The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-22, Page 6• 4 • .t - r ai pfd School ss •n' •( 4 . 1 wITIF ;tile) 25. Lesson VIUI--•Je8us. Desc:ribee the Fieture ,of the Kingdom- Met- " thew 25,1-13. Golden Text—Take .ire heed, watch and pray: fin • ye know not when tate tithe IseeeM,ark I3: 33. ,4NALYSIS 14 THE PERIOD OF WAITING, vs• 1-ia. • 111, seri SUDDEN • GALL, v 6. III. THE FINAL RESULT, vs, 7.13 INTRODUCTION — The twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth. chapters• are direete.3• i to the disciples of ..Jesus.; : and to the 3vh00 Christian church, and are meant to gi a solemn warning to all believers ' concerning the approaching return•'of Jesus, who.w�ill coine'tojudge and rule. therpild. This truth of the imminent return of the Lord ,runs :'through the, gospel of Matthew:; This' section :in- clndes'three parables warning:..(1)) •24f45=51,.the F,aithful•and• Wise Sere. ant•; (2) 25 • 113,. the. Teri Virgins; 1(3). 25: 141.30•,,the Tell Talents. Here eve notice •slow,' .Jesus makes' use or • these• parables,to dtivg' •home• simple yet severe lessons on the ,problems of life and religion, • There, is nothing`in • . all the range • of religious literature. • to be compared with the 'parables of • Jesus., • I. THE PERIOD OF WAITING, vs: ' 1-5. Some, one ,has said that:w.e may di vide the parables into into two •groups. !The' •first consists of those that deal with the. .kingdom and' can ,be• diStin- guiehed by `the formula which intro- duces, them, "the kingdom of heaven is; likenedunto." The second group consists :Of those.. that deal with the individual• Here we have. one of the perahles of: the .:kingdom;, but it con- • Ceras only -one aspect e)f this . doctrine. Sontetrniesi•Jesus treats. of the present kingdon.' as if it were ilYeedir. formed on the. earth, and revealed •itself in a Hew ccnditiOn of life nn•d society, The seed . parables, refer to this •present 'kingdom. However, there is else tha. '"•future aspect of• the kingdom; which will be manifest when •Chr:st returns On the clouds. of glory. • V. 2. In. Jewish marriages the usual custom 'was for. the, friends• of .the. •bridegroom to copct the :bride, to the ,'.house of • her 'husband 'who came fert-heto rt -•tore~precession-aYid`�weet - We gannet .impart grace to those. who' will not take it. V. 10. The wise ' virgins enters awl: enjoy the..biessings of 'the feast along,,, 'with -'the bridegroom* and,--the-door ia, shut as. if all further chances of ent&r ing were now ecluded. There is aL was this serious tone in tbe. teaching of Jesoe, Notice" that in 'the. Sermons. on the Mount Jesus. had said, Not every one that sails .u.irto-ttie,• Lord, .Lord; shall enter into the kingdom f heaven." % V:' 13 • Here the lesson of the prat bre is, given. Jeiis, means.. to lay st .ess upon the duty o, f.- watehIuines_. •..Life is a probation !here we have Du. , bp= po rtunities for Service. at d..fa the . learning of divine truth; brat. the time is very brief,, and when this is over, 'we shaall. appear. 'before the •judgment ,seiat,'of Christ:, ; • • ' • Peopie. ask whether Christ has come or, not. He .cAnie. at the resurrection; and at every great crisis in history': He conies to every one at death, but there stili remains.the "great final day. when' Christ Will' appear to-j'ridge .the Wm:IC:and to'`bring in the fnal king doin:of heaveji. A. . "United Empire" Melbourne • Arugs: This •Rother- 'brook� Empire, as. it might be called portmanteau -wise. after the fashion of ;Lewis Carroll; .is at ; present imPos- sible, if .only •because of Australian „policy.. A country which Prohibite. the. export' of stud sheep to 'South ;, • • . rs ' its: own' people • "Soapy`' Smith was a. tough guy. He shot•men for the fun of it and rob- Africa and plunders P pY while' selling sugar and butter cheaply bed them when there was 'nothing •bettet to do,., He had'.a trick of appearing_ ers 'is longway: from be - to .foreign a ing in tkat s e of; grace which tie United Empire:•requires., • Australia will have to be' born• again to discover iyl SkuU. on Side of R k Coi , meilnorates "Str apy" Smith IA► u� I 'less War •""I detest Liettten'an.t ,J nge:r'a pitt- less-N•i.etzscltean;-phil0 *Y: pad tribute• to •has hon sty, his cour age 'and his extrabrdinary -power of .eloquent, and yet exact description, free,from- sentiiixentality an•d exclaim `ation marks." ---A; Reviewer in the Daily News.. Most readers who get Cope 1.25, ley Lieutenant Ernest, Junge'r, will agree with the foregoing, for the an - times viewsbre typical o1?'the extreme Section.'oPi the ;German military ' ma= chine, • ruthless, in war . and making •everything" subservient to. "the will to wine". Here is a characteristic pas, •• page ,which •speaks• for itself: - • "Time works with h. vy tools, and the` battle .for, somal slag-lieap of horrors . over triose' wreathed' eni:oke: rival conceptions 'et the •worid's, 'fete are locked".in• demoniaa''st'rlfe, 1't is net -a •question of 'the few.thousend nte'n who •may :perhaps ..be -rescued. from destruction; bit of the doxen• Or two survivors who • area there 'in .the nick of tinge` to turn th.e scales with their machine•guns' or 'their.' bombe. That is..a view. ot;•the world's destiiiy wliich few have the . iron Nerve and Masculine force to .bear,• and yet• elle, m:ay••be•-proud tee ,in a time when such a spirit, has 'shaped 'events to its mould of • temper. ed steel. ' ' '"Though few •ms,y , emerge •: from rubles for the economic exploitation s • flaming • lains that offer no•alier-La Northern Manchuria. V, .the e g p t • come the ide. •B,ut in. this case the imagery is changed, since the . groom 'now. goes into a, far"country to meet the bride; while. the friends'remain behind. to;:be. in • readiness ,to welcome hitt:von his return..• V: 3. .The ;cumber ten was the sym- bol of coinpleteress and . here• repre- sents the membership of the kingdoni, The. division "into'two _equal parts is significant., The iolish virgins had taken.ienough •, oil in their lanr"ps for their immediate use, but bad made ne. provision for the future. Religion. had made no• deep, and. lasting effect upon this 'class, of fallower� The oil'' may •be regarded as' the presence of a genu-. ine love for God and desire` to do' his will V. 5, During the period of waiting for the bridegroom they all slumber. There is no appare,:t difference be - that kingdom. t ' 1• wrap a cake of• soap in a. five dollar bili and selling' it to a•:gullible cus- few.:cents. Because of that they called.him "soapy'" up in Skag- tomer for a way iii .the goid, rush daysrot '98. ' But "S,oapy'". 'wee too tough. and too slippery "en for, the rough frontier of the•, north..; One. clay he WW'as.a bit slow:on the 'ev draw:- He' was ,shot and killed,' and buried with; his antagonist,, whom he w. had' mortally'• wounded, in the little cet�netery adjoining the town, When news of- hit sficlderi and Tong hoped. for death arrived the townspeople appar- ently thought soiuething should be done to commemorate the '.end of 'a. des'per- ate career 'Someone had :said' that "Seale?' was +as hard as 'reek So `'they painted a skull on a: cliff and lettered.•Soepy's name on it.: To -day tourists to Skagway •stand and photograph this, relic of. a day 'that is on more. Alaska' and the Yukon are• sunny places Of •green hill; sides and.. flowers, of placid lakes and roaring rivers,• of great peaks and deep valleys when .tUe boats erulee up there in the satnli-ler time This year the service is ;to be auggcented by th•'S„ S. Prince He fry, of the'.Canaclian National Steamships. The CNS '"Prince Rupert'' and, the "Prince George," of the same linedare al - 'ready known'. for their comfort anti.seaWortby equalities to the .thousand`s of. Y tourists wird each year. m ke the'vova'ge..uplxe icellknown "Insi.d• e Passage' to 'Prince Ru(lert and Skagway. Two other new' steamers now beingbuilt for the Canadian National Pacific Coast Service., the Prince' Bohert and the and hot blood.". , Prince Dat:itl, will' ply between •Vencoever, Victoria end .Seattle. !1► "Red 'claws m' hi China • How can Russia and Gltima he :friends? : Are "1Yioscow's red claws"" • again, grabbing at. China... Russla's duplieity with' China bee gone far enough, they say. Their concern is the more acute be- cause . of an •appibacl►ing • Russian - Chinese conteitence. • • Those`• simple-minded pebple who . think that. China's grievances against. 't Soviet Russia are to be remedied, de- clares the Canton Chiba Trutli, must have. received a rude shock •when they learned- that Moscow has all the time, been .cop&uctitig '`a notestop. futrigee" against Cliiria. This Weekly• goes on: rine state of affairs has reached an alartug .stat,e in • view of the fret • :et 'the twee. .countries are running .Y thee. Chinese', Eastern Railway "as :a 'Saint enntei prise. • . • • "We axe.not, alertuiste o , jingoists,, 'for at.