The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-23, Page 1tA- I Cori � Su JA CA YEAR lN *0y" TO AL. Cii.,D. ...... ...... AL .1 . . :: , L THE. W The', OB CHAVTA T UQUA FApTIV .0 06�* G. e: aregid IS 24-25,20 ag 4 66ege Tuesday t ING T RU kED. 22 YoleaF Ki $TJTIUTl& WORV R. W.'K.. CONX SERVJCI�; Moroi MOTTO IS URI 00 ANb 'TWO Stan( 0 r xing T 0 'Q TI -ON SATURDAY, Advisory Board T Tuegday -The OPPOttuni. 1�0n. U TUk I FRUIT them credit 904 roillownt eao Lacknow T briaL -an Tkke't Ahi hearir Kill! i6%M ' George, Of. 7-b -and. W -O- Ou 99,90 The t.ute eO.o.u, ask" d V.qr helPil hing f. 60m n businesg, Teh�i Di o Na ..SpEcIA S town ecly. f ates,to th al hi.our Britiin4z�d.the: dpleg phone,86 aipjom.at And -would hold. CoNtUA20 on 1ovitation of Villag Olin? noted CbJX.iooe� 1#.. iLqndofi, nee me N E, JALIy Decided IhOl �fiusjnessmen of pitrie QOnte* nud v:1d Coferip etipig er t ' of :'tO ken adV4n.;,Agq in c a in gland. was.'tg evi CdnsW�ces N A]iSIN .B National fin4, se.0a0ulAr kDt,',, Lu lo. hot% t SQUARESi'' QATM Icknew sjam greatei� tl�4fi 9AL . COOVES, all, blatt,eid on1g,. an "ex sday 6�mpati�', ovelt.k musical I f _'b . y jvhat C 'In -week Dig, - foAtUjjd':o tthe to fia E IR Th tCain' OUSQF� with the AK 'DA Tuesday., ith ES,,. ''T of hig a'. Any -1 r, 'aim st .eveiybod w Jan.'�.28tb,,Anyt!nie ..rOg. vO ere f 111 in. the w 0 o boa AK DEW IST I ceiying T R4e exotaiVad to�,the,, Mon oghiiig -Cana4 it' ned in an 1) tkO 'eave, Ire So to, eig' t, " .... L. I . �oarajelt. ins - ny. tift, ay ends in for -0 pleAso ing Lff '6 supper that. e;ruary ew fri QUA utkno, Th jAinst�'. &,.big :PTOPO4� i0n� und'co'nt . lines for four oy0nt HOLLYMANS, 1, �J)e jeady 1104se 'a. X d , -Tr iti-was, up a or go. That wai.doffiK pretty. ooker,s. - atur- �..do,bot,W Te %. . . . hour," c g a L.Va Will thb,'bioidi;sit� fr�m Phnne 30, (3hautauqua *11'qSv The in the MiLtItef of 9 vdif seei*ig h'af -Westo-t A by. one�% of either by"i gs - 0 w 0 , pen oIX O'c - r 1000. .Will I t , -0; - TnOteir W. , 'On :the first' ly pirciticti,44 ays,em� ed an prom At's Thuriaiy. - phone 4& the' -seat n . b4 -DqqganAOA ever.' far across the pwbij -popular comedy- 0 ith a - 01P 431 -the:ehoicest, &1(ty.,TOoNjGlRTo prt.jy I t evet occ _=� air me , on. is "The. 'ZatsY" PV`gse�ted by is announce-. -and- H question, Of iustsilling Ic W.�u a, decade is of. Tk­'.evening rred before 1930 4a., .,. t of. wbich''n oOf xorti�_'Erwin. Mare t:iitt the. broadc�; 6a WAII0VA13-19R-A full line Vstem- -As we" ent WAS nia ligh,t V41.1 be pl tei suvilid the farods 11 Which anyofte 'i j.ices. cpsidiar- 0-0-0_�_ ,'ey W on hand. fip protecticin,watirworks. As an This Ottil . Broad- Kifitardine and:, LickTfOw all paper, 1 sparkling- Play by Barry In Nati :gtrutheis, w Canada. would V@gin Over the,. I Ate. eT 0 L me, Al Agent -Mid-S ary 95, to. A teams, will. �moet tornight I in. Or so - M it w0alt: e4 my od. Patsy 'HAV- ead cif-.at� ed'A. pArticip. able down for. _0._o call game,. end1the furneral-of d e tiing gysteru, at i. alnek� itur the Conners, gentros..81`011 5.40 in -R. Monday. j att ex 0 in is' involved, rigton- an -adorable young fiapper�- 'h at'' t RO, r RiNl- GAME?' r got. sig o'clock, and sure ehoug Rink in ionio leading.'30b fidusei.:� n. lueld. tpectli t6,be AWSY It -Lrtah ads. d 04follars THE to a -�6tkdng. Pears, e Decoritori 'Paint an I er and Q;iilier, Or 7 ..ified in.un� Cinderttla te Council-. did.'not fi*l just ho. finds herielf. the 04POt kr6eted with 'a' cardin LUCknOW. .4 co tL h minut6 lisip. rs were or �1930L, s'Uple �Everybody'i season and on: the �reekp- Ut talk- ay,v iqr,,th unfortunal one W Q od me cuilip 'in Lucknow, - eam this' deriakhig� suefi.4 work wA.. 0 tning f C 'cheer I I "Go 'sdAy,of-'IaAt_,; f�u i. I I.. . L 9 edue e f ear MqP!e need men and , citfte" goes S. . . their town W Wirnek, B gley, o in int - ttie'.. buei blame4- for, everything , tl*t - 13, station Last wee visited k ice6malint. loiting his. fi nee, And' by the announe6rs'A.. Varl-Ou. weli under. *aY. M4' . . A, -Aged 9h9rthorn UU this week v con de Pat-. 'ast"- did h 'rovided .:.t-�,o 'fine ek they. Were, held down . Te. Holy,r# into their But the tr wjitl� broad o oc� C wrong: in tlieHirtingtoil f4ildly OrSatla e er Hendersd p we d gam. jkt -iiierally E ge Johil, Hodgins" R. R. I 9. 'Sproul and 4elatives having thii assistance. 9f 'as. rh;in.y so g That makes. 'I SiX. The In erVe .aijtej, Mmthe sy a, effqrts to assert h�rseif are UPr ti nin' d t' membery o h- d inot begin, u ice. an ne Bokloy is tn� vieW the end*:she, h i hoped, the �spectatcirsiq but W0. a Ou Possible. With this.: k1c tes w 'o pied, by *an ore d It s near. Dngannon Q ap- aiioUsly, 4.Unny bi. 2 as. Ccu ry', entl�us- minu. joyo ,jplendi P ing in tfie W�st, an is ve e 'Anted: 'or an triumohil.. an ina program Ong; members, as FOSTER HOMES-�-W, oUntii like the'Liiieeting identillyL Wins the see the z ro' at least aialattP* th of ihe combizib C, Act as d Aa as w9l, ibout'sthe uAe point a'number'� Oi -m to ice Chaindng;' Toriy-T-ber, Pril Consisting. an' d iiag'--Girlg,. 17 year-st and ins love, of, Df the Pat- I the older wdinibbrs. will be on, h or C - New MGnday- co n8l. on- al ow 0 yrs -B 7 apd-. other, now m&imeiits� a. adversary board to,. the he Second AfternooA Miss h, 7witek. Cuilin�g is At' 919, yrs On, 6 nations meeting. 1�n' i this -12 yts B� a good, deal of discus- *jllj.