The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-06, Page 8• •••..q.„ f 1 nelit;NZIE- KING be his latest and e: 'P,r1iament is in session and ;there is a good deal here being an election 014e:' of CoMnions daring ng surnrner.'The- 'Govern, atest move to get in line With ifli9n .in Ontario is bill to OW of Iltieor to the United R; • 11#17.:Os.,,'Ittgtogs RAIR434 pcgoo.14 REPouTs ! SA, tiftRItAiniOSS, ••• jaliaiihan4.:*Orwk4r 0,rt- Sr II9yd 11101all 10: MOW MacCetinell' 83:, LaWriiice •Ma01.4e0d 72: Ellen liorn4 6a: Gtace Maid 64' Jr. III7-Mation•Camphell 85: Dor- othy Mcceponellt 75 Lorne Sills. 60: 'Calvin Sr. XTL-DrInfild,' Thomson .54, 3.1.1",-;:WlIntlfrett-Thonison 77: Cli,,- fferd: McNall:i 63: • Mary Carter 614 Jimmie Bu 66: Jonnie:Carter Millicent.Carter 57, I-LFreen. MOopeall 93*: Rath England 704 Margaret Thomson 57: ::George Carter 47:`, ,8r.Pr.r,4\turtice Carter: Ray MeNall 3r Pr -Edna IrWiniEileen Carter,: (*) .absent.for egami , , ' • w On Roll ' 1•Afe. Att 24.• . • leacher flamiltiall;', S S Flo:'5 Ashfield , • Sr.' mo:rits .275: Peas 165 -Lloyd Minter 216. Jr Marks 325:. Pesti Hunter: 292:. Violet 'Rit- chie,242: Daisy' Ritchie 170: Ruby Reid 167., , . ; • Jr: /a -Possible Marks 300: Vass 180-Harvey'Ritehie 197: Irlma Hack- ett 184 • • : '180 -Lane Oardner:203: Ellen 'Andrew Sr. II.•---PosSible marks 300: Pass, 1901 -Rena Hunter 170; 'Jimmie Reid 168. ., Jr. H. -Billy. Drennan 67/Yo: • ,t : • Jr. I-i-•Deris Reid.. . Hunter:' Eldon Ritchie* Na. Roll 15. , Ave: .Att 1485 Teacher: -Ada M. Webster. S. Se, No. 5, Knaloss 'for February. Tested in Geog., Spell Comp. and - Literature ' An -is,„ is visiting her-= Sr. IV --Beth 'MacKinnon 7414: Fieleyeen.„ , • J,ohnston MacLeod 64: Elliott Car': c.,44.10ifarth;10,1nt 17;.thers 14*.' . " Ft, th., IV. Mary White 69. • • 4"7.#11 Mrs' Sr.TIT Leonard MacLeod 74: WU- Lewis m„,ylor' fred White '65: Irwin Carruthers 47. ivin Jr. M -John Parkes 62. Billy• MacKenzie 70: Betty ltiacKenzics 0Oft'e have' c -Good ---,Kathleen Carruthers:' 68: Goldie Purves. 40, S. 5..N9,4/. KinIOssJ • EXanlined. in Geog.,.Hist., 14t., Ari3Olo Orem., and ComP. • .8„r IV,•;-:Clujstene, Otr70%; Aleg Or Florence liodkleY 60. Sr. III -,-Lorne Wa11 74*: HoWard. Cackenette 59: Jim' Moffatt 58.: Rose' Ogekenette Hockley 62: Dolly Or 69: Donald McKinnon 50: Bertha Richardson 49#:'Florencie Wade!) 44*, II, -,Gertrude Oaskettette 83: Dail: offatt 74*; ArdYss Brown 60; Wal - I ce 'Richardson 56*: Freda Riehard,,, s n 50*; Veronica 'Wade' 34: '"Jesse S. S. Z19'4.West Witiafiesili Roont Narka ' 14-B9Pall/10 114 -6 -IL nom 1003: N. Wpatherhead 089; G. , iller 917:, L. Miller 807.: • jr. Marks 1013-J: Baratir 819: Y. McQuillin • 855: -N. •319Donald 807: M. Morrison 805. II -Possible Marks' 1211-E, Swan' 1174: ft. CrO.anston 1010: A. • Miller 876. • • 088-G. Weatli- erliead 952: •G. •MecD,oneld 937; P. • ,11.114114N, ;#1,110M re;‘, BOOK FROM, ED. C4SWBLIA A recent 11,011 to our deal' a cppy of a new edition of "„Canadian Singers aail Their 'Bone by real "OW Boy" of Luokpow, Ed. S. Caswell. The first edition .o this book came oat 15 years 'ago. Xt containf ed very Mil OOPS of leading Can- adian literary. .men and. 