The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 7RAOY" '911,der ba47i rents, Mr. t a ,London two year-old ot.•'tlie most aid children • . ati3• olid( in : ng or dead: lea ele•reu•' achutred ill • English•" to 'ba' .fining wander• i'ie,s..ltrurisei • .11(1:9414, iblic cal set that ; tear ei a ie end et ed p fifteou;;, .,. ter! :• do the side•". with ease. "we hay(' • arjorie• Her a plait; and in •with the 'es traitling r itlrth.' • . my baby She 'se-., ays ,and the sd • to like ft five mond putting k was "strut s not• N ;Fear • hand _ii. er e 'it Ii 1:hay' ts' tent . 0 • e to test. wino` ie had' b i the Berea - 'as the hero- in the ship, d udder wa- n' applause: its bath -45' bly and was rds frolic vater•vrings:' . leer balloon sailed away �i1Vd'l ' 62,00 PER TEAR IN'ADVANCE; .$2:50 OTHERWISE • DR- W. M. iC.O•NNEI.4 ' Physician and ' Surgeon Lucknow Emirs: 1.3.0-3.300 7, -Phone : 86.:•.. .. . DENTIST • ltae end will 'sit everyLuckgow ueeday, in The Gatr, House.. ouse. ;. DENTIST •,. Or: R L il'releaveny. Lucknow- .. Hours.; 9--'12 A. M 4.60-4• P. ' 11[r •Fhoue '53 •. • X=rrty •=Wil. 1 be in . • D° • ungaiinon.every Thursday; WALL PAPEReeit full line of •1930 Wall PaPer on .band. Prices ,consider•- abledown for ,1930. I ani also ,agent: 'far leading job houses,—R, J.: Carver-' ' on,.Decorator, Painter and Grainer, I3ox 174, Lucknow.. • FOR SALE—A. comfortable swell Apply to D C. '1'aytor. •ata—s=ii.,} . Quantity 'got .seed oats' ' for s Lincoln, L Weatherhead, R. 2, Luck - (20 -2—p. ) COTTA GE�OR' SALE . :Comfortable eight room frame co tage, well ` situated. e Apple to S. V. biallough, Lucknow t=: • :FUB ;SALE—Seed Grain,T—� C.21 Ba'riey'95c per bus. Good heed Oats i.u0 per bus. N. h'. lusneti, Lucknow Phone 106 J. or 100 W. - RECLEANING SEED GRAIN Now is the :time to prepare for seeding. by, . getting :your., seed re- cleaned—First Class' Chipper 'cleaner at Lucknow.. S. E. Robertson. FOR SALE—Banner Oats, Grade' No. 1, '$1.00 per bushel, O.A,;C Bar.-. ' ley, No, .21, Grade No. 1, Germina- tion Test 99%; price $1.10 per bush- • • el sacks: included F.O.B.Paris. • S. Foulds, ' Box 838, Paris. (27-3-=c,') AUCTION 'SALE' • Wm.' Fitzpatrick, Con: 10. East Wawanosh will have An Auction Sale of farm stock and ..implements . on' Pride y. Marsh ' 28, commencing.', at one o'clock P.M. Elliott Miller; Auc. (20-3=c.) . • .. ee AVC1"ION SALE • Wilfred Dreni;an, 7th Con.. , E:•`'D. Ashfield will have an ,Auction ' Sale bf Farm Stock=Cows,Horses, Young Cattle, Sheep end ' Pigs -eon April 1st commencing at: one o'clock P. Irl. Elliott Miller, Auc., (27-3—c.) • CLEARING AUCTION SALE : D. J. ' MacCharles, •Con. 1, Huron Township, 5% miles- west of t ueknow will have a aiming Auction ,.Sale of farni stock and implements on :Friday Mareh 210., commencing at one o'-• clock P. M. ' efee AUJCTIONEERiL. McLean Young• licensed 'auctioneer for the County of • ' .Bruce: Sales 'attended to promptly in all parts, of the country, on reason- able terms. Satisfeetion' guaranteed. Phone Kincardine. 'Phone No. 306 rag 2. (2'--3—c.) SEED PATS Eon 'SALE—Regis- tered No. 1. n A.C. " No. 7' . Govern,' • rnent inspected and sealed. Test 40' lbs.. Germination 95%. Our oats won first at f'n4iadian National Exhibition O3uelph Win'ar, Fair rind Turnberry Bin Competition. Apply to, A. & W 't4-irgn•••+•, Teesw.nter. (2O- DEBTS COLLECTED fro -We_ called . notes, account wages and Judgements. Our success . will•, astonish you.