The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-24, Page 4Luidkritiwi. Luckiloivo Ont. ' . • 0 • • • . • • . • r • Nr1. .040.! 1.0011,. TUR LIJCIINOW *S/INT11$4.14 IIIKRSDAY, pflfl.24, WO, 4.14 tit • .„ • SINESS SUMMARIES t'ILIKING the season the. Bank of Montreal issues periodical rqsacti 4Velp.‘•CCUI.4itigtkil • . , • Every mantis, it publiaises a iittisissest ' Summery" covering 'Imisineas ionditiona in the DO:onion and in tho actuaries . 'whete the Bank has Ares. " Both of theses' uttoh&vei .•. • 0 • . • ' ire sent free to 'all who. . on. our list. [K -CF ON Estausked 1817, Total Assets. in lams, ist6oteoo.o 'tit) KINGSBRIDGE • • ' (inte'ncied for last week) .111rs.. Morgan . Dalton lias returned • ,home after. visiting her daughter Mrs. ..lack Cleary of Witlfeateburg and Mrs. Arthur. O'Connor of Whitby. ;„ •. • Mr. Mike Griffin and hia son, .Mr. Joe Griffin, Miss Frontenac Griffin and Mr. • Pat cBeauchamp . visited -friends, • here for a few day. . Mr. Griffin has returned Imre after visiting her mane friends in Detroit. The funeral of the late Mr. Dunean • MeKay. of SOo. Mich. took place at the, home of Mr. Jack McLeod. The 0 body, was accompanied by his ,two sons -ie -law and 'his dt,ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mr. Nash. , An Early Pioneer gone to her Reward On APrill the 9th. Death's Angel visited our naris rid cloimed one of our oldest citizens, rs. lVlary Dalton. • Mis. Dalton held t e .4-fficoue distinc- .• tion of • beine the ,.firet • girl ,born ii Ashfield in. 1840. her narerti being • ,amone ,the earliest, riessee-s. Mrs. Dalton was of a eheerfel disnosition and she always twor kindly interest in the, people of this communitY. 'She *4 ft. riaM . [.4170KNOW.SENTINEL: lusters get • and nearly as ranch all the financial rimvar0 of. the pVieie'mii later of •Canada. Of course the MaYor ,of Toronto lacks in. glery what IW gains: in moneY. The Terento •Alder-' men ,did seem to be.overdoing' it; altogether, when • they made the in- ,creaseapplyto the three months of the year which .are gone as well as to the nine firet to come. But they likely know • what they Are akout„, and are prepared.. to face the 'conse... tinences at. the . end of the year. • , liatiONlicvs CITY COUNCIL 4 far•'yeaesago a Toronto news.- paperPOintedont that the men usual; ly elected to the City .Coteeil Were: • such iliat nobody would or a moi thinic;;of erigeging thein to take chOge of a private' heftiness. Published every Thursda# morning.: - • • • at fAchnow, 'Ontario. A,. D. MacKenzie. groprieter and Editor. PLILMSD:AT, APRIL 24, 1930. " . WHY THIEVINQ _PERSISTS • •FI'anfR Moses/ the: Indian who with two associates; entered and rob- bed 4,- R. Finlayson't .store 'e few 'vreelia:iego, haying Admitted Ilia and other lionsebreeking; and `theft.grimea with, 'whieb :he .was 'Charged, was sen ence'd to serve, three years,- the Peniteetiary KingstOn. „ To be :more explicit, Moses Weft 'sentenced id serve seven years kiegston. institution—three yeArs for the Luclinow "affair' and two yeiti,e • for each of two' crimes eommitted at Seuthampton. But (and here is :the joker) he will serve ell aeven years in three' years. In the ,first two years he will serve two yearis of, the three - Year sentence; tWo years feir crime NO 1 at Southampton; and two seers for crime, No 2 at Southampton. SO :there you are, eix years .reeled ,off in, two years and Only one left to be done the third year. ' That word "Concurreiitly" apes it—sentence for the Various alines to run condiir-• "'• watched with satisfaction and pride the growing developments of the parish, and everyone knew and loved 'aer for her kindly smile and helping •hand. She possessed • those aterime, agalities of frankness, honesty, and charity. Mrs. Dalton lived for seventy years on the farm on which she died. From a family of eleven, seven survive •her, five sons and two 'daughtZrs:— John, of,-Seathforth; Jerry, of . Gocle- rich Twp.; Joe in Ataeka,• Jim, of Vancouver; Mrs. Windle, of Detroit; Edward ,and Annie,. R. N. at home, and ale° Mrs.. Pope ef Yitehener, grandchild to whom Mrs. Dalton took the niece of a mother. She. is Also survived by one brother, Jerm.Flyzin of Sault St.. Marie. The funeral took place in St. 