The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-08, Page 1!Fa • e.•• • 42.00PE*'YEAR IN ADVANCE; UM OTHERWISE 1.4.1CKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY MAY 8th, 1930. SINGLEaCOPIES 5 atlENTS DB. W. M. CONN,ELL Phylivitra and: Surgeon . Lueknow • • Ha*: 1.30-3.30 Phone 86 • a DENTIST • • - • Dr. E L. Treleaven, LucknoW- '•ifotirs: 1,30-5 P..M. Phone 53 X-raY, Will hein Piingatinern every Thiireclay at. WALL PAPER -,-,A full eine'ef. 1930 *all Paper On hand. Prices consider- • able down for 1930. I am also agent for leading job houses. -R. J. Camer- On, Deeoilatoia Painter and Grainer, Box ill,Luc:knew. • • , , • FOR SALE=A comfartame uwell- • ing. Applyt� D. C. eaYlata .(2U-.s-tia ; CAR OF SEED :POTATOES No. I DooleY's-Will arrive in Lucknew about May 10th. J: G. 'Anderson & Son, •.:r.•••••=1, • ,,molam '•••••=1A •FOUND -In Luckpow, •a wrist wateh., Owner may have •same at The Sentinel Office': - (8,5-c.) • POSTPONED-LThe .A.Y.P.A. Tai to be held at the Rectory taschly (Thure- ., day) has .been indefiniteiY postponed, owing to 'conflicting •engagements. • FOR SALE( Otte:set Single Harness; 1, riibber • tire.,Buggy in ,gObil; cohdition; also a vacant lot consisting of One and a ' lialf acres • One mile, north of the 'Village. Apply to •••, • ' .IIamilton.• ..(15-5-e.) • •••••••• •'Mast. class residence for sale -in the Yillage, of ,LuCknoix. Beautiful 19Oa7 .two thoice lots containing at least 1/4 acre of land, with well • .barn •on property. Hotase cent:ling *7 rooms,; newly remodelled and 'decor- ated. -Apply Mts. Alex. Agar , • •415--,-5-1).) • WLIJTECHURdI • ) • .fda lVfacQuold attended the Annual ' •Provincial Preshytfrial of the W. M. S. qf the Presbyterian Church held at Toronto last. week • Mrs. Duncan KennedY 'had the'mis- fortune last Tuesday to sprain her ankle,• .. Mrs: Hugh • Anderson and twol children, of Buffale,- are,' visiting 'her mother, Mrs.' McGregor, and ether Wativesi, - 'MrsDa' • n McInnis returned home' I on Sunday after visiting •the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Butler of Goclerich, • We ' are glad to report Mr. Mac Ross to be ableto be •outside again after his long -serious illness. • We are sorry to report Mrs. David Farrier to he on the sick list. Her daughter,. Mrs.. Ross is ,•home with. • her. • Maa., Alex Reid has returned to the • village after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour, at • Lucknow and her sons at Brantford' and Paris. Rev. Mr: Ppllock ad Mr. Jelin • McGee attended the Synod. meeting at St. Thomas last week., , • • . Miss Annie Kennedy 'visited last • week •with her sister Mrs. Tiehborne at Goderfch. • Mr. Jack Hutchiscin's house near • Pickey'S Hill, Was coMpletely steoyed bY tire early last Saturday inbrning from an overheated stove. So quickly did it burn that nothing , was saved eecept six chairs and the O (lathes Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison had on. Doris had to get out-ef bed And" run out through the flames. The nepathy of the community is Wc. tended to them, in their great loss. O The Annual Presbyterial and Pres - O bytery meetings of th615reabyteritin • church of 'the Maitland PresbyterY will be held in • the •0 Whitechurch :Presbyterian chureh on Tuesday, May 13th, dam:110161g P t '10 a. tn.. • There .are aim; meetings in the afteta. eio9to and 'evening. • A highly respedted citizen' and one 7 of the OlcVst men in Brute County, Mr. Jelin •Secat died at the •home ef his daughter, Mrs. Mlirr&W, here last Saturdey. 