The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-05, Page 5a a • L, r2Y T "fi:T .• r.r z• 5 . 1.1 � . • � '�'RE L. UCKNQtY. �1'><'>�, � ��i7ASt?AY; . �Ui!tE ih.. �;� ' ' l3E • e• Hundreds of web z ble faro' buildings ate destroyed evepy Xear b' rightniog +od aparki from nearky firex'landtng Sion the roof. But ;hers u .nagariray YeYellcan scents .lifetio,e, protection • from these her hada: mply roof ivory building with RIB - ROLL, They will r&an.be,immune to fires sausad by flaming brends and burning m •bar+. When •properly grounded and • Qtu • .!P with Pa ataa 'Yendls a. r-iaccording to rhe Light. lung� • Am+-:dlh lightning.. You wilt have. a, roar gives Ouster and seopomy: ' •Pib.Rell Rooting • is the 'sheet with *mare tib,=s nail• every • five inches. Mud. W CounStandard, cil Sard rtweifttadons • Semis in 'big slfeets. cloy'And'insitpsgaiw'to lel, on new or, over old roofs... $scare Nefria lifet*Dia.• •7 .t for hgriin; buas,'.*heda, Wait"' naY!n • Use Led•H(IRd fail:. By win"' Preaton I.ED-HED; nails you eliminate "the' tediotiti. . , •4 Jo of duwin� dheed ,Wuhera:' 'E.yeay` nail hole': is • ^pe ectly . sealed,. Malang ',At 'waterprggf, ruaaprecif- .and • O'.'4Paeherroof. Preston lfentila#ion. • ' No Ptoses vent latsd'bun'has even been,reported', burned 'because • of spontaneous comi,uation. Prs*toa.Bst a Ventilators for roof; •adjustable side windows, „led' spadeus doors protect (rent Spon• caecal} ignition by' keeping the air in const .nt eirc.ltlia-. Weirs for particulars. Preiiin' hales Deer Hardware• Preston bot-gatvsdaed foor.wheel .Hangers and bird:proof Barn Doer Track are • so easily erected tbac hundreds of builders Will use no other style. Best in Canada for hoot,t .barn' doors. The Hanger is adjustable s and down. inside and' •parr,. , ltrVat7ne !bortFAWN .erriadaa' ShiJa nr a`Li Solna os. / i1, it • �� •,,.• r. .._. itllll►lal��pi %ifl�l 11 ; OVER f 000..1N ONTARIO Pleas* send free booklet with -• in formation. about Preston Steel Truss Barns 0 Rib Roll Roofing Led Hed Nails 0 Cheek '-off`pro'ducc"tu wluSti yi5ii are"" ": interested. LIGHTNING HASN'T DESTROYED' ONE ; Name.. ... Address .. • •••••..: 1. kiNLOSS• COUNCIL MINUTES lioness' Court 1i 'at.t.L on 'lay 28th. 1930, at 10 c,'di r" 1:.•Th iber; .all pro sent. , Minutes of .la;t nleu' int* rem' :end adopted. .:cls: 1'<tt?r 1: Kinnon.,• claitll, of $4,00 ft,r ':. •b� tilled -a,:( damage: by •do,•F nae aril"'.red 1i:iit •`'re(' Jr r,1, 1r;1•,,,pd to,r",.'e'v'•$1.80 fo: inspection Moved hv= T ilin4t and •,?fcQueen ►alt . 41„ r ,,.;„ ,...., , ;.. nr,,,t• on the . Gaunt, Laid• w Drain.' heing read; .,it be. provisionally, adopted, and the Clerk have the By-laws prepared.'The Court af' Revision on the Assessment Roll, hating ;u,r•ivcd, and. the members. being duly sworn. Mewed a:y Melntoshg and Huston 'that. the ,be chair- •I man of lye Court: '1'heoe appeals were: t} a.c,.(:'lellk's hands, iz. Ill., S. ('arrip•' !roil on Lot, t•5.. (•'on. 74 P. A. Mi1rrrrly tri hot 1:1, Colt. 10 and Garrett Swit- r..on 1;ot. b ,1 1, i,.< 1$c•Tn n,'' and Huston. that. the appeals 'of D. S. Cainpbet • PAGE MS and '(t, ,ii nett Switzer, be not sus' Ore. d olid tu.ail •N. A. .,.L.�._, y, . .c; (# •$2UO:Gj. • ir'u,,:cl b.; Lei:o:.t 'andlicQueeh that .:the Court be now closed, and that the Assessment Roll as revised $.be,1¢taken15as a basis of all rates, for the year 1930, And that tlie'assessor be paid his salary and' expenses of .OJ.