• We seldom,."eil. IF WE DO IT COSTS YOU" NOTHING, you can't lose. Write us today for 'partic- ulars, • Canadian Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound Brandi P.O. Box 951 • (27-3.170 Port 'SALE • J Barred d inek li theChick§,$16.0i per. 'huneeed. Whife Leehrrn Baby Chicks, $14.00 per hundred.wo hon. dyed • or el -ex ei"--r kinds Sl 01 nn,: iitindrer .cess. Hatching eggs $5.00 Ct iiwrrtrc• . , l Icer h d Ct am hatching' doµ four rents per •egg er four hundrer' tS.O, set for • a n. New and seem-el-hatid '• incubator: 5 brooders a _-rc• and, t ba ,�tnn. Prices. l;et your order . in view and get delivery when you *ant them. I have increased my hatching' capacity. Call ho write or phone D nncsin eeennedv. Whitechurch Ont. Ph'one 611-42. Wieglia ni. (1-2—tf.) NAV, Curtains Curtain Materials-- Chintz end' C, re New C ln nes The Market WARNING • eltiteereveleklee drivers «loon d" Pose no thine in getting their 1 I i markers• sand drivers p'ernmit§ asp ai ties drive. " th are ing withoute v now ltahle to r-0e010e, 1 P. Fergueoii4 Ghlef. . .r. LUCKNOW,: OPT., THURSDAY, MARCH • ' ,20th, 1930k Mise Peaxle Nixon was home -frorol • • THE WATERWORKS BY-LAW London for the week -end. • Property • ""---ti perty owners of Lucknow,' who a week-,end.gues_t of Mrs W. H.Todd. are the' persons chiefly interested in The muskrat:semen opened 'on Mar, . a financial " way in the village b I:awii 15th that is it became lawful to take by the rats on th.at'.date. appearing en page 8 ef':this slier Mr: Jose -.h ill no doubt 'have•g:iven the'niatte Joseph Johnston.ohnston is back to town r. 'after ',spending' . c. so>iie ,consfder tion bthis time. g g couple, .of � months; ,. ., ... , la .., Y ;. me. It. with ' his • ' t#o in.„,• as na n iM o. .. p.,rtant matter. The 'passing'• Mr;. Geor e • John t ” : of the .ber law. will'authorize.' g s ;on,.:whose home* the. conn+ • is at. "Ripley �isr: the assistant in Clar- ell to spend quite, a.laree'sum•.of',mo -' ;encs ' Murdies •Gro cer ., ... •. ' • ' y , e ., But, it. ' Ywo Would �mea n 1 aso. �',the, ':instal- • The opening of the trapping'`seaso • , lation • a ' .,. . 0 � n mproverl .fire= �rotect'o 'has. brought. Mx• . Calvin BitWater P t n f zs ' in a f Toronto, :to , this to;Llity' to purcheie . Ater s,:•and . an up=to-date-d'om= furs.' , estic water supply, • e • Misses Ethel and BellRobs 'On the other hand•the defeat of the runic put both the' w.council - • ate ..home' after' speeding: the winter by -lis; ill , • and months at St. Helens • and '' Toronto the village in .a difficult' position, ,Un-' respectively. o ' 'less we .are satisfied te. go on with Mr. N.. D. MacKenzie .who had been Practically no fire protection at l •in Toronto" a as couple of weeks, re-, (the present 'waterworks l turned home, much improved 'in heal- s are badly th,, on Monday. run down,. and .«pert front Campbell • The L'ticknow W.0 T.0Steels worthless 'for 'fire •fi htin • at the. will meet ' . large t; gJ a , home ; of Mrs. E. N. Hodgins sum will have ' to be expended on Friday ..of this week (March 21) on. a new • plant, or: the present' 'one•. at 3 o'clock. Visitors welcome. `Lgreatly, improved. The addition of • a. Mr. Lorne Wade took, a run sip from domestic Water: stipple. London en `Monday to see a few • . of doe .ant 'make, his Lucknow: friends. He re its °his much diffQrence'so. far•,qs the'annual ;people are `well .,and doing fine" .:• cost is, concerned,, because :those using Alf players 'the water will pay for this: Over one' Bridge• ,p ..ye who • have ' not received a copy. of the Clover