'women to- gether With a photographic repto- auction Of the hand -writing of the author. ' pictured --a selection genie popular piepe., The present ,edition is quite an im, Durnin 936: 11". Me.cDonald 850: IL prevenient .on the first. There ire rr 32. . • . Woods- 724, ' more pictures in the "Portrait gal- ' IL...Geroe Brown 69: Isobel Orr, 44: prr.4,540.1144,1ral..ks'.840_,R, Webb ierye And they are lAtter. The hook earl Hockley*-.. • 302: J. Pritehafd 296: A. *Polled is at onceinstractive and ipteresting • Pr. -Joan McKinnon,: George Mf.276: 3. 4itehison 263. - to these who have but a .sat ,fatt, ,M04innon; Beatrice. Test Diarks • - , • ledge of Canadian nether:, rni deckenettei: /*lifted. Weather feet that., they to have • • • • • ` • WW1 171 :ft. Then* 74'; Miller : more . • ' -• • Ice,- on Roll 28.• , Ave.; Att.. z.6:‘ Jr: ,Idegaililnit0':- it FP:rater, ; If we mai offer a wordofcriticism Those marked with asterisk.' 66: N.' McDonald Morrison thie It: Would be ;an improvement were Absent. for: one or .1T -B: *Win 97:•!It.:,.CrifflatOtt, Peri :if: the :• 'quotations 'WOO*: inations. • • Jean Line, , • . • .7`. the • page No.• ". Ave.. Att. 19., in. sinall de/trip:ye: The ',Writing ' • • S.S. INC. 16 Ashfield Verag. Todd. Ina -4 a worthy author is hard to Examined in: Snelling, Agriculture • read and a reproduction in type Geog., Art Lat Arith. & ' ' S- S -No 3 Kudess " would be a great helm V -Frances Crozier 24%; Eileen- Sr; •Colwell 70%. 'An 'appendix eontains 105 short but " , . Jr.1,k-gabelliess 72: Irene John-. Treleaven 80. :informative biographies,. referring of Sr. IV -Anna Treleaven 85: Colin .sten 59:. Grace MacPherson 58: Maur. course, to those in the "gallery" ice Bode* 30: Mabel Etivikshaw 28: These are highly, useful to the student Crozier .82. • , ' Jr. IV -Alex Genie •63i" Beth Me-' Sr. Eckensvviller 45: Cur- rie Colwell 28: Ralph Hodgins 261 jr. III-NOrman Roos 48: Jimtny Johnston 37: Garden James 31: Jane Carter* 28:.Levi carter* 8. . Class -Ina MacPherson 88: Gor- Connell 54. • Sr. III -Harry Swan fit: Beatrice Treleaven 89: Benson. Shackleton .76:; Lorne Hasty 75: Watt 63:. Si: Cidbeit' 76: llonneY 11 Culbert 71:..Iona . Swan Reggie, don MacPherson 83: 'Verna Johnston Gaiiley 44. ' 54; Evelyn Johnsten 54-: Peter Carter. I-KennethGenley 65: Cecilia Watt '20*: Florence James 15 54. .1 ClaSs-Good-Stanley • Johnston: Sr. Pr. --Anna! Culbert,. 70. Edythe Johnstoni '..Harvey - Johnston. Jr: Pr., --Aden .Gauley 61. Fair -Mabel ''Iehllatoll• Roll 19. . Ave, 18.44' Nino. r-Eggellent--Grant Echen- ' Teacher: -0. M. Kilpatrick. swMer. Those marked (*) missed an elcalll' • ' ,, . S. S. No. 9, Kittle:Ss , - . ' iruition. , Helen L Thenapson, Honours 70%; Pass 60%/' Form 11'.-Donsilda MacCalhim .85: ...;.**060,10.1 • Stuart Dawson , ST ULENS Sr IV-johntliatterson 79; Cath - Mr. Angus MacDonald whO 'spent. Cath - aline Patterson 76: Harold Purves 71: ueknow'• George Robinson. '. Sr: HI --Nellie Maccalluni 79: de:1- ,0(7i% a, visitor on pr„....pair-Roert, Parkes: Grace me Wraith 77:' Agnes 'PattersOe 68: fir and 'Murdean aeLeod absent for. Jean MacCallum ZC laties in and "!of greater part of month. Jr. III -June Morrison 64: Leola weelcaround NO. on Roll 18. 56: Donald hi.ocKenzie 44. 1.