The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-29, Page 1$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $50. OTHERWISE LOC:KNOW, 'ONT. THURSDAY, MAY 29th. 1930, SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. DR. W. M. *CONNELI• • Physician and Surgeon '• • • Lucknow • , Moore: 1.30-3.30 ' 7-.$ Phone$.6 . . DENTIST Dr., R. L. Treleeven, Lackno. Hours: 9•s12µ A M; 13045 P. M. Phone' e' S3 Xray'•: Will be in Dungannon -every :Thursday WALL:PAPER,. A;full "fie of 1930 1. w' Wall Paper on hand. Prices consider- , , able down Icor 1930. 'I am also agent; fes leading jolt houses. -R. 1; Lamer. On, Decorator, .Painter and Grainer; Box 174, Lucknow. • FOR SALE—A comfortaule dwell- ing. Apply to D. C. 'i'aytur.• ¢ __ (20-3—ti.) -' ... . FOR "SALE. Underwood Type, writer, in good condition -cheap; Dr. Spence, , Lucknow. FOR SALE—Quantity of Potatoes. bblers and Jioolies. Ernest Gaunt, R. 1, Lucknow. (29=5=c) Car B k " Salt at C.N,R. Station to,sell at 35c and 40e in customers bas, . T}lursday morning, May 29th. A. ' R,. Finlantion.4 Climax. Bug Killer will kill Verinin on Vegetables,. Flowers, Rose Bushes Currant Bushes. Excellent for Pots - . •'toes. Pier Pa_25c: V.miald.u.r•die'•&-Son- •`.� 'NOTICE' On "and .afte May ` 27th, Miss ' .G. Robertson, Ma' eliist, will be at T. - Watson's son. s BA roe Shop, o every second , e and P Tuesday from J' a. m.. till, 8 p. m: Kindly make appointments'early. ' : (29 -*-6—c ) DRAINAGE WORK IN • ' I • KINLOSS TOWNSHIP The ILinloss Council will be "at :Mr. Alex McLeod's, Lot N.H. 49-50, Con: 1, '.Kinloss, on Saturdfys, June 7th, 1930, at 2 P.M:, for the ,purpose: of letting the ' contract . on . the McLeod Municipal Drain. Contract' to be let in' two parts, the open portion, and "the tile portion., Thc- lowest or 'any bidder not nee- essarily accepted. Anyone bidding to be prepairedto furnish a marked cheque for 10% of contract price: Work to be completed by November lst, 1930. Plans and :specifications may be seen at McLeod's, or 'at the Clerk's office. , . —ALSO — • The council call for' sealed tenders 'for the trenching, and covering of tile, on the Laidlaw, McGlynn Munici: pa•l Drain on Lots 28-29` and 30, Con. 2 Kinloss. Tenders to be in the. Clerk's office not later than' June 7th, '1930. •'Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted: All tenders .to be ac- •comr;anied with a marked cheque for 5% of contract price. Tenders to be • opened. and contract let at the,,Town- ship Hall, Holy, pod, June .9th, 1930, at 3 P.M. • Plans and Specifications may be s"en at Mr. T. G. G•tunt's, • or at the Clerk's office. • �) (5-6 J.cR. -Lane, Clerk. OUR GIANT FLUFFII( RUFFLES and ROSE of HEAVEN PETUNIAS Make a Georgeous Display either in Beds, Borders, Porch ,Boxes, or Urns. They can be set out no* and will start blooming in two weeks or so and.continne After hard frosts. We , have a large assortment of Trailers for Baskets, Boxes and Urns. llanting;Baskets and : Boxes refilled. Lettuce deliciously crisp. Phone Carlow 235 Stewart 'Bros., . Benmiller Nurseries, R. R. 4, Gorierich, Ont. "A- TREAT IN STORE FOR YOU"' Why not start now and tune in' and enjoy ybtar meals with Golden Crust Bread. The bread that is most nutritious, nourishing and appetizing. The 'bread that makes mother stop baking. Insist on Reid'a Golden Crust Bread. . Specials For Saturday • • Cream Nut Rfolls, • nlnut- Mace rDona; Chelsea I iTs, Tants Sponge "Cakes: Variety titchoice baking at REID'S'BAKERY ' Phone 63 u it fl l's Fertilizer , WHY SIGN AN ORHER PON PZ tTTLYZEI , WiIEN YYt ' AAAA. CAN GET WHAT ' VA/ •WAIJT ANY TIME2•. MIXED FERTILIZER • CONN SI-DERAJtT: -CHEAPER, Y ' HIS YEAS. a j3'Y ROBERTSON., See : Ben `Iiur, • Fancily. Th May '29-30=31: Afrs.'"Laird of Woodstock is.a'guest this week of Mrs. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. John Champion the. recent •• holiday with, friends London. ": entre, W. H.ROBERTSON, GODERICH; • : LIIBER:IL CANDIDATE' INN ' HURON pent 'Unanimosis Choice at Winghani, Tues - in'. day Afternoon. Mrs.r Rebece,e Lindsay, , of Det -Spent the P ,, meek -end' with ' Luc. friends. • New Voiles, Muslins, Broads Pri s nt tc . fo , .,L r .Seasonable Dre The •Market. • • M. and Mrs.: T.- S. Reid • of Or spent', 'Saturday: 'and aunuay, relatives here." • roit,, ,Mr.! 'W. 11. Robertson, edit .. Luck for • of Lib - won etion. rgely n the esday,• arge.• and. thus - The-Goderich.: Signal'. 'wilt lie., to eral' Party. candidate' in North B lochs in the , a roae ing federal e e saes'° This was decided at.'a ,very la attended party coryventiion held i Wingham Town Halt on • .;fu' illia afternoon:' with of this ` ,.eek: '' The Hall wan packed to the : doo? there' was no lack of party en ome iaam, ' day • The Conservative ;party' corcye has not "yet been held, 'but Mr' Spotton, presentaanember,. •for' to Huron will doubtless be . the con the ative: candidate. • Other •candidates' put 'forward the:.convention• were •Mes rs I H his ;frill ,of Benniiller, R. Vanstone, K of. Wingharn; • i hos, Tnglis, How and Abner Cosins Wingham; A. Hy re• end 'C. A. Robertson, M. L. A. Only three of these. stood for ballot; Robertson, Hill. and.'Vanst e- Mr. Vans , _. .. h. me tion„ being', away . on court basin Mr. Robertson was an ,easy win a' on the -first. ballot, • receiving ,m g n votes than 'the ,other two:.'Thereu nd his •nomination .was miade • unamni Mr. Robertson made a short , spe and in which he accepted the .nominat ur aCnd th leked' the convention. -for honor.. 'Miss. Winnifred Webster was h ,from Toronto for the recent�•holi and week -end. '• Mrs. Win:. Naylor . has returned her home Here anter having spent' winter' ie 'Toronto. . Mr. John McIntosh . of. the Wal Store spent'the recent holiday at home in 'Belleville. Mr. and. Mrs.' R. H. Thompson members'' of the''family spent the, cent holiday. in Toronto. ntion Geo. Orth' erv- at uglt ick; HP the One. Mr.. and ' Mrs, Fritzley, of : Chez. are spending a oew t;i�!s at .t' e o of Mr: and Mrs: Alex 'Ross. Special Barg'.ains in the .Bar Annex (Upstairs), :Saturday a Wednesday nights: The Market, See -the wonder of .a :thousand. one breath -taking scenes'in Ben -IR Family, Theatre, Mai 299 -3Q -3L e-con nen- gas. per ore pen aus. ech,. i the, Mrs Olive Trele;it en left . on Tue day afternoon for Montreal where s will make her home in the future. s, As editor of .The ,Signal' for• m lie years, Mr. Robertson is • well kno throughout the ' riding. • He has b Stn rs,. on- e. ral y - of he tes ve 0: zed n. a st ly ly. an Pro - to y et Mrs. N.r Lr tai'np:bell-ism this ,pelt visitor in Toronto atthe home . of er grandaughter;. Mrs. P. J. Naylor. 50 Bushels Clean Silver Hull Buck- wheat for Seed. '$1OU Pera u she l. A. R. 14'inlaysoii• UTILAC the four hour Enamel almost as cht;ip as ' ordinary paint.. We will be. pleased to, slid ,v you the, colors. Win. Murdie"&., Son. Mr. Clair' Agnew motored from Windsor to spend Sunday and Mon- day with his wife and little daughter who are -here fo>. a few weeks: Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Letan„ motor ed' from Wallaceburgh nice' spent Sun- day, and Monuav with tree, latter'! mother, M'rs. Angus MacKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ilii! and. Mr. and