'evenine. He hnd been los- • ing stroneth.fer the Past two months. so that tPe° end was not en-eanected. O The futieral Wes 'on Teeetley at- e• -'-^n. la -ay friends of the family eetheee-l.te nav n fast trib O aea of 4.0.5aaaa &rafted. Se- -care wee held in the Preebyterian Chtreeh here and inte.eaieht wag Made in, Teeswater• 'Centel -wee, Mr. Scott'S Wife died mite a route - her d yeate agn, but he ie survived SOITa caTrad- tlattate.-era Mat- l'eVe of CallanaV; Generee,of lVfoiltreal Pettiest of Coleoee." Priee ef White- c'ene,h and Mrs. hiuvrey .ef• 'White- cherelo., Tate 'Seat, 44'; 2.1.0 Yeatity eaters e ereidett of Vie Lirfh eaten - eine nf Celfoss. Siere retieve, hoe the feria he VOI4 hi* hOtYt# With Nitii17.: ws n man of Irrtglit end' ehoeff,4 ition pleeeant fa meef, At the, Re -union at Tees - water last year, he wee pu.45.ei tho pa the Oldest la. at. WOW% " • • • • . We ,dont .kaear. just -eihat to „make of thie.:interiag heat. .Never tsAw .the like before, sO,early in May, • . :500 ,yards of 25e::Gairtg.hanta Fill be • sold in the•Barrelin Ari ealupstairaY Saturday night,The.,Market, • . - Mr, .aria Mrs,' 'Alea Havens' and • children, .we're. Sundae guests, :•of • mr. .and Mrs. Wallace 'Black ot,ederich. • • • ,.• ..,•• •. . . • •• • Anyone Ha& Icets,•or their .:o1c1 .see me be - .fore Moinday next:, 1. H.Thompsnn'n'. . • . • Miss Jean 'McKim is back on duty at thedrug atere after - spending.a 'cOople' of •i,,/eeka.. at her home neat, .. • ' • • .0. , '500 Bath Towels 'mirth ,25c: each will be sold in •the Bargain Annex, (upstairs) on Saturday night. -The Market. O Mr. ertd Mrs, Milton Naylor Land' • children motored from Torento ,and • spent the week -end with Luekpow friends. ' Mrs. •HorAce„ Aitchison and two children,. Aylmer and Douglas spent Sunday with •Mr. and Mrs: Erpie Aitchison of Harrtstbia Master Dick Treleaven returned to, -his 119,Me in Hamilton 9n Satieday, after 'spending a few Week; at the. home of 'Miss Gertie 'rrelearen. The Table Factory will remain •closed until Friday- morph -le 6/1 ac- count of the death 'eV', feneral •of the. manager, Mr. Joh Button. . The local WoMen'o, Institute wish to thank all who assisied in 'Making the Cinderellaprogrenis the fine axle - cess Ova they were, •• • -Mr. and Mrs. Clair, Agnew, their tittle daughter Kethleen and 'Miss' Alma MCKay motored UP -from, Win- • dsor' and •sperit the vi-eek-ead•I, with their. 'Lucktiow friends. • • FollOwine...-'the electrical storm last. Thursday night, Lucknow was with- out Hydro service for several' hours. lightning having burned out one of • the main fdse. • This Was• replaced before noon en Friday and tall Was well again. There is a chanee of r•.-eagement at the local Walker' Store' this week. Mr. R. •Puthie who free been •in t•barge the past year and a half •is returning. to Tetronto, hie elece being • taken by Mr. John -McIntost • who conies from Belville.