�jivb. her Jn.; doii. hi- * - a,(10 Wai - -11 Fees,, Lan was or savers 'There. stance Ay. -and Frid-4. conference al has: .1". I Wedn#d a, -W*,. "% iff"I IM I t he Land. an dd feature vk M i4cm - Mi -Johns is an e X TH -VILLAE COUNCM. neors xced est new �me "i"Vailable as, . n LUCK bac'k OW. rinittion,, iiom, ongi eneis Would IL r ingly. versa., �siring i H'Ehe cliange ftonq SIX,OT -0 t, RRIDAY, -.SATV "T Of the 9 t 1 be: Curikig. C ub ounci sicin. The c ter6sting ec urp �f the: morping s pro ram re $100.. Come b nfol lis a t. j'go.fc)'th 'KAU0009." And Th 9 'FIRSt,, G' nd tile, person,. who 1 ck: to 5..40. Pu ).join See either ANNUAL MEET Health, Depi4men, an d map. Tbog� oL the Lack- down to' abo4t f only to a' ity ustralia no _p�eople up' an Fin�, T_� 'VR DAX, An h th W the,*es. Re, her n -tifig Of t 0 By- "" ' ** 'v 1P ialial Neiating of e matter 'is boiled fro r- ras. . trick to gef.' Galin S will be'helil od'.fire�orotectici eautiful. voice, The-: rst.'businofis 11194 'L with her -b Soc ow: -Agricultural- -Society, this: That: 'a 90 �h Alf 'In dy in good time W. Poitgous; "L anua, 25. '_Lthe- C -in at a� cos hi .0110w,s ier in, the o". Jitu- Is. ney,Xice% res.;.-vr . oun6il-, neil Was'held-.oy t.. Oft ;1kout her' rea cripti n w xqh ,-'hand, at the, rin. libsbui. 14' in the, z4th new tillaige Cou, I blt.,tcy fascinate -us'a$ w4 with on idiv ste4h can: be. pot I -1 '' The. des 0 f St. Hoot Gi t tt 'L - re-� Hal� acknow, -and 'that #0 o w n6c' �,Qtlfer, or bette ill 'be on ' F ' . Reeve R. Rae in.. the. onder' 01I4 L her y -A. V; 19301: v s' bf just our o%:,.n experie itpli Of land. During er urlinj ii-I'ght. 'i ng sets he ad ve bet day Of Janual wbers present. # y me system y 6sf her nitti b given clock P. a at- vith t oddit may, ave t.* -1 a iso with - -a are Ale wate : ihibits- primitive weapons' ceivi, not, qui e, r; Can bq',pu in - iesul gnewel , talk, : tj otheri, ag.lin 0 All - inember roqueste& t -tI;r; Wh6 w4i out' of town. A�m she e d. COMMUNICATI N e- and Mrs. Mutdie, rq-a. d . do]., abo& " entk thousal ��31. February;. & tend. Mrs.' .cost. of' P sev ures of the aberignes an 00 r znd Piet �'tbat- J'' 30' Insti- W sentatives W, m,als *of wild Australia.' and sink's g d d re, tly -it I was, announev PAST` p aili uSt ali' rl�eni -Approve$ sli ys. pin . . I ; , - OU11F e qu ait an, m od e s�gtern oudon, :t L ute Wa r rard s' 4A M AN APPLICATIONS AN ited on the, cil, regarding. es I'CA S . t ��Se'of 'the. T6w1f only wod 0 a7i'* article But there. is this -diff -6r nee:. Tnn�A� , would tune' in h i peared. in tb We Wepks go: t ere ap AS11FIVLD Hall,for an en -v Id. l. le what T th wid: b, oiection sisi Preceeding: ��.tfie le&tul. 6; Tho Petr d` This ws UcXUOW, en L R t onies Ic- ard in concert -1. or,'hail the" h 'olgeei.Of : Osd behalf of I the Memot hile4ith d" he -rce rain Cash �Asis"' Applications or t q wiiho�t revenu Quintette.