Mrs. C;•imeion. McDonaid motorei. to Flint, Mich., on the 24th; where they were • week -end va§itora with Mr. Hill's brother. Mr.' and Mrs. Orin Moffat, of Tor- onto') were' week -end visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm.',Mu> die- Mrs Moffat was before her anarriage Miss Irene Rathwell, formerly of Lucknow. Mr. and •Mrs. M. R. Matheson, former residents cif the Lochalsh dis- trict, now of Granum, Alberta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac- Diarniid while visiting friends in .this part. • Mr. Stewart E. Robertson has quite recovered and 'ds back hone after spending a , few days. in Goderich Hospital, having suffered something of a•heart-attack due to over exertion last week. • • The name of Jean E. Nelson Dur Lucknow; appears in tee gradua- ting class 'of nurses at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. The 1930 class is the largest to graduate in the history of the hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacRae motored from Strathroy' to spend the week- end =with. Mrs. Elliott. They were ac- companied on 'the return trip by .Mrs. Hayes who will remain at Strathroy for a short time: -`o -ono. 'HELPING CRIPPLED CH. LDREN' The Lion's Club Goderichlast week put .on a series of entertain- ments, the proceeds from whi• h went to the fund for the aid of crippled children in Huron County. The vent- ure _proved highly popular: large crowds attended .aII three peirform'an- tos and net proceeds amounted to over $1,100. • The program took the form, of . minstrel shows, put on by local talent. A number of Lucknow people attended. , both' WEDDING ANNIVERSARY • Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Trt'ax of Walk- erton celebrated the '6�th anniversary of their marriage on Saturday last--- May 240. They were "at home"' tb their. friends from 3 o•'eloek' Until .six. during the afternoon,' Mr. Tritan who lend been ,prominent -in. business and politics for many years is still active though over' 80 years f age, and are peers a living proof that hard work doesn't shorten lifer ZION' NBWg - Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Hnmilton, Ben- son and Clarence, of Wtngharti spent the holiday with the .recent and:week end with Zion. friends. Mrs. Susan. Giron 1 Who spent the winter in Crediton has returned , to spend the summer with her daughter Mtn., Fred Anderson.. ,Miss Enima McDonagh was home from ,London for the 24th. Mr, and Mts. Gordo Smellie And children and Mr, Geo. Topp of Tot'on- to were visitors With Mr, and Mt's, Chari, bdeDoitagb, • president of the N Hiron••,••-,,,,•,Lip "A ssnciation dor a number of yea and on other occasions contested c vel ions_ for the ratty : Candida-tur l rth Huron 'as nn mall ` Liber v and on' ' Mr., • o •. M , S tton p s success in the b alection occasioned by the death W. King, has been.ascribed to t fact .that. there were three.candido in the •field—Spotton, Conse wati 'Hyslop, _Liberal and Bricker, U. F: However, it is generally recogni that Mr. Spotton, since his .electio has 'ilnproved his position, he 'is • great , ' campaigner,' and . the conte may well be, expected to be r live ane ,with the outcome not. easi guessed.. . That is, : i f there are just two c didates in. the field. Should the gressive or U. F. 0. party decide nut' forward a• candidate, things nta he different:' That matter has not y been decided. ' on; any wn• een • See the death -daring .chariot ,roc .and the thrilling sea battle in Be Hur, Family Theatre,May 29-30-3 CONSERVA'TIV'E • LONV;ENTION THE HOUSE .HAD, VANISHED The Rev. C. 11. McDonald got e ' rather 'unpleasant surprise • 1 hursday of last -week whenhe acid two local eCa ectricians drove to Wassaga Beach oat the southern: end of l eorg en Bay.