHIP IN' THIS CLASS OF WORK—IN FACT YOUR, CAR WILL LOOK AS GOOD. AB WON IT LETT THE FACTORY. • •BE 'SURE TO MAKE AN' APPOINTMENT SO AS TO AVOID eDISAPPCiINTMENT, Willis Shoe Store Phone 129 • WINGHAM, ONTARIO. UNIOR FARMERS and • • • ' INSTITUTE NOTES SIMOIMMMI.11. We shall be pleased to see this dise ict well represented at the Musical • rettival to be held ' at Walkerton, •. eursday, June 5th.• Afternoon pro - ran at 2 P.M.: Evening program At e•30.•WeefeelAure that everyone will • enjoy thio musical peoerani and their pieeseme will helpentourage .coptest- .. • leYBOOD WeiteWo.iNteleebees bee n , het, bed the pt while came tol with her uaugheer • Tynda_e rheetneeeen, en ` •Saturease • Mi. end Mrs. Will ',Howe 'were Stine day Vielteee at Mee ebariee' Burt's. Mr. endMeeelltddilee keen Were TO - cent visitors at `Will Welling'ee Mri and 1$1rti. Weo. Ane• Bettie and Alex McKenzie were recent vieie tote at Charles Burt's, . . ber. and eles. Olean Eekenswijier, ;Mr.. and Mrs. Will° Eadie, Mr. -Gordon McPherson motored to Wieterloo. and Kitchener on Saturday 104 Master Lorne Eadie and Doris; Spent the week encewith their grand, mother; Mrs.' Culbert. Mies Belle Stewart of :Chicago, far- Merly of Holyeoode Mr: and Mes. Joe Garetle. We and' Mrs• Yates. an; of, 'Chicago, and 144 Will Fleeting ,Chipleow spent the Week :end at the •Purvie' hope, ' • - • . •' Mr. and Mrs; eloWeielelearris spent Seedier- with. friends a Paeammeate : • M. -ape 'eters. , Charles," CoegreM Were' Sunday' viiitoiseat Thomas Hale • Mr. and Mrse Wesley Pollack,. Howe "it'd Gurney and., Marie were Sunday visitors at: Mr, Aimee Ackert. • - Me, and Mrs. Donovan and family of Guelph were recent visitors of. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Hughes: Mr. and Mrs. Aleec Fraser of Em - Mr. and Mrs. eSnelgreve bf troit were Sunday visitors at Tyndal • Robinson's; Me. and. Mrs.' Howard Elliott and son Clayton, Joseph Elliott of Detroit and their mother, Mrs. Elliott • :of Heron spent Saturday at theberm • of their sister, Mrs. Almer Ackert. • Mr, and Mrs.:Ear:fey Dobsoei,' Mr. • and Mrs. Earl Hall and, son, Eldwin, • of Ethel were Sunday 'visitors at Mr. • Ernest Ackert's. • , Mr. .Pinkney spent- the week end at his ,home in Walkerton. • Mr; Wine Cox?who is still bedfast we are gjad, ,to report is impeovine though Mr. AH Hodgins 'who suffered an •attack ;of Pneumonia is able to be out • . Miss Gwendolyn Ackert, 0. S. B., •Brdeetfor4, was JA.iiior Girl champion :fieldeday,_.„Mey_223..eThiselsetheethirde year she has won: the cup.• • - " BANK :OF MONTREAL esseeRs STRONG •REPORT The Bank of Montreal is now foie warding , to shareholders a particti- farly "satisfgetory. statement for, the half year -to April' 30th, , the ace of unusual cOnditions, ,the .Bank hasbeen able to keep • strong in liquid assets and cash.and" et the same time t� -show satisfac- tory profits. In the geeral statement 'me of the outstanding features •the inereaseeineeurrenteloans -in Can- ada. Both Capital and Rest are at new high levels. The Paid-up Capital aow stands at $36.000,000, ea' from, $34,544,760 a year ego, while the Rest has been, increased to $38,01)0,- J0e, from.