Bridge hundred` have agreed toconnect wit Contest are'invited''to call' at 'Arm- a domestic • wate ' st :if d , m r .s�v..teni installed strong's" Jewelry Store and .secure a•. and the council; regards this, as a• awe; copy, isfactory number to be in _With. Mr: Robert' Henr Pur i with. y don . of Sas- There will � be, an Ener •katoon Sask, visited his sister-in-law ease in the Mrs. W. .H, Todd during the week. fax rate, but it should • not be, forgot-, Mr. Purdon• is' visiting rel,:tives, at ten that the increase will be practi-• Whitechurch" also. •Cally the came whether domestic•' Wee Mr.' W. H; Todd, is spending a few : ter is installed' or not -that "is, if Miss Ethel Finlay of Winghaiii waft days in :Toronto. He was . accoin•:pan- . necessary improvements and e,tten'- ied to the city by:. Miss Helen :John stone'who'•had come ep to spend .'a sions to the fire -protection.. waterworks• ,. week with 'her grandparents. aremade; and if these .are not made Trade In Watch Sale w• we stand to lose as ',much more thru Flaying made spec 11 arrangements fire •loss and. higher. insurance rates. with the Winton- Watch Co F. T. The best business heads in theco•intr' Armstron is in , aY g � position• to. make. �,3vor,-"safety' firer' as to firetsulistan. you a very liberal allowance on your old Watch. Trade in :,that old watch tial insurance. and :everv� possible care on ;a new up to date one: We may add: „that the reeve and Mr: R. J. Camerae was in Guelph on. eouncillors•who have studied' the whole Monday having -gone there to see his situation from' every angle are in fa- daughter Arabel who is 'still quite vor of the by -lets: and ••a good •:vater' seriously. ill. The effect of an opera- tion'. performed on Monday: to remove s ystem all ' wound. puss from, the lunge is not yet 'ca.- Any ratepayer Who• may•trant to tain, but is •e>ipeeted , tqq start the . know just how his or .her teat bill - Will patient on the way to recovery, . be affected .can; get reliable lnf-rma The business: change' which;., we . tion from the reeve. or the Village :announced last week—that in . the -sale, clerk. by Mr:' Elmer .Johnston of his grocery • business to McCharles Bros. did not —, materialize, although it was thought UNCLE TOM'$ CABIN • to. be as good as closed. That deal, ' ' - having been broken off; Mr, Johnston No drama' or picture :ever' produced sold the business to Mr. Clarence ,a greater thrill to young and old than Murdie of town who took it over on " Uncle Tom's - Cabin—that' immortal Tuesday. ' . , story ,,oe slavery by Harriet Beecher —ago -o—• • Stowe; There was something 'thrilling BOBBIE THOMPSON -WINS . about•the heartless cruelty , of . the • CUP IN SKATE' RACE slave owner, the humbledevotion of Uncle Tom; the lovable sympathy of "The Canadian" a little': newspaper .Eva, while Topsy,'well she just made . gotten out by the School for the Deaf fun for The whole lot. The story has at Belleville, last week contained an been filmed. and is billed for the account of "one of the most enjoyable Family Theatre• on Thursday, Friday events of the season." the event being and' . Saturday. March. e0-411-22. se carnival held 'in the new arena on Here the story' of selling• human Mar. 7th: ' • There - was 'ahont • 3;600 beings. their flo•erings, the escape of people' present and a number of the' .'Eliza and her child across the river boys from the school weep able' . to on ice. floes. the pnrsuit by blood take part in the contests. What gives hounds and .all its thrills. the