•th•ib very moruelit Soviet agents ai:e excavating the foundation. of the country with a..view •to the eventual collapse of thb social and economic p• tiperstructur•e. . ' "According, to kilo Miu , News Agency; the Commissary a 1P mance • of the Soviet Governnent'has decided; upon the.ahpropriatiou of•six'nt11•liotl ter but, the mettle in a man's own heart, and though triose few resolute in• aim and' act, may. still find fate turn against thein and •deny them their goal yet I feel as surely' as 1' feel._ any- "A•comneittee` to be lieadedJy, ,ie- ~- Soviet Consul in Harbin, 'andcom- pos d of, repiesentatives .of various Soviet commercial organizations .' in ;Manchuria; • will he appointed to attend; thing at all that a ,gain win he scored to the. carrying out`' of the, details of that, can never- be scored out: • 'Moscow's' n'ew program in Chin ., "For they, who can' dime 'through • 'This is • a rather mild • statement, this -and; as -I say,, there can only be brit the sante agency went' ou to say a 'few—what can there be ,,that .they that Soviet forces stationed• nearMare not• come through? 'And o chuff total tyvo battalions' of. Infantry. • ' see in old .Europe a -tie* Corn- and. cavalry .troops, 120 field'. guile, 80' mandfng'breed rising''up; fearless and machine-.g,rns,,11 armored 'cars, and G fabulous,, unsparing of bleed and• spar-. armored .trains. . •• , ing ' of • pity ,.iiiured! to suffering • the Friends . of • Soviet Russia may. worst and; 'inflicting it and ready 'to. argue that this has so far riot done ' stake al l•^to 'attain:1461T- ends, -a. race any • harm to 'China. Bttt let us rend •`� that builds•machines and trusts 'to •ano;ther story froth 'the North Chin_ a .: • kmaehiues eto^•whom-niachi•ne�s•'at'e-not Daily News o Slianghal sonllets•,'iron, • but engines . of Tight "That 'Shan hal daily has junt.• jiub which .it controls with ;cold reason lished .a report:from •Ind'o-Cl iva stat: itis that Southwest K•i engsi'has gone Bolshevik,' The tows Poseh , and' Lungebow have:been in control of the Reds'for-three. months.". The Communists 'yi)read.' terror througrout.those.•districts, we are told,' t a and foreign missionaries and 'others were 'stripped of belt possessious, even to The sloes on' their 'Feet. It is, related in the same dispatch that "a Russian emissary and a Shahg•' • hal- paid* agitator appeared on the • scene and set the »lace in flames. We reatlthen: . "Those who •live in (shanghai, Ilan-. .kow, Tientsin; etc -may 'have no idea how • the 'Commuhiste •behave -when they capture a town, but time Canton. ese know very well what" the Reds'.. slid when they were in coutrut Of Can- ton on •Decenrbe,r II, 1927. • ' "The most densely populated. part, of ,the, city was reduced to ashes, .and thousands • of innd'cent people were killed. Besides, there were"•the usual - lootings and outrages by rufa'nsand thugs Who joined the Contmuniets on the spot. • • . • "Of course no Communist ,coup. d'etat was campiete,syitliout the .pre- se,nce elf Red agents from Moscow. • "i.n •viow of the sinister designs and intrigue of Soviet Russia • on China,: 'hose• can the two nations maintain ' friendly relations"" Are You So Important If you ever feel very important, end think" you are inclislien.sahie, here Is something• that will ta•'.se you down a ' Every twen)y•four. Roars ninety-six trhonsand,human. beings leave this life and still, the world gets on. If the world can continue to g6 on losing •four thousand' people every been:it may net miss ora ninth and it might not Mks you yerp mu^•h. TEN SHORT LAWS • There are ten short laws to govern 'winkled and they all sum tip like this TWO OR'•THREE DOLLARS ALMOST ANYBODY • NO coati tan sit la. misery's Int,entel Right v•liere you are now, do the rocking -chair and wish himselflinto very best you. can, With what':you've -success, ' • - •get and do the thiiig •no'w. - • Success owes you nothing. You Ain'iost anybody can 'accomplish' al - 4, owe success'every..faculty you possess .most anything' if .they";have'. all the If you waist. success, the only :away foals,' anis' ,111 -the time they .'think: is 'Necki'ng may be pi'oneunced fuuo• to:win' it is by intelligent industry. riecessery. •, cent; but .it's not•spelled t a get tlieee7te tl— rush .fixed .in your 'head, youse services are YOUR SECOND SET' to s Wolman 11n the Horne, more: Frances P. •O'Donnell in the Fortelle Dist above • tour.