The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-10, Page 5t. la •ip 1 .: 1di4RH�!+::+Cf.IY3tA JnPNTy 1 nJ5"RRY�. ^k^• • lug 'unto* to!' THuit,D w:,..P011; l>ith,•.i- `1.4804 P.. '• . .d.+•+.- . 7,55 i PACIN r. ;t • 4• • ACT PROMPTLY Accept the help offered by Income Tax Inspectors and Avoid Penalties Whgre Income Tax Inspectol's " die:'Located OTTAWA, ONT. Daly B ilding B LLEV1 LE,.ONT., 127.29 Campbell Street KINGSTON, ONT. Customs ;Buiiding TORONTO; ONT. 21Lombard St. HAMILTON, ONT., Lennox Building • LONDON; ONT. Carling Bloch FORT WILLIAM, ONT. 4Customs Building Every ;person who during the year 1929 had an income, from any source, of as much as' $1,500, if single,: or $3,000:if married or supporting a family, is • required to intake an income tax return. If 'you are situated as above described,''failure' to make this return by midnight,. April 30th, to-. gether with cheque or cash for at leas( 25%, of amount of tax, will render, you liable' to 'a penalty equal to 5% of the, total tax payable,' . (Limit of penalty $500.) •:. \ To avoid incurring this penalty, .obtain NOW, from your postmaster, or ' from I the Inspector of Income Tax in your district, the necessary : forms:,, and make' your returns at once. ' Theseforms are J as follows: Form T1 • • For Individuals other than Farmers and Ranchers. Form T1 For Farmers "and Ranchers :only.. Form T2 ' For Corporations and. Joint.. Stock Companies. • Each form contains, in itself .instructions :for: filling out. By making your• return by April , 30th you gain in two ways: Firet, you avoid penalties for delay.. _ Second, you qualify yourself for the privilege of paying' in instalments. INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR RETURNS . If there is anything in the` income tax return which you do not understand, any Income Tax Inspector will .be glad to •• . explain what is required. The Departmentof National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA. ' -HON. W. D. 'ETLER, C...& WALTERS,. Minister of National .R uetute ' ' Commissioner'of Income T • LUCKNOW'and• WINGHAM Monumental Works • ' Lecknow, Ottt, Has the largest and most complete. stock in: the most beautiful designs to choose from, in . '. Marble, Scotch, Swedish and Can,. tidies Granites ., • • We ' m'ake a specialty of Family Sioniininrtr'-.Ind invite your inipec inscriptions 4Neatly, .Carefully ,and • Promptly Dane: 'See us before plating y.our•order. . RURAL SCHOOL REPORTS " 'S: 1.0:'1 , Kth!oss _.__.,_- Pupils examined ' in . Comp,- Ilia,. Spelling, Reading, Geog. ' Sr. IV ChristCpa Orr 70; Alex. Orr 60; :Flo. Hockley 56*. Sr. III Lorne Wall; Rose Ca_sken ette 70; ' Howard' Caskenette ,68*; Jim Moffat 67, Jr. III --Elsie Hockley 70; Dolene Orr 64; • Florence . Wade( 51; • Donald McKinnon 504 Berthg6 Richardson 50 (ties)'. • • . , I=G ertrude • Caskenette '.83; Ard- 'yss` Brown 72.; Dane ¥ofat.,70, Wal- lace. Richardson .66; Freda Richard- son •56; Jessie -Orr -45; Veronica Wad- . I-=Q:ertrude:Prown 73; Pearl Hock- ley 64*; ISabe1 Orr 56 Pr -Geozge Moffat 77; Joan,;•Mac- ,Einnia 65; Angus'MeKinnon 44; Wil ;fred Wader; 62*; Beatrice Caskenette 55*;• Albert Vadel' 30" • •` .• ' These marked (*):were absent for one or.' more ;examinations. No....on •Roll 28. . ' . Ave. Att. 25... Teacher: -H. J. Lane. S. S:. No. --5, . Kinloss, ' Tested in Arith:, Geog., Gram Hist., and Agri.' . • Sr. IV -Hon. - Beth. 'MacKinnon 77%. Pass• -Johnston MacLeod' 69'. Below Pass -Elliott Carruthers. 56. Jr:' IV -Hon. --Mary White 75. Sr. • III-PPss-Leonard MacLeod 67: Wilfred White 63; Irwin•Carruth-• erg 57. Jr,.- ITI .John' Parkes 551. 