• • - (9 Missed one. exam. Purves 87.' lier-4'fronit here :attended • tis,e i,es,tived Leeiww • tyre J. MacDonald. I-Wiffred Mintz. ' • I very entertaining. - s„ s, 9, Ashfiem Pr. -Mary Wraith. ' No. on Roll 18. : Ave. Att. IBS., imin • an visited tart' week ' .:Ir Class, --Keith ' 'Johnston 84%4 Teacher:-Andirew M. Thompson 4., t it ' . MarY Clare 76-: Dorothy Curran 58. ' .1', • . Ai '1d attended a cir IV -Verna Kilpatrick -,1; Wil - in Brussels, ' on Tues- ' Rani Johnston 68: Olive Bloke 53. St. Helens SchOol-Sr. Room Sr. I11--tarvey Kilpatrick 71: Al- Sr. V -J. Foran 73*: X. Miller' 67: cid/mon-land children, ma Curran.'70: CliffOrd Blake' 65: M. Ramage 60: H. Thom 47. • 'pent a few days last Gordon Anderson 64 ..., . Jr. V -D, Weatherhead 60: N. Todd .. I;an side ' . 4. 5C parents at g Jr. III --,Chester Twamley 6 . Mut- . „ . . 'arrlithers of Stratford' iel Blake 51. ' • , t • Sr. IV -F. MeQuillin, D. Miller " : 110:eek end at her Sr. I -Harvey Phillips 83: 'Bertram (tie) 80: Con . Curran .82:' Phyllis Blake 76. Jr. IV -R.' McQuillin 72:1 D. Mac - fel Irwin and. Doris'• Jr: I -Elmira Alton 87: Russel Donald 69: A. Watson, 66: E. Dnrnin -11. Mr. and Mrs Alton 63:' Eda Phillips 56. ' 61: J. Thom 49: G. Morrison 46: ',C,. ' -• ' ' • .", ' Primer -Mary• Horton 90: Wile- McDonald 41:' D. Swan 39: E. Miller • - mina Lannen 88: Lorne Phillips 50. „ces. on 'Chintz, Cretonne. No. on. RO11.91, Ave Att 20.75r -Nm on • Roll 17, • • • Ave. Att. 16 etort-Fer Quilts and Coin-. Teacher: --Olive L •Anderson .. .., . , ' Olive -Alton. • . . NTERS BROADCAST FIELD r • C (g) o 0 o • Job. Ai tither • I • • series of : radio 'broadcasts has been inaugurated by the Canadian -Pa 4fie...1tilhfty ;_e_YetrArridaYnight 1 from 10 to 'II over MAO' in Montreal \and CX611V in Toronto with possibility, Of extension to ttlajdr .Canadian cities in the near future, The baton of Reit Battle, Wfitie work as the director basis of of the pregramme has been organized miter. . . -iateiciaoroliestras in Montreall-antt -latterly at the: • Royal Toronto, lute won. litin great popularity. smoir-opera company has been oNrottized for the roilue#6* 4f light hglle4.0Persa etigh as, hags hi. ttirad 46 4010* Niel* mug!. $10114100 Wee - ^ Onto,. nwnnapeg, Itegma, Vanecniver and Victoria, and . theae-will -be- _gven- under dittation ',.Heather, welf4nowa charciter acter-and:impreserro• Ballad operas Frerich :Produced at the Quebec Feat. 'trial; together with Prerich-Canadian folk songs, will be produed:under the direction ofCharleS MarChand, PoPillar foikinnget Pie largly- illuStrstion sheyM elect chatter scene from he ballad "Bo for the Grande,' atitelriset Ges-, Aviilo a711 star in the radia prOduation: The other intets are of gcx Battl, leader Of the Orchestra, and -Allred Heate. 4iliertiet4r. Sete)* aid -producer Of the ballad operee to • "' ASOFIELD CIRCUlt:NO*5\ "Lord .teach us to pray" , What. is becoming His diseirdest this surely is of real condemn toe' all who profess and call themselves Christians through this- • season.of Lent. The LOrd and Master of us fdl said -"watch and pray." "Shortly be-. for the death of Booth, the great actor, -he was the guest of a large number of ministers in the -parlour of an hotel in New York. Some .one asked'him if lie would repeat the Lord's prayer. After a .Moment. of hesitancy .he did so and when, he• had finished there wee not a dry, eye, in the group.. Som % one broke"the holy spell by asking 'him',how long it took him to leatn to repeat the great 'the Winter VisitingThis hrotherei-the . ' • ' ' • -prayer. thus. "Gentlemen, he said, 1 have been: trying for morekthari flirty years 'to repeat the prayer, apd feel - as._ though 1 seareelv:haVe begun wet,: thily to interpret it. • • .