The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-06, Page 54;5 ria • TX#L I.UU$NOW SENTil!iili THURSDAY. MAWR' 6th, 194,0. Phone NQ. 10 3s:` at. Your Service: We sell for Cash,,.; We SO; Chapel: Than The Criedit, Store AXES • WE SELL., THE 'RENOWNED "S 'A ',M • S O, N" AXE, SOLD FOR REARS AND ABSOLUTELY QUARANTIED. . WE HAVE A SPECIAL .IN. AN AXE, "N'O 4 4 4." THIS AXE IS MADE OF THE ; E EST 'QUALITY"S'1'1:CEL4 .HAND- ' "" LED WITH: A FIRST CLASS HIOKORY"'HANI)LE: IS G'UARANTEE'D PRICE . -$2.2. ' • E .HA DLES - W11 HAVE A' "GOOD STOCK :OF. HICKORY' AN'D,' 'HAND • MADE' ELM ' HANDLES,. ,• -•, ' •. ; ' CROSS CUT ''SAWS ,We Can Suit; You "In A .Saw. We' Have' The• MAPLE'. LEAF, RACER ..A,11TD MAPLE LEAD • • PR*VIIER 'All Quaranteed Saws.' '. MITTS and PULLOVERS, WE ;HANDLE THE FAMOUS "LAE VEL HIDE" . MITT, WITH ELASTIC' CUFF AND ALL SEAMS SEWN WITH LINEN THREAD, .Also HORSEHIDE MITTS &' PULLOOVERS. OYSTER SHELL BEST QUALIT'Y'— $1.5:0' FER CWT. • Wm. Murd e & -ion Heating,; Plumbing and Electric Wiring • LL'CKNOW •'and ' WIN(;,HAM ' Ionumet ital Works Loclutotv," Ont. Has the ,largest and most cornplete stock in the most., beautiful :desig i. to choose from, in '" . Marble, Scotch, Swedish and Cai - adian Granites We make 'a specialty of Family Monuments and invite your. inapec- tion. . Inscriptions Nealy. Carefully and Promply Done: ' • SIN is before 'placing your. order. , • • Douglas • Bros. H, A.•-Spotttn c. Phone 14 • Pons 269' • Lucmow Wingharrr • r WHAT' HAVE WE DONE TODAY • We shall. do` much in .the• years to come, But what have we done today? We shall. give our gold in a princely • • sum, 1 But what did wegive today? We shall . lift the . heart and dry the tear, We sh 'll plant a hope in the place of fehr, • We shall speak the words' of love and ,•neer, • But what did we speak today? We,shall be so kind in the after while But what have we been today? We shall bring to each lonely, life a smile, But what have we brouglit9'today? We shall give the truth a grander, birth, • • And to steadfast faith a deeper 4north; We shall feed the hungering souls' of earth, But whoa' have we fed today?' We shall reap such joys in the by- and-by, " Silt what have we sowti today? We shall build nis mansions in the ski, '. But what have we built today? 'Tis sweet in idle dreams to bask, But here and now do we do our task? Yes, this is thii (thing our soul must astK. "hat have we done today?" •-0' n Ate,-•- Sltt7NE TOOKRBVENCE • A 'family down • itt ,Ifrantforil' ora•-. served th,aii a small animal of sore kind upas Having tightly visits to their vegetable collar. "plunking that a fat limas the intruder a trap was art, la' the morning" ttte-' Ti'ouse wa' penetrated by an odor which Oiled for quick investigation, Imagine the dismayof the :Aai iy when. it was f y discovered: that, instettd` o'f iii' rat, a skunk had been trapnett: A dilate fro'ni a shot gilt ' put the. animal silt of misery, but' not before .at h'td so tffectrVely sprayed everyt'Fitng sibotit that tyle fann7ffy' we're' a1iui st driven 'from the house. A•Is for the stock of vegetables, instead of ' hertg saved everything was -mined, Skunks., o,ulrlif to be killed, lint the 'eltecutioYt bi,at yd' o eondu't ted lir the' °p'et ...... ,WHAT 1S 'A ' FRIEND? What' is a friend? I. ,illi tell • you. It is ; 14 L -sun W,,.td 1,v4uui bou dare to oe youiseii. x our sola can go naked• with ,Frail: he ae'enis . to 'ask of • you to••;put• oai i.u,;nino,• only to be what you are. rie.aue. out Kant you to be getter `or. w Arse. 1:v Bien' you are with. • Pim youxeel as a pi•suuer who , his, been iteclared innu,.enc. Y uu do not I have to be on . yoiir guano. You: ,can say what you •blink, so iung, as it is genuiiie.y• you:, he, u'nderst..nds. those contradictions in your naisure :• that lead others to ni,s,(udge , you. With him you, miens ;