The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-17, Page 4•4+o* IrQ' Tit, . • •r F i4IT tOWp� i.EN'l'INEI? T8UR8.DAY, APRIL, 17th' 193.0, EIf+LED--ATSOI TI•IA l TAN, KS Mg MURDER .CASE 'Earl Yeoman, 38 years, o f , •age, and Iife-long resident of , Southampton died in -the Owen Sound Hospital on Saturday a: the result of being hit on the bead by a blunt instrument •ohs • an . unfrequented street in -Southamp- -�` Oa, on -Thursday evenings Barry longe, another ,Southampton main is in 'Walkerton fail and' will nowbe., charged with the slaying of_ Yeoinana He ''oras, on being arrested,. only Charged with' ,assault, as it was tlipught Yeoman might: recover.'.. '. • It appears ,that Harry Lenge' lived with a, married half brother, . Edyuard' Ltinge, and is said to l'a`ws teen .ex- "-tetemely jealous of Mrs. Longe, and remained,. about„ the : house.. a great deal, while•Edward, a • hard working man paid , no -great attentien to his • borne; ., Earl Yeoman's father ,died some years ago, and, his Mother; ,two weeks' • ago • , married a • Mr. Je f ray°;. • Where - 'anion Earl went to board,at the home of Mir. , and Mrs McAuley,, a short distance from his former home., At •the time' of the marriage M!s . Yeo- men had sold, her 'home to . Edward• Longe,'and he and his wife and Harry, bad gone:to live there, • On the day that Yeoman; .was hitt. Mrs. Longe had been over to MsAu= I lley's ' doing some. work 'and when she • set out for' Home Yeoman walked with, her;' aa'. he ' was :going to call o>ii a friend . living near . his forme'•, home♦ As they' were passing a'bash Yeoman 'was hit on the, head.from behind, and fell unconseious to. the ground. Mrs.. longe , ealled for help and Harry Longe ';almost 'at once appeared. 'He ran .to the . McAuley home and re_ ported: that: Yoenian' was by . the road, side ble►.ding. He then' went for a• doctor and. on meeting 'Dr. Scott,. re- turned to . where Mrs. Longe was 'holding Yoeman's head. Mr. McAuley had also arrived first - ,On giving the injured man' aid,, Dr. Scott had •him , sent to Owen Sound. That . evening Harry Longe ' was arrested,. charged with coma -nth: ing the assault and taken to Walker- • ,ton.. i. The day follc(wing Edward Longe ,and his wife .Set out for North Ont- ario, . where Mrs Longe's . parents live. •, However, Mrs. Longe was • ar- rested by the Toronto police on; alight ing fr.m the. train: :She was `sent back to. Walkerton, but, after' 'being questioned was released. She said that the ,trip. to North Ontario had been planned several days before the ' tragedy; -and that she did not think ' • that Yeoman was seriously ., injured. Mrs. Longe is :described as a slight rather handsome women• of,, French- Canadian extraction. She and Edward Longe were married .about 8 'years Igo at Gowganda. ' . • ' • I. 'SQ(I??Q T?F . P Editor A Wesley of; the Herald Times,;' Walkerton, who has no use Or the army of usless and unsightly dogs which infest the County Town, got off the following last week:. A Western cowboy traveling ..un, der ,the name of "Shorty" tpbell, and who first visited Walkerton in 1923, :dropped in on the Bruce cap- ital again this, week ,and treated the.. populace' to •„a• 'hit of amusement by lasooizig sortie of the,numerous curs whichcongregate on .the„main . thor_• oughfare' here, Standing., on the side- walk the Westerner' could with -ease rope a dog . on "the opposite • side of • the street,, and the.•consternation that he -.caused •aniiing.the canine populatibn created' more ' amusement among the .spectators than any per formance seen here • for some time. There .etre more 'dogs tri' the 'square inch in Walkerton• than probably any other, place of iR size in'Canada, and, consequently •. the cowboy, had . all- kinds ll-kinds of ziiaterial ; to work on.