­4 11 ded, like j.'fio Winship of attention Soun I noth!,� headed, Why Not oil. ULporintendant"ba�r thet To would be revqnue which �e Petrie Quihtette and - irmte there iti hre'At nighttJ For .1 ml Artie e ial.fund. They.al�o drewtirit, was ovvr. we -storm. thIl 0 ofthe. On rea I bt received water ther cling tolthe c nd on ''perienco Of 0 Ne-4illo4o.hns pTILAen and it, looked as.,tho' e t AsIh6pld Wil of the Coulief , e. an . cer ing, but. ni6isey could. not btkt e.ndors6 .'the sentim n a sure Ov. URAN463, which is sure t end_' s [7, SION Feb, judging by I fail-. &iiigoo4..,4leik up- It noon, on local, JAI �wns -vouldi ulthoat6lY carry itaozz� ra�kd concerti. pr . e, the, 'great effort ;wAs to 'the bushies 11H t therein expressed from to 'use his-- own A E.. Busell And *-t1+17 of� e'en- Applicant I nig t. e, annuaiL 'far tl&A' -AN F - CANADX� 10 M&ssrs.. It features oU UdI h cost of ; ej:ritor� It -thus red one of-th-ObiggVs - --Ujre_%so,, o int ZOM.P.L Y 0 ,er er --Lthe an- cil in the . I -e-!nLmugl- -- - - - - I - erN e bf S�,stem seems to, have- e COUP stiva program. the la''rge'r tire - Fe. n someone spdk ' e aBand Rgk�i P Storm he'. not a d intiri of the a6r one. It is a Oes' nn�, orchOtr� Which is. eqpailY orb a s .,early, days of. the ecesdarfly accepte sts cost. of the. sin ads nouvwdr-In. Lond6n p tarted in the iOnaldi lerk, 1300' to 'Pay �bandniswteri many Would install, do!. l� - home., in th,6 presentation'L of Were told been s THE, CPMPkNY - OjV, wmcx C.. n1t, 'of -fil at some�what, And in ieAdy - cash was W it. settlerg whe w.As abo P 'A 'iA nowt SalaryL OW of - pop- . . gra tion Subs ded motion'�f Mt. -and the gaYest t rOL -R 1L1lio�:LAfid"J1a ut eak lirs mes ic ion e Water in; their. houses U 'no so easily, obtaiined,for farm icil'select' 8 g eor of i$�.§o W n in 2 I . I . I As, made pa the. Aisc P UlAr. r .,�rass; sax� voice was h MAY Mon a giant hythms. Quartets For a, minu the *E P.100 heThose taking te .'or so 'on the, farm. in t ose as -as solo �ntzmbers in the to tho'Band, th h reeve *nq acted I" voice, i's beiftg'the same aring -noise. ..The -help Won were: t e 'ophone , AM 'sea , rcely, ail i�ed by' the year and,rec6itocl I n but there wo h he ii)bqd his 'term. For rticulars. as 9' t6n;, Coun pitin6 . . '. , u til one days b TENDERS grant, of 19 - h ; Councillor Haitil is improvement fin Pa on si vari6t� of instru on an Ideuds hi wages w on -oi hAt was Is DIVI eO.' r -i _gdO -ny will be r e ivp w 16 Ue, rh1ke ou now the pro by'tho uii- JI as moved, b'v,. am efilor illbri Councillor' Anderson and ibiritable c o t -quite -well -�v' --p.6 d ma yearE And eye mendi of this could' TenoerS ha oLti6li of Dr. p Stowartt, J�:G. An- 'features. appeared -to,. hed up to.. Saturday, Aiderson Spence; A. ers ar , g gaid�; The King Are. x tAtIv a] regard- beip -his ducts' of the'far� eadi) GAO H SMITH' non; 'ing Program% .. . . !. .. doisik! titutd repiresen v iice, and on the, farm, n strong v I, .1980 ''for, the f6l1c the erso�. S. E. Robertson; Dr.' NeA novel entertal ad 0 Owing Hydra' the Ins at d' ' I 1, have a 90 s ex_.,spOt,'cagh.. The laborer geat tit' rate for ing improving fthe condi6cins C. Taylotiaxid there' 1M. Neville-Jobris, Pop-. ected wa k ..H. gmitb ,as Constance, 6 as mi qXP 