The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-17, Page 5•t5N`M.: fx��,�t?•iM1 M�"r:". is - 'l'ihURS."PAY; APRIL 17th, 1,,83„0 ,1IINTS FOii HOIVIESOI,):IES 1� '••n�lA,� tS 49 r!• �2 �A+C Ye t ,,p ry. n::•i .�... . s+l�'t te.%�.4.Lr1� fiaifir�ilti Com, ��,t)SI ': itt c rr:' it EA}.r+'la. MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCTS `{x'1.7• -r s�f�i eM•0•11 f •No long "sticky” Period whets you ;use this' prractical, sanitary, medium gloss senamel.,I.2how* it's dry to the touch, iii 6'hoiirs'•the newly:finnished surfaceis bone dry -=ready' for use: • J And it's so easy to use .N u-Glos.' No tricky brush work is needed., Just brush it over the faded wo..dwork, walls, or the dulled, marred furniture. • It, flows 'cin .smoothly, bringing the color, .'life and charm you long to have in your • home interior, • • . ; q No objectionable • odor 'to, Neu -tilos. Clean. Colorful 8 Q• �n .. , .• n ` . The most satisfactory: decorative finish. '•for renewing and ' renovatiirig : interioe home surfaces, t . . : �;wlq�' Fy -.. (iii. .•. ,.1 •`s .+., v. .�•e•sO--• ��'.•rr cwJ.,.•.,'•'t"'I: ::;;:,y;-a.,ya . .,r i'r.•.,.:>!. ,: y ws s - }+► :.w; - •n•': ;:•.)�-l•. .u..J. r:; ;y w,;:.:•:•:h^:r LU£Y .NOW and W.IiNGHAM Monumental - Works Lachnuw, • Out. ; .. Has the largest arid .must cumpleto stuck an the. Must ,beautiful i.a gus' W cmoven trona, ea Karol; scotch,':bwedish and Cab. adieu Granites We make a spet;ialty of Family Monuments. and. Layne your iaspee- taw. • Inscriptiions Neatly, Carefully and rrotnpuy Done. 8M us before placing your order. Douglas Bros. R. A. Spotton Phone 74 noon) •256' „Lucian.* W inahan, THE WEED, ACT' Owing to 'public demand. plans are a under• way for a more strict enforce=.: • nient of the Weed Act this year. l ar- mers will .be well 'advised to avoid in- convenience .at -or near harvest time by planning now to' control weeds. Seed =should • be carefully:' cleaned: Weed polluted ,fields should not be . seeded without proper preparation even if this requires late. sowing of a special crop. Weed inspectors have. An opportunity to do their most help-. ful and pleasant. work between now and planting time. .i • "WOr DEiLFIUL VARIETIES" At.'thi-s time of year, there Are us - some agents offering new %arie- ties of i,Mi'ain and other crops. at fancy, prices. •F.xtravagart claims are made • for these which are,alle':ed to offset the price' and lave • A. very 'favorable balance. if. fanners can procure more suitable sorts.than they are now us-' ing they should do so- by all means; but why not permit the government farms to do to the experimenting. Trained experimenters 'at these ate- ' tions are testing hundreds of varieties every year and no farmer •is justified' in payng a hi :h price for, "somethin new" until he learns how these •kinds halm- preir reed in eonenfe icon with others on giivern;ttent farms: fi-+n-e- f SHELL -MATERIAL HEALTH. SERVICE OF CANADIAN 'MEDICAL ASSOCIA'LION Bells The unbroken healthy s' :in. is' an effective barrier to •the entrance, • int( the body, of .the numerous germs with which the skin is brought into con' tact. There' are germs, . commonly called disease germs., which cause certain specific .diseases, ouch.' as diphtheria and typhoid fever. Whereare- other germs which` are very common; some of these are probably always present on the skin, but as, long as the skirt is unbroken and healthy, they do .no harm. The skin may be broken in many ways,:•such as when it is cut, scratch- ed, or bruised. The skin is an . im- portant part of the body and, ar has already been mentioned, if one; part of the body is upset, other part's are apt to suffer. The healthy • con ditionof the skin is lost and its power- to i.resi*t "the action of germs is more or les; decreased in the pre- sence . of actual disease, such as • dia- betes. The skin is also in;used • by upsets of the digestive track: by fam- ily diet, and by 'an •unhygienic life which Starves the body 'of fresh S�ir. Uncleanliness and over -clothing which result' in caressive per ipiration .and irritation of the ,skin lower its resistance. ' • • As a result of the occui'en' e of one' or more of the' above conditiomi, the normal resistance of the skin is lost or 'decreased; ;there, the germs present on the' skin are enabled to gain a foothold: The result of their activity is inflanmationa- re+Ines'-. ;welling, pain and' producton of pus. Boils are infe••tinus in tl e . sense that they are cats sed by iii in,t ►errns In the treatment of boil.., this fact 'must 'be kept in , mind.. and the bail should he freftted with the same strict "cleanliness that is used' in all sugicai' tre:itntents. Considerable. 'harm reny follow the squeezing' of boils. The individual's bonds should he kept away Porn the boil, and it sbeuld he opened and created at the' proper time by a phys ician. In some cnsea t;^.ecineare, used toy raise the resistance-fithting .power, -ae•ainst the germ. In all cases, the renthl health • nitest -he coesidered. "ro' r diet, exercise, fresh air, body, cleanliness, mauler eii, inefiont, all go to make up a• hygienic life.• ,The occurrence of boils in most cases means that the sufferer has not I Fast, A hiking• party there will pro - PARRS • DECREASE DRUNKENNESS' ' Ey Jessie• Allen Jlrewn,' • Punctua 1ty Puneti,3lity'is. a habit, and. a most desirable one. We all, know the habit- Lally late person It is the'se:me ones Who. are' always late ler ,church, their children are late for school, and' -you can depend on them' -to never be on time. If they are dtie at a, committee •meeting, the meeting is certain •to be held up, waiting, for their ,arjival. We wait. time after' time, at a Bridge party. for the lathe women ,to arrive before the party cion :begin. Sometimes• lateness is ,a matter of .indifference They •j de not care whether• other peopl• are delayed -'or not, 'so long as:: the surf their own convenience. More often„ the :