• . • The Sacreinent of the: Lord's' Sup- per 'Will.- .be administered at s.Zion„ •• next. .Sundaiy morning, look forwartito,•andpray •for all the eerifee.s Of the. Sabbath „ .• The : Day ••of Prayer is .heine 'Served. by the Women's: Auxilariesi Messrs: McDonalds, and other friends ;is leaving today for his home at Bindles, Alberta.' Mrs. Rouse and Miss Clark -of. Guelph are the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. MacKenzie Webb and their. cousins the ?dessre.'McKenzie. Mrs. L Phillip is a' visitor with her friends in .Goderich. ' Mrs. John Miller: Sr., is very low at present. , The Beef Ring *ill hold n :meeting on Ashfield Circuit. • • • OiniltereMnotiodyoenaiigihta, ttifinadcr.h: .19. A1:1•. 4n.vintretiqznloton the IY11 adSi es (:)if14thea hearty Mils. Gertrude Wallace of Barrie APPoietment tejoin thet In Observing is ;visiting her' cousin Mr.' *allace the World's Day of Prever to 'be held Miller. • Zi Church on: Ftidsty afternoon :hoefir t A Oclo. ck•-• 0. • thin), The W. Sai the •:eliirk On. Friday 7th. It being 0 the touNG. WOMEN'S "World Day of Prayer." An invitii- .. • • MISSIONARY SOCIETY tion is eitended to all the ladies.: • he Young Women's Missionary -0-0-0-- Society met at the Manse on Thuts, • WHITECEURCH day evening, Feb. 27th: with tWenty- _ „two members_ present After theopert,,„ -Mini Annetta Fisher. Of Stratford.ing 'exercises the president, Miss D. Normal spent the week end at her Henderson, continued the Bible Study home here. ' . 'Acts, 17th chip. Misses Madeline Me - We are horsy. to report -Mr. James Morren and Margaret.'MacDonald Wilson, Zr..to have been under the contribated duett. The topic, Ovva doctors care. We ,lope for a apeedy liar Missions -was ably dealt With recoterYi • by Miss Fern Reid. Mrs. Horace AR- M!. Forster is at his home bison gave a reading and Mrs. Harry hire recovering from a recent attack Anderson closed the meeting', with Of -tonsilitis. prayer. We were pleased to have Mr. ladies F of ftlie CommunitY leek McKendrick with. 'us who kindly are invited to attend the World's Day presided at the piano.. ' of PraYer in the United Church . Friday afternoon. Match 7t.h CHANGE AT CARLOW STORE Mr. W. J. Fisher returned home from lat. Clemens, Mid:, .1st Wed- Mr. A.C. Clark who lies been store- nesdaY. keeper at Carlo* for over eighteen .The Women' S Institute are holding years has sold out and intends leaV-. this Thursday evening, March Oth. ing our distrit. The announcement is received with much regret by the a Box Social and Dance in the Hall Fveryhody Welconie. people of the district, as Mr. Clark Mr. and Mr, Johnsen Conn enter has their Mende and neighbors has. been a genial salesman,' a faith- ful servant to the public and e good to a dance last: Friday evening. citizen, interested in everything that tends for the good of the comunity. MA successor is Frank McIlwairt of ZION NEWS . Nile,. With some experience -in fact t ' MAXIFING Mise Ada:of Zig% spent the Ivecit.ell(l.with,.ber cousins here. Miss Girace ot Nile, 'Wan borne ever the week -end. . -Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier and Earn, ily of Crewe spent Monday evening at the home ,of -Mr. aod„Mrs. S. KilPatrich, Mts. John Lazenby 'held a nuccess! ful sale of farm stieckirui tlinnlements On Tuesday of last week. Mr. Isaac Cranston , has the farm rented ' for this season. 