'Ifac;tory woroil Mitking 'and: that'the old -'appeared SPeecl. co pan G -on othL Coloratura soprano , as He' 6j,t&od, Toads� systems 'jail be acted ui vi. b6 ba 0 may ha' -ted Wthle great 6ecasion. b44-. th Of-, peraLalid as adlist idtlk, fit Ined,tt ots,. clerk or 4ssistant lit' ch cpnnectiO yed and new wi outi e eik L b ':Dr. gpenO ai Medical Heal in conqert, 0 a 6tor Changing at beddlnit,' e. destro a An welcomed the. delegato9j, busines,5 or industrialractivit* receives ork and -m UP 'ding Out in. L ficir said that some �eiiis 990. the sympho"y*, orebbstras thTOugbOUt -Were, to.*. dbal - -with and bi m -they- gem -M prscin and'L -and the pro e hi�' pay monthly , or rate* pot hr. 811 inatei- mov'ejr! by, And u bpe' C011- itrAlia- Mew -Ye. nexpressed the hope tl,.-At - their labors sity to aygtel�u'to: supply j- well water Indeed some neces Ad- �Soine hi A few- WO dit i' . the early al A, Italy Aydro roo - d screws. tbat W' -S. aO.eod" and g. unfit. for age wells, U;� States., A�, beautiful voice, clor ft succestful., rds There Wag %NEW tape� and v tor of the vil.. downed WOUIJ'be',, re n except ious pItAform.1iIerson- ­tllis extend a Ine -of y tender not II66- -son be appoipted Alud I i 0 arse.'than'6thers,, 'He would %,itb. wh#t We Ott. does being W i � I binIid with grae weie-.sp6kvn hist�ry � of 'Qui coubtry, but ther Ser m The lowest or An of domestic. ality; inake a, favorite d Ingo -accounts. with au - �ntinent English accent, acceptedi ineil� 'a for the favor. the . installatiq 1, n ec . Alt clork. The. 'Co 'organi call d, British. Eng- no serl, to us any justification� for sarily as ze t io.nce,g everywhere. 'Ali goo 'mer- Joseph folldws: -that he was a -Austi , n qy a Water -erW a,-credh SYSte rk0v 'ISM atild -C Agnew, ise it was ar as H. Smith said Artists, a distin- ye Cutler Ham ,Rae, G. The lish� ,dealer -is, expected to darry 111naTieg, committee- *1 wh�n er trio, will. be the Attra0- the �chant or the 'Rat . �ctive concert! Somebody. then moved thRt' -hi member of It e,cQUPcI counts on s ledger'. .30c .......................... . ferneon. -ion com. a was tested, and be Margdero r, of Britain b"_- chair- - g-�windecl 4c Night. Dance 4nd, Anderson. iste they are Don!t for, on and, Ander- from All -well. tion of the third get Burn!o Prim6min e olinist, there was a Hydra: its', HaMilt very un- for -the length of time in qernegie Hall,, Lacknow, Austin, notable ritish V1. -ed t6 knew that. the. repott was ite . . I ma7i ol'tke Conference do. Whbn 'collections are made m from the miusie crI bl poll and som - - m .. sy and p6rsist- january' 24 a's bigpillt -favorable, -thie stilie ent being has. -won, acelhi and the Right Flonoris; e .