1st -Good kKathleen'Carruthers: Georgie Robinson', ' , . Pr:-Good-1Grace :MacLeod*: dean' .MacLeod*:. Fair -Robert. Par:. kes*. _. to keep the rid fit for wheel traffic. to town in that way. A petition was The whops thing was n dentnnitration 'circulated •in' Arthur, , a d • largely• conn icted under. the auspices ,of the 'signed by the reople of the 1.•town, highways drpertinent for the 'pur- petitionrng.'the department- to keen:* ,poseti of determining if • • the road the large' plow -'off the road , in the could be kept open. future until early ' in March: What •.a, few days after New Year's .action. the department will. take an Cowie, wiit•h , his plow. commenced .other year' is 'awaited with interest. evork and lir w: always. able to get This road is one of' the most diffi- th'rc+ugli with his niaci;ine. Some- cult , eep .open during the winter i in','' he worked hath t+i°-lit` and day4 mbnths.. it bas n great. many errves to kers, the track edleat Next' he coni- and crooks' which .furnish inviting rm:i•,i work on'. opening the toad retreats where, the eehsless, winds of r,•,,,.i' Artl'iiir to chi 'on Sound. For February' deposit their weary harden sovoii,nii,les-ref the route from Arthur .'of snow, swept,from across the level' 'south. towiirii 1 erecis drifts of frons Country. Now. that the Arthtai=Or- fort iii iia iili't were the ttstinl angeville .road has. hemp included in Il,ist;-;';'+tit the flew„fl1w•ny5 got •thru the provincial highways system; it is thought that in the future •this road.i will be kept open, and then. along the Kincardine- 1ff Wty from .Arthur West. This is; a 'straight • level road,. and ,it could he kept In good shape for • the motorists with. comparative dkse. trrna¢Ilu. Bios: R. A. Spottotl. ,in.t lie $48' icer heli up nnie. Ile Phone 25 ' . , as:xtte ,t trip • every day that the 1Ph ►lt 7 [. e 'r [gin.• ,reo' ‘4"4"1"1"•e e;ti;'rt .i<','tie,r ie'' effort .inti nob"- - , ,eA wheo t d an' t. 'she' re It %ins ... .t,•tt the•: rF+.tri t + 1''c+S+t,nF wag net'er Wla'h.'1 ECT: HIGHWAYS ' , - CREATE. JNE'1V PROBLEM `One of the *chief items ref disctis- s'ofi'-thr'i►ug+bout tt large section- • We11in{ ton County. 'during' the. teat couple of months Was . the • attempt ifit-the-trighwaY:;-deoartineat -ta-keep_, theroadg,� from Fermis' to ,Arthur open' for • it•6o?br traffic when sii(hv was p1ohtiful. - • . A, huge eaterpilitt p1oty, iii charge -of drange Cowie;, and Chin. (".oetie11 blocked for more thee a lett dirt's., Vigorous £roti' t ''was' A vtgore�ns protest. however.,.lodger( l'•re+sideets' :dont- the ltiai}•. yn.v. Asti hy' farntei•>::who use it 'to • ''isnot their tt orket• .town of1 er'gus '+ °Yil':\rfltnr, While the .plow opened the ion -if ,..fi`i,..1n,,. z ri �; i-4• spoiled' ' it. geat.6irrill : for the, slelgits. and. fo`r., darn during i�it' • the wof . the storms. s1eit h e'oe lti not gee( op of down it, and the (singers-l.it•itttt beside it: Were t t go back through their" fatties t>f Bran ptgfh was placed on' tho job.. feral got t1. tri d 1100 it no ct ntr�act t Cowie rs �ltest! to a beck ar,rir~nttitctr and k . >i y 4 No. on Roll 13; Ave. Att. 11.6. Those Marked ' with an (*)mussed one, or more weeks., f ^• Myra. J.' MacDonald. S. S. No: 9, Kinloss Honors '75: Pass •.60. • Form:IT-Stuart •D'awson; 67: Don- aide MacCallum '65., • Sr: IV -John Patterson 70.; Cather- ine atherine Patterson :67: Harold Purves '63: Betty. MacKenzie '63's' Billy:; MacKen- zie 62: Goldie Purves 39 ' $r III -George Wraith .72: Nellie MacCallum 72: Jean Maccallurn 57: Agnes Patterson 53. ` • . • Jr: •III June, .Morrison 72: Leola. Wraith 64:. 'tontild,'MacKenie 55. II-Maim'ie Purves 74. ' ' Sr. I -L -Wilfred Mintz.. Pr. --=Mary Wraith. No. on Roll• 18. • Ave. Att, 16.8. Apdrew M Thompson:, S S.' No. 3, Kinloss Sr. IV=Isabelle Colwell 70%. IV -Mabel Ross 75:4 Irene John= stop . 