'Joserils'e chrrch, the celehrAnt beifir a nephew, Rev. ,Father' Hussey , of Kenora. Rev. Father McCardle • as- sisted in the sanctuary. The body was serried to its last resting place. bv six pallbearers: Messrs. Jerry Dalton Jac* C. Delton, 'Mike Dalton. .7hn Dalton, nephews of the deceased, Mr. J. Molone and Mr. Thos. Sullivan. May her soul, rest in peace. - ..; • • st.,,,Iff••••••,• „ That severe .00rninent but it appears to be correct, Last December saw one Of the niost strenuous local election .'eameaigna •ever carried on in Toronto, but . the outcome does not appear to • have. been ,fortunate: Prevailing ;opinion of, the council, then- elected is well summed up in a recent iisee . of' Toronto "Saturday Night the course of which it says: "Toronto's present City Cquncil seems given to talking and .„ getting nowhere as the wort of its. 'rently.-, In -feet-- „.P.Wh.,.3eessera.„..The only' measure • or .the•WOrse -off because "of the :South-. aintton erinies,. • • , • .• • • At:. the' endof the %three ,'.yeara Francis .Moies will -be releas ILVUV which. it las' shoWnTiniiiirit. :alacrity Nwis(' that WEerehy the, salar- ies .of the maker, aldermen and 'Con.; trailers were somewhat substantially inereased. ,• "On matters of grave importance Toronto:has been treated ta rzionth,. of gab. with nothing a6oinpliShed. . "Not only in connection withthe • street eitensions, but in nearly every other matter, the Council's instability and incapacity to get anywhere re• , vealitself." .• "The foil o'f the eleniorifte in send. ing. tin horn ward politicians, to' the City Council: to deal ,With 'business' questiens quite beyond their grasp. was never more clearly ,demonstrated These are severe atrietureS,bu' they are :deserved: net only by •••thc 717Oronto. City Council but by' the Councils of.all :citierthe size Of Tor . onto.. on' this continent.. Democrac:. iata hard school, and the human -met -' is1 going , to .pay dearly for its es,ons Bdtthere seems. no way out. •" " The .electorate of Toronto 'ale as intelligent as that .to be found any- • where, and that is the sort of counci' they ..electil each, year to manage their • affairs. BRUCE AS RESTRICTED, ARE '.' When the members of 13ru- County Council at the January , sion appointed a Committee to work, in conjenction with Mr. Forsyth, the agricultural representative, with the object he view of havingBruce County .declared restricted Area, to., pre- vent, or a least. greatly lessen the 'danger 'from bovine tuberculosis, it was , a wise. move for there isn't the slightest doubt that milk from cows affected with tuberculosis has caused And is causing ,the death of .many Children, and adults too,. in this province. Prinee Edward is the only County, in Ontario which has beer declared: a restricted area. Formai.: who' piirchace stockers or 'milch cow. from. a county .whieh has not beer an at:Credited' area • will be put to r little delay hi-hine the cattle the3. purchased delivered but it is wortl considerable' delay to know the pue elgised eattle are not diseased. Farm ers .a restricted area whose cattle will come under the tuberculin test Still not be under any less, eXcepi with grade steers on 'which they are allowed no bonus by. the' Dominion Governfeent, merely' the value for bee' With cowsand heifers as much r! $40 Of a. bonus, is given besides thi value for beef. The reason why mill from'tubercular cows is so much inn) c denger,ous to puhlic health. than mesa' from the steric animals, is becate.c, of the high tern p eratu re , to whi• meat is subject in cooking, destroy the germs. All the .same none' of would eat roast or fried. Neat fron en .animal..affected, with tuberculosi if .we knew. it. In • rnritl districts th ia not pasterizecl, hence th• e danger of, children, ese:ecially„ con teaeriiik- the tubetecitstll' Pr pasturi zing is not a . corn plc te safe guard, for the milk may be eoromein Med' Ey' carless handling after' it h's Istee sub;e•ited the high temperatur We would' Iii$e to. knew that cow • turn ill/Ting miff; fir They 'iti _rens vies nr10 of An aecredited her the Kingston Penitentiary t by industry or to 'lndulgeIn housebreak- ing and stealing; as he *may .choose. Does anyone imagine that. Francis Moses Will he a better man after being released from Kingston? • He had siic previous convictions and had served a term in the Reformatory at Guelph: ' • • - ' With •men like this one 'being turned loose upon public, is there any wonder that theft and robbery are coznmon? • t. orre, or dr Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRE -SAFE!