• 'The trip was,madewith a view td' wiring,.M-r. M°eDonald's •sterin er-:`cots- tage km: 'electric service. atm da:" Was ,1ne, the.. ei nnd:ry . beautiful in. :its gorgeous mantle of new .vegetation, Land the' drive• was greatly ei:i;joyed.` But as ahe:,;car. •:mounted 'the Mast hill where a year •ago the posy cot -t tage "stood,.' lo; there''eras 'nothing—, nothing but .ashes -still warm from' the .cunflagratibn that had been. • , Enquiry of men working in the neighborhood revealed the fact that on the day previous fire, of no aster-' •tainable origin had broken out • in •a cottage Which 'stood next' to that of Mr. McDonald; and that. although the men• in the vicinity had formed- •a "Wicketbrigade" and put up a siren- vel°e= ur. a ,te uou�c �yght they ' ; either to pet oat the original fire or ;prevent, its spreading' to iticWouaiu's. Wttage..; Theywere thankful .ifideed that the. lire old not .get into a ;pine grove near by, for if that had occuried other cot- tages and the w•ha ' ve been destroyed: • a Mr. McDonald ' was, particularly grieved over the loss of iiia cottage. because . he had practically built it himself, 'and having putconscience' as Well as his Work into it, he knew that it was .Kell done. The;e was in- surance, 'but not enough torepl'ace a good' .cottage partly furnished. How- ever steps are :being takelia to have the , cottage' replaced; and in these days when frame buildings, can be bought ready made and hurried by titer .or Bain to tete place of erec- tion it- Will not .take • long. The origin of the ,fire is likely to remain a mystery as a man wlio had been Working not fa away for week previous saw nobody bout at' any time. It* ' is.' just possible •;that :material had been left i"n' the house where %the fire 'originated, in suclWW condition that the• warmin_ up of the atmosphere brought about spontan- eous combustion. ' WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mr r Mrs. Geo • ge Garton.and family .spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Holland at Kitchener: There • will be mi serviee in . the Presbyterian Church here next Sunday' owing to Anniversary services being held • at Calvin where the Rev. Mr. Duncan of Stratford will be • tete special minister.. • e Anniversary 'services will be held n. in tlie Whitechurch ', Presbyterian 1, church on June 15th ;when Rev; 'Jas.' Wilson of, Brampton will take the services. ' Miss Lula Leggatt spent Saturday' with friends in Bluevale. . Mrs. John Craig,Sr.; Mi. and Mrs, John, Craig,, Jr:.,and • family,' Mrs. David- Gillies and Jack and Mrs. Kru- gar and Lois 'visited on Sunday with Mr. John Thom of Fordwich. . Mr.• and Mrs. John McGee ,of Cal- vin visited on Sunday with kr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson. , ' Mrs:. Walter Lott' 'visited a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Orval, Neuby at London who. ,vain seriously ill. ' .. • The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed • . in,the United Church here last Sunday. The Westfield Oran -ode Society will present' their play„"Smile, Rodney Smile," in the Institute Hall on Fri= day, May , 30th. •• Mr. ' Wm. Hawthorne of . Brantford is visiting his sisters Mrs. Holmes and Mrs: Kerr. Mrs. George Gillies and. Mrs. hsc- Dougail of Lucknow called on their nephews, Messrs. Malcolm and Rob- ert Ross, last Friday. • ST. HELENS The 'Sentinel goes to press earl Wednesday afternoon, and that's few hourstoo early to report th outcome