death of • this "affair lo;al intere''t is that' "Boh Eva, are all brought vividly to hind. Thompson, 'whose home es in Luck; 'It is a .great 'story for the : younger now, was successful in waning•a f^.lk, while there are few' of the handsome cup donated donated by' till Kira-. older ones who will not get a real nians for' the Public School .'Race.", pleasure in again seeing the story The carnival is an annual event, and rehearsed. even if it deprived the the winning my Thompson was very thrill of leading a blood hound in. the popitlar with the whole .school. • parade. --o o -o-- One of the Mississippi's famous old NOTICE side -wheel .steamboats, the "Kate •Ad-. Notice is, hereby given that I have ams" was chartered. for nine v eeks prepared the List of ,.Voters,' entitled and rebuilt to .conform to the period to vote on .By -Law No. 2, 19"30. 'of the bf 'the• 50's. There are nearly •3,000 Village of Lucknow on the 7th day' of scenes, twice as many as in any for - April. 1930 and. that I have 'posted' up mer Universal Super production. ' the said •list at niv office nn Pe nine- The Uncle Tom's Cabin company teenth, day of March 1930, end the travelled 26,000 miles on,location trips SR id list will remain; there until the for local and. atmosphere for the many 27th day of March 1990 for in'nection scenes. These included visits to New And 1 hereby cell epee all "Voters York, Tennessee. Arkansas, Illinois, to take immediate' proceedings to ,Pennsylvanbf and California. • , have any errors or emissions cor- ----o-o-o-- rected according to law. - " CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY - ' .••• Joseph Agnew. Clerk. - ' -"b-a-o— An. interesting event tome reeee at, DIED • the 'home of •Mgr. end Mrs. Isaac -- Andrew of Zion, on• Tuel/lav, evening ' MURRAY—Suddenly, at' the Bethel 'March l lth; that •heing the 90th I' h- MU RAY=•Sp ., Hetet. Duluth, Mihnesot,q on Februar day of Mrs. David Anderson_ All her children Tithe and randehil� •.7th 1930• Texan e is A drGordonGor Murray; who •resided within drivin n g distance only son of the late Alexander .and' • were preseet, also one great' grand Elizabeth . Murray. 'Mr. Ale';ander daughter, Kathleen . C',ardner. Her sis- ter was a vetengn. of two wars: ter, Miss. I,.izzie Webster of Lucknow The'Slna'nish American Aria the World Itei5, and a nuniber of nieces and ;Ire,. C. aven . . ...,' T er made up the happy War. He was given a veterans. fun -.i _,�+arty. is just two years her jun'•Ior). crypt, in tho Soldiers National Cenire Were the centre of attrac on acid ... made tery at . . ,tnth, awaiting further dis- giants�• fireside, as they sat to-• g other by file fire'sicie. �"ree`in•� • all ositio? of his list ra -- i g y p • e Mrs. Algeo, comers. in, them bright cheery -way. of New York,- City, Miss Nina Prob.. Mrs. Anderson received. iron' •''he � v trt .t-, daycards and. stain of London Ene'land avid .Mcg.". i, letters, one of which h • - .. • ere bv. aeroplane fro•., Edmrinton. C ristina Welsh, of, n lncardine.. .......-0,...0 o • •(What changes have taken place in 90 years. TO Tat PUBLIC, 4.; :TWA brought' greetings from errand son -and . ..... great 1 eta a so 11 Ace: ats owing Henderson.. _.i :.._ _, g & dt Is d one loess«_. � e`"s' grandchildren I5 Cor, , m Found her .prior ta. Jan, 1St; 1930 „must ,. _ , . ... �, .: ,... , • • aid ort or. before Aliril and Gitelnh,. during the evening. A p,.... • ls't. 1930. life. ton - Mord' . e, iter thio date all hullding material s hori1 nekn.Mrs. ....