• 1)01tOTECT your family by - A, Making your Summer home draught -proof, dust-• • proof and fire -safe; The new. Ivory coloured Gyproc, that rioes not burn wa,11 *oder you this service at small cost. the it for structurally strong wills, ceilings and partitions. .It needs' no de- coration (when panelled) but you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish., It is easily and quickly applied, b a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to -other building tnaterials. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information on Gyp - •roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "guild- : ing and Remodelling with • Gyproc." • GYPSUM, LIME AND' • ALABASTINE, CANADA; LIMITED Paris• Ontario • 263 NO bank robnety or big pay -roil hold up is engineered by an inexper- ienced person. In every case the Per- petrators are ex -convicts. penitent- iary they have planned and studied, nothow to Mike an honest living, but how, to rob suceetiefuly, and how to .bcat the 'Police:' A jail ghould not be regarded as • a place' Of punishment. It • should be , . regarded as a place of confinement. for the retention of. persons who prove thennelyea •dangerous to the public, and dangerous characters ...should be confined there, .not 'for two years or three, but until they reach an age when they. cease to be danger- ous. Men over fifty Years of age rarely indulge robbery. • This.man, Franeis Moses, has given proof enough that he is not fit to be :at large awing civilized people, yet we shAll 400n have him with us again. • SALARY 'GRAB ..AT TORONTO When a. governing body, whether municipal, provincial, or national. votes kn increase to its members, the action is termed a "salary. gra14,-- that is by the folks outside who do not think diet the members of. such bodies are entitled to mole than they were getting before. .However if the. members of Any • governing body ,would ' wait until somebody' else increased their • pay. we would Taney the increases would. be fen. •and far between. The tax- • payers who have to put up the money !Usually think the pioneer of public office is about enough for. a specess- •ful candidate. But the members of all governing bodies thitic differently after election whatever they may think of it before. There are many demands of time and money upon an elected public servant in a deivi Ocracy and generally the. • job , is • a thankless one. Some however .are puffed up and pleased with it. it is• a curious fact that although invariably there is a great outcry in the newspapers about a "money grab," ;and 'predictions that the eleet- • orate will not stand for such thievery it makes little or no difference to the grClihers when they come up at. the next election'. The electors- generally rerOgnite that the. members of. •coencila 'and parli.arrients iro-. net, over paid even after. the "grab," and besides oppos- ing candidates ao plea -ed, enough with the prospects of the. higher iay; so they say nothieg. . thin OM' griess if it doesn't tern out just that V,Ay with th fcafit Much *condemned yrah at 1:oronto, iVUed atirie.tirecr; And tottryttirmk Fireproof Wallboard Poi 80e. By ' ,Win. Murdii & Solt • a • Dalt ik Porteous ••• ••• • • Voted themsehres a handsome ino-easer `—not forgetting the mayor, who. hap- pened at the' time to be evinfiped to his bed,- due trr an Accident. The Toronto Alderman ire now t.O• re. delve' $1,200 per year \end the reayer will get $11,500 per year, which it. men trittli the Dominion Cabinet min?, „la•• , " , • r NW' Argo,oprov. t -T • • Vt,Ht.,,,i•Oft,M1.7.:2:;j!,....4.,or,ririrr,..,:4:,,ir.annik. • • • c -vq114114.4414- woo -hi he 4'4 thri this, tGrilin a wnri.,1 while service if Ise and his coll•rterlin the town eouncli ipsisged ori rigid inspectien ol tlit cows !ripply. ing nl11 for ' this temn, Nethinr • should tome ahead • of the public befilth;Chesley Enterprise. Crops property and livestock de- : • stroyed 'by fire and lightning last year - • , 'ainounted co.:note than $2;000,000 in . • Ontario: Thai's one of the reasons so . •• many .farmers are now using RIB -ROLL . , —the original new -style roofin4. • It defies • . 