The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-03, Page 1i'. • • T 12.00 PER YEAR .IN A4k)VANCEI : $2.6.0 QTHERWISE L JCI N .. W ' OI T.:, THURSDAY,, APRILS Srd,1930, SINGLE -COPIES 5 CENTS, ,'• i?R. W. M. GONNEW+ Physician and Surgeon Lucknow r Hours: 1,30430 • 7-4' 'hone 86 DENTIST Dr. MacLeod will ',visit Lucknow evory:, Tuesday... in The Cain. House. ;DEN'TI'ST. Dr. R. L: Treleaveh , Lucknow,- sIlourse :9-12:A 14.,, 130-4 1)-111. Phone 53. . X. -ray.: W be • Will '` . . in Drin annon� every • bora g .YT dal. SLI: PAPER -4 full line: of 1930 Wall Paper ,on hand. Prices: consider- able 'deem for 1930. I am also agent for leading job houses. -R. J. Camer- • on, ..Decorator,:Painter and Grainer, x7'4 1 Luck now.. • FOR' SALE --A conrforcaute uwel'1- ing. Apply to D. C. 'l ayror. '(20-3-tr.) SEED'BARLEY-Good clean O.A.C. Seed . Barley for sale -$1.00 per .Bus. T. H. 'Harris, R: 3, •Holyrood. FOR RENT -Electric Vacuum Cleaner.' with attachments. : Wm. Murdie .& .Son. - Farm 'for; Sae ,or To. Rent. Apply Evelyn, Bowleg; 'R. R. '2, Lucknow, Phone. 25 t.• •45. (10-4-c.. ).: FOR SALE -Two ' lots With house •and barn :ongood corner, in ..Lucknow. Information at The ' Sentinel Office. White Leghorn Belay Chicles for sale during April,'Mar•and.June , ' Mrs A.Ciiften, Lucknow. FOR SALE -,-Seed Grain, •' u.A.. C. 21 Barley 95c per bus. Good Seed Oats •$1.00 per bus. N. E. ' 1susneli, iucknow: Phone 106 J: ' or 106:W. • (3-4-c.) •.. - ' Hatching Eggs from Bred to lay F; tried .Rock Beet • mated with males , great grandsons of ' "L'ad's Mir" wi/h a , record of. '333 eggs.' Prices- on ap- ' plication. ' J .'M.' Greer. (103--p•) ' • WANTED AT'I.ONCE-Two .'good salesmen to sell automobile aecessor- ies, calling on' garages every two weeks. Apply to C. B; Allin,. • Lucknow. (27-3-.-tf.)' LOST -In the Cain • Hotel Fires -at rear (if :' buildin: -two wedding rings in small -'metal. box -=Reward on leav- ing at The Sentinel Office. (The above. is.' inserted by Mr. H. F. Dreyer of Elora who was one . of the losers by ,the Cain House Fire. ' Good Clean Seed Oats for .Sale Prince of Wales variety at 90c. per bus. Also some good, clean yellow 'sweet clover with some. red clover mixed with it at $5.00 net bus. James Foster.. (;=4-p.) GRASS' . FARM l 'FOR RENT -One Hundred ,AcresN r/a of Lot 4, Con. '" 8. E. D. Ashfie+d: An ideal pasture ,y#arin. Most rif this farm wasseeded stews, in 1928, For fimll lmrticulars ap • ply to '3,, C. Stothers, 490 :Oxford St., .London, Ont. • ;(10=4=e•) CASH MAKES NO, ENEMIES We, the undersigned; will conduct 'business' only on a strictly Cash basis, on and after A,pril,15, 1930. Mt outstandin'r accounts must be ii set 'ea ..or before the above date. (Signed) R. J. •Button. 11 • J, L. MacMillan: 11 - (3--4-c.) ._: "b ' AUCTION SALE' F. SOC. Peterson. Let .St. 'Con. 14 • 'Post Wuwenosh-1A mile east of Whitechurch, : wi11 have se A uction •• gate of Farm •.-Stork. 17, heed cows sled young cattle, 3 Iressd °olds, 5 ''head horses" Friday. /1r'il 4th, com- menting' at one o'••"'1‹ P M. • ,;.Mat, .Gaynor, Atic., 4 3--4-; is l FOR .SALE • 'Rens?T).:,.'- r1 ieks. elR.n,i TP,. h"r""",1. till;.re teeser.n Baby Chicks a14.00 tilt; lnirdred. Two hun- dred "- s er• 'kinds $1 01 .p ix hundre1 •Tesrt. }latching' eggs $5.0 ner" 1,..,,470 ('./r''"1 hitt^hing dee; four r'c•. ts ..n„ err or four 'hundr" set ftv $15.00. New and- second-hand incubators, slid •braode'rs at ,.hn''-.sin prices.