� r.en, and ., . ., . ...r., .,.I•:_.Crai f Donn .brooke telephoned. be sbid -cash within thtrt da s. �'' : t'... • y 9 her._.itongr tutattnons:ea•nd be -et, wisi* verhi rt •da . s Y . term n nate: Ott ing during ti./ day, as curl very nnany annn'um for a:• terga► 'not, exceeding _ , ._.. !y niont}i ..'. i � - others, An;�n;r the anfl. she received s ',With the exception of -.,..,,, w e three lien n ,lf. . it bot 1 •f l i te.s o e ding' eonth;•rcts this rials will be .. ,.... � . _ .....w� ....: .. .. , r ,a carnations.. ler. i ^ ,i strictly I falrini y xntnre.i, te,tine adhered to Henderson _.., ieher . F ' the90th birthday. happyt�netnor� Pis be A Will 0 e'. rr six bnfi . ,. knndness• of those ivho•, helped mike 0 -0• it and • SINGLE `CQPIES'••5 CENTS SUS•PECTEn' INDIANS IN JAIL •TRIAL. WILL BE HELD HERE The twoIndian ' — s and squawsua- pected of having committed the frob, bery.••at' • Finlayson's store; spent the past week. in Walkerton jail: They belong on the Saugeen Reserve, .near Southampton, ' although when calx g"ht at Owen,,.. Sound n they' were -evidently making for the' Cape Croker .Reserve Where . they, no • doubt, .:expected. to e1 a the , police. .•names:::are,, Leonisrd »Wesley, Francis .Moses and Elizab :th. The se .,• ; . be -the e ua` 9 � does. not";appear •to,• be -the 'wife of either • of ' the'' Indians.' •On being searched after .arrest the Indians 'were found to• be pretty well equipped for .house,and 'store.break- ing They had ,about one: hundred yal e • cash -register., and door keys' and. 'among 'these were two with numbers corresponding to , Mr. Finlayson's .cash register.' They had 'a number of• screw drivers and, aTarge flash light: Constable Moore hags•• a number "of' things' which he found ,deposited not . far from., the' Lucknow station, ,and which evidently had been left by the Indians—blankets, a. grain bag which • contained .a 'roll of .cured ' pork.; -a .screw, driver and small packages, one of these with A. • R. Finlayson's trade'. mark• on it, ., .. • rt, appears that' the: trio walked the railway.' track "frost Wingham. ''to Lucknow; .and evidently .•thriving."too early they. camped :near'the. track 'a short distance east of the station. The squaw is said to,. have •adrnnitted taking the. 'hand' satchel • from the ,store,, and '.asked' what she ,did..with it said,' she had, put' stones in it 'and threw it in. • the • river east of 'the' station. She• was afraid itereight lead to . connecting her .with the robbery: The Pro'vinei.al police, had a warrant for the ar'r,.est. of• .Francis Moses on". a • previous charge. It : appears that he And a brother had got.into'some'mis- chief. The" brother was •.captured acid s en t to Ki n ston .P enitentia' rY ' fo r fiye•years,.`-liu •t Francis had, up to this time, eluded .the police. He, will be tried on the old charge • before being brought to Lucknow some day 'next PLAY AND DANCE "'Al•.vays Iii Trouble". a 3 -act com- edy ' vrill be: pr•esented in Paramount Hip, by local :• .talent the evening. of March' 28. "-Amission-35c;; School' Children 10c.. Dance afterthe play. Admission= -Gents ,50e.' '(2? 