• Moved by Elliott and . `McQueen that' the Ci ek advertise '.iit the Luck- nouy. Sentinel the .' letting of the Mc- Leod Municipll Drain• on .Saturday Jane 7th at 2' o'clock ; Moved' by Meliitesh 'and . Hinton, that the Clerk also.. advertise, ,for tende.rs4 op. the ••'Laidlaw McGlynn Municoiral 'D:xain.,. ,,, Moved by, McIntosh;' and ' Hu'gton tlaat,U'xe Erilriueer`S r•eiiort on the ICin- loss And 10near'dine • Munieipal' Drain be read • at the Hall, H.olyrood' on June 23rd,' 1930, and that theCl'erk: notify all, p:-iities assessed in Kinloss ' • • Mored by -Elliott and 1VI'kQueen'that: the Clerk prepare the Ey-L ws : for. Kinlo , ,'S11'06..4' the 'Elliott Muncie pal Drain in East Wawanosh'and"that, the Court •of Revision on.•the same':be held nt Holyrood on June 23rd At ` 2 o'clock • Mo ,:ed.' by Elliott and Htjston . t'hat the Peeve:,' McIntosh And .McQueen be a -committee, to: cohfe,r with the 'En- gineer on Wednesday 28th• • M'ay, at the Lott •Drain at 10 o'clock, -and at the Rosso Drain later in the day. . The .,ttee.ve • And Clerk having ' re-' ceived tele:gr-ariis dated.; May 26, I.�.30 from Mr: R. (1 Muir of ih: D. ret: of Highways; granting consent ' to a chari'rre in ._the :Road :Supt„ it was roved. by Elliott and McQueen that we .i Tent their wire,. and that the Clerk write the • Dept. ''stating. 'that the necessary Ey-L'aw would be pre7. Pared; and ..a c ny sent 'to them, as soon '•as .a new Road ' Supt. was •ap-• point..'d Mr.. McKinnon was notified. aceordinly, 'the •change to take effect at this date Moved by'' : McIntosh ,and; Huston: that the Clerk prepare the By -Law. fort"s' nn,noi tn'ent'"of Rpad 'Supt tit .:i s:11:;: v 'r,f $3.50per day.., A'sn c it•l ,p cetinw• to be held 'at Hohn acid < n _ll9ndj v;_,. 4.T. .12th, a, i denling' with Drainage work, •anti the n.A:t re riI tr..n-rept my to 'be held' ' on Monday, :Tune 2?rd at,' the usual,.. time, ,And :dace. Cheg:ies issud. Road. No. 8, P. L. 37, ivninten:sore,• $9.97; Road -No. 8. P • L 318, Snow roods. $14,9n: Road. No 15: P. L. 39.. Snow and ; Mainten- ance. 133.151; R^;,d No 5. P. L. 40. Grading •$1-`2.58'; Rond No. 6, P. L. 41 'Grading', $2:5.05; Road No. 12, . ;P. L. 12. M:,intenarrr•e. and Snow. $x0.90; Road °No; ' 20; P. L: 43, Mainterttnce and Snow, $7,.85; •Rciid No. 17, P. L. 14, Grading. Sonn7'Rnad Nn 1.. P, L. 45, Grading' $15.80; Road No. 7, P. L. 46, Dragging,. $i00; Road No. 5. P. L. 47, Snow, $10.25; Reed No. 5, Yr ti 'I(X7HAT•a colourful array,. v v and what a formidable ane, were the crusaders who fought to free the holy Laird Tram the Saracens. Mail -clad knights,with plumes nod- ding from their burnished helmets, rode forth on gaily caparisoned chargers, eager to break a lance with their foenien. To -day Brantford Roof- • 'ing leads a crusade against ugliness and the Fire Men- ace. 'Brantford Asphalt Slates with their y.ibrant colour harmonies are anish- i:ng forever' the drabness of old-ishioged roofs. • Btlt'they are doing more, than' giving unsurpassed eauity to roofs. They are 1 ,:fns _--�#41.7 reducing Vire Risk ;to a neg- ligible quantity.-, Flying sparks and flaming brands cannot ignite t1;ese slates: Nor Can the elements wreak damage upon !rant- . ford Asphalt ' Slates which are impervious to rain, sleet sun and -snow. They will not curl, bulge, shrink or 'swell. Their'.strtngth' and beauty refnaxn , utiditniniShed year , after .year... Arrange TO-DAY,tothave tiles handsome, massive slates ajp'plied right over your old"roofg This may save you hundreds of 'dollars: in re. : pairs to ceilings, wall's and interior decorations. Write for your copy of the Book- let "Beauty with 'Pitt Protection" a comprehensive treatise on' the proper type; design, finish and cc lotill for your roof. ' kke*Acfitci 1t k4ta4 C4,4:. l.ideitrd Hod ettli tAlid l+erton`: Brantkrtl; Ont. . • ' Iltaticb Oftwo. sod vreopi.wmie 'l v4"itis et'tndror R'einipeg. Iiia+retreat, Halitrw Sint J.:ha, IN,e. raid St. John'%'% Nal Fort. ►1e :11y:01V/ �i'i MIJPi IE it SON Coriick-Meering S a, « ' 1• • THI$ SPREADR. :HAS