- • , • ret yor+.r or'dor , inrow and get aeliverywhen von wont fhe:it. have 'Sem-ease v )arching' tapaeity. Call 'Sem-eased write et rhnne image ;Ire -needy. Whitechurch, Ont. Phone 61'1-42. Winrlinm. (11---3 .tf.) ' ltllfiMlE YONSON'S YOB au�•,,estive title of a i,"g. ,___... T a w ti'`lm will e .di ai» nom d i a et c i the Hall at lion e th pi ear!nted in . said _ :-.l .. a' everting of 'Attir71 4th. The playa � . t, be' "very hu''n`orotis, tend the dist Vaae$nt ben --.of slaws t great success, A' number of rural' sebool reports'. received this: week are unavoidably„' held over. . ''• hgone on a visit to •Mrs, Fi�neY aa,,� v t her .former home-. at 'Bright" and • Ex . n Itt Furnace' Fills House .With Smoke will be away until Easter, • ' p�Q81�0 Mr.Malcolm 'Webster of:town has _ ._. ... .. --- '= _ . gone to Leamington where, he will be ,employed for the summer. , Mr J 'A. Mallough' who spent the'' past .two week3 in they ,Forest City (Lodon)retud, home the ether day' . .Fire �4stroys, Cai- n tous • with anice•sex •Bedsn Mrs. T, ,H Alton has, returne&from London and will , be 'here until 'Easter; When shewill return to the 'city until • thesummer schcol vacation. . Mr, Alex McCarrol ,has returned: from Mitchell where he has been the Oast Year 'and be and Mrs •MeC,arrol again occupy their hope • here. Mr. •James Culbert has taken 'aver the ' Cockshutt iinplement business' here and is alloying into Mr. •Little's Store, just west of Rae & Porteous. The two local meat s announce that. business(,";, by them after April basis only.. Let the g .Mr: and Mrs. Wm. daughter, Jane, attende Of Mrs. McNall's cousin, Mr.. Thos: Johnston at'•Bluevale„ Monday of this' week., .. ' • Mr: and Mrs: John . Blake who were in . Lueknow during the:winter Months: have gone to reside in . Win eham. Mr. Blake is taking up florist work with. Mr. • Graham. ' ek ;done .. cash go' on. 1 and funeral. Game Warden Ira. Toole of Listowel and R J. Moore; of: town are about in this district with:, a.. view to enforcing the law in regards to. those :who are keeping live anin'ials, having fur out of season or 'trapping without a lie- • The Indians: accused of entering Finlayson's• store a .couple of ,';weeks. ago were to appear•befere Magistrate;. Walker in the Town Hall here yester- day„(Wednesdayy)• afternoon.. We gc to press too early to •report . the out- come, but; that' -is pra-tie"''y settled as: the 'accused have admitted , the', . charge. • • Mr. and 'Mrs. , G. A. Jones :.of Mel- bourne, Australia, ' were greats of Mr.' and Mrs. David Scobie, Friday of last week. They are' a aging couple just married before leaving the Is- land Continent and are. ' on their 'h'oneymoon trip to England, and will circle the'e.irth by the •time they are back home 'again. Mr• eons is PT. Englishman who went to Australia a.few vears afro to •ortranize the busi- ness of . the Shell Oil Co. in' that .Dominion, and *'e •'•ono^.' bride is b native of Australia. The trite home by wayof the U. S.•'and "Canada .was'the Company'e wedding gift. -o o' .o-- --- , TESTING- THE WATER 'WORKS In •order to learn exsirtlar what oar Present water work's will' do the' VL • lage council had an . alarm turned in '+R�„dam•• - ^'rtpr"nnn • rn,i the' fire . 