of the South Bruce Conven tion •being held here. Its too' bad, a this, we believe,: is. the first time tha Lucknow has been honored by - County Convention. In 'past year party conventions were heid at' Walk erton or Formosa, because o their central location. But the auto mobile has changed that, as delegate can now attend at one point abo as well as at another. There was ' time too when Lucknow was no piaci anyway for a Conservative gathering when the .late. Robert .Graham was the only man of that party faith in town..Time has changed that too,' so that now there is a' nearer approach to "a• balance of forces. " Sorry ,we can't report the rarty choice, but you ,(reader) .likely will get• it by telephone before the week is Out. • - -�•--o-o-o• -�- Brockville Lawn Mowers. 16" Cut, 10%" Wheel. Every' Mower guaran- teed. $11.00 each. Wei. Murdie & Son, NORTH BRUCE y a e s t• a s• f .�I s ut A. cdnservative party convention held at Southampton last week se- lected Mr. Wm. Mitchell' of Kincar- dine as th e wen to oppose' Zion. James Malcolm in North Bruce. Mr. Mitchell is +.head of the Circle -Bar Knitting Co. of • Kincardine, and has•been ac- tive in politics for man vears..13eing a fellow. townsman of Mr, M,elcolm, he will'divide the home -town vote, but it is generally conceded that Mr. Malcolm will continue to repre- sent the riding. . RIPLEY' BANK MANAGER RETIRES W. 0. Jackson, ra.nager Of e br reh of the Royal Bank ofC 1i Cenci at Ripley,' for the past 20 years has resigned his. position and is retiring from business. life. Ile atrial -his wife. will make their home in' Ripley. Mr,. Jackson• started in the . banking busi- ness at Ripley, 41 years • ago, and' with the exception of a few nears spent ni the West;"has been et Ripley all that time. He went to Ripley in p ..y 1880 to assist his uncle, the late T. S. Jackson, then earry`ina on a private barking . •business. This business was taken over by the Rank of Hainiltoii • Which sent Mr. Jackson to the ,West as manager of ,in office. Ile was soon back,; hoover, and' later•. becanwe 'tanager of. the 1Iowrwl Bank office.' lift. W. M. Leonard, wl'o cornea from Essex iw sue`" cessor to Mr. �ckr Moria in the' bank. • Mr. Earl Cranston of Strathroy, was a week -end visitor at Mr. Med. Hunmphrey's. • Mr. and Mrs. Doherty of Guelph, and Miss Vera Woods of Toronto and Master Babbv, Phillips • of Fergus, were holiday visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mr: Harry Levis was honie for the holiday. • Rev. T. C. Wilkinson is attending' the meeting of the London .Confer- epce ,at Woodstock this week. '`The •June meeting of the Women's Institute will be held, at Mrs.. Wallace' .Miller's on Thursday, June 5. Roll Call—"Recipes' for Canning Fruit." Subject, Selected. Hostesses, Mrs. D. Todd; Mrs. F. Todd. Mrs...Kai le, of .Hamilton -visited over Empire Daly with her daughter, Mrs. Con, .Forhen, • Mrs. A. Fox of Whitechurch ifi a. visitoti with her sister, Mrs. W. .T. Humphrey. Mrs. Fflx leaves next week for a holiday trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Adam' Miller,, Miss Ethel Miller and Mr.j. linin of Strat- ford spent Saturday with the form - errs slaughter, Mrs. John Anderson: Little Harold returned with his gran- dmother for• a holid ya ' Mr. and Mrs. A. ;%at. Wallace and Miss 'nertrud:e of Barrie and Mr. v b . i gh 'Wallace of Petea boyo. were vis- itors for the 24th ,with -`!Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mtl1er and other friends. Mr. and Mrs: McKenzie Webb are spenditrg a. few d;tys at Hamilton Toronto and other points. Mr: n. C. McDonald and Star- let, Si: n le., Todd were ht qu'elph for the holiday. �. • The • Bread 4 The :'Br end of Health of of Health -Clint MOTTO' IS QUALM. AND . SERVICE._ A.S �ecialt. Our P Y.