The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-27, Page 7•
re -
•M '
Owl Lias'
YQIIlIgest Ocean Tlraveller
i ted A►dvertisIng ..
�asls:.W. _
Regained. Health Through 'the
Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Rheumatism is • a disorder of the.
blood—caused by too much uric acid,
•• in the blood. Ii. attacks, its vict.>zAs
when vitality '18 low, thus setting. UP
Inflammation in the• muscles •and
joints. Wet and cold . Weather May
• start, the torturesof rheultiatism he(
" it is not the cause: ' 'be'catise' is the
• blood --bad b.'io'od, • Enrich: and Purify
the blood and rlieumatisrn wpil di --sap
' pear. Ition are a' sufferer !rem this
painfufl, inalady begin, the use of Dr.
yVillianu0 Pink Pills and.see ho;v, soon.
the'pains and••stilfness''s111 disappear.
These pills .enrich and purify • the
'blood 'and''good b'Igod ; means good-
• Mrs.. -John 0.
*llicPiierson, St, Mary's,
as a *actio -.of 'rheumatism:, for•
'years and writes: as follows of i h'er'111=
nese and recovery.' . 'She says:—"I
'suffered from rheumatism for nearly
• 'sixteen years and for eleven years'.I
.was unable to walls: '•ktriel 'a number
of medicines as walk:
as massage, and
chireproctie treatment without any
permanent bepeflt.. I was,, then so bad
that I .Was at a loss to 'know; what: ,to:
try' next.; I' noticed lin different papers
• • stow strongly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
were, recommended for' cases •, like
• mine •so .I decided to ,try them. 'After,
taking several boxes I noticed that
, • .rayappetite was improving."The'pains'
became less severe and my color
Proved. I contlnued theta use". and
tow Iant able .to do light 'housework.
I wish' I could im.pxess' on all rheu-
Mattc sufferers' j
ust liihatthese
derful Pills have, ' ,iron -
done for•me,,
• •Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' . do one
' -thing S but.
the do it'
y well—their en-
ricli and Purify 'the, blood. This . rich'
red blood banishes such, troubles as
rheumatism, siatica, neuralgia.'and•
neuritis and,leaves the fornter'suffet=
-er rut and healthy and. well able•
to take hi;s or her place in doing the
duties expected of., them. ,,, The'
are- sold bymed.une dealers or. by
• mail' a.t'a0 cents a JroY'froni The Di'.
' -Willie m5' ?Iedic,i;te' `t o., . ]3rocicvtlle;
'Death Stalks Vienna •
It•tbe. present d ea i;h,rate Prevails 'iit
thi, city in two'hundred' and'fifty
years • there will not be a Foul' left. '
•bivery.inontlr them
1nie .cventec r
rcd more deaths than hrrrhs. fha�llt =
year there Miers Sri •Cni,ides ceinSt)
'6?:cltaths'• front, f:•plilt'atiies1�
Thrk:.e pri rent. of -ill cle,a!liti' ih .1tr, '
rid is, by shields. • •• •
Ifcail,h of r:anic tf ,,ti is the c ,'iial
franu•',c (AA i,'Y a rt1'•11 Irod'y politic; '
April FQoitah and WOO
• ByJames Edward Hungerford
Some folks are April 'foolish,
And some are April else,
And .some Eire lust plain "mulish"--
And "Dor'," the
donkey prize: •
.Sonne kick the hat with brick, in. •,
' And smash • their 'big' toes flat,
And others cash the "trick" tn-"'
;.t And walk off wia the beti •
Some get "the i'aug'lr". on Qthers,.•
And chortle at the 'y.oke, " . • .
And make fun Of 'their brothers— '••
- 'Who help them waren they're' broke?
Some• step ar..iund a•ilial book,
They don't, think holds a yen„
One grabs it with,. his "pin-tiook"-:ri
• :And -finds , inside—a. ten!
Some think'they"11 "put: i.t over" • , ..,
, .On "soft *mos" they can"carve;" -
Aind spend.thelrdays
And . let the ,victims • starve!