-eni1•ar .button is a" worth two.,or three dollars a 'day.,no Beneath •tl sue ace of the skull 'Brain that You seldom use, and all be - (New York) Whatever ramie of life ° ,ib; doctor. I have Ant for, vou, tween the wise 'and foolish, 1'To sug- 1 rounded, the most genuinely success- r:"stion of rebuke is made in the fact that they slept. It intimates the nec- cessity that lies on all of going down into the ordinary affairs of this life. Disciples in the, body cannot be occu- pied always and only with the efcpec- tation of their:Lord'e• apiearing." II THE SUDDEN GALL 'v 6 flit, the happiest woman at the- head of • the home, is the mode that 1111 make the lest mother—and conse- quently the best child. I don't care where she spends the hours• of her day, how much wealth enables ' her to give her children"advantages," . or how V:'.6...Two:facts about the 'second hard she tries to be a "good" mother,•, coming are very clearly stated in the an unhappy woman is a; bad mother. New Testament: (1) There is the cer- tainty of the return. This . we hear from :.the life of Jests, and from all the apostles. The Book of. Revelation. is, filled ' with. this•' prediction . of. the c..rtainty' of the return of the Lord. Behold I come quickly. (2) The se- ond fact is the uncertainty ec ncernin� the exact time. Je-sts told his lis- ciples that no man knew of • the day and hoer wleen the Son of enan'woutd. return- Hence we hear so much: of the ' suddenness of the return. He will come like a th''f in the night. • : ')CII, .TFIE F'INA1 RESULT„ vs. 7-13. ' + V. 7.: Everything comes to an end, even the delay of the Lord, and.now every one is full 'of activity. '"When' life is, closing; behind, and eternity opening before us, we are all aroused:' V. 8. The: foolish virgins represent those who have not taken advantage of the long clays of grace tb listen to the call of the Saviour, and to' follow his commands. • V. 9. At first it might Seem strange - that the wise virgins refused to give a Tittle of their oil to help out their companions. Why •would, they not share their possessions! Slit par- able makesit clear that this is' cm- possible., If the wise give their oil there will not; be enough for both, and the Lord will havenone to 'meet hint. The meaning is that there are certain Whether or not she .i conscious of the blight •she casts upon her child, he will be iniliienced by her attitude of defeat and d•is tppeiritnicgt. Mistaken for "Red" Detective Killed London—An anti-Communist coup went awry In hielsingsfors; Finland,. an Exchange Telegraph dispatch said • recently. To prevent Communists from Smug- glIng, • pamphlets. --into a barracks, authorities posted two plains -clothes. army officers outside the building. Without informing the military, po#ice stationed .two plain -clothes detectives at the same place. The two parties mistook each other,' for Communists, and in the fight that• followed one detective was killed, the other was wounded, and one officer also suffer ed lnjuty, ter- c•anee you .must do some tall thinking : i I must confess that . tave v' lc not the 'slightest ...faith fn nreciern _.1. • med'esi serene .r' "Well," said the He: "Something see•nis to be wrong with' tlris. engine, it. She: "Don't be foolish; wait until we get off' this ,main road," rfecti i 1 1 tends to develop the• inost'Pe y taiuiy, at 1 before. that Brant �,tl. cot "Say,°this novel is all bbu+i•l wirong: 'doctor•, "that doesn't. matter ; in the least. • You see, a :mere has no faith in the veterinary surgeon, and yet he'cures him, just, the same. In the three British, Army centres where time -expired soldiers ate taught some trade, about 3,000 risen are tittle - ed every year, the 'Vocations ranging 'from valeting and waiting. at table to electric wiring, building,' motor build- ing, • and all forms of painting and, things • we can : never give to others- 'decorating. 1. Lonnwimme moms Summer Days It starts with the last • chapter' and ends with the first." •' "It's all right, only you've ,gotten hold of a copy of the 'Woman's Edi- tion'." Lake and • dyer travel•, main to Canediafi Kingeton the holiday error move to the Title IcLien lose • its ee of the and the l •p trips. thn oom slate and perfect holiday, From Nlagerti, • toren o • St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers, - , . ower St. Lawrence is typical of the summer days on these !amo)rs . allot& IA,', 'anada Steam'ehip Lines.) • [dui -1.1 AND JEFF-- 4 uritsue t' TAX. By : BUD FISHER • • • ,se z /r6 1S'i ,11 '4 titi444s4r it lewso• Or A 'YeAtR 144 Jt i4 ANtb p`iFTY GREW' • F1111•4.: t '. WAN : Rif. CASE CoitAst.v1iNIA Me,14,„ CifiSE :` .r I. S Naw • ri t i t.' itAt Pitttsei R Nfmts its 4A11,,.AN>ii A_ -• . H T1lAV S'ANs • DOLamtS+ `1 ASE CLoSeb YOU MIRE A Ili .liet.p To ttw., JEFF. You HELP** M4 Ince A. FORK(' e fiieLPS 'Alii oY.St£it+ JV , Is cost tD. x1.1. stiaw't : ME cAf4'T bo • Thar E! - Play Fair, • BEVIIARE. OF CAR STRAIN ' When the ear is new do net seek to fdre• a speed as such aotlim often places an 'undue 'strain wh;rh • will preve Injurilei to the engin.' A Csafeen Lawyer Makes a Feat lanyard. 1 J a 1' `�•r