-AlwaY an� S plies: Millet, MGM r In Eiig- I seconder, 'to thIi Conducted With -courte ents. Be n ok Property P that sthe people 'of Lucknow were ties of three contin MacDonald sP sired results are not A good night. a en a the de of he Royial 'Am -Y term of �fisturbancgs And I oraon,� SO. Im typhoid sheis a licentiate -wa GUftft!9 T d Aider'On. prognated ith land, woirlZ The' 5 who can reasonably blarAe. 'and By; -Laws. I . Petiii�nda Aclkdona of Music, 'London. and' A but, it was- subaidi��'and ob - --7--77 CONFERT jy'bAd become 0119tically Im still ragi nt for -resorting. to the thsit, th, ng,, Miller.' the Brussels Conserve- bd heard f ail`17. the mercha, Boni 'Meal 'fOV' 4Wtio;­ -of 'lJoiald could in so do- incert -HmiltOrn and Is to'the. dis6isei atn4 that is the 'on gFgdUate MT. Mfic in Agllt '�ioans of f-6yc un The, Girl, Guides will .9 ve a CO Counc-il as a whale. a radu ibe Uninis- un016 Wateryark e, Londont'and cent' being, of- ilig L aj�er OeSL not'seek -to. an- aided. by ly thing Which saved t ezo.,� tory of MuSi. wellj big the 6 go fair i. ��ay %fening, Jan. 31, Will Roads and. bridges: Mullin,, Miller 011% 'ho r. Taylor find ells, 'which "at of, the tu �bngervatory. . rsv� bran.d., 60% T I anka, 'he High School Students, w Mainiltoll die and X e 6c takAle &otch a tagonize his. delinquents nor resort to ie%L Move dersoyi and t d by An tliat I#se :of the ater Cuiler, pciptilor Ani ed:- b, Inot g qo V iie ik 6afselor A g Da were 89 bno erett MacDciinalct wag f011o* Ods they, themselvea� Would Inot -that ni�nibers_ 6f the public; MWAVY si tinued.. t1i roqAt tltilr play, "Throv. d to be is aw American in the true spoke big na- me r -and Girit, dn in Ad;Lnissi�6, 36c. sod 25ci 0 'Dr. from them. ba tenoi, ...Freniib -delegate who ove of, if they we e in the we Cfiarieial h , as APPr w6rd,-for y: Thi 'EYes-" Board be appointed nt foil Nvs- i ancestors Proeedj forLthe-Areina Futid..' R Couniillor.- Anderson could not see sense of tl4e and, tive tongte-siiealOng. jgpid 3 years: ey. L in 163 in.a hort chants Pos' 'On-, . V.'Johnston for of expending 'thirty five from Englanid" 0 -ad much tc)�Say the Story of ncie�ni the sense I aine thol be h YOU L -remember S. ROBERTS90 1 6 syste in' inch speaker did ot G C Water- n Crawilor 2 yearg,and A. D. .1 lit thousand. dollars- 01 in which founded -the- Cutler home The. Fre said' -to ba�e the a 'Kinj Vdag, who. was Jur one year., no revenue, when the butle� had a K-1004 Kenzie would bring in town ap�oa,r to havb the, same n- touch 'of turning everythiiii. amount unusuallY, *Ant interprd--, oL-46 in- for the"Yor or#: -twide - the ST. ABLEN's Health'Officer R., 11. McQillin expenditutf of Voice And* an at those v-1110 sP w 1A need to bave ird pvesslv�heis s gold.. we., ou Dr., Spence M.11�0.; jation of oks and music. The th t�;qt, perhap ,%,gs �be- us e R ting. this fablo would hisiiall system wb'cb ' ' a , , Miss ITeime English, 'but Ity in 6rder ' 'to uld be self- Sio pays who AYPPor dn W Everybody.. Come to St- H ol "a on' few ye,%rs We members of t6 i0mVIRMY, e di, r,unilerstar)d