But When at last they waken, ;
• .And .takestock of their wares,
They•,find they were' m1atakeii -' -
., 4The'"booby prize" is thelrst! '
Sortie Polk's are April foolish,,
Also. 4gay and 'June; ,
In other months, nnrulish -
imitate the loon!
' S'ome others ,use.: their "thinker* "
Also their hands and eyes; ,. •
Their brain's..
are'•clear o.f. clinkers--
•4nc1 these are April Wise! . •. •
for cleaner— faster cullinp
• The steel used i‘.anedeand-spec.
'ally tempered in the Simonds
plant and',we can and do twat
ax tee every Simonds Saw.
s A W CO. LTO,. •
Montreal . Tanana
• 1'aacetwer
St. Iotw, 433.
magic," sag ', r. L' ahoy.
Thousands writeykidney and bladder
ills, constipation, indirestion, gas, back-
sche'end overnight with "Fruit•a•tives".
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep et once, Get
"Fruit•a•tives"front dru gist today.
It's difficult to relieve the, breath of
suspicion of halitosis. ..
When a fellow gets-- with a girl he
, gets aw aye ,with anything he tries, but
after 'Ws married,he'tries everything
he can get away With. ,
Judge--L"Prisoner, have you ';any
thing to; say, before T pass sentence?"
Priscpier—"No, your honor, except
that it takes very little to please' me."
'There's, • a hole • in 'one,", said the
golfer; as, he reached for, his •socks.
• The :shepherds„ watched • their flocks
by 'night; which shows that ;.neighbors
have always ben ;about the same,'
7t is:had In, understand: a girl be-
fore she i r' ',:r o i, and even harder
atteriward:;. ,
There are stili.a. lot' o'f .people who
will take checks fro'm��beople they do
-not know and.•then yell for'the police:
Cha lost
on—'•and say, dearie,,fhey
even took myfinger prints." •
• Black' Bottom --"Hey? . Well, look
at What You took first.'
" four siipe•ribiis are' those you de-
light to catc•1`t in err' r.
rte—What • d;o yoir think of rhis
i•iiarnti'on of. the artificial larynz?"
She --'Jt would be a splendid relief
]f c'inii'ch ushers Would •get wise to it
and ha: o 'all larynxs taker; tint' and
cleared before the sermon starts.
Se14 better merchandise for • lesss
money and you'll get the business and
it will 'make no difference' whether
r,our, place is called a chain store Or
rope store. •
dt's•oniy'thiee years now until the
I World's Fair ,in Chicago, and we be-
i Zieve we can wait.
• ' Listen to the exboration 'of the dawn!
Look to this, day!
Forit is life, the very life of life,
1n.its brief course
e all the
1 Varieties, and 'realities of your exist.-
• enee.:
The bliss of growth,
The glory of ;fiction,
The splendor of beauty?
For yesterday is but a dream,
And' }o -morrow Is only a vision,
But to -day well lived makes
Every'y'esterday'a dream of happiness
And et ciIy 414110'1'0w a vision of hone,
i.00k well, theie.fbre to this clay!'
uvh is the sahltalior of the dawn. •
BCi-. Weiss
yt vty nP ids/rheaPopo.
Care for Flutr Hands
' fly Dairy Vie of
Cativo ra Soap
Real Hashes. and Irritsstiana'
With ,Lntiear.! Oi11t1M311i
For i%otibletl•;
doe to Acid
nolo erOMAen
aena►i us
1, •
Ci'liat rost'peopie•cail iindigenitlon !s,
usually exeesa acid ,fit the stomach.
The .ford „has soured. The instant
reinedY ls1an. alkali which neiitraliytis
• adds., B tt.den't use crude il'e"ip'G' (" e
What your doctor would advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milkof
rgtesia. For the, IW 'Years since nal'
invention it has renyained standard,
with physicfana Yott Will find troth
ing' olse so rabid: In its effect; so harm
less, 90 el!tcient.
Beryl Brown, IS'.'arontlis of age, .youngest traveller ever to have made a
trans-Atlantic trip alone, travelled half way rcund the world by the tin'ie•
she: reached her mother In R'ed,Pase; B.C. Shepante over on S.S. Minnedosa..
to.'Saint John and thence by ',Cand fan Pacific to her howler She Is • showing
her doll'' to,officiats; and newspapermen who came tosee her in her sleeping
car aboard the train.
