The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-27, Page 56
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ft% Liieltwow armpit Arri-iitigEtAY. NAM!, !to, Me
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We Seater ,c4iii—We Aehl 040o Thaa The Credit Store
bone' NO..10 is at 'limit Ser*1cej
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HANPI40 . :hliLloEtt .1DE4 INCUBATOR -
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TEIS YEAR'S- PRICE FOR"256 .EG6 mAtIONE.... . $23:00
_.. • , I
4., •.
. . .
s, . COAL :iatittNti4o..4RoopgR siov)E.iisl -STOCK
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ilor Maple Syrup Making We, Have:
Galvanized Sap Pails - - Tin Sap Pails
Syrup'Cans - Sap Spiles
• . .
m. 81 Son.
Heating, Pluntbing sna FileCtriC'
MOTIUMental Works
-Ont. • 4
7. Hee the. largest aed most Complete
• stock in the.mOst beautiful designs
to chooZie from, in
- Marble, Scotch, giCedish and Can-
adian Granited
• 'We Make a specialty of Family
MOnaairnts and invite aout
Oen. •
Inscription's Neatly, Carefully anti
Promptly Done.
Boo gg before placing your orders .
Douglas ,Bros. s. Spottan.
, Phone' 74 • Phone 256
• Lneknow . • Ninalhair
• of the. :
The ;letters "itis" at tile end. of a
word Mein. inflammation, and the
term, eeuritis, when pieperly used;
e' •
mean's an' inflammation of eervea.
Tnere aro VaridOS types of nerves.
•one green carries ,nea.sations, another
;Controls ',the movementa of mdscles
and others still eo.ntrel, Sweat glands,
blood. 'vessels and other organs. 1VIost,
nerves are Made up of bundles of
nerve fibres, each of which active
in one of,the various ways indicatedp*
and so the whole nerve serves sev„
eral purpose&
The symptorns ,resulting from the
inflammation of enerve depend upor
the variety .of aerve fibres contained
in the nerve. If these are Sensory
nerves, there Will be:pain and tender
ness; motor nerves mean weakened
muscles, apa so on. -
Prolonged exposure of one part of
the bodie to cold as oceurs in sitting
beside an open window' in a motor
nr a car, May cause a local 'eeuritis.
v • Prolonged pressure en a nerie, as
when the arm 'is held in certain pos-
Alfred M. Grea, who for. ten years hien& injury irony a blow, or army:
. 'avas junior judge for the Caunty of ic piessure• may set up a' nearitis of
Bruce, and a resident of Walkerton, the nerves affected. ,
died in the Civic -Hospital at Oteawa The nerves are part of She .body.
on March 13th„ at the age -of .81. No one part of the body ls indepen-
• Judge Grey *ill be remembered in .dent of the :rest and so 'tint nervous
tissue may be involved hi elisease of
all Bruce Ceunty• centres vhzere he
, used tO preside Sit Division Coast other parts off. the bedy, particularly
6 if it is a. general disease. Neuritis
sittings. He had the 'somewhat rare
is not uncommon in such di :eases ar
ss„. ' sekperieneesof never,having pne of his .
diabetes. . • ' -
decisions revised by an appeal court.
Poisons, such as aleohol, lead and
- He accepted •tiperanuation in 1925 id
arsenic are reaponsible • for the ne-
the age of 75, going then' to reside
currence of riebritis which eects the
. at 'Almonte; his former home, whete
nerves all over 'the bodY. The poisons
A son carries 'on a law practice. •
. or tokint given off by diseasa germs
---0 o 6—
net in the same manner anti' sa, not
.. iefrequently, neuritis is founi oecur-
. ing in cases of, diphtheria, and ty-.
. •
. fever. .
Since tlie .rountry yeads have re= Ilhoid
The many causek of neuritis, some
. . esiened for motoring Provincial Con:
o? which have heen mentioned
stables Nelson and McClevis, the'-lat- , , are
' that when teuritis " . 's '1 • '
does oci. ai:, z is
cater *RI headquarters at Hanover., '
' --.. ' . halm been very ,busy, Says the Walk-
, absolutely necessary to find fl. e cause
referred to hi Order tss make it clear
' , erten Telescope.- One a flie complaints
of the -condition if proper treatment
• they investigated iyas that of Stanley
is to Ise prescribed. ,
Fair, Kincardine Township, who ahont • • - : '
' 3.00 Ran, on March 4511 iliatUrbed a First pf all it must be proven to
be neuritis. Treatment alien depends
man or seine men, alleged by him.
upon the rause. The patient, quite
to have been intesfesrina with his
satorallY, wants relief from, his pain
geeSes Two of his hirds diaappeared.,
and discomfort, but temporarY relief
He arrived in time 'to See a ear leave
,, is not goitig to deal properly with
his farm. Last Thai -May. JR nes flew -
the eanditiOn; becausei!ls lorta as the
" itt of Greenock wag apprehended. and relapSes avill occur.
he i$ el'arged with theft. Later •cliare- cause remalirt
, es were laid againat john Doegiss. ,The removal of the cause is, of
aainessedbw Tnninalio, and -weaved :course, the purpose of proper treat;
Schueler, Greenock, sespected of h^.-- hellt.