• •- • •Mr. James .Ritchie who has beep driving the drayl for the Table Fac - wry was •taken ill oe'Monday and removed to, Goderieh HosPj'al. His trouble appears to be a return of An illness whieh he had a few years ago Latest report's are that he is improv-. ing. , The Jr, Institute and Jr. Farmers' Organilations will hold their regolar nionthlY meeting in the Town 'Hall, on Thursday evening, May 16th at 8 o'clock sharp. 'A large attendance is requested it this mee:ing as there is considerable business to ,straighten up. Please be on • The Rev. R. W. Craw was in Tees - water on Monday in his capacity as ipterith moderator for the Teesvaater, United. Church congregation, there being a• congregational meeting to consider.extemling a call to a minis- ter. The congreceition• proved /to be practically enammou's in'aster of calling the • Rev. r., Monteith • of Lancaster. Next Sunday .being Mother's Day appropriate .serVieep will be held in the local United Chui•ch in the morn- ipg. The evening service will ° withdrawn on account Of Tifil .Ani-: versary services being held in the Presbyterian Church When. the. Rev. Dr. Drummond of Hnmiltote one. of the outstanding preachers of Ontario will be the special •sneaker. , A SEVERE STORM •Following a few clays of tit season- able hent eerly last week. the "Storm Kine" broke loose. Mande-, night and /or five roe, lemre• sent up a succession of eleetrieel storms aetom- panted by heave' fells of lathe which •Went quite heYon't all useful limits. We •hevenh. heed of any serious damaee done by lightrine, in this part het' out at Mr. Dan MoIntyre's farm there as a eery tineeeel oecerrence. A tree etanditor not far frAni the ferin buildings 'Was struck by light - nine three times within 1 fee,' hours a -the hits. occurrine &wine. difereet stories. This somewhat disnores of Vat calege that lightning never strikes twice in the same nlaCe. • --(ace:at- New Stiere. New Goods. N6 -v Low Prices in the teranie Aneex eistairs Wedneerleyl end ,Saturday The Market. 'VILLAGE COUNCIL* Thete wee tiAt meet, (Wel at the rreailee Meeting of 'fl'e Leal:new. Vii- laae Council. Thesdee evenina. The resir# and four conneillors Were pee - sent, but drily rootine hneieees canto up-ecorresnendence. neeotinte ' and ..general diecugelon filled up -the time Theclerk reeprtiel connatonioations 00bl /OM' pattiea who Say they are intefeeted" o ekedfr ever. tar a. 'propoattion frem the town. The clerk. Iri*A instrVe • 'ted ,;to wt1t4 thOKO pertioa. asking, -Them to -aliBfilit ercifieofffk-Te-.7. and- etating that 'the COI:roil: WOuld Can- . Striae etch. • • The Village Atidifee'Sreaert: was foteivod 0,114 •the eleilt 01.0.04 'to • hove so COpIto printed, . MR, JOHN BUTTON. PASSED ' AWAY IN LONDON HOSPITAL Priminene Blisinese, Man Here For TIiirtyea Years ---Funeral Thursday Afteru6on. ' • lvir.• Jobe Button iehose illness We mentioned briefly- laet Wtela died: in •Victoria Hosnital, London, Omit Sey; en o'clock ;Tuesday Morning of this • Week., He. had .1e,en..111 about '• two. weeks from an internat./thee:Asp whieb • an operation failed t� .reniedy. 'hope of recevery was ent,$tllned by. •hie :.physieians once -the nature .of Abe trairble was ascertained The funeral will be this, Tharsday, 'afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery; .ser vice b.e held at the• residence at 2.30, o'clock., Teeswater. and ,Lucknow 1. 