THE 1131
Hera i:hitd is, a, never-ending 'source'
of joy and a' ine ger-failing responsi-
bility to the fond mother. It not in
frequently happens that minor' ail-
ments of'the child,distress and puzzle
her''; she does' not know just ..wiiat' to
do. yet, feels them not' serious'' enough
to 'call a doctor. . Asjust such times
• as the
se it i's' th t Bab '
9 0f
a . Y. Own Tablets
are found to be mother's greatest:li:elp
and friend.
Most childhood .arise' from
a derangemelit • of the stomach or'
bowels. Baby's, Own .tablets will ]m
'mediately banish 'them by'
the be%veli, and sweetening the stom-
ach; Thus they relieve colic, correct.
the digestion; ,banisli constipation and
make teething pains disappear.
'Baby's Own. Tablets are:guaranteed'
to be 'free, from • injui•i,ous, drugs such.
as opiates and narcotics and may be
given• to the newborn babe ,1 thP er-
fect.' safety and b'enefia ale "results..
They are sold' by -medicine dealers Or
mail 'a 2
Y t 5 centsa box P•
Dr. Williams' ,Medicine ' Co.. Brock-
ville', Ont
The Maritime .Lumber Trade
• Saint John Telegraph -Joe hurl .(Ind:)~
The announcement that`ihe' Canadian
National Railways, has 5ucCessfully
'negotiated with the ]3o.5toti mita Maine
Railway for a reduotibn of 1.: per cent..
freight rates from the Maritime Pr'o-
vihces' to New England Points: is being.
received with gratification by .lumber
sitipp.ers . Some week -S.' ago' the Cana-
dian •Pacific ''tilway 'made a siirlllar
¢¢fit in rates. Now all paints in • the
14iariti•nie Proji•nces will benefit Vont
tlie•'savings to• be affect'e .:. , The,;
wlrole'gtiesttou has been hanc3'leci•from •
a business standpoint and a satisfac-'!
tory conclusion . has been rieaclied,
;without the. •old tinte polite ai fire-
works which attended -the'set'tlement•
of such problems. Another Of the re-
commendations or the Duncan Coni,,'
mission has• thus'beeni; carried into,ef•
feet ton major degree. '•
Keeping Air Cool on . ,
'Trains in Summer
The Santa re Railway has been ex-
perimenting for several ,wears wide
the problen1 of ]keeping the air coo! in
club, dining and sleeping 'cars, during -
the summer'season. • •
W.'.J. Black, passenger traffic roan;
ager, states that at last the probletm
is solved. As a starter, a, :Contract has
been closed for early in tallntiou of
reconditioned air, cooled 11y a patent-
ed process, on dining cars of The,
Chief, the Santa Pe's extra 'fast and 1
extra fare flyer.. ••
There is absolutely no draft. ' the
cool air being brnnght in, overhead,
with a resultant uniform temperature
of „65 tit 70 degrees. Fahr. •
It is a' end -0
lean and inquil'
leve be not the
Each, in its airiest
poses a -high degree,
fdividuiil dep
his' aft'ections'•<
another; eeacii
over,, o1• the u
forlorn and. des
Wet his subject.
sidered, therefore,
of a .happen to
radlanea, and. i
ttricl gl`ew. 11T1 •
British Trade in Canada •'
• Saskatoon Star- Phoenix
Theile is only one kind of 'action by
Canada which can stimulate British
export trade, a,'nd that is, of course, a
reductions ; in ; the tariff on , British
goods.. The'preferenee'now given ail,
pears substantial, but it ,is not enough
to overcome the British' export'er's
handicap of distance' from the' mar-
ket, • By its 1919 'platform the Cana-
dian Liberal . I'
1 party is pledged, to' in-
crease the preference to.15:0 per' cent."
making ditties m t r
s en i o ts, from Britain.
just 'half of .general .rates, This pro-
mise should be redeemedvin: Mr. -Dun-
ning's first budget. There; was never
a more, appropriate time for taping
t. step.