- As he.: never missed ,a throw, the: dogs '•kept,, up something of . a continuous per forma'ce • in. the :howlin line :Many. who .are obsessed with the •del null- ance . in town think that the West-' erner 'might be 'employed with profit in: the municipality by lasooing .the scores of • curs • that . could be con- veniently'spared here and converting theminto furs that 'would bring more comfort to • .our residents than .;the sight of them on the street now does. --o o -o--, BACON LITTER COMPETITION' • w• FOR 1930 • I4j7OKN W 9. ENTiNEL 0 WINGHAM William Dore, for many 'years 'pro- 'ininent in the • manufaeturing' busi- ness of Wingham• died at his -home • here” on Sunday, at • the age of 'fl. He had.been in poet health. through-' , out the, 'winter, but the end came un- • expectedly on Sunday. He was for 50 years 'in . the carriage -building busi- ness, 'but several years agosold. out to the Mount Forest Carriage Co. • The late Mr. Dore was a native of England, coming to Canada at- the age of twelve. He learned the Car - 1 riage-building at Beachville, and ,soon after ,came• to Wing/atm and started business on his own ,acceunt. He is survived ..by his' widow, one daughter, Mrs—Hillman, .of Galt, and a son, Harry,. of 'Caledonia. The fun- - eral was on Wednesday .afternoon to Wingham cemetery., Thomas . MaeBeth of Paisley cele- ' brated • his .101st birthday on April 5th. He has three sons. and four dau- ghters living and all but one, who was • you look without letting it sound ill were .at the celebration. • , • ' like a compliment. , • ' Huron 'County has• ,a small • repre=• sentation , in • the .Provincial Comllet ition last .year, ;there being but four entries. However; •inn spite of this small entry; there were two prize winners, ;from Duron, Mr. John' Pep- per. of Kippen, 2nd prize and, Mr. Lloyd Scotchmer of 'Bayfield,, 4th. This 'competition will be conducted again this year, The object •is to es- tablish -n. standards • of exeellence' for grade 'brood. Sows kept by the, farmer: It is recognized that those brood sows which are:. prolific' .and. rear large litters of "select hogs, that; are good feeders . making: good gains at a low cost , are valuable and -improvers of • commercial . hogs. This : competit- ion aims to give' such sows :promin ence and . to encourage . the breeding of hogs, of more 'thrifty strains' ,of •high' quality. ' ' • Prizes The Live Stock Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture and the Dominion Live Stock Branch. Federal Department of Agriculture, Ottawa are co-operating by offering ':$27.5.00 prize money.' The prizes are as .follows: lit $25., 2nd. • $24., 3rd.; $23., .:4th $2t, :5th. $21., 6th. $20., ' 7th. '$21., 8th. $15., 9th. ' $15., 10th. $15, 11th $15., 1.2th. $15., 13th.. $15., 14th: $15a -15th $15. Any '.bora-firle farmer is eligibleto make entry. The date of .farrowing. Must be between March lst and June lst 'and : entry forms Ihnist he' .for- warded within: seven • days after date of farrowing. ' In order to ora1 f there e Published every Thursday morning at Luckuow, Ontario. A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietor and .Editor. THURSDAY; APRIL 117th.. 1980, :. WHERE GUNMEN ;:KEEP THEIR WQRD. When tbe' gunmen, ' gangsters, • or racketeers or whatever:, you•'choose to call the lawless hords •of New York,; Detroit and Chicago pass -sentence. of 'death, upon ons, who has "'incurred their displeasure, the`: sentence, is much. 'more • likely to be 'carried out than 'when a like, sentence is passed' -upon a criminal by: the ,reguarly est- ablished -courts. Here' is •a 'story ;from.. Monday'$” paperswh cli: illustrates , ligw it is. done: ' • ' ; j , DETROIT, :Apr:y Walters cabaret owner anu associate of •gun-. men, met 'a • gunman's fate here, to- night when two, men , believed to •be, hailing, walked up• • the driveway Iot his"hoine,' at, 1251 a ugcola.'street,'and after :a brief' laughing conversation shot hint. three times, , His death, was the fulfillment of a.