. cases vvill be heard ''''at Kincardine on . addresaid te ihe Canadian 'M d-
tereafte., Wilt. Ise answoicl Fier -
BOTH WRISTS BROKEN sonally by iotter.
ing been accomplicss of Hea'sitt. These Queations ranee -mine. lIelth
Apra fats
ical AsSeeiii,tlen, 184 Colleen St.,
• dadg....,04:6-.4.
. ,
Palling down stairs with suffitient
Vied tO Weak both her wrista; Mrs. f - . : ' s„—a-- ,,,_ .
Cottrell, who Hvea ?tens Paitley, wag ,.. Tlie English House "'of Ler4a nu
bratight to Bruce •County lioapital Approved and Sent to tlye Houte ef
- teat •Stittirasty. Both llama br each CoMmOriS a bill' abolihhing the speed
• wrist Were frattitired, thaSe In 04 lirstit 'far sautontobileazeralsanotor Ott-
. tight being somewhat truShed. ' Dr. log, The bin, howevii, irianeSes drastic
1 locker, of PMgley, and. Dr. J. T.. ti.. perialtlei for reckless driving, limits
. Itobinion, town, attended. to the in. buses and talicki to :thirty miles an
. dill -
$arteli Of- thil siiltiza ot 00 4010t00. lour. and ii111)6sea ft,Alritilory 1 ,
bst , Allen •Firown
Teachers with laitiatiiae • - •
The Hassle' Examiner tells of A
teaeber in the Collegiate who has a
radio. order that her class
might haar a presentation _of— As -you
as this p101r. 'on 'their
course' Of study: I venture to say that
her classes .get mere out of actuallY
hearing St played than they would
out Of hears of class room situdy. So
mush more alight 'be done to make.
claw§ more interestiisg. The trouble
is that exaniihationts have to be the
paramou•nts issue • aed teachers Who
have initiative have pot time to do the
things they Would, like to do; and -
after awhile they settle down to Oath-.
ing but routine work. Teachers are
sinnewhat tied up in red: tape` and
cannot alWAys take their Work as they
Would like tO -do.' City teachers are
further ;tied up VI:local regti'lat!orls
tO .whieh they muat nOnforms
Rickets' -•• • ' " •
If Ssomeene. teld from' 50
me about what ,a' 5ne hUsiness •wea:
.to. 50% of • our babies had -•,,Rickets, inert Mrs. Thoinnaon is, and that,: bY
would Yee think that they were lass- George, he takes off his hat to a ivos
taken? That is juit what, thought,
So went to a docter who is in the - man who ean stall a' business on a
midst of investigation work, to ask shcie-strings and build it tin the 4/ay -
hiin about Rickets. New just stop and ..she has' done hers, and that she is
think about that. That means that asi kseri on a trade as ' a bank presis
8. out of every 10 babies has-Ritkets.
Now that does not mean thet they -
dent; and that nobody could take her
are hi the advanced stag0 with bows hi on a deal. ut I should soggest
legs and not -bellies, hut there is *hat going into bu. Teas; he would ,go up
is 'called incipient Rickets. ' • in Smoke, and "his . favorite Story isi
The unfortunate part of it that '
• telhne how I sold on old clothes Man
sometimes ihe Rickets' in itself' doei
•not do so much harm, but "it :leaves 350 Worth of clathes for• 59 ,
the baby epee, fer Many diseases, "Aad he ia-; always ,talking aboot
Which do more harnil.' than Riticeta. how well gronmed some 'Woman is.
symptams af :Riek411.' • and how beautifully •Manicured her
The rickety chilcl is osually a wells
hand 3 always are, but rocifraaak
grawn child' and looks well nourished,
so that the parent$ do not •susnect knews What Would happen if snent
anything wrong-. The :disease occurs -A,Sost of' mY rnoney in the
between thes seeend Month aad the
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are wifty and zip at repartee. Whip'
we o eist, that clever Miss -Greea isz
he draws the. intereating Miss Gray.