7 . Ere, elirnitiatesvp:keep, increases property values and lasts a lifetime. Pro- . tected 'against Light:cline ivhen properly grounded and eqrtipPedWith-Pleitiin. ' . . Pointed V,entilatorsas reciaired by the Lightning Rod Act. Each sheet has ' seven ribs—a nail every five inches; It is wonderfully easy and ineipenaiveto •' .14; Made of the famous "Connell. Standard" quality, Under - the moat Severe weather conditions ,RIB -ROLL keeps every building oh. the farm sale and secute : Use IllbiRoll Roefinjand 'Preston ,. . Led•Hed Sails . • ' IUB -ROLL and PRESTON LED -HE) nell, ferns an unbearable roofing combination. The nails are • scientifically designed to use with metal roofing. .• No punching or threading: required • Remarkably ea.* and speedy to use. The lead on the head Com, 1- • pletelY seals the riail hole—flakingit ruin -woof, • •• waatheasPrOof and water -proof. Write for. flee ,sam le of RIB -ROLL and PRESTON LED -HED •• ••• . . • Preston Steel Truss Barns No bal4k made equals the a:trenedi • and fire ne- gating qualities of the PRESTON Stam TRUSS; BARN. Built with 'rugged Steel Trusses, Braced against wind pressure front every angle. Nocum- bersome cross.beams. Well ventilated, well lighted. -" More than 1,000 in Ontario—not one lost through lightning. We use your timbers and make liberal . allowances for theni. . Preston Barn Ventilaters • Abolish danger of spontaneous 'corablistion. Use Preston ventilators for roof, side wall, adjustable' windows and wide doors. They draw out the 'Warm. moist air and erisureproper ventilation. • "The Preston Book About Barns" is worth money to you. Gives a world of information about modern barn building. Write for it. teel PtoductS • Goekth Stu p11711i TorontoandMontreal region, Ont. . ' inquire abode our attractive tildes! t ,ercss on Winter Shipments . . PRESTON STEELTRUSS BARNS, LIC•HTINI 1114 Cr HASN'T DESTROYED ONE! 1- • ' • WILL VISIT OLD LAND ••.17RAT ROYAL TRIP.: Rev. F. S. MacKenzie, DD., prin- cipal of the Presbyterian College. at Montreal, and a former Ashfield township boy, has been appointed by the Pres'oterilan Cht.ri.h in this count- ry to/ repre,ect it . at the General Assemblies this year of, the Presby- terian Churches of England, Scotland, Wales:And irc!and. He 'will' sail May 9th and will Visit each country in turn. •' • ormarinvermaga• • • In • the past three years 1407 young men have participated in the trip to the Royal Winter Fair sponsored. by the Ontario Department of again this year during which time . the guests will have an opportunity to see for themselves many phases of Ontario's agricultural and industrial life. The contest is open to all farmers and farmers' sons and full details can he representatiye. Phone No. 10 fs at Your Service' We, Sell for Cash—We Sell Chiaper Than The Credit Store HOUSECLEANING TIME. , HOUSE.CLEAgING SPELLS HARD WORK BUT IT CAN RE MADE MUCH EAstta WITH PROPER IfTENSILS AND LABOR SAVING DEVICES Below is listed a few'articles you require:1- STEP LADDERS-.-Theet .1s Nothing More Convenient Than a Good • Strong Step, Ladder in epee handy size 41/2 or .5 ft. , itRUSIIES—Mtrresco flrusbes, Whitewash BriisheS. Paint & Varnish •• Brushes, Window Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Stove Brushes • FLAXOAP—Fer .Washing Floors and Woodwork. • CLIMAX•CLEANER—for cleaning Wail Paper & Window Shades PAPER KNIVES—lot Removing 'Old Wall llaper FURNITURE POLISB—Redgers Liquid 'Polish, Liquid Veneer • FLOOR WAX—Joh:moms Paste & Liquid Wax, also Bolton's Wax SILVER POLISH,- A Large, Jar of Sneer ('ream for• ...Vie EleetreSitver Urchin STOVE PIPE- EN AME-1,-,Scrolvitt WMuinn, the,Varnish That covets niost end is Prodigally Odorless. ALININp1 PAINT,—Fer` tint Water Pipes, Radiators, Etc. Beatty Electric Washer with four Premiums • Only $99.00' • f010ENT—rIvrtrit Vareirm Chianti". with Attachments. nt. Murclie 81- ott. ileatng?lutubing and Electric VtiOng • ratsa LIME • • PLASTER • egMENT • v ‘, • • ••• • •