$35,548,760; at -which level it is • $2,000,000 above he Paideiip Capital. It is likely due to the larger, capi- tal employed that the Bank has beep able to report to shareholders slight- ly increased profits for the six months as compared with the 'corresponding period last year. Profits amounted to $3,543,017; -ap ' from 13,491,651. there were also received in the six months payments of $51,459,. as pre - Mims on new stock. These amounts • when added to the balance carried forward, brought the total available for distribution up to $4,330,959. This Was appropriated as follows: Divi- dends and interest on instalment pay- mente • on new ,stook •$2,167.586; amount credited to Rest Account $51,- • 159; provisions for taxes Dominion Government $229,979; reservation for dank premises' $600,000; leaving the "alatice of profit and loss to be'par- eied forward, at $1,281,039. As was tete expected, with • the change in the general credit 'Situation' throughout the everld, the most im- ' iortant variations are in the call loan department. Call loans in Caeada Are down to $27.460 856 from $19.359.- 779, tend callloafis in Great Britain and the United States have been reduced to $68,028,615 from $139,- 174,369. At the same :time, balances. due to banks and banking corms-. pondcnts elsewhere than inCanstde which to a, great extent represented deposits temporarily placed on this `licie dee to hiehee loon rates—are rtown to ' $9,6e0 804 from $35.- 597467. Total deposits erre. reported et $68£1,007;752: Of this ambuntde- posite bearing interest Are $540,856,- se and deposits not bearing interest $130,418,937. ants from. Lucknow. , Don't forget the soft ball game on Friday, hes 6th, Teeswater girls vs. Luke() neTeeireat- eleel 'Meth 's fa1i— • mile east of Lutked*. Game at kap' 'sharp.. . , Epps' Transport Varna, Ont, • 1 Hilton, -626 r. 21 . Phones c . London; Met. 1165 • Daily Freight Service..,PrCtn London Dilly „ ,Ciosed Vants-Lfor Furniture LOADS ,g_vitiniventRE -Every Load Insured for $5500.00; "Service attd Satisfactiat" Our Motto • , • rouFfll Nines* . riret,uxwitikk.0e Exercises iote M. els* Nevougani‘ ret* Toronto atter week's: vacation his home.. ' ' ,• • Mr and Mrs.- Wee, • McConnell 9. Lonuon, spent. the. Week -end ewith friends in mid around Mies Lena Robertson of Winghan* is spending a few days at her home. 1• Mrs. 'Reynelds, and children,„ ree • turned to .their: .home n Windsor; after speeding a few weeks .with rel-' ativee .here._ • • • Mrs. A. Cameedb: of /Jett:di-4e ViSitiAg with he mother, 108* J. 1.11C- • Mr. , Jim Little, of i'BowinanYille,• ajieei%."11,wez.e,e k-erd with bis r-trents Mrs ,vtsited with he* sister, -Mts.. A. .Hamilton, eteDureidiiis during ehe,:elldele ,• Mise SiOe Bell Douglas ',and 'friend letias Ruth eleriiSton of Detroit, tment a few days at the home 'of theefpritie, egts‘Pareete„,IVIr, and Mrs •R.Deuv las bilis Irene:Morgan spent the 'see with` friends in :London. • • Mr. and Mrs: R Spelgrcive, of Detroit, motored over to see • the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Feasete•Who has not ,beenewell of late: • 'Mr. Malconil and Mattie Meenbid. were over front- eeetreit for the holi-e • Rev. '0., • Dunn; •preaelied the :lAotisAnniversary s esa:fierdas:ritt isces int • South Eine ' Mr. and Mrs; Frank Weis' and -dieughtee, Margaret of Rochester,. motored over to spend a While with the latterNparent% 1%fr. and :Mrs. A„ McDonald. ...Weis returned home on Monday, whfle•his wife and daugh- ter will remain here for a few weeks: Miss. ,Marearet "Grahem, was over - from Detroit, for a few ,days visit - at 'her home. • Mrs. L. PecIeer. Don And Elizabeth pent Sunday in 'Wiarton: • • Mr. and Mrs. et: Elliott and Child- • ren. of Holyrond, viei+ed at letr. Robb's, the first elle week. • • ASHFIELD ,NOTES • Out...Store ,is ready with Bea SOreads. ItayOn:fied Spreads Fancy Stripe :and; Cotton .. • , $uitably Priced for June' • .