72: Grace MacPherson': Mabel Hawk $liaw 36: Maurice, `Hodgins' 35. Sr • III -Ina Ecken'swiller' 611i Cur- rie Colic ell 55: Ralph , Hodgins 43. Jr. IH Jimmy .Johnston 34:. Gor- don James 25: Jane: Carter 23*.; Nor- man. Ross 22*: 'Levi Carter* II Class -Ina MacPherson 83 Gor- don MacPherson .72: 'Verna Johnston. 58; Evelyn Johnston.' 43: Florence Jamey 22': Peter Carter 20*. I: Class-Eitcellent-Edythe John- ston. Good -Stanley 'Johnston: Har- vey Johnston. Fair-M,ahel Johnston. Primer -Veru Good -Grant Ecken swiller. ' • Those marked (*) missed one or: more exams. Helen , Thompson: TCS. D>VG HAM It is estimated that there are 8,000. ,aiidiets of •opium in Canada, and onty• 15 per cent., or about .1,200 of them are Chinese.. '• • Court 'proceedings 0v01.,, that $30 an ''ounce for niorpbihe and $25 an ounce for cocaine is often paid.;Judge Widdifiel.d recently ' sentenced' :a Ir stn to 3 year in Portsmouth Penitentiary at Kingston for , having, 9 pounds, of 'opium. in his poasesaion, .and It was estimated that'the • retail value' of the drug was between • $50,000 .and..$100,- 000. b • Drug addicts are very' hard to oure' Of • the, • drug habit, and there is'''no •hospital to • care for them 'iin• the fnit- stages wti'en', cure is' possible, Mothers, teachers . and ' .ail • who •ni mete with •young . people sh uld be,alert, to" the 'Clangers of 'the. drug• habit• for...* .drug. ,addict m'ay'be the:result.of only. ten days' use of `the drug. Judge Jen 'Norris of. New York .say's' that ,cures .do •not amount:, to one , in 200 'victiir s. '•International co-operation has' 'been undertaken • to combat the' traffic..in drugs. >.._ ,•. ffiQ Fourteen .rations have, entered into a :formal' „agreement for , closer ;co=• operation: among Governments officials' 'engaged' in combating .:the• traffic in narcbtic drugs as an aid in Curbing their international. sale., •'For ' the • stricter 'control ' .of ,.this illicit traffic,. •itis suggested that the drug' enforeemetit' officials.•of the yeti-. ouk rations . arrange a direct exchange of information to inelpde.1 evidence, with reference •to persons engaged in ,the narcotic traffic, photog'raph's, trim - inns• records; finger prints, Bertillbn ineasurments, descriptiion of , their methods `of, operating,. 'pla'ces :from which they have' operated, the •part= .eners they have..., worked , with; and other useful data, 'These. exchanges would be'. carried '.on • by .cable •roes sage, and' by mail, and. the -co-Opera- tion would • conip:rise,..detective; ,work rid investigation.. ' The countries.. in, have, _so••that•• there was .no' tellin;^; he. 'agreement as yet •are Great' ,Whether he'',ad ..one at all or not.. iR S. S. No. 14, West Wawanosh III. & IV classes tested in Hygiene, Agriculture, •Spelling, Reading, .Writ- ing, Grammar, Literature. Sr.: IV. --;Elroy, Laidlaw,. 82%: Ken- neth Laidlaw 76. . Jr. 'IV -Clifford Purdon 70; Roddy Inglis 55. • ' Sr. III=Rosella Guest 69:' Russell Farrier 64. .' - Jr. III -Olive Purdon 84: Mary Guest 61: Jack Inglis 56: '' Doreen Purdon.51: Dick Guest 36*. II -Muriel Purdon 44. . I--(•Sp'ell. only) -Bertha Guest 92: Ernest Beecroft 72: Rellison Falcon- er*. • Pr., G,od--Pauline Inglis:: Donald Martin (ties) : Fair -Bill • Martin. No. on Roll 18: (*); missed tests. L. L :Hackett. St. Helens; (Jr.. Room). 'Daily Marks Sr.. III -Possible . Marks 1205-G. Miller. 1135: N. Weatherhead 1014: L: ' Miller 857: K. Thom ' 697.: ' Jr. III -Possible Marks 1071--N. McDonald 876: F. McQuillin 1308: J. Forster 794: M. 1:3orrisdn 554: II -Possible Marks 1244-E St'a'n 1202: ' R. Clan ton 1024: A. Miller 853. Possible - Marks . $95-G. • Weath- erhead .963: P. Durnin 912: G. 