aa a'alitnner pnitnershe just haags en:
her ?words and Conies home singin
their praise&
, s
' "gut: syhen I try to talk to !him Of
IS -oaks, -Or tell him a good story, be
yaahyi in my face and asks Me if the
4ilihnbet Came to fix the, leakiag fats-
cet in the bathroem aad'how is little
;Thhuny's cold. What he Wants me to
talk abo4 is tbegessip, of the neigh-
•barheed :and the , family—what kik
Mother wreite abeut the old CeIN beiag
, sick, and his Asteria ne* baby, and
'haw 1 te the- boy' frie,nd'of' the',girl
izeit d or s4:aseed !eat ..iiight, and din
awful 'way in- which the Jane's hired,
glil.Weritlaiff and left them when•ev-
erybedy": was Melt. s • ' , ,: ,• ,
"And lily, husband always telling
end of the second year.• One of the
symptoms is conatination,• but that
itaelf is not an indicationoof 'Rick-
ets. The baby is restless, and frequent,
ly rubs the hair off the top' of its
head.' Sleep is disturbed „and the'child
is decidedly' irritable. Later the Mus-
cles becesne lax and the ligaments
elongated: Then Comes, the faMiliar
pothellyi • bow-legs, square head:
curvature of ,Ihe 'spine ssncl other de-
forenaties. I S
Cause .-: • • • .• ••. • '• •. '
:•The cauSe of• Riekets is In-ek of
Vitainin D. • This. vitainin effects.. the:
saintly ef ,Phospherous and Calcizzai:
aVaillable• for bone: fosmatien.
,rnin D ,not in •Mapy coMmon foods.,
bOtter-fit and egg yolk are'. the oaly'
ones. It Contained in, .Cod'4iVer.
but 'nets thief :.natural soured • is •the
sue: Rickets is a disease ef. the Temp-
erate...Zone; The .children of the' :Eton%
ics play about 'with .nert to nOthing
.on .and their'. bOdies are" :-exposed .to
. direct Sualight, and. se they get their
.supply of. vitamin in the artic
region . use .for food, fiah,. •,or
whei have lived. on-'fith. and
they,' get their :suPply of ';vit.struin D•
from.. the" liver. So lop see it 10 only
the • poor. little- t'eniperefe, zone' babies
*he haYe tca haVe
•-PreVention• • . • • .
It is absolutely pnnecess,ary. for si
babY• .have gickits. The Aline, to
•start its prevention is before ti.n
is borM The exPeetant mother •should
„take nod -liver oil' daily • mad -should
Ilspend ,as, much time.. a,s' possible ia the.
sun. Then .the baby will' have.a.SupPlY
. Of vitienin D to form the bones And
teeth. ' . • • •
• • Summer' babiei inay escane• Rickets
if they get • sufficient ••suriShities'It is
the peer. little winter babies that are
.the worst sufferers. is,. they cannot'
get much sun:4f they, are given.
.eod-liver oil-, -ins "bottled . Sunshine"
'they will eacape Rickets. Pabies are.
given it from. the tibse the are three
'Weeks -old. A few drons..a illy suf-
:,ficient to prevert Ricketa. •When the
prvention, of.Ricket•a:is such a f'
matter, it it n pity that, the kriow-
ledge. is not wide-snreart The govern-
ment %rends cliesiderable more: money
to leacb• the fact", that cod-liver•oil
is• good for. steek •and poultry: than
it does .in teaehine niothers that it is,
geed far bablegS Clinks should be is
'available aa. schools. . •-•
Bacon ..Sand.SIch
Cover a Slide of hot buttered toast
stsith, lettuce,-. and .snread with , talad
dressing. AfraticeesticeS of crisp bac-
'on and a few".rissas. •of thisils sliced
onion, en top of the. lettuee.Mal cover
with -a slice of .teaSt.
aohrinie' Cake •
1 tup of 'corn meal, 1 ,cun flour
4 teaspoons baking powder, 14 clip
sugar, 1 egg. 1' tablesroon better.
1 sun sweet milk, Sift dry iegredieas:
,sold beaten erg. melted butter and
ynilk. Beat well and nour int() butter-,
ed Pan. Bake .in moderate over .
• '
"What I can't ' understand nbont
Jaen," said a woman the other day,
"is wbY they don't like the quhlitieS
in their wives that they •admire in
other wortien.
"Now,' My }mall -and. for • instance.
has a keen eye for a. Wom'cit loeks
like living lashien plate. ;Ind he
alwayii tell's* me about how smart
Mrs. Smith dresses, or what a lovely'
frock Mrs. Robinson had on. or 1,iliat
a gorgeous wrap Mrs. grown has, but
deei he want me to go and doll my-
self up in imported Artery? NOt a bit
of id He never nal* Wi1 tit I wear
and if I hive ,a rieW hat at new
beauty shops. Now what would like.
to kneW is, why is thih thus? Why
are,O4 huabanda always holding 'nP,
to• us as, the ohjeets of their admira-
tion women Who have certain quail -
ties and do certain things, and then.
if we try to follow the example, bat,
us for it?" '
:Fos precisely the same reason,
.replied, that when a Man goes to -a A free. wisel-ari is one who-fight:a to - You Can easilY Pick ,out, the engin-
.viar and mode dishes, bUt f'or daily
ers are ,happdy spoiling grand-ohild- are the six -young falloVve Watching a
conserription he wants roasts beef and
• swear Is134.1. TXIMPS91/11 ze-a 1•01iia Diari11911 AliATiON
. •
• '
• 4..4*
ore ines,
_ ,
Last year We added, abciut
° 14,000 miles of talking chaii- :
'nth; to our ,Iong distante
system. .