• fear he;•;expressied Saturday that he was marked tat • die because he knew too • much , about the Van Coppenolle case. :% The • assassins left an automobile, in which two men sat, at . Sixth ane °Tuscola • streets. They walked • .along the- sidewalk, while' the ear crept. slowly after.. At. Walter's house they turned up the driveway Dalt Jimmy was repairing the tail light of .' a• • .PARLIAMENTARY PROGRESS It is said that the Easter vacation finds • Ottawa (legislators with Little acteafly accomplished in the way of legislation. :But that usdally is the WAY. Parliament is a tremendously cumbersom,machine ^•wasteful of bine and money as though there was. ' no end 'to either. The two or three parties usually making; up a. parliament strive, not• to ,carry, on the `nation's business "witheconomy and etlfctency, but ha way,,. to discredit each • .other. - A one-man government is likely to be more efficient, bit it. is also more dangerous, and over a longperiod of years ia'. sure to be: der avorse'Hmore' wasteful and "unitist even than our • cumbersome' and •.inefficient •parlia- ilients. • IL is said• tit the delay, .in passing the bill having to de .with the exhort' of:liquor to the iJ,'S, by.'•otir Senate. is,,intentional. It appears that certain :treaty, .netrotiatiens - are under way between the Canadian and United States governments,' and that-, .it is not deeireable that this bill should be finally.passed'until these nenota 'tions have been completed „..and the , treats accepted by the two a••""overnrnents. The treaty: wilt, provide not only that Can- ada . shall ;assist the United States ;authorities in preventing t^e entrance.. to their' .country of "'forbidden, coni tnodities; -but' the United States 'Willi. reciprocate • in aiding Canadian authr' orities to keep prohibited goods Cran- ing into .this country from, theirs. "Hello Jimity," they said, and Wal- ters; apparently not surprised to them, replied; "Hello."." • A short and • seemingly friendly con-, versation followed& anal Walterp, in. response to some - remark;' said: "Aw get away •from me d;igo." ' Jimmieturned to the rear of his ear as if. to .resume his. repair work. As soon aslie, had taken the first step the, two men. whipped out pistols 'and fired simultaneously at short. range.. Walters staggered and one of 'the gunmen fired again. 'Tey turned- and walked calmly back to the .automobile which wad awaiting them. ''the driver stepped• on the accelerator as they jumped on the running board and 'the car swerved around the 'corner and went .north''on Brooklyn avenue. .j Walters seven-year-oid chid, Betty witnessed the murder as , she was playing with a dog in a kiddy car ori' the. sidewalk.. ,His• •wife,° Mabel was in 'the kitchen preparing an • an- tiseptic solution for a finger, which. Jimmy cut while• repairing the car. She came out, saw her htisband lying on the. ground with hishead resting on' a dirtmound. Jimmy; dying,"said nothing to her, she reported later to detectives. Pot - ice were summoned- and Walters, was '._. Qd-T-o-s--rCarrAi GALLatUMSiR MID CNBTHAN gV.$ •re must be a ,' P ♦ • e at least nine pigs raised to • marketing -utak died of Receiving to Hospital, spit the chestr age and at least 30rya must grade as; he.and one in the abdomen.". select, Bacon Awards;: shall be based• onthe Jimmfd, of'course, was ' no Better . than . themen who 'shot him, and oiezi qualityand uniformity ' per - In view of the fact, that there is The murderers have. not the slightest no expense in. connection" with 'it to fear of the• law. ' -'14 witness will dare the applicant and that prizes are: to give' evidence against them, be- subetantial,. :there should be a good entry ,• and some' very beneficial re- cause that 'would mean certain death sults • obtained from' such. a compet- for the witness. The police . and the 'tion. courts.make no pretense of being able For further information. and ' ap.