3—c.) -oma T OBITUARY', 'e ' Mrs. James Baird At her home, just west of Lucknow there passed Away on Thursday after. noon, March 6th,' Ann • Smart, widow of the late James Baird, Mrs: Baird •, was ,born lir Aberdeenshire, Scotland on June 16th, 1$30'. and ' carne with her parents to Canada at the age of seven.' The family settled ?first at Feegus• and later moved to the vicin- ity pf Palmerston. In 1869 she came to• Lucknow' and was . tarried to Mr. James P.gird. Six :children were born to them,,. The eldest, Margaret, died. when 2 years• of age and one other daughter, Mrs, Johnston died in 1921. Two sons and two daughters •'survive their mother; Charles and .fames, on thehnmestead;' Mrs. ly; ;McGill, Sas- katoon, Sask.; and Mrs. W. McIntosh. of Flaxcombe, Seek. Besides these there were 'three .children of ,Mr.. •Baird's by his first marriage; to whom Mrs; Baird 'was a kind and � faithful mother. In spite of' advancing' age Mrs. Baird wits always bright and' cheer- ful and keenly interested in all the happenings of the day. She was able until a short time ago to read With- out glasses; ,•end she spent ninny hours byr the -window reading' and watching the • glow of the setting ,sun. For the past three years Mrs. • Baird has been in failing health and , through this period • of tier life her .days were brightened by the ' tender ministra- tions, of her ..daughter, Elizabeth; Her death, was not unexpected, for she ad beenfailing jnng for some finis k but" during the last three. wee s eshe beeanne ste.tdily weakee and on Thur- sday afternoon, March eth,. passed peacafelly away. Mrs., Valid had been a life longmember' of the Presb +ter- 3 Ian: Church. In the early d.•lys the lankily attended South Kinloe'e ,Church, attended but from the time of the blinlding of the Presbyterian Church in Lucknow tine'untilY foifnd their churnli home there,where her husband was, and , her son, Charles • is now a member of session. rid funeral services.on' safternobn Mon- da'y : March lOtit we'con" + re dtieleri at the.fafnily home by lieu I1,nctionald. interment being g made 'in South"Kinloss Cemetery. T p'ri'etit'ds"ivho' 'w-e're "yr`eant -trait a enstaice her Sister Mrs. " ''r Intosh Gracie 'enol ltliss Oy see Mac , Toronto; 1VIr.• W. .gt naat, Cheslev, M rg-liret Smart and Miss Margaret Martin' of Pelmet -eines Mete R.. C. Mc.. (lorva}t pug, slaughter from.;Myth. 1) The Bread'..._ .._..... The' Bread „.of Health. .. ;� of.. Health ' •OtTR MOTTO 'IS ' Q UAL>(TY. AND ,: SER VICE: :. • , . BREAD •, L GIVE . SPENANC E TO MAN. AND 'VIGOR TO t>!S ,RYERY E11DEAV •`N '' • ' . pR • a •L�• n a' 1T U , T 4IOm E� •MAD��A E NI)�., •t.0104'O' 'WHEAT:: • .; ::B:READ FOR ` VOOD OD `IiE'ALTH'_ . , :JELL. Y ROLLS, •CREAM .PUFF .. S T' '. Ea ..IB:':. ,S ,UA: A , ISC[JITS, R;A,SBT�RRX•., O2 .. BES, NU'T. BARS, PUFF .PASTR1ES, 10' .:.'..119105S, ,.. ,,.OUGIiN'U`TS, ;I:GED- COFFE• CAKES,;;OATMEAL' C m " O(iKIES, , 0 H2OLLYMAN'S' QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow. The practical effect of, Sun Life Pros'' : erit No doubt people who read Of the Sun Life company's y's Prosperity, wonder how • it effects the returns on its policies: Here is in actnsl•, example .from one of the Com- peers:. leaflets, A 'person taking a 20 Year Endowment and pay- rng',$49.85 per annum -ker'20.": pay-'. menta, will have paid the com- pany $997. ... The Company Will Then Pay Hint:, Face value of policy ..