Empire Trade '
London .Sunday. Express `.Ind:}; -•Be-
tween 1913' and 1926 11e' percentage
of American trade with the four Do-
minions and, With Iiidia •increased by,
.over. •6 per cent. During the same
period 'Britain's percents ge declined
by `nearly 10. per cent.' ' In 'these cir t
cumstances .it is : hardly astonishing
if American critics express surprise, 1
ri n
to 'n ei•e b apprehension, rebel sio that `
tip d Y 11we
h hould be so'slow -in organizing our
Empire as,, an econcmie entity. I vanish over h ..
, nig t Skis. clears -like magic: Get
xn al certain village 1n Ontario there
was a family consisting' of hap,e.-
nmii and four children,They 'got
along passably well until the. ,man, fir
leg of, his. responsibility. as a parent,
Suddenly departed for parts unknown.
No effort was made to find 'him, and
the brave little mother became the
lase washerwoman .to earn enough to
keep her children together. Working
for .other people. all day she had little
'time to train her children, and the old-
Qst—a boy ' of twelve—developed pit-
Bering' habits that soon -mads him the
talk. of the neighbors. ' .The magis-
trate decided to end•"hfm to the 11e-
formatery and a social Worker Was
deputed to•conve ' Atha 'fo the institu-
tion next day: >~ or safe keeping •he'
took the., lad hone with him and as
he was gging. to the 'ehnrch reeeti'ng
'that evening:.he took_ the• boy along sq'
he, :could have phis eye on hint, The
good women gathered ' at the • church•
becainterested, and the pastor se
gested„that they.make him the suttject'
of'Itheir; prayers. AE discussion,foil.ow=
ed• which, led to practical. results The
Ooy was 'found to be a mighty' flee.
youngster only, . needing encourage-
inert.. Iifs sentence was rescinded
and with contributions • from 'the mis-
sionary fund of, the church the family
.was assisted -'to Ilecohie' seltsus'tain-
.ing.. All concerned' were:.made very
happy' as `a result of this friendly in-
tervention.—J.' d'. [elso;; `, •
Use Mtnard's In the Stable;
Mks. Watt—"William v ill . o •''
y u never
get that, string untangled for MeV'
%V11IIam string,
.I'm ' ;doing .'thirty:
knots an hour now!"
SIN . ; `
GLE4IVIEN � � u�� n' ' ' Ea! rSleeo o� o n
'Wekly Parties. Dltring.: Early ' � •
P 9
� : r Husband's
aft* Death
(}AB , CH ICES,*-wi.'1 Rhl,'1'trkfJ•
215.00 last Year In fou, valve,'
ties. Write for free"catalggue:
wt,ter, Oranton, Ont.
L ready for service. Cheap. '.Peter
Aruogast, Mitchell. Ontario. ..
11,I and' light sewing at home •\vhoie, •
-or spare time. Good pay. Fork sent
•any,tdistance. Charges paid, Send, s.tarnp
for, particulars, • National Manufactu}king!
Company; 11ontrea•1.
Vickers—'.'Dia you carry a• stove O .
your 'camping holiday?" VVickers-'-•'.
""Where 'd'o you .think we cooked, crag.',
the'mountain ranges?" •• ,
3The. World's .Fastes:t Growing tit;
•dustry.. De�inand for Trained Jaen Far.
Ex'c`eeds Supply. Well,Pald.Posttions
Open to Our;;G.raduates :...;
• **RR) COLLEGE 01' CANAL*'-
310A Wage Street • ::Toronto.
".aabyhad terrible enema. Soothe..
Salva'ended,i iq,1`minute. Disease soon
• s ce. Stopsitcb, barn, pais;.
is 1 minute. esemegoea•forsood'!stew days,
Skin becomes steers omega.' Ali'Divatetu�
Massaging the aching'' parts with;
Minard's brings comforting reiief.,
Try it. .
APPLY 'Now=The Secreifary The '1
;SOS', Dundas.'. Street .Woodstock, Qnt, t.
ISO Jar, is Street, Toronto,, Ont.
114 Bee ',al .
k tit. St.: Smiths Falls, Ont..