'bri- gademade.a run with the hose real te. fiilverwnoire Creamery. Pressure in the W. W. holler was et 75:;lbs. as high 'se is ' thn'm°ht safe. -and all it Would do w :s'. to threw Weer about eight- feet 'his. One line wo+ild send the -water up '16 or 16 .feet. Tests Made "at the T'hle. Factory, Stewart's Mill and at John Joynt's residence. nave srhnitt t3'e .a...,'p r" '1tsr=-the force being reducedas the line of hose was lengthened. ' • Chief Moore• said that sort of force was no use at all one a' fire got under way, and fire will alhveys get quite : a start before :water can • be brought to an outlying place. AGRICULTURAL: SOCYETY, ANNUAL MEETING As. 'there was some 'irregularity about the "meeting of'the Lucknow Agricultural Society held on January 24th. and as objection had been taken tp this. meeting, anpther meeting, re- gularly - gularly ealled, was held on Friday', March 28. After explanations had been made; the . regular business of an annual meeting was taken up -receiving ,of the treasurer's report, the election of •ofreers. etc.• The 'treasurer's 'report sho+ved a substantial cash balance on hand, and ¢"e hoard of directors are out to make' +he annual fair ee'ral to any they had it 'the past: 'The following officers were 'elec ed: President, James ' . Lyons; Sr.: First Vice -Pres:, Peter Writ Ion, Second- Vior-Pres., J.acoh !tenter. Directors for Kinloss, •A. 13. McKay.. 1). Cnrrutliersi. For Ashfietil: John' Farrish, Geo. Quitter: For West Ns. wannsh, John McQtiiliin. F. G. Todd: , f w .. t. Robertson R. Tsar Huron, S e ar E , Met -ties for I.nelrnnw, Geo 1-T. Smith. Associate direeter's we:0 n''nr'ointed'' es follows, Kinioss, S. •A. Carnoehan, 1T. M.'nthers, `A. McQueen; •A: Ackert, Faris: Mallets:. • i For Ashfield. '1'. A. Corer". Ewart. T':vier. J. R. Hackt+t, Kelso McNay, m: H'elm.:. James Alton, West Wawanesh, Wm. MCCuillin. a. Salkeld ' :Gee. Kennedy, W. A. y, y.... G. A.• Giver. A. Gaunti, - •i .. �'lll;le`t`s , Cr' Rutherford, Fred McQuillin. , ' Lorne Woods. n Fred' Nlarti't9a • oltn Hd1off: , n. A. P .. i"w i E, fat., T � it Y� • S,SitN. A.' E. Buswell.Buswell.swell, W. E..'McDen- .. nil, W.E. Henderson, ' 1. Congram, w -i.. Andrew. Lader diraetors of 1908 were - re- appointed.' ' Nothing , Saved. ;. ': H : The Cain ouse�Luoknow s :last hotel -was completely destroyed„ by. firewhich started, about eleven o'clock A.M. '' last Friday, : . The de 'truetion• was complete Prat.: s p gip. tically nothing •saved. -The proprietor, his, wife and ', assistants, and a few guests got out •with just the clothes they had on -without even their hats An oil -burner furnace installed last fall,' .which had just been adjusted or repaired; exploded, - flIing' the• house' with basement to 'attic 8'a.s and d. smoke' so 'that, everybody got out at once as they:' 'ere..: The smoke' re- mained in;'the house so dense, and the fire .which at once' started, made such rapid,•progress' thatit was lira-' possible for anyone 'to: re -ender the house. to get even a grip or clothing which' they' new to he near the doors: This condition also greatly hampered the, 'firemen could not get inside to attack the fire at •, close ran!ge. Dense clouds of sn'oke poured', put of tbe windows and doors, and a few. minutes the. whole interior was on fire. ' Before one o'clock the east :wall fell into a '-small, lawn on that side, some ;of the 'bricks smashing'. win- •dows. in- Bollyman'pu bakery building. Fortui' mately:•.the 'wall ' had' 'braided somewhat, and much of it fell close in:, A half hour' later the west wall` fell in the same 'way, leaving only the •frontand back ,walla standing: 'As the roofb'urnod showers of burn- ing piece's.. of tar roofing fell on near- by buildings, which fortunately ' were' eoverefl with snow'or :were 'wet. • A minute after. . the• explosion the fire alarm was blowing and •in a very' shor%` time two 'streams •of water under "fair _'pressure,•wereqlaying on the branding: -Mr., Bell, had' a good heard. of steam. -up,' it was a 'down -hill run. with the hose reels,,. and ; there was • a isfdrant right at the :burning. -NOM-, ing. All this ,made for t`'(re very best the water works could do, and on, the' .,ole the Ore, • bri de• ' e t,` a o0 wh, h reg ga pet upgood fights but the "iiripossib lity 'of: gett ing:• inside the building and :the, • burn-' ing oil made the 'fi'ght•.hoPeless from •t#rebeginning. . T �l e fire '•however,;• was• kept in check, somewhat, and ' steps were taken toprotect near-by.'build:, ings; There' was.• little, wind i d -this' with`the snow and darnpaness preven- td a .conflagration ,which might have gone any distance': It was clearly, • a case of "might have !seen, worse:" While wa ere th s danger ogtr of the . fire spreading'. to . other buildings, 'a call :was sent;.. to Kincardine' to send ; as- sistanee . and in '.about an hour their, splendid motor fire truck 'with a. num-' ber of igen arrived. Fortunately their services ,were not required: Tiie hotel buildiig was already demolished and; there was no 'danger .`o other 'build- in'gs. However the neighborly 'itct of the . Lake -shore town is ' 'appreciated by Luckntw residents. • Before' darkness set in the firemen:' :had by using a cable pulled •down the front and .hack walls.• both, of ' which,. luckily, fell into, the basement.". We understand:. that the loss on the building and furnishings', which belonged' to Mrs.' Cam, now irl -Mans treat,' is fairly well , covered by, in surance. s ' Mr. Stulibert, who has been opera- ting the hotel since Jack.Cain left had no insurance on his '"stock of tubae- co s, •cigars; :soft drinks etc, nor on his and his . wiife''s personal belong- ings, . all of which were lost.' • The lovtter, stories 'of the Cain.. House were built about 50 years ago,. When there were .few brick buildings in the village. It was occupied by' two stores -one hardware, the other gen eral and, :was owned' by Mr. McIntyre, who ,in •1892 , sold the block to' the• late- T. F. Cain. Mr. Cain: had a •third story added, and the whole building ` remodelled for the purpose of an' hotel • DEATH OF AN OLD 'RESIDENT Help Appreciated •• ' The Lueknow .Flee Company wish Following an illness which confined to express their appreciation • of the her to bed for the past two . rears, assistance they received. from. citizens' Mrs: Cameron; ,:widow. of ' the late Kenneth Cameron. died tit her home: here on Saturday last. She had suf- fered, a greet 'teal from rheumatism. for almost ten years but was able to be about until • two years age. She was 84 years of age and 65 'of 'those years w.die spent ie Lucknow, dur- ing all, of which time she 'occupied the hoose in which she died:. , The late Mrs. Cameron was born