• Our Store is reopening its BasementBargains all ready to go attirday, June 7ih lOur Store is the ,tycknow Home.Of the. Harding, :Carpets.,, Mats, Runners and Room Rugs 2 „grades": of Axinirtster 3 Grades of Wilton • and -Hardahain Domestic Orientals These are all of new Manufacture, being seamless • See tikthi jiff -del a,'remtight .". Mr. Alex MacLean is visiting friends in Chicago this meek: • Mr.,and Mrs. J. Weigand and fam- ily of Detroit visited at the home of Mr. Ronald McLean,, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. leittelteitzk and daughter and Mr. Eli Mcblannara, of Detroit spent the week -end with. Ash- field Mende. • Mrs. Brew* of Detroit, is visiting her sistere•bliss Fake Cameron. • Mrs. Lorne McLennan and children of Detroit is spending a few • days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. las: -McDonald. Mr. Metthew Parrish and Mr. and Mr. Carr of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kennetlr-Far- rish. - The May meeting of the AshfieId Union U.F.W.O. was conducted by the vice-president, Mrs. Neil G. MacKen- zie, at •the home of Mrs. John Mac- Rae, Loci-Abb. An interesting feature of this meeting was the display. .of relics belonging to our ancestors and, the history , acCompanying these. Papers from head office on farm pro- blems and the May bulletin were more or less satisfactorily diecussed. Community singing, a paper on Home Life of our Pioneers and a • Question and Answer contest were additional points of interest in the program. After closing a' dainty lune): was served,-Sec'y. • The .Rev,. Mr. Giltleee_rector of St. P el's Church, Dungannon: and 'Christ's, Church. Port Alltert," has announced • to the congregation e his resignation of the charge. the same to take effect at the end of Anent Mrs. Bill of the 7th Con., Aehfielcl Tot a great fright end rerrowly es- caped stan initiry and suraepossible death °right in the farm yard, A short time ago. See went out for a pail of water talene her 'Illthe about ore year of age with her. Cattle , beloneing to • neighbor had •brokee into the Ball • farm, and were near the purnn, In the herd wasa hull 'leech hetarre cited o'n• seeing' Mrs. Ball end the baby. Bellowing as enraged bells 'do. he charged at Mrs. Bali wild ea:trier the babe fled to the honee end fort- unately rained the door, in 'time to .escape the .pursuine animal., ,Which, was almoat Orlon them. Needle -eV te' say, Mrs. Pell wee elmest overcome with the effort •and. fright-- • - Phone 75 lfre .•••e•-• .• • 11 swe Lucknow • Baby Chicks We can supply you with. S. C. White Leghorn ' Chicles efor -delivery :in June at $10.00 .per 100. Our leg - hones are the famous •Barren strain, hens, heavy layers et large eggs.' We guarantee 100 per cent safe de- livery. Order early while' the' best dates are available., WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM • -BRUSSELS 'BABY' CHICKS -At final bw midsummer prices 0. A.C. Barred Rocks $14.00 per 100. Single Comb White Leghorns $12.00: Our chicks are all 'produced from eggs laid on our own farm by selected ' ,disease-free .hens. This means some- thing to you when buyingchicks— • They will live and grow. Above, prices • are effective. on 'and after June 9th: Dorn forget to see our galvanized feeders.