- to protect their witnesses. . plication' forms apply to:— -Dep,`trtment of Agriculture, Clinton ' Gangs of.this sort have long in- •--.•-o-o-o---- Tested the -cities of Italy, aid -this Some folks can tell yon'how. young species of lawlesness.appears•to have been brought to this continent from that country. NOT THE. CHIEF ROAD DANGER ".A number of times we Have seen reference made to. the danger of rat- tle -trap cars'. on' the highways; and the . other day we, read a statement to the ,effect t:iat automobile n''anti- facturers have 'set aside fifteen mil- lion dollars: to be,expended in• scrap- ping unsafe'cars. One of the reasons, given is. that these o'd cars Constitute 'one of t'i'e: chief hazards of the high-'' way: But, it is added that ,the manu- facturers expect• that this wholesale scrapping Awi1l incidentally 'help busi- ness by creating a ' marltntatti - new ars.- •• I. We have often thought• that this old -car. danger is a good deal: over- emphasized, for as 'a matter of fact' the old; ill -conditioned ' car does • not sans ' many accidents, except, , of' course}to the 'party driving it. Neith- er'does. the beginner in driving cause. many accidents, unless he is the sort that takes to speeding before he be- comes watchful and skilful: I Ninety per'' cent, 'if not indeed. ninety-nine per cent of 'collisions; and ditchings are due ' to high' speed and a reckless disregard of; what's ahead. There are • drivers who even, while sober approach' • curves and hill -tops at a speed which often brings disaster but the most dangerous thing on the highway is the driver with the whis- •key in . him. As to the rattle -trap car, it rarely figures in the fatal crashes. which we read about. �o'o-�_ AN ELECTION .SEEMS LIKELY Opinion at Ottawa appears to in- cline more and more to the view that a' federal election will be, held before the summer is over -in August the first' week of September. The. pro h- ets think that they see many things indicating such an event. , We don't know whether or not, among other things,'they count • that "not one cent to Tory provineial'kov• ernmerits" 'statement by Premier 'W. L. M. King, for it appears generally accepted that that declaration will not greatly heli' the Liberal Party: There is no saying what explanation Mr. King has to effer, but we may 'be, sure that the statement will be heard from every. Conservative oritor tak= ing part in the campaign. �O 0 0— GODERtCH HAS . SEASON - OF MUMPS eight. : e, of the litter. haps' had done •, like' "jobs" • himself.' • Nva --Tires at the price you want to pay , —each the best value obtainable in Canada --.• Royal Masters, Dominion Royals, Endurance, Royal heavy Service.• ---Protnpt, t ficient , service,. Do- minion Tire, Depot experts will see that' your pressures are'- inspect •. rect, and our tires for irrjiur ries which will surely cause trouble . if not checked in time. R'elihble reper�awork• honestly and • . . promptly, . executed at a, fait price'.• 3 If you want mileage at lowest stop at any orange and blue , min on Tire D' Gederich—Ata .recent meeting of the, local Board of`l-Ie,Ith the follow- ing report of the . assistant sanitary' inspector, Mr: F. G. Weif', Maas receiv ed;'and his account for. $30.45 for the quarter, Jan., Feb„, and M.trch, pia;• passed for payment: "Owing to the outbreak of niumps ,in the town m: time has been occupied mainly ir. checking up on them. I received ons complaint of a nuisance on Hinck,• street' and had :same removed. 