TWQ S'TEE'L, BEATERS WHICH. PULVER;IZD THE MANURE `AFTE'R •WiiI H If RECEIVES, A .T'HrRD L'1JATI'NG ,A/sip IS' SPREAD, O`U i'. EVENLY sIBLYOND: H TIKE WEL LS1 BY TH:E :WIDESPREA. SPIRALS TRIS' SPREADER. IS I'i'l`TED 1V'I?'H ROL4LE4 • REARINp•S WHI( II MAKE "1T VERY LIGHT :IN DRAM' ' ' IN THE SELECTION bi';A SPREAHE12, JUSF,TIIE Sit:ME A'Sz IN TFIE`E','SELECTION +Oi! ANY ;,OTHEtt' MACHINE, ' THE '.CHOICE SHOULD BE, BASEL) `' .ON '..Q,UALITX F.,FFICIENC.Y • Ili ' QPERATION, AND :DEPENDABLE AFTER SERVICE --,NOT. IN•. SEE, 'THIS• ;SPREADER .,IJEI"'ORE BUYING, 'A'T W -ND- - 4,s P. L. 48, Culvert; $3 50; Road : No 19, P. L. 49, Culvert $2.6v; Supt: Salary P. L. 50,133.00, J. R. Lane, Postage, telephone, , expenses , to Tuxnberry Council re Lott .Drain, '$11.00; '!'hos: G. Gaunt, .Postage,' Excise supplies, $5.40; Municipal World, ;Sui,ples,` $2:51; Peter McKinnon, Sheep killed $30.00; John McLeod, inspection, 1.80: J. W." Colwell, ' part ,,salary,"115.00; Angus' McIntosh; • part salary, $15.08;. Richard • Elliott, part salary, $15:00; Jas. G. Huston; ,part chary, $15:004 .Adam .McQueen,, part salary,. $15.00; Thos: G. " Gaunt, part salary. .$2 5.0) J. R. L.'ne, part' 'salary, $50:00; J. R Lane, Clerk's; Fees.•sereing By -Laws,. --baidiaw; -McGlynrr .Drain ; W,-$l-8;00ei:•" C;onerani. lr r e ' „'H R- K. %Bea+nri �y $3.15; . Leti ` Boyle, Salary Assessor and expenses At 'a apedafineeting called by the Reeve for Saturday evening at 7 o'cio k for the purpose of appointing a Road Supt. All .members .present. It was moved hv .Huston and. Mc- Intosh that Alex McLeod.•be appoint: ted i id Supt. for the 'township, of Kinloss . during the pleasure Of th vo,'uc14• , - Mr.' McLeod's name , was . inserted in the i; y -Law already drafted, and the, By:Law .was read -a ,flrst,'seccnd, and third time, and • finally. passed, . signed 1.1,0 healed. . J. R. LANE, Clerk. o-o:o=-- .,PURPLE GROVE Mrs. Will Stanley and . babe of L,ucknow spent .the week end with her •` parents here. ' and 'Mr; r;c:i Scott irotored td Niarmi'aPd,,o;ther ._Pc'nts last i Vie' _.,.� '. 14Irs. Tarres._W-1.,v;is• t d.. . friends 'in• Toronto last Mrs. James: Pollock spent r few days in 1Detreit. • „. The Ladies' A'ri Met 'at the hon .e• , of Mrs; Gawley F st week. Mr. and Mrs. •!* ,.,_id St'erl:nn. !t1-•. and Mrs. Lawrence Sterling and b:ii e Thom son spent Sunday at Tack .Emerson's. • Owr-OF-TOWNCALLB- itlei{E.R AND CHSAPBR THAN EVER, t54 She almost trembled at the thought Ening rates o,i "Any- one" (statibd4.O-sea• tide) calls now begin at 7 p.m. Slight nates begin at 8.50 p.m: just gt 'e ".•.'ong Distance', the number you want =-11 speeds ttp the ser- vier. 1/ you don't know the distant number, "Information" will look ii, -(4) f r you. Mrs. Kane was a timidsour--no doubt about it! Modern- efficiency rather terrified her. • • She wanted so much to talk to her sister in a town, 8o'mallet raway because a.friend had told her how she enjoyed weedy long distance chats with her home. But she didn't ,know how to ga about it. ek i"'there's nothing fo it," her friend told her. "just ask .the operator for., - 'Long Distance' and When she answers tell her .the number you want. if you] don't know your sister's number, ask Information' -it's so very simple." Mrs. lune felt encouraged++ She tried it out eine evening; found the operator . helpful; and in two minutes, was talk• ing to her sister and enjoying herself' thoroughly, And the call cost her 'only 4b cents- the evening station -to -station rate ,(after The Friday night 34nur1'ute. talk to her sister is now an institution. It has made -:. -such-a--drfferettee- to-know-•:she--r`sitir --- ,rear! And, Mrs. kane calls after 8.30 ". p.m. now, at a cost of.`oely:25 oats.. the night rated •