• C. G, Canipbell, R. R. No. 2, Auburn. Phone, Blyth 10-24. KINLOUGH • Misses Mae and Edna Boyle ' re- turned home last Week from a evisit at Liican. Mrs. EdePercy and ,Alvin of Detroit visited friends and I relatives here over .the Week -ed. Mk. and Mrs. Geo. Haltienby.erted family, - Mrs. Dudley and Mr. Alf, Raldenby returned from. Eelto Bay, Algoma on Friday. Mrs. Jo Percy remained et the -Valley and will re- turn home in a 'few weeks time. • ,We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Bert McLean in the loss of her father, the late Mr.. Jno, S:essier of •Ileivie. • • Owing • to the rector, Rev Aeple- yerd being ordained to the priesthood' oil Sunday: next at 3..11,con no service will be held in the church of Ascen- eon here. •• Mr. and Mrs. Sidney 'Parry and Shirley and Ellie . of Detroit visited • With Mr, an' Mrs. Ino. fiedgiee over the week -end. • Miss Betty Graham of Lietoe'el es tluntre at present recuperating !Iron') a recent illness. ' • • Atre-Eldieetowererearel-Mieeelevelyne leaeieson--ee-Beeen-Wtee-et ndiver-vite Urns With Mies Greed IIAlileeby. Mr. and Mrs. lits. petty and Lloyd fHuron Visited at wsv, Pereea-on Sande*. • Mr, Gordon McPherson .of Holy. rood *kilted 611 Su** at the ,heete ef so, zoiskiskkomet, • • 11•1111111•111111•MA • WHITECHURCH ..• , Misses •Clete. Wijlls, Mary Leiner and 'Wien:Heed Far 'er of Cedar Val- ley spent the week end at their re' spective hones here Whitechurch was very Well repre- sented at 'Calvin Anniversary, when Rev. Mr. Duncan of Stratford, was the preacher, and 'also at ,South Kin-: loss anniversary, when Rev. Mr. Dunn was the spetial speaker. • Miss Ide•iVIcQeoid spent the week end with friends in Ashfield. The United Church Y.P.S. are hold- ing a picnic at Goderich,•on Saturday June • 7th. A number from here -attended the, graduation exercises at the ,Winghien Hospital last Friday night. Messrs. Amos Ceenelious, George McQuoid, • Peter ,Kennedy ane Jaekl Craig attended te race,1 at Goderieh last Wednesday. The District Annual meeting of the. Women•s Institute; Will be held in tit Instftute ,Hall here next Tues.:w, June 10th. Mr. ' and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy spent Tieesday with Mr. and Mr.. Fred Stanley At Chesley. • Mrs. Wm. Patterson of Auburn, visited a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs-. Clarence Cox. • The play "Smile Rodney, Smile," put an here last. Friday night by the Westfield young people was ' very midi enjoyed he .all who attended. DIED ' DURNIN—In the township Of. Ash- field, on Monday; June 2nd, 193,0,, Mr. William Edward Diu ilin; aged 78 years and 7 days, •Punerel on June 4te, to Dungannon Cemetery, service in Crewe United Church.- • WEBB—In the 'toeenship of West Waevanosh, on Saturday, May 31st, 1930, •George Webb, aged 67 years, 10 mos., 11. days. Funeral to Green- hill Cemetery, June 3rd. • • s almost worn out are dangerous.. DliWE IN SAFETY ON OAIIN ION ROY ALS • • r . Look to yourtir' es early this season., Have them inspected by a Dotnin. ion Tire Depot expert. Yblir old tire i may be worn tothe danger point. Replace them with Dominion Royals, standard equip - •&tent on many of Canada's fittest Dominion Royals—the tire oL today for the ear of today—are sold and - -serviced-by Canada's greatest tire •organization. the -Dominion Tire • pepot System, each independent unit distinguished by its blue and orange color scheme. • • • ..• A -4 • • ee, „••••.„ • ,33% , • •