in !Winch Township, Wellington' County, her mtriden name being Annie MacKay. In 1866 the was married to Mr. Kenneth Cam'e,ron . who at that time had '"a carriage_ and wagon shop- here, occupying the building in• which the marble works are now: When sthe large large factories started Making., wag-, ons 'Mr. Cameron vent to • North Das' Ikota, where `he 'died in 1881; leaving his widow with t+rvo sons and three daughters, all ,still living. They are: May Es in. Aurora N. Y.: Alex ' in Fairbank, Alaska:; Roderic Roderidcc.o in, LtcknoW, Mrs. J. B. Cay. in oronto, 1 Mrs: Wm. Stewart in Wingham. Par, many many years, and until the ad- vent of the 'professional nurse; Mrs. Cameron • did a great deal in be'ping the •sick when stich service was given as a • neighborly act and without: •har :e.'In this way she was very help- ful ful in the ,community. ' The funeral was on -Tuesday after- noon to Kinloss cemetery; service at the house being attended ''h" -^1y of the family.. • friends . . ._W ._ .. .... IL'. .LI:1CI{NOITES IN; THE NORTH' ter from. Mr • R. • Ca r eron n By a let � who' is. spending a few weeks in Nor thein Ontario we' learn ti -at Lucknow' Arid vicinity has made a very substan- tial contribution to the `intellect" of that northern Centre, '1'in'Minw,. Ile tellsus, for example, that On the . teaching staff 'ther'e is Mr. J. W. Tre- leaven,. Mist W. -D. Rutherford. Miss MMary MacLean; Miss --Ruth Mitchell, ary ylYl .. ... '. �'.,. 1 �- A Mr. 1'ightmhn front tact Wawa osh is also on the staff, And not long ago Mite Garbutt,„ daughter of ttei. andMrs. Cr.2trbutt, .who 'spent. lour Years in' L tetC'now; resigne'd from the outside, the company at the time ' of the ,Cain House fire, and afterwards in pullingdown the walls: Assistance like tt is always very acceptable: R. J. Moore, Captain: Thanks Mr. : and Mrs. E. 'Holiyman ' wish' to, express •grateful thanks' to those who „so willingly came to •their assistance and rendered haip'at, the time of the hotel fire. It was, all greatly apprec- iated. . . CAMERON GEDDES- SCOTTIE MORRISON These two former Dumbellartists will give , the program at a concert in Carnegie Hall the evening of Monday April 21st. That ought to be good., Concert -at 3 o'clock, to be followed by s~ dance. ' - • This program will -be put en in the interests .of the Band, as the Band Committee will not be making ' a 'canypss for funds , this year. OLD LANDMARK WIPED OUT An old landmark on the road be;, tween Lucknow ,and Holyrood disap- peared Saturday night when fire de- stroyed "the residence on one Of Alia- ter Hughes'..farnis, once occupied .> y, Tyndall Robinson, and at afl eerier date by David Macintosh who died last • week . at : Teesw,ater.' : Mr. j7ughes was using the house as a- maple syrup plant, and had; a mild - ern evaporator set up in it: Ha:110W- ever; is quite sure that 'there was no fire about the place Saturday •night, as t plant had not been in use that loss:.The is not serou. t. i s as't r house was long Out of. use. There,the was. little wind at the time and a barn only - a 'few 'rods . aw'ia'y dad 'riot' ignite. The. light front. the Are Was plainly vial i -'kn'oiv• and •cite ;a number bit from Luc i'{ , -motored out asit'was at first repott- ed ed' thatthe fire rwas in Mr. Hughes' Mrs. 'Hu.. hes Were barn. • Mr, and M g ,. town, and on being. informed 6f' the, fire inm•nwediateiy set, Ott.:for home. 