0. G. F. feriae's" will have eller& of . the, obsequies: ' • • Mr...Button was in -his 74th year. fie is sarvived •by' hie •wife. tylo •be- fore, her marriage *as MisaTEliza- •aeth M. Iridin ,cf' Teeswater; and -by one adonted daughter. Mrs.. 'Winter- etein,• of Ridgetewie He Was the son et pioneer family who •can'e *0 out• from: Eneland araroef tied. on the 8th line Of .Culress. Fee4., There were .sevon ..boya in 8.the ,ArnilY• andtwo girls..•Feur :brothera• survive: George of ,:•Teeswiaer: "Tames ...of • Culross; .iesse of. Celifornia .and Wateen' in Saskatchewan died .in • Califoreia a few • yeaaa eeo'..- and 7heeles •for.' 'mane ?gears '..elork of Culross Townalep-aleo pessed. away .Sbnie years ,since., The sisters.; both -deceased were Mrs. Wm. Fe%Int,' and 'Mrs.', Dever,. .,The foeiner. .die& .and.the latteein the West': .The hate' Mr. Butten began work •'ih his 'own' account as a carpentet and builder,, kit:soon set up in. Tees-. ',eater in the:ferniture 'business hav- ing tor a time .both, a stpre •and.,faea tory. •Abeelt, the 'end -of the:last gene, •'nay, therecame, a tetie when- he • felt thafr he niUst either enlarge...and .noderniie. his factory .Or. go out Of, .kind' 'Made propesal „ to :reesweter Yillnee to geta loeu by Way of bontis, to 'enable hint 'to. Make the. change. A by-law having that in view wee defeated by the 'few Ater. atepayers, and a similar' proposal reveived ..faeorable eona:dere ation in 'Taicknow, Mr. Button. ineVed to this village .iiietaliout. 30 ,),..-ears • ago. :The 4DeknoW-:Fernittire any, leter . changed. to the Luckhow' • Table Ciimpapy, was organized,. with, • Mr. Button as • Manager. This. niove --arked a turpier; .P? l'he.tide- bus- iness matters and the'company. has • alwaya • prospered -due ' largely to Mr. Button's shrude and carefulanan, igenient He was' a hard worker and for Many years was the g•uicling epirit ef the •hueinees. Of lete years he .teek businesa. 'life' rriuch. • ensier, •leaving .tritrefi 'Of the••work• t-1 Mr. R. Robertson who, Tee '.been with • the comPany. 'for about •• twenty 'years. But Mr. Betton nerer lest 'e 1“',71. terest in the business he had built up,. 'acting b.' was .tOcen: ili in an •advisorY .canneity. • Mr. Betten did 'not fake nue h to do avith'publie life; church'ivork mak- ing e steon,:rerAappeal to Thru •'mt. his htnere-e!eoreer ho hod' been an active e-nekrer ia. end libeael. sup- norter of the Methodist.' erel liter the Niter! Chnroi. Forehin .Missions and the Temeeranee" ie.nvetoent. . . al- ways eppeeled eepeciallystrong, th him. in •entiaies l•e "'ne qsSOCiated With tt,e rouservative Party. • . . • 'Needless' to snV Mr. Button will be greatly miseed from 'the besiness and -borch aetieitiee of Leektirne.. His. wifewho lies' not enipYed geed' health for mere than a' yesr hie the eym• pathy of t.,e wide circle rf friends at. Teeswatef as,well as in -•Lucknow. ST. s Mr and /Mrs. Alex. McTavish; of Ripley were visitors at the Manse On Saturday. Mrs, George. McRoberis was a -week, end ,visitot with Rev. and Mrs.' Lang- fo.rd at London. • ' Mr. E. Hunt of Petroila fives a re- cent visitor l at Mr. Chas. Ilitireitt's. • Mrs. M. C. McKenzie and 31,t.