eeve Re. cause,w the number R HAindton and Andefson -and ndovi andl Carry.. pl!shed pianist January slat d by. knew.',jbsit Droi- OmI6 - - . .., ; -1.11 Fridstj 'evening,. Councillor Miller Smith, is an: ac am ntha,and in a Dramatit Society that the Boar of IteAlth"be rotlyilest- j ange for M d expect credit re-protectiOn SYST &:Vlenjinj singer. hen came the 'United)Qtat6S­rb_* see the Langside it Slaughtei 11ouses'and don bid' Put t1t la fil i -and .' S; y". rs.' Since- however LOGS WANTZ nt ty- "Red Acre ril;i . ed to inspect to das' touch is prrise their & ibn,t Centel This j Stables and teirn at a cost of %Oriy thousand dol� Genuine arditrk chracterizes this . rei;entative. The noise VY thii' inie cases ;a myth,'we must report were ilow preosir- ny ' whose progrnitll' P %linlinated an'a- t 61' theXi a- we 'the'. under.ftned 'are A can't lang d. laril ai�d-tlfht theV splendid -COMPA Vns Pretty. c tidei the aus., ihe council, befbrt' April 30. Carrie dom�atid Wsiter at a much comptiso. '61detio 'from the -great etly "keep on. risistilig 611 of the in the muket'to buy - all U -' n.'a lng��to add a ins Ker could be dlstin tp* ' spea ue us, Using 6 AM is" 16ifto give a, mount,, d istmid, 'Women's 111- John Spih,djer,' Alft 'hgt it would haebeeh mastert, npinibers, semi-clas'st- Othorg a good oli§h th, 'credit, L:Ogs, delivered At our Belong cost t niaking like Abe eeessarY, or ab In W� re.,also in - 2. pices of 'the St appointed greater music v I fiele i6b ;he e d 1 en done at cal and lighter- musical I;. otopriate. peech. budiness, on it Lu stituti?. Kee� the date in niini, ad James Lyons: were 'a c -buy g, %ae 'if th following'. -a syste�n entirely and & et. to -Standin eting 9f the United jencevio�werst,an;d John* Bell. Ap I - th third ight, The American was. follb'k�'e& by Marki .11 b to sell, 6if Tb arindal me once. On 6 1'on.Tuesdy even -pound keeper. tholight the expeudi- 0 a- cas Asig"as S'mPr shin 1119 pointe& Newton Concert, by* the cutler -,Austin Artists n delegte rm t6g� W, 9 -vj� held.. polc� 1 F. 0. C6 f %U�C,h Die. another EurciPdal Wholesalets.4nd pre H -Chin- the d to C dering Aladerson and g6ishled AnA .on We are. pa" Moved 'by. reat f6r,# vt1lage like 7, whert eono .9 Dr. TehYi llsiob, diAin in French., gacti is Stump. I - t gee, ego stoies*an' will, speak upon representative, How. COL 'o6d prices find $Pot 948h 011 that R� T.,- Douglas be re�appoi�tod ture Very ld / j. 1'opei;itivo.,'A' be weather and, his a. than go; a oni ra lived. up to, dition *V qn d t ct til.0 Sh6ula be 9 as good. The reports of gaseigor at:'a,'Salary of $$00- tv�ofi d depeid t' iubibet %whose ery livery jjttjindj�ce I alit e be.,made to PAY. I . - interes: ing . '- Rals' W e our' I Were! mo ullin and HAIWItO. . .1. . use he 'water# Da Ibhiria." It yoss beitOt tbAn For; further' to sobyto 9N Vito to,he bank, we a zgtion Moved* by M. k :Ad