'Mac- Donald 892:- H. Woods -'195: H. D.. MacDonald 605. • •. • . ' Pr..-•-Po"ssible Marks 45S R Webb 416: J. pkiterni4 411: 1. Aitc"lieson 376; A. MacDonald '"388. Test 141arks ' Sr. TTl =-Cr. Miller 90:. N. ' Weather- head 75: • L. Miller 59: V. Thorn '5=r. Jr. III -J. -Forster 70 P. McQ6tillifi 63: N. MacDonald• 59 `11'.. Morrison 54. - IG. Weatherhead 62: P. Durnin g6 G: MacDonald 85: It D. MacDon- ald• 70: H..Wuods• 59. - - No. on (toll 20. VerraVe i.4 Todd." St, ltelens (Sr Room) Sr. V -1. •Miller 83'* J...,Yoran'77:: IL Thom02: 1(1 , Rainagit*. . Jr. V -N. Todd 73: D. VVeatherhead 64 '\'• S_r; 1V -islet 82 Ft+ McQuillin 5`3; • . Jr. 'IV R. McQttithn 72:.E I1urn"iri 14: A. Watson 70: •O litc'ifoneld';67: J: 'Thorn 53.: C.MaDonal1 50; 1" .. ler 40t. G, Morrison 411 fl.:SWIM 45. O.)• absent for wore, than 1 :exfl'n. llo, .on Roll' 17. • Ave. Att. 15. olive . Altom, Britain, United' States, Franee, Del- _giuin, It4zly,; The Netheria►id;5, • Ger- Mang, •• Csecttosloyakia, Denmark, • Greece, Japan; 'Poland, ' Spain, ' and Turkey. , • �.--.0-.5-- CLAIMS' TILBURY TYPHO�D FEVER DUE' TO' TWO WELLS Tilbury, March 28. • -. Dr. Rochpn, who is in; •atktenet;ance of seven Tilbury, typhoid fever patients,. says ' ;there `is ' no doubt whatever^ that the cause of the: infect.ion ' id. iron 'tw o wells on the• east • side, of Queen it., at the rear Of the business blocks;. There`..is no proptr . drainage or sew- erage in ,that• section' and little' effort has been made in the- past, he (states; to improve Conditions in "that region. The .typhoid cases last year, says the doctor, • were all traced to ' "one Well . in thh.t' ill=drained.;and u,.n atii- tart' .district: `He says that• ,foy the safeguarding. of the :public every, not only in that 'section, but --in all• the town; should' be inspected' and tlhoroughly ;disinfected. tt ; During the coming, summer,: if the ;drainage system of Tilbury and the sanitary condition is not materially improved; says Dr. Rochon; there' may be a ,more serious' outbreak of typhoid.. fever than, there ' is at present. . KINCARDINE. CONSTABLE RESIGNS• E. Fitter who' . has been• chief con-., stable far the town of Kincardine for some time has. resigned that position and his, resignation .has been accept- ed' by the,Cepncil, a snecial meetin 'having been called to deal with the' Matter. The resignation is to take of , feet: at midnight April '30th. The astion in titrted by rliief Fit • ter against J':. J. Hunter of, the 'Re view -Reporter.' ci;,areing ;him . with carrying a concealed weapon, Jan^-, 'eroius to Public safety came to moth ing, and:Hunter' and those who with him forcibly ejected a drunk from. the' Orange Hall we'e iustifid in the action.• There, Iva; a igeod deal ofdif- ference . in. the evidenee ' regardinn - the ."weapon" Hunter was :said: to th • ../.J✓.l_./l././•/1_/✓Y✓.lJ./J✓J.1.l✓-/✓✓✓.1../l././✓.l✓-/.../✓.../• ../yl✓J.../y./' (`) 0R.EDO1�TI�ARDWARE:, THE CROSS CUT" SAWS -SHINTY' DIETRICH MAPLE LEAF. TRUE SET'& WAGON AXES. FIRST 'CLASS ROCK ELM AXE HANDLES. FULL ASSORTMENT ON HAND., `� SULPHUR and CATTLE SALT SPECIAL=10.%a DISCOUNT. 'ON ALL -HAND SLEIGHS AND SLEIGH BELLS IN STOCK. . COAL. OIL LATE,RNS, COLEMAN. LAMP AND LANTERNS. ZISNOLIUM. LICE POWDER ON RAND McCLARYS FAIVIOUS QUEBEC ' COOK STOVES ALWAYS c) ON'HAND' • ' FULL LINE of QUEBEC HEATERS , RAE. and.,PORTEOUS•. PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC }WIRING AND .COAL: Phone 66 : ' - - LucknoW' . The New McCor'niick-Deering Drill is aJ combination of the Two most Pot ular, Drills. . i- ht :draft.. Strou frame They are famed forg L, +, g Convenient and Sure Adjutttnents.' AGEN`. rr, 44i le%. , • N. ti 45 1