1?2'S •Unit'erslty` St.: Montreal, Que.•
"After Baby, Was Weak,,
Skinny: 'Gained ; 22 LIi.1■"
Ironized ed Yeast "did it. says iMte
, gained in 3 weeks: Nervousness, constipation
Exactness tri little 'dtitihs• is a, won-
derfu1 source of, cheerfulness.—E.
Faber. ' •
'Cat led (to stranger in a car)—"Dad-
dy, daddyl" Mother-"Husli dear.
That isn't daddy; it's a gentleman."
• T'ref..R. L: Multeney's World Famous
't'ape'worm Remedy pas expelled these
hurricy ninnsters in two to three hours.
No -til "i"inj',. necessary, no sl knesr no
•t, a u1,1 whatever. .
'\Witte for full 'information. '
, Dept A, 211 Ossington Ave., Toronto
n9 subject of of ei-va.
y, whether hatred and
saltie thing at bottom.
clewelolnncnt, sup-
poses of in't'imacy and
e' each renders one
enden't fol; the 'fetid of
zitd spiritual life upon
leaves 'the passionate
o less passionate Betel•,
olate by the iitl draw-
Phil`osopliically the ttv0_i%assions
y tate tiling,, except that
be seely 111 a. eele'stdal
the .other lit a dusky. and
The Scarlet letter.
best desii;es are `always
measure of hipossibili-
Most ditficul.t uty that
le •ef doing is incl duty.
ilfit atfare All lid alsonild z10 " -
"11a no's: (Tilnk•:th t: that is ,h.' r l iron'
he's to nia'stter is impossible for Mitt;
rtit if a thing Is possible and roper •
'nutti,,deeii .it attainable by thee." .
—Marcus :1:nreiiis, •
ittard't1 Kalli flandruft.
• One tasteless :p'1'I�afu1 in water ne'u-.
tralize9 many itiu.''a lts,volutne in
acid. The'testilts a're,ttnniediate, with
no bad after effects. Once you .learn
this .fact. yen 'will darer deal ;with
"A • man's be'
:the index and
tie's; and the n
a man is eapab'
e.:`ceess • aefil la he' ends trays. Vl0 1`
acini-�•noW why this method 3s
supr'enle. ' •1
Be Efre 'to gait the t c>ytfine Phi'l1Yps' b
111 1'1C'iii~ Ia; fl Sia pro rribed,by t'thy'si• .f
*dans for 6t1 years in correcting e cess
acids: 1+'ich bottle contains full epee -
cion --toy' dtiugstole: M ,,
So easy to get quick relief and pre-
vent an attack- in the future. Avoid
br '
om'rciesanddope, ,�heyrehevequictt:-
ly but affect -the '!-•';� rt and are Very
eat gerous. They ape depressing and
onIf t give temporary relief, th,•; cause
the headache still remains within.
The Fane and harmless way. First
• correct the cause, sweeten the sour
and "acid stomach, relieve' the intes.;
tines of the decayed and poisonous
food matter, gently stimulate the liver,
start the bile flowing and the bowels,
pass off the waste matte- which causes
yo� ur headache."Try Carter's Little 1
Liver Pills. Druggists 25e red'pkgsy
.Benoit. Thousafids say 5 to 15lbs.
e s to lets frotn druggist today:
Doter •
• ti
Run "iBAtK. cow.
51.23 All Druttkts Descriptive folds on request
70 Fifth Ave., New York City
Why not 'Help
Kidneys? •
Don't impose too great a 'strain on
them.' ' Aid with• Warner's • Safe'
'Kidney and, Liver Remedy
...The day your kidneys break .down,
yon health and 'usefulness are over,
Modern life, rich food and other;unnat-
ural conditions • make mammal demands
,on kidneys. and 'liver. Is your health
still good? Then keep it so.
Start taking Warner's Safe Sidney ane}'
Liver Remedy white • your kidneys are
than they may. ever b
s herbal bei h remedy' meat' iN Fleapit/it to
•take, helps liver and kidneys -to throw
off' b dy roisonis that may ,pp 'rove danger..
one. For more than fro ye$rs thonnands
of 'grateful sufferershave testified to its {
reliability. •
.Every druggist will tell you that War-
ner'a Safe Sidney and Liver Remedy is
an old friend. Clot yopr bottle today., It
costs little but its value is beyond Dike
in cases where its known. action is bene-
ficial. Don't wait Untilkldneys are bail.
start now. 'Warner Safe itemedies Co..