4,teep mind the United Young 6" le' d W M.S. eti ' n P ep s an • . me ego e Friday evening. Mr. Davis will be preEient aid:give an .address on \ "A Chosen ' • ' • „ number -from 'here: attended thn play "The Village Lawyer" pre - 'en* 'bi- the Exgeleior Class of Dun- gannon United Church in the Parish, Hall, Friday. evening 'They hada full house and the, nlay was well presented; and .apperentlf thoroughly- enjoyed • by the audience. ' Ladles' Fur..Coats : A few Ertra C'loice 'Models that We wish to clear at great teductimm.• If „interested no've is. Your chance. • King, Bros., Winghana Miss Ada Hentspeni the week end' it 'night be said that he was horn with Mends at Mstfeking. • into the business, his father, the late Miss Eva Gardner Spent a *eek. Robert MeIlwain having kept the, with friends at Dungannon and Nile general store at the Nile jor many The W..orld'S Day of PraYerwill Yeaa: observed by the Ladies of Zion church • and members of the Women's Mis-, LAMB AND' MUTTON sionay _SOciety on_ Fridtty_ afteukori ...March 7tht„3. P.M. All__ladies art. . cordially- invited to attehd. • M r. mid 1VIrS. Will Cardner visited • with Mr. and Mrs. les. Craig at St. Augustine on Sunday. The Langside Dramatic Club win itesent their act play "Red Are Frni" in the Orange Priday eenirtg IVfareli 7th. iAdraissititi to 35OTT- aitig after the pisy, Couple 50C. Lunch served by ithe, Orangemen. riers:IS of Mr. Jas,:0ardnet, Win- •-nipeg, will be wry to know that ho h -as- tottered- a stroke leaving hie left side parelized. At the age of 80 lairs 4t Is not expected he OW Ira' !POI IOWA ftbottoaptl • . 1 , , • • EVERYTIIING.004 '40001 cAlAtosurig WHAMS' INIIRENNIE 9waTED _ • TORON'T _ ALAO DAOKTRZAL', ANC16,0 PUBLId• 'LIBRARY BOA:RI) The LecknoW Pablic'Library Board' held its annual organization Meeting' ; on. Tuesday evening. 'The. -secretary 'reported. that 'Bey. C. XI. MacDonald .„ who .had been chairman in 1929, had resigned, having been 'eleatect to, the • , School Board, and -one eaneot be • ' InefPlier of the two: boards lfh seine tithe. W. IC Anderson who l'ad • been treasurer; , kad also left ,the. Library. Board to take 'a .place the !Village Council. • •. Dr: W. V. Johnston had' been ap- Pointed by' 'the; Village Council to complete A.nderson's term :and. was present. No al3neintment, .by the , Elehoel. Board take:'.Mr. MacDon- ASIIFIELD NOTES " ald'S Place *as. reported'. • The Aahfield Union U. F. W. 0. in- tend holclino• .Irish concert in Leehalsh Hall: Friady evening; March 14th., Admission 50c. Members are asked to bring lynch. A goed.prograni ia expected and all are ;welcome.. The '13:F.W.O. and U.F.U. Clubs of Parainount will' have a St. Patrick's social and. dance the Paramount' Hall for the 1929-30 membere. The: April social. Will be for the 1930 members only, A good program is. being prepared. Ladies please .hring' cake and sandwiches. Gentlenien 95c, BOO of school :age free. -The consumption-oi-lamb and Mut- ton in Candkis- showinga „rapid; in-. crease. During' the year ending last March, upwards to -4000 More sheen' and lambs were slaughtered in in- spected packing houses than during the- preVions year- The, -totals were; 1;068,885 cattle:, 69,994. 