-Ifugh 31 -Kenzie,. of Kintail and,Flenorable D. McKenzie, Minister of Mines for Manitoba, . with Mrs. McKenzie and .two 'childrenwere visitors with. their aunt. Mrs. Clark,; recently. At the annual meeting of time Wo- •,nen's. Institute. hold titMiss Creta Wehli's last week the following Offic- ers.• were elected: Pres., Mrs. Jobe O Miller; Vice Pres, • Miss A. Mae - Kenzie:, 2pd..Viee., Mrs. Ed. Tholn; See'y. Tteasa Mrs. R. K. Miller;•Au- ditors, .Mrs. •W. I. M.iller.. D. Todd:. Distriet tepresentativee.' Mrs• . G. :Webb. Mrs. A..Apdersori. aiise• M. C. Rutherford; ,Committee, Mrs. John Mr91111Iiii, Mrs. Wilkieeen; ITi e Mc!. Webb, Mr. A. -Genet, Mr:, .G. Staart, Mre... Jelin rri.,60-rol. Misses Lfh Ittimphrey. (refWebb, Mary •Mur- ray, Illecletine' Gahrit.'• A. IP i ete of the eaeretive will 34•.n. 110'd at Fjrs. K. Millees, on Thursday evening Max. 15th. All are requested to at- • tend: 'fli 'arid 'Mre, Sas. Doirelos and • Wanda, of Mitebell, viaitect ivik Mrs, Doloe ivrtitllor." Mr. John (0W••.'eron Mrs. Male Retherford is a vieiter with her dnughTterf .Mrs„.0live Ander Son. 8t.13eigreire,• . and Mrs. Wiikineorn. Mr. Astir-, age Mv Gordon •end ,liee M. C. PA:flier:fetal were. it .Seathfot.th last weer. aitend•itig merfine of the Preshv'tere and the Presbyterial of 016 8. . Rita Sadie Calling • of RibIey . Wee' a 'week ettil• vleitar With her Slater ,• Nral, C. Wilkin$on, "CINDERELLA" MADE WITH 11.1C.KNOW AUDIENCE There Was a happy begine,.ing and, happy ending to.--the'lanusical teaVaganzii".•Cinderella, as' • presented here Thursday and Friday' .evenings of last week. The Itindred. 017. S11;0'40 .t!):Ok,papt _had a 'good time in preparaL. Ihne'eethey„ all, aid and young, liked Mr.- Vawthorne Whe did the training -.-„kliere., Was 'a good crowd both even-, 'inn, and both parties to the .enter- prise triAde e,. money -more, 'than, they exPeeted. The affair was ,Ithder Women's Institute auspices, istnd..thV prekeeds go to the ,soldiers' memorial fired. We should add that the audience Was .well entertained both evenings. In fait it :was, a, eery nice and Clean entertainment, And we are sure that the score of youngsters who took .part w.l benefit, by the ex, perience. Cinderella is an .old• nursery tale of the classic sort in which a pretty and good natured girl is enslaved and Much ;abused .by a. heartless step- mother :and her two proud and selfish, daughters, but who through the good offices of a fairy, or good angel, and the favor of, 'a handsome Prince who Meets her at a ball,fiaally triumphs over °her .mean relations, to whom, however,.. she isafterwards kind and •forgiving. But then you all' know the story of Cinderella and the glass ' „Well; Miss Donalde Douglas was the pretty And. innocent Cinderella; Scobie, Was the zood fairy who came inteTtlie life of Cinderella with cuch happy results. W. B. And - erten • was the prince; .Mrs.' Hassell Was the step -mother and Mrs. R. H. Thompson and A. Turner nlay-, ed the •parts ' of the heartlesesisters The program began, with. a series of nursery pieces which brought'. :a score of Children in fantastic; cos.- tume e.poti the stage where they sang and went • throwah '•seyee ever -claps, .This was followed by the appearance of a nuniber of ladies in the, dresses. and hats of 40, yer%ako, but height- ened in color rie were elan the ledies feeee-hi fact the 'girl's. of, '40 years ago :were not quite so "load." But • it was all "Extravaganza." ' 'Mrs J. Wesley Joynt and . Mias. Mildred Treleaven contribeted solos, and tezo . 