- Associated apparatus
- switchboard, cable, , amplify -
f Jug equipment — has also •
been vastly extended and,
°And lower rates on alls
points 75 to 400 miles distant
are 310W effect. •
4ng Distance now gives
you quicker -and better com-
munication — with the next
town, or across the contin-
ent. -And it costs less than
ever before.
• ;
... •
, •
.reataarent oecasionally he orders. ca- keep her looks and her job. while oth- eers on a road canstruction jOb.
potatoes. We all -like .to on.
candy now and then, lnit wisuld.
perish of 'surfeit' Oa .a • steady diet of ,
chocolate ereaMs. ' . •
S AO that is the way men are about
'wofeens They enjoY the exotic tycenen
that pep thein up a bits laut for wives,
they wantsthe nonepeetaculat women
who. dre'strong en the good, oid-fash-
,iozzed feMinine 'airtees, mid: Who ale
not hnise to be lived up ,to, or make
too great a demand upon them'. ,
:In their hearts, men have passion
for the extravagaritly dresSed women
they adore laces and chiffons and
satin slippers arid furs andsjewels, but
the only time they, can give 'themsel-
ves up freely to the admiartion of
these gewgaws is wheiz some other
man's wife or daughter has them on.
What' it coines to paying for such,
fineries themselves, that's a different
story. and ,thiat is why, your' husband
praises Mrs.. Smith's and Mrs. Rob-
inson's Paris frocks but never stug-'
gesta pier going to the same dress
shOn. , ,
Of courie, a clever rime enjoys the
conversation of a bright and witty
'woman now and then, but he doesn't
want any wise -cracker en the 'hearth
whe would make a .snappy coMe.back
every time they had any famitiarg-
nments and whose tongue would be a
two-edged aiyord that stabbed .his 'the quick. He would rather
have some dumb' 'Dora' who would
think hinr, an oracle, and who wonld
.end domestic discussion -with hurst
of tears instead.of an epigram.
Oncesupon:a time I heard a famous
man say of a famous wornara She
is brilliant and fascinating and there
is othing I enjoy •niore than a CCM-.
versation svA ner, but I , weuldstlt
. ,
marry her if.she was.the meat woman
in the 'world. Pancy being married to
a Wife who' would always keep You
on your tip -toes te keep up 'with her,
and who woUld want to spend a plea-
sant evening discussing sonte abstruee
theory 6f philosophy. I get -enough :of
that sort of .thingia the outside world
in my profession. •
"When I come home" he continued,
"I want to come to a cheerful woman:
•Who will•chatter along' about thjngs
that are as inconaequential as the
'piping of a canary wincloW, and
to Which won't have to,'give wore
than one•lobe of my weary' brain': X
want a wirewho will coo to the haby
and not one who Will want to give
me her idea- of theory -of ,relativity.
And that is Why men fivprrY PS theY
do, and why wives eat" 'afford to srrile
at their husband's admitation of some.
• other women. -
,igtotdt.ahsTikr4flot:Itealoiwl tifit do. -p-o.Asai:%71:--s% na6hvt as.ceaPdtmiar.,ePtruct;
judgment of the ,Man who made it
theti he just says "ug-nkly" without
eiten looking up from his newspaper; td'e_a .01
tol.;Agnendt 'leyineinoyvve argeonwiettlyl-i!du'lef:' whititEhe ip drawing , their .6.wIt
ted and Wall read, and who gin dig.
cuss the new booki, And 1;vorid Stbileclitlinttinf; ein tthin leo want lot,*
• botit
• pc, ogglrott. . orty fflourgnos clo 0001, volliclec *Onto' thisgo thst, to4 sito
• .
ass" -
a' 1
Man work:
ss-sacsassaass-srasss-ss-a-s•-•-sass sisss-assaass....,---assza-s•* .assasSaSsass sass•-•
• .1 .8
csois.rvT DIETRICH.' MAPLE ,LgAF..
TRuE,.sri WAGON'. ,AXS„ • . ,
sminuit :and' CATTLE :SALTS •-•
Phone 66 - - Lucknow
. ,
' •
• •
• •
The, Ne* .MOCortitick.;Deeiing 1'31111
:Combination' of .the titoit Poliuliir, Drills.
The* "lie tattled ter' Light drott„Stroitg frame
Convenient and :Sure Adjustments. • .
30n# "'"" Maoh; •fh.'7."'""a"t4'40i400104f
•;;, "•
: •