of, Present- Y a b�o with 'the. e -various Org ni -oti how., thAnY WOW side Lighi . speech came money At *h 4ould' -ing�. Otb tlloio in, qhge evident y, ,h" the, to'the Lucliftw-Tibile, urich 10a§ulrer�, Jos. Agnew be 1h e. I I tb ppcilotdd,cler co jfactorir., the Jnot think.eribuig ortune which br. and. be Ald is Unus".1, go0a f Ti he pru inte. if,.we Xkil in t ir. owhaind jrhsurei 'qt a AilalrY -Of 086-06 Pot Ontario Adjustmontso: or went t .JOHN BTjTT0*, ki"Or. Niported a handome bttlan�e take it, Doctor HS bank -uses the lw, tin us. the %v.hOle- Onth. L I as b been all tilkft- 'in meeti was This culuted Aitgr t1ji-busine ad i's season.', improved' wise. it Orson, .%.%e, outcome, of the pg L to audiences t3i *-. conditions, 1141ving A does like a, d e eVo -it wait sale e U S1 ton And And c a gra U.Ato'.0fLcam, yf .1 ­ . - :! hour Was M6ved'by _Xp . iiv �Iomat, ae4ral,' rbsPeetS th fe t, social p6itmtnt. of� five , en Chioe�e d' in il . T -I.- gnted -t Ito It clarify- be�' . . I n !. the fl) that,J69; Agnew be re�appoifttdd L* board, to hT ou -great r a X�ct ad. gn adv *e: bridge and a -of th Pe mon.1-saine of s b6ittA At 6rld-00 itiag aunt and Stuart. dro Clerk at $6 C,6uteil. Memb 6`6 tntAIiA61eg Con6rerce.Nkl 1ch Meagrg. Pddipe . , derednesg 'Of a cOnIme Avis have. gone ',to Toronto to.. take as ins. P. Atowarto e$" will -make; a lasting �dd is'w- 'Pa"t if* the speech 6P,'011 A: for big hearei Aho. ber, dePend9d; On: pointed--- vatet- * Tr ourseref fzfeve* IrTne Great Wait, thel . t. A,: 'the lid moi annaniand y .6 'Public - PeMonth, 0 'Vary W. y -him 0, f ir dr%J, Frailld,y-� Counidil whd afirAil 61ft. irwoda -drsaidl -of 140 tosing nig t at th !-_Wei" th; ith al�:Whieh, 4j.: t dij o 'Oh-ri-, Ice of, the. Iltit"�k "%er tha 1F hoid X m0ith* aid was sippo Ynt Ved yati "I -1i6rd - bn 6IN 1, It6d; -gA ove -a-'. d you needed i 'Presil Bert W 'died to 'appoint two Oi corn -Jay, with. eahafaCteft go fi el 6ted. will nb was. from you -1111 arrai Wilk *4, ad .,i n't OA1,90 d16 do e- i&nr Zthe invi ize C t nMr.: 1),, Todd:_ handv man, sa. le that 'they' igement of t To 6odg t O- in Mon h. -be. sdr� yo�. Ha 6ffit#'-.J't6 tkke $greatest, ev we'. vend W69 APP I .1 , '' 4- installed, 'M th of All new fi LiUrAtiA114'. supply system itsh wo'Ad tl�e tha''061doli Aule 0d of 'hdto line trbUbld i- PVA kil' in MO. Mrs. 96tdonj VISS, U I this. I , 'Olt of Of r Would o.fi t6*." depehos UPot idealism -66M0 into Vio 'lilt c aeT.lid seltatr gig W V P1 Jo-Unk nI A a A vv-- rd- V fnA! ray# Miss A., a Tien$ 6".edt� 1.to ne 1, ated 'I ht b pen.$)% good ri�j Td4d. All n g a w a, 6totes, ire 01 61A 4 to Aa Wo, bappy el w1pre Arr )addixating) W 'Wfll ljola g, bi fidiy inigh . 16 f1&6#r will I oidsenw. 66. squo ottolboix of o6w, !d1t. ou Th 4to qioW U 0 04 0111 bo, A1447 T�o 416tu"wis filitk6tid llo 114 aor 04404, low- t�$ to I IS Away to 404 101 W04 -wov -tot N L