1itle girli-e-dauglitera of Rev, and 'Wye, C. H. MecDonald and Mr. and Mrs. john IViaeDonald-.-• pretty in MecDo'nald tartan *on' much aepl,auee in an exhibition' of highland dentine, The Lucknow orch- estra contribeted e coutile of num- here betWeen akS: Mrs. G. A. NeWton presided at the piano throughout the long rroerem. " •.) With this presentation ef Cindet- ell.% Mr. Hawthorne is eilitting •,"the' :road" --this beine,. aceordina to his present 'Mans, his last preeentetion. He has boon in the theaaideel busi- ness for 20 years.: and is now set- tling clewn in Hareilton.,'He was horn in 'Maeitoee. e,eved British'relum- bia in early lite, tnek up nutlic en- tertairing sea •hes heen all over the continent with his pla.Ys.. • • HOW THE AGAR CHILDREN MET TRAGEDY IN SASK. Belem 'we give parts of the Saska- toon'.Star-Phenox account of the rail- way -crossing tragedy in which the three Agar .children7.--grandchildren of James Agar of Ashfield, and of g,. and Mrs.. Jake Miller bf Lueknow, • lost their lives. • O The Star Phinox.'report reads in •part. as follows: The crossing .at Which the tragedy happened. is a private one, situated on ,the farni.•now jointly operated by Irwin and Stanley Agar, about half a Mile t...ist froth the Dundiirn high- way crossing Over the railway, south of -Charles Agar's farm.,Irwin Agar a bachelor who hives with his mar- •ried brother Stanley, had been busy during the morning trucking fat tat- tle to Saskatoon. His Ittat.i trip had been roade to' Tout the caroass of a slaughtered .beef into cold storeet. He' had then returned to his brother Charles' faries and taken 'off the ,eat- tle rack; .filling his gasoline barrels from the pump. He then dreve across the highway into the trail leadiag across the field and railway to fis own pi:lee. the..y-Oungsters riding with him.. Eldon waS riding 'et 'the rear of the truck, Jn,k. George. and Shir'y- .iii -the rah. What f011oWed 'is deser be ed in .his own Statement' given to the coroner last night in a ,farrn house. where 'a• hushedgroun.sought to comfort (+soh other' the three little bodies lay upsfairs. • "'The little eirl called my'attentien to smile ' ei'ehbere' onttle. When 1 iinj rieein T was •right on: wild I notieed a train riaht, looked er the treck, note me: , .e en*, stalled nnd I, Str'n.:! pod on . t1 -'e *tarter. hut the• ear ,1'.(I', ifict r,srin id. 1 eouhl see thee theP the- trein wes eerier to hif nip. 1 I jumped edit and .114e'; to 'rill the lit- tle girl with me. S'..e :gat caught emtiewhete, and I, . as citable to got - her arit.tf 1, Eld'en Who iiii-i-vettliitg on the hoda' Of the true k and he ;limped eIeet test 14fere• t:Ite- 1atiaiilof.;*6,,'frlek. al. thOuk'l sufferinn; cOesiderahly from elioek. 'Mantled that he Sow his broth, ' ' dr Jeekaotteri :the calld oor and_ trSt to jump when the train hit teo feeelt •elaterling the door Ant, pienieg Jack insida.- .- :reek wea ti etntleet 'nt Ilnelta'n School. end istmild halt. been 14 reat jam -tory, being a teerehet Of lOreee "-lied a membea 'tat 9.ie leadey sabool class et Haillfeiti Sehecol, and a Mem* bet' 04 04 trtill lillefi OilatItk. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.44.• . . • The Bread-Hh e Bread of..Health , of •Health VIT . _oug MOTTO QUALITYANI;t +SERVICE. OUR •"QUAtITY BREAD" NiA,Dg mom HE VERY BEST IN- . GiREDIENTS HAS THE FLAVOR 4., KEEPING QUALI- TIES Vo.tr REQUIRE -• CREAM P1FFS, DOUGHNUTS, BON BOOCIIE,CHELSEA BUNS. -OATMEAL 'COOKIES,' ICED ROLLS, ,PARIS 'BUNS: .77 cH2O.coL,ATE MARSHMALLQW CKE , . . OOLL'irigAN''S QUALITY • BAKERY' .,Phone 30 • Lucipow-_, was a pupil at !be Lone Star School not. far from his twine, while his sis-, •ter phirley was to IAA, e'started school' this summer. Yesterday the yOupg-, 'sters' had a metry time at' the near: ;by home of .another'. uncle, Joseph 'Lawson, Where they were .is Welcchte ad on the Agar 'farm- ., • At the farm home, while sympath- etic relatives and neighbera Offered comfort, the ettitiped parents seemed searcelY to realize What had happen- ed, while the uncle of the victims; bravely bracing ,himself for :the or- deal of questioning, lapsed into dazed ifience as. sympdthetic .o ci' la end -' ed their interrogation. 1: . ' At 'the' inlet little spb rl-, n home on Ninth Street. while a dilgtQr ffilia- 1 isterect to an' utterly broken mother,,1 the father of little Jack.' found time fo, voice . eyaepatliv' for' his brother and sister-in-law. from whoei :tragedy had at One: stroke bereft of• all their family. ' ' W. L ANNUAL MEETING ' :The annual ineetIng of !the Luck.' now Women's institute Will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt on May 9th, at 2.30 o'clock. Mr. A. F. Hammond, field secretary Of the Canadian Institute for the Blind is expected ,to- be present and address, •the meeting. ; . • LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPORT. • • - • • , • . • • :0•Room I Senior Class' Possible Marks 270: Hon: 202: Pais 162. • • - ; . Honors 7--• Isabel 'Niel -Jolson 241;. Muriel, Paterson 240: LouiseGreer 226: Jack Leith, 225: .john k. Yae- Kenzie 222: Mary Fisher 216: Doro- thy Irwin 213: Margaret Salkeld an Marion Traplin 211 (ties)? „ Jane Hornell 207: Helen Hamilton 202, Pass ---Helen MacDonald 198: Elva Twamley 195: Jean Havens 184: Gor- don • Steward 176: Marvin Solomon.. 172: • Gerald Culbert 167: Donald Finlayson 162*. Blew Pass -Esther Mortis 156: Evelyn Taylor 135: Ella Whitley 121: • Jim Webster 120*: Donald Johestone 96: Jack Hender- son 78. Junior •class Possible Marks 250; Hon. 187; Pass 150. ' Honors -Bessie Stewart 233: Lloyd Wylds and Russell Garniss 217. (ties) Frances,• Armstrong 213: Keith Col:- lyer anJack Cook 212 .(ties): Djena Paterson 208: Mary Salkeld 196: 11- liam Scobie 191: Celia Wilson 189. Pase-IVIalcolm Dymock 183: Donald MCKetizie 181: Erneat Butten 178: Cheater Baker 177: • Arnie: Smith, 165: Norman McPherson 164: Rus- sell Whitby 157: Douglas Aitchison 151. Below Pass -Fred Webster 139. ' (*) absent , a week through siek- ness. I Murdie, Room11 Pots'. marks 425 -Hon. 319, Pats 255 Allih 3541 Mil- 'dred Ritchie 350; Edwin Boswell 345; Arthur Traplin 343; June Collyer 335 Doris Ritchie 325; Zyld.a Steward 324. HUly Jewitt .320. Pass Mary Struthers 311; Harriet Whitley 308; Gerdon Struthers .293; Orland t- terson • 286; Jean Struthers • 2; Bruce MacMillan. 