'shee, and 2,03;704 hogs. Ilowever, -there: Sm's decrease in -the: iniralier_of..cattle_ end logs ilaughteireit at itiele" atoba-w-. toil's. The p,sekers are said 't� be making iticreased effort to improve the quility 'of the products they turn ea. More of the ,flnishof ared rileats ready. for "the fAle bOing Mentifetinied, looking to the: figrilipment ti home Market. ere an There • • • A revelation of the, wits cange • and high quality of Manufactured • products •certering in the .• twin. :,cities of Port Will.am and Port Ar-••- thur was'cominented on by, visitors to .the !•Iioratrinaustri Eabibltion' held' at' the fernier Mty recently. • • The Exhibit. was open onlY it0M • fide inanutactueerS of the. and: one hundred.'entratiti.:•bad 'pays In which there. was practical- lyno duplimtcin 01 prodUtits. Forty ieciis age not a tree eouid Axe ;een growing ' ea ffrpensiVe etretches of the virgin Pi:Wiest in westerp Canada.. To -day trees are , plentifui and there is hardly an es-. , tablished house but has ite sheltet belt or a: grove of poplrs, ' maples or soine other variety of trees. Recent reports of inspeoa tors Of Canadian Government Fir-' estrY Service show that there Are • 7,600 /arms thits•.provided arid to date over 100 milli.* trees have been distributed over the prairies, with many millions' there bought from 'nursries and 'planted On - Alberta led the western provinces In the number of successful. farm placements Made in 1929 • hy the Canada Colonisation Association ea a total �f. 427 fmilles were 'settled -on 50,802 acres, said W. R. Dick, stiperintenent.of land settle- nent for the province, at a Meeting In Calgary recently. • 4 The first of the Canadian:Pacific • Railway broadcastings took place Februar.' 31 over CICAO from Montre'al and CROW frdm Toronto, and will be repeateci. every Friday tbere4tfter. :TIbese • stationi were linked over Canadian ..Pacifie tele- graph&which allovi the use or teeh- uleal iniprarements brought into use for the .first• time.. ., Ruining • from 10 to 11 on the nights et brOadeisting the concerts will be • Mao up of:light syniphony orches- tral . pieces and renderings of light ' and balled opera. music. „ The se - les will be built up to the Slogan of "Cheeful and Good" and the Or. • °Matra WM he under the Ship, of Res. Battik - whose brilliant work hits won wide • poinclarity. Sea chantey muife.and• Freneli,Canadicin itid• other' . folk songs will else 02 featured. • Appointment of L. C. lifeOuat, one of the Dzninion's leading agrieul- turiets, • as general agricultural agnt. of the Canadian •Patific. Rail- atillOWIcad recenly, Is farther ' ' evidence of the railWay's filtered In the deveiopreent of Canada. Mr. , McOuat has had 16 years' experi‘. enee in agricultural and liVestoekh affairs and enioys the distinction of having represented' Canada on an Imperial-^cotinnittet-'to-study--the met. supply of „thegitish„gmpiree.. Shriners ',making the Royal *ore Hotel, Toronto, their Mecca nest June for their. Imperial Council sessions, Will find a eitY teadi bullt and. tenipped tor, 8,009 people. ac their eirvice. The Canadian Pact*, tic ititiivay are now building "Fee -City" composed of railway sleeping ears stid Marquees to take the of -alfritliiiia-Tierviee • blinding& l'he new city will' • closely idjo n the Exhibition grogede where the convention is be held i• • It will lie divided' by • fonlan -Midway" and-itsfttWleagtlt - Will .he adOned With cmoter_roS4 to, known so "nemeses Drive.'" ilreet. numbered let. etil• ' !SO flidigte trom 44idwitsu. Members present were, ' Messrs: ' W. 