'Nobody was knew•il'to e about• the y Place. and, it has bee n su ge st ed that the Are insy have • been the Werk 'of lll.!../l lll✓l!_'✓✓,ll•/./,/Y-l•/../yl./ll./•lll✓' 1' l✓' The Bread 0 The of Health VIS of,R� OIYR',MQTT.O 15 QUALITY AND SERVICE.` ., I GIVE , SUSTENANCE ° TO M,AN April VIGOR TO HI ENDEAVO;RL USE OUR QUALITY .HOU E ,MADE AND'WIIOLE.'WHEAT BREAD FOR GOOD",i(HEA.LTKI - • JELLY SQUARES, NUT BARS, PUFF PASTRIES, DOUGHNITSICED ROLSCQFFECAKESOATMEALCOOKIES.: tread, a1th EVERY [OLL► :MA'N'S . 'QUALIT'Y RAKER Phone, 36 Lucknow 0 0 /�l✓!JlJ✓ll✓✓./✓✓l./-/- l-/-/.l_/l✓l-!l./y✓l✓"'1ll✓✓✓l.!./'/_/"✓✓./J ❑ TWO , MEN SUFFERED • • PAINFUL BURNS IN: HOTEL FIRE. Kenneth MacIntosh, 'mechanic of i• Stratford, and Jack ':`Haworth, ;porter at the' Cain House, suffered painful though nqt dangerous burns 'in the Cain 'House,fire: Macintosh is 'in the Hospital at Stratford and Haworth'. is,' in the Winghem Hospital. Both' are 'burned about the head and` hands MacIntosh suffered .Much. ,more seriously than Iaworth, and • it ;wit at first thought that he had inhaled gasPand possibly flame,;' but this. does not appear to have been the case as at last 'reports he, was getting : along reasonably yell. Maelntosh is anemplo.y ee of .the Kemp' Furnace Co. who put the ..Oil - burner in the Cain :House,' and had come to ..nake some 'adjustments : to the furnace as it had not been•ivif gi g entire satrsfnetion. Ne ha dimade such adjustments' as he thoi ght'•neeessary: had started the fire, and' .concluded that ever',rthing. • was all right, and goneto his room i o on the. second floor. . ; 'He . was there ' 'only a' short time when the , ' explosion ,occurred, • the force, being such thatit blew the re - inters` out of the'. floors., 'M'cIntosh• Opened the.room door to findthe hall filled •'with smoke and gas: Miss Steepe one of the employees of the: hotel was Making her way to the back .stairway :and told ' Macletosh: to - fol low her as she knew the way. He went back: into the room to' get his overcoat and ,cap, and returning to the door• , found the place filled. with ,flame through which he could not Bass. It was• there that he got his head and hands burned. He then 'open- ed a window and ' jumped. to" -the ground, a drop `of over 20 feet. There he was discovered by Joe Hasse* who ehaneed to be about, and ' vats taken•to Will 'Douglas's house'where, he got medical. aid. From there he Was taken in Johnstone's ambulance to. the Stratford • Hpspital. Jack's stun is that 'he Had gone in- to' the furnace • room ,with a shovel Which he had been using. The furnace appeared to be 'working all right,and lie had reached 'the 'stairway on his way out •when, the , blast came, filling the place withh'flame and', smoke. 6Put ting his: bands over his face he made. his way out,but; his' hands ,ind head were badly • scorched. After 'receiving first aid, h, wast taken to Win'gham Hospital, While the ainbulance was on ' its way to Stratford, 'Mr. Macintosh's mother and wife, and a member o the Kemp firm • arriv'.ed, here, having - beep told 'of the .accident.. They, of course, • impiediaetly returned to Stratford on learning' that the injured man ,bad •been jsent there: ' teaching stqf to be^orae the wife df° one of the au .eces,�'£u1 isleh - rE ants of asttte careless or ill disposed, person TiraRt n;. vyi o,vls'It013 the enCe. s •'%r7C8,M]iFvriA%p!