•. X1000:. Profits (d • HIS 'PLAN ., • , • • ' (dividedanon •' ally', and left • to. ••ae- c.utaeulate.unbassuf present, scale) ..... •Maturity Dividend Total .. STA•RT� YOUR BOY • AOR • GIRLW.I. WITH a $500 or a $1Q00`POLICY • ON '558 150; Gen,. H. Smith' SPECIAL. , REPRESENTATIVE Sun Life Assurance Co. ofCanida' Jewel. Rebekah Lodge' will hod a Birthday Soc=.31, Tues. evg.; March "5. Rebe'kahs, their husbands or gentle - 'men 'friends; Odd Fellows, their wives or, lady. friends "are cordially invited. Ladies please .bringlunch:—Sec'y, • Q 0 FAMILY THEATRE EATRF £H U1 SL•AY, FKiDAX', S A2'U D f March 20-21- 22 • ,"Super Special" ;U'NCLE' `TOM'S' CABIN" 2. Showa Saturday night., First show starts at 7.30: Admission .35c. & 20e. Coming Hoot Gibson; .In • "KING . OF . THE RODEO"' and COMEDY; ' • Gunn's - Fertilizer WHY SIGN. AN' ORDER: FOR FERTILIZER; WHEN YOU CAN ' GET WHAT, YOU WANT ANY ' TIME?, MIXED' FERTILIZER :CON-. SIDERABLY 'CHEAPER: : THIS YEAR. GEO. 'S. ROBERTSON. nnouncement Having purchased 'the Grocery Business of Elmer Johnston, I respectfully solicita share of your patronage. A Full' Line of Staple' Groceries always on hand. Fruits In Season - e ll An experienced and competent clerk - has been engaged, --Honest dealing, Prompt and 'Courteous attention assured.. ,YOURS FOR SERVICE • CIarence Murd-ie TO. THE PUBLIC . As it is reported th;�xt I am connec- ted with a recent change hi. the Gro: eery Business in Lucknow; I wish tit say that 1 am .not in any way what- ever connected with .the same and am in no way interested. R. H. Thompson. -.,-000,....... Card of Thanks • Mr. Isaac Pinnell and daughter, end MTS. Hodgkinson, :wishes 'to express grateful thanks to the friends and neighbors who were eo kind and hip. ful-at the time of the illness and death • of Mrs. ' •. Prone 11 •• • FOR, SALE—Two dots itiith house and barn en good corner; in.L'ucknoW. Inforitation. at The Sentinel Office. (10 -4 --ea) . ,• AUCTION SALE OP. FARM PROPERTY. IN Ti#E TOWNSHIP' OP KINLOSS D' direction ection of the Nine ' 9t ..... ,.. •, I�!ilb c Trustee of Ontario, the following property will be' offered' for sale atpublic auction on, the premises subject to a reserve bid, on, WEDNESDAY, A.' w 2nd,.193 At 1.00 P:. M. o clock That valuable farm propert'y belong- ing to Euphemia G. I•Iouston, known As Lot 5. Con. 8, Township of Kinloss; cinonta...im n�g. fifty acresFore or le $s. TERMS:—i0% cash and• balance thirty days on delivery of U'eea.• ?or farther r panti.c tars apply t0• Mr. Fliliott Mttler, Public 'I rustee, Auctioneer' .. 0sgoode knit Leelefievel Ontario'. Toroat4 2. J. Cnn phel1 and Annie (a nurse). in „ w� ... 27 , .).• Etiniiltbtt. LOCHALSH MAN DIED • , . IN 'CALIFORNIA The liessrs. MacDonald of Lochalsh received word last week of the death of their brother, • Kenneth F. Mac- Dtlnald who died .at his home in Los Angeles, California on March 3rd. • Death came after an emergency oiler- • «tion folr ulcerated stomach. - Mr. MacDonald was a son of ' the late Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald, a' pioneer fainity, of •Lochalsh and was 53ears of a y ge• •His death' makes the first break in a family of ten children,• seven sons and three daughters: At the age of•• 13 •the .late Mr. Mac- l {.Donald went' to live with a relation+nt • • Iiintitl and Was at the Lochalsh home n veiny' little after th�t time. 1n' 19ti,w he Went' to. the State of Colorado and was: in business a • Longiiiouth and Boulder, being interested in a drug stn?e, in a grain .elevator and. rte min- ing, until about '192G when he went to California.• ihfle' at Longinouth. Colorado he Was Married to.Miss :Pearl Eeincrt. *ho • died: lit January . of 192:0. He is 5tirvived by two.sons: Finlay, 21, and Kenneth ' 19 •.ve_2Vrs of age.,-_ ' ' ' Bi±others..enckaistexs-o.thedPrs,d A ares leortald• A., Aleft. and Tom, at • •k•. Lochalsh;, Jim inl Montana; ltoderlc a to Nebraska; John nn Alberta: tVii.s . _. Catherine Stewart, at t.och:nls1 ;' Mrs. bn •