• Whole Wheat Health •Bread J '4 Pure •,and .Nil tritious. No Bran *_' • a ,�� 3tr1 OlBSS �s.used . T : a.:•' : ,• AAAA •�`Y.. Loaf CREAM PUFFS. ' ROLLS'. -JELLY JELLY R .. ROLLS MAPLE ..WALNL�l I TARTS � BRAN & •DATE MUFFINS COFFEE COFFEE, CAKES, • TEA BISCUITS BON BOLJCHE HO:LLYN AN'S QUALITY'. BAKERY, AKERY• Phone 36 :,...: Lucknow • ° s TENNIS CLUB REORGANIZED. The loci l Tennis Ciub held its An- nual meeting, ' Wednesday evening of last week... Mr. Gordon Johnston is .president. 'this year and Mr. C.• ,Hodgerat is Secy-Treas. Mess-pa...Alex :MacKenzie, Art Andrew 'and . W. B. _.. b. e . oun• s coin-. mittee'; ' .and: -the member ship . commit- • tee consists of, Mise 'Lorraine . B,rab: son, -Dr. Johnston, • Clark. Finlayson, and C. Ve..4Hodgert""Mentbership fees for 1930 -were fixed as follo'ws:. Family ticket:$5,.00; Gentlemen $3.00, Ladies„ $2'.0.J; ;Visitors: $1:00 per' month.:" ' Shirt '• Week—Hundreds, of ': Shirts for Work or •Dress. Shirts. All .Reduc- ed this .week ' "Renal Shirts'__, '___for only $L00. CHURCH NOTES • Rev. Colin .Campbell; preacher on Ashfield• Circuit next Sunday; Blake's 11 A M.-Hackett's 3, P.M.—Zion 7.30.• St Peter's -Church Sunday, June list' —56th 'Anniversary. 11 n. ni.-•hely' Communion and•Seamon--'he Rector. 7.00 p.ni .—Rev. T. 0..Wallace, M. A.. Rector, of ; St James' Church, London Next' Sunday • 'being Conference• Sunday in the ' •United Church . the evening service 'in.' Lucknow United Church. is withdrawn—morning ser- vice as usual. The Conference; will •be held 'at, Galt. ' Anniversary . services will be held in South Kinloss Church next Sunday, June 1st at 11 a: m. and ` 7 p. m. Services will be conducted by Rev. G. M. Dunn of 'Toronto.. Mr. Dunn will be remembered as a former min - later, at `L. angside and, Whitechurch. Sacrament of the Lord's Supperwill be celebrated in the ' Presbyterian Church on Sabbath, June lst. • Pre -Communion services will be conducted on , Friday evening at 8 o'clock ' by Dr. Forbes of Teeswater And "on. Saturday afternoon at d 3 o'clock by Rev..Robt. G. McKay, M, A., of Walkerton. Rev. P. M. Calquhoun ;of Ashfield. Presbyterian Church And Rev. C. H. 'McDonald exchanged pulpits on Sun- • day morning and evening. IE.was re- ported that Mr. C,tlquhouri had during the week received woord•froni Scotland of the sudden•death of his youngest son. This . sad hews was made more shocking by the fact that'only a day or two earlier, Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Calqu- •houn had a letter from • this son stat ing that he was making arrangements to be married in the near future. Presbyterian Guild The last .meeting' of the Guild for this season was held Monday night, The opening hymn. WAS followed by the Scripture lesson read b,' Mae Mc- Mahon ,after Which the Lord's Pray- er was repeated in unison. The topic was taken by Misr Isobel Chesnut.. Readings were given by Miss Helen McDonald and Isobel Douglas. The musical numbers were duets by Mrs. Horace Aitchison and Miss Drw"i1da Douglas, by, Misses Roszella Mullin and Margaret- McDonald and a solo -by, Miss Aranada McDonald. Rev,, C. H: McDonald spoke :a few words on ' the camp site at Kintai.l after which the meeting was closed ' .by prayer. St. Peter's. , The annual banquet of St Peter's A-Y.P A. last week wail eminently successful..The members- sat down at 6.45 to a most delightful repast, en- livened now and again with the sing- ing of familiar songs. Promptly at 