1 haw: two complaints of nuisances at the rear of premise on the Square and ekpeet to have them reproved in Ott near future In theeking up cases . tpf mvm�s, etc, I checked up tett 1-1F houses and fo.iiid 55 CaSea-br mureps 3`g of .tbe,e l'or1 'hien reported in ria usual manner; 15 had not been repel' ted before I visited them, while eigh, had not been reported by the visitin• doctor. There were fotir house, the., were• infected with ringworm and 4! .houses where children were suffering from minor non -communicable ail Tnente T7 b , the 'rrrgrith 1- }yaw,. ra 1rs r.d —trim r uaran n • . 'Piro 0. er,`. Thr Yelth hat• a lilt r,f N;trhty how," °which' have been quarantincrl sip,( the h'r 'inning of Eehruery for rnump Whiichsltow's the prevalent' of the LONG distance call= -.that carries your . voice, your personality—is the finest' re membrance youcan send on a birthday, aricuversary Or any. other occasion, ' It carries a . • . touch- of intimacy no other '•re• aiembrance can bring. , l . And what 'who gift could rat send.: that. would cost you so little' and give so muchpleas- ' tire. Just look over .the long 'distance ,'rates ing the front of your telephone book', and note.. the . unusually low cost since • the recent rate reductions. , Call' by number and tell .the - long distance. operator '-an ' ne there will do." Ihia.gives,yott ' .. the -low station: to -station rate. If you col after 7 inthe even- ing vening the cost Will 'be about 25% lower than ;the day rate; and from11.30'p.m.. to 4;30 a.m. the rate is about half the day rata (These reductions apply on "anyone" calls only.)Long • ' distance today is quicker, cheaper,. and more depeadabae' than ever before. -. Oa Birfbdays On Anniversaries • To Wisb Boa Voyage To Resew Priendabipt BISCUIT CAUSES DEATH The sixteen -month. old' son of Mr4 and Mrs. Otto Wissler, of Mildmay;. was given a biscuit to eat one day last week, and while chewing it, a small part of .itwas drawn -down into the windpipe, where it - lodged, 'and in a few minutes caused' sufl"ocation• and death: The child was quite. strong 'and healthy. , ' SPRING CLIPPING Clipping the horses in spring is a practice claimed to be advantageo,.s -by many farmers. It is 'stated• that clipping saves the artihnals much dis- comfort, thereby enabling them to develop a given amount of power on less deed,. Thorough grooming durii,g the working season •also increases the horse's efficiency. ' Phone 'No. 14 is at. Your ,.Service li/ Sell ,air Cash -WC Sell Cheaper Than The .Credit; Store HOUSE CLEANING . .TIME HOUSE CLEANING SPELLS CHARD WORK:' BUT. IT CAN PE ' MADE -MIJtH EASIER WITH PROPER UTENSILS AND LABOR - SAVING DEVICES • ' Below is listed a few articles you require:-; STEP LADDERS—There 'Is Nothing More Convenient Than a Good Strong Step Ladder in nice handy size Viz or 5 ft. - BRUSHES=Muresco Briishes, Whitewash Brushes, Paint & Varnish Brushes, Window Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Stove ,Brushes FLA1fOAP-For Washing floors and Woodwork. CLIMAX 'CLEANERW-for, aleaning,Wall Paper & Window Shades PAPER KNIVE'S=for Removing Old Wail Paper ' Fl3itl�iITURE•POLISH aRodgers Liquid Polish, Ligtiid Veneer FFLOOII__WAX—Sohnsoi^is ante & Ligquid Wast-, also flettoit's Wax SILVER POLISH— A Large Jar of Put's Silver. Cream, for' ..25 Electro Silver Cream ♦ .3.c STOVE PIPE ENAMEL—Sherwin 'Williams, • the Varni'sh that Lovers•mo'st and is Practically (kletaes' ALUMINUM PAINT -For ,Hot Watr Pipes, Radiators, Etc ,.. Beatty Eleptric Washer with four P*'emiti<mfh Only .•• . • a , $99.00 POR RENT Electric Viten* Cleaner with Atteehm'enfs� AVittlict Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring MESE LIRE,. - , " . PLASTER . . CEMENT n,. RN ,,•N .BMJ'^'. mak; ,. .v •'S