270; Jack Button 253. • Belo* Pass -David Jewitt 211; • Margaret Garniss 182, . Pos. marks 300 -Hort. 225. Pass 130 Jr. Il Pass -Morrie' Pearlman 214: Evelyn Whitby 213; Jonn Parer 212; Helen Buswell 211.; Merione All:n • 10; Rusell Button 1tyk; Etta Belle MacDonald 191. Pelow Pass--,31eate Johnstone, 159; J. C. A rm tong 1577; MargeM ;Rae 155; J. Co -Johnstone 155*; Anna ,Firilayson*. * Missed examinationa , • " • '0. IL G. Sheriff . April Report -Room In $teiTTT-floiiHeftie '9'8: Johnston 95; R. Parker 76: I. Arm - Strong Maeitenzie 67; -G. Sheriff 66; C. Hueter WI; M. Fisher 65: A. Itelidertoe 64; R. Os- trander 61; A. Leith 61; H. Ritehie 60: IJ elow Maet)onald 54: M; 13ake'r 51 N. Taylor 474 C. Whit- by 46; K. Mactittoah 45; A. 'Arm- strOrig 40; T. Dyeaock 32;, D,'Dynteek. 30. Sr. MrRinv p7: J. acDoria14196; Maerlonald Jessie Hendereoe .85; H. Twamley 79. Paagee-D. Smith 73: IC. Pavens 70. A. alewittt 67; J, 'McLeod '65: Jo,* Henderean 63; T. Jnptene o6: M Webster 00fleloa• man 69; A. Aitchisdn 57; G. Weli•ste.• 54; 3. Ctilbert 54; 3: PeArtnler 42; 11. Thompson 40; P:« Whitlest. 89. aaWR M. MikaCtilluto, 4.0 ktt 000 FAIVIILY THEATREi THURSDAY, 1.*DAY., SATURDAY May 80-10 Rin Tin: Tin, aTHE LAN,D 'OF THE -SILVER FQX' Drama of ,the Frozen North and . COMEDY Coming, .Special • -"BEN OUR" Mai 29-730-31 AMP Gunn's Fertilizer • WHY SIGN AN :ORDER FOR FERTILIZER,,• WHEN YOU. CAN • GE'T *HAT YOU. WANT 4.NY. TIME? , • ivincEp FERTILIZER CON- SIDERABLY CHEAPER •• .THIS YEAR; ' ' 00. S. ROBERTSON. • • Enna. elettiCk Shoes For Women 0• • In .ease'. Some.. may think.. .. • $7.00 and 86.90, is a high ;t,.rice .• ..for •a' HIGH • GRADE. SHOE • we feet it •hardly necessary to, • • • state that there are women in „ practically every locality who , have in'the past found it neces- sary to seeure, shoes in the .large cities On ateourit of the. heed of EXTR-A NARROW or EXTRA WIDE fitting and who. have . paid and are now paying as high as $12.00 andegiten $16. per pair, and to. these women • in. Partieular. we have pleasure in present:ng . ENNA. ,JETTICK uSRQESO • which are, equal to the best'. • .in quality. and in all 'fittings - that 'is "Extra Wide" or 'Extra Narrow' fair th,e• price ' charged I'm- Enna Jettiek Shoes from ...Atlantic. to . Pacific, ,naniely 7.09 & $840 • All Widths- kept in Stoek • From A A to E E , And in Several Nice Styles Willis' Shoe Store • PHONE 129 - WINGHAM The Enna Jeftiek Shoe Shoppe' NOINNOMINalb Star Cafe SPECIAL MEALS aLLUNCIIES,„ ALL HOURS "HERE'S BREA D THAT IIA.S REAL TASTE" Reid's Golden Crust Bread has nutritious quality, an. appetiaing flavor, good taste, that makes it the better bread. Insist on Reid's bread arid- yeti, get the beat. Have you. tried a loaf of our whole v,lioat bread If not you are missing a rea-1 treat. For week end specials, we have Ways a nice ...variety of eakes and, • cookies to nteet your needs. Phone 68. a GOING OFF THE Alta . The radio broadcasting station at %Ingham. knowri as 10 B.P. ha e els. a:Stalin:led for the Present,: haring a glyen it last • progrem era Vinvtay, • May 4th. The reason given is the- eepital nece4sary to make mecesshre Tni prOvemiltits was ria fortheeming. Should the neTsserY funds be se'r. scribed by ititerested parties Rhin a inonth the station will resume oper- ation. AcitOri Otle month oi silence a stAtion loses itq tea" ---ate