�N�1:b:f�rdCltl' hA• • • APPRECIATION Mr. and Mrs. Stubbert wish "to ex press grateful appreciation" of the kindness they received from the people of Lucknow following their loss by, the, hotel fire. They would especially mention Mr, and Mrs. J. A., Geddes who opened their home to them.end, the merchants, in business . 'matters ' e been so' considerate. They would have . also thank the people- generally for the measure, of patronage they re- ceived while, ins business in Lucknow, and •should circumstanees.permit they would' be glad to be, again associated with the town. . NOTICE Don "'t . Meddle eddle .With The Fire Fighting Equipment Parties taking for private use the Mase 'Ladders. Wrenches, Buckets, Pikepo'les or Lanterns 'or anything else belonging to the Fire -Fighting equipment for private' Use will be prosecuted•. By order of Fire C'o. Captain. QOT E over 'b odY should kn a that when 'fire1fighting equipnets s needed it is wanted at once.' Hose out of der, ladders. missing or wrenches e. citifies � d for opening utv ,...,�hYdrante lost •. erlous 1oss.. 1 -AMI :F Y THEATRE .:T iUR'SuAY plo.DAY Ai is/Wits •. April ' 3-74'-5. . . Laura: La . Plante & John Boles,' In "SCANDAL" COMEDY (Buster, ..trims' Up.) Coming Hoot . Gibson, : in "BORN TO: THE SADDLE" , . .a, Coming; Special ' ''• • , . "MOON OF 'ISRAEL" • un.ns Fertilizer WHY SIGN"AN' ORDER. FOR WHY FERTILIZER, WHEN YOU' CAN....- GET WHAT YOU, • WANT' ANY TIME? " MIXED FERTILIZER CON- '• SIDERABLY 'CHEAPER .'THIS YEAR. - ' . • GEO. S. ROBERTSON. '. ThePractical effect of Sun .Life.Prosperity No, doubt people Sen Life Comnpat�'y.'s wonder .how it\effects on its policies.•: example.from pany's . leaflets. a 20 Year . En ing $49.85 per meats, will' have. pany .$99:7. The Compan Face value, f Profits "(divi ed ally and 1 t ' cumulate on basis present scale)'. Maturity Dividend Total .. .. START YOUR. WITH :a $500 • .' ON THIS 'Who, read of the. Prosperity,as the returns He is an . actual 'one , of' the Com- ' Aerson taking owment and pay- annum., for 20. pay- paid the com- 1 • ,` • Will Then Pay.Him: policy:. ...$1000. .nu- , to ac- , of .. 558. . ..: 150. ..1 $1708. ROY :OR GIRL or a $100.0, POLICY PLAN. Geo. H. !Smith, , SPECIAL /REPRESENTATIVE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Automobile We sell AUTO in other words for all makes closed 'cars,' ote these ing. prices.. • Single texture "57" inches grain ' finish Per Yard i'; Single texture ity "54" wide Per Yard ' Double texture • grain finish suitable for' cars, for Per Yard. Double • t heavy want•comet For Per Y Best English dish is the Per Sheet Binding, 'tor Per Yard ........... Superior the kind that used on high Per Yard Iii�fttet we sale or • retail everything of Re -Covering The: above are Arillis Phone .129---Wingham. To Owners TOPPING - RE-COVERING of opened, or ' - interest- Auto topping wide with dull. for ' $1.15 in extra qual- for .. ... $1.45 , in Bright long "60" wide -every., e -covering closed $1.60 xt 're "52" extra ' orthosewho ing h.xtraquality'. rd : 2.50 . Ce luloid (Eng- best), size 50' x 20. • • .i.... , • $1.15 , • . .08 qualitt BINDING hic,es the nails cleat ears ,21‘,.,0 , , . s. sell (either wholes e.- . anything' ' and used ,in repairing Autos : prices 'deliver Shoe Shore,