7.30, President "Fred : M,aatin called. the gathering to order, with the toast to, "The king" while the National Anthem' was sung. The toast to Can- tida was •proposed • by Rev. • C. Jam and responded 'to by'Miss Ethel Martin., Rev. Harold Anpleyard spoke 'on Young People's work and -proposed the health -of the A.Y.P.A, which was responded ,to by Miss Maud Cook. " I�`he Church'' was 'fittingly proposed ' by lkr. Arthur, Hald rib .. ,and there - sponse e y e sponse given •bv. lta¢w. Mr. t+;ailaher.' Others who contributed to the prn- ram were Misses Florence Mc t u'il- g+.. Q 1 Lillis n, �, n D4i'tc}ief1, Dorothy 'Cook and Marg-aret Miller. and Messrs: Evan, Ed.., and Prod McQuili n.. The; "Whites" . are to S o ratuTxt ed k the splendid banquet which they pre - eared and the'members on thcir,very fine prograim. It was a fitting close to a" successful .year of active service in trite AMILY...THATRR THURSDAY,; '.FRIDAY, SAT RDAY pecia °' May ;'29--30=41. ti • apron oyarro,•In "BEN .111.TR" Admission: -35c. and 20c. First Show Saturday at 7 P.M. F chard Barthelmess, In T"DARK' STREETS" and COMEDY , ew. Star Cafe All . Remodelled GiveOur• .Meals: A Trial. , and bring your friends uick: Lunch Served`. Two minutes notice CIGARS', -��CIGARETTES.: TOBACCO CANDIES—.ALL KINDS . . Always Fresh • • ICE .COLD DRINILS ICE CREAM - Charlie. Chin PROP: f JUNIOR INSTITUTE HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING • A meeting of the Junior Farmer and Junior Institute was held in . the .Gown H'11, Lucknow, on May 15th. The Junior Institute meeting open- ed by the singing of the Institute :.0de followed 'by the Lord's Prayer. The -minutes of the last meeting and the last annual meeting were read by the secretary ,.and adopted; Also the financial statement showing a baiente on hand of $46.88. There was dis= cussion of Musical ;Festival to, be held at Walkerton on Junes: hth and .Judging Competition at Teeswater of June 12, coaching to be ' held in the Council Chamber May 20th and 3ist. Election of Ofhicers; Pres,. I:-,abelle Chestnut; Vice Pres, Elizabeth Alton; Sec.-Treas. and Press- Reporter;' Mary 'Cook; Directors, Ada Helm, Mi.tdre°l NlcQillin, Edna Ritchie; Jessie 'An- drew, Jean Kennedy, Margaret Meller, ' Catherne McQuire, Eve Gardiner; Auditors,- Beryl Gardner and . Tiit•c Ritchie; . Pianist, Ada Helm; Assist- ant, Margaret Millet; District Direct- or, Ethel Martin-; Representatives.to District. Annual, Mary Cook, Elizabeth AIton.. • The joint prograniine consisted of •a =musical selection by ' the McQuill.in orchestra; . Reading, "liow Pluck makes . mar Lives Worth While," by Ethel Martin; Solo, Isabelle Chestnut:. Duet by Jiin Ketehebaw ,Ind Fred Lake; Discussion ,of Softball for Jun- ior Farmers and.Junior Institute by Bill Andfew and: George Ii; bed : Dancing.followed until 1.30 o'clock. All Niles Black Zeas reduced in price, leas recent cutin ° duty. Our ,fine Black Ceylon Tea, At' «5e now' only 55c 'per lb. A. R. Finlayson. PUTTING IN TALItJE EQUIPMENT Q • The ro •rietor o the "movie" . p p of niov'te plc ture theatre at Winghani is preparing to instal''l "talkie" •equipment beside4 Snaking• other' inproteuieets. Picture show theatre matters w t e ire o� tie s fin . a t' d tiient, e v e forced 'to ;adopt the new • kind of shows, not °ottly fot polntliti , _ . , ity of the talkie filn>g, but brca.u. r neariv alt the big producers of .pi, • tore filings have ,given tin making' th,, I' older' kind'. It is said that the mann, sary changes are quite, costly. • but for '' ' the show tette there is no gettieg out .'� work o; " Chris't nnld Urs ChjltoL" • Yti •