'Craw. •J. C. Murdoch, A. D. Mae- Kenziq: W. V Jo.hnston and Mies F. McLean. Election .6f. . officers resulted . as follow: Chairman, Rev. f. W. Craw; Secretary. A. D. Mackenzie; Treasur.:' r; Dr. W. V. Johnston. ItINLOUGH • • • The Woinen'at Day of PraYer' is on Friday. The Anglican ;led: N•esbyter- NV111 Unite' ihere for this • sI a which Will he held in the- Prsbterian Church at 2.30 pan, It is heped that there will he attendance. ' - • Weare sorty to ienort •111r; Jno., .•• , 1 . 1 Hayes is confined' t� his bed.- 'Mrs Jno, Sleisior visitedthis week .with her daughteMrs. Beit Mac- Misies May Grohara and Margaret • Malcolm, visited ,this week with the : former'S' sister, Miss Betty Graham Of. LietOwel. A. Y. 'P. A. win eet' this -Weeklitt",-- iCigarf on, Wedneseay -night ' • Mr:•Vilni. PerCY who .has been: with pneureenia is imprIving. Milfsseese•xtP:rnydisPIiii' fitYlnhe plaotslisy Qtfo their brother. Mr. .ino., PurVis. cuLgoss CORNERS: A ery. large crowd :atteifded the funeral of the late Mr. Jno. Purvis Halyrood last Friday mornns. Mtn. Fred iThempsen spent a• few • days Of Iasi week with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Alton of Ripley. Ernie Ilannali and Harold . Thonipson -took in the Chautauqua festival et Ripley last week.. stewart1301 end Clifferd -Co.rt. spent the week end With the former4 patents, kr. and Mrs. Bell. • Mn. and Mrs. Jae: Fdgar spent , Sunday with , Mr. and Mrs.' Howard lialdenby. • The 'buzzing Of the':'ars and the caw of, the crows makes us think that spying is not far away. Misisl Mary ;Bannerman -anent last week With her Sister, Mrs. Alex tock. Mr, David Kirkland and Mr. Albert Baines spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Bel: Ben Rtittel:.of Ripley, was hep- . • hep - Ing' *leek MacPherson to haul logs for a day lwit Week. Mr. and' Mrs. Wm.^..•Stanlev of Kin - lolls visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Why- . tOck on Saturday. Mr. Levsrne .Hodins, accomnaniell by Mr. Jaek Chester 41ackvvell of Kindardine in getting out his season's. supply of woad last week. • Mr. Jack Hodgins'-hd a very snc- cessful wood -hes one day last week. • . 13orn-To yr. and Mrs. Joe Wall; , Con. 8, a daughter. •Congratulations. -4: 0 0 LA'NOSIDE , Mr. and _Mrs. Johnson Conn enter - tabled their friends and neighbors to dance last Prida, evening. Mr. Tom. Cooke_ spent thewek mot._ !ib.fri,ends 'Kinardine., • ° -Miss Grace anit•faines Itiamrdson spent Momity-eveiiii with Mr, ifild IVIrs. 3. . Conn. Mesita, Wes. Tifffif SoMOW- -- hedvey. ' stiecessfid_.busa bees - on. - , - Monday afternotitu " ... The Young folks the going 'to Zion '... ." on Priday night to Ant on their play "Red- Acre rutin"" • _,...... .., The Wonien's Institute ate PUtting On their box 0°141 on Thursday ev- eeheninrgeiort their Iii.Stitite Bali at 'White- - ---..--,-- Mr, Milvert, llifd:- Ines: -returned to his home at Zion having finished 42tit* tipg wood or Sr, ;t, '00)1443.4