T4rrento, Ont.. •
Warn' eel; Safe Kidney, and
Liver Remedy
:Her husband's death left her; very' run
in.... health, unable to eat or
• down it k. tsleep.
much. Now shele brighter; in spirits :and
eats and sleeps well. What caused the
difference ? Let her answee in her awn
I think Kruschen Salts'are a splendid'
tonic. • After my my husband's death • in
,December last i became very run down
iin Health. ''lta'.d ;terrible fits of-deiares-
•Sion and' Inas • unable. to eat or sleep
'Much.' :1 was . alio troubled , with
'rheumatism.. ' 1 decided to take
Chen Salts.and have now'takcn the little
,daily 'dose'.for nearly two. months;, '.
during', which' time 'my' health has, •
greatly improved. time
rheiiniatisin• has
completely left fife. 1•, ani ;nnuell
brighter in spirits and,', both. eat .and
• ''sleep
Tilren' life begins to• ".get you eosin,'”
when you ifieght to feel, tlie, rc' n to of
modern. artificial, conditions—errors of
'.diet, worm overwork. rack et eXerc ;se ---
then yon should tum"tn Kreschcn tiallts.
They .possess a Wonderful power of
g\`inK .flew .life and Nitahty.' to oho'
countless millions of cells .of which the
human body is.coanpo'scd. jl'tie w;:v to
' ,keep stiniling is iii take Krltsche,�,u Salt
every, ntorfnin;—j.ust a pinch irt vo
• first morning, cup of coffee or. tee.
If you have never tried Inischen—try it n w
et our expense., ' We have distributed a •great •
many specis,t packages which' sneaks'
•It easy for, you to prove our claim for yourself. ' '
Ask your druggist 'for the new 'c,GIAfir .5o: • -
A crY in the night may be thio
NO Cause for alarm if Castorlia
handy! This pure Vegetable pret44-
atation brings quick comfort, and
caft never do the slightest,111011.
Always keep a bOttle in the hbuse,
It iS the safe irid Sensible thing
When children are aging, Whether
, it's the. tiosnach, or the. little
bc,wels; cone or constipation; or -
diarrhea. When tiny toritues• are
coated, or the• breath IS bad.
Whenever there's need of gentle
NI 4079
,RtembyPrornotint Reser
Chet &Aim and RastCoeint!
oil &OK
reefflOttralfill pier
arid reverattsfs
Less ec Sum*
A1-6-131i.n1 h‘
taste of Castoria, and its mildness
makes it suitabld fnr the .tiniest
Castorra is , always better for
growing children than Some need-
lessly strong medicine meant only
fOt adult use, Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. It Fletcher's
Signature on the wrapper. Fre-
-scribed by doctors4
package. .
This consists or our reguiar 73c. pouts tostqller '
with a separate trial bottle--suffieleet for abOut
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put iti.to7
the test, and then, if ncit enttreiy ciontinced that
Krusehm does everything weselaim it to do. the
regular bottle is still as good as new. Tase it
back. Your .druggist is authorised to. return
your 75e. immediately. and wittiest .question.
You •have tried Kruschen free, at oiir expense.
What could be fairer ? Manufactured by
E. Griffiths' Sughes„ Ltd., Manchester, Eng.
iisdta.;br:0107ndeto).. Importers: licGilionaY pros."
'lour 'Vegetable :Corn-.
pound is a good Medicine.
ithyOtie who is in poothealilt
should not hesitate to try it.
When I was taking the Vege-
table Cornpourld I 'tried ,the
sample Liver Pills:1'4)=d in
thern'every night since and I
can ,feel 'Myself imprciying.
am sg,,tharikful fot the good
they db,rne that have tolld
Mrs. G. W. Pcaff, 263 Huron
St., StraVord, Ontario, .
Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
,Id Coboe Oct,* C31 ea